tiisw i 7 kt 1irrk at 0vvillcan li ivccm lr cjr io of v i trick tit a swflitrt wiki n artnon utunliv tnl ivticin- k r tiif wfrrt william wantck of a rt lfli tot tf4rrer mhmrttriln oakvillr onttiruy nrjsrhlit tlif rcvjs wutianifon vnu j lichmcm tomin jrubtr tuck tvltiot pat- illr mm on wmnctiay no v ti m i xm ycarv 6 nmnthi atut t da sworn in by kit ek covftrndrgi moral kcqll three new ff1cec a he artan jfrce rcs nirnstm ukckmukuh um notes and comments othfla doc personnel of the for his excelled the following ia tlio low ministry submitted b approval an i to bo sworn in this aftc noon silt john thovlronrrimkr aed miuu- tcrcf janice hon uackhsu l0vljllhiijtttr ft tnuic and comtncr o hon ok kost sih a rcauos the york county council reprri tinp the leading municipality in the domii ion iranmonlv votl the other day in yfiavor cf a federal law ruakinc the mantium railway pattencer rate tiro cents mile olhcr counties will follow the f up pip of york anl membert of tarliamtnt who arc m ibulu a to their position or the mailer will be no longer in doubt vt ta the icwiofiheir oonelitaent well all be riiirc at two centi a mile before j enother tfneral election toronto itirm it if noteworthy that in all nbwpajr commcnii on jay goulds deitbj there i to reference to any kiudly acl or ipencroub deei committed by this man who waa a riiilioaiare a hoodrej times over and who mitht have been a tremendoui powei for pxki in the world had it uot bi that he elected to be a trtmendoat power for evil ka whole life was devoted to this acfiand- izement pf pould and the pilinc np of pal try dollars money was his only- cod wealth his only standard of excellence he ioe down to history as one o the uost heartless of men of whom the world has knowledge and humanity has not benefited by his craspinc avaricious life auc ex ample we have vet to see or hear en ex pression of recret at his death newspapers all over the country are coram entire on dalton mccarthy i tion in toronto the other evening in an- nouncinc his allegiance to sir oliver mowat becaufe of sir olivers stand oi the fa i i byalty question the opimon stemi to be that the member for slmcoe will be more of a free lance than ever in tba house next efsson blueing away at both parties when there is good cause for it it is refreshing to see men of mr mccarthy standirn ability taking an irfdependant tie ters and tbe only pity is that he has more of the following too numy men to ottawa to become mere serine followers of party they teem to thin that they owe their party everytbini and their country nothing mr mccarthy has a bibber idea of his mission thee and the country is gratefal to him for it hamil ton hrrahi i and of tnat- 11 ot electricity is rapidly cominb to the aid of the farmers permission hf s been pivea by the county council of york to run trolley cars on a part e the kingston road kaoial railways will 6on ba running all over the country tba enterprising phys icians in several parts af tle groiidce have telephone connections i at aintral points among the farmers ani in on i of the farm ing districts of michigan the farmers have provided themselves with a t ilegrapb line which connects the scattered arm6 within a circuit of eight miles with the village store tbe whole cost of the enterprise was only 00 and theexpenie of mainten ance and eervice which is it considerable assessed on the farmers who ase tbe wire thi village storekeeper who is also post- mister and express agentacfa as teiegrapn ojrator and finds the iocimsed badness brought to liim in this way at ample torn- pensatia for bis labor i eat ed uhtmibiitei of llallwayi lilktuitiulcr f pulllc ulmliilfer ot finance ioslmut toiticral hon john xsrroanr4crctary of state honc htltieltmjnulrr of marine and kistitriea honjohn hag amtomalt hon j a 01 wortt hon j c rattferbonxjlinliter of ulllua hostaldalvuluiste ot tbo lutorlor honau anqfusuluirteroratriculturf hon w 11 ives preddcn of priycouuell hon john ca1 ling atxi hoj frank smith minuter rlthout portfolio the above form the cabinet hon j j cumunsohcittfrgcnrral hon n clauki ualiackcbtroller of cuitoqll i i hon j f woodcoiitollcr bf lulaud krvcnue as will be observed the new pnsmier has framed his cabinet in accotxiancd with the act passed some years ago by which the rtpartments of customs abd injand kcv- cnuo are to be inited urjdcr etie head- trade and com me rce andunderhim tlftre is to be a control l r of inland roienuo and a controller bf cuuoms thtpartjes holding these ofiicee to l without a ai in flic tion to toesc the ofiice of has bectn cixiittd the he office ftlso t be with- abinrt cabinet in add solicitor general person occupying out a kmt in the tin xtl i1iutmkts mr clarke wallace and mr wood will administer tbvir respective dejiartments under the direction of mr mckrnzfie bowell and me currail will aid in the department oj justice finder the direc tion of tbe frjmier mr mackenzie bowel 1 will go into the senate aud he will succeed sir joltn abbott hs govenimenl leader in the senae only your members of the govcrnmcn will hale to go backto their constituency to bcreflectej namely mr clarke wallace mr wood mr w 11 ives and mr j j curran the salary of ach of the ministers is kiooo per year knd of icssrt clarke wallace wood and j j currftn so 000 per year each in addition there is of course the 1000 itsional idcmnity which every member of p trliamcni receives tbe portfolio receive of ministers withon course nosalar ixlersenta divided according to the representation tbompsoa government follows 3 mackenzie bowell smith land carling in allace and wood not in of provinces the will be made up a ontario messrs haggart patterson tbe cabinet and the cabinet quebec mr oiimet sir adolplie caron mr angers and mr ires in tha cabinet and mr curran not in thelcabitiet nova scotia s r john thonpson and mr topper new brnnswicl foster manitoba mr baly it will be 6eenbv the foregoinfi that sir john abbotts nan e does not appear there were strong hopes that sir john would accept a position without portfolio pressed any wish ipon the matcr and as in ooromu nida ting with as been completed as it there wab difficult himj the cabinet 1 nowlstnds ke fariyooletalnel mr carlibg it government as a of commons and for tbe conservat carling difficulty so much said th mr carlings exit an act wn passed at tbe last sessian of tbe ontario parliament in reference to bees and spraying fruit tree the act states that no pertauj ia i pray i da pr sprinkling fruit trees during tbe period within which such treb are in foil bloom ehall ose or cause to be used any mixture rcptaining paris green jor anj other poison ous substance iojoriooitto beea tbii act comes in furce next january among in- ucu which aid large y in this interest ing procei no class ll mora nsefol lhan bets where imperfect feriilizatioa has taken place fruit ia incompletely developed in eize and form so ttat the quantity and quality are affected ireful investigation has shown that tbe fruitfuloess of ibany plants is largely iuflcencedby bees and sach intects as search for the nectar and pollen of flowers scientific investifstion indicate more and mnre asi ttie jaegtion of fertiliration is coniidered that bess are important factors m the broductioi of fruit and thus become cd workers with to mean no more exceedingly smal horizon bythi so great had the c encd an alarming frmtgrowerf j dispatch from dpluth tbe take piaped opon canadas tbe following shows great waterway by heigbborsove the line secretary thompson of be opa ber of commerce hd prepared his utters calling for a convention to consider tbe construction of a tbip canal through am trican ttrritofy frorx lb great laks tle hudson river and ttfos to the sea it he ays commercial toosiden t tiuk irtoiniignihcbno in cortiparison the importance of is waterway tk erfcfcntifcl trtioti ojha lional defences and ai a guard to naiijytl to in ions with an iuf ide ffi years caimda il have a waterway feet tbe he terrtrjry al tea will deep ihroutlj litr wn way from lake rupertor to tin vettu anditr commerce cap then nn hindered jivl from thi feeart bf the ct nt ctit overauoctttris ha the markets o world bile ttere are more thai iso shipn the knglitb rjavy wfcicli ll war lepth of l feet would eufiir to bring ant the lakts from th eta is it not beet trat enveritiou should be ield after thec hoiida in washington l bo tba attention of congress jmay be i directly forcibiy called to the cecesejtj for i irut hie and meij iale action and needed legislation secured before the present jongrets expires by limitation extradition af c e davidson toronto dec 5 some weeps ago chas k pkvijion of burlington wai arrested in mexico on a charge of obtaining about 10- jtixifrom tbe bank of hamilton at bam- iltoo by ducouuting forged ordersinr nursery nock detecute murray who is trjhjgrt get him back bas written to the provincial authorities iomplaicing of what lie conidexijadnecetjry delay iu the ex tradition ped the leut-gover- norofonurio represented- tbi matter to tbe governor general and on sarday hit excellency telegrapbed to sir fepeuoer 6t joiid brititl minister to mexico asking liim to ut bin good unices to expedite the extradition in kolarasit was proper to do ovtr ftfjflqq settlers have gone into hani- toba and the north wer tfa jetr i pro ion iv rnnvixits messrs costigan and tliogw took the ch miitox bm liw 3cd inaual mtiet- itigof tho gitud dtvliloa of the sons of tempcraacc opcaed bro ywtrday and and from tt i itrgo number of delfgxt and visitors prcscut this promliei to be 0q of the largest aud most iutcrcttin ttmflaai lield for ye p mr j b brooke toronto ir at two pmand thebuiioeii was proceed d with during 1 10 afternoon reports of th grand woi th patriarch secretary and treasurer v ere presented showing this old temperance order to bo in a floarifhing condition tud having a net giln in mem bcrihip du the year of over a thou- in the ovniug a publio reoeptioo waa tendered b tho delegate and viitin members tho methodist charob which was kindly placed at the dipoal of the re ception com mitteo wa filled to the doors tbe chair w laoocapied by v patriarch bro brooki who filled theposition admir ably afte singing the opening ode bro hov d lj 3retfeour delivered an addreu of welcome which wu replied to by bro dr christo pf fktherton followed by a vocal solob- mrs p corner acoompaoied by mr con er on the guitar ad earnei and eloquent addrew watgin by bro k j bradley of wathingtoo in- wbich he leviewed in a forcable man ner the posiion aim aud opportunities of the temper aco people of to day and in an able and elo juent maoner he itnpreued on his hearer the necessity of remaining faithful and puahiog the battle on throcgb thp years to come bro bradleye addrwa was follows by a vocal solo by mn frank smith of plermo bro j b jewell of boston wt then in troduced by the chairman as ono who had performed a vast amount of good work in the interest of the order both in the field and on the platform and his prophecies were more tl an fulfilled as bro jewell held his audicnci intensely interested ai bo traced the c urse of tke order ot the sons of temperat ce for the 1 lit 50 yean and demanded o his hearers what would the next 50 year i show bro jewe ls address waa followed by a vocal duet rith guitar accompaniment by mrj nd mn corner after a few wordi from dr bi ck the meeting waa brought to a dote by singing god save the queen an o torn a of tha wortde dotnfc ourlnfc thtwwek the magazines the docernbernumbersmoro thatn usually attractlv tlic december cosmopolitan contains seven portraits of tennyson and interesting views of his late homo and surrounding thos gorman hab penetrated the myster ies of the silent trappists monastery with a profane kctiak murat halttead discuss es varitic of american journalism herrmann throws light on the black art and theodore roosevelt and maurice thompson each contribute interesting articles twentyfou ists with in the new government but as tie has not ex- b seen will remain in the minister without a port folio he will ret tin his set in the house will thas hold london tiub arrangement is sir 6tm tho epsons solution of the of which there has been last fe days at first by request as it was dis cussed in the middle of last week seemed han the appearance of an cloud on the political i nd of the week however oud grown tbat it threat- storm in the west mr carlings trip wes on saturdy night was taken as a dark passage of fevil yesterday morning he retuned to the capital and there also came o ottawa a delegation of londoners complied of messrs joseph h marshall mp 1 hos beajtie ng brem- ner f fkiogsmill and r biyley these feature of the number is portraits of parisian journal- sketches of their work a curious bit ps found in flic contrast of the double fromibpicoes which adorn he maga zine on oae side the marvellous painting of the conqperors by fntel which attract ed so much attention at tbe paris salon and on the other the conquered by anton dietrich in the one the heroes of war moving down the vista of the oenturiea in magnincfnt arriy between ghastly lines of naked co pses he other the unfortunate of all times ind lakds flocking beneath the gentle hanc of the loving christ the cotmopoluaw will nark its first edition of 150000 copies thit for january by the oiler of 100 free icholarships in return for introducing tie cojimopoifan into cer tain neighborhoods the ctuimojouan offers to any your g man or womaft free tuition board lodging and laundry at yale vassar harvard oi any of the leading colleges schools of art music medicine pr science they send ut a pangphlet on application idling how to obtain one of these free scholarship gentleman came to urgeanew upon sir john thompson vhat had been urged last week the deputation came away quite contented with ths premier6 disposition of mr carling sj eommcnti senator c4e-mo- remarked tonight that ttie new order of thing will be another joke upon the senate because in the session of l47 when the bils providing for the new department of trade and commerce the cfjntrollership ctal came up to t tle senators wer and would have ntw places in the s bpecial can monday prolain department of 11 pierci- controlleri id the sohcitorship-gen- ic senate from the house strongly opposed to them hrown them out were it not for the expla lation of kit john abbott wyio said that it vafl intended to give the government to senators iln gavtir was ibsued on ing the new government inister of trade and com- b of customs and inland brsvenue and s licitorgenenal this of curse abolishes i be portfolios of minister of customs and sinister of inland bcvenuc milton a night schoo ton mechanics iny rf the counij beeve lowry connection withf mil- nsiitutet will be hejd in tle public scboj from 7 to j pm every tuesday and fr cipal of tbe publ the fifty fir society was h hkddow ufte eltf- deacon p 8 i the couutv lay henry gray pnn- 2 school will conduct it anniversary of tbe bible i last week rev mr ted president end j 8 decrtary eacherb association re- ceivtd the uriihi i rarjl of 5 at last meet- couucil of acloi was the only member absent f om last meeting of the the county counil the forty- thin annual meeting ot tbe grand division o the sons of temperance in cession here tb i week makesquileastir in tbe old town there is a large jut of number of prominent present i of the a m e church colored will pre tch missionary sermons in the methodist burcb next sunday rs gray entertained at about a week ago the model school stucenta and others to tbe number of about lorty a very y pleasant by all j tbe milton pou try and pet stock so- ciety will hold the show this year on the 27tb 28th and 2 i december it is quite an im firing flight toseo about co employees rnergi ng from theshoe factory at mealliours frsm all accounts this is kttjyto be a perctaneot industry of the delegates aud american visitor bishop hawkio principal and i at their residence town so great is tl manufactured ju t former the n ic of utrktrt for december sus tains witl rcmarkalilo enterprise and ability the rcat reputation this magazine hat won fir timeliness exaat pertinency and wide range of interest among its almost countless illustrations are groups including some thirty of the newlyelected governors rf states no other magazine could possi ily have secured and made such illustration and actually embodied them in its december number for in many in stances it waa not definitely known until the rbiddle of november who were actually elected as governors the editors review of the election and his discussion of the results will attract wide attention tho editorial department entitled tbe progress of the world is unusdally extended this month ciejbl 8a e frt it iuh without cibinal tht cita blocktde la soalu dtkali it gtowlt j uilaat j lite tabt lorliktaru will likely bo ctlled toglh ton jn id j cho ui hi pupjicired iu krtncc iud it ciuiin j much ilirm pn yt block bimooo n dmtnyei by firo tii tatdny morning a i icndid depatlt ot coil hen been dit- covere i tt tceherno jtmltobt rob rt 0 ricgt k1 w 5 montl i died on sttardty nt bt john n b hei ty mow ku ftllen iabootlind tad wilct md tiilviy trifflo it much lmpd id tbo interatl dobt of argentino u tag- ratotc 1 in 1891 tnd 1692 by it 7 000000 a gold th frwdom of tho olty of liverpool iu oo iftrred opon mr okdttono on stt ardty in t ia united stttet daring the uit ficctl jctr boanty u ptid on 878115517 poandi of tagtr itii ittted iu uontretl thtt the benin- try ol st salpice hu decided to give f 160- 000 to ltvtl university tbe pope denial tbtt ha hti tuy idet ot etttbli hiog t legttion tt wu hiofjtod tnd eiprui et diipleuaro tt tbe rumor j v gtrvin principtl of the woodttack publio hchoolt hu bean tppointed in spector ot peterborotchdoli tt t itltry ot 1200 ogih iee elevttor tt virdeu wte cora pletely dettroyed by firo mondty tfternoon with 2 030 bathele of whett the lou ii tsoocx the london oity council decided ittt week t lubmit to popaltr vote the question ot clot ng btri tt 7 oclock every night ot tbe we b tbe like huron which retcuod the dittblei ttetmer spree cltimi 125000 ttlvtgt tnd bond for tbtt tmount hu been gi en tbe iltoitobt government hta decided to proc ed tt once with the erection of t oourthi ute tt winnipeg to cost eighty thoasd d dolltn it is xported in otttwt tbtt there is t prospe t of mr ctrling beforo long receiv ing the kcug which will mtke him sir join ctrling hon george k foster minister of fintnc trrived tt htliftx from kngltnd stturd ly night tnd proceeded to otttwt on the zitil trtin the demtnd fnr ctnt4itn tpplca tt liverpool ltst week wti lctive a specitl ctble t the ololt ttttes thtt price id- vtuced one to two thilliogt per btrrel the other dty t mtn ctiled on urt ktthti jones of tyendintgt townthipf tod ped thtt ltdy 20 tho htltnce of t debt iontrtcted by his ftther 50 yetra tgo it i i rnmored tbtt genertl mtntger setrgc ut tnd ilechtnictl superintendtnt wtiiiieof tbegtr htve been ttked to resign tnd thtt w j spicer tnd h rob erta ol the cuictfio grind trunk ere to soccee i them the christopher columbus the ltrgest ezcuri on ttetmer tfiott wth t ctptcity of 5000 ptssengers hu been ltauched tt west superior wis tor pie during tha worldji ftir between chicfgo tnd tha fttr grouni t i toss a ciiakmimt souvtsin we havo received recently a ituc souvenir book illustrated in colors aid devoted to tho description of the business of tht yovthn companion and especially illustrating the ncw building which is jubt completed and occupied every one who is interested in the paper and we know that the number of families in our vie nity who take it increases year by year w 11 desire to see and read this bit of bibtory concerning a favorite paper while the companion is one of the oldest papers in tfie country having been started in 1827 it is one of tho freshest and most vigorous of all our publications and has attained the unequalled circulation of six hundred thousand copies weekly its pros pectus coptaiuing the announcements of authors and articles for the year 1893 shows than the coming volume will be if possible better than any of its predecessors any new subscriber may obtain the souvenir book ree by asking for it at the time the subscription is sent the paper will he sent free to january 1st to all who subscribe now including the double hoh day numbrs price 175 a year boston mass e demaod for tbe goods lis establishment the christmas- number of jfarpers wttkuj published december 7th will pre- bent an extraordinary combination of liter ary and artistic features it will contain among many other attractions a beautiful doublejpag christmas picture drawn by howard pyle four pages of illustrations of new vest point with descriptive comment by george i putnam and two pages- of characteristic illattrations by a bfrost there will also be a delightful story by r hcndrickjbinga and an article on london music halls by rich- g davis with appsopriate illus- variety of short articles on thoughtfot editorials on tbe ard hanfii t rations timely topl questions ol the day poems j sketches etc will help to complete this njoieworthy and very interest ing number yellow fera r prevails at rtq de jtnelro and the city ft ia been quariqttned a cawegn rjt from london to the effect that thegovi rnt uenta of kngtcnd germany and theuuiedl states have screed to com mon action i m tore order th samoa has been confirmed washington on enjoys botl the method and results when 6yrt pof figs is taken it b pleasant and refreshing to tho tasteand acts r it y yet promptly on the kidneys iv r and bowels cleanses the sys- em jffecttially dispels colds head ache and fevera andcurea habitual cons iipation bvrup of figs ia tha onlj remedy ot its hind ever pro duce d pleaaipgto the ustc ind ac cept me to tna stomach pr pt in its a tion and truly bencucial inits cbec is prepared onlv from the most beal hy and agreeable substances its manyercellefitqualitiencommendit to 1 11 and havo made it the most popular remedy known r tup of figa ia for sale in 75n bottes by all leading druggists anj reliamo drugrast who may not hav i it on hand v7ill procure it prot lptly for any oro who wishes to tl y it ilanuiacivircd only by the califqrnta flfi syrup ci bah fbwcisro oal ujtj svili yobkjrx here we tea tgtin tt eriigles jewellery store cuelph with the biggest ttock of chjristmas goods ever offered betntifol new article of til kinds suittbla for chriitmie presents tt prices tnd stylet which ctnnot ba bettea by tny one no nutter who we hive too mtny things to ntme them til here it will ba worth your whileto ctll in even if you do not with to buy tnd look orer our noreltiet lor your own pleuare special aw pricasfor watches this year pringle the jeweller guslph of mantles dress ioofls clotfs and many rec odl ltdiot jtckatf oipu uutsrt tad ollowink liitthowi jtdketf orinotly 110 rlv 812 now i 110 ciroiluf now 15 tni til id otpes formerly tl7ihow ts coue ani olntb to b oletrad out tti leu thtn htlf former chetpett lot o roods ib hit deptrtuunt 3 in plutii rormtcli 12 to 3 bee ytrd cletring out lmithin htl former prfajt dress goods doable width ftney tweed drest ioodi forme formerly 80 tod wotiaodui ma a lot of wen formerly 10 tnd hit etch 7aa will be iuntle trimsffnas tnd ornimenit q prioes a lot of nioe orptmeuu tt s 10 tm oorrespandlot prices a idt ot itdlm tad boyi ltdlei lined qlovet tt lie par ptlr focmarly ltdlet meni tnd childrens htnkarchleff life trimming floweg feathers a dliulty on tha millinery oaanun a lot of ftno7 unlop 8hiitlo flinoeis vtrlety of other roods hivo been m triced dawn virions deptrtmiatf ttw itock ik well snort mtntlet aa elegtat tssortmeat of naw silk styles new 8ilk velvets new tyle in ftno tnd embroideries direct fram jsptn a itrgo from iga etch to h25 indtidlng t lirae snot in the new btora oorner it king tnd haghiob htmllton november sfltb 1692 r oith olretftiri htf bean mltrkad down a miuy ouat u ioathta hmbcatr prioaa u tha 5 1 12 tckelsreduced to 0 j5 jlctuf- riidnoad 2 ciroaltr form- r novt 50 ctpat formerly w60jdw us0 i cipei fortnarhr he8e ery 8pe0ai i baroaing- a j tf uaortmantoj mtnlla tbay u i to hid in vuloat stylet thtder tndl aufjljlm redao i to u s i0 ofatti id 85c a lot ot wlda wldtli occpred huk ntrroi widlh suk plujhas formerly u tir jjsgsw if aferxtno off at j10oh urdeb beoolab pbioert a totof 50o red lead to 82a a liree rtrietylof style tndthtdtf inpt j- rs coiamet to ba eletted odt tt 1374 tad etohv ma fll hiam ell plei sad with thaw drew qoodt bswinif a li jtortjr 0dr8b amu tc tad olatx good fawug off tt lepsthanonef aarprformbr i jr t- i tv 1maibt good itjrlae radooad to r sso 5 k vw u jf uanf aitrwhtn olowo atring oa ti 60s pat pair a l mtiad iu tuitiaf tra ullloc muoi uc dar ra brimj millutbklt unttrilikd hats reduced toi olearinq peioes baa he jlroul4rncmrt sie eiott ill re y40 ylish ill p ityli 25a eioh aitru hta rmerl veey ne 1 toes bltck iriety snot i leat treatt mhitles f ifvckntles ha the fct that of any previous sea department wo department results would garments for less mere chaifce that trade of this city ai every mantl selected by mr r turers in berlin paid to the materi to pride one does europe merely fori stan ial financial i consequence we are in a workmanship of ihl selves do not mantle or you probably the ur sales of ci impl no econe prtqe with the first dty of december we com mence our l annual christmas sale iti well thtt yoa should know tnd betr tbit fa mind to everybody thit it i mttterot interest such i stock u we present tt thit ptrticcjir tfma forcet itself into tha economy of ererybuat dtily life you tra it much interested in it tt we tra and thtt our tnnutl chritimi stla give yon tha opportunity of string money while yoa ire spending ft tt oat counters yoa will retdily discover when yoa led tha rainy ipecii birgiint to particalaiire would ba impoaibls when such ptodlgil ity of wetlth tnd virioty it tpptreat and yet we wtnt to rivet yaur tttantioa to just t ftw items traang which our j i christmas mantle sale j eniblei you to ohtiia tha choice of tha choisett ttock of ltdlet ulisas tad childrens dalmtnt dltters jtckett bettetta tnd fur mtntlaa tt t pdsulva string of 15 to 25 per cant about too per week is tha number wa htve tet ounalvet to sell before chriitmta t id tha patting we tra doing in prices it helping nt tlong thawty ehtrmingly donjt mist i seeing our itintla birgiint what about furs you mutt tea our elegtnt tnd hisses ctpec colltrt ctps etc to get tn idet of of our ttock it will pty moneyttving seme japanese diessine stock of ltdiea bots mofa the immensity yod tlsb in s gowns we imported t most elegtnt line of these betutlfuily embroidered qowns both for ladies tod gentlemen tad if ywtxe think- ing of somethlug n thttlwiy foe i htndsama chriitmtt present ba tare i id tea tbeie goods they tra elegtutjtnd 500 to 11000 eh tper thin we i j hive teen timiltr epodi in tar- onto tnd moutrett itores i i ohaniue table covar t elegant table linens j lovely suk handierohiafc cheap linen hajikerohiefe ladies satin skirts j dress goods and dressmtking wejopeoed some novelties la drea msteritlt this weak tnd while wa htve tha mt cosily tnd flthion- tbla roodt in the trtda oai dress goods ttock it full of regultr moiay vtlda btc- riios in gocd lerviceibla dress goods tt vetjr ww prices amoag tblem tra tweedt tnd 8erget 75o goodt for 50c tad 5o goodt tor 25o par ytrd j la drew miking we tara ut work equal to tny thin onto ttorei produce tnd tt oat only first elm work eqatt to tny thine the beat tor onto ttorei produce tnd tt lest than on btlf lha price cuitomert comajto ut from far tod near for tha ntrnitio vilae of our work tnd tha iownasi of the prices still ypa eta get work dona wa eta do it only remember curt nottt ill like it erb0llp cheaper tbtn it if not like c0 25 2t lower wyndham st guelph ottier 0oodst fie nikht house 1 1 7 next door to you 2jc o prieae r goodak raided dress 3fsllk initiiled red lead i licet i lo i0 anker lot formerly 20c np 15c alio t large it will wall pv yoa to sea tha mtay strgtint et la w htndlhlt weekl due f tyj fn ae cat tnd vellingi shovn lalhe very ittott fcjadon atodt new ribbon velvet btk tad eo ored batrer htu hmdkarehleff very pretty itylat la ftnoy suk hajaierohieja suk htndkerohiefi 1 pleats entar tha right hotua by tha door sqmas o waeiisrs mantle the sajci dvartagi pcjsitioji therefore to guarantee the style and se garment the prices speafc for them- yourseif the irrjustice tobuy- a winter ou giving us an oppc rtunity of showing tes stjock in western ontirio d w th g b rykm s co 4 geinss fron5 d7 villi i tny dafr e c s are greatly in advance son a cknow ledges our leading fsosition ta n obedienc to the law of superior values- beei ctjowied to overt lowing this seasoiv 3e altogether different if somebody sold ney than we it is nbt 1 10 outcome of e are well nign mdnopciiziig the mant j d vicinity in ouri jirrmense stock vjas personally n fromi he stock of thelargeti mahufac- ermanyi particular atterftion was thds 1 style vo2manship aid finish while as ot buy from fhe foremost manufacturer ti f doing so to offer oun customers as ia and without sub- 4 guelph 1 rene to 4dwi wrhdhint ttrfetouelph trwt pluft furn itur6 our r od aful tctiot tu ii soai sotioo alio ittlod be stock f trticla yoa wtat ad in ana in y dealers in the having cleared out a line bfeursat spcon the s we are now offering them at the same proportionate reduction these goods consist of i 8torm coularsv vi8ite8 vctorne8 ir such high class furs as 8llvpr fox smoked fox 8abo oppossum seal etci etc special vfllue in sealette andj baltic seal muffs and storm- collars a large range of strachan jackets beaver and sable capes andmaiitles 1 1 m this week we offer 30 of our last seasons jackets at oocentfp thought of keeping them but considering at least 100 cus- saturday on ac- rush which made wev hundreds of employees threescore scparatef dejpart- mcnu and sales aref counted by tiiehundred thousand our business is dry goodsu and home outfittitlgs that is everithinfr fori personal and i home use- l yqu and yi may be juite a distance apartmeasurcd by miles- yet by rcason of our mail order facilities were vir tually next door to you no thing in the entire establish- mcntthat you cant have pre- dscly as if you stood in person before any countermand at exactly the same price wp send samples of all mailable merchandise free- of course if you varit a house- fiil of carpets i or draperies- a new bonnet or a toothbrush we expect youfto buy in per son but you dont knoy what a help shopping by mail istjllyothhaveltxfedit the t eatoti k5v ltd in rajflmmt tiht i tto bbttiistxttitds noelties and- fancjy toods hatjdk5b0 ef sachetb deilshtfiillr btrfafced l dstjo stor m01ett0 loin ttibhtyivflliga property tt retsontila rttet tawflhtlfr actoa gbllv wanted the undertigtied is prepared to pr m ettewhprieeforsll idada of trtin deliver ed it bis wireaoum ttg iksb g wanted afkw uottuog uentt to tell nmaerir stejek a stltrr o wo per mouth tndjaipantaa write for ptrtiealtii hpattt kuneymui m excbtaee-st- oenevht calf astbay- stbvted upon tba premises of tbe nadex- limed lot o cooi e noting tbotrt uu first ofbeptember tiering etlfttaertbbcat white with red mirta 7uer wfll ptoe pro- pertyc4yeipentet tnd rentora the tsttau eineiings9uik0t 19m 8teee astbay asteeb which ttrmyed uponthapremiaas of the undertitbed lot tteon jeiqniiij two yetn mo will beciold b jbbhetoetion jo stturdtr uth dec ii botprerlooilt eltimh by ekluelus kits xot- 1895 wanted aoexts to seu our choioa ibd btldr xur- sary stock wa htva hut an tid ipeeul varieties both ta trait and onaffltnul ia offer vbieb tre controlled only bj u we lr commition or ttltrr writs at tt for teniu tad secure choice of territory tux hkcfrhbb8utrtnien i bochesterky the new ijeat habket o sttjll etw beeitfn baiinets in aetoa loot eooofih to kuovr thtt then people tre tuppliea vitb flrtt- eltit i meats fovli thergo whan raeh cka b eourd we offer oolf the best to b bad wid oa mqrjtsnee noweojoyi apatrontce which if about otic highest inttcipctlott we for saturdaj thai we lost tbmers last cou it of the ye thought them during the week our english andigerman 5o to be oldat 56c iu amson we can ll jokn speigilit son fpro ij impossible to wait on them it better to sell cloth jackets worth till cleared c junderthklng muitura is nowjoompleta for the spring trade itlaa loweat potsftle ptioes wa dont mtnufuture fiat w pay ctsh for it tnd rada gtve you vltllb wa otnsive 70a the coqd hearse and outfit for funerals bedroom sot contpltejfor wove mattresses for m 8ifnra for 3 b deboards et cost lounges fp 750 extension jtables st50 chairs at any price seek itrtyt m ha pobllol tie not gotan ed tha intrkeit afford 1 speight s0nj co guelph and we eta topply ttatl oar furnitan nor etu toll tit low xor uth 4 f rr w n yoa be tot thtt we httt no ed by tha tjndertakera tme tataotmhlaprioaa wetlwtvs endetror to trait our cuttbmen veil tad ts t consequence ve retain the aid tnd secure new ones hbrbeat cub prioa paid for pock mdai ttl- love j ftrtiet having ciltla 4t to tell ire nqnested toctu i i 0 stcll 0eabin salev faklt stock axd qiplembnta mas undeiiitned hu reeeivedinstrueuntts to x to sell by public suction for james jamble oa lot 50 eon 1 etauesing tt 1 pm on tuts lit december 13 lsmj the following- stock bpta genertl pnriose bones 1 reax old illr neubrod too driver lyer old eolt 1 tvetr old iteent 7 hi eowt lin calf tsrear faeifeii in calf svev old beuan spring calves 16 iters j pigs qnafcatcvof ponltxy nl gooi pair ot bob sleight cotter 1 hurow 1 new u lumber qowdr nlowtl old plow l set dooble hirneas 1 sett ungle hirnwil trood nek so bosh oatt ions good hsy 1 neck jokes doohetreea txbjit or ulz all tuint o4ajm ufl nnder cuh over tbtt tmount 10 months eredlt on tpproved notes beven per cent ner inborn on for cash ko reserve u the proprietor is leiting the itrm the fahlf at the same time tnd pltea the fomieom prisuigm tcrej more cfjlesa neatly til cleared btnkbazn tnd frameoaaa on tba pntnisea verr tood orobtrd sptrng eraek mns cloae4o the barn fonr miles from acton ten muorfrom uuelph convenient to schools tnd cborcbee terms feaeto to bi taid on dar ottale baltuca in ptvmenu to- suit purthuet ttsli per cent interest wirheafstrbbt 1 aucuoneeil btills 1 harpers weekly illustrated hsrpart weekly la aeknovmsek u tttadlne tint tmong tlluatrttadlwaekly perioiotlsin hj s p betwsaa thai of the hurried dtuy ptpu tnd tbit of tbajlma umelv monthly mt lsdarss utentare tnd inn anntpnaantt sttnriiti force and felicity thi nal avaitt of ensjnfffi lory tnd too lmtgtnavaibemaa oi see oi tceonntof la wry oomilea iri sf nii uon of the woko nwidmtoe but o contributions being irontlhtbul jsts 5 in iltantara newt and imimrttiot ji s publlctuons of itaeltas u t- babpsrs pxriosicals hsiiw h hinimii aust t j 00 himiat louxo pxoplk k- wbjtnnotlmhmuonlnbusjl sfe 1