t v- v- bank qf hamilton hamilton head office cikntnpiin cp itltaerys fom j tvrsnctil h s stevex cxgeicr awtoiiaita s1j500m sssoooo pikicctoilsjonk btcniht president- a g 1uwkat vlrlir john proctor com iiinei geo koics t wood a rlee oeoroptojwn agency noui dicouutd aad advance nude on all iuiiijic eeccritim dbaro on ci pcrta or can- ill lfco lkited btltu grelfljktldi and tin- costixest or epsom bojrht and sold collections mate ontuceeeaudlo point on tnott favorable tense bavtxos department dtrosira roeeired of 1 and cpvards and in terest allowed from date ofdpoit to date- of withdrawal special deposits also reltd it current rate of interet ko notice of withdrawal required j ii ho v agent the methodist church acton rev joseph edge t pfcttoagebotjcravcnuo pastor public serrlcei 10so am aocj6j0pra sunday tchoolljo bible cutscondactodby the pastor allcordiillyinrited strangfrt and visitor alwaji welcome caiite usberi at the door talrlkg depafttmeht we make a speciality of watch cleaning and repair- ing of all kinds all work eotroefed to qb will receive careful treatment clockb cleaned repair ed tcnatedrbd eet id fine rannifir order jewellery and all email wares mended cleaned in the most workmanlike manner spectacles reframed and repaired prices always reasonable bring yonr repairing in geo hynds acton ont watchmaker sign oi the bi witch t dton m xtss thursday februaby 10 1893 little local brieflets which casght the eyes or ears of f reaprerss reporters this week oddfellows concert 3rd march yesterday wmasu wednesday the lentenieaeon has commenced council meettofi next monday evening- the price of pork continues to role large qutldtitics of wood continue to come in the assessor has commenced hib rounds the tlseembly season is about over lent is here it is jfclnn horticultural and agrical- taral society now the ball company are talkicg electric light for acton again the thaw this week redact theqoao- tify of snow very mucb nearly alt the tickets for 10 f cou- rt on 23rd iust are sold milton council have parchaped an 800 pound bell for the townball st valentines jay passed almost totally cuobbecred this year the annual meeting of acton branch if the upper canada bible society will be held od tbarsday evening 2nd march tbe roads were to badly drifted last week in miny places that neighbors found it neceeeary to unite in shovelling them laing bros will give ohe of their pop ular phonogrphic concerts in glenwilliaxub this evening and another in eden mills on monday evening mrs jameb flanagan writing frcm gore bay mauiloalin iilaad eye we have so much edow hero this winter we are unable to get around oakvilles municipal officers are paid as follows clerk 8175 treasurer s100 assessor 05 constable collector etc 5450 medical health officer 95 the open diiil to toronto and inter- mediate points at 11 oclock in the morning and to stratford at c oclock in the even ing is aa accommodation the peoula appre ciate a considerable number of local sunday school workers vriil go to tbe county con vention at oakville next wednesday if the roads coutiaae in their present excellent condition qaite a number of tbt boys in town are having jolly times these days with their harnessed doga and sjeda they are the envy of tbe unfortunate ones who do not possess trained canines kext sunday is kpworth league sun day in tbeiietboetcharch the service of tbe day commences with a sunrise prayer meeting at 730 m rev mr kje hill preach special sermons morning and etning the yoqdi people societies of the methodist church will meet in convention in toronto on monday tuesday anh wed nesday 2lh 2th and 1st march key j lege and mr h p moore are the dele gates from acton mostly the news at home of at lcavcharacterm e ery item j nterestlne the j- neja la the pulpit th gielph utrau says iiijidnor icisfl i a nitfioa and mr e r preached in rev dr gifforda church in- fergas o i suuiay on mitsions dr mills the o a c and maypr smith filled tliree engaeminu in pasliuch preaching at aberfcyk arkeli and corwhtn their aubjecta were also on mission work l p s c k socul the regular monthly business meeting jot knoxhurchcbristianeqdeajor society waa held last wednesday evening aiter which- tlte social committee provided u enjoyable programme consisting of selec tions by the maple lfaf quartette clob ib their uf qitl creditable manner readings by mrs wo mcphail mis petera and ray j w itae at the conclusion of the pro gramme ku eioellentte was served iu the school room mr john cameron abty performed the dutieb of chairman the amjuxtblloi the assemblies held on monday and friday evenings are both claimed by those who participated in them to have been very suoceesrul they were both largely attended and guests were presentfrom many outside places tbe committee on friday eveniug was messr k mcgill w w carroll t gibbons and j c miller on monday evening messrs john j kelly h b henderson b nicklin j v katmawin dry wilkinson j symon and p j kelly had charge of tbe arrange- mehts henderson s co a change in the firm of henderson mc- rae a co of the gltfgow house has just been effected mr john mcrse who has since hie early boyhood days been a prom inent figure in connection with the establish ment has retired from the firm and mr john a henderson of torouto eldest son of mr d henderson mp the head of the firm takes a position as a partner and manager of the business the firm will low be composed of messrs d hen derson d d christie and john a hen derson find its etyle will be henderson jo mr john henderson speni a number of years in the glasgow honse prior to his removal to toronto and is well qcaufiad to manage the business with success this business is one of the oldest iu town and has catered to the wants of the pdblic with general sitisfuctiou under various mahagemente death of a former resident the following from the graveuhurpt banner refers to the death of mr richard hughes a for nit- r resident of actoa ho remove t gravcnhursl about 15 years ago after a lingering and painful illness mr r f hulus of graveuharst diedon sunday evening january 29th in toronto general hospital where he was for some time under treatment in february 1810 mr haghebhad his foot crushed and during tbe last few months it troubled himvery much borne three weekb ago he wcnlo toronto so as to secure the best possible attendance and on friday last he had bis foot amputated after ivhioh he gradually eauk mr hughes was a resident of the town for about twelve years the last four of which he was foreman for mickle dymont it son in their barrie rmll he filled the position of public school trustee for several years he was a mem ber of the mpthodisl church and a member of the official board and was a consistent chrifctiau he leaves a wife and two final children to mourn his death on friday last the etoro at moffat wai destroyed by fire caused by a lamp which tbe proprietor accidentally let fall the epecial services which hava been going oh the past week hi connection with tbe ebencrer church are tobe continued daring this week- j miss mary anu ha is working at preseot at glen williams apent sunday with her mother at koitchball miss mary taylorof york road gaelph spent sunday with relatives at knatcbbtril cedar hill association of the patrons of industry purpose fcoldidtf tn entertain ment in their school about the last of the month of which notice will be given later the weither tbe last few days has been more agreeable than usual thecountry around news items supplied fey cdrraa- t pan dents and exchanges knatchbull in thi night w befehmzax the king of the childeani sata danfel g so wm ihe- uxt from whtah rev john hajt preached a thrilling and impre6i9 dt- oourteon the evils of driok ad dauctnx last sunday in iho crewbau corners mehodtsti church the warning tp motheri to shield their young diofluteri irom tbe association with doabtfal and impiom chutters wai timely tnd no doubt appreciated knatckbull nassagaweya an cntertainmeut is to be held at arkell a week from tuesday mr will laiug and his sister miss emma left for toronto on monday the soiree at the presbyterian church isodom on tuesday evening of last week was a grand euocesa the proceeds amounted to over 50 mrs robert leachman of toronto is visiting her parents and friends in this neighborhood rev g willoughby hu closed the special meetings in aberfoyle the moffat poat office was burned down op saturday night cuied by the explos ion of a lamp the mail was saved but we understand that everything else was lost besides 3d0 in cash rev mr harrib and wife of guelph are visiting at the parsonage oakville oakwlle has a hearty welcome for all sunday school workers next week come lo the county convention weduesday and thursday editor foreter attended theannual meet ing of the canadian presa association at toronto labt week ho enjoyed the big dinner immensely conductor snider will give his leoture life on the rail iu the presbyterian cburchnext monday evening the council ib paying 360 per cord for its wood tbe dogs in town are to be tagged tho council has purchased 20 0 tags only gj were registered last year the town council look the slnrn advies and reappointed all the old town officials except asessor ferrab who is succeeded bv geo r carson georgetown r mr jame3 matthews who recently purchased rom mr a b wright the pro perty on fhe town line known as the gore has a number of men taking oil wood it is expected to yield quite a urge quantity of wood and timber tie entertainment in leslies school frhigb was pobpoued on account of the fctormou thei3d inst will be held tomor row fridaj evening the proramme is unchanged and indudes a wide rane of talent james kirkwood m p i will occupy the cbair mr- robert h wateon a former actouiau writes the fiicc ptess from tampa florida that in that sommery clime they teem to get tho tail end of all our cold weather this winter and the weather is the coldest ever known in that pari of the tooth indications point to a busy lime the coming sumnler in barn building iu this vicinity among he farmers who intend to put cp barns we have heard the names of htste james brown 3rd con james browo 2nd pn robert brow a ltt con and n f linitay i the moon will make amends tor get- tiag full twice last month by not getting fnll st til this mouth that is jperhaps the humorous aspect bat there is u more interesting ope in the fact that month without a full moon only happens once in about twenty yeaw thomas gordon a young ruin from speyside went to the town hill last friday evening in an intoxicated condition acid created a itstarbacce he was ejected from the hail aoi given quarters in tbe rails tot tbe ntt j act ices allin end an esqttesing pioneer called home li6t wednesday the 6th iustant there died at bis home nar georgetown ont a venerable and muchrespected resident of the township of esquesiug mr hugh mcoll father of the rev john mccoll of rochester ny father inlaw of rev dr laidlaw of hamilton and brother of rev angus mccoll of chatham mr mcgoll wab a native of oban argvlefchire scotland- ilia parents were among the the pioneers of the township of epfuesing with ihpm came to this township when a lad in the year lblj and became a siic cessful farmer in that interesting locality known an the scotch block ofesquesing he was a devnut intelligent aud most con sistent member of the presbyterian church man of firm convictions sterling integ rity aod great kindnesvof hearty his at tractive home elmgrove farm was the frequoot visits of attached friends to whom lie always extended bo kindly a wel come ag made both that home and it happy rvcupints der ta them mr mc collri death is the first break in the now widely scattered familj circle of which he was bo loug the beloved head hiswidow three sous and four daughters with many other near relatives mouru hib deaths independent foresters concert the frst concert under tho auspices of the i ch f ib to he held in the town hall on thursday evening 23rd inst andprom- isea to be one of the best ever held in acton the commit tea have made every effort to secure firstclass talent and the people of ac toll and vicinity can rely on having a rare treat the following wellknown artists have been eccurcd- miss florence a brimson soprano oftoronto a young lady of charming personality and a voice of a good deal more than average excellence mr harry w rich of toronto a merry jester of modern limes has a provincial reputation for making people laugh mr e w knowles of brampton bass solisi is highly epoken of by both press and pub lic as a firstclass singer mr a o beardraorc baritone of acton whose re cent appearances here have won for him 60 muchjiraise will no doubt sustain hie former excellent reputation prof craw fords orchestra five members ofbramp- ton has the name of producing only first- class music and mrs george galloway pianist of toronto will act as accompan ist for orchestra and vocalists the above talent are now to an acton audience ex- cept mr bcardmorc and the programme which will be issued in a few daygwill be entirely different from anything ever given here before as this is the first entertain ment ever given by the foresters all should attend as a rar treat is in store already the 6ale of ticke is is very- large arrange- meuts are beinj tnade with the g 2vr to have the jj pm train held until after concert to allow those coming from lime house and georgetown to return home mmo evening coming and d visitor to anufrom loton and vrlouaottvirpertonalnotes slim hittie thijcitoa f ilios frleadc it hornby he wmiitn keleyotbaerilo n y homo thit week 1 sliasiiu grindtjll u tiitink frieadt ia torpatp thl week ilr uid uci t e il seoocd vuited frieadi a himilk a lt week ilr lather lyo n o toronto wit ia actan ind vicinity ttia put week riiiling friends sfiwes lottis bdeight lad ctiri uoocs pent levetil di the put week with friends ia fergai ev ilr daff of chatchii ittended the feel county s s contention it bnmntoa lut we k ur altakoa u ote who his jbeea iwiy for leveril weeks 1 sgiia t rq it the home ot dr ilcke gap if r john ilec i mother fmn ilild- miy who hid bw rieitinghimoriereril weeki returned ho se aa gitardiy ilr chirles cii leroa of dtwieter re turned home yet erdsy mornmg liter pendinr s week 01 so la his old home eev j w rio iu one of the nrlncipil tpetkers it the forfolk coantjl snndsf school convenlipn it simcoo thuweek ilr i friacis i i itteading the grind lodge a o u v ia teiaion ia toronto this week is the i epreseatitlve of acton lodge no 307 mr t e htr 3iag his hid t severe tttick of illness th put week ina is now confined to bis be with bid attack of cciitio rhnemilisi i mrs p tharst in who wis called to horuby by the sail iea iilaeas of her mother returned home yietetdiy her mother sirs albert hill 1 1 coma better will receive the total number enrolled in the pnblic ecbool is 230 with in avenge attendance of 175 tbe lidica aid society of the disciples cburch purpose holding a sociil at tho residence of wis noble lot 27 8th line on friday eveniug the township council will appoint i new treasurer od the 20tb ad invitation has been extended to the ilev david moir of alma by the official board of the methodist churph to become their pastor for tho next year the rev mr mcce has also been invited to return for a second yeir editor warren has taken bis place at the editorial debk again rev thob gee who some weeks ago went to california for his health is not improving is ripidly is wis hoped for it ippeirs that someone very unwisely sent to rev j argo of norvil an invita tion card to attend the assembly at stew arttowd last evening the reverend gentlemen referred to tbe matter in a ser mon last suuday it is well known that rev mr argo has lately been preaching against danctog and it is euppoted thib some not wemdlsposed individual who re ceived an invitation erased bis nime and resent it to mr argo bach action wis certainly not in good teste herald haltons new judge j sntdar q c of haldlmand appointed judge of the countycourt peartoa finfe morning hifa 500 end costs next yoo wijl fini it to yoor interest to read kelly bros advertisement buy your f roeeries- fresh and new and american coal oil at t canadian and h hjldill forsu oi acton cross road between fourth and fiftrj line esuuesing oui tnes- weed call at asa balls day a piece of actoisa monly to to the card in i a jackson ren agents guelpl or 03 r this is 6tita4icy was conservative the appointment of mr c g bnider q c of haldimand a judge of the county court of halton was gazetted last week though a comparatively young mau judge bnider has well earned he preferment he enjoys he is very highly esteemed in his own county and will no doubt be cordially welcomed to halton the caynga advxatt referb lo judge snider in the following complimentary terms we are pleased to note that colin g snider esq q c of this village his been appointed judge of the county court of the county of hilton mr snider was born in the county of norfolk on the 21st of may 1b50 and was educated at tbe simcoe high school and the university ot toronto he graduated in arts in 1875 being first silver medallist of that ye in metaphysics political economy ind consti tutional hibtory he studied law in the office of col tisdale of simcoe and fin ished in the office of ibe lite chief justice m c cimeron of toronto ha begin practice in caynga shortly after being called to the bar and by ciom study and atten tion to butiness acquired a large practice and is considered one of the leading law yers of this part of the country he was appointed a qc a few years ago ho is of german ind scotch descent and all his grindpareata were u b loyalists jfr solders father was born ia the township of trafalgar in the couaty to which his son has been appointed judge tho people of cayug whilst congrawltttng him opoo his appointment feel sorry to loss bim as he his been one of our most publicspirited citizens oing government aid acton horticult jral and agricultural society on sound footing the 6ucoess wl ich his attended the annual exhibition under the direction of acton union agric jltural society has only been achieved by t te earnest efforts of the friends of the ciety the eoonopical management ef th i president and his staff of omcerb and th fact that acton is the natural centre and has unusually satisfac tory grounds and surroundings for exhibi tion purposes the society ha had no affiliation with the agriculture an i arts association hence was entitled to t o government aid i on this account it has been placed at a serious disadvantage co isidering its importance and the fact tha exhibitors have always manifested a kindl y feeling for acton bition it has bee i felt in many quirttrs that steps should bo taken to put the society upon a f oo ing where it would notbe so seriously affec the weather an o f year or the loss of its buildings tad furn shings by a cyclone- was the case sever 1 years ago such stc have been f requen ly suggested by the fi pkess to this i nd messrs john di president and j 3 kirkwood if p p were appointed a the annua meeting wait upon the ii inister of agriculture to present and sup ort the claims of th society last week whi ij attending the central farmers institute at toronto president duff at a good eal of inconvenience to himself waited u n several members of the government a nd through his represen utions the desin d recognition has been secured and the so iety is now placed upon an equal basis fin nciilly with similar ex hibitions this will nece siate a change of name- acton horticul nral and agricultural society being tl 5 term by which it will henceforth bo kao n by the new arrange ment it will be no essary that all member ship tickets be sol 1 before 1st of aogust in each year as it is jnly upon the number of tickets sold up t that date that govern ment grant will b i computed the step just to iin places the society in a very favorable position and it is hoped that all concerned will show a new interest in its future in a radical manner the society ent rs upon its new era under very favorable e aipices through the exertions of its m magement and tbe liber ality of its friendi it is out of debt it hpj also one of the strongest lists of officers thitcould pocsib be chosen in the follow ing experienced n en peesidikt jol n doff yicepansidkyi a j currie btctseis ge irgo hynds dmrctons ar on messrs j- h mat thews john will ams john harvey t- h harding and 7m hemstreet hon directors g c clark r agnew l g matthews w h storey and j e corry esquesing mi jsrs stark and wriggles- worth hon dij messrs elliott stew art shorthill erin hon dfc j kirkwood m pp h swackhamm nassagaweya- messrs irving and wil son hon dir- messrs jas logie and geo kitchinfi eraraosa hosj dir messrs farries and black mori attention must necessarily bs paid in future to insidp exhibits and the horti will in all exhibitions to attractive and prominent promptsafe certain i the delicate isugnrcpa tog 01 avers pilla diannlves mimoiilj rnnttuoll rapidly dissolve speedily assimilate constipation dyspepsia bluojusne headaohe avers pills dissolves i imedi atel y on reacliinjr the stom lb anc permits tlje full strength of th ingredients- to be speedily jssiml lated hence- efery dou u ef fective ayees pills i b the most popular safe and us ul anrientto phatmacy they have no equal as a a jartjc stomachic or anti- bilious medicine fhysicij is eve ywhere recommend them for the relief and cti i of constipation dysien- sia biliousness sick heada lie ioisof appetitecbdsi chills fevers and rheum ism they are carefully put lip both in vials and box for lome useand export r have been usinn ayer pills for over itwentvfive years both personally aiit in m practice with the bst possihle results and rl jommsnd tlierq in cases of chronic diarrhoea knowint their efficiency from per sonal experience they hw ff cured when other med icines faileds c welftt of dlliberty miss ers catha iftib pills pnjtrof j c rsca ij i hui every dose ef shot her little brother with a ravolvar broueht by har unola from milwaukee witeeio ont feb 2 a sad shooting accident occurred here last night whereby mr jicob huber lost his iiffle son 7 years old a brotherinltw of mr huber arrived hero last night oo a visit from milwaukee wh and in unpicking histilisa placed a 32calibre selfcocking revolver in a drawer remarking at the time it was toodaugeroua to have it lying exposed ten minutes lsjter mr hubers little girl of 9 took out the same revolver and point ing it at her little brother remarked i- am going to ihbot when it weat off the ball passing through the little boya thumb into bis abdomen he only lived until 7 oclock tonight deafness and noises in the head permanently cured by a new abiotntely genuine system tbe most extraordiuary cises have been sucressfally treted full particulars with copies of splendid testi monials free herbert clifton 51 upper kenniogton lane london s e henry bauer and carl nod the anarch ists charged with being accessories to the attempted assassination of h 0 frick chairman of tbe carnegie steel company pittsburg has bsen foond guilty the irish parlimentary prty ata meet ing held after mr gladstones spjeoh passed a resolution formally accepting the proposed home rule constitution- as a satisfactory scheme of irish government the ooell type writer ooa will bay the odell typb- iu writer with 7s cbxrtcurt witr- ranted to do better work tuia tuif machine mtde it combines iikplicitt with duibilitt kpeed eike op opcitxnojr rears looser with- oat cost of repiirs than inv other miehlae his no ink ribbon to bother the operator it is kext eubstiktiix iiiclcelnlctedl petfect ind ti two or ten coptm ca bo raada edpted to ul tjpewrii mcamcrip tt one writing ir like s claaa legible rets it prodaces wo or ter any intelligent person ea be- rlatwodtyn weoflerjl000 rator who cin eqail the work oi tho spslo- giving ladorcemonu etc odeil type writer co itoom 36 cinidx life buildlos toronto j w rutherford if gr for domlmaa come en operator fa two dsts we offer 81000 to iny operator w ho cin eqail tho work oi il odell reliable agent end suestucn wtnted til fndacaments to deejen for pamphlets tddre the knowtbi clus sctive ew meat market p sttjll sit beja basinets la actbalocx enough to pla are supplfad irith flrft- fruofl resh meats l j j thor where such can bo lecured it the best to be hid ud u con w eo jof s patronige which is iboat inticipiuoa s endeavor to treat oar caitomeri 4 conatiqiienca we retain the old and one saah price paid for pork hides til ring cattle 4c to sell are requested ostulia bank the iltbill factoring co m jeeiloo ont ilfakrjfaoturebs op office school- lodge opera furniture lates dont fail to get our esijimates be 3 for clrcutars and catalcgaes iphotograpny i photos taken i at night cultural display come be feature president duff out of all pope has attended to the filling s necessary to the new relations and operations ia the societys interests may co nmenco at once be on vour guard lemj attention is called other column of m tchell estate loan and insurance ju the elecxi ia at pontefract on monday thegladttonia u woo the seat by a raajocity liberal gain as th7con formrly represented by a jllnirds iinlssjrik fof laic crerjwlfetef f m- i when buying that thing to he men of business yob cannot iffordto have your office scantily supplied with stationery of an in ferior grade first impressions are strung and your business methods will be judged by yoar business foroul xvhen th bnht6 grade of printing can be had at is low a price as the poorest grade yoo should get tfio best the fnoi pans job pepfis fillid with modern facililies for the highest class of work call write telephone oc telegraph totheaoton easx psxss jedtt wllliicn henry aleiandsc and lernasl freeman wefoa fondly atchtt- bam formally committed for lriauftjis kulffll 8f cdjoetable kankia in etsleigh towhafin fifth euppoi the best sixth buy stncisj- improved and perfect ed school desk in k dime f for yoi if you buy a pair of shoes or a piece of woollen i undehyear from jiiqc nelson owing to being bvercrefwded in our shoe department tve have decided to sell 200 pairs of shoes i any size or kind at a reduction j of 10 cents on each pair we will also close out our stock of j ivftoollen undertaiekr r -f- at a reduction of io cents on each piece auxodda marfced in plain figures tkrms cash jnoc nelson r more raymond machines sold ii canada than any other make 4 t a v thi is qhb made at gu elprf ont taking look wed loything a person wants igbt now in buying sewing ifachtt 1 there are several little things to look al see thal it is new this mayseem a strange remin ler but sometime unscru pulous dealers t ep machines on trial in a house then reposses and sell for new beware of this second see tl lessly third see t lit it is warranted right from the manuf cturer fourth see tl at you bay goods made as near home as p icsible so that in esse any thing shoald go easily it it rnns easily and noise- wrong it can be mads right i homo industry and buy is mora the result of good judgement and tuta thin mere iivish use of money my 6tock of bpote shoes is adapted to fill the wahtp of those who having slender incomes still desire to maksthcir appearance creditable ify experience and close relations witti manufacturers enables mo to present a line of footwear uneqaslled in the county for style quility ind pnee fifi arcs going to take stock in a j tort time wo hf vestreral 0 brgdods we ate bound t but prices will be mad o attain the object llinery roduoad ntles rflfiuced is reduced wm willrams acton he rsymond made st puelpb and yo 1 willbe satisfied the commertiil importance of ontarios capital toron 0 ia shown by the business done in the cit postoffice during ism there were del ivered in toronto 8729 letters post- arts and neppers ilontresi inefi ding hochelsga pmut st charles st g brie and st jean bap- tiste received only 1k72ij and hamilton canwsisjei i iln 6m0l toronto ist bow efty whe lconjpsed wifr iu neigu mil- k elf r i itl- oonry ui iv ifyouwait0sonvlobssksjd doors st pool ih prlojf t bbbi pan tt yourarfler bis plwiiag tnijis fc acton liyery feus line lolieltc the patron farms them that tha ttn4artignodropectfttlr age it the publio and fnic wail kquippd and fltyiialt riga can ai- at bi itahlec traim between b a m and us p- careful atfanlion flrak lo atarrordc the vantc q conimerdai tratel- a comfortable baa raou al n ilb and 8j8 afol aifantion flrak lo atarroi qfcdmrnareif len fully met j0ikwlllea3is 8w fcldg nn prints jpatarrited new shirtings iiew cottons new col jinndes new arpets new foot wei jhaarciuninieutcarcscoids etc itl eeir your eys xestsd ii ifybtkwant your blood purified and 3 system ify riii fey arnfcperienced optician wer give you plenty of timelnow the ghnstmas business isover our mr ciiveijhou8e spoken iof as one of the tjest opticians in canada savage co opticians jewellers puelph 1 i invigorated get a bottle of smiths blood to nic iu have i abadkoff get a bottle ot hter fa dress j ed ctothing re- title ci eat 8 la 1 c001 rs redi iady ma duoe rarcbatf educed iltted v boflen goods reduc id otpjck drin knitted wool nlcood9 and dresses peduced to 2 on th i miths i cheery balsam pleasant toftakejand cures every time our winter fluid k r for roughness di the stein chapped 1 hands and to be used after shaving has no equal prepared only by sigs2ythcp dispensihg chemists ii guelph ont no 12 wyndham st dollar giielpli olotheihall j arer selling carpets cheap 1 xe doing th- right thing in ed ilothiug our dress jrs are at it night and day tig mantles apd dresses and take advantage of the bargains a big pile j uew oversrjoes- k j the balance of our stock of v fur ckps khd wi i be sold at cost pric for cash during february v liasijfeleodlco beoroetown ifteen per cent reduction from our regular prices for winter clothing- j v 7 v straw turner- u f