Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 26, 1893, p. 3

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1 bank of hamilton head office kaiciltoh clrrru pub cp sujojxx usuaim rd euoom j ttjrkbcll cltsica h 6 btevek autcuuieb n d president a jt- 5 jo paocros cits ocxxtt qio koica a t wood a b lie qeoroetowk ioenoy notes discounted ma advances made on til isa ultmi btitm oseit gutu ml the covttxkct op ecmpemht end- told sattkqs pepabtuent wuharsrej j u 0 0 special deposttb nolim sse rata of interest ko notice ol withdrawal req aired j u notacut the methodist church acton pastor- revioskphedoe- rtoneboiterareone taulle barrtcttlfcao ui endfcsopm bandar ichpoltjo bible clettooudueted by the pettor allcordiallj invited myiv ltltora elwejt welcome at- entire usher etthe door watches the sje of firstclass time keepers it en importetit feetore of oar business end the reeeou we are hiving such urge sales in ihii line u owing to the fact tbet wo ell stricuy nrsteleas ketches st extreme- i- low prices we nevermisrepresent our pood lot will it eul times tell yoo en honest ketch tt t dote price tnd gaertn tee ogirjoa foil nine for your money we here en etccfc a full fine of welthem tnipigicwitcrleeincond gold filled tnd filter ease t geo hynds alston ont slcn etthe big wttch fcht xtim jfij4pss thursday jaljuarr 20 1693 llttle local brieflets which caught the eyes or ears of f ree press reporters this week mildjrf wetther this week neit tnetdey endb jenuary the good tleifjbins continues good friday arrive on march hjtt this year moonlight night good eleighing i jolly fun for the youdg folk the osael monthly services were held in 6t joeeph a church lut suudsy the sayen v hceso esssult cue was settled lut wednesdey out bl court the icemen are busy mr andereod bte filled several large orders the past wfek kesssgaweya township sunday school convention next wednesday at ebenewr chorch mayor kicoll heeve ol pm1ioc1i was elected warden of the county of wellidg- ton en tuesday air a t llacn took a fine load ol pork toguelph en saturday for which he received j8g0 per 100 peel county 6undy school couven lion will be held tt brampton on the 9th and 10th o february r the pete peess nominee mr john hatband of trafalgar waa elected warden of the county on toetday the star almanac of montreal is the y all over the continent it it in tre mendous demand and no kooder dont fret about the cold weather ii you live long errafigh youll see the time a cold bpm wilj be yonr chief desire reminhcencea of the american we r by a soldier who waa there in the metbo- diet church next tuesdey evening eev w e norton will preach hie farewell sermon in the baptist church next sunday afternoon at 3 oclock tbe guelph pepers- tay a man from brfmpton refused 865 for his pork list thursday and took it home with him a good mady citizen evidently forgot their duty in relation to cleaning the snow from the tidewalki yesterday morning at the anniversary services in the georgetown baptist church last sunday the free- will offering amounted to 231 several of the sroellboys in town have had narrow escapes from serious injury through hanging on tleighi the past week the cosgroves were entertaining the soni of sootland and their guest at the town hall last evening as we went to press the bona of scotland held a reunion at the dominion hotel on friday night highlan music wai furnished by piper smith a number of acton skaters attended the big carnival in victoria rink guelph on friday night there were 1000 present and 250 mesqueradera for many successive years actons representative has been given a piece on the education committee and reeve- pearsbu has bad the same honor conferred upon him dont fail to heir bev austin potters itctun on the american war neit tuesday evening in the melhodist church you can take your whole firmly for a quarter of a dollar the feee psxts job department haa tilled orders for pristing froni harristoo mitchell little current micitouliu island aiid hepwortb this week in addition to a large ampout for home trade i bun your eye over raymonds adver tisement in another column the gover nor genera when visiting the baymond works the other day ipresaed himself as very much pleated with it instead of john lbwson being appoint ed chairman ol the park committee ol citizens tg reported in the minutes of council last week it waa john cameron who received the appointment the parry sound stqr says for the eitbt day ending moudiy the ther mometer averaged s2 per night thii ii the moat prolonged and coldest suap evereiperienced in ihii vicinity eev w h ilaney b a7 of hctpeler preach td able sermons iu the methodist church last 6unday he ei listened to with interect both morniner and evening end gave bis beerers much food forjthought mr hk ifeitland who bee been pre centor in coalmen cburcb quelpij for toe peet twenty yean hss resigued that position to take effect may 1st or earlier if deemed expedient hits itaitleod baa also resigued the position of orgenial tina is the but copy of the feee pees which trill be seat to subscribers who ere not paid in advance cell or write at once enclosing 1160 and irrcirs if any end the weekly visits of the fcee pceis will be promptly reoawed kfairds unltkot for tie ever kere the news at home mostly of st loce1 characters and every item interesting thecountry around v news items supplied by corres- pondenttand exohanges rulton for sttur- ktpls 1 h lefoijsvln 0 jt wheeler 2 j persons 6 w inria b bbtrp w klckell perfect firm- patrons of ndattry xeetlat arrengeraenu hive been mtde public meeting in the town hell on dey tth february pnder the ausp ees of the petront of industry address is will be delivered by john miller grea 1 vice president joseph stratford preeident of the brentford binder twine co tnd john d mcgregor of trafalgar the leaf quartette club will provide mnsio ibxeaonse v actca an evenly contested checker match was played on toetday evening between acton andlimehouse end resulted in a victory for the khcks by oueeime thjs toore waa as follows 1 actos won draws won ltuerrdtte j uatthewt i j harvey s l lambert 11 b holmes 0 john lawson 2 j bltcler 1 ii six games were played on escb board ocal reciprocity successful it haa been iroly said that town is that iu which yon see the era pstronizing the homer merchinjs the laborer spending he money they earn with their tradesmen end the ftrrnets- end all inimtted by a spirit thtt they fill not purchiee articles abroad if they pan be bought at home the spirit of reciprocity betweeu businet men tnd merahthts tradesmen tnl tboreri farmed xnd manufacturer results every time in mak- iag the town e perfect one in wbicbto do business ilie weejs rtri stowr vci i jtbe new municipal council has fctrdly gplten into haruefs yet and there iaponte- qbently very little business to be trtntict- ted the regultr meetiog wis held on monday evening the keeve ind i every councillor were in thnr places sharp at eight oclock half an hour sufficed for the business on the docket messrs h p hoore w r kenney and robert wallace tvere appointed to plaoeaon the jlocsl board of hcilihwilb the reeve andplerk who are exofncio members mr corry submitted an offer from a jocat merchant to snpply ccal oil at ooe cent lees per gallon tlnu has heretofore been piid this was accepted the council then adjourned for two weeks the beethera of the three link at the regulef mealing of acton lodge iof no 201 cers were installed for the current terra by pgs francis mc- ltm and moore asfolof j ji abro b hjoertin n gjlro hh wordei- vabrueiaoanljiarsball i bcc ilro h kauithaw f bbro h 1 hoore j tlieat bro i francis wn bro w williams cos bro j uclam 0 obro t hinbill 1 0bro k p llclami k s n gbro jcreephircrkio l b n gbro hctrneron us bja uarthewa i 6 8s uclam cuap i franc a ballon breach of promise- ctse a breach of promise ca6e mcgowan v stevenson was heard and settled ati tor onto on monday misb nellie mcgowan ofoakile a o mely young lady io her 23rd year swore that- in 1690 jw stevepson e farmer living near whitby had promised to marry her thtt amorous letters bad ppssed betweeu them e she ehowed tha jury her engagement itiog the young ladys mother stated thtt she received stevenson is her dtugbters future husband and that he had told her be weetbe owner of a wellstocked 100- acre firm besides money iu the bank the defence wts unrepresented tnd on the evidence for the proeecution the jury returned a verdict for the pliintiff assess ing damages at tltoo sewing machines ban by stexa the canada glove wocks now have the new power recently placed in tbeirfaclory in full running order a fine wbcelock hwentyfive hp engine of goldie ijccal- loch make supplies thej power while the mechanism and furnishings attached to the sewing machines wab put in by the singer company the engine end shafting were placed by mr arch mcnabb acton and pronounced a perfect job by the expert who came tosee the engine put into satisfactory operation the new arrangement gives an unusual air of bustle and bofinese to the place which lias alwsjya been a busy estab lishment the power is applied to each machine by friction and is so skillfully ad justed that the operator haa complete con trol over it tho s6tem is new to the glove makers yet but they will 60on adapt themselves lo he change their work will be jets erduoas and should certunly be less trying upon the health for the power each employee using it is cbergod fifty cents per week this charge ii not extremely popular with those npon whom it is assessed but messrs storey s son claim that when the makers get experienced in the use of the power supplied they will be able to do from 25 to 40 per cent more work with lesa labor than formerly and thus be considerably more than recouped for the sum they pay a few weeks trial will of course determine this a hum of industry pervades the premises board of education the first business to receive the trustees attention ths town council held its first meetiog on tuesday night it which the standing committees were appointed they thould hero cherged intents admission it wet worth it the very severe weather for ha week past pleyed bob with ths water works service pipes ths regular meeting of the ui t s d wts held hers on tustdty the reprtsent- etion wis tmell bat ths meeting wet much enjoyed by ell present the temperance committees report reoommeadiugtheuveral societies to organise prohibition clubs in htrmooy with the pledge of the edranced prohibitionists wis adopted after consider able discussion an address by rev d l brethoar was given on the duty of of the hour and cicely illustrated by three oil peiotingt this we very instructive to the old poll ticitns c0og and going visitor to varlpuc other personalnotae d oakvifle the fire engine it not in working order the ice business ii lively just now st jades sanday school scboltrs en joyed their tnnail drive oa sttarday there will be a fanny drees carnival at the rink tonight speciel cervices are in progress in the metfioditt church a considerable addition bet lately beep made to the library of the mechanics in stitute reeve anderson tttended the county council on tnetdty the band boys have in view an amatear performance aboctly at the annual meeting of the trefelgar agricnkural society it wai decided to bold their next exhibition lo otktills on thart- dey end friday october 6 and c the star compjeios that the town hell is io e delspldated condition and should receive the immediate attention of the council i bar j netdey u christie wet in town last and from acton and mr week mrs t smith it vitltlng friends in terra c tta tils week mils i stale boomer errived home test week fro i 8t affvifle miu i mie mitfi pent a few days of lut weakj in terra cotte w kas goes to ltacetnext wed- deliver a ieotare mr je aet goldie of guelph wis a gueit at fairvi iw plkce oa friday mr di neahjptull of hoistefn has been ths gueit of friends here the put week henderson ue left last etred- tewejto ettend to hisparliimeat- iwsphbbpgsw john end devid suyder return- rmxzitrr vvl u i fremedles filled lodoiisn uio fi nlctt ihadsw ut week efter spending 1 week of pwd i comawnecil jtrluj lta hoots knatckbull it is oar lad duty to record the death of mrs margaret curran of knatcubull who passed peacefully away to her long rest on saturday evening january v 21st at the ripe old age of 66 yeara and 6 months she has been tiling for some lime and death took her from ibis world- of torrow and trial mrs curran was the wife of the late edward cnrrin who preoeeded her to tho eternal home some yeara the bereaved f tmily have the deepest tytnpttthy of the entire oommunity tiie funeral took place on monday from her late resi dence at knatchbnh to the r c cemetery dublin knatchbull has the oldest person in the county it is thought in the person of mrs colquhoun whowes 98 year old on thurs day 12th inst she is hale and hearty for her years and it is hoped she may yet be spared to teethe 100th anniversary of her birthday the anniversary of the corwhin sabbath school will be held in tho corwhin metiicp dlbt chnrch next sunday afternoon the sermon wil be preached by the rev r boyle commencing at 230 oclock and in the evening at 630 oclock also the tea- meeting on monday evening commencing at 6 oclock when addresses will be deliver ed by the following gentlemen rev r boyle rer mr caldwell rev mr will- oughby and qthers also recitations and singing by members of the church the neskigaweya township sunday school convention will be held in the ebenezer church on wednesday 1st feb ruary a good time ib expected and some useful lessonb will be learned all are cordially uivited to attend lots of snow and good sleighing at pre sent mr b b wilson returned home from west wawanosh on thursday he reports more 6now up ibere than we have mr john ramsey is seriously ill at pre sent but it is hoped be may soon be around again nassacaweya hamilton tndelfrids mr gedrge eawick who went to chica go severtl weeks sgo upon the death of t titter tbet retimed home on friday mrs ii net of gaelph who has been very ill 111 s tab n e turn for the better tnd there is re tsent jle hope thtt she may re cover rev divtl the board met onwednesdayofla6tweek immediately after the adjournment of the meeting for organization the members were all in their places kev g b cooke in the chair owing to the trouble experienced this winter in seennngdry wood tho board decided to lay in a- supply of green at a lower price and have it well seasoned for next winter moved by t h harding seconded by r holmes that the secretary advertise for thirty oords of green maple and beech wood four feet long to be- delivered before the ut of march carried the first report of the committee on finance recommending payment of the following accounts which had been certified by the respective committees was sub mitted j jjton on gsutrtct sl2 65 johd artbprs tvood 730 john cameron architect 50 co w e swecktlemmer work at desks is 75 g havill eepatn ac 10 70 w wordeu work on desks s 00 j b learton supplies 8 go it j morrow vfork s 50 f burgett work on detts 1 co eli61 io- the report was adopted moved by george hynds seconded by james mclam that 200 copies of the auditors report of receipts and expenses of tho board for 1802 be published in pamphlet form and thtt the- chairman james mclam and the mover be a com mittee to prepare the above report for the printer carried the board then adjourned to meet on monday 30th january at 730 the farmers institute held in the town hall brookville on the 6th january was an occasion of much interest to the farmers of this township mr alex weldie presi dent occupied the chair during the day excellent addresses practical in many respects were delivered by john hobson guelph on hsw to make stockraiting pay by samuel hunter beverley bnt- ter making in a private dairy and by t ccaston simcoe county on horticulture as a means of making the farm attrac tive discussion was heartily engaged in at intervals during the meeting by messrs m holmes john mcphedran geo amos wm dredge john dicken wm fteher and others at the evening meeting the hall was well filled a good programme was carried ont in addition toaddresses by messrs hobson caston and fisher songs were rendered by uiss jerdine kelson reading by miss mclaren nelson violin duetts by messrs ismith and frank and music by the brook- vijle brass band which by the way is earning for itself qnite a reputation for good music the annual convention of the township sanday school association will be held on wednesday afternoon and evening 1st february a very interesting programme its been prepared revs j edge 3 w rae end mr h p moore editor of the j acton feee press are annonnced to be jpresent there will be ample opportunity jfor discussion of the subjects presented igood music will be provided at the annual meeting of the kassaga- jweya i agricultural society on thursday 12th inst there was a good tarnoat of members the secretarys report was adopted showing a balance da bend of 992 the following officers were elected for 1893 president james erwin j vice- president m mcmillan directors thos wilson archie mcgibbon w j moore amos korrieb george agnewwm dredge charles mcpbiil peter bayers and j io- taggart honorary directors george hitching j canute d hutcheoa and li beattie secretary e l norriih eden mills mr john earlie kttsgaweyalaituoa- dty evening lost a valuable steer tt the c p r crossing at the york road his boys were driving three cattle to goelpb when one of them turned back strayed oathe track and was struck and killed by the train the snimal woald be worth in the neighborhood of ho or 50 its back was broken it was immediately bled and a portion of the meat will be serviceable nevertheless mr earlies iocs will be coa- stderable llqori xitacmautn bosiprt ibriyb eyesight savedpdrhapa ha tlfe by ifoods sapsapjimaaod pof sonod by conker head the fouowins froin a jra eful mollis c uy little boy hid 8carct ferrer when years old and it left lilra very weak ai i with wood palaarted wttit canker illi eyes became 10 lulboed hut uli luffohni wer falcate and for teven weekeu5 mr d ing for 0 try dattet miss i frselend hes disposed of her business a brfmpton end is now residing in milton j mr w1e smith who wes confined to the house by illness far severtl weeks is ebls tobseboi t again 1 mrs w d frick of oakville wee the guest it tie home of her father mr robert coutfj mot open h s eysft gibbous he pist week i took liliatwlce durlnf hut tjiw touio eye messrs ed home with frientis tt w9b clesalei393 fit will futar i ifeess smryeflbr r ii be made odear out ha balance of wintec goads rsduced nriau are lirim 11 height hofc a mousfrbie im fcrhoaiekeeprs to invest their money swfste fss ar t itao t if yoa are likely tc fwintlhemia z near i h uieu- uitem 11 1 t vtirwinter ickets cipes ind other garments at clearing to8ipbrytrd rednc id to m50 anil ecr iiifirmary 01 charles striet but their remaala rriai r lll it- 11 t l 1 bsnuiiirllla and it oo cured lihri i have never doubted tint ltanred ui tlkeven iitc you rail u tliutes- tlmnnni in any way yoi choose i em rdwart ready 1 1 touua tlie irous ot kopds scjrsaplarfka beeanicoi oie wonderful cooil itiild my sort srtndall quick mhroh is the speed at vljich winter dry goods ifantlos atid purs ace moving out to tlii tune f reduc ed prices lively action is the spirit all over tile house oar great damaged limm sale has been an immense success tho linen piles have g ue down in fine shape we hive still some very desirable linos which go out nt further redntefd pricesj fether of the baptist snominetion in the maritime provinces died monday night at springfield n b ege 1 thefsi c pnesa extends congretuletlons to friend i ryenj of the lucknow sentinel upon bis ilectibn to the werdenship of bruce col rjty lieuten nt6vernor end mrs eirkpet- rick ere in ottswt and will be the guests of lord si tuley during the ceremonies at the bpeniu of parlitment rev j ltrjocley pastor of st peels methodist cbc tch toronto and well kuowo iu acton is considering a call 0 mount vei hou baltimore md ths qrsxterlv board of rtttenbury street met icdist church clinton hi ex tended en invitation to rev g f helton of brutteli to become their pastor in ths a 1 petted libel cite brought by a berlin coo icillor against mr hover of the heto tnd which wet dismissed with costs friend mo sr again came out victorious mr w et storey ettended the annatl meetiog of the menufecfarers life assur ance co t toronto lttt thurtdty he wts reelec ed a director of the comptny mr r 1 1 warren of the herald george- tows who bas been ill et bis fethers home since the leginning ot the year is slowly i recovering end hopes soon to return tojik business re lei oy hooker once a noted metho dist in cat ada has joined the presbyter ian cbarc 1 bis induction having taken place in tn 1 city a dey or two ago he is now pastir of ths fifth presbyterian church hicao cairadirui antetican tto ecc etiesi ictl world last one of its brightest 1 ghts in the dettli oa monday eveuingof bisht p phillips brooks-otbos- rirtt i- r-rri- i 7 eatettes 5 ends et a big bargeins ton he lid much to give boston its p 5 standing he as one of ths most widely known on lore tnd urines of oar times the episo ipelcharoh wet deeply indebt ed to hif iburt tnd the cause of morals end oivilu ttionj can neverforget ws elo quent tnd iuceatisjg effort bronte grend rarthy patriarch jb brooki institnted c division of the bonsof tern perenee h e lest week he was ualsted by dr bi ok p d v p dr hccrim- mon c g p w p h wrinch p w p jmcs i leni p w p along witbebout 7omembe i from palermo appleby and prospect c ititions and 50 charter members wes tlie nitult of ths evenings work great enti osium prevails tnd it is expect ed that on 1 if the largest divisions in the province s il bej in bronte mtny ladies were there t help in the good work as in all good ie ivetnents they ate fonud 1 i erin mrs thjw talbot who bes faithfully performed ttte arduous duties of assessor for the tot ntbip of erin for apwtrds of seven yen 1 its retired from the position special lervices sre in progress in the disciple c lurch et erin centre mr lac ilan currie hes been spppinted township tseitor at the t innel meetiog of erin agricul tnral 8ot etv mr r akitt wts elected president ti the following directors werdno 1 j iduff sad a j carrie ward no 1 j reid end r burkwood ward no 3 ii brown end j wilson werd ko 4 d mathieson and w e tookey rtrd no 6 andrew clark and a keetihlfa for the village c h walker ai d a c mcmillao boiton lira hoods plils art i ttct in cqcllwiitoa proji and intde mid sro 7 tloa utii iptczciuce rttuir ict hoods ii tr exodtis is in fullraovefaiiid bargains are- scattering intreveryrtectioi- drets goods lines et half priced mantle cloths lines at helf pri tweeds lines at half price suitings lines at halfprice overcoats as low as fzjeeoh underclothing lines athalfpriok winter ctps lines at half prfce millinery tt less thtrt helf prce mfntles still furthor re ductions making by a lbug tvay the greatest mantle bsrgaiuslyou will liud in the trade qar mantle gales owing- to the chatv aeter and price of thegoodsare enormous fur capes collars muffsj i boas etc you can buy very fl cheap and the people who daily come after having made the rounds of the trac e and i buy our furs all unite in saying that we have the cheapest audest furs in the cjty nest wfek we commence a special sale oforey and bleach ed cottons caribrics lawns and whice qooas h iiidgomo embroideries very cheip e r b0l ille 25 27 lowe guelph prize a girt ftf ehfjm if yon went firstclass guelph sash tnd doors at gnelpb prices t esaue cart fill your order sf his pltoidg mid buy your groceries fresh snd new end canadian tnd american coal oil at t h hiedtxos robbie brydeti about tea years old whose father a c p r train mm lives a st thomss bad his thigh boqa broken sstardsy by being ran over by e cermets sielgb he tried to jump oti the tleiglt snd while doing so fell sod wit run over rockwood john giptxms new residence on mein st mpleted bsrrybesretarned home from ew york philidehie 0 ortri letgae elected ofnoeft far is93 on tastdty evening mr 8- htrrii president misi bella murray 1st vicei res if ie utry hill 2nd vice- pres u ss edith r stricklsnd 3rd vice pres mi chiis htrris ith vioapret becrettrj missl jennie marrsy treuarer miss ki e mtgee orgtnut hits ida btiley the ev nt at the season et lent to those mo c interested wes the assembly got ap by the htdies of the pedro clab on taetdsy evening in gladstone hell somethic g like hundred persons attend ed gueit b actoo georgetown and other pieces ii the neighborhood being well represent id mutib wss famished by the trep ead gem 1 clab orchestra of guelph turnip shift leuts era egttrt becoming active rockw i on hello i as well it other pttcesj n iw the line is ia good rocking order en4 there ere several subscribers- in town at the fun el societ there was this ami ant wheu ihi lergi meeting of the agricaltar- wood it ve shown that lance of 125 to credit as ooaaldered satitfactory outlay for erectiug the uew building ibis year end patliogtuagroaud into pro er shape was takea into coutid- eretioa the officers for this year are presided i jalut daff vies president james ray fjecretaxy-tretsarrr- colin cemeroi djrsclors r dredge wm argo ji 1 0orisn msltbew lorn a j carrie wm j himstrsetj w kitchiag stmael scott et tfec0 r lubo niajbtuincm k low thi i when poopla r p rwls olfa 80 whflis such can be jecored v b offer mltlnebesttibehed and as a eon s qveneenowriajafaaiktroaacawhiclilsalmiit ofrr highest antloipaaoa weals irs endaaror tt j to treat our customers a e douaoqaeoce aro retain the old and tseurs new onea i bishtsl- ceti price pa d for pork hldos tsl- paruas levh t cetue tctoseusrersqaesfed mil osttjfll brighi en select oni i html for ihenex stylish blckcloalti brown ast virisl y at heavy drapery car taint clearing out mtrkwey down liprfae- the sortmeit b wlect from 1 large kice tweed reduced to 8c per yard all oo dw i2j sud 15c mos mchudrensunderweerciearinicioatetredaced prices a lot of boyt fine ribbed serge 1 riduced to 7 c l 0t f at 37 iad mi hirine srricsd lete in the season are se ilirta orl et these aneelal low ntirem a tar vr-trnfiir-i- n u 30 pe ars saiirfc off et thbsepeouu low prices ly large verietyofmens rubber brecss a mmnficturers rfsek et 15 it 20 5 than resolar prioesv a large essortment ot millinerr goit birdvwingr fvters flowert-aed- mael ornei leasts- also t fe snecii in vei slfciil sdvajitages lo purchissrs of ctrpefs various altiwcoreawls at reduced price r virletyocaiiwool ttpestry end brosiel ou pribes oddbordersst socj per yerd tm price g4vb lick gpatmiujit reduced prices jtsv goods to trictl y bargain pniei odd borders tt x ap thadi tt the r pertmsots trriring weekly stock is imrairassorted ghf house platte snlefthe stores by the door in the naw store too januar nw m ma mfactur jank office a4d obera r nbwsfbkfts v- jjjiiliu pm i im pfs9hsonkble goods j- rivil immed sod dntrimmed millinery selling offat reduced prices reduced prices tapestry bordersfselliog ohtat mt ke j not muchjdiificalty will yoo fiui itore corneroflciog tnd hughson thlotryeas o wateziisrs d tn making streets 5lh i6s3 5atm1met obttjli a aetoa lacs ira iappui caoncfa to wtui fittt- meats the brjitbilii ngcoltd loo ont fact 0kers op selooir- lodge raifure autokatio eairtagei our tit ont bcch for cixctutx atest irtpst- afci sjaie imp rov d ar d eds chok desk 2it mates eud dialogues perfect- wyndiiflin st rebus 11 iopln cash jack end gi went upj the mil 6 pt p nthctljecatof jackindg ji- j ja of otxr roexis peopljwllli give wvr watch tallieoaruiank the e resbytccisos of claris oau litva decided a balk a uew 130000 chorch kiosrdi unlnjeatfotsste everrwner lerantflvaohl people too beertaf snt lv2lj252e sanend end the balance 15 orteras rjmjmj sfjlli sottoteutooinsda i and sendsaioos kiirt tabscrlpelon oreentsui rtsi5isperot0absotl- eoerivlartjerbua d wc 0 urj doiujf the r t idereil akei 3 1 lakinp one f iveep f spr t leek tear on the dollar clrit ling ci mig fpefs cheap ght- thing in 3ur dress it mid 611 id dresses e advnlfugoof the jiiins a big pile ng prints just irrived new are 1 1 itti maiitlea 11 iud titk ng bar hi ns idirtings new cottons newj alton tdes niiwcarj etjs ndw foot lew oversboef wlillammcliu qeorqetcw loard llalmtnl fur safe 1 re wliat do you think of this tk jficrittng tkbl8 rnd sejfliing mschin8 combined charles raymonds t- made at cuelph ont si f 3- glance oyeour bill of fare and see if w havent just the thingyou want for- your friends remerhbep we have no fancy prices everything goes to suit the times our list for the ladles reaver setts pfposstjil setts seal setts uqat setts j beavetl capes j astrachan jackets odd collars and scuffs in any of these furdi kidgloves i krd utts wool mitts silk- ties silk ltnen handker- i chiefs roches fine hose i kid boots i kid slippers dress lengths feather faks curling tongs hats bonnets etc our list for thechildren t- 1 ifl give your friends -some- thtngf useful jcanmiotn geoiketowu as vie are going td take stoak a8hrt title we tave several lies cr goo is we ore bound to c ear cut e rices will be made r ght to attai i the obi ect ml nerr redu ad mrffesjreduc9 me ntle cloths u diiced crtjat 8laughte n dress codds fujs reduced reidy m ci t lingre duced o v arcoats red need knitted woollen coods reduced a lt of childrens kmtted woollen ioods ind dresses r3uced to grey persian lajibsetts grey persian la5ib caps white rabbit setts fancy woolsetis white llaila setts tamo shatters fancy wool caps fancy handkerchiefs plove3 and illtk our list for the men suspenders sox kid gloves lined i un 1 lined iwool gloves xutts dress shirts collarsi cuffs ties scarfs seal caps ibeavercaps ipersian la1ib caps this is only a fevy of the nxany articles we have that would gladden the hearts ofthe little ones reniern- ber our forfcas are right m this list does not give any idea of the stock come irrand see usi a r b jermyncqt mill aud ffibtsfreets agtoxv li cx jtvhere ijfyou want j your blood purified and your system invigorated get- a bottle of smiths b l t0h if you have i a bad koff geta bottlevofj smitiiis cherry balsam j pleasant to take and cprcsevec time our winter fluid- u for roughness- of the skin cnapped hands anclio be used after shaving has j no equal prepared only by v j sci smith co j dispensing cnemists r guelph ont i no- iwyfidham sw t

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