Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 9, 1893, p. 4

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lljz xttm jtrw rcss thursday march 2 1893 tlk woung jfolks an olffslcht mc 1 1 ttle i abj- brother hicj 01 vo witti fio i iue wanl it i ro ttotjeublc tl at it m jlit eit aa crow it i jtt n4 t for a tliic said rand ma i uinta to 1 fr i le i rftlittl t injjtlut hti t tet i iati til a ou ail rue wuusiti got teeth cnadnifc ulm ho id final iuri aw i i ut un t it funo sjtlti but note ludejm i t ct ftfter tl luvibg gravel t t liiui t he beet forgot cjii t wf b j iojio like cmadpi 1 1 1 kc to know k y no t t fur 3 i to the con rr w tl i il r at d i a and iuk t ho na as don ttalk tome if i ou dd it ii ttaru m think 1 r ting a lcttr dtar grandtna toterjdama tonight 1 ciuscittvcrj prtaut 1 wnat to gel it right kt last tlj u iter wk finlijcl oadtrfulahicg to kx j 1 note j to god id heacu 1 lease rtad it over to mo hi j littlt flo to 1 er gracdma to o if it b right ou know dl reii tl e letter written togpj l i ttle flo dear god tht habj oj brousht ci i ii ry i ce and iwett j t ctlie j do fojgot it tooffies tl e j oir little thing can t oat tb wbj i m writing thii fetter k 1 urj osc to let jou locw j case coinelrjtf finlgli the babj tl at sail irom little jo an illinois miracle it to a case of deep interest all women tafictnt the facta 11 ardiuf hood fl sarbipanlla ask the p le who take tbi mediome or read the testimonial often gob i abed 16 tbn piper the will certainly convinoe voa that ilaoi e sartapanlla possese abeqaalled merit and that fiood s cures hood s piiib cure constipation by restor int the peribtiltifc action ef the ailmentirj canil the are the best family cathar i c mr drcooi uhat a lovel color i fc joueahas i declare ebe looks like a chromo mies small wares a chro im i had tlie iropresion that she was i hi d i uutei tlicrt t mapif in it i ut must be the satisfaction and rrati f it ut 60 email a coot of one who ttf i s like this mr maton editor of ti to taidgai irjaavirtfrelford 1 ut eajs r had suffered from a e ran td knee for twelve months without hcirg able to obtain relief from the paia tthfn i rubbed the kuee thoroughly for tweut midutcs with st jicobs oil that i uhrt travelled 200 railei by railway the next da i walked 2j roilea aod the paia ha 1 entire disappeared i have ueer i 1 1 the fishiest return of it siuce siajnra landlord ioo look tired and t rtti won t joo have a rlass of water cautioua uitor who haa read about the 1 ttlfc how much ii it ci arlti lamb eid of the water cure it is i c iher uew nor wonderfnl for it le id as the deluge which tn m op njon hjled more than it cared c c hi huiiaco gr in iev in driving over tbe moun tfi nh i tojk a severe cold which setfled id iii lack end kidnejfe caunce me mao fckef eis mgl ta of pain tbe first applies tidi of minibus limmlht so re hti me tl at i fell into a deep sleep and crnf cte recovers ehorth followed joirs 6 mcltoi unapje ba i mood cured gi mjii i i have ned yaur burdock 1 olbitttfi for bad blood and find it nhout exception the best purifying tonic in u e a short time ago two very large and j ainfal jboilb came on the back of my i cck b b b completely drove thim siitii blain toronto junction it is an old adage that uneasy lies the i calthat wears a crown it is equally true that uneasv lies tbe head that wears a j resident al bee on its crowd 71 ere is danger in neglecting a cold mat v ho have died of coniamptioa dated- the r tronblcs from exposure followed byy cjld win h settled on their lungs and in a tl orl lime they were btjond thd tkiu of the bot j bjaician had thev died btcktes t ti conmmptive 6rup beforet it waa loo ate thtir ives would have been spared ii s mi 1 l ne has no equal for curing c s c uih an 1 all flections of the throat lli 1 1 en c n man tip town eo cranky that low t i c in a house with trees m front f it tic us h bivb their birk dis t rl 1 rr uiwlmition cliud t ul 1 ibvmciin retirej firom practice 1 iu i ad i hotl in his hands by an east i tl u i is lonarv the formula uf a simple ijt able ritntd for tho speed and per i unit ljrt of cotifiimption broncbitib jtsrrl 6tltnaandnll throat and lung i t alto a pon live and radical cure i t s n ut diflilii and a11 nefvous com 1 it te i fur havmt tested its wonderfnl urrttivi j owe in thoushuds of cases has fell t s dut to make it known to all his fl r ff howe acuated i this motive 1 n v in to relieve humau tifjermi i wlllf i fr e of clurte to all whodeaireit tl i r t i i g rnian french or lnhsh tl f ii i rtct ui r for irenarmg and i t set t i v n ail b addresing with i i ii t u is paper v a oza i oats lllork itochceter v nn tl bad liver ver often has u ih 1 fml f- v rnom bfad to foot v f cl the pooj liiat s done 1 y pr i lercea 1 i ik j al difccoveo it ponfia tb i 1 nd through tho blood it cleanses ri r mid invigorates tbo whole system in rwovc ing from la gnppe j or in r- ivalitiiro iron pneumonia fevers er wni ii dneojiefi iiathing can equal it t tn n jieiting restorative tonic to build up r i 1 itb and strength h rooe every 1 1 in j natural acuon pepmotet all tbi i 1 fudcticnj and rnnqni health gn i i every dlijibatccan from a torpid i i ii j to 1 lood iryspepff indigestion i i ss and the most stanborn bkin i 1 or scrofuloast aftections tho discor t is tbf onl remedy to certain ttat ft r i be gt nrantetd u it doesnt benefit or t re ia every cam you fcve yofir mooey bu for a perfect and permanent cure for arrh ule dr sage catarrh remedy l ru khivm offer vw rewajxl for aa sved through casual dance at a newspaperweak pale and in a deplorablecondition when relief cameanother remarkable trl- i umphforagrcftt canadlan retri ed dubaqob tiraot among the peculiar conditions with which tlie people of the present ae are en dowed is a remarkable capacity for doubt idg a full belief only comes after a care fal idimtiiuaa nd afwr positive proofs have been prweoud current report sd there hal bee a a remarkable cure in the cue of a lady of savanna 111 but aa cur rent report is dot alwajs accurate and as the a tor v told was one possessing deep in terett for the pubho the tmhm dgtermmed upon a thorough investigation into the raitter the result of this investigation proved that not only was the storv trne but that the case was even more remark able than the public had been given to understand lr a r kenyou is the fortunate owner of a comfortable house well kept end with pleacant surroundings skoated at cbtcsgo avenue savftuht hi tad it wt there tbe reporter sought bim to learn of the sickuwa of btf wife and the care of which so much is being said a answer to tbe bell a lady appeared at the door and to an enquiry for mr ken yon said he was employed by tbe ratlroafi company worked at nights cad was asleep la ura ken op welt enough to see me 7 the reporter then asked with a very suggestive smile she said there is no doubt of it and inviting the reporter io informed htrn that aba was the lady in question wheq told the reportera miasion she said tbe statement of facts an you have made it is quite true i did not think my case was of special interest to anyone outside of my own family and friends but if what information i can give you will be of use to anjone else you are welcome to it i owe my present good health to casual glance at newspaper and as with me some other woman may be fortunate mrp kenonis an intelligent lady like woman and her home bears evidepce of ber great capabilities aa a house wife she told her btory as follows i was j bom in warren count new lork thirty three jears ago i was married when i wa3 19 and came o 6vanna frven years ago with tba er ception of being at timia subject to violent sick headache i considered myself a healthy woman up to five jears ago at that time i wafl tery much run dojn and an easy pr to tbe ever present malaria in and about the mississippi bottom lands i was taken molenll til and during the sue oeeding five or an months was tbe greater part of the time helpless the lo al ph8 loans iaid1 had been affected by malarial and intermittent feverr i continual grew weaker aod finally went to se dr mcaey ot clinton la who it reputed to be one of the ablest phjsicians in the his siisippi valley he treated me for a time without beneficial effects and finally told me he thought he could help me if i would absolute abstain from work that was not to be thought of if able to go ibout i had to look after my household duties i then consulted dr johcston of saranoah my fltomact would not retain themedicine he ave me and he came to the conclusion that m stomach was badl diseased occasionally i would choke down and nearly buffbnte i then went o dr maloney and be pronounced it a case of heart trouble he helpej me temporarily but hke the rest said 1 mutt stop all work or nothiut could he done for me all this time i bad grown weaker and paler until i wb in a deplorable condition i bad a coctmual feeling of tiredness my muscular powe was nearly goje ud i could not to up half a doten steps without restmt and often that much eiercis would cause me to have a terrible pain in the side seem ingly the blood bad left m veins i was pale as death my lips were blue and cod and i had given up all hope of ever being better about the first of april last a oung man boarding with os received a fculton 111 paper it was his home paper sent him b his mother i picked it up one day and in glanciug actually over its columns came across an account of a mar velloua cure through the use of dr will lams pink pills for pale people candid ly i did not believe the btorv and when my husband suggested that it would do no harm for me to try the pills i laughed at the idea he insisted smd i submitted but 1 had no faith whatever in the pills 11 husband sent for two boxes and i took them when i bad used theee i was some what improved m health i continued their use and i felt that i was growing stronger my sleep refreshed me and it seems aa if i could feelnew blood coursing throqjji my veins i kept ontakidg pink pills until a short time ago and i now oon aider jdyseif a betlttjv rugged woman my house is foil of hoardeis dnd i i a perm tend all the work in other words i work all the time and am happj all the lime i am positive that dr williams pink pills for palo people savd my life and i believe there are thousands of women who would find great relief if they used them the sick headaches i was subject to have disappeared aud have not had h sinje attack since i commenced taking dr ill hams pink pill were there any duagreeable effects from tho mediciue asked the reporter node whatever replied mrs henvon they are pleasant to taksd the oon ditious imposed by the directions are caeily complied with in co nmon parlance i took pink p iii and they did the rtat mrs kenjon stated that all her neithbors knew of her former oon iitton an j her restoration and oup of tliem wm called id end uhtii asked of ler knuwledte f tbe case bail i have ben mtimatelj at lamtbd u th mrs knvon mi 1 know of her illuesa i look upou her recovery as somethii t nurvellout it is tirelv the tin expected tbut hapeoel iti her cabe of mv own knowledge i cannot say what tho nature of her ailment was but i knon that she was relucetl to a mere ehiio was the pilcst at d mobt iiqit like person 1 hid ever wn hers was a remarkable case she woul i be helpless one da and tho next wojld to supermti t ihe work of her house but bll the ini3 there was u noticeah e lots of rarenih mj tl e iiaturnt viviciousnea of her uiiurt had dstjpcared it w geuerallv thouuht she muil di as nonu of the fih c nn who attcndej her see tie j to understtii t litr cue or help her iu the least i tgll of th sendin fur dc william pink pill an i of to irae thought it the whim of n dying woman pr ptrliajs a s gn that her husbu 1 1 still liquet m hoping atmt liope b it y 1 1 a i c the result for ouraelf an 1 if miracles art u t performal iu iheae dj i woul 1 be demed to know how to decribo lae if tl u kind it fa a remarkable eae there u no reason vt doubt then koes of mr ke i you and in j ih the form al e dctuntei it hundreji of peoj it i hat immediate ntithborfa wd are fti l converkan with tl e factrcf bolji i cknea and cure hu i lu ia it with eympathizing eainsttiess but few pernoua have guue co cose to the dividing due between ffa and erntly and returned and from the facts uted here is but a single conelaiuon to be irawn dr william piufc pills for pale people dtd it dr will met puifc phls are a perfect hlooi builder and nerve retirer curlok cuch dueifes aa rheum at ismj nearaljcik partiil ptrtlysts looomotor ataxia 8t vttus duce nervous headache nervoaa proilratiou aud the tirel feeltnc therefrom the after effect soflc grippe iaflcenzt and severe cold ducase depending oo humors in tho blood such as scrofula curoaio ery sipelas etc pink pills give a bealtby glow to pale aud eallow completions and are a specific fcr the traables pecalitvto the female kyctem and in the caco of men they effect a radical cure to alt cases anting froui mental worry over work eto notes flere and there tm of 0 inr intoreit toj frae theie pills ire mtuaftxtarsl ly the dr broekvil end re totd trile mirk br he bou wilhcmi medicine com may ont tnd scheoeotidy nt only iu bain betr m tbe firm ted wrapper it 30 ct j boi for 12 60 betr in mind tlujc dr will limipiuk pilluro never oldia balk or by the down or hundred tod tny detler rha offen tubtticiitej in thu form trjiag ta defrtad yoa tnd hoald be tfoided the pal lio tre tlia caatroned tgvnst til other loctlled blood bailderi tad aerve tonics no mttter whtt nime mty be giten them they tre til ltmttitani whose tntkers hope to retp t peenmtry tdvtnttee from the wonderful repetition tchiered by dr wilhtmi pink pills atk oar detler for dr willitnu fink pills for ptle people tnd refuse til imitttions tnd stbttitafes dr willitmi pink pills mty be hid of til drageisti or dret by mill from i dr willums medicine comptny from either tddress the price tt which these pllli tro sold make t coarse of trettment oom ptrttively inexpensive is oomptred with other rcroedief or medictl trettment i pletilnf sense of uetltb t id strength renewed kad of itn tnd aam oct follows he use of sjrffp of fret tt ft o ia btrmonjr with httare ta effeclatlly iletnse the system when cat lire or biloas for itlo in 73 cent bottles by til letdiog draigiiu a thing of etaty ft t joy forever if yaa tte vile enough a let same other mtrrt her wartfr tea dollars t bottle fellow yoffdg wife ton wen the ttrttki mr tt college werent yoa i yoan hmbtod it love yoabj wife and t nromlmeat member of he eymntstio chit v j yoang haibtnd i wu the 1 eider young wife and a liiad it ill tillleflo ererouet 1 r yoaon hasbund i wtt he champton wtlker the best raiiner is heil mtatc liftine weightt tnd u far ctrryins why mill shoulder t btrrel of floor yoang wife i well lo ctrry the btby t couple of hoars i m fired leery new tcqmiattnoe we mk h the power to tell at something ws didnt know tboat oarsehea any pertonj wio his oied poisons ker viiiae the rrets ptfa care would io6 bo without it if f aost tea dolltrt t bottle a worth u weight in gold tnd goad thing ill kemllae is lio best remedy ia the for til kinds fire miaatec itme beck tt world gitin aate sot that kind scott s emulsion does not debihtite the stomach as other cough medicines do but an the contrary ii improves digestion tnd strengthens the stomtch ita effects tre immediate tnd pronounced if the tongue could kill not many would live to old te 1 free and easy expectoration immediately relieves and frees the throit and long from viscid phlegm tnd t medicine thtt promotes this is the best medicine to ue for coughs colds infiimtllon pf the lungs tnd all affections of tne throit tnd chest this is precisely whtt dickie s anti con samptne b rap is a specific foij and where ever nsed it has given unbounded tatisfac tiou children like it b it is pleas ant adults like it beciuse it relieves tnd cures the disease a german baron is said to have secured a place as waiter in a new lark restaur ant it is only natural that he should take to the fodderland tjf ptin it caret neural tootbtcha in one m 3ue tpplicttioo headache ia t few motneit tnd til ptlns jut ts rapidly wbinas try it todty lirge battles is ceo t told by til druggist tnd oaantry detle s use poison s nerve care kerviline sty sim tf t fellow took salohana tcid whtt wo lid yoa give him f i i give him ap 8 pbei filial lire i writes as u wetk thtt i very tweet e ctuse the chest shoh sleep tnd fnj tigbtt so thu sleep with mtni nest hu til ett wbtt taiti whit sort poker pit coarse yinfcr ent of albiny s y wt ity ttaatub wit ta aid not ett tnything soar or jen frait tt tee time would hetrtbfrn fulness or oppression of breath restletsnett c unng htfal dreams or disagrmtbte i wonid often dread to go ta the ase of northrop ly vegettf le duooyery this anpletsmt remfved tnd i now ctn my tttt or ftney t room is beti suited for why tn tnte rod been i tlt3 blood is the life runs the ol i tying tnd everytbinj btt ever mtkes ps i of tny orgtn of the body mast retch it i pltce therein through the blood there ore if the blood is pc rifled tnd kept in g od condition by the use of hood t strsij trills it necesttrily fc llows thtt the benifi of the medicine it imparted to every orgtn of the body ctn tnything be simpler ths 3 the method by which this excellent raedi line gives good hetlth o tli who will try ifl cures con izrptian thet f dt ell ireecists ea a gturistett r n uo e le lick crctotsbuohe parana f stcvrijglt3 t ra liucva ccati shilchs vstalizer mn t harllns cbattmioopt tena- cayt t vrmderttttebc rcnalyforaddjqilatdpzm icrutci iordrnpcpiitecoriadner troubialteioaj fricoracm m1l0h5 kcatarrg remedy havbroacatarrlif try this remedy lewfll pckiuvelyrcuevo tndcureyou prtce3ctc thu injousor ler its succerstul trettment tt flmolimlroo lcoctnicrshiiohgknraltet cro cold on a truciantco to civ o earjttctiorj a aluihlc hint hen ou are attacked by coagb or cold do not delay but commence tt once ta ate hagyard s pectoral balsam this old standard remedy removes all irritation ooseni the phlegm and heals the maoout surfaces curing coughs tnd colds of til kinds in denmark must of the girls are framed in agriculture in this country the girlt take more kindly to husbandry canada is being congratulated everywhere on the excellences of her manufactures art stained glass is prominently in he front rank of her improvement thinks to hcctotltodt i bon of toronto who for 40 years have labored nob oaly to teenma late money bat to make stained tndornt mental gins of ill kinds t credit to tbe dominion a cure par dyspepsia the grett the regaltr atej delicate const with t general fairly tnd patiently there are ton who would be peretectly willing to go oi ii a micston to china s carry in til the wood who ktove alts which htve attended quinine wine by people of tntion and those effected prostration of the system speak more thi n til the words tbtt wej ctn say in its behi if this article is a true roediome tnd t life giving principle perfect renovtt jr of the whole tystemj- vigorttiug tt tl e ttmetirae both body tnd mind lit me ictl properties ire a febri fuge tonlo and tnti periodic gmall d6sei frequently repe tted streogtbeq the petite create tu tpp tite entble yon to obtain refreshing slee tnd to feel tnd know jbtt every fibre am tissue of jour system is being braced t id renovated in the une qainine wiae preptred by northrop lymtd toronl 3 we btve the extc6 fool repaired tad 3 person of wesk tnd ner voat constitatii at we would sty keren without t bottl in the house by til druggists it probibly i jet the devil more goodl pat t long face in a christian than it det to barn down a church be it is sold if iti sunlight 01 jught surtlfgltt 8oap has tha larqest 8fvfe fn the worifj beute i and tbose wlto ase f fc dyspepsia is a p roll co ctaae of such diseases as bad blood oomtipatloa head ache and liver complaint burdock biood bitters fi guaranteed to care or relieve dys pepsia if used according to directions thonsauds have tested it with beet results for grains tiud braise no other remedy cures sprains cuts wounds chilblains sore throat rhuema tie re etc so promptly as halyard a yellow oil it is au old standard remedy that has t perfect satisfaction for thirty yearc yes sir biid fopiuja emj hatioally graball is a mau of limiteivraeans but unlimited meanness oh whatacouffh7 will ou heed the warninij the signal lrliar9 of the sure approich of that more terrible dieea cjnbamptlori ask jour selves if ou can afford for the bike of pa vi ni 50 ta run the risk and do nothing for it we know from experience that shiloh s cure will cure our cough it neier fails the military prisoner makes hid escape in nil unguarded moment indeed is ho whose blood is poor who has lost his appetite ana hit flesh and ceetis to be in a rapid de cline but scotts emulsion of pure karngfu col urer oil and tamsriffu can mate ft rich agate far rettorfag appetite basil sad ricfc wutjif sad gfrtaf hte eoergr ia4 perfect pbnical f cot cdogfasv coltfe cmsotiptlaa scnrftiui ami brsactiftjc t it alkqjta4 pautajce as milk ftptxi oolf far btuu st ratkj btillcrt ii iftfs the besft in the world i sjjso because trbt no other bosn can do for launh r nd honcl old it is ft i iliva coujffjrc rtco s pdcdx fo- catrti d thai b toot uaitjo um and cheapest b ca7h b sold brdruisuteoriiiit by mall vab et ilaeelttr wccds norway pine syrup loisiealfaetlrteeso i pefiftct pkh la tbe combined with the properties ofotket a coughs hoxxseaeu asthm crocp and ill tksoaf lung disease resist other pleasant piay symi pkos reo aiin in hu vegetabl given to the world tifio research in science combined discoveries nev man for delict ttitatloat parmelsja taken in smsll tamo and t stlmutnt secretions of the vigor i the it is very convenient to have a good traj the horse nobjei when saffenng sore derive at m in a like preictij soothing tenon of oil ltmefieat nese of the j iiott relieved by it hearts mty be wtyt on the beat x ri oftieplael acotnlasr and erpectoriiii pectoral bests and barks cure fott and colds a bcwieutlf sort tttrat i kt brokchialaad i obstinate courts vrklch i rteld promptly ta tiu 3 boc psne sottcjc pills dr parmelee his the fruits of long scleu whole realm of medical with nw and vaaabte before known to t anl debilitited con pills ace like a charm ihe i feet is both t mildly excitiug the body giving tone tnd for a rapi writer n of thought ict of the brute creation ora a cat tbrfvoa or ch benefit at hit muter ent irom tl e liealiuf dr thomas eeectcio velliug of the neck stiff throat tnd lungs tre cnett bat they tre tl railwayltime- fable k care fur iulkeke hetdtche trues frtm eonstfptlioa bad blood djtpensit or liver oompitint asb b b cures til these oompftintt ititnttar- illy the most successful hetdtche oure existiog once tbe cause i it removed lbs headache vanishes t j tiiimx pure powdered lie purest strongest bit almnrquanvitrrcsinatlskff loss st l dhondred ethaf mr l a ous el oaia 31 1 m tta lr ill c- i dractmt- 3osroiatow george pattctson tell from a secondstory i window stnldn j a fence i found him using i st jacobs oxess i rrus4l it freely oil over his bruises i saw hirrf next morning at vorl au the blue spots rapidly disappeared leannz neither pairf scar nor swewqf c k nelftlann m d all fhohti 3tjac0hb oil dip it crand trunk railway ootso west ootsq tlst eipte 1 m ftin wall 10 01 a m ctp m express hjpm 1 asseuger eltrrsjm astengfi exnrtii 5 tsajft 11 osajn s 07 nm we have tn mmensi stock of s youths boys and chlfdrens 8uks stk overcoats hats caps underwear top shifts socks suspenders collars cuffs ties mitts cloves hose tweeds flannels cottons cottonadesishlrtinrtowelllnjetc wou t pty yon to mist thitchtuce at we stated everything mutt go to now or kelly bros acton u com 1 ttr oat ererytbing la stock regtrdleu of 1 tnd storing twty everything must goj tnytbiag so now it your i jrqoods ready i lskring skl- a i goods croceries and readymade clothing i ate going to make illeriiiont ia oar store we htva dtoaided to make t sweepin sal i loouec thta to be paokinsthera ap and will go ff low pneet sty phmoe for cheip madelolothing 2s comprising i cues f ureja goods in kavjy elpli cloth hall the j balance of our stock of fur ckps hmo intsr undrolothino ill be sold at cost price for cash during february i i fteen per cent reduction from our regular prices for fe new aools received at etc g bales of prints in ciioice rttterat 3 cties pelt 1 bile english shirttags 1 tse cromptaasl cotton 1 case sheetings 1 ptoki gs dresi shisfdi open twu ritnnels kid glove i ftaoy veil nitj ltces the clearing tale of winter goodt stilt airoinlsteri fine detigutcedecejl from j2 to jl 60j brassies from i so to tl 25 a variety of uolob redaced to 12j and 15o a lot of doable width ff styles tnd shade in drest goods formerly 60 au of ifen t robber braces ttlo 17 20 25 tnd 30c dird fetthert flowers tnd on tmentt also trra tnd v el vets redaced to hilf price brocaded eilkt colored silk pinsb forraerlt wto 3 per ytrd olat if i time to buy bltukets t recfuctlot of 5o s pound store corner king and hugbeon street htmilton march ud 1893 hyslp ffaulfeild cfcco haw turner td rielij housej ths week heviots black cashmjres- fsacy bfoche foaleberge diagonals delaines ton goods consisting of shirmnu cottonade tnd cantons 2 rolls ot table ebrated corsets 1 cue silk thread i case cotton thread 3 cases bleached cata cathmere hose l ctsa cambno tnd ifuiliu embroidery spot if uslm jio new shades fancy ribbons silk nets guipure licet ftncy millinery on ifoqnetto carpktt in choice coloringt reduced from f 175 to ii 50 wilton carpets is5 to tl so john crottley sons best fiveframe nd all wool fianneltl redaced to very low prices all wool dress svirget drest tweeds formerly 0 to 50o redaced to 82c a large variety of redaced to 50c grey debeigo 40 to 25c tnd 82 to 20c a targe variety pair mnch ieaatan regular prlcet a urge ttaortmeatof atillinery goodt med tnd untritnmed itifiiuery telling off it redaced pnees silk flashes emtio flafh and groa grtin eilkf greatly redaced a lot ot widewidth jug oat tt f 1 25 narrow width silk pluthet formerly ii now co a good do on all tuper llttnkett fleue enter the right house through the new mo 09pm ttuz op closing 1uils goto j vvcii3 i5 sm and s p tu qoiflb east lifts aimnd 1o jua thlktimfl ubla feat toloatoudeiubt r itcrr oner i tone lutrp hosuuaulia goci fcatii it- i- in s nabe tn y fodder tie bj loci y ifevict k pvtj a g ip i aci i re ctu crc 6 jtttoa m tfr ill foosjiix i icjf jt itlcik tsiufcairtjieqrtj idm i co i 1 r ilr te la7sji ijtl kdntyi s t fu i focjhcvv t 3 aixtxb u-couyoo- soail hljks t- tl- nt a rjcsxad fl3 1 t tek 1 r a itjc vjt y tiitl rco en j jpa m iprt or i -n7i- jxjn r cert ct icrin or btneaets trd tsats infla ral onf fjicrlf dfa trc fu c tb iniwrg ca i kk ttlxivvnxxftc didciiieierix dxfcrij tacstjc di ioimaieatjrcr tmi a fullpat calm fr bvclcri 1 uceio jvltlm rebpet rj be nl irc djc1c st co p d zqttsz monthexl horaces fat cattle owil mb ll ioobs s3 monthl one tr ta sl the key to health uhlocii all he cocgei svenncs of the bowels eijndjo anlfjver canying off grudnauy will oit nciou g ho sys- tem alt in i npot 3 and foul hrnnots otthesic tij- rt fiesjaie titro cor recting acidity cf flia stomacu curing bilioibner dyspepsia headaches mzzncj ifoaftbatn constipation dryrra ct taesltlit wopsy dimness rf vision jann- dloecialt hfacu- lrrpelas scro fula flnucrir c tho heart nor- toosness aa general debility jae these tndmiia oci simihir conpjaoifc geld to the 1 jppic3jencc ct eubj30c lood bittee3 rcrealc irj llj3calcn oavbati traoc mafmcft 0e8iqu patints oopyr1qht fltcj for nformaifon and tne handbook wrlta to ml vv i co- a buoidt kxw yoca oldetc bnnao or itwurtac patcau tn amerwl kterr ptt taten ouiortn broofhi below tlie paiiic br a notice f itcti rto ol charrfo in tiur io wat it orr bl 8 obl a ci thomls o watkiilnrs rccfj- c and ur iuusumed jb inftulifmil taa ihou d be without lc wetr 88 00 a rear iliji z motht addtwi 3lcn k co eldlluiiii jo i h-oaaw- cr ols cuj dunns bakimc powder thecooks best friend uroest salc in canada 3frntst wholesale dealers ivtiest tprontg in ui open ati celebrated i whitworth all fitted with thesddpn or lalfo e also have a ftjw cushion it will pay you to sec ottr wheels send for catalogue h the large humbert u a on st my tersn noil 4 yfak it ait rpyalllectricco kfturraitiiuascf tarns bst uq- ram imiin vtoclliaioaiaio k to w wtlmyt g xltttntreju kmrt rrlnttns wrapping scttfarlaaffa petermans roach food not ajitf poison fatal to cockrpaches ako water tuw truifivtnw7arprerw vwf1rutt ewino herron a co uncmm sole tn7 wbt rial batet xoribzal- satifrmsrftlulinrbnm4 f ft to trel mirk sn yon fair tfai iljl- com v g r itukitbriiiilrul imf tt tm vrniicrr uoabnn ijonjr- rpirit eiir lira imi una ja ti l zj ciftuecfnaa culului xl via urttasats yladrsa 16 st paul 8trtetr mbntrw j jurr bicycle warehouse in canada stocked with the belsize and spartan wheel pe pneumatic tire 1- 1 ed tvheels that we are quoting vety low to clear jj prices before purchasing if j jouannot call see our diamoid frame pnjstjuiatic tire guaranteed safety for 10000 the bebt value the world mil i hslooulfeild cfe co ity hotel j tst lew proprttor uta r nx imresj nn ractn ov xotbe daub stbekt rrcnm i c c turn ta nsuwt uddm eectrio ftisaetrthe door every fizodbbs iupbovx1ismt babw njso to itw no toll k5sil ptas oetsts id jr ir

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