Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 19, 1893, p. 4

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rt v ft k i r jxi jctoft fmfatm tkor8dax mkuarx 19 ism je fqurtg jwris rffe coobars xiss at the door her eves were ulamed with a clue of pride and ier heart with love ssiow ai ibe oftljr tripped to hr bubuidi t4a when be opened fb door ta go and taere ta ber moraine wrapoac trial whue a slle oa bar red upc wore bbe ctood oa tbe steps ud tire to mm a foodbre kits at tbe door 6ue tare to her datfe with eheerral heart for abe bee not now fajleara tfcot tbe wife afid baxband mast ofttrrpatt avhen tbe dallj breed to earn aad theres peace aod joy a her ceatle breatt at she ten or sweeps tbe soar and sverv took li ettirtdvtth rett 1 farthe coodbre kiss at tbe door aud tbe hatband striving fa life roast race where theres little time for ploy has many a cllmpse of her smiling face in bu mind tbroafbjbe baojr dajr and bfs look is tender mi eras are bright at be eons bis ledger oer for be thinks of tbe welcome that colt a nffnt and the eoodbre kiss st tbe door 0 vires end hatbands tbe srortd u bright when the heart with lore dotb flow and iu patb s inaooth and its burden ilfbt if yonre willing to mato tuem so and tie son will shine throucb tbe darkest dsjr and scatter tbe clouds that lover and the roses blossom alone lifes way for tbe coodbye kiss at tbe door we mechanicshave no time to study we beard a mechanic moke the above reajirk to a oomrade a few evenings ago sod we are sorry to hear it it shaved that the speaker litd no true idee of the opportunities at his disposal tbe ilea about the vant of time to study ii a mere phantom ivanklin foand time in the midst of all his abort to dire into the bidden recesses of philosophy and to explore tbe untrodden paths of seienoe the great frederick with an empire at his directjon in the midst of war on the ere of battles which were to decide the fste of hit kingdom found time to revel in the charms of philosophy and iatellectual pleasare boaaparte with all europe at his die posa with kings in hie antechamber beg fing for vacant throne with thoatcadi of rcen whose destinies were tasneadedsjss the brittle thread of his arbitary pleasare had time to converse with booka ceiat when he had curbed the spirits of the roman people and wu thronged with visitors from the remotest kingdoms found time for intellectual cultivation and then think of the mechanics the stevensons watt fulton peter cooper and a host of others who hare educated themselves and risen to eminence every man has time and if he improves it aj well as he might can reap a threefold reward let mechanics then make use ol tbe boors at their disposal if they want to obtaia an education and exercise a proper influence in society they are the life- blood of the community they can if they please hold in their hands the destinies of oar republic they are numerous respect- able and powerful and they have only to be educated half as well as other profess ions to make laws for the nation simple exercise here is good exercise 1 take fundamental position that is stand with hinds at the side heels to gether toes turned out 2 hands on hips rise an toessteodily 8 slowly bend knees outward and down- ward t rise on toes and sink to fundamental position this is a good exercise for cold feet or rheumatic joints it is a balance movement and prepares for jumping a good chest exeecise a goodchest exercise is tbe following 1 fundamental position 2 with deep inspiration raise arms for ward and upward 3 with slow expiration let arms sink outward and downward if you do this 20 times a day yoa will soon bare s chest where no bacilli can lodge new york prat his humble friend the telsfion of tbe celebrated men to those whom they meet fn the humbler walks of life is ofteo as interesting as tbe estimation in whiehtheyareheld by the great world it is said that tennyson v siway kind and almost deferential to the old irarse whotook care of him when he was a child to the country people who knew him he had always a most unpre tending manner in few of thee appre ciated hira a genius they seemed to con sider whatever be did ta be quite the right thing because he did it evea though it might look peculiar tbey were accustom ed to ins solitary rambles and though frequently sarprisad by the appearance of a figure in a short cloak and slouch hst in come dark bit of woodland they were never slow in settling npon its right identity at one time a oosotryman who fancied he had seen su apparition of some sort added after attempting its description if it wsnt a ghost then twere mr tennyson i political prover8s furifyiu polliticks is uphill work 5ivtl service reform gethers no moss some statetmen air small pertaters few in a hill the main ijotlifitaihnd ofscsndideleis can he get there its a party herd job to tell political honesty wheu yoaaee it a pattriot raayi die for bil country but us rule hed rather not t when the offia wates fer the man in this dominion somethin aint rite wimmeu that air well treateof at home mostly aint bankerin for votes the candidate that got em aint goiu to worry about how sertin votes wni got ef uobodjrue dont notes here md temt of qsntral intara it to fra j pratt readart rer srlvutts un of the ciaetaatu it e r wtj theris coafereorje tays tnakes gcod potot when he hive for yean used hoods 8a saparilla our family of five and find it dally equal to all that is claimed for it boa e people i re greatly prrjadicedtagaiast pitet t raedlcic ec but how the patent can hurt a medicine and not a machine is x myiter of myiwr let to me hoods pills cure liver ills jerusalem is still supplied withwatier from solomons pools through an aque duct built by the crassders a big trouble the great sciatic nerve when disturbed cjnsjive more pain than any nerve of the human body fort anately it is easily sub dued by the right remedyat the time oa thl subject jfr wiluam blsgden of edea- sor blakewell derbyshire- eag writes was a sufferer from sciatic for two years st jacobs oil oompletstycnred me wheoall other remedies had coifed j the engfavmrs of sin francitoo proposs to supply that city with water from lake tahoe 150 miles distant l sure kemedf for keoralgu keuralgialtone of the most ooramon i dtroaiaesompiainu incidenlai to tint climate lit ic not confined to any patticaltr season for while most general in the winter sessooa yet many s oflsr its eicracisting igony in the haatof inramer in late yeart thu form of disease hat be come better known and consequently the moans of relief utra become greatly 14- crfaod in numbsrs as well u in emoaoy among tbe mqtt powerful and pene tratiog combinstions piaocd within lbs reach of the public for he relief of neural gia we can mention no remedy equal ta or mars certsla than poisons nerviloe its power over pala is somethiag ffoadarfat and we advise a trial for neuralgia or any other paiaful complaints mr bbowmau said it greenhorn at a mepofierie can the leopard change his apols t a yes sir replied the individual who stirs up the wild beast iwhen he if tired of one spot he can eastlr go to an other i prisoners liberated j claims lisle ure h haii navarino n i writes for yesrs i have been troubled with liver complctut the doctors isid myiiver wol hardened and enlsrced i was troabiad with dirxinesa pain in my shoulder conj stipalion and gradually losing ft sboil the time i was under the care of three doci tors but did not get any relief i a friend sent me a bottle of korthrop dv lymansj vegetable discovery and the benefit i have received from it is far beyond my expec tation ifeel better now than 1 1 ave done for years westminister bridge boilt in 1760 wu the first in which the fouodatiqns were laid by the aid of caissons truly eerommeiidcd geotlemen i can truly recommend hagyardvpectoral balsam for alt coughs and colds leas than one bottle cored rny brother of a severe cold mill mogjjie thompson vssay ont tbe fhsroa lighthouse aleisndm wu built bc 285 height 55q feet lyht vis- ible fortytwo miles the proprietors of parmeleos pills are constantly receiving letters linrilar to the following which expisios itself mr john a beam waterloo oct writes i never used any medicino that can equal parme- lees pills for dyspepsia orlaer and kidney complointa the reliei exper ienced after using tbem wu wonderful as a safe family medicine parmelees fills con be given in all coses requiring a catbsrid the caledonian canal is bixty miles long 20 feet deep 120 wide at the top and 50 at the bottom i diseases are oest difficult to remedy scon emulsion of pure norwecian cod lllver oil and hypophosphites of lime and 50da f will restore a lost appetite lost flesh and check wasting diseases especial ly in children wkfi wonderfufcap drty coughs and colds aro easily killet by a few dotstofthisremirkable reriedr pautable as milk ftu pt ike midit fit up in talmmti orti prestrd alj iy jt k bcwae bthvlille terfcet satwaetiun gxkilemes i bve found b h ban excellent remedybblh as a bloodtburifier and general family medicine 1 us for a long time troubled with sick headache udheartbnrn and tried a bottle which gave roe onch perfect satisfaction that i htye since then used it as our family med icine e bailey north bay ont the day before the bottls of wagrsm- nepoleon bod a complete pontoon bridge hallt and floited into place- to preserve a youthful appearance as long as possible it is indispensable thst tbe hair should retsin iu natural oolprand fullness thero is no preparation so effect ive ss ayers hair vigor it prevents baldness and keeps the scalp clean cool- and healthy thetjoion pacifiohu ffteen long and a great number of short tunnels the oggre- gote length being 6000 feet t speedy belief for croon i havea little boyci gestiekex whose greatest trouble is thecroup jsnd i fiad that hogyards yellow oil gives speedy relief therefore i tske pleasure in mending it to be public mrs l h baldwin oakiaud unt different men have different mottoes that of george w child for instaafe forgive tbat of most oilier for get the perfection ol god being iufinite become godlike inesns infinite growtti to dont fort to rent w yohr subscription only rrtbfjcttrvbrotry l lad enough with tbe ordi nary pul buttbo batlnstt s and3ter 1jta uttic temporary good rtom tgeiuniac to eoi dr ssfspassare wr theyre tbe tmallear h easiert totafa panules tilt anythudureadyfor tbea tbev do tbeir wit aajas cntfy cure constlt b digestion bilious bck and batons haadacoet and afl attackt t kaseas of trazst csurrf dy say if ire ji wtatrtt i rr4 l w0 rant cure vonr r ratr what rour zu t a uemarkable csse mr walter whel- lef of the washington ifillt lawrence ifaia for two years afflicted with varicose veins accompanied by a troublesome eruption waaoompletely cuffid ofteu pok ing only eight oottlesof ayera-sariipar- illa the union pacific road crosses mountain ranges- tbe libthest beiuif black hiils 832 feet above sea level nine the fw are the remedies whose bene qniliuisstid real merits daye made tjheni so rkinlar with ihe public and increased from year to yar feir coiisump which whilst poscexing the most valuable remedial properfies ore yet so simple to their oqmpopnfl stid so eay to take oc jho quinine wine tirejiarert by korthrop 4 lymsn of toronto thi orttile is pre- pirfdfrorn the pure saiphate o quinine combined wiih fine sherry wine and choke nromatim which rerievahe qoin- ine it hilter tto olid does not irflpiif in the lrat 6tikv the effiwy of its action pon ihe- patient white smll dos frequently iitl trenxihen jhe pulx- ncrsik iniikauv froe igtu ihe tone of hie nervio fy attu thus by the getieral vigor iwliffh llit crwes sn inetlstwhlrh ek in hie stomach a nd enereyj nlf i ifsny who have been confined to their jieds for years by rheamallim lame back and kidney complaints have been liberated from their sad prisons by the wonderful regulating and purifying action of bardock blood bitters which- drives oat the acrid poison from the bloodond restores health ii the afflicted j illy dear sold an elderly lady do yoa kjnaw that your husband told me lost night thaitny cheeks wire like roses res lave i know he did he ipokeof it after wards and said ft was a pity they werf yellow rooss i p i cosssraptiail gonitis croat feta- lircat csdfcr tlldrcrxiujonagoirmiiua fct a lame eidt badearcliat sbiloa porooa piutcr wij pro rjtraluactfe 6hloh3 vitalizer cvjtavtglbestroiicdvorgovmlftgmsiatois cxrused fordttpepeututarorkwaor litraosb grlootsot catarrh remedy ifttvuroa catarrh f trrliiobemedr i twill positively relieve and ours too prlos ftt ota this inlcctor foe its sncoessral treatment 1 fumlsbedcroa hernrmht bbiloho knrbefltes are sold pnatrwinfrw to give wrlsfsfhrm tbe brightest flowers must fade bat 3oung lives endangered by severe coughs and colds may bepreserved by dr thomas eciectrio oil croup whooping cough bronchitis in short all affections of tits throat ondluogi are relieved by this ster ling preparation which also remedies rhea- matin pains sores bruises piles kidney dimculty and is most eoomooio some of the comstock mines are so deep that no means hove yet beep devised to overcome the excessive beat bordering on consumption when a cold is neglected it frequently develops a condition bordering on consump tion no otier remedy will scy quickly relieve and on re coses of this dangerous kind as dr foods norway pine syrup ibecauee no other remedy possesses such perfect enrattve powers u does this prince of pectoral remedies- old time may find plenty ofstnd for his hourglass in any sugar cask lewis s butler burin nfld rhcuma- ism tho wosson sheffield k b lock jaw j by ucmuliin chatham ont goitre airs ww johnson walsh ont in- flammation j james h baley parkdale out neu ralgia c i hague sydney cb la grippe in every cate onsoltcitect and aathenti cited tkey atteifto the merits of mik irds liwment war well wased jwhot greoterenefayofmankind than disease andjwhst nobler work- than to fight against this death dealing enemy qf humanity the must sacceiiful war against disease is being steadily carried on by burdock blood bitters fpr dyspepsia constipotionbad blood biliousness eta cannot resist its powers plany people are led- by their vices bat great many more follow hem without any leading at all j if yon wont to bay orsell a form ad vtrtioe in the toronto wahf mail that paper reaches 100000 farmera homes every week and your advertisement should meet the eye uf someone who wants ta pur chase advertisements of this oiaao are n serted in the toronto ffeehf kail for five cents a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertions address toe hail toronto canadj a woman charged withiefng drank at d disorderly denied thelotier offence saying ehe was too drunk to be disorder iy oh what a cough i will yoa heed the warning the signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disea consumption ask year eelvee if yoa can afford for the sake nf saving 50c to run the risk and do nothing for it we know from experience that shilohv core will core your coagh it never fails question and answer what is a publio impost 7 why in certsia rases like the laleincomertoiit jgnot going too to call suchstablio impost a pablie impos- tate if your children are troubled with worms give them ifoiher graves worm exter- mitotorj safe sare and effectait try it and mark tha improvement on joar child coinsi endablo lot aomlstont with tin high ooareoter of i lyrap of figs are purposely avoided by 11 cai fig syrup compaoy ii tott genii on the kidneys liver and bowels olsin ing tj system effectually but ii if not a ouresjl and makes no preten sions hat et ry lottie will hot sabstan- lodli ule woben sometimes arms recommended u a care low worrit byrap little ilea suffer from is very highly the third tags of the toronto dtilq vauil noted or wont advertisementf if yoa want u bay pr sell anything if yoa want t oil ution a mechanic a busi ness- machine j lodgings if yoa have lost or ound anytl ing or if yoa wont to find oat wlere toy at if j advertise in the to ronto dally u ill and read he advertise ments on the rhirdptga of hat paper the obarge if dwaqenu a wordessh in sertioa addrjuf tie unit toronto caq ode the boy at he head of the cius will ssaut wfau wire the dsric agar of the world y hesiulet ksxtilaster smith oant oa uil what be dark ages were igu nhej were he tga jut before the nve lion of specanles nji mn8torfwciad flrom praotfoe bysteast of a simple y and per- broaobltii t andj long anold physiolan retli having had plabed in hi india missionary thffprm vegeublo retneiy for the t muent cure of oonsumptli catarrh asthma and allti affeoliona also a positive arid radioal ours for kexvoatdebility and all nervoai com plaints after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousahas of cases hu fell it his duty to make it known to ill his suffering fellows actuated by ibis tacttlve and a desire to relieve hnxuan suffering i will tend free of charge to all who defire it this recipe fa german frenoh or english with fall directions for preparing and using sent by mail by ac dressing with stamp naming this paper w a noiss 8 jo powert block iloohesmjn y la i7w vsii eslla invectes a hollo sphere and tabs several hundred feet i length he motot power bein air canada is beingcongrataloted everywhere hai aoaraejreaterci- p sotnetimeo o lsfghtly blotches pimples or saiiow opsqc i skin destroys he attract- ivenees of hind otne fsatares in all such case scotts e nuliida will baiid up he system and im art freshness and beauty dr woods norway pind syrup cures coughs cou s ailhma broachidf hoarsedeu and cooiomptlon if taken la time free and easy expectoration immediately relieves and fr es ha hrotfand lungs from viscid phi gm sjnd a medicine that promotes hit j he best medicino to use for coaghftooidi laflamatioa of tha lungs and all section of the throot and che thit is precisely whatjbieklef anhcon- snmptivs syrup s a specific for and when ever used it hu ivea unbounded satitfao- tion children like it because it is pleas- ant adoili like i because it relieves and cares the dlsessi a man ic a foof to be enraged with an iii that he cannot n one hat be can bat there is no a hit nose medy or if he endures he mast bear ihe gout cation to let a fly tickle yoa can you need not c iagh all night and disturb your friends the a is no occaoion for yoa running the risk of contracting lafisra- motion of he ian or consumption while get biles anticonsumptive syrap this m icine cures eoaghs colds insammstioa of t is lungs and all throat and chest troablei it promotes a free and eoiy expebtoratiot which immediately re lieves the throat and lungs from viscid phlegm ifilbaras cod diver oil emalsion with wild cherry and hypophssphitesbaildf ap and strenghens he entire syttenf burdock pais et small and elegant and pleasant to ai re liver ills they are y coated sare ia effect use aeaaqiiaua btftr ait c sx w arr purest st iohoest be8t bestfrforamlbant anantltr formaaibr 0oail barueuur water dtrii ctiirsrdantuidroaouie caljloia 1 drsma toronto piso s ure for btth h w the best c ug pieoicime wlpftowm ff baking powfder thecooics best friend- urocst si lctk canada tjhe ararbill mqnufactui lnggajm- waterloo ontsi icakufac uszm op bank office and opera scliool lodge bnjnitrire v lilies hie tvem gl all inritioa uses ask for korthrop4 lymist me wine j sold by oil draggisu dont fjill to gel oudestfmatesi send for cfrealars iad catslogues rf latest impxflveititjd perfect ed schoc i desk the new m at market f- o sti riot ffos been ftt baofaess a letonlons onooah to know tbae when people antsupslled rtthdrst- s i- aln- contains no alam ammoola uma j s kti w oillkintorontetronf pu fresh meats owlaictiojgiirbers oeh i we offer onlr the base lot iludland oa a eon saqaenea aoveoiors a pot ooafs whlob is aboat our niftiest ontldpsuont 1 1 j tte ajivssiadsvorvtojirsajsiiaomsri wll and u aoonoeqoseoe ra rrtaln tlie old and hlfbeat cash prfoe paid grjfc hides tai- oatuo taselaninaestsd o- oa the exeelleneef ofiher art stalned oiam if front rank of her improvements hecaaaiaad a son of id years have labored not late money bat to make stained mental qlau of all kinds a dominion the best credentials foe a glory are the marks of righted v pal iio a lilt or ererjfcody fuije cotreeflj tnanufaojures prominently in the tianas to toronto who for to acopma- andorna- eredit to ihe andidata for of cousict imertaij in the above wellknown hhjnie the y water tl milrinp and is in lie oand cotm1i in the above cat of t ack and gui tlio jiwicrs of oar x-oana- people will give 10 o ctasit to the person who urstjejn find lie ionl witer i uie ibovenfcmrei to the wand ane gold weseltrto tfe tulrda due r fee watch to the fourth arerautlye pcock suverte sorrier to tfo 6fru impirted iristebortothesthaslmpiextrmvvrjicr a soudgold elorto cschof iho nttwo eorrcvt inisrs 5ts tiold piece to the next tbrcc k sold brooch to esch of the ne anivers aoomodu each of the ne ea eofrcct sstbo p ss present and assuttbejudscs fa the awom p sb contestant u to cat oat lie hctas and nkko a cross 5th a leadncncll on the live filers ftt- altr tutsndsimotoas ylthtea t3l2l orsocentsla suver for one rwmfe o oar roang- peoplewhich is shirge beantt- fellv llluirrit w nalailnil a bcoutiftil lnirlvsirthe hotxbutwiil ud lent froebj rctiramafl to every answer recctvef rcmeoibcr tastnnpttae piper for an cntis voir ad a ssieewcwafeajlhe prlxet i bds s ijour opportnnlty and if yoa delay you ivulasland rciret it we trtll rfve to the tut to correct answers received cacva handsome- souvenir g2h2 roo to bar w ettar jt yotvrlu hove our tonus icoplel as 1 1 kjjjsr vltltor at roar home for the next year ana a chance of wumlnir one ot ita eusq nrlxesj if voa are iwe perfectly satlanciwlliyourliivjui suflerresvjwtlinrt feosite rca con have jour mouey locic in t rneenvelotio niilcli iaj wij 23 bearing drst pastauric will rooefvd lint rewbt and the balance in order as recclvedj ite arohnd saswcrlcdiy and enclose mntslabd roujrlli receive the bat vl ueyon everdldlbrihenioijey areai rs oob ttooso people klnr 8syesltbroata0nada j fejstsstes5slwi w i ml norway ptnej syrup p ich a ihe tncfftullnc tarftna qf plati catnlitaed wiih the kdhinr tad txpsktaruit properties of other pktotllmrbc iadbukt a perfect goft i0f coughs and colds hoxrtcness arthmabcvachittm softthrwi crtrap and pii throat bronchial lung diseases ortfaitoconituwl 4rsv sl a jta fsta t n s tfch ntttt rthef remediea yield prompt to thlt pieiiewt piflt fymp v r ptvoa sc amo ooc pica aarmjz itur cr au auoits i reut vwi t ol favorites nefar torfc ledger family weekly of america ie foil iwingapaitial list only of if niaiaracionf lplete novelties tlustrsted one novelelta complete in each issueby such dtnpsdn ifrt william winter helen ofaroball north onneliey loola hatman feet mary kyle daiiu nwari if hoke william perrybron w o kitohln iloa serials beaukfully apd profusely ulurtrafed by the trioitp6nalar thedajyivho will be speculiy engaged iitlti for vomen j fbooi tb woautjl foca coi- kias a oolomn of bright and breezy ohat about the women of the day and what they are doing ah week intended to be readaload o ha etle ones ofhe family r i i 5 li amelia elbarr wuiiam pjfry b g hii 7 jtojtuts wiku a devoted o luterest- bsefol gossip about maffers children f albion esiqaefte he wi ilyanl interesting short stories of adventare athletics iaslneu ravel the se etc by soch writers as i i kate if cleary thomas dann english w col thomas w knox jwn j liharboar hsmet pretcott spofford iahnafihield ory b logrophy ankscienoein brief articles j cri p editi half on topics of lha day 8 a ilafbli correspoadsncetdepartnlent i issrfil s154 r jaad- thanksgivingumber- with bailwaytime tatfle crand trunlt railway xpsess fsasengat mlxea ooibo wist bxraees 1 09 sni ifall v 40 01 ajn bxptess pm moll in po passenfern 168 pjs xaai or cxesrso iluls ooing west- is un and s 0 pm ooinf east10 as ojd and i 0 pm this time table went istocxfect on tth wn 10am soajn- osftjn otpjzt mpjxt dvenbcr petermans roach food not amifon fatal to cocnmrg md wrabii whu h ni r rr bnsirva w ffl sm tirk ewinfl helbor a c0i ttalektraotaabbaral dorset if i burneruerosllsuoshnf tk ii uk tsisit pifi foal ltai twa allabft post lasa bnnd 1 tun- llu slibotlkabifcarii- uf su 0 mflu xjjuitiirkrj -i- csssairwi tuior lias ttadun ju sillavfj- avtia imeiwhapt ittut la tea lalvbca h m 0bkjnm u tfiim rotubs astnloiurdvt rforlasalmawatvyirtm- osma rnaea cuajlrauylaaaraawaaitliisas 416 st ptmt 8ttewtf ii montnmjj city hotel 3at03s7rb31aii j j w le j j pp6prltw n w tntn a m inrau un u nltvrn ok notbb oajcb stkebt esmnin n t i toman areuimt i4mia becaio osas rasa the lotjt evmrr modkbh namovmrnm wall paper picrour mcarthor mm sij cmaoa t8083 facioiy wl litlst fbtrdrft f rappiianeei for all kinds cf piyi it cai ueformllia got lit iwmpnrmlpalartindiillubbi tdj ns ecus boot a shoe ljljofilcturllrjs jovtgtkpheks 0eh0rnim9 cuppe1s s 8 kimball j ttttjrals muciuge jt uquid hide kadld phcetrill ostrich feather mttfil vt brtow ftaotrtrtptirtiy 1913 sotre cmn jjv em njnutr twcraft scale mamufactveew w qobdoh k q0 otiiaiyanl stencils steel stamp1 dies 6 w dawbok dor f rtws ttf a to look well ia more the result of good judgement and atte than mere lavish ate of money ht liookot tj bootssiiods i j is adipted to nil the wents of those who hsving slender incomes still desire make tholroppearonceoreditoble f 1 ify experience and close relations wi factarers eneb preseni a line t manufactorers enablesfee o soct i th footwear unequalled in he cptrny for syle qaaljty and price j wmwilliams ac i is kny hof0 worth 20 v- ll ed covert arhsticatly iamin j a pourdol fbee sab ribert who and tor a f 1 11 year froc and christ nas ham i can furnish you withlhe couatry and at loer presses prices iripaper for only- two dollars sndk wui receive he paper frbeto january 1 ims hat date thty that get oat taperb thanksgiving ffree address s y lltet b0pees sqns sample i opiej free 182 william st new york city and 4 bi fr odly 2 aear b numbers of from o m pages for country kews and job work to be had in- this han for any tjher new cylinder press- picks bxqad fobtnait 50c i oicioaufnu oe ifheisnottie every antmol that is w tar sboald bove dicks spring ltwm lake less ootatlilon they vlll sell 3o moro work i lotcvhoraeranai sre the best iend a postal card for inn book of valuable boasbboli will be sent free di0k co po box oat farth foil ahd sound keepus over wit l partner in ton to keep tbem 1 ittet abarsswll leuedlclnes world paniealars and a and farm reeeli bold remibere uontreal biilldock egulatea the fltomeich liver and boaeelautiloelil thcseriretion8turlfiesth i tu and ref oj irr jie fromjei pfmpl th 8 a t tv tartt w w wc nrems wars ii 1 hem w otn give yoa choloetol a number of jjttrenl s l think anefe cfoii6 or coi tbr anicol bjok press h the free presses no 1500 dr toiyforthemoner com 0 prt rk iflvd2ili2- pr i moi press anid the work illustrates its merits better lewspajdr or poster work qto pr prtsstpr 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