Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 19, 1893, p. 3

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y t- r it- bank of hamilton head office kaiahtoll cinrnriid rr lictcavtpusd titsoaxi ksojxio tirnsbftll n b steven timca amtci iiftlkctwsjokx ettwibt rrcldcjf a lumiit ieeme johk pboctoii ciiji ilks oto rosea a t woostfl tig oeoraetown aqekoy sotci discounted ul advance mace 00 a11 imlsue securities drirn on all porta ofjcix iliilne lkitrd britel qbeit cattaili isd tiio costikest or eciwra bourht eol raid coimctioks mate ta 11 wfw polaleod uiott fstorablo terms ba vinos rspaentkkt u elfcflm iweved el 1 1 and upwards an trtuokltrimiut of deposit to dase ntfcitrawal l 6recial deposits alio rewired si current rates of lutenat nonce o withdrawal rnulred junoy acckt the news mostly of a loci t home character and every item njarejtlrie the methodist church acton pastor rev joseph edoe rarsonasettoweratenue iulilic setrlees ifcjo am ao4ss0pnj ham icuoolsjo bible clatteonducted by the pascor alleordlollr invited strangers and visitors ilnn welcome out ashen at the door banlir watches the sle ol firstclass time keepers is on important feature of our business end the reason we are bavine such large tiks in this line it owing to the fact that we rcll strictly first clue watches at extreme- ly4ow prices we nevermi6represent c ur coodsw will at all times sell you in lioocst natch at a close price and guar n- tea to rive you full value for your mom y we have id stock a full line of walthi m and elgin watches in gold and fold filled and silver caces i qeohynisactonont slca or tit big ware a elje kttan m vtzl thursday january lj 1833 little local brieflets which caught the eyes or ears if f ree press reporters this week illitm oue la wtu in bit good depth of goo now the teamners are basy now milder weather than last week wood is moving id urfje qaantitie tie csaaj jtnntrv thaw is tikt or the old bell doe3 dot fit the uew school very well pork eold at s8c0 on guelph msrk inst saturday jack frost nipped a pood many eari and noses last week the collectors rojl is to be retaroed oi the lhh of febnixry lb grippe continues to attack victims without fear or favor the rero weather has played havi with coal bios tad wood piles another ntw doctor haa settled gut i pb df w j robinson of arthor the new biptiut church at guelpl was opened and dedicated on sudday nl monday j a january thw would be generally acceptable ee water ie very low in most cisterns last week in arthur a young man wa fined tj2 aod coeta for purchaeiog liquo after hours mr gray a studeot from toronto conducte cervices in the disciples chord every sand ay reeve pearon goes to milton ner tuesday to attend the first meeting of th county council for the year the streetsville woollen mills an about to be reopeupd for eighteer months they have been ehut down mia etncban of rock wood bai ijaite alarge clara of pupils in mueic here they are doing well under her tailion the- faruscts at the new school an fully adequate to he cold weather and the pupils were comfortable the most severe days j wouldnt it be a good idea to stir th roller mill project afitin a little earn est checrlaleffort would ensure a eoccesi of the tcbeme everybody etande aphabt at the enor moua amount of information in the sa almanac of montceil there a a scram ble to get copies of ft dont deprirejoaf family ot the bee piper they receire by allowing the fed vizi to be- diecoatidticd less uin tc cents aweek will pxy for it mr j t ellis of st jacobs remem beted the fixe pcess he other uy with j oopy of the new tork rfbwrff illuttrate soavcuir edition the world bahdidg is i twentysix 6tory edifice the annual meeting of the haltoi tfiobers association will be held in bur lington ou thursdy and friday of ner week ur wn houston m a of torou to will take part in the proceedings the crazy chinaman who murderously acstiulted a fellowcountryman at guelpl tome month ago was bidly frozen whili waudcriog about oxford county a few day ago and dted in iogereoll ou friday iev j edge goes to uespeler u preacu anoivereiry sermons uext sunday hv w h harvey d a of hes peler one of the mest acceptable preacbri of the conferedce- wih occupy the pulpit o the methosist church here at a meeting of the council held las week 500 was refunded arnold broeai proportion of exemption of their glovi work for169s t2 wta paid j liweou v s forprofeionai examination 4 to job arthurs for wood and 104 tbj vktnna win for coal oil the new americau t6ttage stamp have made their appearance in a series o bright oblong gqoras sonuderably longei than the ordinary stamp- they are verj pretty and the different denomination give news of radons eoeotm in tha d covery of imeric by colathbas an rd bachelor who forgets that fa vtt tii a boy delivers himself ta tbu fuhion that boy hat half earned th bitterness of life when he first tumbles u the truth that there is no fan hsuling i sleigh jrohill five minutes in order toedjoi binifcrif glijibg down for thirty moaads ibaxjofcrflle d jiad tiw mlsfbrtaoi thfiotherdtyasaafciit the lose of ft gpli watch in peculiar mumer- la stooping over the ejfarf the coii qlaflliiai6cauj her welch felt into tha acritusiad wcj dumped into the stove when she missex herftxtch liter on she immediately com tnenced racing the coal from the stove oaly to find part of the vocis the ciui having rricfted wth the titat for tb nextbo days i will mtka oab itpiiotot full figure for 2joo per doz ih hiiutuk i a couple of acctdcdta lat thucsday ejcriiug mr w tortonhtd tha mufdrtaae to beesje of the fingers of his tight hand handing on a box haigidg a picture parlor when he alippi and fell witti the abaye painful result one day lut week while teaming lambed to campbells haw building on haioatreitvjaw apsife and ijthcoou whowaa drivingitwaaharied oeneatlrit the dm now tcfl him from serious and perhnpsfatal injury bot his shonlder and tide were badly brofted a plcsjiat social evening a very nlcasaht wga gper t last friday by the members of knox g itrrch choir in mrs adamaf oyster parlor the choir met for their ueuil weekly practco in the class room of the church after which they wrc invited by their lcidermratkann toon ostcttuppct which ym very taste fully prepared by mrs adams after tho appetizing repast had been fully enjoyed the members adjourned to the adjoining room where a couple erf hours were j spent in eocial amireemcnts after which the company dispersed reception service at the brick church rev h b christie tho pastor held a baptismatnd receptiop service otl bun- day evenfegjiuj loeickcwcn an interesting soni fervid- whhent the mifses abbott and benson of everton renderiug a n ember of jduetis and sbloe and an appropriate address was given by the paslof rev mr edge administered the rite of bsptism upoij five adult catidi dates and fourteen persons were received into full connection with thechurch the efforts of the popular jyouug pastor are meeting with success in this congregation the sons of auui scotia at the annual nicetidg of iyauhoe pimp no 31bos the following officers were elected for 1893 j- cbiet j uctavish cuieiiiik j agoew iabt chief arch ucfcabb u s h gwackbauiuicr fsth uardlng tnius r jobiibton cmrdgradt iurshall a baaisbaf s bt cbitboliii sge forbes j gt millar camp phteichn j tren tsiiittff j latby ll stalker mid 1 kennedy del to g c arch mcnabb i esqucsiati agricultardl society thq annual meeting of the esquesidg agnculturrl society waspeld in thecopn- cil chamber georgetowu on thursday 12tb inst the attendance was fair although do up to former yetre tto doubt on account of the stormy day according to the annual report the year 1692 was very sdcccful financially there being a balance in the treasurer hands of 110 the following is a list jef the directors elected for 1803 preidejt d r lasd- uw yicefrea r logan directors w s cbiebomhtontogfcmrm brown- f ruddell geo campbellrd little w shortfll jafc leslie and bividcook brick churektealeetiuc j the flnmplwl tf brick cbfurb above acton will be held next thursday ejening 20th inst an excellent pro gramme has been arranged and nll include addresses by the revs j edge acton i r duff churchill j wj hitching erin john hurl rowocanfftliepostbrrev h b chrietie music rill be provided by the williama quartette club acton and the misse abbott anb benson ever ton a nambejrtt notations wju jbe given tea will be served from six to eight pm conveyances will run from acton p o to the church for ad hoar be tween r and 7 and return after the tea- meeting a smart gtrt tals to theboye ajg yearold girl reads a lecture to the young men in a lincoln county exchange in this fashion why do you young men of this vicinity do so much loafing go to work push khead t am but a young girl i have clothed myself and got money ia the babk and oryy lp years old i lay up more money every year of my life than aoy boy or youngj man within a radius f three miles of my home whin they get a dollar they go to a dance and go home a dollar out lly father is able to support me but i choose to support nrj- self advise alleirlato cut clear of those loafing boy a givo them s wide berth and never marry a man ooless he is abls to eupport you and never put your arm through the handle of a run jug the cosgroves coming tbe cosgrove family who have visited acton twice and given very acceptable en tertainments will appear id tbe town hall next wednesday evening ander the aus pices of the sons ofscotland they icomo with a new programme clumed to be much superior to anything before given in ad dition to thetalented cosgrove family mr a e harvey character vocalist and miss marietta la dell elocutionist andcharact- er impersonate will be of much interest they are very highly spoken of by the press of both canada and the united states the emput say a programme of twenty five numbers was given and lit can be truthfully eaid that a more refitied or meritorious entertainment of theiitd has never been given inihs auditorium canadian press association the annual meeting o tbe canidiin press association will be held on thursday and friday february vth audoth in toronto in the board of jtrade building the programme promises ope of the most interesting and prajjuyertaeetiags ever held by the aesociaftonr jfhe attendaace of mr joseph howard zr of new york will greatly add to the interest of the busi ness sessions and his wide and privet i col experience will be qf pndoqbted valbe to nov dbuntry around itima supplied by corras- rfondenu and exohangaa joe rcpained the church foster rev ascbo board edtotl associa ion tha rcmiamcencetatlheajaerlemirwkr twv thf epvorth liagua has arraugao with t na potkr of clifford for thedaltterr of his lecture on tha above sabjeot oa tue- dty eveniuff 31st janaatf kt itr iottor is aq american loldieraud u such sreut fhroogh tha lata civil war aid was severely wouudect tfia recital o his persocil eiperfaooa darine tboca troabloas limes is well worth bearing and ur pofter is an intereattsg speaker and trail qualified to dvaaulghlycatwtaiulua and instructive lectur itueatuely sauimory in iniwer to the quastiou frequently propounded to- thi fuse pass tbe past few tveekp how is jour new system of payment in advance for subscriptions workirg wo have pleasure in replying tbatit is successful to au eatent far beyond oar abtuipttoas the response uvoar request for oooperatiqu in tberaatter his been beartv and generil on tbe part- of our subsciibera and by tbe first of feb ruary very few subscriptions indeed will was on remain upon purj lists unpaid we have been fair and reasonable with our sub- scribers in the adoption of our new plan timely notice was civen and gentle re- minder from time to time have followed the result is ample proof of tbe apprecia lion of frek pnesti readers of our efforts to supply them with a local and general family newspaper superior to what is usually found in the country weekly we enter atpon the new order of things with increiet interest and are determined to utilize every pobssible means to provide our readers with a journal they will always welcome and be proud to refer to as our paper wo trust the few who have as yet failed to comply with the new system will within tbe next ten days take the necessary bteps to have their dates advanced we would be sorry in any case to eever the tie which unites subscriber and publisher tbe fbee pncss mabeb its appearance ub regular as the week rolls around and we dont uk subscribers to be any more punctual than the example thus set we are aware that owing to the very low price of grain money is in some cases tcarcc but as a rule when theres a will theres a way tbe month of grace expires ou 1st feoruary after which date all aupaid sub- scriptioub will be discontinued oeorc1etown fees will lecture hero on saturday night i nder fha auspices of the w c t u and e t ofit the 3aptstcburch is at present under going t pain the audience room is being avers mniversary services of the baptist will be held on sunday rev prof of uoilsiter hill will preach w b norton resigned bis position rmia df the midland association f missions and wasatonoaappoinf- e same office for the owen booed ickurckill al social held on tuesday evening of ta most sosccsaf nl in the his tory of the jcongreg4tiansj church here the at eudanoe was good especially from acton- are large sleigh loads of visitors hiving omo op to enjoy the evening the s leakers f the evening were bevs b b villiajus of duelph a icorgreu bpeodsii e hj b christie everton and tho past r i b duff the ape leaf quartette and iciss jessie k icklin rendered a number of select ions wit 1 mueh acoeptance ir j kirkwood mpp occupied the chair the proceeds reached over ho the best cough cure i i tiio beat remedy t a cherry onchitta sqte fhfoat ll mvf itoral fcjr colds coughs bronchitis consumption ttoniay hoatscness or otlfer derttnge trents oo the vocal org ns tliroatt and ngs fts record covet r half i eeatriry idis gathered from al quart rs of he gplje tt stliefavs te prsparitlbn vritli siugeri actors- pt tclieri teailtere slnd public speakers it sootliek the inflamed meml ranft promotes expectoration aid strerejthens the vo e tftkenlat tnd first symptoms of cciisuuiptiop it cheeks curtliar pnjgress mthe disease and etetiiti tile later stages tcascicottetiingtindliidfices repose li reasoi of is great itreugth it is tlteinoslj ecanoiaical mtdiciuejof the fciruur be found anywbbrein the world we have been deajiii in acers if ediaries for rear and lia ve alniys found toeji t to g ve the verf- liest satisfaction jhe of ofr customers i ladyj wasjaffiicfel for a long time knatchbull coming and going visitors to and from acton and varlousother personalnotes mr fred secord arrived home this week mr w 0 king of toronto was in town last week mr george statham has left colorado and is now in chicago mr austin swackhamer of hannon was in town yesterday mr and mrs trueman hall of orange- ville visited acton friends this week mr and mrs austio tubby of toronto were gueati at sunderland villa this week mrs- william milne of ripley has been visiting acton friends the pist week or so miss lottie heinstreet returned last week from avisitwith frlendaat maple avenue farm trafalgar aid r ii nnlson of guelph has been elected cbairmanof the iuilway commit tee of tbe city council mr and mrs huggins of kiagara falls were guests at the home of mr samuel laird during the week misses maggie d matthews and jennie mcpbail spent a few days during the week with friends in toronto mr d d christie of toronto waif elected last week president of tho city branch of the bible society mr and mrs john williamson of bur lington were guests at the homo of his brother mr david williamson the past week rev john pringjejexmoderator of the manitoba presbyterian synod formerly of georgetown will accept a call to st paul minn mr james wilson of stratford visited mr james mclennan last week he spent several weeks in acton about twenty years ago and wts much surprised at the many improvements which have since been effected miss emma ji moore of tbe staff of nurses at toronto general hospital was home this week for a short vacation she entertained a number of ber young friends former companioba at her fathers home on monday evening a very enjoy able time was spent rockwood those who attend the airb has been to make this a working meetii g and the suc cess of the commitfee is she wn by the pro gramme there will be three busineis sessions theopening one a oclock thursday afternoc 3 tfa tamod friday morning and thejiirdvpriatiy afternoon on thursda evening- jjpe annual dinner will be held aaolhtr bfadfit society j ji during the past week the ufficiai orgaaie- er of tho aucient order of forecjert tt a j stevens has been qui itly wortdgt acton with the result tb it on tesnti evening court star of aitod kotbtt the bffican t was opened in thia town elected were as follows pceh grindell cui frauels scrgeo ltason treai t a uaapu beca e ktekltn bwh sans jw5s smyth 6ilh h worfeo jbh atkinson lied oflierj f ureo truiteosa wrlcht 1 wilktmon a dumber of visiting- guelph and kockwood assuked at the cere mony of initiation th i first rcfnju meeting will be held next 1 uetday e eoipg fhea tha court will be ope i for bprifles- jflardsliirnten haifp otte the ai nual meeting of tha kassagaweya agricult ral society was held in tha town hall bn skvilje on thursday last for the transact 3d of business and election of omcers fi rthepresent year the following are the c boers president james erwin vicepre identj malcolm mcmillan sec ernest i nottisb mr gi bert taylor of pprt huron is visiting i lends in natsrgaweya at the manse sodom on wednesday jan lit j- by- tho he v a blair mr george c rnmroat to catherine anderson all of na tsegsweytj we with tbe happy couple a ong and prosperous life misshiw and miss wilson of kuatch- bullspec ta few days at mr mccuens on the york roadthis week koatcb sail is to have a new resident in tbe pet ion of mr john locker former- of the gu fph road and in a short time ciire it s vpbste coiivdpra orit ayerfs cheijfy ffetoial prompt to act grekt repared m l by br 1 0 ij n k oploveukm redtliti0n -on- 5t es per cent 1 kenneyi bros i their numerous customers foe the liberal pitronige of the pastnear take a prictical method ofshowing their thanl from and ifter saturday dec 24th c si 2whotilbr sklae p- at -ithe- itionl gcueipfe this advertisement cut okt kndbmuglit to the lion will entitle the purchaser to a distant tjf 23 pericentybn mantles or to per cent on al bthfer igaod words any 6ne bbying a i cket froti u advertisement as tasrvirr pament pf erin mr d rfcmtllan lot 25- 10 uno erin in going to b a barp one morning last week was treat d to rather an unpleasant sur prise by fi iding that the floor of his gran- ery had gfvenway during the night and the whole if hi grain precipitated to the cellar belo r his loss wijl be considerable on aoooun of the different kinds of grain getting m xed besides one of his cows was killed am another injured by the mass falling on bemi tbe vil age fjouucil was organised on monday j the thii i meeting of the young peoples union in connection with the methodist and presb teriati churches was held in tha methodist chorch on tuesday 17th inst when a le nre was given by the eev w f wilson of toronto subject mistaken people mr rob rote has sold his lot in erin village to dr chas overland and bought one from 1 it j b awrey in hilliburg on which ha i itendje to build a residence for himself in the near future mr bott is a typical er n farmer one who by his in dustry anc tha intelligent conduct of hie farming peratfons is enabled- when scarcely pi st hit prime to retire and enjoy his well ea ned competence eden mills at their regular meeting on tha 11th inst cour edaa mills lof installed the following c ficer for the ensuing term i bro chwuson pje a obertsou cji wn area vcb jas harraec bs wn pceljfb wn bamaay trees wn qsddas chap wn latag bw h ooreuw hiibrjsb jliimrsib jalngj otganist comrolttee bro win argo and of the above court are oyster supper on friday v ucenij e brethren from tuesday last was red letter day in tbe history of tbe royal templars of tbis village for years past this society has met in the old m e i church building which has become so badly out of repair as to be uncomfortable on tuesday even ing they moved into the fine large hall over mr j innea new stone building where the foresters workmen and select enights are also to bold their meetings in future this is one of the finest society iialls in the county being nicely furnished and very comfortable having an organ etc labout thirty members of gualph court cil camil to visit the jtoclcvtbod counciy- and assistedl in the initiation of six candi dates and installed the uew officers aftec wluch they gave an interesting program of music addresses etc the proceedings were closed by the two councils forming a circle and singing together god be with you till we meet again the ladies of pinnacle council famished anice lunch whfob was served at tbe close the royal templars soaiety ia one of the most popular iuititattooa of tbe village mr john jago returned home from winnipeg where he had been spending few days oo business connected with the firm of w jh jago glove manufacturer jn tuedsj use ij y oixhorsjayimorniiig last mr p lee hotel keeper fctjnd a team of horses and eigh ift his shed wberejthsy had evidently beesdiog niqsjloj ue nifht uihas woj tornedontthajllw owner pat lfm thtre while imder tbainfloenoa of hqaor and walksdhome four miles jonr fellowl pooc horse i i mim cewsbrof moboip is ipeodmg a fawosjiisji lasvlrihusno i lieut- stephens of fjfapawamannj assumed oommiid of trie- battalion arnry foroaschere j mtr c pfarrisb of st paul ifintr ia home tor a few days i- ir nd jfn- hrsm iwilliams rerurnad tostcafliilleotttileaday after a few wseka visit with friends in this locality mus mary bolton of paisley block is visiting frieflds in roctwood i ber j hfrt preaohed at georgetown on sunday last mr loala oann filled the- methodist pulpit here oa sunday evening canal itolls discrimination w finance ccameron the me noen going to bs re an evening bv mr kaeof acton will deliver a lector iru ia prisbyterian church here oa thajstii in it in aid of foreign miciions bubject i woman a rights joo h iararoer has rented lot no 3 cos i ers nostj mrs ha apsoa and family left monday forkorval lit and mrs kingsbury of nassags- weya and wmi anderson actoo wse theguasts tl r anderson last week j ramt y is confined to his bed with la gripp mrs dai by isfick- cause heart diwase about fo ty viiited tha premises of j d piammec on friday evening when sociaidsuu was kept up until the wa ems- hoars price or one tenth of the price of any other our stock of mantles anc plete and we still show a full we sell the best sable cape kt 3750 beaver capfei at 2750 we offe extra value in sealettes and make them up as you dan gk thern no where else 4 dj williarison i and 7 wyndham strest guelnt as oswald street qlassaw refer cure jacicets ij still very cpin- i foe one month they will give a cash discount j of ten per cent on cash purchases on ail goods in the store excepting only rubber goodsl we have full lines of boots shoes slippers trunks valises etc to which this large discoaht will apply call and have your wants supplied kenney bros j r acton u ossr or in other can use this one fifth of the goods off irs the canadian order of fo raters is a ifraternal benevolent society i ncorpotated in1879 and registered under the insurance corporations act 1892 of odlario tha objects of the sociefi ara tdtfaniiah its members nth sick a id fuoetal benefits and an insurance of one or two thousand dollars the paymenis for these benefits range from shout one dollar li one dollar aad fifty ceats per month according d the age of tho member and th utnoantof the ihsaranoe carriedi tha taeniberehip is coniriosed ef men only audsrheu admit ted they mutt be -mtween- strep of eighteen audtortyfive the p esent num ber of members is oyer 1100 and the society has a cash surplus pa l and for the payment of the iuiarance of over i215000 50000 of which is in dominion of canada bonds ind the balance is invested iff the best monetary institutions of the domin ion in addition to this the 1 cat courts have about a hslf a million of dollars in their treasuries for tha payn eiit of fhe siok and faneral bldefits tha high secretary of the order is mr thomas whiteof brantford aoid it isej pectsd that a court qfjthii poptriarj arid pu rely- cans- dlan society will shortly bebrgi niiedherii teeikw i ubsei cln is photog i why nothave aplny a group takefn in th6 evening oius- jftrss 4- d wituamt t ynn mass fpr tle good of others rev jtrj tfohants ileartuv en- dors a foods sarsaparilla we ire pleated to present this from rev a k yilliams of the sutsbee street chi istiin oiurch lynn mass i tec no rcosoq why a clergynian more then a layman uo knows whereof lie ipeakx should hesl ate tojapprovo an ittlole of merit and certh from hleu hees his family hare- been sleiul y bcaeatetl atut whose eommenda- tluu may rve to extend those benefits to other by ti crewfcitr their eonfldence my wife clfriijan l the ttrifif of canal mhukvtrtfo thtyefum puis a ni o all liscrrnuaaiioif agsunst vessels merchandise ov cifieeas of the united jsutes 1 n voia headidhea mr which i lie ioirjdlime help shelsis rled rooiir it u jwiiranued weir briper- tonjicjiuu t jutaauamemtatelktrs kot- tjc of rioo is kinahartna it seems surprls- inj wliat leply jone iksttle oouw swl dldoo iiutubcr add vrc lc vlblisssibj sasst raseo- while rwc teneral tieslth has b ived ii r annettta baa also been crieiice iii your own parlor leave your orders wi of all kinds guelph sieat market fresh meats eye offer oily tho bptt r ultrii i wc eandlj t lcensv 1 ixtic stock tajkmq i 0 mull in basin to actoaloac eaoagh to plokra tapplltjd with txtt- thor go icbei ttatidpi txoal osach in bo iccnrwi lad m t can ere so g caduiror to trtidt oar eaxtaiaett c coqicqaenia wo rttsin the old uid i gbestctahpriojjtid for potfc hide tii- tth riog ci tle sale orpotk to lell are requested o stull special january -at- renelsqns ajioiitli of bargalus alty wboej bet teneral tieslth has been im proved ii r anseltta baa also been better frora oor rpcneiicc with hocd8sar8aparll1a jsve no i ttf ta jfys hoooa ptlxft are tbe beat fajdor eatharuc stisasdlautttjsei titessts stock must be reduced one half and prices reduced socordibgly i j choice baitings rednsed in trice 20 per cent fine wesj of kngund pantin ft isviuos lad bloa fboms pit in fju 5f par pair former price 7p0 and 1 1 about 100 beits all wool undlsewtutao- svsais wi hats ospa tijes efvv iltrta sad top shirts and j nlaaror sfahtosei srt- greatly rtdooed prices x lot of bemnanti al yoor os n firje v ra wpia3si tailor aid oenu fi ruiaber 99 opper wjiodham i it oaalph cxuelpii glptli hall j- rir t our stock of a tesds knd oiuoths for autumn wear is now completein even- 1 department v our reputation forfirstclasi ordered clotn- ing is well known wehdvesno superiors j i ahaw c turner i ll f new yeatr presents i v n vsforthelwhttbiis glance over our bill of fare and see its we havent just the thing you wknt for your friend remember we have no fancy prices- every thingvgoes to suit the times our list for the ladies beiver setts bppdssuil setts seal setts goat setts beaver capes ifstrackan jackets kidaqloves a kid uitttj wool- atltts silk ties stlk linen handker- chiefs ruches fine- hose kid boots kid slippers dress lengths feather fans- curling tongs hats bonnets etc our list for the chudren i grev persian lamb setts odd collars and muffs in any of these fursi v cive you friends some thing usefu j j t i t b ilk aru motit georgetown- i8 w4 arejgok g to take stock in i short time wo hare several hi is oi goedswe are bound to cl ar out j fic s wilt be made rij bt to attain th 5 object mill nor r reduced mar ties reduced mar tie cloths reduced crei it slaughter in dress i goods 1 fun reduced j refa iyrrade clothing re- duced j a ovecbjts reduced knitted woollen goods redjucad a la of ihiiivens knitted r wbi tllen goods and dicotsetr reduced to pkjeypeesian lamb caps whlte rabbit setts fancy wool setts white llama setts tam oshakters r- fancy wool caps 1 rt fancy handkerchiefs ber our prices arerl gloves akd mitts this is only a fevy f the many artlelts we have that would gladden the hearts of the little ones rfeaiem j- our list for the men suspenders sox kid gloves lined k un- blned wool gloves a mitts- press shirt8 collars t cuffs ties scarfs seal caps beaver caps persian lamb caps ni ii m 2 c a are bq i iinif carpets cheap tare doin r toe right thing in or tered clot 01 ng our dims mkoirjjare it it night apddjy m kif ifm on te dollar nultltleij ftijd i- a td till i a avifnttige ctii- jgal a luff apl i mjffemdnew irfifc rsvj ew jttn new r ipp rtr- rpet v foot lijmiiiieppm hb bo jtoww this list does riotaglve any idea of the come in and see us j i everything goes cheap at gltristinas r ib jermyn cor mill and main streets actqjc j i i i f if you want 1 your bjood purified and your system invigorated geta bottle of smiths f b ll 1tqm if you have a a bad koffj get a bottle of ji smiths gkery bajsaifa- 1 pleasant tb fake and cures every time our winter fluid a i t v for roughness of the skin chapped j 1 a tends and to be used after shaving has 1 a noequal a a 1 f prepared only by- m l 3 m o smllth 5lgo guelrh ont dispensing chetriiste no 12 wyfldhrsfjujj ciiivffl

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