Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 5, 1893, p. 1

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w rf t xt jcctatt free frcss ii rubusktd every thursday horning it trt- fne prtusttim prtntlne offi uill street acton ost iif jiv bc dollar per jeer jjlltydlaadvtnwotwtthlnthrw months from hetfininc oj wi 1j0 per year if not to paid ssmoted by the date on the addna label xdtxkrthso rstrstraniieat advertite- meott 8 cent pa nonpareil line lor artt in sertion j cents pw line tor each subteouent lasexuon coxtaicr rant the followlor table sbowa obr tiw for the insertion ot advertiaementt for specified periods trjee to inches 10 inches 1 1 tb 6 mo 3 ko lico tsoco j503 33co sjco u00 1800 so 00 um 700 6jd sja s00 s7cc ski iso bw tecwc direction i 1 lorbld and charted sword- ibjit transient idnrtlhmau matt be paid in advance advertisements wilt be chanted once etch month li aeeired for ehantes oftencr than onoe a mouth the composition most be paid for it recruits rates chancea for contract advertisements mast be in the orflce bj noon on tuesdays hphoobe j editor and proprietor isttfitness fitretforp j f urekmdc m os tnd residencecorner mill frederick ktrou acton sia mcjjeague m b qradcate or trinity college ilember of colleee of physicians and scnseona licentiate of b q o physician jand surceont edinbutju oufoitnd wridence dr lowrys late reel- aeneifcnvct frederick street acton h l4ennett lds dentist oeoeget0wn oxtabio m clean mclean barrislere solicitors notaries conveyancers ate print i audi to loan offle town hall acton wk a mcleik jko a hclein t a mowat blrkstk soucitobrkoiirt pcbuc honey to loan orncb dirt tuetdy and saturday orncc kaunawins block acton upuirt it j mcnabb coxvetancei collect on etc 4- bent and accounts collected agent fire aud life assurance property bocpfct and told money to lon on the most favorable terms j amowatsofilce acton s hilton wallbridgea stoke btrriitere solicitors it toroxto jjtd groegstohtj office creel m an block qeargetown and traders back chamber 63 yoage st toronto jbeiltok di w hilleeidge heetoke tatents secured fob isvektioss heniiy grist ottawa cavada twenty y ri prktlce ko patent no pt vttm hejtstreet llcesbed auctioseeb for tbe countiei of wellington and halton order lettat the feee peesi office acton or at my reudencein acton will be promptly at- tndd to term reasonable alio jnoney to loan on tbe inoit favorable trmitnd at the lowett rates o interest tn mi of t5d0and npwardi every veekj weire getting new epfeots in ingrain vall papers with borders jatid ceilinas to mavch these papers are usfed by the pest families they are as cheap as the common papers only ibcts a roll r and much handsomer when you are in guelph caleac davs book store and see how nice and cheap they are day sells cheap the traders bank op oikidi hejld ornce toaoxro currii atrthokirid wjm0 clkuz plld ot i khvxuxt bare fotd j ajxnm atjelph bttanoh coixti or wtctatu uaiqtjiiiro mini 8ct1h bint dqptrtsuat pcr cent paid on ktxoii of flandapirardatrota date of depoalt to date of rlthdraira or com- ponnded half yearly on slit uay and satcj sto- tember f depoalt becalpta uaaod t3rdraaeea made to reapondble farmers bterline eaehance bonfibt aud told drafta iuved paytble at all polotaih the united sutee andocnada a general danlrlng huauieaa transacted a p h bones hanter quelph branch bank of montreal capital rest siooodoo 6000000 a savings department has been opened in connection with this branch interest allowed at current bates jas hfinlay manajergceeph bkakcii w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont uace a specultt of mactiins finishes book papers a5i high grade weekly news the paper used in thib journ ia the above mills from wm barber ft brob- money to lend dx good farm security at a lower rate of interest and on better terms of repayment john day architect gcclphost orncz wyndbam btreet f rangib n0nan bnceeitortot f chapman bookbinder fitgeorgoi square gnelph ontario account book of all klndi made to order periodical of erery detcriptlon caref ally bound r aline neat it and promptly done ftihe hanlan barber shop mill bteeet actos aneasymateastylicbhaircntcoodicafoam an eihltiaratincihampooalirayapren raxon honed and pot lo fltsfdaau condition iadiec and childrenihtlrlactily cat j h wobden tentorial axtltu acton liodge no 20 loof meets intbeoddfellowihall hiiriblocv efery wedneaday evening viiltlng breth ren always welcome for copy of oomtttatin ind livi ipply to the uudcreigncd or any of the memben rhwoudes w wituams n 0 secretary salesmen wanted thau ever beforo oflered io ctanada intending borrowers should irrite or call at once and be convinced before applying elsewhere mitchell jackson real estate loan insurance agts quelph canada qrradnafcioii frou the- gueitph business college -uean8- enterprise character capacity success illustrated circular sent erex to any adpress m maccormick principal nevv pianing miel akd seiih and door factorr john cameron contractor haa fitted op tbe building on maiijjjtreet lately occupied as a trunk factory with cjwmachibery and ii prepared to furcleh plana lipeclflcatwnb aod fntcliclane trf bulldlogi ttrt eiecut all kiadaof dbessing matching and moulding uaex all bltleb op saeheo doors ajio wlodows and door frames anddreaed lumber and keep a stock on band all orden prompt john cameron acton attended to w i7 e want both travclllcti aud local aaieflmen toreprvcentthe old etubllahed fontliill nnraerlia salary paid from the btabt to talesmen rxperienced in bcr line liberal term t bclonera and a permanent uuatiou assured wd have 700 acre under cultiration and lnrnubonlyfirftclatoek uutvit fntk hardy tarietle for northern ontario and mani toba a speciality we guarantee our stock apply for trm at once we want yon now btone wellington toronto ont agents wanted in every towmhip to sell the pictorial cyclopedia of live stock and complete stock doctor the mott complete and comprebeatire wort ever publitlied ita author tund at the head ol tbtir profession and have a continental repu tation worth ita weight in cold to any one harins horact sheep cattle biue poultry docs or decs a frand opportunity to male money secure territory at once address e m latoter publisher 8fiaintii98 thile returnincrthacjaujoortuanybat f ronsfortbelrlibefivifapport in tbe rjait we irib to inform you that w have entered into an arrangement with b btewart guelph to keep conttantly on band a full stockl of tbe ordinary sires of sash doors etc and will alto supply n special licet on slort ootice at guelpl pilci frames of all kinds made to order we also keen in stock a line of bate window and door catmg corner blofck 4c your lumber dreaded while yon wait price ii 50 per u pumps beloe better able than heretofore we will supply cither wood or iron pump promptly all work guaranteed aatitfactory s please call and inipect before purchating cltcwhere tbos ebbagb llanaeer acton bell pianos k1sd noivj for new years gifts beautiful banquet lamps handsome piano lamps music cabinets in oak walnut uahogaiy and curly birch oak secretaries frodl sx0 up aufl the bat ash bedroom suite in the in the world for 1500 coma and see for yourselves p sprkgg9 cuetpfi christmas presents freje a present to everybody who will buy their shoes at the leading shoe store ouelpb during the holidays such an offer is rare come early our prices are the lowest our goods are the best w mclaren co cor wyadham st aadst gear ft a wfar hit and r for cb faze pau manner a i thy lot tad fret b eout c i thoa not h iraed that lt ion ytt ba coat at e lotflof giladtttarb yoarreat i fond ambtriaa turyour bratt thou not know the way moct blest be coafent o trials of thy faith been tore be content thou bad oiiefciaad beforo beconunl thjj fatuer knowi if fasts beet forties a frae4 alonapakea corrowi flee keep to all eternity be content thijikect thou that others ara more blest be content it thoa ilaat art tar depreusd b aocunt t tucongh city stnwt will tbow i bee what thou most need to know thou art not alone in woe be content ht4 thou otheineandhealth and love be content tboanotuated crtco from bove be content a mkntlon in the tklec is thine and in ft christ tbe sun will iblne if tou but tty vtby will not mine be content wat stditt ffftniln ibahtg uncle presamab rxy aani 3 cams nvaleso nee 3 jot n ntt y steel engravings proof eteutuce colored pictures rooa and ti ivory oak icture at ouldlacs frames silver oilt jamaica international exhibition 1891 190 tontfe bt toronto lu eoniitetitlou with ameriiaoktennen eoclieh wt and canadian minufacturers hamiltons marble works hauiltovsbioek formerly hatchs block the core corner dt woolleuahd nortolt streets gpelph ont john h hamilton proprietor wholesale and retail dealer and direct imported and maiiofaoturerof all kincs ol granite and llarble uonamenta toiubstonea etc uavlttfi in the wear s h v via cent off ob avdlrcct order re- ceied tor lha neat lidaya smcook co jeoefjletowh llonmtt afjntriibitt apprlirb vlu- atari oosawtonvsaal ellaw 8x3 iriiaxaviat2lcenta j ro the covkttki ot htitobplwelliihrtonaiincoe york arid onurlo ihe organs webb 1wabded gold medal ing and some qoci very oo yea once morfr tone of vo k9 tender herdit sarcacm the tting meat i form of never h lips withopt of tone he lay on tht con city horn uncle for coan tint add millies it as enoogb tc to thoroaf scribed fo oat a care tired into a se derfol th about to like lady of eva she ii self ko john and ing word served f 01 love gives body was john individuals his own ohn mead own had just come in y for the remainider of the even- heard him in tbe hall answer tions of auot millies with three inplace wdrdb dear was what he said and as often before i notioed the ce that made the last two words ls a caress my dear i had r die died as a form of matrimonial irequently nied when there was blow in the apparent endear- had heard it used i a careless a idress utteny meaningless bnt i heard it from uncle johns a tender emphasis a softening a look of lave into the sitting room where i sofa in the iptarious laziness of i had been very ill in my and when i was recovering had invited me to sammerfield air and diet with the impor- of his medical skill and aunt h uacle in sumtn rflel a fan ily fob oiilionllily oioquarterlyrayfiianta f ehly at c w jellyis husic store uudph 2j lower wyndbam street phone its i acton sw mills coal ind wood yaed9 i konef to loan from 100 utxat six rer cent fartles plccluj their tale or otber bntlneca in our bands will hav the tune promptly at tndd to at mode rat- baerce orrick xxp bale eookb mill st george town or vmrccs bor is6 b if cook co auctioneers bkatca ornce 31 queea st east toronto s m cook t op auctioneers georgetown md toronto 332n jhmes bp20 ulnufactunkd and deileii in j lumber latb sulnglet cotl and woid dmp artists materials a full ttock of winsoritfc kewtons e vbite l double tube rowneys joc 8 x 10 deep photo framcecompletefe 5 feet cornice pole brata f ittlnga s5c our wall papers are said to be tbe bett telected in tbe city waters bros established 1677 st je0roe s squaee ouelph the leader 99 upper wyndham st choice kew koi eltfe io scarfs ties and neckweaiv r jtfet onanoanp rgi nees stjll dont nod shonld hve mor tender to stories ob me if the millie make her out and ought to and i wil day yon stroked i will and waited fore uno deciding i wh to large starting phyticiat tbongbt in a new ment phytlciai practice tnggettj saccoedidg manj his office merfield gether amongit long little whoae helping was buy holmek comfor it sod ad also a aveet to tell nighfa coal and wood always in atock aud pn delivered to aqy part of thp ton at reaaoakblehpricea ptly hardwood and tlah cut stove lenjth on band telephone commonicauon uways weupkwmatriau- fire nsuraaca comony estalliaxd imo inslitakcen ifutual plan cationa ronrardfuo toy ad j teleph the ftomt banje haw suitings v ftrretrowsartngs in the trade close prices for cash my bpochuty rerfeot order r e nelson hvi itcrchant tailor and i leota firalaber 99uiprwi4dlumatsaalpb bei ire a tiv fitune fanta to bit i dolly it intern i can talu what s jast thi little include bat i iweet tones eye it greet aniioas was beside her bad that the holmii indw ntasr fiitlrrj war tfattnest t bt rmotffr ticaxr l ear bv jlkna isuidlns it ion c cojre early snmmer and i was well drive oat to take abort walks hly enjoy tba lazy existence pre- me as only a yoong girl with- can enjoy anything uncle john asked dropping neat me i hear yon did won- ngs in the tvy of scrambling lay eva saya yon acted more sob slboy on a holiday than a yonng kventem qeed iot tell tales i answered t so immensely dignified her- dekr a le is not laaghed uncle i the ught how little the caress- resenbled the one specially re- ann millie with the freedom i spoke my thought alond no- tfrlk tospeae frankly to uncle wif one ot those few favored wh always understand from e find of sympathy and kind lidded hink i am suoy uncle john 1 ytj bee dphy married people ver loving always but i i reason than most men for being my wife do yon like love lohi have yon onato tell u beantifnl ofnoej bell permits yoor annt gore over to mrs tysons to comfortable for the night eva is he children in bed where yon e so we may have a jaiet hoar tell yon ray love story some re arn the confidence and he hand i si id with girlish carelessness i was a moment or two be- job i spoke again seeming to be low t begin his promised story quite a voting man when i cams he said at last one of a with no money and bat jast ly p rfession my father was a with a large city practice bat he bett r for me to try my fortunes place than tojwait for his rel ire- id dx hay who was the only here vas anxious to give ap his tnd tad writfen to my father to ny c ming here and eventually him i l long confidential talks we had in nnti i knew everybody in bam- as v ell as ho did himself to- mida many calls especially the poor people and i tau not i found out that there was a bountiful in sammerfield hood i knew that the house and most attractive grcands in sam merfield were part of her i iherijanoe bat that the received hut little company and spent her life like a sister f chkrity go ing about doing good i had seemed to me strange even at first that one so young seemed to care so little for- jouthful pleas ures and that i so seldea met miss holme at the social gatherings to which i- was invited bat as the tic te crept along the thought would often o ma of what a sweet home angel such a woman would be i never called her a girl or a yonng lady in my thcughts of her always a woman the purest sweetest of her sex full of all the gentle loveliness we associte vith that tender word womanly i know what your smile mea is dolly vou are thinking i was very mao i in love and yoa are right but i iid not realize chat truth myself until one even ng when dn bay bluntly but kindly orened my eyes to the path i was treading john he said to me jyon must not fall in love with milicent holmesl the sudden drop on my heart as if it had fallen like a stone wanted me that his words were spoken too late i why not i said withp forf fcrqgb becaose she is set apart one may say from a womans usual life of wife and mother she is enormously rich as you see you do not think- 1 would marry any woman for money 1 i said withthe hot indignation of a youth i no bnt yon would not depriv her of it 1 listen 1 miss milicent holmes the great- aunt who lived and died in sammerfield was an old maid who had h xu cruelly de ceived and jilted in her yt nth it soared and hardened her and her latred extended to all ruen she would see no man unless compelled to do so by baainessl not one was ever allowed to enter t le house except myself even her lawyer iad to meet her in bis own office and it w is only in sore straits of suffering that she called upon me when she died she lefth r entire fortune to milicent upon condition that she never marries if she does thev house and grounds are to be soldand every dollar of the old maids moneyis to be divided amongst different charities now john love in a cottage is a very mrott f romance bat to step from a palace jto a hovel is a different affair yoa areyoafig anditwill be many years before your profession brings you in an income that will authorise you in seeking a wife and you toust guard your heart well he left me abruptly af i er th s warning and i sat half stunned by bis words and the sadden discovery of my owakearts secret i had thought of llilicept far more than was safe for my owi peace of mind yet so gradually so gently had qovb grown in my heart that i never realised how strong it was until i was told to uproot it and cast it away dr bay was right tha i admitted at once it would be a sooundrels part to win that pure hearts love aud then isk ot it to sacrifice everything and 6hare a life of poverty or waste its youthlin waiting for a lovers better fortane so back ing on an armor of pride to protect my heirt i went about my daily duties as bravelyjas i could and avoided meeting milicent holmes dr bay only nodded and sniiled approval when i remained in the gig ant i let him enter alone the houses where we vere moat likely to find the gentle little m man and i tried to forget my heartache ia reading deeply studying m my leisure hour and taking on myself all the oreoe wo k bat it was a hard year dolly it was not quite two years after i came to sum- merfield when dr ray was take i ill and compelled to give up he had two married sons living in a di ant city and he decided to go to them and pass the remaindei of his life so being left ajone in samme field my daily duty sgtin brought ma into constant intercourse with milicent holme r every time i met her i pat myself ande the most rigid restraint- though often the question ing surprise in her large brown eyessorely tried me there was a summer at unusual drought and a low fever broke oal amongst the poor people who live down near the marshy ground at the east ofthi village it was not so much contagions as twasin factious but i think milicent firs read my heart when i urged her not to i pend the he c raatast wirks in thst i nd whan c orsstructatt the t go lartbi nilet 381 the itiuot engineer hard u nuel it nine add one- ong jegun 1879 ink i tnd then nq facts wcfltt jpehed mge 1 ihthoatem of kliiite eight 83 feet thn lower fottyeiiht feet elriuklu a pnf untitle dispajtch tube thirtr inches l diarc eter iu laii down in looiioo in 901 a iigtit saipensrotj biiite was iuili at liagars fallsjln lbtp anfrernoved n 1831 in a d 104 traj one bridge across he danube i m the itrooklyn snsiensionbridge et loo 1535 feet central spiji lethlgj ii bh wing np bio som kock sit fran ifoo bi y 43000 po mds of erplosivss were sed the c titsons of th i st lonis bridge were 120 feet throtgh the miles of tunnels in n bailt a maghtfisedt 70 feet a 5j6t52 i 1s5 eights hell gate reef waa-at- ndtngs and 8000 bor- acquc tact in new yt rk sar- engiaeering efarts of halt 1713 it an ho v a at in ventilating rmabirtea ara a uecei stty in ial mi ies to overcome the effects cjf noii ps gate s nd thi german train started according po the railioay re bcial ii the pittsburg and lain e ie rail- 1 3id re utly returned from europe rater log to vijway practices in germany fays 1 the r j tdbeds are about perfec ie static oc are simply magnificet t l the ct oat insignificant places be ne xt e roadbeds are quite rigid i mainly duejto the iron tnd atajel cross les thai are ped the locomot nepies of mechaaism bat thetr apac- y ia sc arcely equal to those on this side of ie atli otic ithe entire passenger equip- lentit away behind tbat ia use here heir trains however ran like clockwork teat britain thei total cost eraeeding 060000 a tunnel an der th thames was p opc sed i 1788 the preseni tunnel was finished in u3 the most noted lighthouse in the united tate is at mine s ledge in masaa i iasetoi bay the c ott o the fjnion pacifio was i re- orted s uj259s 0 tn avenge of 123 18 a mill the excavation of i mded by 21000 sot igs the c roton asees til mtxiern lit kin 1 the tjrtt lighthouse in the united states little brewster islanl bos- is while even ng very batws connections are perfec t the tethod of starting the trains is al ogether niqae tad peculiar and will can e local gents i ad trainmen to smile toe aent an in posiug dignified and solemn look ig offii ill attired in elaborate ttniforrn tertlls gilt edged and he acts at mister i ceret uiiies i on tbe impoiing ocauoo hen s train arrives at a station he is i andiu bolt upright in an tlmoi t mill- i try poution and he is on dress parade ne m ante before the train starts he i laches np and tips a gong three timet hen a strange sceae takes place and it ould sem that he had pressed i button i ir at tl e last tap the conductor who has n at the rearcar comes galloping aong 1 ie enti e length of the platform snouting i i gern tn the name of evsry stat on the i rain w ii stop at when tbe evgiue ached he wheels abont aud on hii return i aickly closet aud locks i ct- doors 1 arte bs ok to he van to hia perch oajthe i iar car whittles thrice on a tin cr a i istal whistle which it instantly- 1 epeated 1 y the i rakesrnan at the foot end i u j the rain at trta a word to officeseekers re 1 and chaaities gave us many a i a our work wherever there pc verty added 7 iltnets dr a few lines to miss milicent d in oar next visit wefoand prov ded and provision made fori neceitariet i very of ten we found tl rure seated at the bedside a lift xi to greet us and a lowvoico tbe suiterer had passed tbe ia p wir te am t ioll fs- e n how yotji aun millie is forty years old now hei face the loveliest face i ever saw i tpnk sol uncle john said and you awa twenty years and imagine weet oang face it was lovely is i wot 1 to describe it i knew but ab rathi hi r at first for dr ray did not jer it his summerfield biographies an t look for her to find a hew anr in life as i heard her low wached her shy tender dark began to strike me as odd and disj tb t dr bay was evidently to ke ip me from meeting her ho harried at when we found hex path at and he always engrossed whtsla a tention if possible- gossip gimme some information i knew i ilioec i holines wasvery wealthy if a grandtant a milicent for whom the had been named whi m she had lived stnee child night in the feverstricken neigliborhood her gentle but firm refusal o list in to my words of caution tore away my ha rdearned selfrestraint and i pleaded so eloquently that i mast have betrayed myielf but i did not corivinca her morning after morning i found her in the itifiin cottages betide the sufferers until what i feared came to pass and she took he fe ver then for the first time i et tered the luxurious home that was her inheritance and fully realized what she left t minister to the wants of the pobr an lid nurse who had been with her from childhood took the narttng cares but ther i wtt no relatireiiear her nor even the customary chperon propriety seemed to s ondfaside and let this pure sweet life work out its duties without shadow of censure ttee could be no tongue wicked enough to speak evil of milicent hoimes i but in those days when milicent lay in delirium i learned a sacred secret she loved me i my coldness had wounded her and yet she loved me with a uwildered half recognition she wouldi talk to me and tell me how little the valued her riches when compared with my love i was not a handsome man dolly nor an attractive man in any tense and yet striving against it i had won milicents heart it cost mo many boars of thought yes dear and of prayer after milicent was better to decide what to do but there was ever d mate shy appeal ia herlbrawn eyes that seemed to reproach my silence so at latt i spoke and told her all and for answer she pat her hand in mine my own love forever and left her grand home her large fortune to be my wife how i worked for her hor i loved her i can never tell you she wasthetuffshina of the tiny house where we began house keeping in the most rnodest wy aa she is the sunshine of this homo that i have won for her later years 1 1 cannot think she ever gave one longipg thought to what she gave up for me bat dolly i never forgot it and her tweet face is j never in my sight that my whole heart is not ia my voice when i speak to her and call her my dear m7 very own my tender loving selfsacri ficing wife- ws had not heard her coma in and started as stealing her arms about her husbands neck she said your love is worth more fhart riche lb yonr wife adding wii a trembling in her voice and moisture in her sweot brawn eyes uncle johns own caressing worchw my dear mrs penruddocks science cow- 1 please ratam siii notah theres an ould man here says may he put the coal ia for yez v nqrab said mrs penraddock ptu untly ihit is the third time yoa hive disturbed me within the last hilf hour how s fpifton ever to getiarptred under these circumstances 1 she looked up from her jwrilfflgaesk with her forehead crisscrossed byifrowns and her eyet fall of deipiir north leyed her with respectful awe ii laiywho could write a printed story all catoe her own head was in norahs leyffsiittle short of an enchantress yestn i know miamfi said she bat theres cml oa the- sidewalk and somehinsgdttb be done wiija it before i mint penruddpck laid down her pen and wentttothe window kbratfvwis- right there wit a heap o coalon the wak and there wat the beiit rptjekiooking old man standing beside it leaning on a spade vjfifh said she slowly ij suppose ha may as well put it in whit does he charge i i fifty cent mtam north replied fifty cents echoed her mistress for halfa ton of coal ill give a quarter to have that coil pat iu if he cnooses to do it far that why he may bavethe job norah disappeared mattering under her breath and presently returned saying he says heil do it for a quarter maam very well 1 mrs penruddock returned id her heroine presently puzzled to select a form of words which should exactly express her ideas she rose and walked mechanically o he window to look oat j there was the old man toiling away without a mdmenfs intermission how tent and feeble he was how his footsteps tottered at he carried the brimming paits of coat around the area gale he did not finish tbe job until six oclock in the evening when norahwai dishing up the dinuer and the early winter twilight was aa ye unbroken by the fi cker of the tamps in the street then silently and wearily he presented himself hat in hand for his scanty- remuneration j j mrs penruddpck took out her phrse there was a balfdollic there aud a quar ter for a second she was almost disposed to give him the larger coin hut then she remembered tbe bargain she had made 1 it is never best to overpay these people slid she t herself and she hauded the ijaarceri north to give him sore naamjhes worked all the af ter- noon at it said the girl letisg do ebjks ydemanded tvrllisht tuia trem alt the sty andthemoorlcniisanialaue fcobs aloft her lu m il cry as f drive the cattfc homt oer the moors her voice is ciliizff steet infleciidns risrur funics keath the prouise of the start and ttiit mc3tand meiddv lands by the rustic giriysciuas jesttoiettiujiarh thobari lairjiuceifaintlvfall in thgchtmbercol mv brain laray heart t hoar her call oer the moorlandhilis igtic xhrougrllhe toill thecsue tfccitrile all the caret ol busy life throach the pdtcs aci the scan in my dreamt i ieera tp rej with her brown hair cottier irec jessie ictttiff down the bars s jestio kissed the priate or death aud he bade hear silent he but the sound o memorys breath- in my heart can never die when i brine mylcck bt years gildedfcopeaaadfadedfears to the city in the start i shall see my darling wait 1 jl shall see within the gate jessie letting oown the bars jfrt7kr fiovji irmk m front ilarperu ikeeify to atl yoanlg men who contetr plat larney to washington for the purposaof kurioi employment tbe best at i vice it ont tbe humblest situation in acher- antile louse where the pecuniar reward i small where the hoars are loig and here i be labor it hard it better in 1 tbe ad th n a government clerkship one ay lie opportunities for advaucen eat for he atiizatioa and final reward f every ientafnd all the energy that th yimig lan pcsmsse the other wayl e hope issneti drudgery stagnation maoy a poor young man seeks aj govern uent clerkship in order that he may earn it sup tort while ha is studying lit pro ession- hess playing with fire ha is iking ip at a staff that which is ikely to lecoms necessary to him at a era oh he s in danger of discovering whaa his pro ettioa is leiraed tbtt he hit dot the nartl coactge to drop hit govicnraent tipeud it woald have been incefinitel letter- it might have been his miking if ie bt toiled for scantier dollars in a rianlier way j the toverument clerkdrags oal a moov tonou i existence dreary cjoprociisibg on tdvancsment and if he is not forced oat in lis old age to linger on through h s few re- nsinic g years in poverty ho it 6r a o the nott fiirttinttb of hit kind theie is no service that so det roys the latent inergiea sucfkills the hope us that of govixnment clerk- young nea who think i hey have thefelerhsnts of stacoeiss iu thetn slhould avoid it at they do a pltga sub tiff reli rfon is no sunday affair gen lot drives talent ia driven discover is the painof wrong- joing hy ocrity is oil with pounded lastin it yoa etnbet onthe wsgt of a dogs tail wh t man can do and hit doo s- wonian wants io 1 etc i of at no doubt is a crtpk to the man t aihink aorarik the lietrt has nothing to do with the mtkit g of society laws- tbef wise man may be abbvo h ut ha will not look down oh them i tha navltabla hi va yoa finished that add re it of mine on 1 codera progress 1 asked the great cdan i f bit privtia secretaty yi tj tir jtjglml the brainf hireling h sve you put ia tverything yoat ii think of relating to the subject 1 y tj sir i have made it vsr r exhias- live i dont think anything further coo id betadi yirfwell lt ityiat thelbegiaaiog that rjegret that owind to the brief tiraej allotl ed to me l will be unable to go at fully in lo the aabject at i boaid wtsh am itmihvlt fellow- is that my fault sharp mrs penruddock tl dont see ihit i am to blame bccaueeihe man is old and feeble i i and sbi drew the curtains stirred the fice and lighted jthe limp taking ap i hew nsvel lo whfle away tba timstiotii her husband shodld retnrn shi had a dreaimithit night 1 sue fan cied that her own beloved jfalher dead these three years- stood becre ber not in the guise he orn dnriog j i life bat bent and worn in shabby raiment shovel ing coal into a pail and as he held ant his feeble palm she dceaoied that she dropped into it a silver quarter t and the wild glance of reproach and sadness in hit face wis something which the never forgot it htuntecf her the next day as she made haste to uresa herself for walkiag it was a petty and contemptible hing to do i knew at the time- thoaght the why did i palter with my eouiciancs in hat sort of wsyl t will atk lorah where he poor old man lives and to tea him bat norah was not altogether certain abont the dwellingpltce of tbe old man ilknow his name u owens said she tnd he lives in pearl court and i gat is maam most anybody there oboid tell you jait what it is i and mrs penruddock in no wise dis- courued by- this vsgua representation went to pearl court a pietiagalery napptvpriate to its nsma icsijnuch as it was neither pore nor lovely fcjot very dtrk dirty and cruwedd tt ith etjemeat hoatet 1 doti mr oweat live becel she asked the qnestion the wat certain tt least htlf- dozen times and from hyr expedience ttwauld seem that there nere at least forfy differeut families of oisettt in pearl court john patrjck siichtel rory robett all the ntmst itt the dicliootry bat uooept them lie right- one at last nowovcr the found him in the very back of au ancient building which looked it if it might topple over at adarn owent himself bat lies very bad with paeamonta maam said the yoang woman who open- j ed tha door putting her spron to her eyet he wis out all yesterday sftetcoon trying to etrn at little tomething for him- self for he knew well did grmdfither ihit me tnd the children hid bird times to get along since my hutbtnd haa been out of work and he took mid maam tnd but here mrs penruddock pushed put her 1 1 let me tee him said the there lay ibe poor meekvisaged old man open hit scanty pillow looking so wornand weary and weak that the quick tetrt started to sympathetic mrs pea- ruddocks eyss haw she wished she hsd given blnj the fifty cent piece yesterday in stead of the miserable qattter ill atver practice that sort ot eooaomy tglin said mrs penraddock to herself lis she sat down on a wooden chair tha yonag woman dusted with tneuaiversaliy useful apron tnd began to talk to tha gentle old tnajn i j i aint strong maam said he and polly there cant abide me to work but did want to earn something and yetter day i got a job of patting in coal aud i i hoped theyjd pay me fifty centr for it was a das hojase bat tcnly igot a quarter praps it was til iearuea frir im only an old man now bat it wtt liard tfter- aoont worfcifar me and im afeard ive got my death cold maami i ob i hopa not said mttpeoraddock aad she went home and teat wine and felly and beef lea to the poverty tuicken the toilet s and lavatoties at the wortdsifair each principal baildingon that grounds will have from one lb four apartments de- voted to toilet purposes and placed m the moat easilyaccessible portions of the struc- i tare j i the total uambcf lot iclosets on the j grounds will exceed 3000 of which 1000 are free and 2000 are subject to the charge of live cents thefewillbe nearly a thousand public iivitones any one of which mtybe used onpayraept of five cents- thft snar covering chirgefor a sufficient d tiintitv opowder- ed soip in individual towel comb- and mirror j the livitoriei now beiug titled up tor women are as perfect as can be desired mtrinclude a privtte room finished- in english white enamel and cootainiag chair rag- towels powdered soap brash eomband long plate gliss mirror all er- ranged to afford the uttermost privacy and convenience for winch a charge of bat five cents is made including the services of a r matron and no room is to be used a second lime till thorojighly cleansed by the altendmt the oucartioh is con- trolled by j b clows son ot chicago who will pay a portion of their receipts lo the eixpcsition the same firm also coa frols the only advertising on the eroands namely thb interior wall space in the rooms devoted to lavatories aud closets this was one ot tbtt first concessions granted and the worlds fai officials have since endeavored to reparchase it in order la preveat advertising of any natarewhtt- ever an tbe grounds some idea ot the valaeot ihiaidvertisiuitspaee rosy be in- ferredrfrom the statement that one house pays 125000 ior space lu each room and another firm 12500 i- 1 j courageous acts for young mn tbe fmtsk containr the following ex cellent exhortations lo young men have the courage 6 discharge a debt while ydu have the money in yonr pocket have the courage to do withoat that which you do not need however much yoa may admire it j l have the courage p speak ybur inind when it is necestarylhat yoa should do so and to hold your tongue when it is belter that yau shonld btsileat have the courage to rpeak to a poor friend in a threadbare coafevenin the street and whena rich one ianighi the effort ia- jess than many take it to wend the actmj worthy a king j havethecmaragetostitdowneverypenny you spend and idi it lap weekly y have ihe courage to admit that you have been in the wrong andyou will remove tbe ftct from the mind et olhets patting- a desirable impression in the place of an an- favorable one have the courage lo adhere to a flrjt resolntion whenyoutannot change ft for a better one and toabandonitalthe eleventh hour upon conviction i havel the courage lo face a difficultyj lest- it kick yoa harder than you bargain for dilscafties like thieves often disappear al a glance have the courage lo cut the most yrrsfc able acquaintance you possets when he con vinces you lhat he lock principle a friend should bcarwim a friends infirmi ties not hit vices j have the courage to wear yonr old ny moment old till yoa can pay tor pewones have the courage to prefer proprkti fo fashion oae is hut the abase ot tbe other berthas fault i t mamma please givente someliiing to do said bertha one morn iog iwiut to be busy j msmmi said yes berths yoa ire big enough now to feed tndjwiter the chickens all yonnalf tnd you may do il night morning blhajamped ap tad doarn that rill be aucb fan she said it is not for fan yoa tie io do ii j tail mamma and remttnbercflear i daouet tell yoa each time jyoa must rememohr 11- it ill yourself t j i will promised bertbt tad i will go now the firtt thing fee a week the ciickentwere welt fad and watered sad then one ssdflme berthas forgot i it wis a very hot day indeed and there were some new little bilt of ohicki that needed food and- water very much v- loor lillla things io betltrved ail day and allnixht- iu their little coopalia morning some ot the weakest ones were cjead imammjt found tbeoi how sorry bertha was ftpuwere not fiithfal said mamma i trusted you bat you vere not fit to be r rusted bsrtha look her big bowl aad with sober face went out to feed the chickens that were too fat tnd old io be starved in 1 oae day she gave them tarea times it much atthey needed but this did not make the little dead odes live sgainl sicnoeant is bomerin- peatl court and spoke to her own doctor and went daiiyito see sow the old invalid got along he recovered to the infinite lightening of her- conscience iand the next ton of coal which wla delivered at her hoasa she paid mora liberally for itvcnh little to mesa5d she ana once a week as long as cold adam owens lived ihir tents little basket of nourishing food and dainties around lo pearl court and neter jg d mr penruddock endeavor to economize at the expense of the boor j mr clavalands cabinet ci- kerr joax dec gl the best fpreeatt- yet obfiinsbeoferelaideptelectclevblandjt cabinet is as follojrs secretary of stats william c whitney new york secretary of the treasury john g gtrlfsle ben- lucky postmulerlgeneral isaac p- grayj indiana aorneygeberai geo dra f wilmington del j i h i scrofula whether hereditary oracquireels ia ihoronghly expelled from the blood bj hoods sirtaparflia the groat blood pfcrirt fier i jal il

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