Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 1, 1892, p. 1

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volume xyiii ctlic xrton jfrcc grjjss ii rcellthitt rvruy thvrsday morning t tttc- mill htuvkt if iil in aitaiie or within i 1 v ut to which mxtrv tawertiioo ti rm ty the data cm the airww labcj tflrat in vrntiva iuttttiatlal trru emu yer soapcreli line lor nrvw 3 wsli r una tdr ecch nilksqucnt hjsflttoo tvtrsct lutrth fou r nxc for the intertion o fwl peruvw arirc tfjtnelm 7 10 inchea i tnefcaa i tccb 1 m ijoo ww ecu actx1s okt f dollar wt t month from if not ko paid no pud it awlnc ul advertlsi thow cute far taery week we new effects ill papers with borders ceilings to match papers arc used families they as the common papers nd ib cts a roll handsomer wl aoton are getting ingrain wall a these the best wall i antl by ire as cheap i specific diwsrtioat tm chtre aeoord- adtrtimtofnta will b lnrt1 till orwrl i iclr ttalct adrartiaciiaata meet b rij la aarvae drrrtaaieata rill be chanced otic cftcri nipcth i dealred for ckinrc oftefier than once moath lh cocipocitioo mutt b vftid for at rejnla rmte clarrw fw contract adrartisements matt bt la li ofice hy coon on tuaadayi n ruoorc j eaiior md rtorrietor ifttsituss fitcotorry t rwukn m d c u 0c tnj retlicccecorcir hill a erejcncs llrrfli actoa 1 j sa mokeagie u d gnjutt ot trinity oolltge utrober of coilk cfrbyiicisnl and 6urcons licautu cf horal collfc of physician tndsurceont mictcrfa 1 i osccud retddeae rjrlowrytllste rl- denee 041 of frederick street acton ll bekkett uds dentist stoisctowil osrnaio m cleax mcleah barristers solicitor xetafiet conveyancer ac writ rand to low ofioettown hill acton a melius jko a mclns i w j a uowat bisxistx soucrrct xoriv pcbuc ill guelph store and cheap they dt at see n only much ijcn you are days book- ow nice and ae day shllsi bank of m capital rest a savings has lvl dei llralitji llllrrril allnnril l jas hrtnlay luiuceli w barber the traders bank op oakida head orrirr toookto crttl attkoriktl carmlridr kmt klw 11000000 mc0a utoto guelph branch oiikcn or wikpiiaii kd ijoiitnc mteen stvlnji bink dkrtmttt pcritit idoniatuiptlandupirdfrom dfttsot rirxlt to dtto o withdrtvl or cotn ioundx litlf ywly oa stct uty tud sotti no vember 1 dwclt llcceijitt luued badrnco tuido to rciitulble urtucn strrkdjl ktclifcpw ikiurht mid im drciu utrd ixynlila i all kluu iii tho united rutra and cftiiuit a procnl ilnkluc liutldew trauueted a f u joses ltnicor quolb urtticb cheap ontreat 12000000 eoooboo alttment ncclion itfl tlli urrint uat ulelrlt bk1xch gcra frou thf- guelph business college bros paper makers georgetown ont mike 1 bptc altt of wacfiins rnistiet book papers high uradr weekly news ioay to lota i omcx dirt tdmciij tad lkrdftf ornce kii2tin bbck aetoi cpuln k mcnabb covctaltri ccluctcr ctc illclu tsiwcounti colrcwsl act firt tod l aura woirtr toccbt c4 3m vicaey to lofti ca the nj frntorftll tnit jaowatoac acton s hilton wallbuipgei stone i t btrticensolicitonit totojrro ajtd 6totacrovi 0 creclctat block gorfttod ind tixien bnk cbaiaberi o yos50 bt toronto jee1xtos e1 tthllltimc ihcbtose patent5 secured 1 tor inventions heniit osist ottiwa cikaxia trtaty y kt prctleei ko pitat no pt the paper used in this journal ii rom the above mill- wm barber ft bros steel exgravix rrtvl etcliidc colorm fictara ii ivory- oak a idl ttock wbiu enterprise capacity character success g ontajaio thursday december 1 18021 jlottrc lnis picturt aldipci s3lvtr oilt artists materiaiis of winder 4 newtotrii flake vthii heltstrbjet lictksed accnosee lor the coatie of yil2oa lnd hltoa roaptiy ftt- double tube rotnei 1 id deep ptoto fraipe coaaplete xc 5 ft comice tole iiti fitticci vc our wall papers are tkid to be tbe be t telected lo tbt city waterfs bros established st georges square order left at tb pkceifexki osie actoa t a j- recidea to actop- will b iniilo tenrn reiable- alfto taoncy to loca ioa tbe ail ffttorble tensiad tth lovtt rates of lewrect ceioi iiso uid epetd johs day i arohitecti j grelraost f rascis nunan s3cceortot fctaptnin booi3ixder 3tgdrcetsar gdejpbonttrio aeorsat booki of c ptrifllicdt of erery des klia cettlf and proc mqe hanlan barberj shop millsrtrxtacras an 4 y tctte a tylfti bircat good setfoam aa eiliiliarttinsibasipooalwftjixlven baron taael ftnlpnt in trtclut cocdltion lxdioa ad cbildreaibairtaitilycut j hwaedentotorilartiu new pining mill sufc end e aar factorr john camero contractor ku fitted dp the build cc on uala 6 tree t lately occrjpied u trunk ttt tory vlth aev machidery and u prepcre4 to fan ich plana trwiflefttloa ftod estimftt for all clace ot baildiap aud execute all kfadjof drfssing uatcbing kaze all rrnxi or- sattca doon anq an k ftttead- tfnrift riade to order xiption ckrefally booed acton lxiige noj 2ui tof vfeets ititbeodellewhft rea ftlwftyt welcotae for copy cf 2d uw pply to tho oniergad wttluus 1 hhr block jviiittcg bretb- eoattitotion or any of tbp worden becreury salesm w wnt both travellidc itpd eocai uiciimed t to rerreaeat tu old ttiibh foatliilj ncraeriea balabypald frold the start to ttletmca expemciced id ocr line hberal tenai to becicoen cad a pencjtnent tltoatiou inred we hate tpo acre uoier calttfatiod ad fnmituoalyfinurlaaiitockj ottrrr fucr kcrdy tirietiea for noruieru ontario and mani toba a ipctallty ve guarantee our stock apply f or ittrta at cfciee we waat ba now fctonh s ellington i toronto oct aqtoni- livery 1h7 ouelph illustra ttd circular stlft rres to any address m maccormick vrincipal rhre vrlue is mens long boots -atthe- leadiiif boot shoe store guelph cow a ide kip asd felt boots at loweat price we lurile tbe fannert to km the ljpct aud beat stock of looc root ever tbowo id guel t ti30 irs oo ccd tits- we becld with a cood cow lilde bool at 150 17j tftoociid tss in ueai lonj felt uooti we down ill otber store id low price half foxed atsiso tt7s tad eoo for something ertra cotfd we rrcomaiend oar waterproof felt foied boou25 aod 2j teletcoiwa or full outi f sts to f s 75 wr cuarante evcrj rlr the lezdlns boot nd shoe store w mclaren co cor wyndbam st and st georct sqr ovelpu wflvir ktt hv be t 1 r tuwnr ttctle written tot ch actoa fnxit pmi wlittdou ny btbyc let qtnu ac liar lltu 1 eyee look into rqlno whtt biar uioiibu iiraopt ma tiny ca tt aibec trrai round my neckenttino ker cue itprmes dor innocent trutt in tnc 1 id b6r innocent glee ciiu ori 1 ber ctxcw irbilo duied to my b eu j or 1 litij b it ilie lit on my knee wbit tbon ibti iro mine u i rock ber to 1 eei ca idled cl wo to uiy tide io winn r wbit hom mprincui ul um ber creed towrdi n 0 vltb oatctretcued txui f do i roe to sleep tome jennie llnd vhoco t ilct itect vitb mntie ibtll rilic with m fecfe ot beftvenly love end find it ber jo to tine nutober kine do my en it unfold tn ellubetb fr- whoeo mi don on etrth 10 blect vtu to c e tor tbo ftlten vboce low nd ry never til ad to brine ber bequeet t or oerl i t florence mjbtlnjtje lookc t uttinglv up to inef or fn neo wililcrd bo cn tejl pledln bet tcmpertnce plec or mtyb tbe little bend i bold iitbtt oc in embryo vlif whoco m idect million 1 iltnply told by hero n docaectio life or tn e rnet ton en mittion bent ftr t y on t forclcq toll wboce life o lore for curut it tpeut in unc ulnc cbrlttlke toil relbtpe wr utile lorely ttce xwiiinutturer yctn sbow for h the betuty of clodt crtce aofi genl ly dry tbe tecre ohboi e whote ktb it catrked by tin ftr oa tbe dewnirtrd rocd and te eb tbem bow tbe crown toiffln and u tru the wtvtoqod or mty letbelnbnmblo tpbere bbitii bt re no clticao feme fibitll wt tr nolturel crown dowu bere kqr widi 1 nnown nor nime ont in her pltoe wbcre dtity cellt vou ind her erer dolof wbtt er to her lot bcftjlt au up rtrd coarce partulne- tbe tut ire time tlone ecu tell uy beb t pltoe tod ruittldd wbtt tilenu lill be beri to ute wltt tittee ud wbtt tabluon tlut httberhib or whether low liy dirllnce pltoe thtil be ly w th for her it mty the know deer itrlonr none bat tjace tbtt w 3ther la tbe world tt urje orroui d ber own befrtb ttone key t e keep ftltafelly tbe entree which on her rectt tlone thtt in ber dtlly t tit tho tbtll do 01 ly u the tbould ftbtt if the truly cood ire cret ehe 1 sty be truly cood pet or ttw firm that hit tho right ta iend mo hthcrmd ihilhcr wlwthcr i ilka it oc no jahecs it my ancle i oa hit way to liverpool already t then ho ho left with you tho money ho ptomisod to load mal i da 10 into getting sn ndvtinpa cam onet emplojcra or exrwrucc it iwtrayt onat poverty to unplcmtntly i of ooucfo it doct you were quita tight to pply to pupa tiui clire promptly- bat i tm raid ho muit iiitvs orfotten hit promlie or ho let noliilng wittt me yoa thtll hnvo the contents of my pane dear cyril i havo a fivepound note tn it tnd couple of covcrelgnc j tliaaki inaolily you gene uut ducting i cried cyril accepting tho oeni but it will not bo nearly enougt my undo kgreed to let mo have ono hut deed pounds claro opened her bluo oyce widely but a journey to now york even if yoa went firtt clau would not cost that mm 1 not htlf tint cyril aumtcd but i have purcheci to make cr ana af the i pactncri then ho ought to have implied you with a cheque how ineoniridcrate of him awully to bat tltcco is no tlmo to go and tell him how my unclodliuppointed me dearest clare what thill i do ii y berth is secured tho vessel tacts at half titer twelve u now only want a quarter to eleven wti ever a man in a worse quandary 7 can yoa not borrow cyril shook his head tho only fellow com whom i tioald care to do that is miles away butalacky thought turcly if you cipla n the case to your fathers confidential deck he will rectify my uncles mistake a id supply the fands i will write to mr walllt said cisco but cyrils band arrested beds as tho seized a pen there is no time or thatj ihavaacab at the door drivo with mo to tho offices i will wait outside while you interview wallisandv then if yon care to coatna last of me we can go on together to tho whacf from whence the boat ttscts if yoa j love me my own dont waste theso prceioas moments by demurring 1 i diligent hthec 77 youj ho was ti defer anyufhcr discussion oa of tit yoa tltuch clare said iova mo mine wo this sul with gen la deci fon i ihs never retncnjtd england was tho tat ling d ply theco ato iteasans why i tit ax essary tejoxpatciatejmyself k wo pjj i now t is ocevex but yoa will no go alone my adorodj clara own take atj well as mine yoa not let foe ycji must airkent ttct ofttnttlu rifciing fflare s sousii and uovwcia windows arid door frame and trecae4 lumtjer eep itock 03 bcd all orders prompt jon cameeok i acton bus line tbe undenigaed reii xtf oily aolicita 60 patron of tbe public tnd informt lb em that well equipped ud sty ill h ri jt ctu tl- rtya i secured at bia stable a cofnfortable lmi meeta all traini between fr a miad 18 carefal attenticp citen toeteryo tbe wanu of poramerelal tricel- 18 p yordei tally met john williams wellington mutual rreinsqlttxcegqmflufy eltabjfihed 1s40 j head office guelph x agents wanted in every townswp to sell the pictorial cyclopedia of live stock and complete stoo doctoij tbe iiott cotopet anl couiitrebtnive work trtr pablubod luuiiicrfubd at the bead of tiitir proeiion aid liavt a cfctiiieutal repu- tatioa wqrtb it cgut iu ffjlf to any cm bavjuc iiorael bbttp cattle hwiit ioullry dj cr luet a fraud oporurt to iiake inoaey seclre tenstory at oinjc addrtai e n moter publirker 120 tonfie st toronlo hamiltoifs marble works- bell pianoi the leader 99 upper wyndhaiti st cbolce new novelties in scaifs ties and neckwear jutt opened up tbo flnett banco of choice new suitings finetrowserings in tbe trade close prices for cash abbot t alone td claraj claspedi haifa this was il loan balj no and thaj of it ho as 1 ij hadno cyril hi if m yoar father will bej uriouk it money- howobald i leave yoa ac th brunt of his cage l ulbac c tho acmt thatwabld havo you say j another word explain y shoi id piipabo angrywith me tot tr o that ha promlitd yoa a my specialty i perfect fitticc 4 pant to order r ej nelson uercbtut ttllbr and genu fnrnttber 99 upper wyndhom st oualph iniureebandibctliercbtndite utnnitctorie d ell other detcripliont ol inturtwe property on tbe cwb tod preiplcm kote bytbem p w stoke presiaent- thas dividsom 1 manager john t4yl0r aoemtj hamiltons block formerly hatcb block 1 tbe cjtt corner of woolricband norfolk street liutljb out 1 i john h hamilton proprietor wboltaaltr piil rttatt dealer anfl direct imiortcr aud tiaijufjturtr of all kind of granite and klarlle uoacintatii toiiibstoiien etc having badau extensive ttierifiic for tbe last 10 years the public may rely on get tins all superior article at a eliear rate tbarj any otbtr dealer tn tbe west n h 1 ier cont off oa a direct order re- ceivod for the next 0dais the organs 1wahded gold medal uktf 1wabded jamaica international erhibition 1891 j ccuilttltifjli witlj and can ad s m cook co georgetown licensed auctioneers appraisers valu ators collectors real etttte and general land agenu roc the cocxties of- btalton peel wellington slmcoe yoik and ontario 1 lower wynqbtm street phoue i7h acton plush sgi2l suites solid walnut frames complete clare vallcton was in tears a most an common event as the had let her father go away thit morning on along journey too witbo t his accuxtomedkiu as on y daagbbcr and a petted one she was so t irely made to bend to tbe parental authorit i that now sir yalleton thought it necessary to etert it pretty clare was first atteoiahed then angry and rebellious ref ntingj to give the promise demanded of her i ti sorry we are not at ono on this subject my little girl ur valleton said but you must remembet that my experi ence is treeter than yours my judgement lcssjnrcial lesi partial papa the retorted with a sob jwhen you have permitted yoarself to be prejudiced gtint cyril becaueomo illnatured fellow has brought reports to hisdiudvanttge he declare that there i no truth in them and i have told you so but iot will noi believe it bay i cannot but i do not with to find fa lit with cyril he is my titteru son an 1 1 have done and will do all in my power o advance his interests bat in this i shall bo firm i will not give him my daughtrr he love me paps he aaterted though blushing deeply and and i love hira eq lally will i i an sorry to hear it i strongly ob ject to narrisges between firtt cousins undef5 any cit cunutanoes i bat all papa asked the young lady n ith a pout ko clare it is not all i have too much reason to feat that cyril would not be a good 1 usband to you and therefore it is that 1 orbid the engagement you and he arejso eager tq enter upon then you will make ma miserable sir jl i m afraid i shall because yoa are young tnd wilful and accustomed to havo yottro vn way janl why should i not havo it now shaqoiried fomore reasons than i can stay to urge said ur valleton looking at his watch you ought to havo faith enough in yoir fathur to obey him even though it grieres yoa to do so some day clare when yon ar wiser and older yoa will thus adjured clare badehed to don her walkingapparcl and was soon i being driven rapidly from her father hoose at brompton to tho city she did not like her errand yet how re fuse cyrils request 7 had pot her father said that very morning that he was a ways very willing to advance hit nephew interest and who would bej more concern ed and sorry than ur valletoa himself if his act of forgettulnes did cyril on in jury tho truth was clare felt a little thy of cuthbert wallis tho codfidential clerk already referred to wbon ho was a tall boy and she a fairy child he had been the willing slave of all her caprices for he was the son of an old and i ighlycstacmcd friend of her father by ihoso wish the larger half of his holidays while ho waa finishing his education wen spent at ur velletotfs yeari had passed since then cuthbert had accepted a berth in trio house of hit fathers friend and by his integrity and batines abilities bad soon raised himself to the post of confidential clerk at first he was a frequent visitor at brompton hut the intimacy was broken off when cyril uyers began to sumo the airs of a favor ed lover and to bo positively intuiting to tho yosng man too sensible to bo provoked into a quar rel yet at the same time tin highispirited to patiently submit to sach treatment cuthbert wallis gradually withdrew him self leaving clan painfully conscious that he had not been wellused pat an willing to displease ber jealous lowr by protesting sgainst hit rudeness too it oogty j to go and ask a f avo in the lame of cyril seemed almost an iu pctlinei ce and it wot with bushed face si i much embar rassment that uist vail ton entered the inner office where ur wallis sat iwriting however tho proffered her cegucst a cuctly as she could j in the hucry of his journey she said papa mast havo forgotten tho loan he promised my coasin will yoa kindly carry out hit intention and give mo gold whyrti know ho opposes our marriage iiddenly romlntfjd audlcybti jfia will set hlmsf defttneej and be w 1 r rx rj ould i d csert my good fn whavsighifica whether he did or have jut to delay tho transaction pappy walls must bear tho brunt ono i rill believe such an nnlikely t you vent borrowing from him itrue clare- persisted that papa promii xl yoa aloan 7 answer me oa m t yoa thall e tan before her steadfast gaze flearcsf if yoa knew all the diffi byandby cltije tthets house pride thee cents afe in frm think that lam depriving you of the plea- nre of hu society thank yod my dear said the widow imply eta will bej glad to coma or he loves at til cisco meant o conjiae hetiek lo her own apirtmentt long s msiued at the farm cuthbert wsllit re but it 0 happened that ho arrived jait jit she slid the elder children were taking dsrstotm in an oldshjed in theeentte of a wood ft was he who calmed her fearf who wrapped about her tn thick shawl ho hsd brought wilh him and nn whoso arm she leant during hec walk to the ucm after t6ls it was fmixitsible lo seclude herself sndthey grtwlly fell back to the old intjmtcy returned to her little grtvec thtn the umelnth more con- med to be but more sidarato foe others with kri lennstj the had established a lifelong friendthip 8ho was busy oie moramg telectiue from a pile of illatlrted volame for tbe yauug tho prettiest ti a birthday gift culties t tho pbsition in which i found my self yi i would not blame mo i but wo are he 1 cone then oar destination is not ameri but australia and my ancle 11 soon forgive and recall us the i wat n falteringin clares reply i i lid rat iter die than become the wife of a m i who lad lied td me and tricked me int i wrong ng cuthbert wallit and pa- i a havt just done awaywith ypa i jjpray 1 caven that 1 may never see knd mqit imerestinc or little bertie his orioles namefike wjjen ur valleton look ed over her fhoulder hl 1 5t6a tco eoirig down lo the firm thi afternoouaranjt yoa my dear t you may take urs leonard a bit qf news that will i think please her i have arranged to accept herbrotnec as my pactner could not have a better one korifbrs posies oh ptpa i am o glad to heir it kind o party dont run think grocn tnred tnjerier hloomlalatfio winderthere l- sort o mtket t feller think t summers litek tcin- eren thqegh he kaott his eret v onlj ctocht lb fblae tbcre nv mothers posies in tb ol tototter cans an thpott tn bor there they loooca big at ule ilnlcs ah hollyhocks creenjntmnrjtn vijets too peekin tbronju ibe tb- wi3jcpce odt where its tstrnrin theres a pret hip furie there wetli some ferns tsiie it auaprlmrosc wiui komo mas tryinfortuhhmelt angcrtninms tn slcb cluttered til to losethcr hoorolalher lite sirty in lioehln ttthe wetthcr iott o grfieu in pots q red iltkc an lights in tbudscrt tteth thivycn thvinct chnibip up tlr ladders wbut i whittled oicmielf jes fcr them to prow od- an ther bauteria tiscow an th wind t-blowin- ves sittco itstarty ta sccthin like tn cheerio to set hire on dijs like this ansccrrtcthcr cleirin out the dead leases in sifii things i- krum th inetinphloret in th olltomiter ctct an tbfpouia botes plo of bours latter ur wallis re ceived a seoon 1 visit from the daughter of his ab nt em iloyer she feoked o ill and shaken as to alarm uting ho chair ho brought heriho a case ho was carrying and display handsome set of pearl orna- i will first tele- never havo paid and notes for a hundred pounds cuthbert wallis demured with your permission graph to ur valleton i away any such large sums in hit absence or without bis sanction i cannot wait while you do that ho was told impatiently rcyrilsi berth is taken the vessel leaves the wharf in little more than half an hour why do you hesitate i will takej care that papa holds you blameless uy receipt for tho money will be sufficient shall i write it at once i still ur wallis evinced a provoking re- luctance to unlock the cjth bor of his em ployer and clare stared up distressed and irritated how can you bo to nngenerbut sho exclaimed is it becau io cyril jhat given you reason to dislike hi n and jon would thankmo witlf til your heart for refuting fain avail yourself of this chotioe to take your revenge it is i yoa are punishing as much or more than my cousin i shall atnericangeflujtn english j niiuuftctuwrt from 30 up on monthly br quarterly payment only at i c w kellys mulsic stoee uuelph p spfffigce cuelph sbason1891 tethile retaralde tcxtika to oar wuxyptt t jonifortheixulrtraiaiipportin tirepft saw milts coal 4s d wood yaijds woaer to lon frotrj 100 cd at six uer cent partie pltclcj- their tale or other bodnau in oar handatrlll tlav the tame promptly attealed to at moderttw- ihcare omcr avn htxrn booxs uu1 scgeore- towd or addreaa box lftf m cook co anctionaera tjsxjchorficetlqnea stettorodto s k cooc k co attctionmrf goorgtawb tnd toronto jkkes iucrxcnb axd vzttia is lumber lath coal aud wood aitraya la stock and procnptlr delivered uf any part of the town at reasonable- prices hardwood and b eat imv od band d dzllla is shlnslee coaj and wood we with to tnlonn you that we have enfered into an arrtnsement with e stewart auelph tokeepeoattentltoahanda full stock ot the ordinary tlxea of sash doors etc and will al to tnnplr any special rises onthort notice at anelnl ilce frames of all kinds made to order we alto keep la stock a line of due window and door casing comer blocks e i your lumber dressed while yoa walt prleewuonerjc to let yoa throw yourself away on cyril uyen cla ot onl reply wtt to fling herself on a ooui h and nury her fooe in the cushions nor w inld tho look up tosaygoodbyotther fathe hurried off to catch the next train to li erpool where ho had an appointment of im octane it it becsjto cyril it poor the sobbed because papa would like mo to make a grand marriage although be knows i couloj be happy in a cottage and it it in hit power to i ettle enough upon mo for all oar reasoaab o wants but ho shall never indaae mo to break with cyril tho more othecs perseoate and revilevthe poor boy tho triors closely will i cling to him she wiped her streaming eyes and sat down to writ her lover a description of the painful ccine tho hid just had with ur valutcn and assure him that tho only effect it hail upon her was to make her mori rejolnin in her constancy i may not be allowed to tea yoa as frequently she went on andwe will not stoop to meet by stealtb neither can i opeiily disoliey my lather by wearing the engagement ring yon propose giving me but in heart and soal i am yoars dearest and in time i hope to make papa see that hat here came ah interruption lenctb always pumps being better tbletbaa heretofore we will topply ettberwooci or froa pumps promptly alt work fuarsa teed satistaetorr please call and inspect before purchasing elsewhere taog ebbage- haniuer acton hiraielf rrjthed into tho roam a small valise in hit hand be most unhappy if he leaves england penniless through papa s neglect and your cruelty i yoa shall never huve cause tocali me cruel to you i said tho joaog man deeply moved by her passionat gestures and tear ful eyes ha quitted tho roon leaving clare in doubt as to his intentio is but returned al most immediately and pat into her hand notet to tho amount asl ed for scarcely staying to t link him she flew back to the cab wher he was received with a rapturous embrice- now for the wharf i criedj cyril pro mising the cabman an tdditionj to his fire if he drove fast and youj my clare shall go with mo to the land where better fortune awaits us yet my clarling one mast consent once on board we havo nothing to fear from pursuit j uy unole will storm perhaps when he finds he has lost you but he loves oa too dearly not to forgive oar flight j are yoa mod cyril dertanded tho astonished girl do yoa reilly think i could bo tempted to do anyl hug so rash tnd so wicked as clare spoke shejthrast him from her cyril angry at hit proposition yet hoping that it nt torcstoreitho turn i made you give n sho said excitedly uy ather mast ever ki iow that hit child- wtt indeed torol ini will you tl these pearls tor as much is they will fetch and i will find soma ther w ly of malting up the amount they ire my very own my aunt willed them to me and it must ho done before papa jcdctbaclc howcoald i meet him with latmeney on my conscience yflti neec not feel at all uneasy she sated the note i gavo yoa were myo n wit idrawn from a savings bant yeate lay foi a purpose that can be defer red 3o uk i back yoar pearls dear miss valh on am suffer me to be yoar creditor for t pcete it i claim the right as yoar rien toj hel j yoa in any emergency shi tried to force the ornaments upon him anil filing to murmur her thanks for ti 9 relie but her heart wat full- her braia was ic a whirt the wordt shehad spoki 3 pied oa her lips and she fellfor- ward into tie arms extended to receive her wj en ur valleton returned to town he foani hit da ughter so serioasly ill at to be anal o to re logaize him fa some weeks she lay faverih and prosl rate t taking tnch tardy progress to 4 com altceaoo that at last her modi- i at in sptdvised her removal to thecouutry ti kk e was imteediatel acted upon and i f tor a rapid journey clare found her self ntall d in homely bat cheerful apar meats at a surrey farmhouse h r hostess a sweetfaced middleaged wore tn wei ring a widows cap came in to ask aw shi had rested and though clara had lothitherto testified tho least interest in sj ytbing or anyone a smile played oa heriuang features when the pretty rosy chili id mrs lendards arms showered dowi upon aer the freshly gathered prim rose with rhicb sho had filled her chubby han t for t 10 poor sick lady u a ten lard hadjfour children to whom thel moth rt invalid guest waa tuah an obje t of cc npassionato interest that they werji untiri ig in their efforts to gratit her cried clare her eye sparkliagwith pless- uro ihem but wslli isuottttijfied with the arrangement ho wants something more thani offere4hira i am i to agree to pisdtmtnds i whit isithouls but as clare spoke her voice sink to a whisper hereyes fell before her fathers suizzical glance and ur valleton taking er to his breast kissed her tenderly beforo responding what doe he ask he will tell- you t himself this atteencon when he joins you at his tuters whether he is oris not to have the precipui gift he craves must- test ith lyou i and cuthbert jwtllitdid take coutsce to tellcltte vlieton iow long and ficmly he hsd loved and clare bis learned to ihank heaven that the escaped the misery hstywouldiiavejbeeu her lot as the wife of reckless profligate cyril uyers tnd is free to giverher hsua fo hec more deserving over thi brou jht her flowers anal fruit their toyi and th eir picture books and how could shej ielp lo ing thern in return j c axed lo get up and see the beet and chic ens or ramble with her child fijendt in le great oldfaahioned garden clare was insensibly won from her own sombre thai ghts and by the end of a week after her irrivaljat willows farm sho waa ablo to aeet her father without tho bursts of jl ren 3rsefal tears which had frightened and dia ressed him e le wep i again as kneeling at hitj feet she insiste i on making full confession he did not cao to add to her regrets far thej pal by tliug her that it vets to avoid ar st for forgery that cyril liad fled from en land rat contented himself with beg- inj her to get well tor his sake nd th 3 did recoverrapidly as soonas knew pho bad regained his confidence ofy dt rllng clare ho exclaimed affejetianate y surely yoa losing me farthest fwoet hov worried you look i are not fretting at tho idee of for two or three weeks at ml going only to new york was made in jest ho soon proved that he was in earnest and so vehemently insisted thai she shoald be the companion of his voyage that she knew not what to think 1 i bat till her answer was ko j bay no more cyril ori mart oome td the conclusion thai you have lost your to be the merriest of playfellows fthe bothewtions of spell- uc victor huno who was a very fine peu man himteif wiicp it a proof thtt his re- mttk is more riliy- than true cilled an an elegant hsruwriting thtt hrevjsfaf iucapaoilyi bui no one ever yot hssdared- to sneec public y at correct spelling its effect on ttangert is loo well known utny very well infocmed peopte find it actually imposiboto learn to spell in school and go tt coaah kfe making mis takes which woalj lead yau4abelieve them ifrnocamusos l enius woul not be con sidered a gem is by one who received a letter from himto i of miipelt wdeds and inorder to dive ye urself your proper value- in the eyes of t le world yuu mutt be psr- ticalar about yo ir orthography ttrere- fororhow shill tpetl well oc how shall i hide the sot that i cannot speu- well becomes a very impoctaut question and onothat u often mkes the latguae alters in the course of years more thin most isugutges becauce it has been ensile up likaarrrscy quilt of old bits it it fmadeop of celtic and lttin anglosaxon danish norman french some gc ek and i know not what beside and is evir growing itrger by the addition of fragments not originally in the written laueus o at all iucludiug the slang ef one geoeratnoj which cets into the dic tionary before hi next genetstidu is old english being each a conglomerate it is naturally very htrd lo spelt ira pronyuu- ciation scarcely helps you at all in the spelling at p relent the only way to be suceot tpelliug well is to select due diction ary and go entire y by that webster ind wocoester are at present the gceat rivals aud you net dt litufuliy mixed if you hsppen to ceoeive litlf uf youc educalioa at a school whece they use wcccestecand half where they swear by webster foe instance webste r writes amend woccea- ter will havo it ennd and knerpectedly webster writes e noatsador while worces- ter out of a a htcary spirit apparently draws a hue there and writes ambassador webster says offense worcester offence worcester spells many words for instance jeweller tnd quarrelling with a double 1 while webster trjells them willi a single 1 shi rec jvered to the widows children and the moat ch rmtagtof companions to motherly gentle us leonard there it only oho thing that mates me refictant to prolong my stay with you at pospa wishes mo to do she observed one iind that it my fear t lat i am the catiq of voar keepln yoar r jativet away frmthewilowi uy diar i hayo but twe relatives left wi s the reply a married sister in ifldia at d my yatit gest brother the dear god fell w without whom when i lost my hjsband so suddenly i think i must havo nk un er my troubles you neavthoi ancle beit of whom the tle on talk so lovingly every day i tfear toriomurmurof regrel that ha never c lmesh ronowattdtvhenf hid the cariosity 1 1 ask i ssiothe reason she xjnfided that it at for fear of seeing him would make- me one but i am no lot ger weak ad ervous clare added witl a righ for the ium o those many day and weeks of afferin and i am quite prepared to ko am be liked by anjone who bears the iame c lennard bhl my brother is not oj lennard she tvat reminded hia nania is cuthbert lallis j j clan i shaded her face foe awhile never foquld iho be able to recall without a pang fcr a shudder the- eyents cocinected withher jhrief infatuation for her unworthy cousin i wo ild inflict fresh suffering on her to- meet ne who knew all thiit had occurred and respised webster givee yaja gaiety worcester gay ety webster lekvea oat a u where wor cester puts it in webster hsi skeptic worcetec scepto the name qf the com- moil plant whhjh all who live ju the coati- try love is written sumtch by webster and tumack by worcester and you cannot even break an egg with out differing fcotn one of them for web ster tpells tho little yellow ball within tbe egg yelk- and worcester- will have it yolk as mostfolkdo i should say then to those who feel their spelling shaky aud who surveying english as it is poken cannot be quitei sure of himself get some standard dictionary aud then go ahead 1 uk n anew and wonderful in- venttot j larprt tjiri piopu in reidiug a newspsper recently i cama across an tccount of a new tnd wonderful inveution it is so wnadertul ihtt i feet it myclaty td spread the newt so lhat the public may be forewirued for people have been known to funaha in fits oh less pro vocation thin the exhioition of this new in- vention i- j suppose you should wiks np some gloomy motnicg in tlie fill tod rushto tbe windpw to see whit the weather wis to be and while yausretpokiogat the gray cloudt and tpecultiai as to whether i would rain or not funjose yoa sbpuld see l the following sentence ip bciihuerteri iod denly shine above are you prepaced v of course yon wpqlddt be prepared for any such demonstcation sad- might imag ine thit some dire disaster wis predicted unless yoi wtited to see what- came next and saw the following flah forth- are you prepared tor a riluy day if not top in on the way down town aud buy one of peters umbrellas f to see any sutjh adhectisement sppeoriin the sky would be iecidediy stactling tjnl therefore ic is well to he warned an eng- r lishman his saeceeded in pecteciing fan electtio sppirstai thtt enables him to cat luminous letters and ngucea upon the- clohds so this warning icby no means no- necetsary it is quite possible thattuch au tdvertisement may some dy be seen it would cerlsinlyj be a greal povelty at first and tiler a white could be mtde nte- ful any great piece ot newa mightbe thrown upon the sty so that thousands could read the portrtiu of punrinent men mixht be given aud thready llr gladtone ftnutftr ftce lu shone on j- high ships upon- the ocetu could- signal etch other at night jsodstell each other all trie news sathat tha pisseugers might understand also aaa not worry tbectpiiin to delh by questiauiag j in a fq- at sea tbasteaiuer might anchor j md throw oat frofnjill fiies iicjs ofwixn- in such ts- trespirfingl go slow we are here t i if a man wanted to eire a house or bid one to let he might advertise the same on on the clouds and feel certain that it opold be viewed by a great number of people he could also ci i picture of the house if he so desired and then they would now just what h4 wanted or whit ha had there ia ttbtolutely ho end fu the tahemes- suckefted by thii tew invention but there is alo x sad thought in con nection with it forj n report farther says that on clear niha wheu there are no clouds the inveutochis foanrl a way to ranuficture atifiwl dues this iirealiy too bad the moauiutiiii ofea very de- sirthe for htriwndv crrsldiuhingoc diher imrttements and itwouidlie very sadiu- deel to hire i raoouhght ptrti- broken up by i an actifictal clou shutiingual- th mooa aadhive a sign stiricir dowju ujorr yoa advising you to go to jones for j shoes i i thittoo might posibly biupen at some future lime audit is well tobe prepared bnt what a thiroe it would be- to have the skie- at night convectediuto idvertis- ing sigu boirdsl and what wouad poet do in the future it theycorildii see tbo stargemmed heavfeus etc aud s6 be unable towrite about them v r ml hard to get at inquisitive city people in the country sometimes find malt satisfaction in cateo- chiring little country boys about their ntmas snd affairs x summer boerdec once said to a email boy dceued in a broad straw hat a gingham waist long tcousecs aud bare feet j- hellci little boy 1 what is youcnamei same at pas said lis boy whats yoar pavuame 8amoat mide 1 mean whatdo they call yoa when they call yon to bcekfist 1 they dont nuvver call me to break- fust j iwhydontthey ciuse 1 alius git there the fust ono 1 no wonder he was anxious he sis a very old niin hair while teethgdue but very font of fishing day after dty i used to see him at theead of the pier with his line tud hook and geuer lily with a group of little darkies around him with theic lions andhoos1 one day cue of these boys lost his balance and tumbled in the water was over his bead rind it wis apparent if he djd hot get help he would dcowu tnentai old darky threw down uisrod jumped inlsnd rescued the boy i wis much impressed with the old mmt heroism i f he is your son 1 i gaid i kosah l i your grandson then t ko sah then yoa risked yoar life to save ot achild who was nothing to you wtiicb f mikea your act- even more heroic wellj you see boss dat mixzerable chile bad all de worms io his pocketv j i didnt pay i tell yoa howeirer when firmly unless ur yoa i for being reduioas she looked up it wasla say jwallis reriewt his visits to must go home i cannot endure to antrchistj- tell yoa my friend things are going to come to a focus in this coantry before very long tnetiipayeri are hot going to stand thepppression much longer listener how much do yoa p tyl anarchist i never poida ta yet his best girl we find in the kew yock recdcdec au interesting tcoonnt of a tracelliug man who wis seen by his coropsiinns to kiss a ietterhe htd jest received they declared that ft was uotfrorri hit wife and he fiualw admitted iliit it was from- highest girl after cousiderabfe bidgerthg he cou1ented to let them reii it and this was the letter my ou dear pa pa ijti mi briiri every nite well i kis yuce picuhure i ask god to bleas ypa god bi pa pa yura best gud dolirl 1 at a preventive of the- grip spirilla has grown into great javar ortifist theyteui aud parities aie blood its illiceucrit qualities oomtnind to public apprpvil the california liquid fruit remedy syrup of figa it is pleasing to the eye and to tte laslajaad by i- gently acting on the kidneys liver ands hopdt sac bowerir cleanses the system effeetuahy it thereby promoting the health and comfort of all who use il u

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