Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 26, 1893, p. 2

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i jfttbm u mk klcur1 01 wrlnwl ir w hi rtgc ofadfcucfct lstb jan r lln mi it t r l umt tl o j juftl tt c of tbcirtdav ltl oporgo ritcl it ol ion lighter t i ii i1 out tl o wife nf j fiundat uccilll ind of ft the county council the first meeting depiay reeva husband of trafalffar elected warden f0rj893 work for women t 1 1 1 mccaisfiii on kldcsdft 1st imt 1 7 hoi i u hue actou john cullen to mrs cutl arlur mrc anh i otb of le juii p m tuim it mcci tciitos at ibo metlo- dn 1 a no 1114 e acton on edrjwlas lfcth in v b 1u j i jrc owiah mcciilloufili m 6 to man mccutclimi bjlb of hramosa ho i e switzip on t leeds ltli imt by h v t hicw at the rwldeftc of the irideaparonti ur william h holmea of nerval to 1- mini e daugbier o ur joseph w tnr of torouto towcibll died 1 oi it trafalgar on fnda jan uth man l l i orj ifitd 6j tbtt i 1 1 ii in oaktillr orr wo daj jan 16th cai t ore gtmc atdwean u iiir k kat guclj 1 on tacsda tiltb iust 11 uiiwonmck iej5jeari mcmiiix in erin on tburada 1m jao i an jatitt vlcloan wife of archibald mc milliu actd f jcctb thtlrrdal jam iu 2g ip 3 notes and comments the iv me correspondent of the london s it in i bbb that the pope his intimated indirect lite dcbire to aid mr gladstone inieineue home rulp bill in the hope that with mr gladstone b aeaietance he hu ejuedtlj will be able to re eetablieh diplomatic relatione with logliod the oa s jtia legislature opened last ihureda the speech of the governor reerred to the fact that the irion had ben called earlier tbad uual in order to take action regarding the coal mines the reported purchase of which by a boston ejndicate ii ezcitu y much interest the trade returnb for tl e six months of the current fi cal eir thow a cot nderable improvement npou the november spares th being an increase of said 06 n the eiportb fo the pa6t month the talut of the exports for six months wis 4 2dg 707ta against 71 3s oi or an increase of 2 518gj the imports for the hi montht ehow an increase of aog 62 and the dutv collected an increase of 824 1 11 the pat ama canal revelatiodi contn ie at parie and liae had the effect of politi caii killing a dozen lending trench states med and manj more of minor rank a pe stent elart i as b ei made b the cue mie of tl eropnblic to incriminate i reti dent c arnot bat eo far inthoat eacccss and the i resident is paehmg on the luvebtia t on with vigor he ewdenllj lra6 nothing to fear from it beteral tomiibi and bon lacgi hate been implicated it is proposed in eugland to rop the patno ic pract ce followed m man cana di in ai d most american ecbools of hooonng the natioi al flag in the public s hoole the i arl of meatb asked the lcrodon school board the other week to put pitnotiim on tl e list of subjects at d oered to eubenbe jo for the purchase of urion jacks lo be hong in the board ejiooib and honored 6a once a mooth h sroe formal ceretnonv thf board w 11 consider the proposition the standing committees j 1 he member elect of the ccfuutv couu cil met at ttso o clock on tuesday after noil for organization the members were all present and after their certificates had all been deposited the took their places and proceeded to the election of a sarden on tlib following motiod moved h dr buck and mr patit tliat the coudcii now proceed to elect theif harden that said election be b ballot and that the clerk and tveasurer be knitideerb and that rnle if be bubpnded an amendment was made that the warden be elected b opn vote thu vrb lost on dimb on the election then proceeded the first ballot stood husband f webster f war ren 2 and mcheozie 1 fourteen times the ballots were cast without an election the filteenth gave mr husband deputv reeve of trafalgar the necssar number of votes he was declared i lee ted and dul installed in the office t pon taking the chair the oeulv elected warden made a bhort and appropriate address thanking the members for confer ing upon him the highest honors it wt their privilege to give the business of the tlav wa then pro ceeded with moved bv lr buck an 1 john warren that messrs mcnzics i ettit lawson robertson and the mover be and are hero b appointed a special committee to strike the standing committees for the present vear carried on motion council adjourned for fifteen minutes to allow special committee to bring in a report council resumed and striking committee reported standing committacs 6s follows fii r menzies warren w cbster and nderson housim bin i- lawsoo hutch eon alton i eat erston and mcdonald c tvn bui i in pettit back mc kenzie menzics and robertson pmvtiv bock pettit vnderson mor timer and pearson lir ti warren pearbjt mcdonald and mckenzie hricn comirim iti robertson hutchcon i tatherston and lawson th report was adopted reports from the finance hducatioti and other committees wcra read and confirmed there was rather a spirited contest over the c it directorate avera gentle man were nominated but the billot declar ed d w camj b 11 coui tj treasurer dulv electtj the countv agricultural soviet v 4e granted si 00 v kerns mil addressed the couu cil in behalf of the 20th battalion rejuest ing that the proceeds of bale of drill shed at milton be handed over to tbt companj the membr s eloquence secured tl e granl on motion tl c council adjourned to me t on tnesfiav 10th marcl at 10 e m no countrv in the world hue been ieit tej of late jcars with such 6evere and widespread afflictions as the empire of rasla within the past two ear it has suffered from a terrible famine which has b crept off millions oi its inhabitants and impoteriihed btill greater uumierb this was followed bj the cholera which reaped an awful harvest in a population reduced b hunger and privation and which n e t ill racing m some se tiocs of the empire now comes a storj of famine le the pro incp of tula where 173 000 people are re ported to be dependent npon cbantv the jear l 2 was a wonderful vear to the women of great britain its greatest triumphs are the opening of st andrew t luivestv to women and the ceneroaitv of the facultj in offering to tl e women students a share of the bursaries or scholar ships half of which is reerved for women etudents exclusive the council of the roj al geographioal doiet had agreed to admit womei as fellows on the same terms sb men and the british medical sociation called a general meeting for the i orpose of considering the admission ot the j4q reg 6tered women phiicians in lngland the important place assign ed to women at the church congress and the decibion of the foresters club to ad mil women on the eame terms as men are btnmuf proofs of the tendency of the times to acknowledge on the one hand women n nllectual power and capacitv for b en lific rehearch aad on the other the right to miuue with men as euau in the more i radical sffair of life i rof robertson of ibe dominion t i penmeutl i arm who 1 as just returned from a trip to great bntan comments f followi in relation lo canadian farm pro ducts ii tl e moll cr countrv i found canadiai ct eete butter bacon and eggb t row ii 4 il favor with importers and 1 olea e i n h i die otered that we are suflern 0 from uufairnebs of treatment bv tl e retailers putting our b ct products before tl e r coi tumint cutoroere as beet i i tl t 0 ir canadian producers do not cet the extra price 1 ich ib paid bv tlellntisl co burners kv reason of this decejtioi not more than two thirds of i kio j wortl of our cheese i ultimate h old to corieumers as canadian mmost to butel cr owns to felling cans d at fed beef he savs canadian and american beef is sold only m the rough shop wl ere tl ecutsarecl eap of course tl at h untrue rnd tobi unfair alike to tin ii adun an i i i farmers i b t red a treat ai d growing demand for i tttr tie working clabeb the i lilt hm o is ibss who coi sume our pro d tj arc well enough off to pij for and jjv h fo jb of fine flavor they are ror hbk ai j willii to i n for the ex juie ites ui d dtlicaciib n jualits whereai they former r tircl aeel ojlj the uecefsiriei for urtk comfortable subsistence oar erld wn ter climate c ee ub an unequalled lianifce for jhc i redact on and the ehfe trai ei ortation of faucv butter china at last submits the first personal audience ever cranted a minister ivu b c jan2ithe tteamcr i mt res brings word that mcbolaiogon nor tie tew brit si mid tr at peking ireseuihs crele tials lo ho i mperor n ltrtoi u i tie kill ult the crernonv tjjk place m the preciccu kuelmptnalpauue aud njf lrr an out l ue where other uiuutra hutnjali lkeai s n of ilea en a the lmptror is termed much latuuction it expre at o con nor t attitude id minting npotj pentmg i credentials pcrtonallj m tc the editor oi the fbek poem dlab bin the orguilzauon known as the w c t u womeaa chnitun tern perance union ts thamcanioffcccotnplibli trig a great amoaat of good in the world in different countries andihoaldbemaintiin ed wherever possible i think acton affords a good field for its existence and operations i am aware that a branch ws organized hero some cars ago but presume it i not now in active operation as i do not recall an j published reports of late jeara the work aatraed at by this society is the removing of many social evils particn larly those from which woman has suffered and special attention ts devoted to the liquor and tobacco evils although the chief means used and main btrength of the union is united appeal to the rm that moves the universe jet inch aids qb public addresses distributing of literature circulation of petitions ic are used and msdeqective that eucb an organization is needed and could do effective work here is evident needed becaus while three houses are licensed vear after vear to sell strong drink and except there be strong requests to the contrarj the council will in a month or bo hkelv give permission for the came number thib year where are the men who have taken or dare take means to have the number reduced in whole or in part needed also because although there is a law against selling tobacco to boys and also against ub use bv them there is a great deal of javenile btnokmg and who is doing anv thing about it 9 i know that a w c t i could do good work ou these lines read acconntb of their work in otlifer places and also recall the the noble action of two of oar own ladies independent i believe of any organization some su or eight years ago who when the question of hceniung a billard room in acton was st on foot circulated a petition amongst the ladiea against such license and had it presented to council and the praver of their petition was granted thus preventing one of the greatest curses that could have been foisted upon the village after all perhaps work of this kind can be best done by woman her sensitive boui is more readily touched by the sights and sounds connected with these things and her bvmpathetic nature ib more anxious for the deliverance of the captives and those in danger if the christian ladies will organize and 6cure some of these privileges thej will merit and receive the thanks of many besides lours respectfully wlll wieheii acton 17th tjanuarv ibm talk if jes day an pita me oi british legation mobbed trouble at guatemala which has a decidedly serious aspect pvaiia jau 23 a despatch from guatemala eaya that a mob bad attacked the british legation and had beaten mio later gosling s oldest son bo severelv that he mav die minuter goshqg s voungeet soi 6hot one of he mob dead the british warship methomene is at sao jose and her commander has cabled for the war spite and njmpb to come and aeaiat him id blockading the port eo that reparation ma be obtained without the bombardment of the port president barrios ib said to have refused so fato grant the british demands for reparation he protebtb that he is powerless to so as anf attempt an bit part to atone for the outrages would cause an indian uprising if not a general revolution he begged the british minib ter aod commander to wait until popular furj had sub ided before thev act 100 ooopaupers in london and even this does not represent the hungry legions lonov jan 23 london has passed the ichjooo mark in its census of paupers that is of the offictallj branded panpers the return for last week ahowvsd the num ber of public charges exclusive of lunatics and vacrants to be 102 hoo thib treat armv b uo means represents the hungry legions in the world s metropolis who are forced to eat the scant bread of chant or starve private charity is saving the livo3 of manv thousands ot londoners this wid ter who would perish rather than suffer the d bjrace and defranchisemfnt which ae- compauv all formb of public relief the mcreabc in the number of public pauper pver last ear is i 000 this is not in pro portioi to the increafie in public distress owing to the commercial and industrial de preefion hklton agricultural society i tic annual meeting of tie countv hoc etv tie officers for h i wltb elected as follow b pres dent w v lawrence lsl ice prceident wm n scott nd n ice 1 resident stark secretary trea surer wm clements directors john mcdougall w m patterson l dixon john stewart join t dhoti c mc millai jauesllmd wm harvittle r ii ore i tier mccullo igh g chisholm kiel wallic t t hirris rob rt mccullo igh andereoi campbell robert noble thomas w llson uditorb j 1 mccoll and johnson harrison canadian railways defended cm a o jauuarv 23 the director of the chicaeo board ot trade have adopted resolutions protesting agaiost the prebl nept of ihe l nitef states taking an action that will deprive its citieub from availing themselves of the facilities offered by the canadian railways for transporting the proiucti of the united states through the domiuion of canada and re entering the hinted states free of defies oader prdper bonded restrictions tthe retola tton were telegraphed to to president and copies were mailed to i the unit i states senators and representatives from illinois 1 flendlsh crime and murder ciimivm jan 21 constables rankii and dezlia of this place were sent out u the township of rjvleigh to ass bt coanti constable mcdonald to arrest a col ou ret man named george freeman who wn charged under he charlton act wit rawflnnt a white tirl undr fourteer years of age the prty wfcs met by 1 rcemtn and a number of armed negroes and rankin wts killed with a revolver ibo and hows from an are on the neck anc head mcdonald was thot in trio leg wc three bullets passed through drptlwi clothing a pocse of special constcblesi are oti their way to the scene of tha murder the wardens elected the men at the head of the county councils of the province hal ton john husband first deputy reeve of trafalgar haltburton james mortimer reeve of anderson wellington major col of pubhnch kent r j morrison reeve of raleigh hastnile f thompson reeve of elze vir brant tlomns howden of onondaga huron jobeph griffin reeve of ashfield fronteiiflc w illiam gibson reeve of stornngton perth geo a poole of wallace wellaodc b benuett reeve of thor old lincoln d b riltenhouse reeve of louth prince fdward james gibson reeve of athol lambton p d mcallqm reeve of boaanqoet simcoe joseph riuit reeve of beeton w aterloo george moore reeve of water loo kent alei mckillop reeve of dan wich ictona l h hopkins reeve of ops stormont dundas and glengarry john bennett reee of jloxborougb bruce j bran reeve of lucknow peel r blain reeve of brampton norfolkt 8 wckoff leeds aud grenville vndrew gray xeve of south crosb lfiex h ibha mckee reeve of sandwich bownship middlebex alex duffin reeve of webt niesoun gre samnel rogers reeve of proton lanark gavin hamilton reeve of ram say renfrew a t white reeve of pern broke township haldimand dr thompson reeve of cavuga the editor s table the architectural features of the world s cofumbian exposition at chicago are fully discussed b tharles dudle warner in thelditors study in liariyr s uaqcuuit for pebruar one of his conclusions ib that the distinction of the columbian ex position ib not its- magnitude it is not that it contains the largest building ever erected in the world it is in its beauty its harmonious grouping its bplendid land ecapa and architectural effects and he exprebsep the opinion that thii result has been reached bv the exercise of practical lood sense on the part of the commission ere in allowing free plav to individual genius and in recognising and encouraging american art house of commons ottawa jan 2j parliament will re assemble to morrow man members have alreadv taken up- their quarters at the capital senator john ferguson has been invited to make the addreab m the senate in repl to the speech from the throne in the commons mr molnerney the newl elected member for kent n b will be the mover and mr leclair of terrebonne the seconder the cauadian order of forester is a fraternal beneioleut society incorporated in 1b79 and repetered under the insurance corporations act lfi2 of ontario the objects of the society are to furnish its member uth kick and fuueral benefits and an insurance of one or two thouiaod dollar the payments for these benefits range from about pne dollar to one dollar and fifty cents pec month according to the ae of the member and the amount of the insurance carried the membership ir composed cf men only and when admit ted they mutt be between the ages of eighteen and fort five the present nam ber of members is over 10 000 and the society has a cash surplus on hand for the payment of the insurance ofover 8215000 50 000 of inch is in dominion of canada bond and the tutiee is invested in the best monetary institutions of the domin ion in addition to this the local courts hare about a half a million of dollars in their treasuries for the payment of the bick and tuneral benefits the hth secretary of the order is mr thomas white of brantfordand it isexpcctedthat a court of thii popular and purely cans diau society will shortly beorgumzedbere ulnnrd liniment fd wilfc even where tha world a- doings ourl ieth week the rebellion a hayti has been crushed tno homestead riots cost pennsylvania m 819 39 typhoid fever is eptdemio in the prison at jackson micp there tie ove men in q uebeo the sittxation is growing stead 1g0jd unemployed work itj in the argentine republic ly wars bishop philluc brooks died of heart fail are at bos to i on m jnday the orange grand lodge of ontario east will meet 1 1 tweed on march h prince georgt of wales will be married next april to p incesa may of teck a reconcihat on lm been effected be tween ex king miuu and hia divorced wife nfew york stite is dot of debt and has neirly three at d a half millions to the good the protest i gainst the election of mr john bryson a p for pontiac has been dismissed mr james armstrong m p for south middlesex is d lngsroubly ill at his reel dence near wii on grove 0 crepaud i montreal notary has been arrested nu a ct arge of cleaning law stamps and using them a second time tenders bavi been invited for a new drill shed in brantford the government giving 10 000 owards the cost fred patcrsoi starved himself to death at menominee jecauie the girl he wanted to marry dido i want to marry him oleomargarine dealers in pittsburg pa to the number of 252 have been nued 100 each for violating the law regarding its tie dr w as the liberal cgden has been nominated itandard bearer in the con test for the vsjeant torouto seat tn the legislature it is reported will assume th in meuna that the cur title df emperor of asia as au offset to qui en s ictona s title of em press of india atheson of last mieoun he eye by an iron wedge using last saturday he mr james li was struck in which be was will lose his ey the price of wheat advanced two cents all over manikba monday tnoruing owing to further open uoos by the like of the co woods milling the new me dedicated on s inday the whole cost of provided for 2 000 having the church it ben subscribed on sundav the bnttbr upon a slight n in egpt in vi government has decicpd crease in the british troops of the fact that rereut events have threatened to disturb publio securit the tm england notei correspondent in loudon an advance in the price of canadian appl b and urges that only fruit ity be exported from this of the best qual country w ilham m knight of bentiuck was arrebted tnesiia by constable bernie of hanover brought before wakerton daniel baui erman house crystal hope each will will you morning meal he replied i tain t fur such bodibt church in garne was charge of bigamy and police magistrate robbs of of the bannerman falls mich has shipped 11 hit liquor b cck to those from whom he bought it and urned his bar into a preach ing home e h kelley indicted for the killing of thomas henn gan at st catharines and who was rejeti ed on bail has been barren dersdby his bndsmen and is now again in buffalo jail it it expected that president harmon ill bend a mcage to congrest shortly advibing and olenog a scheme by which canadian rail rays can be deprived of the bonding pnvilige hon mr djy has agreed to appoint j d mckay of ort arthur to proceed to to the north o england and scotland to represent the id vantages of algoma as a field for tettleuent among the passengers who arrived in new york monday by the steamer la nor mandie were rmce cantacuzenc amb cador of ruse a at washington and the prmceb3 canticuzeno a railway collision occured at alton janctiou 111 on saturday which caused an explosion of oil cars sixteen per eons were killed ot tright among them being frank barth ct brantford out the gore bi y quale says in regard to the output of c dar on the island this win ter it is estinated that there will be in the neighborhood of a million pieces taken out which wi 1 guarantee the distribution of about 8710 wo the budgi ts of news supplied by the free piiesu sti ff of correspondents is very generallj appnciated by our readers we give us a letter weekly ut some wood if i give you your breakfast asked a lady on bower avenue of a trimp who was supplicating the ether day madam like ter bilge yer but ab me ter tempt ter toiler m the footsteps of gladstone or george washington ftkrfigs one enjoys both the me hod and results whea syrup of figi is taken it m pleasant and refieshu g to the tasteaud acta itly yet pr fmptly on the kidneys iver and ciwcla cleanses the sys- em effectually dispels colds head aches and fejers and cures habitual constipationj byrtip of figs is the only remed or its kind ever pro duced pleasipgta the taste ind ac ceptable to tie stcmach pn pt in its action ani truly bcnelcial in ita effect prepa edonly from the most healthy and a jreeable substances its manyercelle iqualitieacommendit to all and t ive made it the most popular remc iy known ryrup of i iga s for sale in 75i bottles by ell leading druggists any reliable iruggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly foi any one who wishes to try it hat afaotared only by the caufqrfcill fte ot co tijaiflville n akqi300 oal ment ofiladi garmer in wrap w our sa season being in impc rted jch wks haf this ispu wej now 20 per tint thej we a orgji superiorly in this red ictior genuinesa bargain ps to jllcu for ihis seasons trade anlinimense assort- mantles and wraps considerably over 1000 dumber 11 th quantity we believe there was not a single not of the first quality and vbry latest style i accordingly surpassed those bf any previous iepartrrient our leadership in the mantle trade able i propose o clear these goods at a reduction of and when the slight margin of profit at which iially marked is borne in mind as well as their ijtyle make and finish we can assure you that ensures- for each mantle purchaser not only tisffaction as to style and wear but a veritable ends in vlan custom n so ducemeft to distinct season w4 reduce g b i can furnish you with the best presses country and at lower p prim ices a word with you a 80 per cent redfuc j if tlis otfering were composed of the various odds and- tles carried over frpra previous seasons as the ijtie quarters this discount would not be an in- he average keen wellinformed buyer but we im you that each mantle advertised is this importation and a genuine bargain j a great dry goods palace when j ou come to torbntd bear m mind that too to 200 yonge street is a meeting and rkung and uaitiqe pacc as well as the biggest store in canada there are reading and sitting rooms forjouj telephone telegraph and ma 1 facilities your parcels u i be carsd fat without charr wc try to make you welcome hctlicr you buy or not you know that there is ro w orthy thing for car or home msctfaut we have it if ji oant come to the store rite for whatever jcfi want sam ple or goods shopping bk mail has come to be simple and certain a few scratches of a pen and all the facilities of the store are v ours in short we shop for you as we would for ourselves and such service costs you nothing extra tke t eaton coy ltd 194 auge hrt tun ww wwwvwvv 1 t inform sealettes at greatly reduced prices also selling our boys overcoats at specially yhn co cuelph gain jabtttistmmts bronchial syrup k t a i pi i ers fijir country news and job work to be had in this w han for ajny other new cylinder press comb tjo fccstor knd seb our improved 2c tintry prouty press the free press is printed on no s1500 drum cylindei the prei s we have run the prouty for eight years and easy to handle costs little for repairs and is easy to day for the money come and see our press al them we can give yon your ohoioa pf a number c ove press and the vjforkj illustrates its merits can do setter newspaper or poster work e longer we run it the better we tike it it is simple east to ran easy on typ 3 the e rmter s pocket book we call it the- heat press to b hid in the world hjrork if yon desire samples of work tend for them aad w will gladly farnffh different sizes and tjtvies of presses at all prices j think of it a new 8 col fc or an 8 col boo i h p job printing including bookt pamphlets potters bui heads c ire ultra o tc executed in the best style of the art at moderate prices and ou thortootlco apply or adtxreu h p uoobe faea pacta office aoton photography photos taken at night why not have a group taken in the evening in your own parlor leave jour orde rs atmj gallery 10 oil 5 col qtb power press for only 600 to 700 pre s for 8do full particulars from moore agent for canada acton ont new yea to look welt is more the result of good judgement and taste than mere lavish me of money my stock of boots sjioes it tdtpted to fill the winti of thoa who htunz odsr iooomsi ibu detica to mtka their itppetnom crudittblo ify eiperinc id clots rtlitioni with taimucwun eniblec au to pceknt una of footwear unqatld id th caanty for icdpnc wm williams ityle qatlity aoon just opened this wsek t ajrge range of new flanne lx shirtings and cottonades offering all our stock ducec prices we are clearing put our stock of ready- made clpthmg at cogt and under boots great slaughter of mens and boys long holiday very special values in trade jlenderson mcrae co 2 ill st kptgn s ginghams we are now of furs at greatly re- groceries for the v is a most soothing and healing remedy in all cases of coughs mi colds sojlrsssxss vol sore tbroat try a bottle only 25c prepaped by notice wellington mutual fira fnsuranca 1 company t the trtl tnnnil meeiaj of tii wsllinr ton yiututl fire duaaoc4 camnnr iu b held la tha oampcny k office guefph oa tuew ihe uth dir ot fabniarr mrs i at 2 0 clock pis to recclva tho teport ot the dirflcton ith ths fininclit sutemat toe thajeir tha electloc ot dirccton to tul tho plica ot thote rotmeff tns othsv baiinctt br sr ciri divmsox datlph slst inntrj- 1ss3 srturj- i tenders for wood the endersiffced wilt rclva tenders up to 27tti jancxry for the tnpplr of thlrtr cards of greea maple tad beech body wood four set lone to be delivered at the public school br the 1st march ff p hocus acton lshjtnyls eecreury aged rait astray cauet upon the premises let con 2 erin about the 15th october an aged ram the owner will rrore propertr pr expeoses and reniava it zzin jin 15 robest johsston honey to loin ablt or uis property tt reasonable ra applj to ircleakucleax torn hall acton grain wanted the undertfrned fa prepared to par tha hlch est cash crlce for all kinds of criin dclirss- d at his warehoose at g t b tutioa acton jobs e cobjit f 1 wanted agents to tell oar chatee and lardr kur- icry stock vns have many new and special varieties bath in raitt and ornamentals tooser which are controlled only by qs we ly coramlilcm or salary writ ns atoccefctk terms and wearer thence of territorr uatbbothebs vormryniea kochesler h v wanted 3 r at once salesmen in every coacty far ocr choice ntjkhert stock and new varieties of seed potatoes silarr or commission stesdy amploymaat and good pay send for terms hooker gb0 era co snttarrmen and seedsman rochester s j acton livery z r bus line the nnisrtltned reipcctfnt r ioiicju lh pioa tga of tha public ind infonnf thata ut wall equlppo mi styliih rigi on il wr b scad xthiiittbltt a comforubla bot meeu ill trtiq between lbi ud 61a p m circfiilittantionjiiaatoatbryorfasr tha tuu of commercial tnrel- lert lallf mat john williams a nuiit dolltr ha j it ihe qairier or tvanty sto king weat himilkm oo com blnttioa the followmn eitrtordmary bar klint 8 ib choioa italian peel tor 25 8opfiorwmlung8odfor 8 eioallent rice for 8 jiaperior ltandry starch or 10 good cootinj ralaioa for c potea corn starch foe i tb choica mued bird seectfor ifonitsr bart good ltandry soap jc hamilton 24 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25 20 lbs t si lti any goffw cocoa t forkio- t 125 t t75 for 1100 kind ofc t etc for 1 00 i i company lb carranta for snpenor tipioc for cakef toilet soap foe lba best bakmsboda cot blaetoj for extra qoahtv suo for nic freah buchiti for boies lucifer matches for bra electa soap boies uatchet itiitea a 25o 25o 35c 25o 25c j5s 5c 25c 25c 25c 25c bajoltotr tsjl coupajty bank of hamilton hamilton despita the remomtruioes ot tha gar- mogotrnment tha badges oommliafon of th reiduta ha tednoed h ntvu bad rt by ihfl 000 marks

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