Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 22, 1892, p. 2

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ttors t iluscivatlxmil kiel iirtrthviet licbcrtl fliutfiter jr himvmutrtri arton oo ifexmbee ihr lrot ooana otuihtt jfxrrteo hi n ihunn rcrrtt john sloan wcrtt f llavm u llertlav at x jrjarriart 3 tafttr kkh thekewpoblictschol a cedlt to tha board of jtnirti well tt the archill ctanaf contrttctorni pwreaj ornament to ke tjown m ulti dec4nlhv wt a 0 christina fill of knaioii hmltmititkntnai lb kitiirftst i itronirc llocu aw oo tftdttiedlrtuth j f- kidlo to i tiw ann uaooj iwlhj ot krln died si koi in rjacln4 oa tceeuir skh pec nivoin toronto oft kitarjlr ittb oeeeci- u r llit l of the lill junta niton cd llru mix in kutktrftvon kvtbedsf icmtr uim kill fawirde coetio ofiin j llrj ucltfuin aeton ajredsdyeait slje ctcit fre thtlufinav dkckmhk 32 lfw2 notes and comments aetoae fins new iabllo sphool bllda rendered aeoosterv by population it now complied tajl will i inareitlog kfrtks emc heini limply bank t to pe money the ittnitobt tall court tat rendered decision which throws oal the petiliooe bronchi by the opposition i ciet the re cenlly elected greenwty gcrentmeat top- poruti the ctosnd of this deetsiio it that the security pat up by the opposition wi do lecil tender will nch ere hjld not t- some of the paper re pi chins into sir john thompson because be if e isjwyer littctiou it being diree ed to the lirge of lawyer that c into politic worst feature of the vhole tbiog it ftit the lawyer keep on lilinc np laws that mde mitten more prosperous for for theci tnd more expenti re for thej rest o ut tbe more of them e lend k pf- liiment the more leva they nuke and the more expentiie life becomes uantiltoo yrraj so inteote it ihe exciteawt in france over the paniraa canal scandal that the monachirisu are hoping for a popola r up ruing whicb will overthrow the rep jblie baron de kcintxb who cootaxitted ci tcide prior to the expocdra of hit i nnectioc with the c4ndil wu one of the mem beet if the orient ctntditn rccifio iltilwty ffnd cte j ejejaimaejtaiitittigjaaittiiibaaiaw ihll4mmunia the ttitement of receipt ted eipend iiuret of thit muoiciptjity r tie cerrent eir preseoted it the met n of thedoon- cil on uondty pcorrt wttt the lo o tuition bit tiretdy th3tn our cii treat thtl the ihtirt of acton hive been economicilly condaeted dtrinfi the yecr the receiptt from tu toaroee the ublic febool debentaret included trekit4 5hj2s ioi the p4jmeni were faog74 leu thin thit turn according u the ititeroent there remiint over 512ji 0 of uxe et to collect hot mora thin b ilf of thit turn hit beenreceived fey the ooil ctor though it wit not hindid over ti the treuorcr it the lime the ttitement wit ait prewired theutet 3f the menici pility reach the very retpicuble tnn of fitmh with debentixe debto only sljto very good thowtng indeed for corpontioo of the ie and i stent of aton the ofiaili of the centrj experiment- tl firm hive completed tbr prepirtion of the exhibit of gnin i the ttnw foe the worldt fiir it mi 22 lute cues weigh ing in ill over three tont the istort sent embneei a urge nnmber of different i arie- tietof cereal of a very fine cbaricte in- clnding tic torta of oau ci ef tpring i rheat 3j of fill wheat 22 of tiinjwed barlov m of tworowed barley and 2 of rye there are alo 10 varieties of miut in the ttraw and excellent tamplet of tri in io the toes measuring from ten to twiire feet oigb auo a very fine collection of oora in the cob contutiog of 10 tarietiea a portion of thit fine collection will be uied in connect ion with the tpocial efperft lentil fare ex hibit and the remaiinder t decorate the coartt of ontario add quebi c the interetta of whicb the central eipi rimefital firm will thus be made to terve a iery large collection of teveral hondrtd titrietiet of threthed grain ii now io oc nrfe pf prepar ation which will be ehown in laxtjm firticnlirt of this will be uvtilableyhere tfter two thoutand tbee benefiti to ine dolltr the cinidiin order of iforeetevi it knleroll benevolent society incorporated in l7u and registered nndet the lpturance corporation act 1692 of ontario the objctt of the society tre to furnith its tnembert with sick and ft neralf benefite tod tn intcrtnce of one or dollars the paymentt for range from fcboot one dollar md ciiv cttita per roonthj itcoraiog to the ice of tlrmtmter and the arnopot of the inbcrauce cirried the memnerfchip it compose of men only and when admitted thty mot be between the acef df eighteen ird fortyfive the pretest number of mtmwri it over 10000 ti d tiie society hit i ceth gurplns on htn i for the pay- meet of thelnsnnoceofovei i2150c0 tui- jo of tthicli is in domin 3o of cinada iionje and the balance it iavted in the best mwi tary inttituliont ol trr dominion in atoitirn to thii the loci 1 court have about half a million of d illira in their trtaeuries for the payment c f the sick and funertl itenefite the higil secretary of the order ie mr thomas y lule of brent ford and it ie exacted that a court of this jicjuir end lirely ctuifiitn society will triily it- ormiizeii here when the tchoo furnittxre it plabed be ready for occupancy by the tect re and their pupila with the eld tone building ample accomodation for riany jean to come it now provided the building prctcntt i conu landing appetnoe ittarchitectual jutlino produc ing pleating and handton o ctto t from all point t of view in tiw i ci x to feet two ttoreyt high it tilrmoa ited b i a flno belfry and hat a tplcndid b uernctu under the entire building i the material of the buildi 3g it firtcliu tlronghout and the workmt athip tipcrior the ttone work above the ground kiltie or nnderpining it built of htmtnerjreued grey freettone rsurted wprl neatly point ed and very tubtlantial in appelranoe the tnperttructure it of jilton preoed terra cotta brick with cut grayttoae trimmingt in pleating oontraat the eavea of the building are ilnithed vith neat moulded and bracketei cornice tnd the mtin root thingled wit l hetwyi cedar ihingtea thedcckcooitkovyrcdwhthgal- vanircd iron and it turmon itcd with a cut iron creating of approprial o detiga the bnildingitwclllightedwith ripleani tingle windowt to arranged at t provide good light and till pretervo the bdntoar of the detign of the whole while dormar win dows on each side light he attic the tchoolit entered through a oc mtnod- iout opn portico of artistiq design nto the veatibnte by heavy ptlonclled door fromtbe vettibulo the two school joomt on the ground door are reached and alto the fine wide staircase isading throagb an arch to the kipper rooms the wood work and trimmingt i exhibit very creditable workmansb p and ate care- ijully execute in every letail all the rooms the ttaircatc and vi stibule are sur rounded witli neat wainsoc tting three feet high with moulded capping and base the ceiling o the first floor rot mi are of ash and all the woodwork it finished in the natural colon of the woe it used- each room bit libenl blackboar i tpaosj and in the rear of the teachers dei tl are yery con venient cloak rooms welt 1 gbted and fitted with hooka these will a way tie under the teachert eye during a ihool hours and be heated t the some tern lerature at the school room i the basement is of god height hat half adoten windows is c satly ptattered and hat a cement floor laic in an improved manner the famaoea are loealed here and there is good accommoc atioa far storing fuel the basement may also bej utilized for a play room on wet or i tormy days if thought desirable j an injdortant feature of the new build ing is the heating and ventilation which have been very successful r arranged in each chimney sue it a urg air space sur rounding the smoke flue this esecu a good drift and the foul air is drawn from each room through ventlatitrg registers fixed at regular intervali al the floor the two fontaoea beat the bail ing very satis factorily and invectigat ona thus far indicate a considerable sav ng in fircl over the stotee in use in the old buildings in the preparation of the pkns and specification the board if trustees in consultation with tbe arc itect arranged the bnilcing and premises with a view to securing the greatest oomf irt and conven ience at well as perfect ti litatios at the lowest possible cost and t will be very satisfactory to the tatepayi rt to know that so careful were all tke deta it ttofied that the building hat been oor ipleted without j the usual long list of cxti ta only a very few dollars indeed being ne pessary to meet the cost of one or two smap change in the original contract that tbe work tbroughodt has been com pleted in a satisfactory ai d workmanlike manner is freely atteatec by local me chanict who have inspected the premises during the past few weeks the architect nf tbe bail ing is ur john cameron who has prepar jd plans for number of the best bni dings n town mr josiat mason of branpton principal contractor and subcootractora especialu who executed the ttone and plastering much credit splendid building just completed armsworth was the painter and raniint tbe tincmitht mr ff ow buc the ontario government owni th dhput i nlaiara strip of land one of liemt tlaborite jadgmenlt ittrnirta it oifoodt halt wti iillnctd by ohiaoalhtr boyi j it wu oa the old tilt of f ii howard and titos kwlnritd tgtlott hi coramlis- loatrt of qoieen victoria park before the ontario qovernmaat took stent to etcabliih the park at nlsgara falls the oomiuloa qavsrameat had letted a right of way for a tramway aa the river batiki to howard and swioyird american ipltilttta the latter protxxed to build t rvilwiytud eltttlora alojig the canadltn tide this aame larjd waa taken by the ontario government fox the park the question wu which qovorameut had fnil talk tf the kay an nilomtot th world durlethtj wek eatluotntwil arartabunt it the power it deal with it the domloioj qoverumta oootcuded that thi itrip leu ed wu ordt lucolmd let tilde niariy 100 yeart ago by this dlcition the authority of the ontaric qonrnment it upheld the chancellor hade that the ditnated land was never lit tilde foe tnllltarr parpoies the tult ut ln la progremlnoe- 1887 hope of puilnnj ri- 1 auet jtautrj- kgetedbynleolrldty tltoud la doing 80 the qermta onroauat hu i w bala ball dmo dtollttdl sonunjsc by t rjiajoiilyottl irlttafrl la shetbcooko that hr fret miltclioa will btt hotly oaoteih d the biltltlt cplaet it dlicon og la sea ret mr aitdttoajei home rule 3ill itlll itroog bill dominion dsd ittimihlp before lownihip rrdy the new army ltdlet jickttt followtnt ihtihowi h have rockwood at the r ilir meeting of plat tele coun cil no 0 i t of t oa tuesday evening latt th following officers wen ilectod cor the eatalog terra ipo mr joha lone bc j w blnowlee vo kn sbetlfey chip retrj j bart rec bee mr john btrnftt fin seo j r btrtoklaodl trett mrsl strickland hertlimr john gibbom xfuird e uagee sentinel t welsford trutteet messrs s bailey j innet and j w knowle inuea new ball wu occupied tor tbe first time on sunday morning last the oocuioo being the meeting of the foresters who marched to the presbyterian church where rey d strachao preached aa eloquent k rmani to the order quite a number o ode villigen wint over to the teameeting sud lecture it eden mills oo mondaj evening rer r boyle delivered hit popalir addres aa charact er to a large and appreciative andienee the- question is being asked what takes so many of oar yoong ladies to ever- ton on saiday at ternoont f mr jul uarnilton his been adding to the furnithre of the dufeld house and aims to make it second to none in the county jim is very popular among the yoang people and also with the travelling public what his become of the rockwood band j lieut junes took charge of the balratioa army corps here on bitardty liit f georgetown n raiiia patfcaf pinamt 20000000 4ie fofowrly 410 redtud to fi i3 jackets rsdaoed olroulari now ii and iwtlroolari now km 0p j otpes formerly fltnotrts come andree ttieselvbry 8pe cloth to be cleared oot ai leu than half fortbi erivijjuor w i tlo 0fritularinjw ind wm2kll sffia a oliitpeifloof goodilathltdopajtinenl 1 8 4ilpoioti reotajied plaitii fottrjirli 12 lo pet yard peering oat drpsb a00d8 fe bkjjun off mr j j dal for 23 years irafgtallon tgetf at montreal owen sound ut hid a larger trade the put i lion thia ever htnry nelilj of eldertlle hanged hitnielf a hit barn oa th city of p rlt tad the etririt itirted oa sitordiy for a not across tl e alliatlc fivedettht fi gat oholirt hi- occurred la hambarg wl hta the put i tee weeks slast the oalt reek of cholera the dlmtm kui irritd off 2057 tht btibtc ditribuud cmai aalhorili a imoaated to cruet large qaanlll et of hay atebrfng thlpped from tha nelgl boarhood of brsakord to eogltad a farmer nan d charles vsaj from hit artgoa near klogitoo day and wu ki led an obserratlc i tower sco teek in height will shortly be i ailt aa the stejte resent tian at hlagara falbt n y a meteor tbo t a foot in rjuoetr felt ta the ttreet a a bauy oregon appearance of v itcaalo orlyia tbe drand trout railway 200 eoaehee in i nlicipttion of i rath over their lluee to th i worlds fair j the wall pa er trait nu fid a certts cafe la kew yq k of the inareeie of it cap tal tram turx 1000 to 30 three men al miudea tad two tt hili- burton who ht rdeer illegally in their pot session were fii ed a day or twa ago the queen h c cvaateated to leal to the i worlds fair i cofiard de vineia original drawlag of the itit rasp of america borne fell oa sitar- it hu tht it building merit ladles mens and cblidrsni haakerahltffiiril thimhino floweb8 feathebs dltplaypn he mulioory ooanterti 1 a lot of fanoti union 8hruog flaoneisf variety 6 other goods hate beeo rnstked down rtrlous departorsnlt tht stock if well ttsor mantles an elegant utortmenc of new bilk stylet new 811k velvet nwttylet a faod tad embrotoerlm dfnet from jtpao a large r from 15e ieh io tlm noludinf a large assort la ihi new store ooroerof king indhaghsoa hamilton korember 29h 1892 yoji want to make a wooadj that it was the o him and his mr h hill brick work and b due for the mr j peakft messrs clara bros fc co of preston were tbe contract ore for the furnaces and tbe loraybill manufacturing co of waterloo for the furniture when the seats and desks are in place all the new school will lacs is a uew bell ano a union jack to float from the pinnacle of the belfry on special anniversaries and theae should be supplied without delay in the erection of the new building tbe board of trustees hale had a busy- year fraught with perplexities and a con- ciderable expenditure of time but they have the satisfaction of having- performed their duty well tbe new school is a last ing monument to their fidelity to the wantl of the rising generation and the in- ests of the ratepayers in the erection of so magnificent a building at iilll hi lowrv ii hardly be the cue the jtte ii out of of office however jr nore nor or of the tji it if generally ucderitoc d tit neither cjtulqri iltrvey iitird krooro tre bnxioui for the fi piofjei fllkrtgts for the corhing jesr nd public lintili mmt necstrily be cliokii tmwhtre the sev rel economi cl trferncion ol publir bsihiit cannot iii jottioc to tlie totvn be out iiued next jir in fcl ilt urtmenti hi we er cora paritively little work ut ie of reptirs wis performed the past seas 5n md a good miuy think tbe street tud iui walk com irillee onnecesesrlly curtiilsd lheir work meing that tbeestimstei of ihi vided them tome ti0 more thtnihey saw lit to expend the expecjitfare of the comrriittie niiichiucceedi t lat of the pre hctitear uill hod a good dc tl work preeeing uon them ai tfce frost it pirn it is hut fair then thejt men who beoorre ctndiditej for seatt linj next yetra council should have these atjttert before tjvirialily in di is nonr- the council which givei tlie people ttincfi rule of laxalioii jh it fti ith ihe ratepayerb i nd ric that thii etr tbo members of the council are regirded with itry general awr ihey deserve credit forilheeconom- ich conduct of public affairs during the iir biid itii rtasotiablc to conclude that if tt kttenl members dsrod reelection ftr tinolher vear the elector wouu anu enlrut lien with the riinsj or certain tbem and the ftct also that no debenture premium of taco to atilixe next year in reducing the raia there will be of taxation the last meeting for 1892 the bublnees of the year pretty thoroughly wound trp what was probably the lut sitting of the council in the present year was held nn thursday evening last whej the prelimin- very low cost ary financial report was ordered to be publithed at i equired by law before tbo butiness of t ie evening was completed all the members had taken their places reeve lowry occupied th chair the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed th twenty- second report of the commi ttec on finance was presented and recommended payment of the following accounts james trova lumber joba cameron lomber h p uoore printing and nsvertii l o usltbtwi usdrfes c t rill niu etc geo ftradscttjoairv junes ebixp rebite on dog 1 a epeiatt hindles etc y e delteb urt wm bmltb t t uoore postice abtepbenson rcpiira the report wu adopted tbe statement of receipt i and expendi fuses to the 15th december was- presented uoved by john harvey seconded by j b pearson that 100 copies if the financial statement of this municipa ity be printed carried the council then adjoarrjed ctpt licdaagall of tht s aj hu been remaredto pt rowan ani mood from west torooto ueat crawford of kockwotd are now to charge ctpt hcqflllvrtr brother of kri andrew ford wu iterjs overj sunday presti nted and the eptertainmeat in the btptistcharcb list taftdiy kuasnccesc lr ucgilli- caddy delivered hit lecture oa the small boy in a muterly manner and wu at tentively listened so by a large audience the refreshments etc ware excellent hr j p boott who met withao acci- deot while bhootiog near otpriage a few weexi sgo died lut friday eveuiag from tbe effects his injuries although the wu an ogly one it was not thought woald prove fatal he wu getting along well and it wu generally believed that ha woald soon recover bat oa friday evening lut an artery bant and be patted away before medical aid arrived the death of lit scott removes t young man of a promising career although he resid ed inj glenwilliams he wu tery popalar among georretown people and hit death it tineerely mourned he wu a member i i ot the aetna lacrosse club oo and oft almost from its orgtnicatipn and wu captain during the put sextdn tbe fuo eral ion monday wu very large the aetna dieroue club and the independent orderuf foresters attended in a body bsrlh lord bailey the noted elocatioo- ist will give an evening of fecital in the town tail chriitmu night under tbe aus pices of the odd fellows the btpvist sunday school will have a cbristmu tree in their church oa cbristmu night thej town council here for 93 will likely tame u lut year the epwortb league of the ifethodist chorcp bad an at home in their church londay evening the programme good one and wu givenby members league refreshments followed pleasant time wu i pent the 20th- bitt band which reorganised a few montha ago bare practised a good fletl lately and will give an openair con cert here on xmti tlf subscriptions mast bc paid la tdrarrcefrom tie srtt ot jtttatry ifoj the montreal ifuuru which it to move into ici own building next spplng will be by fir tbe best eqoipped newspaper in a mechanical point of view in ciutda its mmnio hoe quadruple machine will be capiule of turning out 00000 eight page or twelve or sixteenpage papers an hour printed complete on boh sides cat pasted and counted in piles of fifty thit will be onethird fister than any other press in ctnidi in additiop it matter will beset on tha mergenthsler linotype which civet a new clean tttg of type every iitne and its form will be loompact and beantifu the wiltiru although old and reliable is np to tbe front in respect of en drpritel and ita readers expect and are not satisfied with anything bat tbe best tbe price of the daily wuueu it three dollari al yetr of the wetlly wuhcvi one dollar and the korthru utuorrr publish ed from the tamo liouvc it thirty cents aieiitn wlnied in erery towp village and po- specimen copies will be sent free to any of our readirs ou application to the publisher jouk dounalt sox kfontreal bo the lut wu a of this and a bath tha mel hod and rcsdlts when fiyrapof fip s taken it is pleasant and refreshin to the tastd and acts f ltly yet pri mptly on thai kidneys iver and b wels clcansi the sys- em effectual y dispels colds head aches and fc crs and curd habitual constipation syrup of figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced pleasngtb the tasfic ondao- cepfable to tko stomach jjrc pt in its action ant truly beneuiial in its effects prepa udonly from the most healthy and a jreeablesubs ances its manjrexcclle ltqoalitiesco nmendit to ail and i are mado it the moat popular remi dy known fwupof 1igs is for so loin ton bottles by ill leading druggists any reliable druggist whe may not have it on hand will j rocure it promptly fo any ono w io wishes to try it mai tofactured or ly by the caufqrhifi fig sirup ca sajt f iatiaj sco osl jnofcne while wishing yoa kill merry jshristnjas bright ad prosperous cipl rich junction tnrl iresideateleot cleveland is not of a mind to ba troablod by place hunters he has givenjoat that he will not see them and that ill they press him too hard he will shut up hji lioute and keep himself from home till tl last week few miles county v perty and from the president friends ie fourth of ifarch he spent dock shooting on hog itktnd a off the coast of northampton tbit island it private pro- t private boatcarrittitt vititori ainland so for the time the beyond the reach of hit the ptit week hu developed very little of n iotas interest fa municipal election mi ten folly a acoreof men are talked of u the best men la the town for councillors ifaadty next will reveal the desires of tl e electorate u to candidate robert fi ir lately of ayr jot hat been killed at ct itil city ifin he wu run over by a hi nd car j if yoa tat antdue gaelpa tub tad doors tt q lelph prices t emuor eta fill your ore er it hit planing mill afoktt ro lxitd attention it sailed to the card a mother oolacoa of mitchell k jackson real estate iota and iatarano tgeau gue pfr just irjrtved and pat la place two lovely bacttrroorjdf and leoessoriet to match call aad sea tfje ivory type 1360 raukniw per dor h v whicb i bas will also save y sent small profil cfive us a j no sort and a- new wiibea to tin ok bis many customers foe their very libe tl pttrontge in the put by a little ore hougbt joa will be saved any inoonvenie ice from the cash system decided to adopt yoa ar dollars and genu for a bird in the haul worth troithebuiu wo can sell yjia goods for hi s if sold for eth only trial and be convinced year ilf the pre hers pringles at trs tgaln a iewelleiy sfore ph not much money iam gel next and kyan following all this jasons godjt lotnol800l former j trice lot ffo 1a 80ply irds lotifo282 at 35c lot ifo 8 500 j at a choice p cloths and maty otwf 8ds at tie rlflrt hiuse beta mi pim luotjefimely laino a utorttbeotoi kaotle jhty are too tad i 414a it shaoet wtrj jrjitlult and ir the m to llf hmclzfa toito a lotof widk tridlbi coin bilk al n bfmjsfshftt 4vmwwvm w f fiw nj 7r i jim inmrtwwidth bilk ploiiti ifehtf lssffi ii hta half formerpflo 1bbsb cioqds l ie br xinq off doable widixvtaov twetd drettooodi former y 40 to oo redaoed i formirlf 80 tad 90s tedooed to mo a lot 6 i j llth d est coilomes were formerlr fid tad hi tteti yau will be i pltu a with base kantletrimatlnab tad oratnieott qic i itylet i ad eleta goodt telliog ofltt noo jirsr stz pbioeb lot of nloe ornament tt 5 10 and i so o 1 1 totnt wtrt formtiry i drttf trityvlofrlw ffijsw oorreepondlngprieet a lot of ledfet and boyi a ttraob to oldree formerly soof rdoij to me pt m- aw if ltdltt lined fjlovet tt tj per ptlr formerly fljlj hftns attrwhan oiot jifrif plyj jjj ffj tmstmkl lpbi0e8 set tht demew ni wttylng trr tellfbg raaeh doder regall unrumaffid hxtb beddoei to oleabinl itf otbllk haadurohieit vov rfftttrty- l h it of initialed bilk haoiimrohlf ni own iwwuiw now 10 alto large y too to tee tbe mtny tttrgalai offtred in ida oat sue of rtry pretty ttylet in cblldrtot 1 shown in the rtry lttitt lndon tad ptrit xy r m htfldaatohleft fi pleaae tnur the- right houte by tbe door o wadtkijsfs dntrly ioo redaoed lo 19o another wtortbttly o- irtty lo w prioee it will will pt new ioodtto hand thit week s b ldd laoet and viillngi shown in tbe rtry lackprtes ooods ntw blbbon velvett bltok tod idond ijr bilk dres goods sale coj lays french lfteaa ioods 28c former pritje trds 11 wool frenchs oods lot lot lot lot no ivjejrspafternstjijooforaiernlrice no 5 t no g 9 no 7 12 lotjno 8 10 lot lot lot lot the are well vi jtrds 111 wobifrench iobs rinec price j no 9 s no 10 3 1 0115 wo 12 5 above gows aije atmqst all bdugljtthis season anji orth an e no secone g 3 rly ihspectton with te biggest stock if christmas goods ever ol ered beautilal new articles of til kinds suitable for chriitr ik presente at pjioes and ttylet i hlch ctnoot be betten by toy 3oe no milter who we have tc miny thlagt fa name them a here it will m worth your w he to call la even if yoa do not wish lo bay tad look over an novelties for joar own plettar special lav prices fo r vtatchtjsth s year pringllf the jeweller cuplph will offer to the public on thursdaj a large stock of dresspoods hearlv a great reduction in price s al rdtall wfjol goods at 10c ja1il mer pripe xmas gftffjs beautjlfut banquet tamps handsome piano lamps music cabinets fa oak walnut ifahoeaajind ctuly blnh oak secretaries from asoq up andliuest ash bedroom 8ulte in the in the vorld for 500 required to enabjle ybii to do so m drop u8 a postat 1 i i ir yqtrnnt umplct and trricet oranythifigindfy goodi or gen- i cral merchandise our ik thje largest retail ttofe irrnlc canada with over three acrei of idling ipacc arjcj half a thotuand em- ploycc- and a postal card ij enough fo bung all the facilttiis of the store to your horne jut a much m i though we wcrcjlocaied in your town ihinlrofa clerk educated to know tahfon chajigci merchan- ditc qualities style and colort being atyour beck and call when ever you tvistv t thats sfiop ing frrc the t eaton coytto ih inp mwt ttrtitt hi m faia bbnt wool doable fpld ioo 500 goo 6s0 775 800 900 iboo 25 45 75 100 leihgths novetties tand- fancv goods handkerchief ets deufbttiillt ferfbioed he detxo btokx money to lqin ibvcor vtllste property at reaaonbfe appj seleak melelu town badv aotoa r 500 650 850 900 960 1000 1150 1500 1600 fy7cnstoo gvjeuph l- tlh gbain wanted the ondersiitned is nttnand to pay tbe mgh- est cash price for all alndsof traia dauvar- j ed st his warehoase ifo t b lution aetos wanted a few tiastllnfuenu to tell aanecrttoek a salary ot tw per month and expanses writs tor partiealsrt d h patty karteymao hi eushinu st oenerast t r calf ar3teayv stbated rrpon lbs lirned lot 19 oon arst otbepumbcr a i bite with red maris 13 iltned lott oon i esqneatrif it forst of sepumber a spriag ttitnmr abnost of tha axidar etqneatnf ibetnrtlw toiydfenllilon a few idlpedtal lines at the corhe and 8ae foii r your8alve8 p sprkqge cuelph to look wei it more the retail of good jjadgemen tttfe thin mere liriili nie of money ilock of it adapted bodts shoes to fill the wanu having ilender incomes r itod my ratio tholci tppetrtnoe oredttable uf eiperlenoe tud close relation with mtnbfaotorert embltt me to present a line of footwmr tjaeqaaljei a thecoonty for tlyheiqaalit i tad pnoi wm williams apton h qfwaldtreet olaajaw ifiom it of those who i itlll desire to i eaver cape for sable gape foir l r 545 j- i miiitiy wolf seal- cape worti 27 for 2150 1 seal j storm collar i worth 28 lr 2050 r blue qppossum vic- itorine highlhoulder 22 k ji d wi islshtttwet oaelph ox victoriaei fox victdriae 5ofor 1250 1 silver is fqr 15 i i smoked 3oibris r japanese fox victorine 18 for 85 j 3 embroidered dress costumes worth 18 for 9 j alliour laee curtains to ihandjfor spcing- j curtains and bole 75c up chenille curtains dado itop aiid bottomi fringed ibotn ends 0550 pertr par expenses bsqaesiilidulk owner wolpiott pro- id remove be anlmal uncas mcdopoalii 1898 v wakted aqexteltd sell oorfioic md budr sai mtt btoek wa btf nuay bw tad ir- isrf btoek wa btf nuay ipclalmfetlei bothlfl f raits iod orauneotaui to otter which m ootrood loolf br u w mj commlsfoq or 14117 wriu m m odm for ieiruu ioi mcqtv cboica of ttniloty may baothsbs namrjmen j j b chmge0fbusines8 after loaf and careful eoniuerttlon of- the credit ttstemr in doing tnxaulna i and ttjat tt neither part the merehast nor the c and t hereby uk vonr hearrr cooparauoo in rtuinltita 1 j i strictly cishbtjibntz8s for the roar- mss betbetntter iaeep no bookt sad have no scootint a 1898 yoor obedieat settant i jhoonbmsok wmted t at onee saletnien xn everr oonnty for bctr choiae xttjssxsy btook aadnevelrtetsesoc seed pot atom balatr er commission steadv emplotment and tood pay send tbr tarma hookee qbovee 4 co korserymen and seedsmen boebester kt k mbtttodist sanday school anniversary christmas sociable j k entertainment w9rbkvdel5 26th tbe- cliristtasaadoiversary of tbe sunday school will this yetr be ot an entirely difierat ebaraetax to that of prevloas years t achbitmas tla will be served- ta the iehool room the ehtldrtn tq be served from to 1pm prontrtotths afalts will be serred and jnrlnj bis boar lbs erdldrati will hold a sons service aeeompuied bk tbe bandar bdbool orchestra in tbe inter vals the mltstonary baxes will be opened about 8 oclock tbe oompttry wl sssemble npstaln indtbe sesenl procramms be rroeeeoed wiui this wtirlaeladeafestrrre by 1 ur thos mcoiliaoinjdyy rtorontb liamsontst want your ii ibvigorated get smiths blood purified and yourl a bottle of kir wlrtter fluid i for rtugh j hands gu co guelph sstem to ing 4 no equal frepared onlx by l g stvuith qo dispensing plejhbnt ou have a bad koff get a bottle pritlis crry bajsin j pleasant totake and cijres every tijne ol subject telsmtiil boyv- this is a uthlyliiterestini lsetttre tall of asecdotet and luoattatlons to pleaseiae ehildren and replete wllh pointers to tbeolbar oaet oo how to mansae tba invenile- tbe tbllowidt press notices indicate mr weolllienddyt eical- lence at a lectnrer xlanvhlfblyl interesting jjbstreetlve and hosuteos i i ucost h ablithted ills andienee beyond measure bybjt happy audpoloted ujoatrauofls woaldtb ipeakar undoubtedly puittttttt tbe ability to draw either lauhfar or tarsabd to hold bit audience eoropistuy wtthtb hit traip ci 1 if btmuatif tootnaa uet3nuhiidydiivfrf we now famosioeetare jenaqed the smalt jgor in the lecture room ot the beverley street ajtiltchurob thert at a uii attsetsakee rti- i ness of thej skin chapped ealeipreealon of their faeea imply proved bow wen tiey apyreelated tbe more serleat part of a ftbotoonlyantertaljxlbgaslrittraetlveleeattre mr btotnicoddy is not only tery eloqneni in bis methods bat his text skowt it bappy tw- lilblsiubjeetai at asen lnbabt into small boy nature and a eladut ta bis welfare 7 r ixautou rtohiclia larws nutobei listened with xnnch lotsrttt ioftnleetimy url mcoolftraddy of toronto- on toe i thabmalhtaw wi uiauatalntseywara be waa quite at semtlwitb beldhubrjytsirsto 1 j i r andto be useirifter shaving vz chemists no a wyttdhait st jwj wlvi nndsr m phrlttmti anthemt ad sunayxma tdahv2sna ivsktea i r

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