Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 16, 1893, p. 1

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atn volume xviii no 57 acton oj5ttaeio thuesday llaech che carton fvtt jrej5s- every thursday morning at the free ims slam printing office uikl stkujit acton 0t tetik or rcrscription ouo dollar per year itnctlv in advance all subscriptions dltcoo- tlnud vhtti the time for which they have bees nld his expired the date to which every fubscriptfor i denoted on the address 1st adrentisina iutestrausicnt advertise- acute 8 cents per nonpareil line for first in- ceruon cents jer line for each subsequent icscrtus casttikci jut the following uble shows oar rat for the iicrtiou of advertisements for ipecfttjinritxh sdinvkes 1 inch advertise menu without specific direction will be intrtd till forbid and charged accord- icjlr transient advertisements must b paid in aavancc adrertlseiuents will be changed onco each aoathif dwirm for change oftcner than occe month the composition mutt be paid for it regulu rates ciaogim for contract advcrtkcucnti must bo in tie o2ice by noon on tuesdays hpuoohe editor and proprietor rf xi 1 te ko 3 ko iko esooo sm300 ttoro 67 co sofld 113 ito vxo ix sjo lk 100 every week we are getting new effects in ingrain wall papers with borders and ceilings to match these papers arc used by the best families they are as cheap as the common papers only 15 gts a roll and much handsomer when you are in guelph pall at days book store and see- how nice and cheap they are day sells cheap the traders bank op canada statement ttken from government hff- turn november so th1892 assets goh i 1ss dorilnioa noto illfiu deposited with government to secure sustntss btredorp t f urek m d c m 0cc ani residence corner mill frederick ireu acton samckeaguemd graduate o trinity collece uember ol college ofphjiiciwi and sorgeonb licentiate of koyal college 07 physicians and surceom edicbarcn offlcnd refidence dr loryb late rel- dcacemai of frederick street acton j e wilkinson d d b l d b brnoron dentist- gradate unitcrsity of toronto member of the koral college of dental surgeons ofice ores every day except wednesday thursday and saturday over the drugstore actox l bennett lds defctist ft ocoegetown osxiaio m clean a mclean barristers solicitors notaries conveyancers ie private funds to loan office town hall acton via a mcleas jso a mclean t a mow at ulbristeb solicitor notabi pcbtic honey to loan oftice dats tuesday and saturday l oerice kannawini block acton upitairs r j mcnabb c0vvetanctil collectoil etc uonu and accounts collected agent ktro and life atsuraticc property bought and sold money to loan on the most favorable terms j a moyvat6 office acton s ihilton yallbridge 6tone birristers solicitors tv toboxto and gcoegetowh ocics crelmans block georgetown and traders ilauk chambers 63 voe st toronto jsniltos 1a wh italldbidge he stone patents secured for inventions henuy gi1i5t ottawa canada twenty y ui practice no patent no pay w ueilbtreet licenced acctioveeb kor the counties of wellington and hefton orjerslefi st the fbee piiebb ofiice acton or at my residence in acton will be promptly at- endeiio terms reasonable also money to loan on the most favorable tornrsand at the lowest rates of interest in rjmj of sjoosnd upwards john day architect guelru ont orrice wyndham btreet bank of montreal capital rest 12000000 6000000 a savings department has been opened in ooodection with this branah interest allowed at current batei jas hftjnlay uanasei glelph bkancii w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont make a specuxtt of machine finisher book papers and- high gflade weekly news tsep4per need io tl the above mille wmbi is journal i from 3er brob money cbodfari 0 lend security lower rate oi interest and on batter repayjrnent tnau cvcrbclorc offered iu cbiieuib terms of intending ebould trrite or call at before ajiplj borrowers jouce and be convinced lag elsewhere w s jjtcksun t7eal estate loan insurance agent gcelpih new plaining mill a t gash and d xr factory john cameron contractor has fitted up the boildfafi on main street lately occupied as a trunk factory withaew machlcarj i and is prepared to fontrth plsjis spdfieatioqs and estimate fbr airjcltssts otbuildingeaad execute all kinds of dresslng i uatchino- and moulding uaex all 8tt1eb of saehes doors and windowb and door frames and dressed lumber and keep s stock onhjnd all orders promptly jolfn cameron acton attended f rancis nukajj bookbinder wyndham st guelph ontario y over vi 11 lams store account books of all kincs made to order periodicals of every dessription carefully bound italinf neatly and promptly done mil hanlan barber shop mill street actojt aneasysnsve stylish haircut a goodseafoam an eihriiatatingsbatcpooalwaysgiven karars honj andputln firstclass condition lidles audchildrenrhtirttstilycpt j h wobden tonsorial artists 1 salesmen wanted vstevatit both travellint and local briesmcn t to represent the old ettablifchfed fodtliill nurseries salary paid fboh the staltt to talesmen experienced la oar line liberal termj to befiinuers and a permanent situatiou assured we have 7c0 acres under cultivation aud furnish only firstclsss stock oirrrit fret- htrdy varieties for horthcrn ontario tnduatii- totas speciality- wh gualtamtee ouh stock apply lor terms at once we want you now stone w ellikton toronto ont agents wanted in eterytotrcsliip to sell tne pictorial cyclopedia of live stock and complete- stock doctor tht taost complete and comprehensive work liublishod its authors stand at the head- ir profession and have a continental rpu- worth iu weight in gold to any one horses sheep cattle swine poultry iiees a grand opportunity to make inocty secure territory at once address e n moyer publuher 120 yongo bt toronto everiiu ufthflr uticci iiavitfi hon door jtei hamiltons marble works hamiltons block formerly hatchs ulock the gore corner of woolnichaud norfolk streets guelph out john h hamilton pnjpretar wheale andtuh aalcr sn3 direct importer andmannfacturer of all kinds of granite and liarble vlonumenta tombstones etc having had an extensive experience far the last 10 years the public may rely on getting sill superior articles nt a cheaper rate than any othtr dealer in the west nb 13 per cent off on a diroct order re ceived for the next 30 days seasn- 1893 thile returning thanks to our many pt y t rons for their llbertil support in the past we wish to inlonn pon that we havo entered into an arrangement with it stewart guelph to keep constantly ol hands full etock of the ordinary eiicriof sash coots etc and will also supply my epcclal sixes du hort notice at guelbl piieci frames of all kinds made to order wc also kei in stock line of base window and doorcoang corner blocks ic your lumber drscd while ton walt mcetl60per m pumps i bfling better awe than- heretofore wo will mrply jrfttier woodjor iron pdrnpspromptly all work gusranteej satisfactory please call and inspect before purchasing clsrwhcnr tiios ebkage ilanaeer actoa circulation kctaaica30 ofotritruaiilcl clliio4iiaaa titkicadboqftc balance daofrotn otber danki oovernrcent debcnturea aueh ikuedi1tiit aralllbli billa dltcoanted bill dltconntod orcrdao bank premuea uortca and other alter total awcts liabilities raid o capital kurplni notea in circulation dejxxita trooi publlo depwiu frtim other banki nvmj iwua 6183 tiiam 6767 m 637x00 tsoco kb9ot 3193m7 21911 clearing sale winter boots i shoes j rubbers and overshoes reduced prices previous to btocktakinrj trunks 4 valises at the loirett prices in the city w mclaren co loading boot shoo 6tore cu9lph graduation -rholcthe- guelph business college enterprise character capacity sucb ess illustrated circular sent free to any address m maccormick principal millions in it thera wot tj l893 iorfrj taxtkq alu o four litua bojx wholti rtod to go frotu the rary sam ipot tomaki tracks la tha snow miomsd i his paths ttrtltect they la 1 la tastr ptia of all the coateatotitx l pa the best msji should sow this lttle oar wcro pfciilp and john and metrytacad harry and looerayed don the bt triends la lh world the fat of invention io play tat they kldotn wero ipund in contantfoo wall thiy started altogether and tivelled along butohiadon and harrow tn icimcway went wrong bat phil made his path nearly straight and they wondered whasftl tried alike why tfcey three had blundered then ipllip replied i tharesaon yoa tea thoacp not harder i tried to etcceed thin yoa three i pushed f or hat oak going forward qalta ready whilejyou btraggled on witt out sim tad ansteady no y 3u see my desr boys whi t such lesions teach if the c is a point ths yoa with to reach a pot tioa la llfe at 1 11 worth the naming if yot gsin it twill grestly dei end on your aiming margeladd in cltrhtian union sem the rightful j by cjlbl be1ckett jontilg jteatrtg eiress organs tnv awailded ihe gpld medal jamaica intajrnatlonal exhibition 1691 in competition with american german english and canadian manufacturer or quarterly payments only at put monoy in thy purse if not sltfl f he who steals thy purse si sis trash 6o said william shakespeare and all we have to add jsthat a lean purse takes a new lease of life when ft comes la contact with the prices we are offering on all our furniture we wont quote to you any big v percent dii- connt but just aak you tolook over the following liit a good bedroom suite at 10 a better one for 11 a daisy 12 a beauty 13 a dandy 14 and tne best in tha world 15 next a good sideboard for 0 00 a better one with mirror 7 50 a daisy with mirror 8 50 ladies rocking chairs irom 1 00 childrens rockers from 50 extension table nil sice irom 5 00 wo have opponents but no rival in the furniture bufneu wooutclasa them all and everybody knows it give ua a call and cee for yourtetves if it ta not traa do not bay from us our baby carriages arc tbofinett ever seen in the city just see see them we bandle ths celebrated hib class newcombe pianos boys and uen8 bicvgles r c tkf kellys music store lower wyjndham street guelph hont ltk s m cook co ge06qetowk lioenaed aucuoncrb appraieerb valu- a tors couecton hai estatand general land agente bfe tee corkttes or halton mel wellington slmcoe yoik and ontario uonev to loan from 6100 cd at six ter cent paartxea placing their teles jor other business in our bands will havtbesampproopuysttended to at moderatr haerees qrnot avd sixes boohr vcill st george- toa or sddrrsa box 166 b u cook co auctiaoeers buxcoomcn slqneen st j but toronto s1ccd3i od- auctlotiaet georgetown tad toronto i wellington mulosu fire inaurancecomoany eetablifihed 1w0 nbuitance bn mutual plan any commnni- cations forwarded to my address box 728 or telephone 06 will be promptly attended ta r john taylok agent i gaelph actob saw mills coafj akd y0 del llred will be in a little later walt for us we are coinc to put new life in tbla town and it good people rsprkgce the people popular fornltore store upper wyndham st guelph wo pay freight on all bill amounting to 621 ioaof tjeiore actqh livery mrois brown ascractuaen akd deiixau lumber lth shingles coal sod wocdj coal and vvoou alwsjs in stocky and propptly to any irto thatowuat reasonnble fritfes 1 hardwood ajd slabs cnt stove length always on hand telephone fiommanl cation bus line the undertlgnad rospectfully solicits the natron ago of the public cod informs them that well equipped and styllah rigs cm al- wraya be secured atblsiubtec- a comfortablebus meets af trains between 9 am and is pm oreal attention glron toeteryoruer the wants o commercial travel lers ally met john williams it was 111 ormitlprmyiwfcrnojori the great treea i jhlch iined the tanely forest roid laitied imjirjmaaiit bounliet in im potent fury vhild overhid the eky was hronded in ln inky uocknees through t iia ar of the elements slowly rode a gentle nan and a young lady oh rich trd t am 6 frightened 1 we mast have ti ken ihe wrong turning how could we be o cawen1 i am afri id yoa upright edna the young man i nswerei jnst thei a weloomo gleam of light caught the t tentioa of bath and anxious to find licit t from the fearfnl gale the two quick turned their horses heads thither tl ey soon reached the door of the small hi t from whose one window the light came at richat is loud knock a deep growl from withii caused the young girl to shrink close to her companion the door was opened by an old weirdlooking wo man can you give this lady and myself shel ter until tie storm subsides richard said in ans rer to her look of enqniry the old womans eyes rested piercingly on his face s he thus addressed her then kicking bac tho dog who had come for ward as if o him it seemed curious to see strangers in that outof thoway place she mofioned tl em to enter with her usual politeness edna controll ed her insti uctive shrinking and hanked her sweetly as she drew near the fire and stretched hi r hands out to the welcome heat tho cousi as had conversed together some time before their taciturn hostess made a remark t ben in a low rough voice with a slight for ign accent she said struptly to edna are you ralph greystonasneioe yefeiiii replied quickly do you know my thcle7 then yoa can perhaps tell ns the i earest way to reach my home i bavenett i been ip these wood before my cousin nd myself having only come to tho orange a fewmonths ago still kee ning her eyes fixed upon the girls faee ritn a strange persistent gare the old ceo te said as if musingly so yod ire ralph greystones neioe 1 i knew your uncle years back then he has come to th i old home again x feared he never won d ontil it would be boiate suddenl changing her tone she turned to richan when he storm stops i know of some one who can show yoa the way to the grange she said then seating her self by the fire 6he paid no farther atten tion to hei 6elfinvited gaests it was lolly an hour before tha sullen clouds diipersed then rising richard greystone laid his purse in their hostesss lap sayin my go d woman yon must accept this as an ezp ressian of our thanks for your shelter iou say yoa know of a guide but of these g ooroy woods well tl e sooner we start the better so send him along since bis entrance into the humble dwelling phe young man had not vouch safed a rjmark excepting to his cousin and now as he spoke his words had a dis tinct suoercilious tone the old crones black eyes flashed she was not ill look ing edna thought- as pushing her hair back from her brow she drew her bent form np nd refused with a proud gesture thepros red purse keep your money young man she said h rshly though ive done but little goc i to knyono in my life i do not want pa for a simple act of hospitality yon hoald not have bpoken so haught ily ric ard said edna gently as their hostess eft the room the y mug man laughed rather uneasily i wi s not aware that i did but in truth i dna that old hag makes my blood creep i shall be glad whenrwe are on our homewi rd way in a i hort time the old wrman re-sppear- ed and with her was a small roughly clad urchin thi t is ft lad who sometimes runs er- rasdifx me he knows the ways about and wi 1 guide yoa right af te richard and the noy had gone oat to brir the horsea from tho adjacent shed bencat i whjch they haji been tied daringi the rai 3 the womar7went ap to edna and hande her a smalt metal box wi 1 yoa give this to yoar uncle she said tell him that marotte sends it i and if he wants to see her to inquire o old iwg thats what the people around call e j a li tie surprised at tho request edni took le box and placed it in her pocket and a ter thanking for her for timely shelte she p de away with her cousin following the b y who trod the forest paths with i reassjtring familiarity j before long they emerged upon the high road and were soon in sight of the mwers of greystouo gringo j j edna greystona was the adopted pel hs owner ofus grange years oar story opn the kquire had beea sppy a his ancestral home with a lovely rife but she had died and soon after he gone to the continent where lie halincq ipent his time in travelling antil late y he had retarnori home accompanied by this fair younj girlwho called him fuicle add whom every one looked upon a i his heiress- i i with them had alio coma a nephoi tha child of the squires onfybrother 4 it was not long before the county folk j ouud out thatthe young people wero betrothed i the old gentleman wak much relieved at their safe arrival and esteoed with jjnter- it to richards humorous account of their adventure edna haov never once tti ught of mcationing to richard anything i boat tho little box which she had placed jti her pocket while in the hat aad not uptu sho was ready to retire for the night did tl e old womans commision occur to her blind throwing on a wrapper she proceeded to her ancles room upon how slender a thread doesde tiny sometimes turn 1 had edna waited until iietnext day my story would not iave been written the following morning great coast irrii- filled the grang servants trod the lalls with pale tetrfal faces and careful steps while in her room sat edna stricken i with the first deep grief which had over xome ntober young life the squire of grej stoni the genjial old man whom all had loved wis dead he had not reiired for tho night hea the fiammfins had come for they fjund him seated by his table while before him trerea small metal box and a frehly written paper as ednas betrothed husband riihard greystone took allcharge of matters lpon binfself he had been the first to see the paper found upon the squires table a id as he perused it the rujdy color had sudc only left the young manjs cheek j that evening he had a conversation with lir evans tho squires lawyer who crme onths before had drawn qpoldurc rey- tones will the two gentlemen tflked jong and earnestly until finally if rl vans id this is a strange business bat i fear hat this means only one thing enl thit s that miss greystone is left uodnhded or while to this daughter if shebpliving longs the whole greystone property before long edna knew all that her adopted uncle whom she had allvays thought childless had in reality bad one daughter who had been stolen whm a mere baba by a revengeful nurss who had been discharged by his wife for j ears after his wifes death h6 had unweari ngly searched for any clew to his missing c hitd until he hod received anonymous com nun- ications to the effect that she was lead then daring his travels he met edoaj and taking a fancy to her had adopted he on opening the metal box which old hog had sent in it ho had found js aper in which she confessed that hauntel by the stings of remorse and feeling ha sho bad not long to live she bad dctermin l to repair if she could the wrong done b her twenty years before she had then gone on toistate that it had been she wh had l stolen and taken to a foreign uni the aquires infant daughter thus avenging herself for a fancied wrong done her by her mistress the box aleo contained articles of jewelry which the 6qaira atj recognired as having belonged to his under the excitement of what h4 some once wife had was she feacfaejj resigned her lot at firallt had been her sens was false ed onhi pain oflpelj t i if her lovflfi jdaily grew more crushin blow to svs neart to find that her lover ind mercenary bat as time roll- grew to feel less and less the disappointment and gradually richard greystone died away and left b hind rio- bitter scar edna o sionaliy heard from randolph evans c el lis of his quest but up to this time he h ii not been successful he had gone tor ti city where old mogj had left the bah i charge of relatives gat foand that the c pons to whoui he had j been- di reoted 1 a not lired there for some years time jai ted on until one day a letter came in v dch the young iawyerannoanced lecess beamed of the whereabouts of brother and his wile and be able to present to the grey stone tensitc7 their mistress ednljri count jke discovery of the young girt in her noole mint do unworthy jealously t instead- she looked forward o had taken her from a lite of poverty and who hod always id to her ter mr evans said greratorie alive ho could not but with hls daubter sho is a truly girl and to ie her la to loro her be ln tireyitono wheawa arrtref ed forgivat me if am airing hat wlil be painful to yott but for ge- of jyour geaerouc diiiriterected ould heiitteila maklug such a re- is- peice three cexts lurked with pieamare to seeing the daughter of him who sqaalor a been so i rnhlilj wex be satfafte lareiyyw caa you a be codcli lotnethini my kaqsrli nature j i quest edna d no diffioalty in obtaining leave af abstinc for a eew days she found tho granges aira ranning in their usual order ly groove lander the ikilual aidanceof the old i uaekmper vrbo had grown gray in her hr lent portion haviag been left in charge d dug all tho years of her masters sojourn c iroad j j it was ndeod a painfal moment for the yaangpgi i as the servants who all loved their msa edna aijthey still called her gathered tronnd her with tears af joy for it was it first time she had been in her old homqbinoe one month after the sqaires death shljjhad left its the di y passed swil familiar scenes tly away until after noon tlfcn ednas biart almost stood still as the scflnd of carriage wheels fell upon her ear with an effort she it opened and kr jap the stone step to coatrflling herself hastenedlto the door ng lightly but he was jllone 1 der girlish plainly her ban then wi whose g emotion headed figaro followed him edqa i words of wejlcome remained an- uttered fe she looked pt him with surprise epicted upon her face taking lir evans shook- it heartily a beamingcountenanceand eyes duesswas dimmed by a mist of- he led her to mrs thomas who e long line of servants assembled thus discovered with the impatienoe peculiar to advanced age the old gentle man had immediately written a new will intending as his words showed to make ample provision for edna after cops lltiog his lawyer by an added codicil but death had interrupted himj aid so the codicil was never written i the squires funeral over it de olved upon mr evans to see old mog ho found the rude dwelling which had been her home but in it guarded by her faith ful dog yrbo lay at her feet was only the lifeless body of her he songht ho sever from papers discovered among her possess ion the truth of whjvt she hod asserted was proved beyond oil doubt and he learned also the name of the foreign city iu which the stolen heiress of greystone might be found j thus sweet edna greys to no wai ti ona stroke deserted for when ha ha seen how things had turned the lovet whom she had thought all that was good fcn i true had signified too plaiuly to bo misunder stood his desire to release himself from itheir engagement v looking but a shadow of her fornn r joy ous self edna listened quietly as hal dolph evans told her that the next day he ras to start for florence to find if possible the igirl who wheo a babe had been rob wd of her inheritance only to have it reatcred to hei igcin in this straoe way as he rose to go ednagave him her hand when yoa return mr evansi lsnall 1 probably not be here i mast not delay to seek for something to do yoa know i am dependent on myself aow j a sad smila passed over her face as she said this aud as theyoung lawyer listened his eyes softened with a yearning pity though he had known edna butt a short time to him she embodied all hat wu iovely in womanhood j ha had heard of richard g rey t ones cowardly conduct and now without slop ing to thiak he exclaimed impulsivel kiss greystone it will ba verjr hard for you reared as you have been to battle with the- world will yoa not allow rap to give you the protection of my namj love edna started violently while a crimson rushed oyer her pale face then she caid gently in the hjai a present tol you ybur mistreisl slrjgreyitones owndaughter kindjprovioenc6 led him to see although ha died without kaewiug of the ifes of jjlood that existed between them it wsl too wonderfat to realite or uader stand sm once but at was soon eipl lined mr kvaos had found the wondering italian uie had sought and hid learned that i had resigned the charge old mogjb d left them and which they soon felt to i 3 a burden jo an english gentle man of neatib a they knew ofhim waa that hi name was ilalph greystone and thathc ived iu a phca called greystone thattrangely wi idnaprod to fca the catjp who hod be sa stoleu twenty years befoie d gratify afieling of rbtengem a piss oi te womans aeart it wi lid behardtc picturerichsrdgrey- stouis rsge and diss ppoiut men t when ha leslr iet tbe truth acd his chagrin wasj com il a when a year later he heard of the appioa bing marriage of thetaientedyouttg lawyer randolph evani to the beautiful heirpfi whose romautio story rendered her the py isure of all iyea is k fe oot a dificult task for randolph to cpn nee edtia ttiat his first offer had not b n made thtoucb mere pity and wliqu ice more he asked her to become his vri i the answer was not again in the negati a and one bright summers day greys me grange wore its most festive appori wnile beneath a great marriage belllol pure white rosebuds edna stood will er noble husband to receive the heart congratulations which poured m from fjl sides upon the newlywedded pair education and hqusewprk i aifld ta believe ery intensely ia the common sent of the unlearned rl fancied that those who could aot read books- would the better read- nature aud take lessoas from experience j i have altered my mind on thatsabject and now declare that educated women kra the only women who bring common iaeose itbe aid of houeewcrlc n watching hosts of ignorant wimea o after years speut iu cooking know nkhiug of tts principles and during a life of housetnaidswork have not got it the simplest secret of clean linen and order i n alize that i have been mistakea l for behold whea nora depart sod ror- a ina follows because of missuses f inter- fsrence oa an occasion of raw meat agd birnt pudding a graduate- of yatiarj deli- te smillarmed and aukcctutonied to il enters the kitchen aud proceeds to elucidate those problems which have bein mysteries unsolvablo to those reireiia tleir midst ko one needs tell her that kerosene nlte the fiames burn and bailscs under certiin ennditious i it never occurs to her to rake tho ficia witha silver tablespaou aad bat the eg with a stove lilter and leave the teallteltie on the range dry and iiaving placed lohdp on a grid ir 0 a allow it to broil itself ng bick wtha shriek wben it bli she caa boil a potato beatkif ally tnd ts aware that soar apples stewed in in n be- come a bfack aud poisonous majj she will make coffee that fills thehouse with ita frajrauce with the same opportu nities that jyesterday morning produced a sluggish yellow drink disgusting alike to sight and trste awful mysteriea peruiuiu to dtmpers faucets boilers and wringers teem clear to iter at a gkuce i she can wash her own china a yeir- without chipping it and ssreep without itllicg the house with a cloud of dust j of course the work u not coagenial to er khelretires from it at last very eary aua hot antioui to bectn it again at at least she has doneit well aad with nt setting those man- traps foe jierself nd amilv that anjoue is usuilly cafe to fibd in v kitchen and which carry so tntny servants to the7iospital she has simply med commou seose which seems tobe one of- the outcomes education i it would be a very gosd thing it some en terprising yankee would put common eeuso upon the market in tfa cans or gusa jtrs ready for iramcdiite use for it really ceems one of the things raott needed in every kitchen aud something that very few peo ple can manage to have ou hand in connec tion wiihhelp aad reilly when tha article is patented aud for sale i hope the gnvernmiut will bay a quantity to bestow upon the edacited they need it greatly though it is oaetrf the things we might fancy to be entirely xqwtwqx her will buret rmh- i ilaulrtnat jennie sojncflfal andftir fotmaweas ifauy with bcr could cxrare btito fell ol itracctj fccliis ixy bcmwas that jay i was sby in rcttialicc tbe tbinssf sroalifiy sugc diriced cgy caption biv shoved no surprise vhe5 a tcrbaltfat octa of mars filled my eyes i stsainkred bearjsjcau it iijif sp sad ifay tell trie whof tncrci iauy yoa care for torday lidttttliii rciat i care tot for leap war the eaid for tho fellow vho daje not deserve not to ired thei colqcger affrifiund i knew what to say iad ourbeartswerq united tfcat fortunate day t the real monroeoqctrine v -ir- jtefs busbys wood sawin wh i the people of petkville vt are saardl ng for somsthiag with which to oonip a a sharp j business transaction then ally say tas about as cluss as jeeruf busbys wool sawin jeems bas- by firs j an elderly man of a decided indo lent t mperameut yuo lived for the most partt pen his friends and relatives but ndws id then secared an odd job about whibl he busied himself inbspafciod3 fashu h until it wis finished it as in one of these spisaia of industry thttl b undertook to tw and split a cord of ko id for rquaia willet who had the regit itlon and doubtless deserve itnjf beirig tha nihest man in alt feakvtlle mr bosby hadjino saw and was ahtd wittt it an ai h presented these acts totb squire and they made an agreement to this effect ur bueby wacto hire the sq lirtssaw and at aq hfar he was waye of i thank yoa mr evans for the kind- i s l l i u wm nesa which i know prompts yaarwrds bat yoa misjudge me edna greygtona could nevet 6toop to marry merely for a home before the young man could answe bejond he jurisdiction oi the lahoois u k b to one who will under stand awaj the how had left him and as he- rode thought uppermost in his mind utterly foolish hud been his lllliinedwords that he did love edna he knew well he feared that by his haste he had any chance he might have had to affections in return j the next day mr evans startecf for florence aud a week later through the aid of a friend edna obtained a position as governess her new duties seajmed strange and hard at firit bat hers was a nature to rise above difficulties and in the society of the dear little oner wjwaoj ammt4mmmm8bim for tha sum o 0 i cents to receive 1250 for the wirk when finished and was to do it at his own paveaienos j at the end of a jreek mr baiby appear ed bi ore th4 squire and announced that a 1 ark was accomplished i bw many hoars did ye take to do the 1 asked the squire liattyseven i have kep a strict ao- cciui leplied mr basby ell at 6 cents aahoarthat comes to i2 dont it v fauiwd sqtiire willet i reckon it does jest aboat that as sent d mr busby after a idhg and evident ly mfulmentai struggle j j tell chen said the squire as i waa to 1 y you 2 50 it seems that i owe yoa 28 ate is ihafc all right j j i presume v lay it is jest about right aai fir basby as the balance changed hoi is bat it id reiized what i was doi an haw things was com in oat he dr rtedieokicg at he hard faced squire x jght jest aa well her took a leetle grain- mo comfort aa a few extry hoars aad the has ihinft woaldve came arohad even li nothing oat at yoar pocket squire i henihe departed to spread the story oltiag the2a copper he went ymttft companion saybometbingto comfort me for tne iocs of my hltle ones that is what yoa asked ot me nothipg i conld say now my friend would jcorafort you became- yoa are stanued and must hive time to life your head and look aboat you then yoa will seemyfralds of utile graves beside year own darlings and tnvratou of mothers whohayepaaeduhroughhe sttne geth- semane where yoa are now weeping heart of blood each af hose mothers is cried oat like yourself what sorrow waa ever equal to my sorrow t what is that to roe you uk lkten 1 maay qf tbcsematbers sre now thanking god every day of their lives that their uttleones ara safe from the fearfal earthly stocmsjthat harasioca come witfidesola iog sweep over their hearthstones hambly they say ah i i little knew though my mater did when he folded my baby safely to his protecting breast what was inithe future 7- w1i some day you too will ceace to wee dgro wing uosalfiah and retch forth farther each day yoar supplicating hands towards that heavenly home where thace shall be no more death saving yoar treasure there thetwlll be yoar hartalso s a id as wee t yaaag mttcjr1ne once i used ta cry always u twilight that 1 must soma day die now that my baby is gone death has no terrors for me for there ishillbe happy with ijer again and- for- everj let those who can roblier of this her beau ufa l faith when the sou shicci only- orj th graves wept over by pothers tbey canitaod erect and sty this world is good enough for me x dont want any better tf bat see if with tne first falling clod on soma dear cold stilt breast my god i will not cotne as involuntarily tol their tips as mother to he little childs whenjpaia overtakes it away from the pro testing side the fththiag lock the little shoe my friend it is long years since i shed a tear over mine i can take them oat of their wrappings in my hand aud smile to think that i am so far on my journey that i shall soon 1 see my little ona face to face whether she or i will be the child when we meet agtia god only kros or what heavenly mysteries i shall learn kneeling at my babys feet i cannot tell but tbiskuow by the kisses x hare giren maay a little fsce since she died for her dear sake chat a mothers love was meant to reach far beyond the grave fixxr few orconxso this docs not mem that the united states shall co careirin nlut the world in search of dilres to succor like doa quiaote kor doe it mean a polity ofentauglement in affiirsparelyaropean nor a reversal ot the onroe dotcice ta any real sense but it does nieiuyan in telligent and modeniconstractioa of that j doctrine the monroe doctrine his never bed de fined in any ftatafe or treaty but iu essence is clear 6uoujh it means simply that the united stile doe not pro pose to interfere ia any questions that be- long whnlty to europe and 03 tha other- hand dos no v expect earoje toaaur- fere iu aay questions thitjsibag wholly to america that ri all and from that doctrine the unite 1 state is not ukely to depart iadeed it is jest our american system of home rule applied tp internation al relations oar federal government doas not concern itself with wbil pertains only to ths states the statef keep char of federal concerns but with the ihcreisiog dompleiuy and tatimicy of internilioail reiitioaslhere is coming to be a set ol affairs neither shouy earopeinjior wholly ivraecicxc they be long to both foinuacce n i8i5aai in 1890 the united states shared in the con- feceacesat berlin and brmsals wtthteard to the african slave trade auierlcfa delc- gatej silting- ia a eeropean congress ot any kind are a strange spectacle but the ending ot tuebratal slave trade in africa is common- daty of ahcivilizd natiaus sad so oar couutry very properly lote pitt ia the deliberatidnf aaolher inilane s the receot silver conference at brtasa and these ioternatiuual concerns are hkely to become still more namcroui rarkir of ilcrkirs a norwegian wedding qordon cummin while gravelling in norway saw a village wedding which b ihus describes about fifty persons were asmbleo all ia holiday costume the women in bright- colored petticoata and bodics withbtaali- fully white chemisettes they were a very plei5anticoking group the men ftrong wellknit wjoivsiliat all aliketairekmried with qtreotixit trsd kind vvei the m bride was a decrjdre youngwoalin scme- what overweighted witji neckfice und bracelets which we understand 0 be heir looms bat mre especially by an nmraense gilt crown raanmg up iatiu ptntti a height of about- eight iaehe sad studded with many colored crystau itis a mast gorgeous headdtes aod bcloagt to the village every village irsapposed to have one which it hired for the occasion by ihe plrcntsof the bride all the men sit on one wde an the wometi oa the other according to the usual customs the pirsoa whose girb ii a black gown with a veryurge white fluted collar encircling hi throat like a iqaeai ehzibeth ruff perfurmed te fimple str vice in which a weidiiigrui shaped like a double heart did duty iu plxo ol our plain circlet there wa one feature in the cere many which we noted with especial interest therein recoaizm a linkccing trace ot prcchritiot diy tho palptt stands in the center of a urge cluncel and at a pause in the service s11 thevedding pirty walked solemnly ibrtce around it tn side wise processioa a pretty survival oi old norse paganism i l m mi m 111 til j what a monkey thtnks about whiskey tl the voyga of trousark a pair of trousers is reported to have been lost in the ocean current in the behr- ing sea and afterward to nave been found off tbe coast of greenland it i inferred thlt the troasers passed around the north- em end of the americaai contineat and maay explorers behave that this ii proof that tha north pole may yet be reached because man can go where his trousers can i go it was loag ago claimed as- posi tively known that a whale had travelled- past the pole ai a harpoon lodged in him in oqe ocean waa found in the other both the whale and the trousers may be held to have proven the existence bfan arctic sea passage round the american continent- bnt far no meaus prove that the joaraty wtflevcrtra accomplished by man either in a ship or in trousers tae ctotfikrt aad ffaienaiers jfcefy iomy youth t hid atritnd who had a monkey we always took him out ontour chestnut parties he shook all our chest nuts for us ouo day my friend flopped at a taverc and gave jack- about halt a gkas of whiskey jack took the glass and drank it content the effects of which set him skipping hopping and dancing jack was drunk we agreed to come to llie tavern next day and sec if jackwpald drinl again i called- iu the morning at my friends house but insteid of being ss usual ou his boxtjiek was not to be seen we looked inshfe and there he was crouched up in a heap come fsaid his master jack ckme oat oa- three tegs applying his forc- paw to his head jack had the headache he wt sick and couldnt go so w put it qfi three days we then met again at tha taveraand provided agussfor jack but where was he skulking behind chain come here jack siid his master hold ing the glass oat to him jack retreated and as the door- opened he slipped out aud in a momcat was on top of the house hit muter called him down jack re fused to obey my friend got 1 whip and shookit at him the monkey contiaaed oa the ridgepole cits mister got a guar and pointed it at him jack slipped over to the back of tho building he then got two guns and had one pointed od each side of tha house- wheothe mojksyi jumped upon tha chimney adigot down it one ofr the fins and held on by hit forepaws my friend kept that raoukey twelve years afterwards bat never asked him again to taste whiskey ifvlaroaciri rwfaat a world cf misery- would be saved if human beings were as whe as that moakey editoe awitty professor hoods sarsaparilla positively cares even wbfla others fall it has a record of suc- cesses aneaxualied by auy other maiictae qa one occasion professor johnsluirt blackie chalked ori ihe blaclcboatd- in tlie leetare roomat- the dniversity ot edin burgh professor dlskie will not meet his classes todav an audacious student rubbed out tbe c io classes professor blakie diicovered the change and modined it faruarby ihe removalol the l fessbr blakie celebrated his poldcn wedding last mrfuth i

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