Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 9, 1893, p. 2

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borb daton in tcfirrvol on the tstb ifircb the vtfe cc mr j pulton oltdtofititer hf fcowl in eeguctioc oo the mtu fcbrcin the wife of hobcrt hjtrovl of wd i awjo iti acton on uoucu urcb 6th the nifeofjohuj lw60d oft diaghftr s it cerin ertu od 6uu stb utrth the wife of cbtrlee titer of dtofhter jeihvid acton on frtd 8cd uvch the iftofur it h jcrajjn o dcugbter harried alt m it shobthtlt it the home of thfl iinio ou wcdneednj feb 2 by ker l c eimnw vi r john alclctt to uki a cd short hill lullicj oiuktat til rccideace td dadflia ctrcet toronto fmi utrtb3rd jollnortdt ud u i r aitor tud rcoa tmjor ind triulm7 ute lurgftontntjoe of oi rifle full er of ur dr rdue georgetown iti ii joiikrros at the relac of the lirljcircnu on vednedjut uircb by km j kdce nuulmby rer h d ohrlttle ur itofatrt i held to lydla u johnston elrtpit ditibhurotkolxrt jobmton ecq ill of i- rin ham irr at her rctl lence ferudtlo firm twillo llkli on uoudj s5th febratrj hchcl itird jlultt fifth ducbtcr of the utc iknjcuilu hilctt formerly of acton ije ctott jr ress thnrrdat march d 1693 notes and comments an act to amend the uw relating to pab lie liohdaje iib been introduced in the house of comraoni agd received it lecond reading b i the annancivtiod corpus chrnti and the fecuval of st peter apd st vut thill not henceforth be holidays and bo much of any act of the parliament of canada as creates the caiddai hoh diji 18 repealed the dominion government will tt onoo commence the rnatatfctare of binder tiua at hington thii tyl be clad newg to the farmer three twine factories brantford toronto and kind too fibogld mauofihare sufficient for home consumption and at a reasonable price if federal and provincial envernmeou would firmlarly comhue their energies in the development of our mineral wealthy it it believed mach prosperity would enine life insurance bonnes ii developing at a rapid rate according to statistic luoed at ottawa the amount of intaranoein force inxcin oompiciea daring 16j2 wti iig1 r 023 tbi was an increase of 29 215 401 over the pre ions jear these figures have been quoted to show that canadians are a prosperous people as the n amber of policies in these companies is 110117 the figures suggest that at least that number of persons are prosperous or rthnfty manitobas legislature baa responded to the vote on the plebiscite by receiving to aek the dominion to pus a prohibitory law for the province it is not at all likely that parliament will act upon the suggest ion of a province the legislature of ouurio has petitioned for a general pro hibitory law bat nothing oan come of it it was b imply a method of avoiding an awkward question and manitoba a iegula tors have availed themeelves of the same ruse slatl it is said that mr gladstone is willing to introduce a bill providing for the option al payment of members of parliament pro vjded no radical amendments are offered such a change would put a powerfat weapon into the bands of the kuglnh democrat eco against present odds lngluh workingmenhave elected members from among themselves and paid for their maintenance during the eession with the aid of an indemnity an in canada they would soon have a strong and effective par liamentary representation at the capital i mccarthy and tfrto alllethe press dlnnar cot of gov ernor deneral fs the north west aqqre3s1ve oniwa march 8 every member wsaln his gliee and the galleries vera picked with people u mr 0 alton mooartby rot id tb home yesterday to lute bli views npoq he hanitobe school question he ni greeted by do demonstration it the beginning bat it lift proceeded to critleiia the course vlucb the government hie par sued bursts of tpplause ctme from the opposition beachei hr hccirthy who poke in 1 clear delibertte end judicial manner was moit unsparing in hit expotl tion of the inconsistencies vbich hid ohir tctend tbe conduct of the corerament ho objected to any interference by the dominion goiernmrot with the ieiilition abolithing leptrtte iclioole in if amtobt bat if the petition for relief from the mia onty wie to be deal6 vith the members of the government thoald not teek to evade tbeir miniiteriil reeponciailiiiee by attorn ing to act in a judicial ctptcity he de cltred hit intention of tapporting ur tirtee motion j asvfal idlmi ijivsed the annnil dinner of the parliamentary pretagaller kaebeld lost friday een ing in tbo rettanrant of tbe hook of com room and it acknowledged to nave been one of the mott taoceeiful gathering of the bnd cter held at the capital mr fred cook of he empire president of the gallery occapied the chair the vice ctairs being filled by mr a j magam of the ghu mce president of thegallerj w doggan of the ifantard ttafi seated on tbo right of the president were hon- mr bowell mmitter of trade and commerce hon mr patterson minister of militia anddef enoe and hod mr daviee while on bn left were hon mr lanrier leader of the opposition and hon mr dalj minister of the interior about 70 were present sutcavmitiov alui1tavu for some years pasta rale has prevailed in connection with the civil service that temporary officers on receiving their per manent appointment conld place them selves as far as regards the ears of tern pararj service under the operation of the superannuation act by paving the arrears of superannuation issessment from the date of commencement of temporary services an order in council has just been passed abolithing this privilege so that hereafter any officer who may serve one five or ten j ears at the case may be in a temporary capacity and then recieve a permanent ap pointment will only be able to come with in the provisions of the superannuation act from the date of such permanent appoint meat nuftlbg laib exuuiitd sixty seven cases of gram were shipped from the experimental farm to chicago latt week for the world s fair of these 22 were filled with gmn in the straw tbe fancy glasses and jars in which tbe cleaned grain it to be exhibited were alto forward ed tbe dairy and forestry exhibits will be shipped later the canadian govern ment fishery exhibit for the fair was ship ped by the canida atlantic railwty five cars were employed in carfying away the exhibits and the utmost care will bo taken to prevent damage to tbe specimens tlltiehvatorial jxremmitl a return brought down to day shows that the expenditure on account of salar ies to the governor generals since con fedeation was 1210 g55 travelling ex penses 15 903 salaries of officials 8270 350 salaries of secretary s office 217 420 therideao hall property cost the dominion 89 854 repairs additions and alterations 1547145 furniture 8118 853 gsrdene and grounds 94 s49 fuel and light 151 b71 or a total expenditure on government house of 1 001571 tdk hmsbutmaish kalton countv oqjunoil no poor hfaimfof uk m drab for tha ralvy bonn whloh hi nat vet it hum talk itecent disclosure of bribery od cot ruption in connection with the panama trials in 1 ranee have caused a widespread conviction among tbe ham bier and suppo ed ignorant classes that every man coo meted with the public administration lm hie price a couple of old persons living in puteaux sent 600 francs to m cafnot the other day with the ruiact that he hasten the decision of a jawruit m which they were interested the money was re i turned bat the couple sent aiain to the president of the republic evidently beliiv int that he could not resist tbe temptation a second time one of the presidents f the board of tax commiegioders of new iork cit recently recommended thm all uxtion of the per sonnl proper of mdividaale id that city beabolichej and the levy pi toed onh on real ettate nnd corporations he thought it wmjd encourage rich people from all over the lnion to go to new york and live spending their money there increasing con sumption and making trade lively it is and that there is u 000 000 000 worth of personal property in new lork state that adnually escapes the assessor as it is and of course there are proportional amounts in other states it is evident from the discussion iu the senate last week that the government in tends to tske no chances in- the mi tter of a cholera outbreak this jesr a thoroughly efficient quarantine will be established at all important sea ports and stepi will be taken to guad the countrv aamii an in vision by way of the states hile authorities are divided as to whether we have to fear a cholera outbreak next sum uier the general opinion amon medical men is that the dreaded plague will find small encouragemeut in canada the healthy slate of the country generally and the excellence of cur sanitary arrange mcuts ruing it no ground to go no at the ame time it is always better to be on the sure side it is much safer and prob ably a good deal easier to prevent the cholera tettmg a fcxthold here than to kick it but after it comes i resident cleveland assumed coutrpl of thenfiairsof the united 6tates on 8atur day amid treat pomp and splendour iin completed cabinet introduce some new name to the political world the following is the list ur limont secretary of war was il c president s private secretary and csuhdeutial adviser in the last democratic administration and so won cojiderablo fame but mr herbert sc retarv of the naw mr fomith secretary of the interior mr morton secretary ot agriculture mr iiisaell poatmsiler general and mr oliey attorney emml hvobompiratively un koown names the strong men are mr gresham secreurv of male aril mr car ink aecrelarv of the treasury mr gre hatn m a ri iiblicir in 1 was neuly chosen ai the pirty presi ltuial candidate over mr harrison his fame is iiaiiooland is liktlj to ud led to by his coudutt of the forenii relations nf the republic mr cfhle wcretiry of tho treasury is per hap the abet of the whole he is a rnau of dear tboticht and independent ml id who were he mt from the soutu might hope tobeprthidentyet tiilnorth hebt moves al0m the northwest is making itself beard this session it has already made its voice known respecting tariff reform friday it was heard from another aspect mr davin presented a petition from the moose jaw district signed by 67 electors which hb the following prayer u that the people of tbe temtones are now looking forward in the hope and expectation that before longprovincial powers will be confer ed upon the assembly of the northwest by parliament of canada 2 that your peti tioners hope that tho full control in educa tional matters mil be gyanted to the assembly 3 that your petitioners are in foil dympathy with the people of the pro vi nee of manitoba in the 6tand they have taken on the subject of their right to legts late in relation to educational matters 4 that the clause jn the northwest terntor les act requiring publication of the ordin ances passed by the northwest assembly in the french language and allowing the proceedings of tho courts to be conducted in that tongue should in tho opinion of your petitioners be repealed vorts sir john abbott has again been heard from he was in naples wnen tfnting and was in good health and spirits the minister of mihtia has authorized the formation of a drill company not to ex ceed 0 pupils in connection with the port elgin high school it ib understood that sir john thompson will from new lork direct to havre by the french line steamer la dretagne on saturday of this week lady thompson and the two misses thompson will accom pany him municipal council the collectors roll returned a vote of thanks to the collector but a short time sufficed to transact the business of tha municipality on monday evening the collector a roll was returned showing that the sum of 3705 17 had been collected leaving the small balance of 55 33 outstanding which tt was impossible to collect reeve pearson in the chair and all the members present minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed the committee on tiuancs pres their third report ohd recommended pay ment of the following account h v moore irlntidg audftors report 13 60 moved by jos anderson and john williams that report just read be adopted carried the 300 copies of the auditors report were presented and will bo distributed by the assessor during liua rxnuds tho mechamcal exocution of the work and tbe completeness of detail respecting all finances of the municipality were most satisfactory to the members of the council the collectors roll was returned and accepted in the following motion moved by gao haul nnd john williams that tho collectors report b accepted as read and that the thauks of tho council be tendered to the collector for tho efficient manner in which he has done his duty hav ing collected cery available dollar fur the past year carned on motion couqcil adjourned ulnard llulrjif ut rtlferes settralzf a the coantj coanw met at mil too otz tuesday at 10 80 vq members all pre sent minutes ot laii regular meet lag read and confirmed themerk then proceeded to read the oomuiaalcatioosj which were not very natneroac or important a peti tion from the county of york requesting the laws of high puhlio and separate schools be published la pamphlet form and distributed free or at cost price to trustees in order that they may better know the lav on motion johnson harrison wu ap pointed auditor of criminal justice ao- 1 ooantc for the present year moed by dr robinson seconded by c w anderson that dr back tnd henry gray esq be sppjuitod member of the board of examiner for coanty of halton for current year carried moved by jno mcdonald seconded by c w anderson that a special committee be appointed to communicate with county of peel in reference to the erection of a union poor hoate after a rather lengthy and animated dis cussion in which nearly every municipality was heard from it was made to appear that oakvillo had its full shareof poverty and tramps and that its accommodation was the calcutta of the county after roasting the mover to a taru the motion was defeated moved by dr buck soonded bj j b pearson that tbe finance committee be and arehereby requested toauditthecounty accounts for the rt year and report to cqancil at tho afternoon session carried on motion the council adjourned at 12 20 until 2 p m in order that the different committees might prepare heirreports and present to council npon resuming business 2 o clock council resumed the finance committee presented their first report the printing committ presented their report and recommended that the tender of the reformer jtoz printing thejninutea be ing the lowest be accepted and balance of printing be awarded to 1 36 cftamptoh for the same reasons the education com mittee reported favorable to the petition of the corporation of the coonty of xork a deputation from thelth battalion of halton waited upon the council requesting a grant of 25c per day to ach man during actual time spent at camp major good will 10 addressed tho council in a clear concise and convincing manner followed by dr freemat who evidently thought the council was susoeptiblo to the blarney as he laid it on thick a general discussion followed and while the council were satisfied he remuneration to the volunteers was lnionate to the services performed they thought the gov ernment should pay the sura it seemed ft smalt sum to ask 25c per man yet when the council figured at 12 daks drill or 3 00 per man and with a full battalion of 204 men in the aggregate it was quite a large sum the majority whilst sympathizing with the men could not see their way clear to grant the request and it was voted down mr deacon pubho sohool inspector pre sented his annual report m b very interest ing and instructive maoner it was adopt ed with instructions to bo printed with the minutes therailway committee dr robertson dr webster and messrs fettle back mckenire and mortimer brought in a re port at a very late hour whfob appears to be eatirfaolory so far that the supreme court had bu stained the county in the suit with ibe g t r the committee recom mends that the distribution of the fund should after deducting the expenses be divided amnngst the present owners of the land in the group interested this caused quite a lively discussion some of the more cautious thought it might be wieti to wait until tbe county actually received the funds before making the divis ion after discussing the rattter pro and con on motion it was laid over to future consideration the time being up and the traiu about due open which some of the members were to reach their homes they meandered to the station to await a summons for the warden as to their regular meeting in june an epitomejofthawalcoolnia editors table a number ol frhearticlea are contained in the latest isius of tltt lalt uacjaiint translations by h if btormberg is the first article a thoughtlol beautifully written study that cannot fail to be plsaa lug and benescisj strang and brilliant is the article on co education of the seres in relation to evolution by ifrt ehxa- ieth johnson of ficton refutation ot tha arguments would be difficult tbe de velopment of the theory of energy by j m clark u a ll b is a cterer con tribution to scientific literature that franchise question from a woman standpoint by edith j archibald presi dent maritime w o t u i treat with vigor and clearness the advanced side of woman s sufferage the interim is a beautiful sketch strongly imaginative by helen a hicks joe t clarke oontri botes a cleverly written and novel defence of cain who slew his brother a variety of other matter well selected complete one of the best numbers vet issued the american ftcvicio of revuxrt is to bo commended for its enterprise in having secured from the pen of archdeacon farrer a most brilliant tribute as also a most frank and personal one to the life and character of the late bishop philips brooks dr farrer was phillips brooks most mti mate and confidential engluhfntnd and this article must of necessity be read with the keenest interest by the american ad mirers of tbe great preacher president thwing of adelbert college i cleveland contributes also an eloquent and warm tribute to the great power of phillips brooks as a preacher the salvation armyhu pobliihad a very handsome illustrated bcochdve entitled the plan of campaign tor 1603 or the first deosds of the salvation army in canada it contains article contrasting it position la canada tea year ago with it position today giving a retrospect of the ear it prospect far 1633 snd he baltnce sheet and years account it will be welcomed by every friend of the army patrons of industry tolovto liar i the grand ajuocit hon of the pstrons of industry ttancti a urge amount of business during its assion much nf which fertciniid to the internal economy of ihe order the fol- lowinc officers were elected fur the emuing vear mews c a ilallorv grand presi dent wurkwnrtli t o carr r grand vice president stralhrov a l welch grand secretiry tresurrr strathnv fer gas kennoly ctmlschie a oiffird sleaford j lki wilsou alexandria grand trustees d dwjec erand weutworth eocrulv w vallana connty j g adams stnnnnot grand auditor sentinel bruoa eoanty ofjpday ihkuhe manitoba ltgisla- art trill be pn rogued a day ur james i arris has just died in st catharine it i u advanoed sg of os hr zscche n fatuson an old sod wealthy reside it ot himfllotr it dead aged 8l l it i slid lh it wauartill will secara tha canadian irascb of tha mccormsck reaper works h c bliss 1 1 qulpb was fined 135 and cost ai fort i igfa for practicing medicine without legal salification firs destroy id buildiugs and machinery tuesday morn og at atlmico to tha extent of 30000 chi fly insured kevrs hi be in recekeii of the death of et governor ugh kclsoa of british col aobia in lou co england zebulon lei lint has been honorably ac- acqaitted at 7 indior of the chsree ot rob bing the kercitnu bank there of 25o0 ret dr 1 timigs denies ihe rumour that he will le re tha tabernacle he ad mits that the ihurch is m financial diffi putties thomt wilts of 31 gouldlng street toronto kill himself saturday night by taking carboli seid ha had been drink ing heavily iu the usn oba legislature thursday afternooa tbi proposal to grant woman suffrage was d ifeated by a vote of twenty eight to elevet ei preside t harrison accompainied by the members i f hi family left washington for iodlanapo il on a special train on sit urday afterno m dr o stev irt grafton ot toronto died at the residen e of bis father ur j b graftoa dun u out tuesday after long and painful il nes the bindei twins machinery will be ready for opei stion in the toronto central prison an juy 1st the output will be 5000 tons perj the census 23 miles and over 100 years year eoord shows thtt during 1891 12 females died who wets eld one man lived fo be 118 and one rpmln wis 112 a report is invitation wilt talraige to gi num during tfj friday was pops leo whi arrent in chicago thtt in be extended to rev dr e his sermons in the audlto- e worlds fair he birthday anniversary of wis born on slirch 2 1810 all the cardirjals now in rome presented him with a coi gratulatory address one hundred ladies and gentlemen leaders of soc ety in columbus indiana have been in rioted under the gambling aot for playing progressive euchre for prices j l hughe bu been appointed chair man of the el imentary education depart ment at the v orlds fair and also a mtm ber of the adv sory board on the physical culture depart iient the oklihima senate has passed an antl gambling bill which the governor hi signed mtkiu any kind of fctmbllng a felony and pr ihlbiting progressive euchre parties where prices are offered theeai of sirs violet ward vander- bilt against he father in law capt jacob vandirbilt foi alienation of her husbands affections to t be extent of 100000 was settled out of c 3urt in new york hcnctay rev j e ltnceiey of toronto bis been refused sdmisslon to the baltimore conference of he if e church and will therefore not t come pastor ot ilount ver non church tb re to which he received an unanimous cal while a y ucg daughter of robert anderson livu g near severn bridge was carrying a dip er full of boiling water she accidentally if lied us content npon her 5 year old sis er josephine tbe child was so frtghtfi uy scalded that she died from st effects sir fred j iowat son of sir oliver ifowat fell ii to a very fit sit when appointed shei iff of toronto in 1660 his salary and fees brought him tlqsd 90 in 1sss 53232 so in 1030 8670 22 in 1691 7581 80 and in 1692 8322 tt or a total in sic years of f0 2cu21 sf oe ito jackson real agent uuslph lesd attentiou is called to the card in another column of w s estate loan and insurance postal sajvinqs increasing deposits in tfie post office bank continue to creep up ansl there is a steady inoreaso month to month to which january was ni exception the deposits for the month are shown tt 080730 which with the sum of 528 interest allowed to depositors on recounts closed during the month brought the withdrawal excess of 1593 898 compared december lut the total deposil bank amounted up the month to 085262 i were 520938 making an i in deposits over with drawals the balance to the credit of de positors- on elitjjanuary lut was 1 2309- wkh 22 89107 on slit on the 31st january 1892 s in the post office savings to 21709813 there is therefore an increase- of 1339505 in tha past twelve moqtht i jfrsv k l wouamt lynn kiss for the pod of others bev ur ifttffam tteartllv en dorse hi vds sartaparitta we arc plea ed to present this from rev a a iflumi of the sfflsbee street chrisliin church lyon musi rscenorcasoi wlif a clergyman more una a lajioin vho i news whereof ho speaks should bexttato to inpruvc nil article of merit and vrcrdl from rhieu he or bis family have liecn ktgually beue iteil and whose eomnieada tlnu nay serve i extend tuoe benefits to other ii nrreasl ia their confidence uy wife has far many yeat i been a sufferer from severs nervoips headache for which she fould little helti uut tiromlttd well but per- jwumcn4 prober lot- she lias tried weu but manv liliics uuit iromie formed little last fall a irlci- tie ohioods hanvanarina tt seems luryru- lus what cuuplr ine trattie could and dji do for iter tuo atutdki of headache decreased in numlier and were ess violent in their inten sity while her stneral health lux been im proved ifer aomtlteta also been better tram our experience with hoods fsarsaparllla i nave no hesitation lu endorsing its sswris 1 a a wiuluu hooos plllfi sralhs but fanilr eatkartk fauesaaffsutc4 trrabex frletlff millihehy the success of owe ujllmery department iu the past is well known to all we jai up rieither exjpefie thonght aor effort in producing millinery ti ii shall excell in evety particular not con tent with this we- go urthovi and ensure oar cusfomws millinery not only the best offit kind and the most stylisrt but different from that to bo found elsew ere 1 all this added to excellent workman ship wilt maintain oiii leadership in this department the time ofy ar hiving arrived for he 8pring millinery openings at the ton ijto wholesale houses the various milliners from this and other cilp tu ontario have paid their jsemiannual visit there each one sebctin a parcel of goods varyiug slightly if at all from that of horfieigbbor j i oar miss kelly i i led from now york by the britannic on february isr arriving u liverpool on the 9tb- after speeding 15 days visiting the var cratt millinery centres in the old goantry making selections fror the faremost millinery manbfacarers in po world she completed 1 6r pa chases in time to sail f rop inverpdol on the 25th by the se ial reaching new york about march 4th she will remain fn ewyqrk for afew days to purcliase any american no voltie ah may consider desirable and will then return home we promiso ur customers a rango of choice in millinery this spring tiat will so pass inyprerioos showing j j our new goods ire coming rapidly to hand we have now 80 cases of goods mbo id at the station here whioh we shall past out in a few days wh m gb ymn5tco the only one pncetjl p a quarter dollar bays at the quartet i twenty five king west hamilton on bimtioo the fallowing extraordinary i gains 3 lbs choice italian peel for 25 superiorwtahlngsodafor 8 exoellsnt rios for 8 superior laundry starch for 10 good cooking raisins tor 0 packages corn starch for 6 lbs choice mired bird seed for i ilonstar bart good laundry soap i six tha any coffee cocoa kind of etc for company 0 lbs currants for 25c- 7 buperior tapioca for jje 36 cakes toilet soap foe 25c 15 lbs best baking soda far 25a 7 blueioefor mo 7 w extra qualitv sago for 25o 9 nice fresh biscuits for 25c 5 boxes lucifer hitches for 25a 12 bars electric bosp 2jo it boxes matches 24a 1 ltistsa j5c hamilton- tea coupast isbtt eloi street witt south tide cr tbe bank of btmllton hamilton to look well is more the result of good judgement taste than mere lavish use of money stock of i and hy boots shos is adapted to fill the wants of those who having slender incomes still desire to make their tppeartnee creditable ify experience tnd close relations villi minufiaturers enables me to present a line of footwear unequalled in the county for style quility and price wm williails aotpti acton livery 3us linfc the uw56ttifnvl rtapctfulir lolieltc tha pcuxi koc the rmbllo in ft tnfotmc them uut vtall equippd and sty lli fa rjgi oanj mr n sctiwd at hi tubiei a conxfortible bos meet 1 tnlat imtitean tern ind sos p cftrflfni lttamtian given to erery ort the nat of oomaurcui tttci- less fully met john wrlliajts the f gtratbil manufacturing co waterloo ont ifinufaotueebs o i bank office school lodga and opera ftiriiiture the oxfobd aut0katto dont fail to eel dor estimates send for circulars ind cltslosut l i latest impved and perfect- ed school desk l iii tut outlluu uluoj nuiuu i w wuh t we will be ready for oar spring tfade goods store in oueilaph boots shoes at hy we discount l ave too much stock in this line for so late in th i sekson the fact is we over bought have bought la gely again and we mustj have a place for them besides w want money to convince you that we keep the be it go 3d we need only tell you we handle james yv nithm cos make they are without doubt the be t nukersin canada our goods are all nttw fresh ah cle m we havent one qid p air in stock j i wfe mast reduce our stock and in order to do so jje d cided to give a i evaty wi stc ad ertise iod rbf ikgw goods ifweljoulal ti thl they item color alt saadttyuadhaaa spial discount of 20 per cent on all sales in this department during february of co rse this discount is on cash sales only this is a gr id c lance to get your boots shoes at cost there is ho pi ander in it for us we are simply doing what se business man does when he has too much jcome and let us prove to you that we do as we wei open this week 100 pairs lace curtains also curtain poles great value 25c each j jermyn obr mi and lfain streets acton itch talk as loud as our goods speak there would be a din in this town that a fire alarm would be riowhere im lions j new gfcoot8 aov tjjey see them t see them see them re fceauties theyre beauties they beauties pities theyre novelties theyre novelties rj dieap jtheyre cheap theyre cheap i ber q ri jur fast prints all last years 12 cent prints to be cturad out at 7j cent ttm blaok worsted panutowclftmijjo 7orsb vremflsft j d williamson 4 co 1 guelph ureqoerpu wev b hundreds oremployees three score separate departr ment j and i sales are counter by th s hundred thousand our business is idryood and hom outfittings r that is every thing l for personal and name use i yc u and t e may- be quite a disiance apart measured by milei yet by reason of our mail oraer facilities were vir tually ncxtj door to you no thing irthp erttfre establish- men that you cant hav e pre cisely as if you stood in person before any counters and at exactly the same price we send samples of ah mailable merchandise free of course if youwant a house ful of carpets or draperies a new bonnet orj a toothbash tt e expect you to buy m pcr- but i you dont know i help shopping- by mail ybu hateitnedit thcry eaton ooyitb son v hat is till 1h ivwvvvw s via ww s aim fttp 8w twits tit rebli outs fyia aufrirfisttiuirtb broncgixl syrup is a most sooihing and healing remedy in all cases of co roas aact coitis i ii- boaasxirsas ud sore tbsoxt try a pottle only 25c prepared by and i tamej fiotchbon offlee street quci adjcintnfr j lujid burvtyor and civil eni i movafs u11 jix wanted i tiiuedlltblv 1 lood eneral servant ap- plj- st bank ot hamilton uctdx house and lot fon sale ur 4 ktsitl 1 i men and the auriertisbfld tsnlref to ml ttototuaud lot oa ajmm itmt lot 8 block jfl acton tod ore mlldlng lota on lake arenas the hovu u 4 otnforubto roogb out of tix rootoi ud bu t itiblb da tha lot for prticalrj ipplyoa tat pwnimt to ub8chabze8 quntseb faem for sale 75 the sncbrslgssd destrss to rent sr sell us arm mb lot n coo t eseuetlu nasi leton nf tji ttns fall particulars u1 be fives apoa spplfeatloti to piraicx tuts or if irrui tax j bpelnrood uuslph salesman wanred- e hebqhtlo mas wasted for saltan coons so sdvrtis end uka ozders forth latest uvantsd udtmprovsd kiloai appu- uees for the con of sismw balsry f so par month and expenses ko expertenea necessary permanent eoploytasnt bead stamp for psr- tlaulars and spptloauon form bnanx rjxt ito st toronto ont tca l mpneytoiroan tiahu or huue property st reaaonatds rls apply to r i ucleak ssueleak j to ball leton gbain wanted re undershnied is prepared to pay tbe nifti est cash price tor all tads of ciln deliver ed at bis vsnbonse at q tb station aeton john e cobbv 1 r m i wanted at cues salesmen fn every joouotr for our choice kttbsiih7 stoor and new varieties of i sxxd potatoxs salary orj eommisaloa steady employment and good pay send for tanas i booker qboveb 4 co kunerrmen tad seedsmen rochester ky i wanted aqektb to mil our obolot sudjhftir xaf- urf btookl iwtt bate nuj ww ind- f pocfal tuiftim both la troitm ud onumeaub to offer wbleh ir oontrolld only by ni we tsftjr rxmnnlaon or tsfury wriu ai tt oboe tor terau ud wean ebedoiof tertitry may dbotheb8 ntmerrmao j i bocfcotter n y aeartngsale rixm sfocjr rmjilemenfit houtejiald furaittm jtc is usom tbe ondstslsiied ha received insumetioos from hr wm wuloughby to sell by pusiie motion on lot 8 eon erstawsa bej bou oa wednetday 18th maroh 1893 tb lollowlnjt prepertj sn one ojelook sharp stookttpao bay mans rising sand tjssn old well lultid tot silbsr tb plow cihb jarri a dtrrhaai oo with tood psdifne la h b toealvein april yoonf trad cow- wish sstf st foot young tww vjvttui milk stsen rising j yean o4d ealvss en year old sad nnder 8 lesdisf steers good tat cows ioprored yoik- sblrt sow with peatarnaotsnppcsedtobela ptft store pjsimuagplp democrat wscoai anccfaa new waeod wids tin pleasnn mo y dobbi n pair liobsleiehs sfagto braotfbrd ua turnip drul monlder draft plow uw it 1 i or borse power tanup suoer faaalag mul platfonn sosles work psaeb ftsvel bos grind stone wheelbarrow sugar mils elsteni tub sets double eantags narnsss satt team aarbess sett plow barasss odd collars whlfflrtrees aseknke gralp nisdls seyutss forks rakes baurul crowbar spades shovels hose cross- out saws book saw beetle sad wed mod ohaia to cauls ebalua nig boats soapplebarrels sppl paeksr a tew barrels of good apples shoot twenty ba or seed potatoes late rose 109 bosh seed oati white kussiu s few tods good umothv hay yukmtimesquare piano self anao both good eopboarst parlor wtovs stove pips nesting drums winchester ride lbotun sad many other useful artlelss no ttum a tbs proprietor has sold us farm and it glviaf op tbe business lunch provided teems- all sums rst 10 and under cash over its sum is mouths credit feeding steers sad feeding pigs tbres months credit musical instruments in two pavmentsr first half jn 11 months lst half is inontfas eredls all oo ap proved joint apses th per oent pet annum off lor easb pat tows oats hay potatoes and tppleseasb r th0ua8 ihqbaic j aosnoroa thb odbll type tstriter bkaa wtu wy the ojjill tw1- qtat wrutkbwith t8 ehneterawar- raated to do bettn work than uy taaebias- mtde it combines sucrtwrnr with ouubjutt tnan aua or orsaauox wsenlottfsrwith- rr mr oiv s of rrpaira hsnojak mbbooto otaeesesst the operator ills i 1 hwiunihnq so oesh prtntiag ptess it trodtvses1siiart eiean lstible maatnerfpts two or test sovwcub made at one wrftfog any salsllfebj usraan sen be- oome an operator in two daja wofltrttooo toinroperssorwa oan atjoal tuwakoiths beuasenutmbaltlto waatedl apes- 111 in4ueemots topsmrs forpamphiels sdvaa ittdotssmsats tv odxll ttfph wbitxboo boomtacstfudi41biilldluf tcrouto b tottsfrjzz ti rnmmmr vj vmm 4

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