Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 2, 1893, p. 1

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spa cttjiil1 volume xviii no ul 1 aqt6n ontario thuesday february 2 18 the jutott free floss ib prbutel every thursday horning it tar free press stetia vrinuac office mill btheet acton okt turks or 6cbckirtios one dalltrjppr ye strictly in cdrucc all subscription diioon- tlnuea when the time for which they fctve bees paid bt erpired the date to blch erery siibteriptlon u paid la denoted on the address label aovertienco ritti trtotlent dtrti taeut 6 cerru per nonpareil had for first in sertion 3 cents per line for etch iabqaeat iatcrtion costrict rites ths following table shows oar ratee for the iaiertion of sdrertitement for pacified periods kpjlcc 1 til 6 ko 3 ko 1 1 ko tt inches 143x0 1503 603 tisco oo is03 s50 1203 700 103 sco e 103 adrertlmnwau without specine directions s r fes tflxeeart inaslee vertsemeau most b paid n u u eh oaceeach jil t2 p mutt be paid lor lt mutt be 10 um offlm by nooo on tueadert hpuoork editor end proprietor uttuss bikrfttrp j f uren h d c m office wa tedencecoraer hill a frederick street acton s a mckeaguem d graduate of trinity college member of coljegofpfajricioi tad gargeoai licentiate of royaj college of physicians and snrceoas edicharch office tad residence dr lowtjs late resi- dencebecdf frederick street actoq je wilkinson d d 8 l d s btntieos dmtist gradnate unirerflty of toronto member of tbe lioral cojlefie of penttl burgeoai office open every day except wednesday ttoartdty tnabtturdttr orcr the drue 6wrc acton l l bennett ldb dentist qeobqctovlt oxttsio m clean cv mclean barristers solicitors notaries conreytncers ic prirtte funds to lotn office town htll acton w a f clnx jko al mclean t a mowat biarustee soucrron notibt pcbuc x honey to lotn orricb dtrt taetday tod sttnrdty office etuntwins block acton upstain r j mcnabb coktttavcpb colletrron tt rent and accounts collected acent fire and lite atsarance proiterty baocht end told uoney to loan on the most favorable terms j a mowat6 office acton shilt9x waklbridgect stone barristers solicitors 4c toaostd ikd geosgetowh offlcee creelmans block georgetown and traders bank chambers 63 yonge tt toronto jsnatos ni w n willbeiige he stoxe every week we are getting neweffects in ingrain wall papers with borders and ceilings to match these papers areused- by the best families they are as cheap ai the common papers only is cts a roll and much handsomer when you are in guelph call at davs book store and see how nice and cheap they are day sells cheap the traders bank op 04kaoa ttexd gftice whakto ctlvfuj actffouiitd cxntu pud vr but foxd itxwooo guelph branoh 0ohkka of wtkuh4x iho qceheo rtbsetc eitlngi bmk dapirtment i per cent pcidoatqtux of ind apwird from dt of dpoclt t6 dt of tithdr4l or oota poanded half yearly on sut ucy kid 30th no vember depoclt receipt ufiaed tjradrtcom made to responsible farmejx sterling ecchabfe boattbt and old drafu itcved payable a all polnu la the united stctec aodcanad general bankins bacineac tratiaacted a p a jokes lfanager tsnelpb branch bank of montreal capital rest 512000000 6000000 a savings department has been openw in connection with thii branch interest allowed at arnnt hates jashfinlav hltucer ouelph flrianch w barber bros paper makerb georgetown ont k1se 1 epecuitt of machine finisfied book papers sjtd high grade weekly new8 the paper used in this journal ii from the above rnihs to barber bros money to lend ox gbqd farm security at a lower rate of interest and on better terms o repayment thau ever before offered in cnid intending borrowers- should write or call at once and be convinced before applying elsewhere j mitchell jackson real estate loan insurance agts guelph canada patents secured fob kveshokb hekby gbibt onrfi cikabi twenty y are practice so patent no pay i w li heststbeet llcekerd aocnoxeeb vox the countlei of wellington tnd etlton ordera left at the fare peeib office acton or at my retidence in acton will be promptly at tended to terms reuontble alto money to lotn on the inoit favorable tarmatnd at the lowest rate of interest in ma of 5eotnd upwards joh nday ornce wync architect j gcelfhokt bam street f rancib n0nan saceetsor to t p chapmtn bookbikdeb stgeorgeisqntre gnelpbonurlo account books of til kinds made to order iehodictls of every detcrjptioti ctref ally boand- kullnr net tlr tnd promptly done rphe hanlan barber 8h0p mlllsrheeractoh aneaaycatvetsxyilchhtircattgoodsetfotni to eihilitrttiogihtrapootlwaysgivei honed tad pot fn flrtthcltts condition btxori ltdlee and childrens hair ttstily cut j 4h wobdbktoaioriti artists salesmen wanted wewtnt both trtvellicb and local ttiestnen to represent the old efiublished fonthill nuneriat halaev paid fbou the stabt to tale men experienced in ocr lias liberal tflttns to bcinners and t permanent situttiou tcsured we htve co teres under cultivation and fornlfhonlyflrstcluietoct oumtfarc hardy v axle ties for northern onttrio and mani toba a specitlity we guarantee oub btock apply for terms at once we want you now stone ti wellington toronto ont agents wanted in every towachlp to sell the pictorial cyclopedia of live stock and complete stock doctor the tnoit complete tnd comprehensive work vrer published its tatbori tand ttjbe bed of their profettion tnd btve t cantinentaj repu tation ivortb it weight in fold to tny one htrine horws sheep ctttle bwine poaltry ijoci or beet a grtod opportunity to mike money fiec are territory tt one addrest e n m0yer pablixher 120 tonga st toronto new planing mill ast sub and door factory john cameron contractor has fitted up the bcilding on ualn etreet lately ocenpied as a trnnk factory trlth newmacblnery and u prepared to fnmisb plans specifications and estimates for all classes of buildings and execnte allkindsof dre6slv batchino and moulding kaee ill sttleb of baehei doors and windows and door j frames and dressed lumber and keen a stodc on band all orders promptl attended to john cameron aotori special january sale at- renetsons a hoiith of bargaies stock matt be reduced one btlf end price redaced accordingly choice spitingiredaoed in price 20 per cent fine west of england pantings in black tnd bine choice patterns for 559 per pair former price 760 and 18 about 100 baits all wool underwear 75o a coit rltta cape ties gloves white shirts tnd top sbirta tnd gents furniihingr tt rrettly redaced prices a lot of remnants at your own price e e nelson iferchtat ttuor tnd gents fnrniiher 89 xtppr wyndham st gualph gbraduation guelph business college enterprise character capacity success sfrll- axtsbstazr uj little itcghlnc dtajtiter cllmbllij ilowly toward the iky tbrowinc kiafcdt from ths ittirws y aato til ctroltilweetjy doo4iiiiht ptpj 1 e will tils oo bftabre tadtmorala whd i faetr the iptrrows t11 erairt iwul t tt oo liytnbye v owhtt areltght uoccnnifih whefa thechi dreatou thalrklttetaaoarctrql 0 the tr st life andefilsd of t lor 3ffajitppy child 1 whtri t raasio la he doodptht oo the ittir 1 rjtat ehefctdcir dropping critrjl ticattog qaitd ccaettiebjy but i ctufiht fuir hltewbd tnuel vision dob every one smiles tnd klucs tt etch ptptlnhliitnctam jaettubjy tlono sjnd klued thentsctl on tho refrain tfwill ttooobjrtabyel 0 whit lore light lingers nigh when the chihrea totcthalrkiaetoaoarcsxsl 0 tho trtjitiife pudeilled of t torlig htppy child 1 whtt t maslc a the doodmght oa tho cttlr leg old tnd sober ftdly sty more than heart or brain blldreni cheery chatter chafing gloom twty i than rest tnd sunlight on the 1 tiia oo br4nbye 1 itjvaugbtllncersnfgh en totatheirkimeeonourctrel s trct life nndefiled happy child 1 in the doodnlght on the we are bo we soatifflet and hare ctnbetr how tho chttsmt there is more stair rtfrain i will owhtt when the ch othe of tlovidg whtt mnsip ittir t bo wo cllinb oar fttheri tttirwty to the n ctfal retime tbove in hit infinite protection here tnd there we htve hope toiee the moraine and the tall new of his lore lo 1 we finfl h m close bcridq as on tbe ittir refrain when tl e llfihtbeyond the night fitches fin immortal sight in the glory f the home beyond eooiptrv by oar rtys the fttheri prtiste shall h re perfect part phrase at we itud e is tender keeping oa the cttlr licvxllya a sforruou makt jfumflrj tuttititg t qce revenge xl cade draw tiim aacesiitihuly i bac father too accept my condiiiaai j vi minded u he entered the librarys jain i most if hs will go with yoo viilfng- ly evreraoat said brokenly t the june afternoorl was bright t xons rosea hanging in u vivid uluteri i a they had that morning ai week before j when oltfe evremoat had peitediyanoa whitney with them bat olive herself u6 came oat tinder their droopinff fragrance and entering the waiting carriage wal driven away to ber utara home the grand gloomy house in which vance whitney urea had changed very machlin that short jweet she looted pale and ill poor- child and there were great dark rings stoat the soft bright eyes vance whitney led 1 er into the house with stately and ceremdniooj politeness at thorjgh she had already been the wrfe he meant herfo becotne have yoa leatned already tohiteme olivo he asked j i dont hate yon sir she said i iihidly lifting her soft eyes to his im only ut sorry for yoa and imafraid ij joa too he was touched old and tende mem ories pressed appahim in aflood i yoa are complete mistress here olive i am lonely sad man bat i mean to try to make yoa happy he kept his word every indalgehoe every gratification that money or the most watchful kindness coald procure for her olive had she saw her own fami often is she chose though never presence of her strange grew in time quite at home in the i grand boose which her coming seemed to fill with gonsnine r 1 aa olive grewjolderand reoognizei-slow- ly what that fate was to which she wss destined she grew silent and shy and ah- commanicative even with her mother at eighteen she was as much lovelier than olivp tester her mother had been as a moss rose tree is lovelier thin its plainer sisters whose stems sre unsheathed in velvety emerald it wis another jane all vance whitney bought her y too is the sjnd she ternoon when rasence in the tllustra ted oscular sent free to any address m maccormick principal season 1893 while returning thanks id onr many pat rons foriheirhbertl support in tbe past vre wish to inform you that we htve entered into tn trrtngement with b 6lewart onelpb to keep constantly on htnd t fall stock of tbe ordinary siren of sash doors etc and will also supply any special sires on ehort notice tt gnelpi pi ice u pratnesof alf klncei made to order we tlso keep in stock t line of base window tnd door casing comer blocks ac your lumber dresd while too walt price tl 50 per if pumps being better able than heretofore we will supply either wood or iron pumps promptly all work gutrtnteed satisfactory please ctll and inspect before purchasing elsewhere k tuos ebbage manaeer acton bell pianos snd nois for new years gifts baaufiful banquet lamps handsome piano lamps music cabinets in oca walnut uahogaby and curly birob oak secretaries prom 800 up and tbe best ash bedroom suite in the tn the world for 1500 come and see for yourselves p sprkgg6 guelph organs veee 1w1j1ded hamiltons jfaible works hauiltons block formerly hatch block the gore corner of woolwich tnd norfolk i tree u gcelph ont john h hamilton proprietor wbolettleaud retail deaier tnd direct importer and manufacturer of til kinds of granite and lftrbie monuments tombstones etc having bad tn ezteniire experience for tbe last 16 years the public may rely on getting all superior artklee tt t chetper rate thtn tny other detler intheweti n b 15 per cent off on t direct order re ceived for the next so daya the gold medal jamaica international exhibition 1691 incompetltlon with amertitn germtnecglitn aiid canadian mtnaftctnrers s m cook co georgetown llcensl aoctloneert appraiwrt vtlu ttorr coilsotoft bftsu esttu n generl lsitut aganu rots tbe cotrrmc or hilton peel wellidgtonflimooe toil tad oaurfo itaaclf to lota tram 9x00 ao tt cfz oer cent ptrtiet pitciag their ttlec or other btttlness in oar bands wulbatthettmeprompuytttended toct moderttr ltergec omcs tm siutt books mill acgeorge- towo or tdjfote box 196 s h coot k co actiotiert bzaxckotticz 4lqtjen btettt toronto 8 t oook co lactlocmn qeorjotowa uid toronto fob hale on monthly or quarterly paymenta only t c w kellys mtjsio store s5 lower wyndbtm street gaelph tele phone 178 weulngton kntatj ffro insurance comoany ettfjiluffcd ibiq insurance on uutnal plan any commani- cations forwarded to my address boz 73 or telephone s3 will be promptly ttteoded to jokn taylob agent guelph christmas presents rre a present to everybody who will buy their shoes at the leadinc soe store aoelpb during the holidays such an offer is rare come early our prices are she lowest our goods are the best wmclarewfco cor wyndhtm st kat st geories sqr gvezpb i wish ti see mis lester said vance whitney ta the servant who answered his impatient kag at the door of the lester mansion aid he strode toward the parlor hehad not long to wait the door twang noiselessly and olive lester came shrink- ingly towarjd him j he advanced eagerly to meet her eat she shrank from him covering her face with her hinds olive i ly little olive he saidj trying to take het hands from her face no no wrenching herself awty from him tn not your olive any more vance i- i dont j what olive i dont lovsyoa i thoughtl did till he came i have promised to be his wife dont bis no me vance dont look so at me whose wife have yoa promised to be he demanc ed almost fiercely she mn mored something very low bat he caoght lhe name yoa were almost my wife olive he said in a nssionate whisper tnd he was my friend i may forgive yoa bat i never will forgiv 3 him the ne t instant olive was alone and vance w atney was harrying down the street he renembered that morning as he stood in rnestevremontsspacioaslibrary jast ten rears from that day bjb hand closing w th an iron grip upon a paper it held havetiercy god knows i was only tempted 1 1 doit in hope to save from beg gary and i uin my wife and child be mer ciful for h r sake vance for h ir sake yoa stole from sue with deliberate beguiling vance said with bitter sat xsm as thrusting the paper in his pocket he left the room i as he vas descending the steps of the veranda utaide a shower of roses came pelting in a fragrant ivatascheirpon him and a iau h sweet as the trill of a mocking bird gun led ont from somewhere among theblossons he fiuig a dark look overhead and he saw peepi lg at him through the leaves two eyes bli ok with mischievous fun and sparkle t vo round dimpled arms overflow ing still v ith roses the chi d started a little at the sight of bis face i nd dropped her roses saying in a voice as tweet as the voice had been i am i orry i thought it was papa vance thitney gued at the pretty crea ture like i man in a trance suddenly he tamed a nd swiftly retraced his steps to tbe libra y in whioh ernest evremore still sat 1 is head bowed to the table in the extremity of his despair vance paased in tbe doom ay and looked at him ernes he said there is one condition on which i will forgive this wrong and that othe deeper one you did me long ago name it give t io your child he slrost recoiled from the look of de tpairing inger with which evermont re gardedhin sly ch id my fitllejoiive 1 man wretch dastard yhat it it yoassk what has my pretf darling done that yoa should wish to h xai her j he hel oat his arms as he spoke and the child who had descended from the veranda r ttf sprang info them i wooii not harmiahairof her head ernest jte said in a low voice aajsttnateal bg amy eandolpk sttther uii little alice frank fo look after hit not mrs ai noidfepied pit ided ai pbige thbee ciyis csa i shbit trips go with tomjrow a ornjag 1 certiinlyj withlleeistot emtmofler jvhy aotl pleaded alice ejbaute her mother answered vat five d jock ii r the morning of la janaslv day 1 jituk a litlfc girl it betletj eff fn bed than irimpiig ia ths woods kt a boys heels j i f j b i i tvtr t logo whined t jice i l i ai 1 1 do lot want yoa to gq said b moth tint enl the rr stter a franfc says began alee ko natter what frank says nterrnptad mrs j nold go oa with yoai knitting alii iheytd fbat all the i irfle sfie the to ij letself mean to go i j so hi a fraui shut ap his a gebra and spellii took and lighted his t id caodle me nj ae some ejtouse to cree into ths hsiisl er hint i st nl she whispered wil i yoa wait for m n ider tha big lightnins tree to- marrt liiorutngjl j thi lilightnihg tree it cast be ex- plaint i ras aj moostrous white ine which some ro or thrmwinfert ago had been strucl jby liguttiiog and one 1 alf of its huge fit torn ayay very ft range and weird i looked with ouehalf reen and growi and the other half all dead and blut bat itjmide a landmark for all trie ooant aroaad frs fcj in honsst lad of thirteen or four teen rfetred his eyes jfretty boudoir she eipectejl him she lifted the silky black yekshei and dropped them again quietly tt the si ht of him not noting that he look d like a man who had passed the night in satchiq ojjvej he said taking be hand gi ntly bat she drew it away from him he shot his eyes a l mon ent and big face whitened a little then he went ta 1 have learned to love yoa n these years as i believe man never loved oman before till lately i thought nothirig coald make me yield yon but i will no i have a love less wife ify child yoa are as free as though you had never seen me he fut a sealed envelope sn her hand directed to ernest evremont and said theearriage waitsyourcomnunds he left her j free from the hatefal bdni freeil she murmured dashing the tears iroin her eyes and wondering what made hjrheart sink so now for home dear dear home but the cried all the way try as the would not to j they were surprised somaw bat st home to see her but glad and heard her story with varied emotiont ernest evremw as he dropped upon thenamis the little paper to which he had wrong ully and i to such lasting punishment ip it anothers name drew his child to him and kissea her sadly i i j suddenly she lifted her peautiful eyes dim with tears her little hand lextendcdjin entreaty i papa mamma im going back c me with me and jell him wha 1 never n sver can j 1 j vance whitney sat in his lone lihr try jast as he had sat ever sine i he saw tbe last glimpse of olive entering the cartage bis attitude hopeless hit eyes seeing only vacancy l i mrs evremont could hardly seebim or tears his desolute life had leen a liing reproach to her vance the said genuy he voice btat without huher sai yoa were not toj go said he ii herhead slid she nestid frank soldtely eotato it mother is right wai for mo frp alii tossed ill going n with m if re her obf bijfyball yoa njli will hot jfrinkl frtnkifhe scresmed the whistling ceased tod halloo- 00 shoaled back a shrill voice and in a mfuata or two frank wilh- halts dozen dead gray rabbiu slang over bis shoulder ran into theopeniog alice lihe cried ft ibis yos how oa earth cirae von here bbas alice coald only lob sad wail by way of answer whea they cat home theyfoand that her poor little feet were both fnjzensnd i can not describe to yoa what a terrible time they had before those feet got well she had taken a severe cold also and hi not go oat of the house for a moath and she heard afterwards that her bad fairy was if ichset faereljys crasy old aunt who had broken oat of the tsylnm where they kept her and was trudging aimlessly all aroaad the ebaatry and its a wonder said honest ifich- aet that the didnt fling little nltsay doivn the limestone quarries shed have done itat sooa as not it the faucy took her tbe poor demented seal i add all this had happened just because a littlegirl would have her own way- cigarette orawd add y cafae at last said frank y i re a cross hatefal boy a ii i dont like y i spa tered alice j- bat rank nly laughed and b stleet s he ne i offuptalrs total j the i was a deal of quiet o istinacy about i ttle mi ia alice and she nt quite diterc 6ed to jave her own waj so aha lay av i ke nea iy all night so as to besare not to i rerslee i herself and whe l she saw a red 1 1 eak in the eastern sky 1 1 serani- bwd o of bed and hurriedly dr sed her- elf lis inr whiro tliaribbiurtpa iratndie frtnk aiit tt ke trie wllhhira 11 ga niy self loaghtihej ano wont lejbgtar- prited henht tees me there bef tl hiai it n b bittiriy icald oat of iaozt k keea i iw wtac wts blowiag ia la ipfte oc-th- ired fair ia tbe etst a ioe coald icrce sm he r htnd ta croat of her face she hi q meant to stop ia the kit la n tnx- get i nak of milk sad some trad tnd batter pat u elio pussed- the door she fc wont itty the old catoaredt yoa m my little girl cannot he happy she wanta to come bkk and with yoa always may ehef he tarped with a flaih v ioeaeusljj tending his arms a blender little figaro glided from the shadows by he door pad nestled in them sobbing j yoa dont lave me hii questidned tncredaioasly holding her clpsis yes i do i do i eta bat if yja hadnt sent me iway from yoa im tf rai i shoald nerer havefoand it oat so the old pain and wrong were swallow ed ap in the orenrheltnin x york mac yomaa heard bpttttt jkiadlingi for the lire so she har ried pi t in fer lest she shoafd be detected and 6e if igaorainiottly back to wd as e ft reached the woods it begin to snow here and there a stray flake came float io jthroaga the air all fco better fan said aiic dancing hceile i 7 along bat pretty soor toe saow fell so list ana fariau that sh t blinded and be t iliered the wind howled dismally and thi tips of her ears got so math a ad cold tt 1 a she began to wonder if 1 hey were notfrebm she hsd missed the pith tq the ral i it woods and thonght sbi mast be neartlj limestone i qatrries bat she was not sm j of aaythiogj i if j haald wander off tbe patl andfsll into t j ee deep q carries she thoaght and u i very idea sent the blood birdling throng i her veins and she sat down tnd began c cry piteoaily iti3 lost 1 j said alice addressing olnster t frleafiess barberry hashe r here at there b scarlet cluster itilj forth p tde wintry blast r itwss a lonely rosdjraaning through the pine sad i wcs deepj ia the wood ffftreri- csine sctoss tn old nelo min sated by the roxdside hs wtirbllad toothless baldj and evidently mice than 80 years old j while i was yet thirty feet awty i heard him calling in a quavering voice iknow it chillen i knowed yod come hack far gnndaddyl i knowed yaa woaldnt leave de ote men to die in de woods 1 who are yoa i tskedts i halted be side jbira ev de lawdl bat whos dtt htnfe dechilleocura no i how did yoa come to be here in thislaaely plsce where sre yoar child ren tj j dan heard yor vnice befo he rfqwly anbwered no im trarelliug to se ire old and feeble tnd hsac no good any mo de chillen wis mo via ober to aiabam and dey didnt want to take me longwid em- so so r vyba doat mean fhey iefcyoa to uka eve of yourself i yes dey dan pat me 0 ter de ctrt right yere and drireoa i cs jed to thtyn hat dey woaldnt stop i he rd de leetfe cljildren cyin far gtindaddybutwilliam wpdidnt tarn bsfk tse bin psyia sod piyin tn wjien i heard yo cem t felt saah it was wijlism if he doesnt retaru what will yoa do 1 ur nironit ttcsxc written fertile acton fed tniv i- fu smtli co etntli tci r tht msnf hundreds bcuwoau lie insida ta oltluina etrpetbjl i orpcckctnuieforljarklarsstcis- sodeloctta tm that one j- vbosqaaj4wesamarfcajnsiforfrin wooldcnui me sothttl no more l cottldkofffto liio tvi i biforo soltguttii r tbttuvojii uka sam thoutai of my wgtt to milts j comppsedof psre mitsi witanors-r- athoaiaad poaads avoijapois im taiiu aoi tleliita aad lifiat iaiuozilzcozzici dinciifor fijiit tiiej st- im insignificant aad am not irocth a- corrwr jmt give me aoi i xiil cictat at tiome or oa tcrowied street aitunjraadligjtbeartoj bov hit fathers hope tij mothers jay and let nje his coatanioa be from caw till his nisjaritr tbca tijease extmlce us tgiin and sse which hts the iesji of pec ill pledge my word youl ficd him tiiyp kotisiardy tint pifciaced tnl sparer hislnteuect stitll he apset qis health ii he almost gqtie aud yet ihellciiflfftomeafi if id been the fcindett friend hed ever seen- norcaahetbea bid me itriy i for ive beeri given too toes a stay lasiis comptnioniblptiidno tomaaehl theptitheli bo and yield his ufa dp with regret and all for me ttltratte f f isil a i asked i shall ax de lawd to take keer of use an he will do it i promised to send biinhelp and rode way it was ready late in the afternoon and fay the time theproper official was- found it was evening and a storm was rag- ing he woaid not move till raominj came and thea he rojs back with him the old man wis lying very quiet aud wo thought him asleep as we lifted him up hs opened his eyes aud smiled and- whit- pered i keep hearin de leetie chilian cryin hack for graudfddyjlta comiu ohiiiea iretrpritocatdh ap wid de care 1 j whire we were trying to revive him ffoai the uiatiog spell which followed be straightened oat and breathed his last but his last breath he called bat hole on chillen hole an i yor pore grandaddy am dan- comiu comia com i distinctive features of i new orleans where blew and a covered up with saaw knet they d my skeleton antil net spring drifts melt away beck a i shall wont j whenll just i ten a fantastic little hgur i io a red cloak ci he arotind the barberry bushes- an old n jmaa tth tt btaket oa hi c trm euitafd lie old woman pa tiag one hand bisk of har ears alicejtartedj so d dj he old dame d6 fa know where liehaelfrrelly lives ai o in said tie old woman ko j said alice in a howl- of despair nor v j ere i live myself i nor w lere inyj one iivjt im lott i im looost f sorb steel engravings proof etchlon colartd pjcturos boom and picture hoojdlnjt ivoet oak acton saw milts coal and wood taeds kisvtutvrz3tixvdzllr us lumber lath shingles coal lad wood cotl tnd wood tlrtfi ia stock and promptly delivered to toy pert of thetovn tt reasonable prices hardwood tad fltos cat ttovs icoeth tirtys on btnd teldplitraecomqtcnicttiipa mt shvek oilt what then yoa lave other neither wjfe nor ehildj to dwell derly v children i have give me this child my desolate home to rear ten- fkly as yoa ooald rear her j artists materials a nil stock of wlisor k sewtous flake white j doable tubs beinmfis 10c 6 r 10 deep photo frames wunpltt 0e s feet conies pols braaapiwugt jse p our wabljpapen are said to be the bewialeetedia the city watebsbe6s kstablishlb i mtt anzlps be01iqaf sqltabit give her ito me to be my wife in time yoa will not thett take tha conse quences he tort 2d away and evermont groan ing let tl e child slip from his powerful arms to ti s floor bat she clang to him laying in oar tof t sweet voice oh p pa papa what shall i do for yon i olire he said suddenly would yoa go and live n ith that man away from as all to save m mma and me and oeorgie and fred frot a great trouble patch wort clara j daaton in haaxrt kounj pmplt 1 j have ready before beginning to pity tome slips of ptper one and onehalf inches long by five or six inches number prepared must depend on the number of playert when all are ready to begin bach one the company is provided with a tlipl of paper thay are then told to write upon each slip a sentence describing tbe sentences however must grammatical subjects j to make this plain i will jgiveja specimen sentences climbed up the t of ths house with a ladder i sat down ia the middle or the rosdaud sang a song went to bed with shoestad stockiiigs on wore a bright red dress and yellow hat c3ad not eat becaase his teeth wei all gooe j when the playert have writ en the i re quired tentencet they ate told o fold eton paper caref ally to thai the teiitenee vul be on the iatide tt it better to fold it twice i the slips are than collected iu a box basket or hat and shaken up horoughly the receptacle it then passed aroaad and each player takes out a slip wlthbat unfolding it he writes on noun accompauyiog it with the as he tees fit proper names rdsy not biased after this second writing i be slips again collected thoroughly m zed at beiore and again passed aroaad as etch player draws a all he looks thrnoun that has alien to h share oniolds the psper and oouueett the two part of the sentence either meiitaliy oe 1 i im jott i i i it woajt di c that t jthed the old woman me suit 1 whiite satd alice to he cave leading 1 er intd of cavepj under tree b said the old nua jbe a good fairy i no good to y lite fame wid herself or she anidut- and shepdt her hand in she j must reasbni i within peak a i kindly that of t ie old beside i r the f fit alice knew the old crmis wss black moath pf a tort jwqrrfan and limped alcog alice o eotrkacej wit so net way to i airylaid ij inste 1 1 however land tl ibid woman slip witnoat the oattidjla tjtd an or she darfed from the vance whitney at the avenue gate she was breathless with t- running to that she could not lpaakbat seised his i hand and i room and overtook fr writing the nouu and its article m she proper place en all sre ready each player in ms tarn reads tbe completed sentence 1 the result of this patchwork will ol ten i be ei funny the the roott of tn cf cedar that hey h i to crtkl along on all fo its but present j they reached a more roc my spot where 1 1 ew embers jwere tmoalde lag tnd the bla imoke made alice near y choke with cqifhag perhep she thoaght is af proceeding fairy- stone the biggest little city nthe coantry is what an adopted jcitirea of kev orleans calls that town i with but little more than a quarter of a million iuhabitanta the crescent city has molt of the features of a true capital and metropolis it is amoag the few towns ia thecoantry thst can he compared with new york in respect of jheir quafiflcatloa batkew orleans leads aluhe rest though in population it i smiubeaide any of the others ft has an old and exclusive society whose claims would be acknowledged in any of our cities it supports grand opera its clubs are ully what the town implies and not mereempty club hoases it has flue theatres and public aad church baild ings the joys of the table which ches terfield ranked first among the dissipations of idtellcctultmen- are provided not ouly in many fine restaurants and iu the clubs but in a maltitudedf himes no cilyhas finer markets its commerce is with til the world andiui population is cosmopoli tan wjth all which a long continuance of those conditions implies like the greater cities jit hat distinct divisions or quarters athich offer the visiting sightseer novelty and change- its siehta are the accumu lation of nearly two ceafariec and of spautsh french and american origin from new orleans our hoaibern capi tal hy julian ralph ui ifarpirt maga zine it the hard to qetat sat down on h and be t to puff and blow to alike the embers i are u ho 1 toon are we going ask a alice goi i where asked the old t omari ta f iryana anttfered the c llld bur dont know what yoa ti sj talking about lid the old woman i ain jorr a f airjj v atked alio i j the i ivomin bristled up im tr was called such names before laid tl from t only workin jut on slichael farrellys land ri walked lear scroti the moan tail to 4o her ao i tost me wfyta stayed it nigh in the i re an ill not stay fa m caileu oat of t rname oj there nowl and e caoght ap her basket a id trudg ed awt i apparently very indignai t indeed i aii ollowed is fast as pots ble hat the aid i oman was it great deal i expedi tiout fcjrjber tnd alice began to sob and was cauea suca nameaiuoiuio t tot a respectable iris i woman uty pavan aud ive a niece inqaisitire city people in thecoautry sometimes find small sal sfaeiion in criliziag little coantry boys about their namesandi ifftir a summer bbardsr once said ta a small boy dressed- in a broad stra w hat agiughsm waist long trousers and bare feet hello little boy i what isyoarname 8tme as pas said the boy whavt rour pat name j r i same as mine imeanj what do they call yoa when they call you to breakfast i they dont nuvver call me to break fust why dont they j cause i alius git there the fust oue i st valentines day it is a queer honor to- be paid to saint valentine the martyr and celibate the christian bishop who suffered death in the reigu ot emperiir claucjias a d 271 that theday dedicated to specjil love makiug theey accorded to mating birds should be the day honored by his name iirat it shnald commemorate the ancient roman feasts of luperkalia on february fifteenth i more iu harmony with its tenor lupercas was the latin god of fertility and the mamigeablc young men and maicieas celebrated the fete day with rapturous glee the decked their hornet with holly and ivy auia kent eugiadd for many years a part of the rejuiarfrolior was for the girls to mike and burn a holly boy and for the boys in turn to sicrifice to the god a girl of ivy walks were taken iu the early morn before the sun bad peeped aoovc tho hori zon while the birds were- sieging their morning song to the birdlinjs of their choice while the dew was tt its freshest and heaviest oa grass and shrub the beauty of the year liy in the clapo each toucd- ed dewdrip aud applied to the fice neck and hiadi direct from theieives would giveacorapfexioa hat would aval the rare tints of venus lirge leaves were gently gathered so as not to break the globules and the jprecious heaven drops ware laid against the face tad press ed oa from the leaves hbv much mre daiuty aud romautic than slajpiugaa mask or steaming oues ice j through a luunelshaped fice cover attached by a j- tube to tho kitchen teakettle nttlie eiriy rising- and active excerciie deseried the credit given to the dew let7 p i v the way of the world today io neglect the true and tive- oslimited praiss where honoris not due i ktziafi skdfcu ialbe cliautaiilitan for february comforting the apeiictd certain it is that as nothing cih boiler do it so ihera i nothing greater for 4 which god made our tonjtuas next fo re citing his praiies thsa to raibiitor com- fort to a tveiryiiaal and whit geeaier rheuare can we have than that we should being oyto cur brother who with his dreary eyev looksto heaven and round about aud daunot find so much rest as ffo lay his eyelfds close together than that thst thy tingae ahoald bo tonid with heavenly accents and raakotbe weary soul- listen fqr light afidease and tfhenhe per cetvesihat there is such a thing in tho world and ia the ordgr of things acoca fort and joy to begin to break out from the prison of hia sorrosvs at the door of sighs and tearcaad by little and- little melt iuto showers of refreshmoaf this it glory to thy voiceaai employrasiit fit for the brightest anger buf to hao l seen the sua kift the frozen eirth whieh wit bound ap with the images of death and the colder breath of the norths and then the watera break from their- in- clotares tod melt with jiy and ran in aiefal chaaneia aud tho flies do rise agaiafrom thetrlittle gravos in walls and dance awhile iu the ar to tell that here if joy within and that the great mother of creatures willopea tha stock of her new refreshment become useful to njankiad and sing prsdtes to her redeemer so is tbe heart of a sorrowful man under the discourse of a wise comforter he breaks from the despsirs of the grave and the fetters and chains of sorrow ho blesses god and he blessq thee and he feels his jite returning lor to be miserable is death but nothing islife but to ka comfort ed and god ia pleased with ao music from below to much ss ia the thansgiviog songs to raliaved widows of supported orpbsns of rejoicinif aud comforted apd thankful persons s i t b i 1- 1 fm i- jl y li- h m s li i- ri marv ancthe lamb 1 ii ouhodd corner a doable jifsry hid s lutle iamb its fleece was white esinowf it itrtyed away one dsy where is nibs ehoald never go and iltry stther qatefcry down tnd ears streaired tromber eytis slit never fonni thtftjtmbj becaace she did not sdvetkise azrd mary bad a brother john who kept a village store be sat htm down itf smokedfa pipe snd witched- the open djjr and as the people pmted aloogsiid did net it op to bay john still sat and israoked hit pipe and hlioked his aleepy e jes and bo the iwiit closed him oat bat still he lingered near snd sfary cameto drop with him a syraethetiii tear how is it aisterctayoa iellwhy other merchsnuhere sell all their roods o readily tadjhrive fronjyear year eemerabering her own bad lack the little maid rephea thoie other 1- jf i the asked herself ory pit illy wbiiithauidoj and u ie stood there ready to 1 unt with chill i 1 wearinetf the heard a faroff noise ta tome one whistling and the whistli ras a familiar tune fr jnka oli tune fact the bonnets of boouie dunde a gleam of hope alartfid op in ber hejtf si emjrly heir a hungry boy worth its weight in gold- esglei the place to keep hp ones spirits a jfiiowtget there johu becaase they td haaated house large returns fat folks coming home from the country dont say a crowd o swells hut a flock of cbsppies i deeply interested a man who has tumbled down a well a gasburner the tailor who stays late at the house ot his beat girl a sermon is more voluminous then luminous whan ft does not illumine ui j tbe great value of hoods saraaparilla u a remedy for calanh it vouched for by thousands of people whom rt hat eared tommys point of view tommy ftps did wa ever go iatwim miog when yea were a boy papa tesj ceitaiuly i tommy when yoar father told j oanot to i i papa wall er vet j sometimes tommy did he link ion for it papaiies many a time tommythat is just as 1 thoaght papa what it jast ssfyoa thought tommy yoa are geitjng square on msv te j- 1 lij

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