Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 19, 1893, p. 2

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i ii dors itnuuil at iimeliou on saturday luli lutiutry tlie ttifc ofricrjard marshall of a sou atkikiov in toronto ob ratnrruy ittb 7an- rary the wife cf j k atuurqn 6ecretary cenedim irtts anrciauoti of a daughter xmrried yomt fivinton at london out ou wed nuv jan luuby tlie kev j e murray wri a vouuc iton of w h toting esrjol oakviuf to miw margaret bwinton of ijqb htxicnin kr in on tbarsdav tli january iplm htuiur ajid ft years hiiiirv in erin oji riuinuy hth joiiuarvmary mciaci ibii wife of john bible aged i yearn ameothin milton on tliurtdty jan lh amrrt a aniioiir igva 6 ycara ii moaihi and hyp lushu ficilpli on kriiuv thr hjllijan- tiary editli wife of frank x frank coal mer chant jii j can and 1 month amutims in the tontuliip of etquefiiir on monday jan 2nd christina adderson daughter of david audcraon aged 27 yean je ttm fxtt press thursday january 10 18i notes and comments tju comictition betwwn toronto daily iijwejjakrtt is so keen that vile ian- piac is now in common use in describ ing the irronrietors in the columns of their esteemed contemporaries the country press is immeasurably cleaner and better tn cery reepect may it long o continue im al scujr his excellency tho tjovernorgeueral baa been giving some sound common sense advice in many parts of the province but nothing was more timely than his penile hint to the western dairymen regarding butter and its decreased exportation this fact arose perhaps fom a little want of cure io making and perhaps from ajlitife want of appreciation of the talue of neatly making up for the market which you want to sail- you should learn ex actly what that market wanted and then having learned this learn how you can caia and keep your lead there a bill on marriage reform has been bub- rnitted to theiliinoia legislature it pro vides that marriage licensee shall be issued only to persona who can read and write who are bound in body aod mind who cas furnish tat is factory evidence that they if males nre engaged in some honourable em ployment from which they derive a sot- ficient income to support their wives id canada it may 6eem absorb for the state to assume the duties of pareqt but the anicrican idea of parental control ie not the highest a clause should be added io the bill providing that the contracting parties rrmet have known each other at leabla whole week beforo applying for a marriage license hail the advocates of opening the grounds and buildings of the worlds fair on sun day propose to move on those who are opposed to it by new tactics they now claim in a resolution which has been laid before th national house of representatives that the congressional act of aug 5 102 is unconstitutional the claim ie based upon tbat clause of the v sited states con stitution which declares that congress shall make no laws respecting an establish ment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof they tay that closing the exposition buildings on sunday will be making a law respecting an establishment of religion thia is a farfetched argument and will no doubt bo eo adjudged in the courts returns for ihj2 show a great decline in the production of wheat in great britain the yield was only 5950032 as against 72127 203 in the previous year there was a fallidgoff in the acreage from 2307- 277 to 221wi and in the estimated average yield from 3120 to 20 ih bushels the crop of barley produced was 70501502 bushels as against 72120 0ij in lttlil and in oats there was an iucrease from lfi- m21 to llc20im the decline in wheat ind the increase in oats took place mainly in england there has been a steady fall in the acreageof wheat in great britain in the last twenty years the figures biug as follows 1h71 3571 4 acres lvi 2h05h0i 1hi1 2307277 k2 vjltkw more rtprtlictibibjethan tliu idiotic prac tice of discharging unloaded firearms is that of locking children in a house while parents or guardians sotk pleasure else where the latest instance of the terrible danger from the latter source comes from a town in tennessee where- three children were imprisoned in their home while their parents sought agreeable pastime at some neighbor on their return they found their dwelling had been burned and that their offspring had perished in the flames sympathy for parents who make them- tjlves rebioubibcfor6uch casualties 16 mis placed only the severest condemnation if not panislhtient should be added to any grief which they may suffer they de liberately jeopardize the lives of their progeny that they may indulgdtheir selfish proikiifeities fdr amusement the canada salt association with bead ijuarterfi at clinton hab been dissolved the secretary supplies tljc following to the preas as to the cause tlic caoada salt association iibe beet dissolved although the prices charged by the aebcciation have in en exceedingly moderate nd ttanding the fact that the largo bulk of liadcrt are fully in ejmpathy with the ar- mgf incut et owing to the new wells bat are coming into operation at moore- town windsor etc it was felt impossible to continue the talt manufacture feel especially aggrieved that a public institu tion like the jc i r which owes its in- cfption aid i present existence to the large tuici of money that hava been given to it b the tux payers of the dominion tliv uli cjiilehctnd toentcr iuto a needless sid wttttful competition id the manufac ture of talt the prices at which salt can m-w- bt tihiairej will be low enongh to lalitfy the mot pattintic palrou of ludub- the new council inaugural meeting held monday conductorsnidefts bravery he rescues ar old lady from im pending death on the track smcr iw cvurgclup well uiowii litre va tlic hero of an advciitiire al new hombarr ttation oa saturday whilj wa f trii 1c 4 3q iit came iu a it rubed up to the y did not ee nor hear il attempted to cro the track a boat of warning cmkd her to look around fietiofi the rapidly approaching train the lol l prckiics of mind ami would mrhck hy the engine had not mr snider ill a- c trwk tuatclung the ty htrel ludyfrom her peril j a t tram up the ler preserver were bjili uncjntciom for tomo minute afterward tl affair caused a great scniatloii in tlie little town vloaruir uuluinii rurei colili dr morning at eleven ocjocjk theschoou board organized when clerk moore arrived ht thepauhcil chamber at 11 oclock on monday morning lie fdnnd the members elet wercvlrcady present they promptly buvscribedtto tho decrarations required and tiok tbeij sats at the council boarfl asojlitary srlecttlior was present in his inaugural addres reeve pearson after congratulating the councillors upon their election as representatives of the people and expressing the bop3 that har mony would characterize- the session of the year and that tho members would give the work required in the municipality their best attention outlined the following as matters which should receive serioub con sideration 1 the preparation of a new map of the municipality showing in addition to the original survey the surveys of recent years which are not given on any existing map 2 the adoption of a systematic plan for the planting of trees in the park fhe grading and other work having been com pleted a citizens committee was suggest ed for cooperation tn the work the renovation and repairing of the town hall t 4 the compilation and printing of the permanent bylaws of the municipality when bylaws are adopted but a single copy is prepared whereas it ib very de sirable that the reeve the aicmbcrs of the council the municipal officers and the magistrates of the municipality each be supplied with copies a general reference to the kvork required on the streets and sidewalks land other pro perty in the care of the council was made after which ibe business of the organization was proceeded with as follows moved by qeo havill and dosepb ander son that theleeeve and councillors ander son and williams be a special committee to strike the standing committees for the year carried the committee retiifed and ina few min utes returned andpresopted the following as the result of their deliberations fiva mi george havill and j e corry kuilth walks- a- lam is john williams and joseph anderson tuwn hall the reeve and george havih dintnun george havill and john williams pahk reeve and council and messrs i john lawson james matthews anthony i stephenson john harvey and james mc- jtavish moved by george havill ar that the report of the spec jast read be adopted carrie i moved by john williams havill that leave be grantee ja bylaw for the appointing o tbe present year carried i the bylaw was introduc required number of times messrs l g matthews nnd w r kenney receiving the appointment moved by george havill an that our regular night of mee day 23rd january at oclock pm carried j the council then adjourned d j e corry al committee and george to introduce auditors for fd read the and passed 1 jl c6rry ing ba mod the board of trustees of acton public pebool met yesterday at one oclock for organization i after the declarations of the newly elect ed members had been taken the chairman jvas appointed j moved by james mclam and robert wallace that rev geo ii cooke be chair man for the current year carried i rev mr cooke assumed the chair and addressed the members id a thort and ap propriate address moved by george hynds and robert wallace that tne standing committees for ube year be as follows i fikasce t h harding gjeorge hynds nd g c cooke pdoj james and robert holmes j brrriii george hynds and robert wallace 1 the board then adjourned bat met forth with for the transaction of several matters df business a report of which will be given ip next issue canadas next governor a london correspondent thfnka the earl of abefdeek will be appointed f a special london cablegram says th report cabled from ottawa pointing to tho appointment of lord wolselcy as successor to lord stanley in the govecnor-general- snip of canada meets with no credence if ib not usual to take a soldier from active rvice to fill this post which is rather re- rved as one of the prizes of political life ii has been for some time understood that wjheu a vacancy occurb which will happen ill the course of the present year mr gladstone wilhiuvite lord aberdeen to fill itj that the earl of aberdeen whose acceptance of the lord lieutenancy of ireland t a critical epoch established a claim on mr gladstone bhoud have been luft out of the government ivhen it wu farme1 last year created mucji comment it was then explained in circle likely to ba well informed that an understanding had en come to between tho premier and hh former colleague who is also an inti the- country roads twtl 9 pub thd government tjaklnar measures to instruct the public how to i buhdthem mate rsonal friend whereby the latter should sueceed lord stanley the e4rl of aber deen accompinied by lady vififed canada laet autumn aberdeen inspecting botue property they have aajiiired in the dominion l v mr nortons removal the following has been banded the fkee pi iss for publication the church at owen sound is entitled to lighest congratulations for the wisdom tiny have manifested in the choice of rev w e norton to become their pastor ab a minister his praise is in the churches in log c and argantent he is pourcrful and convincing in doctrine he is pound and cleir and with master hand defends and mantains tho great doctrines of truth as i pastor he is deeply interested in the spiiitual welfare of the people and untir ing a c mci con- as tlie whi his faithful to both ssinund sinner as irietiau his walk is of a godly and ow character- the influeilcfl of hif pany ib soon felt by all in bisjpresenqe i gentleman he is a wnwnt rat ionof most commendable qualities and c we arc resigned to tlie diwie mil in removaf from ar we pray lort may bless our new pastor sam 3 spirit that he has so richly upon rev w e norton pjlax jb a tooj7th january lwsy a prii trip revu ju m te repjrt is carreut iuf iouton tbtt george of wtletoontemplfttef ft othe foiled stater next rpring bif ne ition beinc to particlptte iu tip naval w iu new york htrboar witl ron of warshipfi after whicl he will chicago and vit the exhih tioti aldri atthemkwattto western dairy- mtni aseocittiob in tiwoni on wednes day after an exceieji gpeech by kr andrew pttollo the tqlfowingresoation was movettby him jecouiled by hon thomas ballantyne snd carried nntni- mouily j that in the opinion pf the member of this association the etsiato labor tyitecn of this coantry as carried oat in most dis tricts is inefficient and unsatisfactory in its resalu that we are pf opinion tbtt it should be either abolished or modified so as produce food roads which are a neces sity tn the farming commanity tud we hereby express oar opinion that the im provement il the common roads of the country would reduce the cost of produc tion in the j diary industry and thus en hance the ppoflts of dairymen and that it is the duty and in the interest of all dairymen to promote in every possible way the cause of road improvement and we hereby declare that the members of tbii association have beard kith pleasure the statement of the hon john dryden pro vincial minister of agriculture that hfi deputy is about to iseaa bulletins on the b abject of r old rank log and we approre of this and of any other practicable manner of educating the people of the country on a question of fast importance the work of improving tho common roids of the coun try a train frozen to the track cmriuo jan 12 the diamond special from st louis was frozen to the track for foqr hoars at a water tank near gibson yesterday after the locomotive tender had been filled the engineer pulled tho throttle the engine pnsed vigorous ly and tho driving wheels whirled around bat the locomotive did not move sand was let out on the track but the locomotive still stood in its place with its wheels spin ning around investigation showed that the overflow from the tank had run on the tracks of the tender and frozen the wheels fast to the trick the train men cut the ice from the trucks but to no purpose finally the conductor walked a mile and a half to gibson where he telegraphed for another locomotive and when it arrived it backed up to the frozen train and bnmped it loose the wheels bad been frozen to the track from four oclock in thfl morning until eight railroad men say tbat tbey never heard of a train having been frozep to the track before startling accident at a funeral ciililiiy jan 1g sunday afternoon as the funeral of mr hugh kidd of the 7th concession of elderslie who died sud denly on friday l3t was on its way to the cemetery the horses drawing the beireo became unmanageable tend ran away up setting and breaking the hearse the cofsn was thrown vith such force into a ditchon the road sido that the lid became detalched and the corpse exposed to view editors table the clinutatitjuan for february presents a very interesting table of contents the american school at athens second article by professor martin l dooge exhibits of the nations by richard lee fearn the population of the earth b j s billings m d women in greek litera ture by emily f wheeler sunday read ings selected by bishop vincent some practical phases of electrioity by frank lin leonard pnpe civil service reform by theodore roosevelt the common road as a social factor by jno gilmer speed the ipoeqia of lowell with a glance at the essya by john vance cheney introduction of reindeer into alaska by liont john c caotwellsnd numerous other articles of general interest the editorials treat of two notable heresy trials charms and faults of yoang poets winter resorts and who atteai them the poetry of the number is- by james buckham j edmund v cooke and jno w eddy there are the nsaal departments devoted to the chaouaqaa literary and scientific qircle cuts forpusiness printing tbete arc some business men who whenever they want letter or bill heads or any work requiring a design send to some large city and place their order they do this because they tbiuk it is impossible to get tho work done as they want it at home and hence order the whole thing elsewhere there is auother way however which will rive them as good results at lesb cost the grip printing and publishing co of toronto make plates from special and original designs which they furnish suit able for any business at a small cost these can be printed from at the fbee pukss office and ased for all sabieqaent orders until a qhango is again desired we can take your order or you cau write direct to the grip printing and publishing co 2l and 203 yonge st toronto special for our readers a large lifesized engraving in natural colore of tbe famous one thousand dollar prize st bernard dog owned tfv the pub lisher of the toronto tima together with the times calendar for 1893 will be sent free in mailing tobej upon receipt of yonr name and address and two threecent stamps to cover expense of mailiog if you desiro it send at ouoe address tire tonoro tiiseh oigoodsby building toronto oct the organitation of a lodge of the8ons of england is now talked of as wc go toj press a case of assault is io hearing before local magistrates between a couple of rodents of esqaeaing j wheat has fcn upward tendency just now sixtyeight cents has been quoted this week oati are scarce in some qjitr- tersat sllj yd a will find it to your interest t readkelly bros j advertisement boy yourgrpceriesfreah and new and canadian and american coal oil at t ii harhikgs i sfoxetxo lesu attention is exiled to the cord in a op thee column of uttchell a jackson real estate- loan and insartocs agents guelpb j if you want nrttclase onelph sash and doors it guelnh prices tv enniap can fill your order i his puningmill- 2ir james scarit sged 85 and mr stephen b tree- aged w two pioneer etuers in oxfaroj aaaatr have joci diedui voodstocfc the former was a methodist ud the utters bapusc both were highly expected and wealthy anom rasn njimed rodders his wife anddatieter of chester pt were shot tod the two former killed op satarday by a worthless son the cuse of the shoot- fog was hat the father id lifted on the koandrel going toj work luluartlf uitftufutrarescoidj cte jiimrat taxi of the bat a bltoma ofths worlttsdolngs 0 rlnptfia weefc eipedd it hiyelj veji xha top rati onrteen cirjtettli on ifondcy 0ruit jar told kqd to tfas trine of 11366471 croris u i croaiog between strnl tnd fort huron io the i ice netrlyoni thfri of the city of sfontretj it eiempted ram uittion it bu bee i decided to erect j 10000 hoipiul tt v oodock ont beoktor dramqotid will preteat font- rail with 1 1 ome or lecartbies i tbe keit ler in earope retutint very cold htny cuatltiei tre reported the 22ckk lb chie mtnnftctoted io ctoid for t ie worl cost f 30s9 the theri omeier muked 20 below zero in londnont on 8ttardty night erpreiidt nt ettherford b htee died tt 11 ocloc taetdty night it fremont ohio sir chirl 8 tapper hti cone to pirie to resa rae t ie ccntditn treity negotii tions iuiy will end wotber wirjhip to brtzil to project her citizene along the set- boud i spiiln his ordered fonr menofwtr to be retdy to i iii to tingier tt i moments notice mr u p syin oolletor of cnitom it liontreil did 66mewhtt unexpectedly stmdiy mr tbomi bbsiw m p died on sitar- diy night it lit home alltnglle hllifti englmd every tnd i engaged in tbe building line in chicago w 11 demind incretsed pay on april 1st the reidiig railroad his contracted loan of joow000 with a london eng syndicate tho whitky trnst in tbe united stites his ticked in ther five cents per gallon to tbe article a byiiw rs ising the price of liqaor licen es to 51000 ctrried in bowminville list friday daring the imoantcd to est three months of 1692 the freo imports of nib from cinadi to buffalo 09277 the colum jim government is said io hive eitendec the time for the construc tion of the piamicanal a despatch electric riilwi from port arthur says the from that town to fort william is no r open for traffic an agent of the worlds fair commis sioners will visit england to personally invite the prii contractors ce ofalce to attend it work on the t h b railroad bride in brantford unearthed i bed of marble f very superior quality awirds at tke worlds fair will bemtde by roeajisof the jary system tbe ameri can system having been rejected by the board if control it is raid that mr goldwin smith and tjr myers w ii be invited to lecture in detroit on poli icsl union between cinidi ind tbe unite state a willilm bol imon of huron township bruce county lost himself between the barn and the house during a snowstorm he was frozen o death a train on tl e iowa centril wis dertiled near burlington fell sixty feet la and tbe rear coach two of tbe eight passengers in tbe ccacb wire killed bev uam si lall ibe evangelist has re- ilperjwork having loropt ed i position c n the editoritl staff of the atlunti gi c mttituthn john galbraith tjho lived five miles from paisley c nt was frozen to death on wbila on the way home on foot from the tojwn named c theaker vho has i wife and nine chitdren is sait to have eloped from near tin with a mrs smith who his eight children the did cot tike the children with them of the late genera b f butler took plae on monday at lowell an 20000 people took of the debased and lce the funeral miss more t n look it the face crush was terrii io in the bilj wisa military no fs os kktjoyts both the met tod 4nd rcnlts when fiynapofpigs s taken it b pleasant nnd refresbin to tic taste aad acta itlyyetpro nptlyonthoicidneyr iter and bo vcl3 the sys- m effectuall diipb colds head aches and fevi rs aid cures habitual constipation synp of figs is tha only remedy di its ltir1 crer pro heed pleasiri jto the trt- nctao- pfable to ii ctomach v ptiu t3 action tnd rly bcncial in its jffeefs prepan ddnlyfron the most healthy anaag reeablesubstances its aianyeiccllen qnalitici commend it to all nnd hare niade it tho niost oopnkr remec f kaovrn pyrnpof firs ii for sale in 75t bottles by nl leading- drnggists any reliable d rnggist who may not have it on t ind vrill procure- it promptly for any ono who wishes to try itiani wturcd only by the a word withyu so par cent re citictipri ve i ir wrap whic caufornia asfii uc- fialc louurvni to look is mare tbe feci tut thin mere stock of boots is adapted to 611 htnok ileodx i msjcfelc ippr noe w mil cd- voasiry welt 1 1 of good jddgement tnd lavish ate of money ify ity eiperienee t raidaftcfarew pcti t footwjear uueqatlfod tt the i i i 10 1 wm williaj ib shoes winu nc those who lines still desire to s credluble l cla i relations with enable me to v f line of oaoly for iyle qaality actorf our seaso si i all es fenuinfe si argaii t as ibiut -u- rs trade reported for this s trade anj immense assorr merit if lises maitles and wrjaps considerably over iooo- garm snts m numtjer ij i i- i tkis q we believe there was not a single ivas um of the first quality smdjvery latest style have sucpassed those of any prewous iis department our lekdershipmthe mantle trade if ends ii distort ducem distinc season siit this offering vfere composed of the various odds and mantles earned over from previous seasons as is the il jvnnmti ttfiittn nrf- rip 3d in- vvs 3 reduce e pri being hdi putable enoypropqsito clear thse goods at a reduction of 20 per cebty and wren the slight margin ofprpfit at whicfi they wire orginaily narked is borrie in mind as well as their super iritv instywj make and finish we can assure you ftiat this re lucti in ensures for each mantle purchaser not only as to style and wear but a veritable isfactioh price iin nine quartecs this discount would not anm- int a tite average keen veliinformedbayer but we iy ihforrn yen that each j mantle advertised is this 1 lortation- attd a getiuine- bargain firs 4d sealetesat greatly redviced prices g gb 1893 knbsa yeplr3 also r our boys pyercoats at specially es i of- slensolmftble goods for the neit til weeks every effort will b mid i o cleir ont tl ie btlance of winter goods rsdawdiiiceiire ticketed ill over the itiht house- a most desiraljlo time f r hon u keeper to invest their money ft vilffigoptittkeija dry goods dotrtiiti it will sir weeki from uow j of coureif you d ix kv u t gooda dont buy them bat if you ire likely to tint them in the neit future then invest all winter jackets gapes thl other gtrai nts s1 clearing pricij large viriety of winter cotkin doablefold reduced to 85o per yird stylish black cloikings at t trgaio prices brown atracho860 redtned la i ry astrachid- 8 reduced to tfl50 j i j v largo variety of hesvy drtpery curtains cletrjc gout it half former pzicet finesash onrtain new at reduced prices a variety of union ind alliwool fuinnels reduce 1 tovie y low prioett asaat dre goods thetlsjiis soon told theyiivebeen marked twty down in price the itsortment t select from is iirge nice tweed reducei toc pee yird- allwool dress sergei reduced to 12t ludjlsc hens aod ci tldredi underwear i clscrio- oat at reduced prices a lot cf boys fine ribbed undershirts it 23 tnd 80 cents eichjj vary cheat aloof lidies tjndervests it 7j tnd 60a bitins mt4 lte inlhe season tre selling off it these speeiillbw prices a lir e vtrfsty of mens eubber braces a mindfactarevs stock it is 17 80 23 ind 80 per piir much less thinrezaltr prices a urge assortment itilliner gooii birds wiogt fsithets flower tnd ornlmentctlso trimmed and untrimmed uillilery jeiingoffttraced ririoei j- specitl idvinttei to purchasers of carpe t v ions allvooc otrpeti it reduced pricei tipes4ry md brussels carpet ib very good pitterns it reduced priojet a itrg virljty of allwool tapestry and brussels rejnosntt borders selling off if strictly birgtin prices ojf borierc it 30o pet yrcj utail price 05 blick goat hits it reduced prices new good to brighten op thedepirtmeit arriving weekly stock ft kept well r selections it the bight house pletse enter the itoreej by the door ic hamilton janoary 6th 18bs job printing ikoiuddcg books pamphlbtj poster bui hflds clrcaursttfl ttt axecatm la the best style of tho trt tt modert tirtces tdd on short notim apply or umre n p moosej i free paessofflce acton big sale of damagied linen 3oods we want to enlist your in erest in a specitl sale of linens which ill open at our counters- at 10 oclock am on thursday january 5tb 1693 tnd continue until the whole lot is deited o six cater i scotch ind long from highest viry the offering is the contents and comprises goods of irish germtn mtnafacture 35 pieces of bleached and unbleached table lineni by the yard 16 pieces of towelling 192 ttble cloths 2 tocytrds the very chetpest to the grade of double ditnuk 52 doz ttble ntpkint urge the 128 doz trailler ntpkins large size 123 doz smaller napkins add ioylies 6 doc triy cloths 15 doz sideboard scarfs 107 doz towels of viriooj kind ends of fronting linens uirds eye diaper tnd drtwnwork lin rat tbe goods ire minafactarirt imper fects most of them so nearly perfect however that unlet it were pointed out you wuld hardly diieover tlie defect among thim ire good of tucbj highclasi quality tnd beauty tt we vsutnre to sty yon hive nt seen offered toro i guelph counter any bat mtnufielutert of- the very highest repute would net fhiok of telling such eoodt u imperfect we had them saved up tud sent io at by three different mtnafacturerf tnd he price tt which we bought iheol w ire tt aii- counuaf v 33 50 per cent off their closest wholenle export price we ire offnog them oa toelimebuit boyoa teeyoa will get good it one half or a very little over whit you would hive wpay for hem lathe regular way the good will be trrtoged oa ttbles tnd ooantert tad during the stle the spice of the other departments will hate to give way to the exhtbitof lneat be oa hind early ipd escape remember thursday january 5th 1693 tt 10 tm e r bollbfit it co 25 ct 27 lcwer wyndham t guelph 9lg mantle and fut sadsjln the millinery and ijlaihif the rati ee02jas o tatsilsrs tcsaried not- much difficulty whl yoa find in mikiug the new store corner of kibgtnd hughson streets vou dry jsavagr1ps jeiqblleps gtelph clbhring smte aj we ir i and clctf out tttdi going to mike iltenlion in our store w hive decefded to mikst ggpino gale gobdd grdeef ies aricl readymade clothing erythiug in stock regtrdles of cost sooner than o be picking them up evierythfog mutt go tnd will go if low price sty tnythiog i so now i yonr chance for cheip r nl drj gfibds readyriiade olothfiig we hive en immense stocik of r esuttsv q vefcoats ffats caps uhdelwtjatftop mert yciufhs bojys and chlldrents sultsv fc qve coats hats caps uidewlpaiiitop 81 rts 8occs suspenders collars cliffs ties mitts cloveshosetfveeds flannels cottons cottanades 8hjrtfn towellfnerj etc youtomisjthitchi-jce- at we staled jverythingmutt go to now for it wout pa bargains it v im rts4 acton furmiturs on stock it foroitam tnyirtfel fyoa i defrtad i ry one tt toy de lore in atsocittioi speight iis son 3fc 1 npe rtkki n6 irnow complete for the i iprjng trade md i j urimuri u now coaimeie- ior ine prng rrtoe ind we ein toppfv atsithelawett possible price wi aont steal oar furniture nor itt mtnafictare bob we pty etih fat it ind cm tell tt low for cub hetrtde e qm give you a bedroom set complete wove fori4 mattresses for i sprlitg for 3 eidamds at cost lttiitlrtifor s750 h emtftlflp tables- 750 jany price mmbb jteh bobe etc tlws k its luxkt we ctn give yoa srilsjx p to nb apon thi pqbliis the ftct thtt we hive no coautwriiytmwiiuwcrtr prfoe are no garmei by the underfjur 2 we 4nlyot tbtubeet the mirket iffo dit very reisonable price cjtbd hearse and outfit for jfunerals ispeioht sqn vs- 6r0pij8a postal ir yoa want satfiplesr and prices i of anything in dry goods orgen- cral mcrchjndist purs- is jhe kreest retail storelii all canada nth over three acrds of selling pace and half a thoasand fcnr- nlovees and apistal card enough to bring all ithp fccilftifcs of the store to your home just ii muchas though we fere locald in your town i i i think of a clerfceducated to know fashion changes mercljany dise quafitiesystjlesand colots-j- bcing at your beck and call when ever you wish thats shoppinr by mail the t eatofel jccy ltd im ttaje statrt tfrbt oat i m jtlitiirtjbrmfnis jv kannawtn wishes totharikhis maay customers for their kinpat- ronage in thepast and exteads a cordial invitation to all to visit 1 tim d store when wanting anything inhis line i i k tenders foe xvooii- the nndertiffuod rfll recoive fenders upytd 27ui january or tfce supply of tnirty eorrfs o teen maple and beech bodyiwoocl four feet long to be dalitertd- at the pllil 8ohoolbt tie ut februarr hpuoobx ictouistlijaartiisi 8ecrtary r ice cut a de the undertitfned bavtng the nritaegeof cutting ic rem the yulage jwndt caji tupplj- any quantity it a reasonable priee v ui deller and nack it if detired 1 l wsakde31s0k i acton jany 1kb 1sss t- lv ifv f agedrlirastbalvi- fxliis npontijij pretnficj lot i coa lrftr j tboattho liib- october 4a ifiednrn ty ooer will prors iproperty pay expeoict ina rtnnoto it eifajintlsw kobettt johnston itoneftoloan 1 ari cr village property it rcascnable jit apply to ifcleistltcleah town hall atton grain wanted the nnderignria prepared to pay the high est cash priceorlji kinds o grain deurtr- ed at bit vrarehoute at g t h ktadon astos j0hs e cohbt 1 acton lodge no 204 to6j meets lnth oddfeuows hiihfflt dvt every wednesday eveuiuff yialttog breth- retr alvayt welcome foroopy of coostitotian and laws apply to tbeendersigned or any of tbe members wwttluhs kg i- t f u i v hhwdbdes secretary wanted a gekjrs to cijiur choice md hardprxar xi wiy btoclc so iiatfj mstif fjsir d ipicjal vmlctfei both a frafti tnd ornsmtibuu tooffar wbch tra coatrolltd onlj by us we jy eoniidsiorl ot salary wtiw cj at onca for taruts sad secure chofca of t3ttltorr uay dhothebs karmrrmetr uoehtstar kit t 1 u wanted i at puce salesmen in every eoaoty for our choiot nuhaert 8took tnd now rirfeties of aehd potatoes salary ot commission steady emplmmeni and good pay bendtortermt hookebgbbveri co kurst7meutadgiedsmeiij bochester kx j- acton- livery bus linjb- the macriiniedrespectfuntaoucfts the ptltou age ol tbe public and inf orma them thtt well equlppeo- ud stylish rigi ctn tl- t way be secnjed 1 i i i ahlubes aeqmxbnjle baa meets all trains between t tm tad sos pm carjtul attenuon gtven to every order t th lert fully met j john wttllalfi i fr i2 q toe qotrter store tfreotyfive king west hriiton on oom- outttoo thefollewiog exlriqrdinary btt 1 lbs choice italiin peel for 25c l ffuhl aod for 2ic 6 excellent bice for 25b 10 goodcookiog bkisin for 25o s package corn stirehtor 25c 5 uprz h blrdiseed for 25a iionstersarrgood liiindry 8oip2fo hamilton g 1mi0o a 73 0 60 01bst six iks any coffee coeot tfor4s0 t jj5 e t 376 for j 10b kind q r tc for 10q a- i a comparmy i corrtnis fm 1 iktolletsoi- to i i3esibil m v 7 so- l foctke1 m ji- ss kltabtwet frait

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