Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 9, 1893, p. 1

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i every thursday m0un1nq at tot free pre ii steam itlnunf office will stkeet acton ont tirots or srbc nirrioxono dollar per year itnrtw ln sdvkoc all subscriptions discop- uiiuejwlimi thellua for which tney bavo been paid li niircd the date ta which every tubtkon ii paid is denoted on the address amximsing iutcg transient advertite- cienw t ci nt per nonpareil una for first lo- aeruoa 2 centi jcr line for each aubaeqaeot insertion contiutt uatksthc following table showe our ratea for uic iaaertioa of advertisement for apecinl irioda u- j tjlj6motf3i0 1 lkq 1 iuchea 10 inches 6 inches llocb advertisemente witboot rpecme direction will b inserted oil forbid and charged accord lcgly i transient odvwtfsemeou most bo paid in advance advertisement will be chanrod once each ciontii if dealr foe chasm clteaer than once a month the composition must be paid for at nealaj rate cti4e for contract advertisements umst be in the o3ce by noonou tuesdays n r moore editor and proprietor i 5000 m5m taocn 7 00 sj03 m ib 393 1 800 1im tto 250 f ixn 3m tx 100 j business biraiflrp r ukenm d c m pace and residencecomer tliu frederick streets artoa q- a tfckeaguem d io gmiuate of trinity college member of college of pbyaiciana and eargeonb licentiate or lioyal college of physicians and surceode lvd in burgh oficeaad reaidence dr lowrya late resi dence head of frederick street aeion je wilkinson d d b l d s brnueoii dextict iradcate fciversity of toronto jjembcr of the hojal college of dental burgeons office open every day except wednesday thursday and saturday over the drug store acton l bennett lds dentist geokoctown ovtabi0 yjtclean a mclean barristers solicitors notaries coaveyancera ic private funds to loan q3cetown hall acton wit a mclean jko a mclean t a mowat iueeisteb soucrrort notum public money to loan omce datstuesday and saturday oence kaunawiaa block acton upstaire r j mcnabb cosvetanctn collector etc ileuu aud accounts collected agent fire and life asturauce jroiejty bought and sold money to loan on the most favorable terms j a mowat6 office acton s 1hilton walldridge4 btone barristers solicitorb ix toosto 1kd geoeoctoits oemb creeltuana clock georgetown and traders batik chambers 63 yonge at toronto jehilton ba w ii wjllldeukie- be kne utekts secured fojt inventions hexi1y cltlstorriwi clsxdl twenty y mi practice no patent no pit vvtm hehstreet llcekfieu accnovreb kor tlie counties of wellington aud haltod orjertileflat the phee lfixea office acton or at ifly residence lu acton will be promptly at leudej to terins reasonable alaoj money to loan on the taost farorable urtnsatid at the lowest rates of interest id su mi of x0 tad upwards every week we are getting new effects ill ingrain wall papers with borders and ceilings to match these papers are used by the best families they are as cheap ai the common papers only is cts a roll and much handsomer when you are in guelph call at days book store and see how nice and cheap they are day sells cheap bank of montreal capital rest 12000000 6000000 ft savings department lias been opened in connection with this branch intirest auoueil at current hales jas kfinlay ilaliajcr gueliji bhaxci1 w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont vtcv tfttctihf o machine finished book papers high grahl weekly news the paper used in this journal it from the above rnillb wtd barber bros money to lend v good farm security at a lower rate of interest and on batter verms o repayment tbao ever before otlered in canada intending borrowers saould write or call at once and be convinced before appljidg elsewhere w s jackson real estate loan insurance agent glelpii casada johs day architect gcelph ojjt orrice wjndham street e1rakcis n0nan iiookbikdeit winjuamst ouelpb ontario over wilhatnt storej account uooki o all kinfs made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound uulinp neatly and promptly done rphe hanlan barber bhop uiixsteeet actos aueiaytuave a stylish batrcut a good eaoam an eruiliaratinpahampooalwaysglven itators bonei and put fn nrstelt condition ladies and cbudrena balr tutily cut j 4 h wordes tonsorlal artists salesmen wanted 7n want both travelling and local saietmen if to represent the old mtabluled fontlifll nurterifs halaky fmd fhom the 6taht to saleauicn fxiricaccd in oar line liberal terroa to beainners aud a permanent situation aeiured we have 7w acre under cultiration and turuiab only firstclass stock outfit fticr hardy varieties for northern outario and mani toba ft apeciallty we guakantee ouk btock apply for tertna at occe we want you now btone 4- wellington toronto ont agents wanted in every township to sell the pictorial cyclopedia j of live stock and complete stock doctor tie most complete aad comprehensive work ever published its authors stand at the bend of thulr prufecsion and have a continental repu tation worth iu veifht in gold to any one harim horfcta bheep cattle bwiue poultry loa w lieea a grand opiort unity to make moaey secure territory at once addreta en moyer publlfhfir 120 yonga st toronto hamiltoifs marble works hauiltona block formerly hatches block the gore comer of woolwich and norfolk street guelph ont john h hamilton proprfejforj wliolesalo and retail deader and direct imiortcr and luaudfacturcr of all kind of granite and marble monunifnts tombstones etc harlofi ha an cjctcn6iveeierieiice for thelat 1g yesxb the nubile may rely on retting all superior articles at a cheaper rate than any othtr dealer iu the west n b 15 ier cent off oa a direct order re ceived for the next 3 da vs s mr cook co georgetown llceasol auctioneers appraisers valu ator collectors rel ecfete nd genertu land agents rob the codxtiee or halton peel wellington suncoe yoik tnd ontario uouev to lom from 109 ap at tit txr cent parties placing tbeir sales or other bnsinesa in our bodi will har the eauie promptly attended toatmodervi jhaergec orrfck kd hale roous mill st george town or adilreta box 186 6 if cook k co- octionecrs ftsjjscnor net 31 qcoeti fit eaxt toronto 3 l odi t cd attctioneerb georgetown and toronto new planing miel -akd- saeh and door factory john carrferonj contractor has fitted ap the ij nil dine on main street lately ocajied as a trunk factory with new machinery and is prepared to furnish plans specifications and estimates for all classes of buildinpb and execute all kinds of dressing matching and moulding mlxe all sttleb of baeheb doors and windowa and door frames and dre esed lumber and keen a stock on band all orders promptl attended to joittlc calcsson acton seasun1893 yvhlle retcrninp thacka to our luauy pat y roni for ibeir liberal mpporttn the past we wish to inlorin you that we have entered into an arrangement with it fitcwurt guelph to keep constantly on hand a full stock of the ordinary siren of sash doors etc and will also supply any special aires on short notice at guelut yiicti frames of all kinds mde to order we alao keen in atock a line of banc window aud door casing corner blocks tit your lumber drcswd while you walt rrlce81 50 per ii pumps being better able than heretofore we will supply either wood or iron pumrs promptly all work guaranteed satisfactory pleaae call and inapect before purchasing elsewhere tiios eb151be hannper acton bell pianos organs ivtnl awaiided the gold medalv at jamaica international exhibition 1891 in competition with american german englhib and canadian manufacturers ou monthly or quarterly payments only at c w kellys music store sj lower wvndbaiu street uutlph tele phone 17h n wellington mutual ffte insurance comoany estabobhed 1m0 insurance on mutual plan any communi cations forwarded to my address box 7i8 or telephone 63 will be promptly attended to john taylolt agent i gaelph acton saw mills cfjal am wood vaeps statement ttken pom government re turn novsmbtr 30th 1892 i assets oold dominion note deposited with government to eecnro circulation i note and cbeoaet of other banks call loins on block tad boadi j dalancee duo from other kinkc ootemment tjebcnrorea i atters imieiaattitaviiijlejj5 bllla discounted bills discounted overdue hanlc premises i uortrgee and other aneti 8 7s8t6 175u j7k u9u9 vkol icersj 3sm tifsitm 30ujs3 uua 19033 total auetb i uab1litzes paid up capital r u surplus notes in circulatlpn delocjts from iubllc deposits from other banks tiutei emtco usm 5190 57 cbii k le th winter i boots j shoes i rubbers and overshoes reduced prices previous to btoomaktni trunks vili8es it oweat prices irr the city w mclaren co leading boot shoe store gu9lph fashionable west end 99 upper wyndhkksthbbt headquarters for stylish suitings overcoat ings trowserings and new and stylish gentlemens furnishings new goods arriving haily inspection invited my speciality perfect fit ting pants to order 400 r e nelson merchant tailor and gents purnlflher 99 upper wyncuura st qoelph illustra ted circular sent free to any address mi maccormick principal grad from the- guelph business college wl v be ikanged teh jffka dir john t am felsd yea hivo oomeor i ecred tbt yoti mi it not coma asin i wu cruel to tjx tk u i did when yoa left j i have chanji d mymlqd since then yec jshn i met ii pm wady to bo your wife tx aoa as yoa pleu too can ufc my tthtt at odc and i tuiiik hu answer w li pat yoa at aass what has made 1 to change my mtndrdoyoa uk look oat of t ie window there where the leavesjof the mapls rsntly stir in th breath of the balmy air do yomee those lirdc one soberly plamod the other wit 3 bright rod breast do yoa see how li lng and happy they seem as together tl ey build their neat well after yoa it t i thought of the look that came in oar eyes whea i said we mast bare a i oma aad a biuk account before we dec de to wed yet z tared yoa j ion when i spoke those words and x only m nt to say we ought not to larry till we hod made borne store to a rainy day and whea yoa d itrted i watcbel yoac form till it faded f om my sight whoa i heard the ta birds la the treetops there twittering wl h delight i saw how hippy hoy were as bit by bit they b ilded their neat and i learned wl it all shoald know that work which fa chet red by love la blest i saw how the bit ii in their labor of love encourage e ch other andthen xaald to myself u elr erample should be a leiaon to wi men and men tfcat is whyf hat 1 changed my mind and i feel that iouglit t 3 be byyonrslda oar home will be bade the sooner john if yoar work i cheered by your bride j b it select fantilrj uaftthg otfjing li my pjlveolpii it was od a y llowbhitiiag jaue evening just after a br3k thunder shower that emily ardeo fit it saw her new home the old stone hoako ill wreathed in blossoming pink roses with the row of gtjnt sycamores in froat and tb pair of box monsters by the door tli9 dn cjoa with his head grown the peaoock whose utt bad ta the bitter spell list to one sidft and been frozen off march no bride in al the history of weddiog rings was ever h tppier than emily arden true she had gi ren herself to a widower bnt tom arden as young and handsome and very much i i lovs and as she crossed the threshold into the sweetscented prettily furnibhc i house a tigae sensation of tender pity fo the loved and lost first wife who had oioo reigned there entered herheart welcome hodiet my darling said tom with a kiss as h s led her in i only hope you wont be l nesome here after yonr city life oh qriede of all thing i tea was read where a vail of enterprise character capacity success rnd noin por new years gifts beafiuful banquet lam ps handsome piano lamps music cabinets in oak walnut mahogany and curly birch oak secretaries from 300 up and the beet ash bedroom suite in the in the world for 1500 coma and sea for r ira bare i shall be happy in a cheerful little room hitq and baft honey suckles swayed to ahd fi d between them and the sunset aud an i ea1 banquet of buttermilk biscuit fresh str iwberries and cream and uewly baked tpc gecake was spread on the table and aft rwards she aud tom sat on the porch ant listened to the song of whippoorwill i nd watched the moon rise and emily coult have shed tears to think of poor dead ci rihsa who was the first wife and who rover could bit by toms side and be hapr y aay more the next moi nihg after brealtfast the white aproned n aid came to mrs arden with the keys im ready n iv where the closet things are kept but 1 am maam to show you 1 are and whereabouts the yourselves p sprscce guelph steel engravings proof etchings colored pictures picture hoaldina ivory oak ifftamfcsi silver gilt jhleg brown makcfactubeb and de1leii in lamet imhi shingles coajpfl wotd coal and wood always in stock aud promptly delivered to any part of the town at i reason prices llardboojaudalawtat ctaw length always on hand 1 v telephone eommanlcation artists materials a full stock of winaor tt kewtons white dodhle f obea rowneys 10c 6x10 deep photo frames complete uc 5 feet cornice pole brass fittings ssc be pot upon at now that it was first wife what l cri rtard work 826 she was a arden s mdther done about the to think as she horse and mdv bfrs thomas she was doing just droop ad i see went to work broached fo hs our wallpapers are said to be the best selected in the city waters bros established it st aeoraessqoabe buefcfh ike consistency employed thn ia disohargiug the of her own hoasehqld i never did it before tom bat yoa are taming over a naw leaf in life now ay darling said tom and mympther says never mind what your mother saysv tom said mrs arden compressipg her lips slightly if you wish it that is enough she rose early ths next morning and prepared an excellent breakfaxt it was true that the ashes of the previous nights fire were ua removed aud thtt tom had eattrely forgotten to split any kindlings bat emily made out somehow it is in atn gencies only that ssms peoples tgdnius develops itself- i iy dear said tom your coffee is ex cellent and these griddle ctkss aro dsli cipus i am glad yoa like them said ir arden mr arden strolled over the plaoo be- fore he took the ten oclock train to train to the city re gave directions to the garduer about the roses and instructed the stableman to be at the depot to meet the five oclock afternoon train i shall come up early he said and then i he came back to the bouse to leave a goodbra kiss for his wife j rho was sweeping the parlor dont overwork yoursalf darling ha said no dear i wont said emily re arranging the little pink camhrio cap that his caress had tipped to one side she herself wasiat the depot to mset him when the five oclook train from the city steamed int the little station and very pretty she looked iu her muslin hit and cool dress holding the reins while the little grey pony pranced and shied and pretended to bein an agony of terror at the approach of the train steady whisker steady siid she you 6ee ive come down to meet you tom like a jewel as you are said tom springing to the sat beside her and now i shall take yoa around by bodax falls before the sun is too low to light up the spray rainbows it was nearly dusk when they reached home emily sprang lightly out aud ran up the stone steps tom looked aroaud wheres patrick saidhe whyisnt he waiting to take the horse oh didnt i mention it said emily nonchalantly patrick has gone 1 gone then where is the gardener he has gone too said mrs ardeo un tying her hat ribbons i discharged them both this morning discharged them 1 ifilr ardensdays ofbridegroomhood had numbered a few more he would have parhapa eipressebv himself strongly as it was he bit his lip rather savagely yes said emily with charming indif ference i was speaking to them after yoa were gone this morning patricfftelts mily i lovo the ooantry f wa are fort dpu a month grng them in the bureau usy just now said the bride who was t iking finta laces out of her trunk and arrai drawers im sorry miam said jane but ive got to leave in t ie noon train and to leave echoed mrs arden why jane wr 2re are you going arent you my maid no maam said jane smiling aud dimpling i w is only hired just to come here until you q id the master got back ive regular wo c maam in the factory who hired 3 on the old la y maam mr ardeas mother she hat hvej down in the cottage by the 1 ictory its her maam as always looks ifter things here emily opened her eyes wider and wider but who is 1 1 do the work said she why you ma im of course explained jane the old lady pont believe in hired girls she says theres no reason why a healthy draart pung woram shouldnt do the work herself and perhaps there isnt maam when 01 e comes to think of it added jane str oothing down her apron anyhow maa n thats what the old lady says but what hak the old lady got to do with it prsii ed mrs arden still be wildered well maafi fingering the k nets to meddle slid jane uneasily basket it aint my busi- 1 rith what dout concern me but you eeem st b a nice spoken pleasant lady and it do seem a pity you should d i may as well tell yoa that killed mr ardsns itmirfltiwjs penink address of president wright receat annual convention of the ln electrical association held at icontsini a note of warning to kts and investors as veil si elec- he said that wliile it is an- ly a fact that solid and substantial ua been bids by conservative neat o electrical enterprise a word a may not be oat of place to in- n tin secorities based upoa electrical 1 ion there is a danger that the fact of his solid pcogresi may be made the raeia f ultimate tnjary iq the concerns idea ii id with it it- has ceased a growth apiea having p as fast fectricity as a basis to mashrooeds the ia- 3 the bride nsam slid jaue you lehcate youag lady and she couldnt see why tfrc thomas should it do just what she had loussnever once stopping was as strong as a cart- thomas was slim aud feeble bat sh 1 had a brave spirit had and she wouldnt own as 30 much uutil one day she tad died the neighbors maam they as d it was worse than mur der but the c d ladys will war ba 1 soil emily slowly and she arranging the laces once more i am 1 orry to loses yoa jane hut we must not wishes she got the go against the old ladys tei hemlf that night a pretty appetiiing meat and then she and dick has thirty seventy dollars is a good sum worth saving certainly if i am to economize it is only fair that yoa should do the same thing now isnt it tom yees reluctantly conceded tom bat can a man be better employed added emily gravely thao in discharging the duties uf his own place au you have to do is to risa an hour or two- earlier and dis pense with all the waste of time involved in your evening cigars what do we want of servants you can go and unharness the horse and water tho roses and lodb after the young cabbage plants while i place tbe dinner on the table and we shaft both be workers how delightful to have such a unanimity of ideas and occupations 1 ily dear said mr arden is this a joke to me said emily its very solemn earnest i married a man to be his com panion since he requires of me to be a drudge i shall certainly expect him to do consistent if yon were a poor man tom it would be my greatest happiness to toil for you with my hands to wash to scrub to labor if necessary in the fields but as yoa are well able to hire servant to take this rougher business off my hands i insist that you too shadl share the task you sent jane away yesterday i follow suit to day with patrick and dick 1 tom said nothing but pulled very ener getically at his long moustache come emily said he lets cry quits you shall have jane bock again if yoa say so and but i dont cay 10 i leave it entirely to yourdecision interrupted emily then i will decide that you are to have as many servants as yoa like said tom and so shall i and your mother she shall criticise neither of us tom with a little hesitating way which was infinitely winning yoa are not vexed with me as if i could ever be vexed with you darling- and almost loverlike kiss sealed the bargain jane came back tho next day patrick and richard who as might be conjectared had not gono very fir nco jflore pervaded the grounds the old lady was signally routed without evea the ceremony of a bat tle and emily arden felt that she had secured a most important privilege for her selftime to caltivute the talents that god had given her leisdre to enjoy the bright world that surrounded her old mrs arden shook her becapped head it wasnt the way me and his father went to housekeeplng said she not with out acrimony but tom is like all men bewitched with a pretty face and tom himbeif dtd he never think when he sat smoking oa the porcb that things might have been different if he bad been equally considerate with the poor girt who lay coffined in the cemetery oa the hill with poor clarissa who hod hot the spirit to bold ap s mental mirror to his face as this second j wife had done per haps so perhaps not we all know how true is the utterance of the poet of all cad words af taoeae or pen the saddest are these it might have been narses itke poets are jborn not mide they need tustracttan ana training f do poets but unless they hsvethenursintf in- stincc to begin withtbey mrynevcrbecdmti the strongplacid eftacteutj comforting drea- eucewhicu the bora narrtwiuthaiick room we hav seeu little girls of ten who with in the limit of their physical strength were better nurses than training could ever make or raauy mat ace wcraea there is no sweeter ti t in the range of domestic experience thin o behold one of these tittle women wait hg on her sick- mother flitting from pliie to place with the light step cf child icod arranging blanket 4 pattiug pillows tea wing curtains or standing before the fauaredf many of these will dig- a certain extent legitimate enter d profitable basioes jthe many for the tons distance transmission of p wi r thoagh scarcely to be classed with wha p ty be termed the electric fake ire still so jewhtt far amoved from the line of cm hercial iaccis experimentally much i is beeq accomplished iu this direc tion i togh the complicated natare of the sppart us aud- its cjitt foe operation and re paii lakefluaoisj success rather more thaa pblematical i at the last conven tion of his association took occasion iu opposit 6n to views then set forth to mild ly es tic ke the hundred miles anrhour enter prise l at was to carry the denizens from the tjlfa of missouri to the worlds ftir go wftere is that enterprise to- evera miles of road are construct- llut tbe track io a straight line lieve acouiidflred uecesiary by ictors bat no plsus ire forthcom- ia l 1 j we do not see the dame of any eo- f staudiug counectei with the the soie energy of the promoters to bd expeuded in the production rosycolored prospectm showiug le profits aud an elaborate engrav- e happy farmer sawing wood and water by electrio lighiand power a pie of miles on either side the way tp come nearer lame good flora have been extracted from the pock 3 pf liege subjects of tho queen in the 1 electriptv as tbe ratgio wand s red audei the- nose of brocks effigy 0 liens ton heights where is that rscheienow the ijtoplaa dream of a rsilrmi joa every farm that is being pro- mahtt d now will not materialize in our it i- gener t on except as a ginkuole for the fan as c i the unwary a word of warniog is nee id now and as president of this as- socistit a i give it it is open to you to disss t from this position to crittctre it if you s u fit and to prove tt needless if yoa esq be safety of legitimate electrical euterpt ee is eadangerad by this trading upoa 1 a credulity of the people those seekii electrical investments should be wkry 0 tbe rosycolored prospectus sag- gestiv 3 pi tbe marvellous dividends to be mads i i heating by electricity combining aud p 1 tlgamatibg companies and socalled wpnd i ul improvements in telephony tfie f e d for tha latter iu the united states tods owing to the expiry of patents seemi 0 be widening aud we read of tele- phou oompauies being incorporated in differ i t states with from twenty to fifty rxilujc 0 capital to operate various tele ptjooi atents some of these enterprises will t 3 fer reach the operative stage as the sllegea intentions which they areorigiaated toefpl at are impracticable on a oommer- is as some of these concerns are t attempt to form local companies da aud invite capitalists to invest 1 1 be well for investors to look care- 1 to the feasibility of their schemes undertaking what may be discover- very onerous obligations ire- glass with her smooth tittle forehead peckered into an sa tie ty as she buttons on her accustomed wrinkles of straggles silently with the own bacfcathe pins iu he upper braid of fiixen hair merge into a lower och which oojdhtto difficulties in i reivou interested to a who favor a general prohibition of the iquor trateo folic wing up a previous letter advocatiog a dom niou couyention for the purpose of urlitini jour scattered temperance forces into or solid organization aad believing thattjfc attltudeiof the chatch towards the trs io in alcoholic beverages should be one of ncomproaiuiag appositioaand as such a tand has been taken and expression giveat several of the churches through ttieir h heat courts we believe that the memb ship should be led into practical compti ice therewith by their ministry anrfjofi an and the religious press and toatjsc bendoriation is not full and con sisteni lnless rt includes relentes opposi tion to ny political party which supports the leg jicttioa ofthe ram trsfhc it is be rigt ttted hoaored exceptions that the mem a heroic kuabnd huabaad ths allengrtssiug subject that oc lapyiadher own mind tom said she what ami to do for a servant 1 a servant my dear said tom why what d 1 yoa want of servants here therea only y ja and me yea but tm- and my- n other has always done her own work w ot on the young husband in a disturbed w t why shoaidnt yoa do the same oa a woman ever be better- so you have givea ap smoking to accom modate your wife said judge petecby to hostettsr mcginnis yes she wantedjme to give it up and i did so i didnt yoa find it prettv hard to give it up yes i saffered a good deal daring the first week tat siter that 1 felt all right what did yoa take fo allay the craving for tabscccrf l i tookto tmifciag again that allayed the craving right off 1 ajslaisjlfl cr which she is resolved not o trouble the in- valid such an untaught but loviog little attendant if far more soothing to the sufferer than many of taos experienced ladies who pride theraedves upon their efficiency aud drive their patients to dis traction with constant- a fectionate qnetf- tions aid experiments sick people rarely lik to be fussed overril they are 6troi g enough they frequently say as much a id the remark is taken as au example of th j proverbial ill- bumor of the convalescent if they are not they suffer iu silcton while their pillows ure piled up or puled dowru irrita ting lights kept dancing beare their eyes th rough changes in the sh itters their fore heads tenderly fanned whin they are pic- iujg to be let alone and sol t questions as to how they feel now coce iuto their ears when the efiort required to bring out jh huskilywhispered word better is cquai to pulling up a heavy bucket frow tie depths of a well the jwrong kind ofwiuper too the htesing pehetratiugundertone seta many a sufferers nerves on edge and there is nothing more distresslqgihia the elabor ate tiptoeing of an awkward period which is merely the utmost exaggeration of natur al clumsiness r the function of the nt rse is perhaps oftenest to assist the sick persoio rest achildcan sometimes do this whereia wellmeading woman or many years ex perience but without the gift of sympath eitio perception willfiil and uover know that she has failed a changeable as has smiled and tag frowned and he with howpiainayiremeaidcrall the deal i deejucored and blickciie the rows backhoards roast the will the has taat natar slackczed aaffratnl about by cia aai chirf and cas 1 nt dasty plaster v fc that wisea tnead and warmeslticirt the kin ly old achtfolnaster i see tbe si any comer noo- uisblae eyqcldausfateriit iu a rosy fai haired girlho took with as ltr frencli andlitin howlongiuslrl the hours for olle idorf and cicsir and how f toajut with toaypovers the day ie triad to tease her and when cfce day it toaklhe tostaysjoiegalhsacgter becawe i nitc forgot the text lasmiubgxthlsdsostcr audsheacd r were fceb till foiir jto staiy after cjasjegf westoppe itiwclockatihaarcr rucre- vhiohpoor mia wasviceiag anrl there ic sits with beaded head j oer soaiiold vol aacpoariag dr fo he tt inks if trcthbe stid hes fast lalecp aadsaoringt and where ma shiied lamplight plays acr jf tt e cradles tcciig icyachooiciata of the oiicndi 6tkmeziiegbabyfecakic j ladfytlteiuc journal sntkus1am istry denorainatidual ptpers and bi ship of our churches have not been ooni 1st at in enforcing the righteous declar- stiois of their representative church bodes i aad ra view of the awful criminality of tlie dr iktraffio and the guilt of being a con tec ting party bits coat in u at ion invot ing fot a political party favoring the licens ing b ha same the time has come when true 1 prasentatives of christianity arid tempt anoe can no longer refrain frem unirtn togethler at the ballot box and- elect tug tq farkaraeot men who will stand ap iadepc sdntc party and advocate fear lessly ha abolition of oar countrys curse audit me j j wi i tre fortedwrefore to adopt politi cal mi hods j if we woald fight political coml i atioh tnd abolish a fortified traffic we lit organize our forces we have wast k maaylyearsin oar fruitless efforts to g i arlimeat to recognize the import ance the aestiqn of prohibition if petit is wfll not falucs thero ballots will the i ttlemeit of the question u in tbe hands rjf the electors they hold the key to the ktaation shall we hive a do mi a conii ittoa of reprsseatstivea from ail our chare ssaadltemperaaw organization and chris iaa endeavors and epworth leagues aud y mcalwct unions and teachers instit tea ank alt other sodetiea who will unite 2 an drfcanized party for the over- thcottsud destruction of this legalized mons pr that is robbing the homes and sappf g theiifa bjood of the nltion au whoji e williag to contribute to the carry- ingik a suocessful issue of such gather iujw 11 kindly correspond at once with the 00001 itgned the time and place of mee t ing w ilbe announced foars far god home and country wit mttkks s h pro fan of prohibitioa convention 78 bay street toi psto feb lsth 18931 a bachelor i is love a bachelor in bve lows a dimple or two grows melancholy reids f cietry aqd looks at the moon is necvohs a uut his necktie aucf hue gloves consults whatkiud of hats girl moat admire changesthe style of his fequeatfy butjis never satisfied hisi coanteuance is his necktie now she he is radiant bow she he wears a farrwed brdtf and looks iu at the apothecarys windows add thinks of laudanum i if htslauudress sends him home ia bps- som not quite perfect it- grieves bimlto the hearts core he passes the most golieu- h aired damsel without a glance he goes no more to eee burlesques his botiqcsts are anonymously sent to ihs object of his adoration he is hourly afraid of reveal ing bis condition of heart bat makes jjt manifesi uucausctously tolall beholies fiendish pawions dwell in his breast bears that she has been at tbe opera young welkins and want ltd kill him he says rercely in society that faeapproves of duelingand that should he call alman out be would aim at his heart he wpuld like very much to work hard and make a fortune but he cahoot do it he horrifies his employe by entering asr itera in the ledger 1000j angels heiis seen to clasp his browa suddenly at dinner time to the horror of the waiter who be lieving him to be choking beats him on tho buck and offers him water ha goes riptitiously to the socalled clajr- voyauts vho describe alightcomplected young lady sir and her face turned jobr way and her heart in her hand if only you can get over the cross betwixt you he thinks the cross iayoaug welkiai and grows dangerous i suddenly you see the bichalortnmove amazingly altered he smiles looks happy eats comfortably and hods to ills old enemy welkiur then yoa may be sarebathe has somewhere in his boscm it certain carte dc tuu snd that the ori- gioal of the picture has btashtrrglyadviied him to aslifa it ha beeij assertedthit eullmsiaai in fanaticism- if it be true it is equally true that the vorldneeds riiore fanatic the miu who throww himcif body and soaliatolhe worlds work is far preferable to his rrrfer the indifferent man of alt theft iffs whish it character miy posses ihxt of iujiffarenm is tbe vort show us a xy cnthuiisuc it hi woric annwe cau s iow you aue who will mate bit way iutiie world us oae whops indifferent acd it easy to pick one who in after life will never ba iheird from ae this is 1 imed attbe heads of oar boys to enow them ha blackness of idonicire bovs be euthuiiastic more let every effort count if you uadectafcs thing stick it it succeed in k if you uudertake to learn a trade slioa enthusiasm enough in it 10 master it iu every ctetajl if you enter college ud arprofesioaal life be crattl enough to stand atthe haid of yoar class and yourchpsea prnfesitou remember nothing succeeii like suoc and the idontcate never achieves it ifi rimes a mrs michiel mchobduesolutioha who has just dec ared bis new resolve neyer afainfovouch strong j drink tbe saints be blisseiil an no mikey derfr out goes iver dfai op mr m mch aniioasiyphist biddy medarltu daalt trow it away oi may be too wkae to shtick be me goodintcaticns an oi moignt cade a dhron wanst in a fhoile tokapme couracc up how oiua the watch ticklmauy watches make five beats r 6econd3go each minute 16000 etery hour or 32000 per day thus it will be seen that a dialf- dozea tarns of the key or stem onctj aday taking ap bat a few seconds oi tmer stores up a modfenm of poer in the spring which is cat up intoneariy aieillio6 o beat if we multiply the daily bfats bys6oj the jumberol days in a year e fiud that the watch ticks 2o7 the earth is hiking one annual trip arcuod the sun stub ends of thought each of us no doubt is a crank to the man we think a crank discovery is thepaiu of wrongdoing j tbe wise man may be above his fellow menjbut he will not look down on themj tbe heart has nothing to do with the making of kociecy laws genius drives talentis driven some men prays minute and work an hour others wort a minute and pray an hour call the former before dealing elsewhere hypocrisy is oil with poauded glass in it i- what mm can do aud has dons woman waqts to do you can 6eon the wags of adogatail religion t no sunday affair a railroad engineer fraylbfj that tho usual life of a loconotija is oaly thirty years a stranger remarked that such a tqugliitk mg thing oujhv to hie lougtr thin thit weil respuded tht engineer perhaps it woald il is didnt smoke so much amsd priiceisof tfis house of cnarbjn on being ask d why the rctns ol queens were ia gen ralmore prosroai tbao tbe raigns of km js replied tieci kings womer govern undcrtiaen aaier men in norther rlnnitts jieople are vtry sub ject to coltk but the natural remedy is also produced iu he ume climate dc soodtt norway iiu j syruy coaghs colds hoarseness isthma bronchitis acd all thrrat and uog troubles piico 2jc and 50c if yau wait to bay or sell a farm ad vertise in tho torutopvy mail tba paper teaches 10ogq farmers baraea every week tnd yoar advertisement ihoajd- meet the eye of someone who wanta to pur- chae adirtisedicnuof this claas are n- sected in th toronto wtbj mail for five cents a war i each insertion or twenty cents a wpru lyr five iasertioust addrestf the mail irpronto canada hoarseness throat etc e- syrup papa why do the little pigs push and squeil and try to get so much niik because w want them jo raake bcg of themselves no berne- y cares coughs colds crcup i asthma bronchitis sore so well as dr wcodsnorway burdock pills give satisfaction wherever tried the care constipjtioujsick head ache and biliousness f a terapetance lectatec in new hsmp- ehirefiuishdhis diceourse thus finally my hearers why thoalisuy of yoa drink ardent fpirii my oa torn has got as good otder 1 sapy ia the country at six cents per qi art i wood an married an a li prthe irip wheu yoa are weak and plaj dout oar health and strength hoods safssgsxilla wilire- a young ooupe juststartinfia life with onlyenough fomimpie and economical liv ing received at their wedding several hun dred bsndsome expensive and many of them ornate presents presents front rela tives whom they h seen frrfm mere acquaintance e and from people for whom they cared nothing it took them years as they said jo live down these presents many of them they simply put in a safe deposit vault bat they felt under obligation to each giver of gifts and when in tarn these friends nd acquaintances were married the young coaple lelt ia duty bound not only to send them a pre sent hue one that as near as possible ap proached in financial value that given to them it behoovs as to coll a halt irrthe giving of jengagemect presents and to carb ai aruch ss qcssible promise aoss giving ia wedding presents a wedding is family rite and an inmate sharing ia it belongs to hose alone who are qearest the bride aud groom in blood and in sympathy the cliaulauiiiaa thoroagt digestibility snd nutritive value sre u 0 strong points in favor of mil- burns cod liver qil emultion with wild eherry and hypophoiphitea kill the irormsarlhey will your child dr lows ivorm syrup is the test worm kiier cue trouble with lha world is that there are loo many church members and not enoagh christians i 4 where can i get sameof holloways corn caret i was entirely cared of my corns by this sfinedy and i wish some more oftt for my friends so writes mr j w- brown chicago j the third page at the toronto- duli hall u noted for want sdvertisemeota u you want to buy or sell anything it you want a situation a mechanic a busi ness maehinery lodgings if yoa or oaud anything or if yoa want to find oat where anyone is advertise in the to ronto daily mail and read the advertise- mentsprrthe third page cf that paper the charge is two cents a word each in- sertioa address the mail torontof can ada sefe v

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