Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 26, 1893, p. 4

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clje uttm jfree ress thursday january 1693 cfj gating folks 1fc jao deatit w uh b for the bebe vbr taothiri efee twin itchm of thos cummer tklec tbit beamed in itxtdli wuufortho clud witbujitoiki to ute the boaeytqcklee up tbe butttrfi compculoatlilp wliiufo tbeboj t tbebeuited wold tbe tfuirt nee t la leefy hold tbe rainbow i fibled pot of gold t it b for thn yout to dreeta of feme iu thlfunc mdd to write hii ntuie itb eifiti to fan putlra a ftixoe k bite for the ram course to beer ttio loftd of vlidom ind of cue and tome true beejt iu weight to tbir and white for i tin nritob bare h coqiiort thaterery trifle ware dimncti tad fer end then tbe cun i ifarpcrt wttxiy notes here and there items of genart interact to free prcic raider oat ibtliepatat we y oar remedy le t pe eminent and then prove it thai toronto april 17 1687 i woald lute thit st j ico be oil cared me effertatlly of th jemt tfcm with which i laffared la 1680 i hive cetcr hid my retara ciaoe af thi pern which i endartd for months previous it efforda me grjjtt pleciare to cay i have recommended it to tv number of fr end too mod prtice etc not be devoted to it hetlmg qautiet 3 abuabiub puen per agent 61 york fit a seven years tect the mid who never look beck m this world frequently sits on t uck thetravelung man there is probably no school to mplete as a few ears on the road it schools the man for bosinesa makes him a itadeatcf haman nature a shrew observer ami a poliehed gentleman a commercial travel ler encounters all claesee of mankind he meets with almost every kind of humanity from the educated gentleman to the coarse illiterate being who by some means has a stock of goodt and is a merchant the succeifful travelling man must be k well posted in not only his line but on almost every subject he may be called upon to discuss the merits of the military bill that is keeping emperor william and his subjects gueesing while his nett ens tomer may want his ideas of tbe coming uall i itzsimmons fight one of his customer may be a strict churchman id whose place to let slip 1 cuts word would cost an order while his next door neighbor may be the most pro fine be me on earth one man will buy if he needs an thing in your line after lite minfttes talk another expects ou to s tig him a dg aodg before he will give you the slightest encouragement the homes and home life of robert burns one stormy mornine when be was on1 a few das old a part of the gable of tbe house fell out and a blast o jancar win blew jumul as a first gift in on robin mother and child had to be carried through the storm ta a tfeighbor a house burns referring to this in after jears would say no wonder that one ushered into the world in roch a tempest should be tbe vio tim of stortnj pacsions this strong sense of natures sjmpathy li the verj essence of the lyric made so pet ever expressed this sympathy tatter take as illustration afton ttuer where nature sympathy is invoked or the lass o allochmyle where his heart rejoiced m nature a joy be too how the depths of pathos are touched when nature refuses her sympathy in bonnie doon or my nannie s awa ci at lavrjl an a bachelorskeason tbe people of tvjoming who permit women to voto are apparently not in jm path with the english bachelor of long ago who got himself into a controversy on the subjectof women rights with his i t a i i at dinner after premg and con ing for a few minutes tbe jady asked candidlj sir why do you pppoue giving tbe franchise to women 9 loa wall excuse me for eajmg it madam he replied but i have uot safs cent confidence in their capacity to con dact government affairs but what evidence of mental inferior it to man can ou advance persisted the lad the bachelor thought a moment and then annswered b1ow1 a bimple fact is enough to satisfy m mind and that is the frightful wa in which the do up their back hair the close of the week bleised be saturday night when the labors of tbe week are ended and human l takes or should take one long breath of repoee when the noise of the anvil and the loom is still and silence reignb for one da where mammon and bub care hate tat enthroned with the dust washed from hjs brow the son of toil sits a king vrith hib bat eubjects on his knee all the week he has obeved orders this day he gives them here bv the heatherstone meeter and operative stand in a sense in dependent and eqaa it ib blcsed and soul saving that tbe latter has time to cherish this soothing influence one day in seven v rtb these beart ties andrespoubi biiuies he tates those dependent npon him bv the hand and walkproudlv forth with the proudest on itm blessed da of rest out s eatiefied ejei follow each little home groups with a benediction resource tlu resource developed by the daily en counter with small burpntea differs only in degree from ihoso vast expedients whicl genius la sometimes permitted to exhibit on a grander fctae but even the most in significant break in the routine of ordinar life ib often sufficient to point out the man to whom it ma be given to mould events into stepping stones it is almost impos tible for half a dozen persons to make even a few weeks tour in company without one of ihtir number urieonscioutly coming to tl c front and being invested with a tacit leadtrshpb hie fruuds lie may not r rlibj s have ever been over tliegroond be fore nd et such is his natural aptitude for dmhrk with new or shifting circum fctanith that this facolty is felt to be worth nure 11 an the expneoci of all others ou mil fit d n to 0ur interest to rtad ktlh bros advertisement vn bv tho the most s vnu skm and scalp divins llio furms of scrofula all blood and poisons of ecry name an tm are utterly rooted out lii rocs golden medical uifc i or eierv discuo caused by a liter or impure blood it is thi runid so ccrtaiti and cffcctn itiii be guarantied if it f i i in fit or cure jou ho iiioiiliaei h ztina tetter saltrlieara bila hoile ctrbunclee g uds tumors and swelling cu kindred ailment arc iuitcly aad permtneutly cured tubboityr worstl taints id nat- dr ifco ery torud o only o that to your fails eni lings i ery- itrged and corri- by iu to freitnt the griji or uij other umilir epidemie the blood tod the whole system shoald be kept in hetltby condttioo if you feel worn oat or hte thtt tired fralidg in tbe moroidg do not be gailty of neglect gue lmmed lkte attention tn oarself ttjce hoods birsiptnlu to give itrecgtb parity the blood sod present disea hoode pills care lirer ills jondioe blliomneu sick hessche nd consttpa tion j women seldom tese men they do not love why suffer from disorders caosed by impure blood when thoastndi are being cared by usioe northrop lyman e ege table discovery it removes pimples and all ernptions of the skm mr john g fox olioda writes northrop lyman s vegetable discovery la giving good satis faction those who have used it say it hu done them more good than anything they have ever taken why is a man aroused oatof bis sleep like a silk hat in a storm because his nap is disturbed truly necommended gentlemen i can truly recommend hagyards pectoral bakam for all coughs and colds less than one bottle cured my brother of a severe cold mus ifaie thompson aseyont cnnons discovery an irishman writ log a sketch of his life sab he ran away from his father becanbe be ducoiercd he was only his uncle weak children will derive strength and acquire robust health bj a persererng ut ofthegreat food medicine scotts emulsion t 4tjtiosr bwir i of mhiutats gqals pprd br kott a biwaa kt sod ua a lenb butler burin hfld bhcuma tism thos wasson sheffield n b lock jaw by mombllin chatham out goitre mrs w vi johnson walsh ont in flammatiori james h biilc parkdale out ken ralgia c i lanae 6ydney c b la qnppe in eiery case unsolicited and authenti cated tley attest to the merits ot min ards liniment wh exclaimed a tourist a donkey couldu t climb that hill and then be added and yon may rest assured that i m not going to try it bordering on consumption when a cold is neglected it frequently develops a condition bordering on consuuip tloo no other remedy will so quickly relieve and cure cases of this daogerous kind as dr wood s norway pine syrap because no other remedy possesses such perfect curative powers as does this prince of pectoral remedies 1 reuben said mrs parvenu to her husband why don t you send in your cheque for that there bt bartholomew lighthouse statute and get your name in the papers 7 no family living in a bdioas conutry should be without parmelee s egetible pills a few doses taken now and then will keep the liveractive cleanse the stom sch and boivels from all bilous matter and prevent ague mr j l price shoals martin co ind writes i have tried a box of parmelec u pila and pud them tbe best mediuoe for tever and ague i liave verused la this a gingnt doll asked she of the shopman e uihp how do you make it sing juet as oa woald an other joang ladv how is that by pressiug it oh warhcltuesol what greater enemy of mankind than disease and what nobler work than to light against this death dealing enemy of humanity the most successful war aaiugt disease is being steadily carried on by burdock blood bitters for dyspeppia constipation bad blood biliousnes etc connol resist us powers oue clergyman rebuked another for smoking tbe culprit replied that he used the weed in moderation wbat do yon call moderation inquired the other why sir said the offender one llgar ht a time 1 in this war tcu speed safe sure tad fsialut what a world of meaning this itaftmsnt embodies juit whit yon an looking for it it not pulmana pafalsm core ex- tractor f 1a great tare pop earn care snl it make no lata spots safe ly and with certainty tan aad mildly without inflaming um parts pain lessly dp uot bs imposed upon by imita tions or substitutes l li a batrimx school youth uuwend a question op paper ooueernui common objects by keolinag that the dog has firs toes on lis front feet and tour toes on his hind feet aad the oow hat no toes and caunot barfc udslhltios clftrtr aii old physician retired firom practice haifng had placed in his hands by au kast india inissiousri the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per mancnt cure ot coup umption bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat aud lung affections also a positive and radical care for nervous debility and all nervous com plaints after havini tesled its wonderful curative powers in thoqiau is of case has fell it his duty to make it known fo all his anffenug fellows acuated by liar motive and a detre to reliere boxoao suffering i willaend free ot charge to all who desire it this recipe 10 gerouuereuebor luglish with full directions for preparing and usiug sent by mail by sidkireising with atamp naming this paper jw a nous 6to powers block kocheatet k y still ant ther triumph sir thomas s bcllen 8uiderland writes for fourteen years i was imictedwithpilesandfreqeent ly i was un ible to wtlkorslt but foar years sjo i was cured by using dr thomas lcleetno oil i have also been subject to quinsy for over forty years but ecleotrio oil enred il and it was a permanent cure in both cxies as neither the ples nur quinsy have troubled me since a little g rl of seven exhibited muoh die qaiet at hearing of a new exploring expedi tion when asked why she should care about it shw said if they discover any more countries they will add to the geo graphy i have to study there are conn tries euoagji in it now cossfrendabje all claims not character of 8yrup avoided by ths calj it acts gently on bowels olainitns but it soot a oars sfons that every litie itok with the high of fisji art purposely fig syrap ootnptay kldpeys liver and ijtum sjsmtaaliy and luakss no prelen- will sot snbataa- tfaa lis iu uftlt when a lady strikes blow is supposed to loigi the third page hail fa noted for lf yott want o d0t you want a situxkcsjs nen machinery or aoni anything oat where anyone ronto dauf kad ments on the thfxi the cnarrs is two sertion address ada people born blind ten because they one agreeably the be welcome if the toronto dfil ftant advertisements or sell anything if a mechanic a btuf ngsif you have lost ir if yon wans to find advertise in the to- read the advertise- pejei of that paper peats a word each in ike xall toronto can are unit to be csrpeu- iter saw aid easdioiie features sometimes unsightly blotches pimples r sallow opaque si in destroys the attract iveseas of haudson s- features in all such casee scotts emt sion will baild up the jyitetn and lmpar treshdeas and beauty sometimes in a xade a luan kicks when there is nothing toj boot cures cotisinxfpttanvooasjtisf croats setsi threes bold bf sit drbsxuts an a gamntec for a laae jside eijc a ctot shnoht pcrous ptsttet will ire ct nlnfagfa sj cccb i 8hltoh8vltauier lfrct rgawlriaigutijoofiten oayicrybay dser iaxraaiw fordtipepsvurorjfldaey trjualeltgrods pricorecta patarrh remedy ww-v- isbssdeajr hwtli unlrkileve and cure you- prloewct i injector for ita cacoerani treatment h funiicnlqroe uentcmber croaoi4da7 a cnircntoq to it to taiishcoan priioners liberated ryct many w beds for and kidney from tbeir regulating blood b poieon fronk to the 6 hi i o have been confined to their ra by rheumatism lame back complaint htva been liberated fad prison by the wouderfol nd purifying action of burdock which drives oat the acrid the blood and rettore health cited itrg an lnihj magistrate asked a pritoner if he was mairied nd replied the man then said hu worthtp amid peali of laughter t ib a good thing oc your wife dont experiment with your health yon cday tie sure of tbe quality of your medicine even 1 yon hare to take muoh of jour food ripen rast ask your druggist for ayerc banspantla and no other it ib the cutjdcrd blood purifier tbe moat effectual anl flcocarafih nature id on the roid along with the othr fall travellers her cample of color are nn usually beattfcit perfect featlsfrctlon gevtleiiin i have found b b b an excellent remedy both as a blood purifier and general family medicine i was for a bug time troubled with tuck headache and heartburn and tried a bottle which gave me such perfect satisfaction that x hate since then used it as oar family med loine e buley notjth bay ont if jou want to buy or gell a farm ad vertise in tbe tonnto wethly matt that paper reaches 100 000 farmer homesj ever week nd our advertisement should meet the eye of someone who wants to par chase advertisements of this class are n- serted in the toroato wtdfy if ad or five cents a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertions address the mail toronto canada when a mau pictures a heaven for him self healwab has bis own mansion right in the ceutre of it oh what a cough v ill on heed the warning the sigsal perhaps of tbe sure approach of that more terrible dice consumption aak your selves if sou can afford for the sake of caving soo to ran the risk aad do nothing for it we know from expenaaos that bhiloha cafe will care yoac coagh it never fails a lick in time aometimes d imp points tbe town cow and saves the shrubbery all who are troubled wtbconstpctton will find a safe sure and speedy relief in aver s piiib unlike mobtothercatbartka these pills strengthen tho stomach liver and restore the organs to normal and reg ular action a goose farm has been started in ala barna it will be managed byfc michigan der sjiced ucllcf for croup gemieuev i have a little boy of five whose greatest trouble is the croup and i find that hagj ard s yellow oil gwea speedy relief therefore i take pleasure in recom mending it to the public mrs l h baldwin oakland ont the course of time a wrinkled face iii fitting boots ani shoe cauce corns hollo way e corn care ib the article to use get a bottle at once kdij cure vour corns in a town m north carolina the follow ing placard is nfiixed to ttio chatters of watchmaker who had decamped leaving his creditors minuji ll ap and the main spring broke vfrovtobtf attractive dwelufjgs there are homes like faces terior repels mr attracts as at whose ax once scarce know why or how some look so eheery aa we pass that one is itare bit bright spirits an within allhowd there may be no signs of wealth about ihe baild- in others look cold forbidding as if shoald yoa eater a tomb like chill woald strike you i we lmigiue one difference with respect to these houses to be the presence or salt of the signs of agreeable activity about the dwelliugrthe iugresf kad egress of ooct pants interested in brightening 1 beoauia it la dear to them plain and aapretendin i though it p in inch a habitation yoa will not flail he chairs pinned formally against the wall or the blinds closed lest a sunbeam shoald fall oa a curtain or carpet or toe disagreeable spectacle of chauasliers and furniture in perpetual ag comfort not show being the presiding deify of tho house few are the remedies whose beneficial free and easy e pectoration immediately relieves and free i the throat and lungs from viscid phlej m and a medicine that promotes this is ha best medicine to use for coughs colds infsamation of the lungs and all affections if the throat and cheat this is precisely chat bickles anti con sumptive syrup i i a specific for and where- eref used it has p ven unbounded satisfso iko it because it is pleas because it relieves and tion children ant adults like id cures the disease a good rule to keep good oompeny and be one of the httbarns cod wild oherry te ap enctitnnghi liver oil emslnon with hypophsspbltes builds the entire system dr woods nirwey coughs ooldy hoarseness and time number pino syrup cures asthma bronchitis pomumption if taken in canada is beini congratulated everywhere oa the excelled es ot her manufactures art stained gii ss is prominently in the front rank of hez improvemeote thanks to kccauiland son ot toronto who for to years have lal ored not only to aocumu itta money bat i o make stained and orna mental glass of all kinds a credit to the dominion tou need not oogh all night and disturb your friends th re is no occasion for you running the ris of contracting inflam mation of the lui gs or consumption while you can get bickles aptl consumptive syrup this mi dicme cures coughs colds inflammation of he lopes and all throat and chest troubli s it promotes a free and easy expeotoratic which immediately re lieves the thros end linage from viscid phlegm i just starting o i a wedding trip young wife i am eff id dear that our trip to pans will bs eip naive sonng husband it may be a t lfle expensive but just think what a deli htf ui time we shall have just endiug thi wedding trip young wife what a i allghtful time we have had dear i yo ng husband yes we have had a pleas nt enough time bat jast think what an aw ar expense it has been i enthusiastic pofetsor of physics dis cussing the orgamo and inorganio king dom now if i should shut my eyeama tad drop my bled so and should not move yoa woald lay i was a clod but i move i run i hop then what do you call me f voice from the rear a clodthop per a thief caught i ommg out of a store on the wharf the ilher night with three sheepskins under us arm in reply to what he was doing sal 1 he went in for freo wool the poll man however was on hand for protectio 3 baahelor of he rts cupid qualities and real merits have mjada them so popular with the public and kocreaied from year to year their consumption which whilst poaserting the most valuable remedial properties are yet so 1 imple in their compound and so easy to take si the qatnius wine prepared by korthro lyman of toronto this article is pi pared from the pure suiphate of quimm combined with fine sherry wine am choice aromatics which relieves 1 ha quii ine of its bitter taste and does n it impel in the least degree the efficacy of is actio upon the patient while sra ill dosai frequently repeated strengthen this pulse ncrease muscular force and in vigorate the tone of the nerraa 1 system and thus by the general rigor which i t imparts creates an appetite wb lob glv s to the stomach tone and energy and for- tiftis the system against all infectious dii eases ask for northrop lynx fls quit ine wine sold by all druggists use your fork johnnie han yoa for gotten iq soon what i told yoa at oat niiag yaar fingers well memmt fingers were made before fqrks yes they were but not yours my son duetw pure powdered m jl ly l purest strongest best ft for bsmw soi boftsalnr water dmnfindnc ardahaodioilje oms aaualij5i 1 jcjitmdst soti r all 1 d pace ecmco forckirrn is fie h oust euicrt to use aad cheapest ssv catarrh isoiditinoricnttriniffiiriffm et ttirlftw wcmx f- tj t a j dr woodfs norway pipe syr up rich a the ln2ffecanagttrtiiofta pine i combined with thtt sootaiaar and ai i propertixts of other pctartl herb4d barfc a perfect cuke for coughs and cods wji aad ii throat bronchial an lung diseases obitisateccctttwiilch hoaraecesc atimx braachttl 5or throat chialand ctjoctia resfxt otbr rentfldies yield promptlv t4 tait piexixnt piny lyrnp j fivgs 2so amo boo pk hattl tot t bsiutiatrrsi habordtgr biefs remedy st jacobs oil the qreat remedy for pain cures rheumatism spraltit braises cuts wounds soreness sflffness swellings backache neu ralgia sciatica burnt tke charles a yqgeler company baltimore met canadian depot toronto ont quelpii oloth hail tfctfejeos fot odr 8troncet beit our stock of knd cloths autumn wear is now complete in every department reputation for firstclass ordered cloth ing is well known vfo have no superiors shaw fc turnbr oyers hair vigor lithe tnobt into remlired igoelf i have halrt lruve lair is and fa an i am forty plains for olt alost my abont 2s vigor it is a wlfefu dunensabd tills li had neirl by o doini where it wi ta elepjantand ijopuiailii lilr lie market itqulckeijs activity the lialrr ia i and thus restores to lie liair all tliat liasbeen lout 1 1 ickutss old age or neglect it imparts to the jialr a silken texture keeiis the scalp clem and cures itching mil trottblesope liutaors when hie daif becofues thui faded or gri the tiie of a era hmr brings out a iew growth of tlie original color fuli- ness uiu ixiuty it is iiosilively without equ uifdayec s tor lies sud u y mult gloss fxcelfei t slate o iireservaltoit renfirfng ayer rit jydrjjcjaier prepared fr dr wv best tears c ilaujlini rlddeu hi weuty f re year 4va ni ii ur llustaa ltni smputlo v jd hlrr beg n tnmfng cny ui 1 ilttiisr out wlicn 1 was jjara ot age1 t inte utelj lieeii using aycislhalr is cat ilnganewrrmrtlk infrac tlie nafunl color wonjierful ressliif ana liax iku n cteat ivcuefll l my t railway time table express i 09 am fall 10 ot a ra ipres 45ps llall j ot p m pusanger-l- j s8 p m hairi dressing tiidroff with wlileh m ivas rery mucii mmfaled slie considers it in to her ilet e iivrr jones tnlrie mlhn co tuu to cert ry tlfttfnrsiaiiyji rs lunvc ind an itchinc of the scalp andmyliaic nil all u off i wk s incttic l bv ur t j cossctt to try ayers hair igor thelu lilngivis eiitlrelvci rejl in tlielnlr rrewnut cm the top of tnyhcad baldtj fv anv depif s jp mtilllnvtllcjkims rs hair calsli you chn buy neisr tear gcifis 1 1 rictht in r sfyfe quality price savage co jbwbutefts que1ph ib per cash petit on cash nunhsses store exoenlnk onl have full llneft of 1 ii boots 8 toes slippers ti unkiif valises e to which tl is iarie discount will apply cell and havf 1 v v kenneyl grlkr co vigor ofrellsmiu sold fir druggists ewrjite8 k the methi ediictioia shobs far onemonthjthe y witt gte sj discount pfj per cent on fill goods in y rubbee goods your jrants sadolied tp bros kctbtj liqn tjis will en mantlefe words adverti price ot advertisement the purhaserj 10 per ne temept as tenth ttle or rry vn and one oifcsto sell kenney bros while thanking their numerous customers for grand trunk railway aorxo west osraa east express rasseucer t 10 a ni 7 19 am eintess li q5 ajn jlifj s fflpl 9 jsnni uiir 1 clcsdo uails aofntf vtest49 j5 s m and 5 0 pjn ooisaeast 105arm and 5 vojim this tims izvblo went into effect on december fib 1s91 liberal patronage o the past year take a prscticat m of showiug their thanks fromaul after saturday dec 24th the we ami i r gbuelph gclasgolsr jcent bjiying ijash dfthe m 0 k oi ijlantlejs plete ajd w still snow a 1 the best w offetr extra value e alettes pake them up as i i mktktle fsklab th utout and brought to the lion do a discoait of 20 per cent on on all other goods or in oifcer jacket from uscanusewiis payment j of one fifth of the price of anv other goods and jackets is still very com- full range offurs of all kinds sable cepe at 3750 eaver gape at 2750 jyou can get theni no where else 1 5tnd7 wyndm ttrokt gaelpb 64 0twsjdtnit gltnv clikrlllhlc shl6 aad clsmr oat drygl ai d williamson co guelph dry cojod croceries and readymade clothing s in our store we have deceided to make a weepliig sale t ju we arj going o make alteratiod rerythtng in stock jtoringway lything so oovr bods re we have si immense stock ot mens yjiuths boys and 8c ov rcoe ts hats ca 8fjrta socks suspertde ttes mitts clo qotto ns cot to miss this chau it wont ty you bargains fubjnture si wi i rfnr btolk of firnitnre any article yoawant at defraud any 01 aa any dealers tnttsf in the can i full h satisfaction connection wit association me to any can cooil reksriefs of cost sooner than to be packing them up jnust go aud will go if low piices say ia your chance for cheap eerythinsg jnust i kel m ymade clothing childrens 8urts ps underwear top penders collars cuffs es hose tweeds flannels otiades 8hirtnktoweltner ate ai we stated everything must go so now tor y bros acton 0411 speight fe son is now cotji the lowest poasiji manufacture but trade jive you a bodroom set v ove mattref 8prlns for 8ldeboards atj lounges for extension tables 75a cttafrs at any ofcdffins i casket a to pitoea we desire to combination and i five yon tbe beat hoarse lndertfcking 9 i iete for the spring trade and we can supply prices we dont steal our fnrnifora nor pay cash for it and cau sell ss low for cash pomplete for 14 sesttor 4 c08t i j 50 i i wanted ereiy oraer or i bona or cow vanu to te o to keep bs naul in pod heiih wsie 15 ihi itiwe c dry fodder u t bit caaditsa powticn cpj ijtci fppcue iqd j czx vi d joucfl tj ifu al l food 1 aiiei ca 1 fcrns 6r utc ttirpircre thin l cot 1 i- rttu ti- bcc s nfld kifncjt tad tns a rotjhuit3xmaociit2i o scuad ucncs ire ai mays ia itzmid tad tt tin lava wfeca litry ittwcr dicks nus- ter vtl be fcerd a kibsq ceci y 1 icfl reaove carfi ipira tplin or lacroapta cr my rvrtrrf d fc 1 1 meet crt i ftna or ltceaexs asd rrsxve iaflira nxlicaf cnicn itadvo j fua e b billing cst i ksiodpurf 50 c dt e lers- ijxt t iuaaiai 25c dji qtbaentltc 1 send 1 poiici ir fijlt psrt ivoiian t frockot vaiuabte hsuciiftuj aa4 cjti rcapes-wu- lie tec ire dick l co p 0 box j montreal sound 5t h6rses patgattte the key to health price undetrkig robes etc always in stock we can give yon it ip ess upon the public the fact that we have no r prices are not governed by the undertakers tl e tiarkets afford at very reasonable prices arid outfit fair funerals jajpeight 5t son tk unlocks all the clogged svermes of the bowels kidneys aad liver carrying oa without 5rjkssisg tbejjjs tamall the impurities and tonlnmnoa oi the eecretior at the soma time cop- rectlnif acidity of the btoromtt curing biliousness dyspetala headaches dizziness heartburn constipation dryness of theskbt dropsy dimness of vision aun vousnass and general debilit these and many other similar oo yield to the happy mbqenceof bo blood bittebs per sal by cu dealers tblbuaicicdpwtitleton itentu s oavcats tmdi slabm diiiqn atjti ooftwiohts sitoj for inf ormatlaa and frc flandhofts- vriss to mlvs a oou si baoibwit saw tout oldesr faoreaa lor fecurlns patents is america ererr patent taken oalbus is brought before um pafine br s ooues slven ait ot ebarf la tbe lstnrwt drculitton of tnr fofestlfio jper in bt world splendidly uidkttud no tomunss mia ihou d o without iu weekly 9300 r rear ilmitnamai artdroi mtklti 00 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