Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 9, 1893, p. 3

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bank of hamilton head office hamilton ciprruputcr tixataa tlexcavk pcko t45qq0 i fturxbull cusicft h 8 btkvks atrr outttts directors jobs stzvist inldnt a 0 kutit yicprec joan psoctoa cttu gouckr geo lio4ce a t wood a b lit oeoroetowk axjekoy note dlicountod snd tdriaa tavds oa dl jcitblp mcuritim dujn on til pcrts o cjjc tdl tilo ukltto 6tvtts grut ukitixx ths lbs ooxtikekt or ecuore boaiht iol told oouxcnoktutie oaxll icoouibu point oa moit fttonbls tcrmi 6ayikqs dsrautuest drroitrecltedof fl iqi5amnuuid in- f trtt t tkoted from dtte of deposit to dsta of rttbdisrsk bpecul deposits alorpcflrdt current m omnwirwt ko ootice of rithdrtwl reqttlrod juboy accnt the methodist church actok rev joseph edge putor fanoqtgeboweraveuua ramic services 1030 amand630pni sander tcbooltjo blbieclauecnducteabythe potter ah conilillr invited filratcers and yttitor alwavs welcome at- ealive usher at the door clocks clocks v e carry a most complete and elegant line of clocks which in both ornamental and time keeping qualities cannot be excelled anywhere see our 500 walnut eight day clock half hour gong strike headquarters for wedding and birthday presents geo hynds acton ont watchmaker slen iifjie big wttch efjc ctpu jfcee tzss thursday march 9 1893 little local brieflets which caaght the eyes or ears of f rea press reporters this week focmj a srntll wooden spirit level ukvbebd it this office wamlu a few cord of dry hemlock tod bltck ash cdl it fuel pbess office f 6tuil wm fined 2 and ooitt on moadiy for abasing bis borce he pd guilty there h6 been a bint of the warmth and gladces of the cotoirjg tpring in the air the pact week kaxcaawe show will be held on friday ctb october and wiubeopen toad- joioidg township which are open to them orangeville publishers are to make a oaifarm charge of m cenu for ich inter- lion of a binh marriage or detth ootice in latere the next bitting of acton division conrt will be held here on thnrfidsy igth- inrt judge snyder will then make bis firrt visit to acton lolhe election in guelph ou friday to fill the vacancy caused by tbe unseating of aid kennedy james hough jr waa elect ed by a mijority of i ixt on friday afternoon near the cornel- of mill andelgin sta t ladys gold rioe finder will be rewarded by leaving at tbe feel ptetj office rev d m buchanan will preach iiib farewell ermon 10 the presbyterian church in georgetown next sabbatil even ing a large crowd is expected tbe load ca of tbe carrion crow ii beard once mure at early mofn these beraldaof tbs spring have comb in urge uomberi much earlier lome eaythie year thao acaal sacrarnemal services will be held in koat chorcb next snoday morning tbe preparatory kr vices will be held oa bat- urday when rev mr linton of majton wjil pteach tbe auditors report of the receipts and expenses of the municipal coancil and of the public kcbbol board ht been prided in pamphlet form and will be cir calated amoang the ratepayers a freight trinoing west on the g t r wat snowbound on saturday night at teo oclock between gaelph and rock- wood it was half paat two oclock on sunday morning before it was relented sooner or later the cigarette must go in some states of the union they are mak ing it illegal to manufacture buy sell or giveaway or to have in ones pot session cigarettes or cigarette paper the teaeon given is that it caaiea softening of tbe brain f people who axe suppoied to ass slang ometicaea quote shakespeare without knowing iljrt cannot tell whit the dick ens bis name is may be found in the merry wiveafof windsor act iii acene ii and our cakes dough is in the timing of the shrew act scene i an enjoyable family gathering was held at tbe home of mx robert johnston erin about two miles above acton last wedneday when miss lydia the eldest daughter and ur james h reed were suited in the bond of wedlock rev joseph edge performed the ceremony aod was agtioted by rev u b christie a maiden fair with sunkicsed hair came tripping down the street tbe air was keen her age was steed and readers she was sweet tbe sidewalk was sleet and she went off her feet with a jolt that shook out her curls and the words she used must be excused for thes one of our very bt girls fjile peesa subscriptions are being renewed with very tatisfactory and encour aging continuance scores of those whose pipers were discontinued have called and arranged for its regular weekly visits again we have alsopltced on onrlist tlieuacnesof many new subscribers since the cashin advance system was adopted t a mbou has moved ibis week into ttu new btore corner mill and main fits atd iu thanking bis numerous customers fdr their liberal patronage since opening up business two years ago iu actoo wiihes for a ooutiuuauce of that bupport heretofore given j nm now opening up a urge and dinioe stock of crockery aod glassware which will be well worthy of your inspection my prices wilt be low as tzvaal i have always made it a point to deal honestly wilb my patrons and by keeping the best goods and selling at close price paying strict attention to my bufi- rjeec i am aoliciptingan increased trade the news at home mostly of a local character and evary item tnurastlnc i auction sale vltvxzuulx ffllh jfirch 8l of ttoclc 1 end implement tbe propertyof sindcir btut lot 8 con i erin 8ile it 1 oolocl w eexszszct aactiaoeer xvzvxzsiitr 15 uir- aacttoa tela of itock f and implement tlio property of john i cook lot c coo t erinj kins i moatizi credit bile at 1 oclock wit hiaurrktet aactioneef 4 ftubrcadejx ecpc onbttordiy vain before lira john pertini ooold alight from the tii oclock trtla oine eu it hid itarted op gtin md the itepped o the platform w thrown down tod fell vith her feet inder the heel with remtrkable proence of mind he withdrew her feet and only her dreta tu ran orer and a byttander uut4 her from the perilous portion by the tall howerer ihe waa very jjadl broiled ou the body aodiimbaandhubeen oonfined to her room ever tlnoe a gb otfivladleti k sew kind of fakir hi appeared iu tomo place is cistern ortirio accom- paniei by a man whom he reprecenta ti a money lender the fakir vitila a farm in forma the tenant that be hit perch tied the property and proceede to rell off the wood oo the plaoe to neighbor aomptins notca therefor which were cashed by the lifted money lender now the people who bought the wood and are arranging to take it off bare been warned not to trea- paea on the property aa the farm waa not cold at all and tbe rolled ooea aro obliged to meet their note for which theyreceived do value whatever acton klnfl at checker oo monday evening a load of the crack checker platers ftoai milton came to play the return match with tbe local club the team waa a good deal alronger than the one which played at milton two weeka ago and the match molted io aa caay victory for actou by 19 gimea the following acore will chow the result of each acros v ou drawn won miltos w enrin 6 3 0 v itoglbbon l lttnbert 1 1 6 a ucdoujall jhancy 1 1 5 jnotuck wniekell a jl jaa waldlo ed guthrie s3 jno driacoll jta itattbewi 5 0 i a dull j utitn m x 0 0 d campbell h h holfflet 0 0 jaa sbsanard ja blacker e 0 0 jno scott b droea 5 1 s qo laine ucclark f 0 t jobnbtone itetoctfk special services the epecial services in the methodist church were opened on sunday and have continued during the week with much intereit and good attendance hev j c 6peei of richmond hill preached on bun- day and conducted evangelistic services in the afternoon and evening on monday and tuesday eev mr specr is an able preacher earnest in exhortation lucid in his explanation of the word of god and fully at home in services of the character now in progress his visit wis much en- joyed here rev j w itobinsoo of nass- agaweya had charge of the services yester day rev a cunningham of guelph will conduct them this afternoon and even ing and rev h b christie will assist to morrow valuable property changes hands mr thomas c moore has just sold his farm on main street above the grand trunk railway to mr william brown of eaquesing for the very satitfactory price of 85200 mr moore received in addition to the above a lease of tbe factory yard for two years at the expiration of which time be will remove thebuiidingand machinery mr brown takea immediate possession of the farm bat will not move in- the residence outil the spring work is over he has secured a hue property pleasantly situated and convenient to town with its many advantages in hie removal here acton secures a most worthy citizen and an excellent family mr moore intends settling in a home down town mr k f moore is undecided aa to his fptore this sale was ejected bywm uemstreet who haa beeo very successful in handling pro perty here tfie oddfellows conceri aa the fnnc peees predicted thetdd- fellows concert last friday crvening was very enjoyable the talent was greeted with a large audience the programme waa opened by the maple leaf quartette in a splendid selection and received hearty applause miss jessie nicklin sang a couplp of numbers very sweetly and in ex cellent taste though it was evident she was suffering from a severe cold mis hemstreetsfielections were exceedingly well chosen and sailed her voice to a marked de gree she excelled herself in their rendering and nevet received more flattering acknow ledgements in acton the misses pratt and hill sang a number of duetts to the delight of the audience their voices harmonize well and their singing waa eajoyed williams quartette club sustained their reputation arid treated he audiaoco to jseveral ueyt selections mr will stark was not in good form his throat having cauwctnitnjnuch troubletor sever al days but lie bravtly went through with his parts alessre harry and will jeana brought down tbe bouse with their humor ous selections tbe formers ihitch char acter song and the iatters darkeys lament were well rendered mr ernest coombs b a of georgetown rendered valuable service hib recitations were accorded a hearty reception mr coombs haa rare gifts as a publio reader and reciter misses stracban i mcphtil and mr filk- ner performed their partaa accompanist kith entire satisfaction mr i francic p g occupied the chair with ability the oddfellows are highly gratified at the successlof tbe concert and their heartiest thanks are extended to all who took part annaal bible meeting the forty fifth annual meeting of acton branch of the upper canada bible society was held in knox church last thursday evening mr h p moore the president occupied the chair the meeting was opened with praise the reading of scripture byrev j edge ind prayer by kev a e de st dalmas rev j w has then read the report for the year showing the collec tions to aggregate j002 which 6um was equally divided between the upper canada and british and foreign bible societies the officers for the year were then elected as folbws president john cameron yicepres james l warren secretary- treasurer j v kannawin executive committee h p moore revs j edge a e de st dalmas grey messrs j b pearson james matthews t t moore w t smyth and john robertson the collectors were subsequently appointed by the executive and will proceed with their duties during the month rev w a j martin of toronto the agent of the society delivered a very interesting address upon the work of the bible society in general he took his ahdience for a trip around the world touching briefly at the various central points where work is being accomplished and showing its extent and progress among the nations of the earth many encourage ing features were emphasized revs edge and rae followed in a few words of com- mcodatiou of the bible society special resolutions were passed expressing the thankb of the society to dr lowry for ms efficient services in the past as secretary and regret at his removal to the retiring president for bis four years of faithful work and to tie collectors for their careful and successful canvass during the year the choir of the church were present add aided much in the success of the servioe bay jocjrgrocerieaifresli and new and canadian and american coat oil at t h histftsjsi j v thecountry around nawa um8uopllad by corrwt- dortdanti end exchanger l1 i aa the spring opens tba lima works begin to arrange for the aeuoni ktntnam mr r n garvin will leave next week for altoo to aopetinteod the toronto lime coa work there he will take ihnm bauds with him about twentyfive of oar ciliwoi went io acton to tho oddfellows oooctcit friday evening they thoroughly enjoyed ii tbe blanket factory 1 uow in fall operation again with a good force t hands considerable interest was felt ik re in the actonmilton checker match last evening quite a number of our were there rev mr buchanan resiitrjtlon take effect the last sunday of this mon nassaoaweya monday players a very sad accident occurred at mr geo kitchiugs saturday morning gej eltch- ing jr while engaged in cutting straw un fortunately had two of his augers taken off and the third may have to te ampu tated dr cocmock was called to the scene and ordered hicn to be ret loved to guelph hospital wlere he had them dressed 1 mr thomptou who resides with his daughter mrs hcpnedran is vertr ill with congestion of the ludfis two dootors are in attendance mrs stancombe who has been visiting her mother aod friends in this vicinity on account of poor health has to far improved that the is able to return to her home in muskoka sbe and bar daughter left on tuesday tbey pufpbte staying two or three weeks at bolton on their way home a concert is to b held next frlisy night in brookville hall in aid of the guelph hospital talent from guelph is expected mils c campbell of kincardine is viaitiog her grandparents mr eitchlngs of corwhin georgetown much of tbe tuesday morning session of toronto presbytery and some boors after luuch were devoted to a discoisido of the reeignation of rev d m biachanin pastor of the onited churches of george town and limebouts and the difficulties connected with and leading up to that resignation as betweeu the pastor and the congregstions it cas decided finally that it was expedient under existing circum stances to accept the resignation ssveral members of presbytery expressed their very high appreciation o the character snd labors of mr buchanan their regret at the step he has considered cjecessary and tbe earnest hope that the strained con dition of the people iu tbeco charches would toon be remedied and tke breach healed mr bucbanaus resignation- takes effect on the last sabbath in this month the pulpit to be declared vacant by rev dr moffat the first sabbath in april mr buchanan will preach bis farewell eermon next sunday askgrove miss edith howson of walxerton is visiting her sister mrs s k raddell mr and mrs wm cox manitoba were guests at mr wm prestons for girt of lostf week and called on their old friends in thejneighbourhood mrs jno wrigglesworth left here satur day for a weeks visit with hosot forest and orangevllle friends mr mungo nixon who was il last week is able to be oat again mica ida cantelon blrreteville spent part of last week with her cousin mies annie alexander j mr jno wrigglesworth told his fine young carriage horse lost week to mr lewis of brampton for a handsome sum i mils emma mcdowell hoi gone to georgetown where she intends remaining for some time the hornby dramatic club presented the last loir in milton last thursday evening for the benefit of milton council royal templars and scored a grand euccets mr 8 k rnddellgateirfeitation entitled over the niagara falls which was appreciated very much the trafalgar orchestra also sustained their reputation for first tiass playing the dab wu treated to a fine supper at the bennett hoaio i a swindler pretending to be oil agent for senator mcdonalds wholesale bouse toronto was aroaud last week trying to palm o5 a lot of old fashioned goods at extraordinary low prices he looked very much jike the individual who used to stand in front of a certain toronto stjre inviting people in to buy rockwood coming and going visitor to a id from acton and varlouidt larpertjonalnoaott miss atlnnia ifolatash is risiliog friend in rookwood i cesgue of wellandport it visiting aolou fr ends mrs john bnnett oc milton visited eek- friends here last f- spent wyils oc evertoo this week eflisaf of bitmark wu a friends last week wife of he editor of died fast sunday th of qaelph has been acton and vicinity oteptx peters of milton atou friends it it week m spent several days with friend in guelph of toronto la visit- acton and vicinity this bmk ifclai on mooday evening a sleigu load con sisting of the choir and a few member of st johns church drove out to the home of jir joseph lister for the parpose of presenting mil lister with jt token of their esteem and regard forber faithful service a organist shortly after the ar rival of tbe party tho rev g b cooke requested the attention of the household and gaeste for a few momenta while he in a few appropriate words explained the object of their visit and after referring to miss litters devotioa and zeal in the chnrchbtkedherin behalf of her friends to accept a handsorne combined writing desk and work box which mitt reeve and miss anns stibtoa duly presented to her mr john litter in a short and graceful speech thanked tbem all very tlnoerely in behalf of his sister foctheir kindness and assured them the present waaldbe ever prized and esteemed dearly rockwood is suffering from a partial coal fatntna just now koch difficulty 1 experienced in getting supply from the mines and owing to the unuiaally severe weather many who supposed they had enough laid by for the season find them- selvee short in some case the supply hs run out f mrs otborn is recovering from a bevere lllnees and the sound of the school bell is again heard owing to her critical con dition the school authorities had ceased nting the bell until she was ot t of danger a stranger passing through rockwood few day ago woald have noted the absence of dogs from the atreeu feome one is supposed to hare atarted on a career of extermination and for a short umescaroe- ly a dog could be found at large mr james graham tarnier died very suddenly on thursday morning lost he retired in hi usual health wednesday night and toward morning bus companion was shocsed to fidd him dead beside her truly iu the midst ot lite we are iu death mr graham faheral took buce on sat urday afternoon knd wo largely attended uit coatss of niagara falls is visitiag at ir lundyt our postmaster ha received a aupply of the new three cent letter card ur gabriel few day in to ur j c sob th guest of acd hrt allen the elora rnr ults ida sen vititiog friend mr and mrs were guettc of hn n p daring the week llitt minnie 1 ing friend in week mite lizzie h psdmore who has been visiting friends i acton for the past month has retarued to ter home in rockwood mr george etwick who wu in toron to hospital for teral weeks ntarued home ltitweek she is not improved in health rev wm txrance of victoria st goderich hu received and conditionally acoeptad an invi ttlon from the methodist of wiarton mr and met inton 8mith sr returned home from qltr ford last saturday they hod been caring car relative who were ill there for several montht mr john epelght was stricken with another attack c paralysis a she wu drew- lug farehurolt 1 tst sanday morning she is ridnllly re ivtring from theahock meant john itodnll and john miller mad x tour of i number of the big sole leather tannariei of kew york and pennsyl vania but wee their visit contained much of iutereti rev dr tor ince of gaelph hu been appointed a met iber of tbe advisory conn- cil on religious 3ocgreue of the worlds congress aixili try in connection with the worlds colutot angxposition of 1603 in chicago li 1l furnitur 5fc undi srtrtking our stock u fjriitatc is now any srtiole you want at the lowest p defraud any one in it msaattotore u any dealer in the trade cm plete f or the bl price w wftpay cuh ftj posslbi but we can give ydu a bedroom jjc comploteiiforjw wove mattresses for jf springs for 63 sideboards it cost lounges fori 750 extension tables 750 chairs at any price underthkl kg a full line of coffin cukets robe etc satisfaction a to price we desire us impress dpoul connection with any combiuatian andoar price arei association we can give you the best the market at cood hearse indjoutflti pel cooaciesce mr j a nel ceived through with a pearl following note companyiug ttore on the ton about ten years i now return it generosity for ft cere penitence never been use st tckea a teameetini the pretbyterii evening 15th es of guelph lately re- i ue post a- ladys gold pen hafdle accompanied by the kr j a nolle the ae- wu itoleo from your b side of wyndham street tgo i think perhaps more rusting toyaar mercy and rgiveoes youn in slu- h thief the pen had c sprltfde and lecture will be held in n church on wednesday rch rev j w roe of actoo will dejliver hi popular lecture the great cotlventioa ia the bcuoiy city or american wit and humor bottled at pittsburg tfte occasion will be one of much interest sinclair bros of lot 8 con 1 willsell off their stock ud implements on the 23th they ore about to rent the farm mr kirkwoo m p p is settling things inorder to le hi few weeks for par liament kr atchbull mil i tbe entert hill lodge ot tt decided programme foi of limebouse loadlyencored also kr mcfhtil tings and ieots which smith aod f selections of whole it wu g rev john ot the methodet of revival mee logs ners church ntnent held in the cedar e ratronc of industry wu a there wu a very good the occasion mrj sharp did fairly well and wu nd he responded every time rendered some good lottie gann tang tome took well the messrs ank rendered sjme choice music take it on the iod vclin hart it it of tbe rockwood circuit cbnrcb started a series in the crewsons-cor- sweek ontario legislature the house expected to meet in about three weeks time tobosto chamber of will be for the openiub fixed yet it bouse will larch 8 the assembly new parliament building completed this week but the date ot parliament hu not been s thought however that the all imble about march 21 ightfor a mother sids winarai march 6 while two tone of henry cook if eut selkirk were playing upstairs one ot them seven years old twisted a do he line that wuiiangiag from the oeili lgj around his neck and got on a cradle ti d jumped off he remained there for som i time until bis little three- yearold brotl er told hit mother who wu down stain 1 1 the occurrence when the mother went ipstair her son wu hanging lifeless sof ething queer imagine a in some cone and a bolloct it to a man woman what a up bolt the nt might do the tewing when you buy no will be satisf i mach ue mocb ne nan plowing here u they do ties with hi wife on one side on the other what a horte i it a sewing machine is to foe lisb person a woman to sic ght sewiog by hand when she work in a few minute on a bay that machine this spring but the raymond and yoa 9d methoiust young people if yoa want flrstclu ghelph tub snd doors at gaelph price 1 ensue can fill yocnf order at hi planing mill swsjssb upqfl thousands thousands upon thousands of dollar of goods have been cleared out daring the un precedented tub of the put two weeks whirl of such kbown ibutiueu ha nod need and yet our shelve are fall la oversowing there are plies upod pile still to be cleared out before oar purpose it retched we told yoa at the outses that our purpose first and foremost woulc be to make a clearance of the entire stock all good with the evidence of eire smoke or watei i upon theu must be cleared irpote and we spare no tac this- we are well backed op hj parpose and we spare no sacrifice to do this- we are well backed up hy thelui anoe companies and cab afford to cat the thatsour see to do thelusur rice and we are doing it everybody knows such a cutting of pride onjerery single article in the houuwe venture to lay hu not been mode for many a day in gaelph competition is completely stag gered baffled away behind in lie race and awfully out of breath goods at is and 25 cent on the of course com pletely paralyze all attempted oppotitloi we were the victim t of the fire hat yoa ire the gainer by the bargain we give ic order to clear out our stock before commencing the renovatioa and enlarging of our prem ise farther reductioul oa many lines are in order for this weekaud we invits your continued patronage for our j great fire clearing smle damaged liner son trad and we can tupply steal one furniture nor can tell u law or cth in i took we can give yoa publi the fact that we have ha govet jedtby the undertaker i it v ry reasonable price r funerals jhts0n having taken over he bati lately conducted by hendersoi announce to its many patrons generally that we will inaugural for one month only kto r l 2 of this mcruck ot the put co we beg to and the public grea tcleanug cash sole to commencij on i- softtirda feb stacks of goods which ve canuat carry over t t 11 next 6eojoo will be effered at sure telling prtes tmrnedivte sale rerard- l less of cost or profit will belbe order of the dtj we will offer a very fine sssqrtromt of ress patecs miiny of which iro eaitsble for which we sre ssluficd wih re parchiriag- eomnants of everylbiug for almost uothinji boots is5 shoes ntesifc jackets still a number of ele- jaht garments almost perfect in material but lamaged awfully iamagedi in price fjrs fufis iverjy thing in furs at own price if you reasonable about 11 they must jsss goods j hay you seen the j ima ing value in black 3aslfmere at 50c everj piec jof dress goods cut i in price to clear clliathing sale conti erb0lle 25 and 27 iwyndham st ttco et thecintditn order of forettere it a fraternal benevolent society incorporated in 1879 and registered under th iutarthce corporation act 1892 of onjarlo tbe object of the society are to furnish it member riih sick and funeral benefits ondaa insurance of one or two thoaaaad doflart ths payments foi these benefit rang from about one dollar to one dollar and fifty centa per month according to the age of the member and the amount of the insurance carried the membership it composed of men only snd when admit ted thty mutt be between the- tgeeof eighteen and fortyfive the present num ber of members is over 1g00o and the society hu a cuh aarptas oa hand far tbe payment of the insurance o avertf ifmmu 1 50000 of which it in dominion of canada bond and he balance it inlested in the best monetary institutions of the domln too in addition to thit the have about a htlfa million their treasuries for the pi sick and ftneral benefits secretary ofthe olir whiteof brantford and it in a conrt of this popular and dian society will shortly be local court c dollar in meot of he the high mr thorn expected lha t purely cana- rganizedbere photography peotos taken at night ove coats at 2 and upwards and all cloth ing at a sacrifice csxap cotioxs cbsap ssssrnrs ff csbap rlajtkzls 1 this week st c- 8le tgj kruelph ng 7 hh 44 the offlcera qf the provincial soclet for the current vear the convi ntion of the young people of the method t clinch in ontario held in toronto last week wu very successful and reletewilh nterest from beginning o end the next mi sting will be held inloudon therwali o the election of officer for the present veer wu u follow prest dent mr f w daly ba london first vicepreside it revk n lari toronto second vice president mis baaadersaa peterboro third vicepreaident dr tilley bo rmanviile ecreary mrrr w dillon toronto owttaat secretary mr 8 her rt moore toronto treasurer miu xeete londoa superintendent ion- workjbev t a hoore niagara falls assistant sc periuteudent junior work mitt maridn ke ly hamilton executive com mittee re a u phillip and mist mc- guffin teronto h p moore actoa rev g i cobbledick daudajk rev r 1 eliot woodstock w hamilton ttevo w watch osbawa rev g f glendening otuwa c p holloo billeviue t w rolph fom- hm rev w kigsby londoa and j f elliott 6 uia 25th irmerwbir ih itpctiaa of aireno secoathoaght about will be a great feature of this sale we have assorted stock which mutt posilii ely be cleared oht and at once we are msking no reserve in hit department whatever our object iito clean the stock out it a factst haad t do to regular 1 prices willbe entirely lost sight f our terms ars cash 1 ws c4ti sell yoa good mach ce iper for psh tl l i th oi4 credit jyitem ind be dors utisifkctorj- i concerned v we invite inapebtioa fjud will stjiu tiras be plttmed to ihow oar goods henderso isrgfrsnd well sa under ihe for everyone st go your byes sjsd by an experiericed opticiah we give 3ou j plenty o time now the christmas business isover j i i i i our mrcuverhouse i 1 is spoken of as one ofthe best opticians in cnada savage co tf opticians jewellers ct elph m hello i aj anything new yes whattj why the moth georgetown kvea 8 going to take stock in al iort time we have sveral jor goods we are boatid to iiout prices will be made o at ain the objct jlllln ity reduced j lantlee reduced i lantle cloths reduced reat8laughter fn dress good j jrs reduced bad made clothing re- j dced ji 1 vercoats reduced ittmd woollen goods reduced i lot f childrens knitted woollen goods and dresses reduced to 3n the dollars c arn selling uarpeta cheap i ioinfr4h right thing in red ciotbing oar dress ers tre at it flight apd day iugjmantles nud dresses e and take advantaged of the pin bargnns ame pile jriori prints jrutsniifa new k shirtings new cottuub pew jnndfs new carpet nevoot new overlto8 j tliiahaelieoico oioeobtowh 1 new raymond qf course niw why that firm is over 30 years old yes but they are vhe newest and fresijest in design style and workmanship chks rky7vablhd manufacturer guelph f i if you want your blood purified and your system invigo rated get a bottle of smiths blood i mlaard iilsteatrciietetjfetirtlela if you have jf j i a bad koff get a bottle of 1 i 1 r sinxtas clxerry balsam pleasant to take and cures everytime our winter fluid for roughness of the skin chapped hands and to be used after shaving has no equal prepared only by til g smith sto chemists- v no 1 wyndhanvst

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