Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 16, 1893, p. 2

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hrwii vt uocvuodd on rutunuv ilh mvrelv the wife nf andrew hewat of trln dinrbten oc it ill born lji ciim fxee press thtirrdav mai1gh 1g 18113 notes and comments otji catltal letter dalto i mccarthy recommends tar iff baform an all night session ttho costly prohibition commission otes and comments there ii r rumor ihit lord dransey will come to cauali as buscetor to lord stan ley bat london enrreepoadenta itste that there is still every reason to believe that lord aberdeen will bs the next governor general ottjmi mar- 15 the most stirring event tj the wek at the capital vra the debate etterday upon mr uccarth78 tariff reform rewlntion the tpoech which mr mccarthy addressed to the home moving hii resolatioa wai well of the great expectatiop with which been awaited to judge by the jtalk an epitome of the world dolnff j during the week before worth it hai aciorin to the uteet cenfcas bulletin the women in ciusda live longer than the men in 13t1 there were 14430 deaths of males per ten ftiotmni lining malea and 13270 deaths of femalei per ten thousand livinc females in eugiand there is a similar disparity of those who died 46 pr cnt were under five years of aae while of the totu f 185w deaths 4310 were frosi old ae iverjtytbree peraom pasad th century mark the newfoundland legislature convened last week the governor in hia speech thaulel the people of the world for their contributions to the st johns fine reliel fandt he said the various newfoundland indoblriss were in a proepcrons condition ami announced the discovery of large de pout j of copper at little bay and of ooal and iron neir grand lake the revenue ehotb a lare earplus it will be devoted to the reorganization of st johns fire de partment and the reductipn of the public deb mr crowd id house and thronged galleries winch listened to it with ach anbroken attent oh from beginning to end it would bo considered an event f qnalio importanoe to the finance ministers budget spaech both i he ministerialists and the opposition follow sdt mr mccarthy from point topoint of his irgument with eqqal intentness he began by saying that fee himself bad been more r less closely connected andidentified with t ie beginning of the kational policy but tlat he had never been so extreme a memb ir of the straitest sect of protectionists aa to bold that protection should be made an unalterable principle of settled policy ineteit if being used only as a temporary econoi ic expedients sir john macdonald the father of the national policy wag not an absolute protectionist he was in the abstract a freetrader in fact hardly one ofthe originators of the national policy was ar outandont believer in the principle of protection as a permanent principle of policy policy gency the a deputation of cattle and shipping nieu had au interview with the cabinet satur day afternoon in reference to the prospects or this eeaeons cattle trade now about to open the deputation asked that mr mc- kachran chief veterinary inspector for the dominion government should be sent at once to england to personally nature the veterinary advisers of the british board of trade that there was no pleuropneumonia in canada mr bowell acting premier tid the government would communicate with sir ch tries topper by cable as to the advisability of bending over dr mceacb- ran except mr colby the national mr mccarthy said wta formnlat ed int law to meet a national cmer- it was not intended to be permanent rae was now come for the country a norwich druggist was fioed in october last for having allowed liquor to be drank by a coetomor on the premises contend- ing that under the act he had a right to give it for medicinal purposes he asked the common pleas tjivisional court at toron to to quasi the conviction the couri however unanimously refused bo to do holding that the druggists act was a violation of the lit dor liscense law the judgment therefore means that liquor cannot under aoy circumstances be drank in a drug etore at the conclusion of the judgment the dcoggibta counsel asked tee court for leave to appeal but this can only be ohisined by a certificate from the attorneygeneral i to decline that tf the manufactures devel oped b the national policycoold live in it at all md he did not see why they could not rfcjy oould live alone with only such proteel icm as might be necessary solely for reveno r he did not agree with theoppos- ition that the time for declaring this bad come ling ago and did not recede from the position he took formerly but if half a generation of protection was not long enough to establish these manufactures what period of time wab protection could opt be justified save when the bene fit to the people cbuoter balanced tbe finan cial burden imposed the present system bhould x abandoned and a return made as quickly aa possible to the more reasonable ay stem of revenoe tariff dr montague followed in a brilliant speech concluding with the expression that the cai adian people had enjoyed prosper ity too ong now to bs stirred up by buch hopeles t tirades aa they had just listened to ax all muut sebsion yea i 71 nays 120 such waa the an nouncement which clerk bourinot read to the house of commons at ten roinutea to six oclock last thursday morning the government determined to get the mani toba scciool question pressed to a division before bir john thompson left for europe that afternoon had pushed the discussion to a conclusion vet the result of it all was that five conservatives voted against the imperial authorities have made a demand upon the government of new foundland for the enactment by the colon ial legislature of a permanent measure carrying into effect the treaty engagements made by great britain with reference to the french shore question this request h likely to came a sensation among the colonist ub the understanding arrived at between lird salisbury and premier whiteway when the latter jvas in london in 1801 was- that before tbe expiration of the modus vivendi which lapses this year the whole question of the rights of french fishermen on the we3t coast of newfound land should bo referred to arbitration the colonial legislature is willing to extend the mode mendi but is opposed to any british legislation which violates the agree ment made with the colony two years ago and fctill demaeds arbitration the report of the auditors of actons finances of the past year ehowe our position to bo one highly creditable and satisfactory the cah receipts for 1892 were 10gu029 and the trecturer had 872511 ou hand at the cbse of the year the abeets of the municipality at a very fair computation are placed at 52501230 while the liabilities are some 1224 30 lee thus during tome twenty years fiiuce incorporation the successive councils have beer enabled by their generally care ful expenditure not only to keep tbe affairs of the municipality idgood coudition but line accumulated over 12og0in firstclass municipal property ov r and above all out standing debentures- actons financial standing is above the average which fact was clearly manifested last summer when a foremost financial inhtitution paid a premium of i20 on 85500 five per cent school debentures them the ministerial supporters who had the courage of their oonvictionbjvere meesra mccarthy obrien jeaanotte dogas i nd tier two staunch protes- tanta and three equally btauncb catholics it ii an open secret that the ministerial whip verc counting upon a majority of at least 551 and consequently the result wab tomewl at disappointing to them the months jinancls the statement of revenue and expendi ture foi february it published in satur days g vie the receipts were 2755- 7111 a filling off of 110537 as compared with february 1892 while the expenditure was wai 1082637 or 182637 more than last february the revenue for tbe past six moiths amounts to 24528392 ae againbt 23582760 the expenditure for the same period wai 21172730 last year in 727 tie addition to which there has been a capital eapendii ore of 227fio00 then raiiluirent ib 6ittdt1 parliament is sitting at ottawa an ight is displayed in the tower to be same period it wa- 21058 net debt ia 239400000 i when electric let the v orld know that canadas legibla- wrb are her majesty is to leave windsor for italy at ten oclock this morning and will arrive at florence about two oclock on tbe afternoon of saturday the ibthi the queen is to embark on board tbe royal yaht victoria and albert at the railway jetty in portsmouth harbor and bhe will croeb the channel to cherbourg escorted by the admiralty yacht and and the trinity houee yacht the queen will leave cherbourg on the night of the six- teenth ly tpecial traid starting from the port ft at ion at nine oclock after dining on board the victoria and albert and her mnjeity is to pasi round pans by the cuititure luilway und then procead-sonth- ward by dijon macou the mont cenis tittlne genoa spizia fnia prince and princess henry of battenberg are to ucrompany the queen to italy and her mhjeity will be attended by a suit of five pertoiji and about fifty servants at work and on all important occasion- the national ensign is lioieted on the rlagkle some englishmen have ixen asking why the union jack is never dis- playedii the building occupied by the im perial pirliament the answer giyen by the firs commissioner of works is inter esting westminster is a royal palace and therefore tbe royal standard alone can e hoibtd over it this can be done only when th fovereign ia within the building which is never except at the opening tor closing of parliament and very rarely even on hose occasions thus the ottawa building can sport a flag while the more important structure in london is unadorn ed in ths t way tie ifuiiinrnon vjimisshin a somewhat lively discussion sprang up 6n monday on an item of 15000 towards the expe leesof tbe prohibition commission it was b gun by sir richard cartwright who suggested that the official description was a m snomer the item should rather read amount required for salving tbe finance riinieterb conscience nd deliver ing the government from coming lo a decision which wonld involve some votes mr chai itoh who is always ou the watch for an opportunity to advance the temper ance catse asked how many years the house wo jld have to wait before the com missions report was pressnted would it be before provoked the ontario lfebftfara will meet on april 6fh the talottobt lxtilature wti prorojiaed on sitarjay prince bismark has suffered much from neuralgia lately the proceed of hamilton market fees amount to 9450 col jdenison will command this yeati rifle teftn at bisley tharsdty august 3rd will be canadian day at the worldsfair grasshoppers are swarming in the victa- ity of calgtfy n w t revdr andrew pacbody formerly of harvard college is dead the withdrawal of the british mmftter to bogota has been demanded fielah winfiem of wayne mich iiovar 100 yeara and in good health the new brunswick legislature was formally opened lest thursday all the prominent d s tretsary offiottti have tendered their resignation tbe writ for vaadreuil his been issued the election will take place ou april 12 the business part ion of beamiville was destroyed by fire last thursday morning a new gas well has been struck near ridge pray which yields 100000 feet an hour over fonr hundred settlers for manitoba and tbe nortbwet arrived at winnipeg friday george freelacd was killed in moaiph- inea portable saw mill at wetland last thursday j p bircbell was last week untnituoady elected speaker of tbe new brunswick legislature e q line of tbe incline railway wai fatally injured by fridays great ice slide at niagara falls a fare and a third good for one month will likely be the rate on canadian roads to tbe worlds fair rev dr tallage lectured at cookes charch toronto last friday night on the school for scandal mr w c munderloh german consul at montrealj died sunday in chiosgo while on his way to california 1 the greatest fires iu bostons history those of 1672 1869 and 1693 were all rang from the same box 52 president and mrs cleveland received princess kaiulaui of the sandwich islands at washington monday rev r g roviile pastor of the james street baptibt church hamilton will not accept the american call v m harvey hsb been selected by tbe liberals of east simcoe at tbe candidate for the coming ontario elections out of 019 employes in the publio de partments of the province of quebec there are 91 englishspeaking canadians mrs duprey of roche iter essex county is 105 years of age she was born in 1786 and has enjoyed good health up to tbe pre sent year charlea mitchell a well to do farmer of morrib towuship nar blenheim commit ted suicide sunday evening by cutting his throat with a sickle- president clevelaud haa cent to the united states senate a message withdraw ing tbe hawaiian treaty which haa been pending in the senate capitalists are negotiating with the manitobi government for aid towards building another railroad between winni peg and lake superior the ratepayers of niagara falls ontj on mfmday voted by 125 majority to grant 10000 more for high bchool purposes making a total of 26000 knox church ottawa on monday voted 1250 a half years salary to their pastor mr farriea who is leaving to- accept a charge in south carolina of the 4500000 lost by the boston fire on friday all but 400000 was covered by insurance three persons were killed and more than a score injured emperor william intends being present at the silver marriage of the king and queen of italy and while in rome vill beek audience with the pope the grand orange lodge of ontario west was opened at oranpeville taesday afternoon by the grand master r w bro nicholkon- over three hundred delegates had then presented their credentiila lincoln co miracle thfe terrible experience of a welltodo parmer em marrltt suffurs untold tonytold by a physician thit nly death could end hi suffar- ikgvhawns secured hn relee 1 om palnanxlous that others t houtd benefit by his escbsrlende grin br eadapdntaat h xroftaa wa bur the expraiioa hiltc ire nea fir sfir u farm o diipvtge- men bo ft ou be with rciay o oar wderc when they hair oc anything oeaa ttag it t duuaae ram home barter ing on the woadecfal they my piece littl consduae ia it tad evea if hey da beli re it lilow the putter iff pin cam thei miadt without leaving toy permea- eot mpreiciou not jo with looii ifftirt wha lay thing curuiag ooeon ia oat midi t itfuctiag people whom we ill know well every one ii ii ereited cad til i lis tail lot end evea eigcr or the mott m a- ate letiili for tome moatbc put thire hcv beta pabuthed ia the oalamnt of he fadt xmlanl rom time to time icooa it of emtrkcble cares mede by thitaow jaity tmoat inedioine dr williint piil pills for pile people possibly to ne of o r recdon heve looked apaa come of tbet i cocoaats u describing cares hig ily imp obcble if not impossible and et thiskboaldaot be the ocie for they cre til reached or by respecubls newipipert who coald htve no object in stiting other severe id difestes depending oa hamoi ihronio ery- sipelts ew plait pilis jgire i esilaglojs to pels cad tcllow complezloni cad ire s tpecifio or the peoiisr ja he femtle lyiiem end la ths cue of men they effect c rtdicct care ia cil asses iririog from meats worry overworfcj eta j these pills srs mtaadotated by thai dr ffiilismi medicine cjmpsayj ijrockvuh oat sad bcheneotsiyj n rsnd are soli oay iu boxes bearing the firms trade mux icd wrapper at 50 otsjc box or lir boxes or 1150 besr in mind that dtwoh iimt pink pills sre pever sold in balk orj by thedorea or haadredj aad say desler who offers labititales ia this form c tying to deraad yoa aad should be kbtded the pablio are alio ecatioaedsgsiait all otheri towelled blood boilders aad nerve tonics ao matter what asms any be given them they are ell imitations wliose mckirs hope to resp i pedaniary advantage rom ths wonderful repntafion tchiejred by drj william pink pilli la your desler or dr wulismi pink piliqr pale people and refuse all imitations snd abstitatee dr williams piak pflls msy be had of sit draggiats br direct by mttl rom dr williams kedloine oompsnyi from either address the price at which these pills are sold make a course of treatment com paratively iaexpensire is compared with other remedies or medical treatment death of lady mowat the ontario premiers partner lire succumbs after pain ful illness a dtpntatioii representing tbo dominion trades concrf gb jiai wailed upon the on urio ministry and urped a number of chancre in the laws relating to labour defects in the mechuniee lien law were ji ifitel ont and the act for the collection of wnes ty lolijc court procejb and the c mienblioi for injuries act were also ijcm by the deputation to need some amendment the attorney general prom ised that all these mtuers would bs looke 1 into the delegates preieed on the govern ment a rojuest for five members for toron to and a cumulative vote under which an elector inny cvt live votes for tho candi date of hu choice the lat request made was for a registration eystem for toronto in place of the present method of preparing the lists kir oliver mowat let the dele- cation into a little ministerial secret in staling that lie had bteri thiiikillgnf adopt- inesomo system of trikins the names of dead persons off the list w by week after reviiou u nreeut the craveyard from luviug reprekuttion at the polls on elnctioo days j in the brilislj uouieof common on mondy sir william vernon harconrt an nounced that the reading of the iriah home rule bill would be postponed until after katr the announcement ja re- ceived with cheers by the opposition tho next general elections thib mr fobter to reply the com- mission lad lie biid prosecuted its work with oil eiligent speed they had finished their woi k n oil tho provinces except ontario oid bad extended their enquiries to a portion of the united states he hoped anp thought that the report would be ready lor the perubal of members before next bcbsim mr chorlton retorted that the whole thing wub a perfect farce and ond tho evidence whb a mass ol rubbish ko enquiry was needed to prove that intem perance wub an evil or that it was in the power of the government to pass n prohi bitory lawj notlls it is id that before returning from europe si john thompson will visit rome to explain the nllegtions which have been made by ova scotia catholics with te- spect to b shop camerons interference in election co itests in aotigonish county in- sir johns interest mr cbo resolution deparlmen of day altc adjournmefj which was hii hot or owing to t toiiomo 14th mar lady mowat wife of sir oliver mowat premier of ontario died a few minutes before midnight for some years she buffered a great deal from asthma and rheumatism and hod travelled all over europe beside attending sanitari ums here in hopeof obtaining tome relief but without succe9j last friday she was struck down with paralysis and since then little hope was entertained of her recovery as she had very little strength thefamily were in almost constant attendance until the hour of her death lady mowat was g3 years of age end had been married for tg years she was the second daughter of the late john ewart of toronto she leaves a family of five mr fred mowat sheriff of toronto mr arthur mowat ma c b w biggar mrs thomas langton and miss mowat what lady macdonald was to bir john macdon- aid lady mowat was to ontarios premier who placed great confidence in her judge ment on many important matters of public oonoern the loss of hit wife after saoh a long term of domsttio happiness must bs a severe blow to sir oliver mowtt whose frieuds decplysympathire with him in his bereavement than the dots end who would be diiorkd- ited y their own rseders were they to j do so however seeing is believing end sir ein merritt of booth grimsby stands fortl tjday as living testimony to the wow erf ul curative powert of this not at ell o erestimated medicine dr williams pink pills haying heard thit a mott ta mer able care hid been effected ia the cue of mir ilerritc the editor of the udrxndtnl with that detire possessed jby motl oewtptper men or verifying thipgt com og under their notice retolvecj to in- ate the cue and satisfy himself u to ath of the ttory some dey ago he over to smitbmlle aad et once cell oa hr d w entrain druggist e forward business man whose word good et bit bond with ell who him mr eastman stated that he of the case of hr merritt end coo- tidetjed it a most remarkable one mr pelcber merritt had come to him one day and tsked him if be could give him any- thin that would help hit brother etra iter itt who wts suffering untold tgouy with pains in all bit joints hit back and bit heed mr merritt stated that hit hrot ler had tried everything end coold find nothing to help him and that the doc- tort ouldgive him no ease one doctor frou the united bute had told him posi ively that there was no help for htm and leath only oould tet him free frou hit egory mr merritt further told mr eeti man that hit brother wished to try dr williams pink pills and asked him it he hongbt it would be any ate east man advised him to try them as wi derf 1 cures had been worked by their mr tferrltt acted on his advice and tinu d the use of pink pills until he it 0 a we 11 man and sound as ever tl e editor then drove over to tee men itt snd found that gentleman sou id end leerty looking over hit cattle in lit farn yard mr eera merritt it a well- o- do fi rmer owniug two fine faratt about 3f mile i west of smithville in tho towntl ip of si nth grimsby when the newtpipir- man told the object ol bis visit hr men itt expressed hit willingness to give him che fullest perticnleri of hit case a id wecinnot do better then give it in tit own worde the first time i wit trou iled tald mr merritt wts on jt ly flrtt 18u1 we commenced hayingon that day mdl felt sore and stiff in all riy joints i cow believe the tronblp prigii- ated through my wtthingjsome eneep in cold water the proceeding april when i wen into tbe water and ttayed to long th tt whe 1 1 came out my legt were numb but i di i not feel any bad remits jintil july u ihejveeeid i gradually grew wprse n till could scarcely do any thing ikeptcn tryii gto work but it wit a terrible ttrngfle end he way i tuffered was something air- ful every joint in my body waa stiff end ntensely painful as time passed cn i gtidually grew worse tbe peine wei t into my back and at limes my agony wis almi it unbearable i hid tried all hone chad i remediea but without avail i then cons ilted a doctor but his medicine bad tio effec at the time ofthe smithville far a dc tor wit over here from the states and i consulted him he said my case wet hop iett and i need not expect anything botieetb to release merom mypaio as wint r came on the pain got into my heed and ny sufferings were something terrible abojtdark the pain would start about mj ear i ud work up until it retched tbe crowi of n y head at morning came on th pein iu mv head wonld mbside but thl howto get alnltaht picture 8end 25 sanlightj soap wrappers wrapper bearing the wards whydoe e womin look old sooner thin ehsn to lever bros ltd s scott st toronto and you will receive by post a pretty pto- tura free from advertising and well worth fremlag thisit ensuy wcyto decorate your home the toap it the best fa the market cniit will cost lo postege ia send in the wrappers if yoa leave the aads open write your tddrets caret ally a quarter dollar bays et the oatrter ttor- tweatysve king west hemiftaa oa come binctioa the following sxtrtordinsry per- geint j i 3 its choice itellea peel fori 25 superior wishing bodt or 8 excellent rice or j 8 superior leundry starch for 10 good cooking beitins for 0 packages corn starch for 0 lbs ccslce mixed bird seed or 25o 25a 25c 25c 25c 250 25o i monster bars good liuudry soap 25c hamilton boots shoes t aidiscount vhave loo much stoc ia this line for so late in the season the fact ib we ovet bought have bought largely again and we must have a place forthem besides we wanmoney to convinbe yoti that we keep the best goods we need only tell you we handle james j whitham- gos make thty are without doubt the best makers in canada our goods are all new fresh and clean we havent one ordiair in stock i i wei mast reduce- our stock and in order to do so havd decided to give a- j sjpeciaf discount of 20 per cent joji all sales in this department during february of course this discount is on cash sales only this is a grand chance to get your boots shoes at cost there is no plunder in it for us we are simply doing what every wise business man does when he has too much stoct tome and let ixs prove to you that we doas we iivertise j velopen this week iob pairslace gurtains also ibo curtain poles great value 25c each cor mill and ifain streets act0s ping by mail jtttiink for minute of the time and ex- pensc and burden of a riilroad i journey and then consider j that fhefft arc no difficulties in thevvayof purchasingrroods t by mail cither imaginary or real which cannot be over j conic if pfppcrcarc ifexcr ciscd marty who have becomg familiar- with the simple br tails find itoftentimcsilcss troublesome than shoppir- in person- thcf eaton ccy ltd m thfi sim limit tia 3btxiifbwts i5iv a lbijioo 0 75 0 60 20 lbsl t 6 0 0 50 to 85 six coffee lbt any cocoa torlt50 t 825 i 275 for 8100 t 175 i 150 125 kind o t etc or tl00 bronchial syrup is a most soothing and fi heaimg- remedy in allcasesrof covabsuuicdlds bojcrsxxxsswdsosjstesoat j try a bottle orily 55c v prepared by company 0 its currants or 7 superior tapioca for 1 so cakes toilet soap for 15 lbs best baking soda for 7 binelog for 7 extra qualitv sago for 9 nice fresh biscuits for 6 bores lucifer matches fori 12 btrt electric soap 12 boies hatchet t lbs tea i bdioltolftca cotcpant 15if7kicg street watt south tide near thl bank of btmuton bamutoa jajiesbotcheok v i i idrurvtvor ud ctvu emtueer j- oaal sxuotala t l mowsts itaedonniu fj- stratelfh wanted tuueoiatelt t food j alt- at bask oi htmilt sent aarrant i bamutoa luwk houfeeandlot j for sale the graybill manufacturing co m waterloo ont j uanueiotoeebs of baiik office school lodge and opera ifarnittire the oxfoeo adtouitic e your ey0s tesrep by an experienced optician we give you plenty of now the christmas business is over 1 j our mrcuferhou8e is spoken of as one ofjthe bejst opticians in caakda ill savaigbq6 i- j 1 opticians jewellers guelphl the otidenfened desuaes to stll lit oiuat and lot bh asnes street lot 8 block w acton tnd live ikatldljis lou on lake avenue tb hoote it tviotaloitable routh east ol six rooms- tnd net t stable on tbe jot for pertleulirt sari for sale mhe undersisned ietlru to rent or stll lbt l farm us 1 lot m con j esqueaing ntar acton nfttaeiee- fullpartieularnrulbesiteii upon tpplfeatton to fareicklju or vfixrhew tjik bockwoodr ooalpb salesman wanred enebqeti man wanted lex helton county to adrtrtlte ud take oners for tit latest invented ud improved gltetrloal appll- tnoes for the eura o disease salary 0 ft month and expenses ko eeperlracenseestary fstmeneat employment send ttetap lot par ticulars ud application form bnssu putt a coltoyone st toronto ont t i john speight o hoi on monday introduced a in fnor of closing the canadian the worlds fair on bun- debtto mr daly moved an t vi rtnaflyblling the resolution arcied by 70 to ai votes judge barrett walkerton leiignation of judgeeingt- mill bru anty has been promo ted tolhe linierjudeeship and mr b klein q p walkerton a german by descent end a roman catholic has been appointed tt th junior jodgeetiip mr w w fltirreld q c of london hat been tpplointed couoty judge of welland hanged himself in his barn a richmond hill farmer tired of life a sudden death in toronto toionto march is robert graham a richmondhil farmer committed tnlcide on friday by hanging himself in hit stable etrly in the morning he rose telling his wife be conld not rest he kitsed hit wife who wts in poor health and went out about ten oclock some neighbors found hit body hetigreg in the barn deceased had beeu troubled for tome time over a note which he had to pay and for which he iosisted he wsn not responsible tbe affair preyed upon hit mind end the con clusion wtt general that he was temporer- ily insane when lie put an end to his life a pirasitis sense of health and strength renewed end of ease and oojnfort follows tbe nse of syrap of figs as it acta in htrmouy with nature to effectually cleanse the system when cos tive or bilious for sale in 75c bottles by all leading druggists jllnnrdsunlmcnt relieves xeanlgta pain ia the rest of my body never left me end et last 1 grew so bed- that when woul 1 lie on my back i could not get up to save my life without attsittance al thou h i had not lost ray appetite i became i week to bad that though i could wall iron id i could not stoop to lift a pound i bee tme to week in thit wty that x go ditco iraged end lost ell hope of ever gettin j bette it wis about this time that i heart of th wonderful cures by the use of dr willi imt pink pills and mr eastman ol smitiville advised that they be given a trial my t rotber got me a bos end i took tlietnj but elt no good results i took still anotl er box end still noperceptible benefit end 1 felt so weak and discouraged that i decid id not to take any more at this time t lady from hamilton came to visit at ou place end the strongly advised me to coi tinue uilng the pink pills she had know i mr marshall of that city and knew that i li case was bona fide i thought it ubelei t to continue bat at the urgent toll citati ins of my friends did to end by the time i wts through with the third box i began to eel e benefit from them thit gevece hope which did not again wcver es i jund myself steadily growing better and ot attuned the use of pink pills until now i em et well et ever i was in my life i kno v that it was pink pills that caved me wl en all else had failed end i heve no object oat whatever to having the ttory of my cu e being pabf ished et it msy be the metnijof helping tome other sufferer beck to health snd strength and gladness mr merrit farther said thtl hehsdnowuofesr of e hi rd days work cad has not htd the slights i return of the paint or he stiffness iathe otnts beta rnlag to smithville the editor sgsio celled i poa mx eastman and was informed by thai gentlemen tbet his tales of pink pills w ire something enormous mr mec- ritts a re having something to do with tlie inerets i in tales ictely there ere other eases ilso ia this vicinity little less thsa oat of which wa may tpeak icier dnt fail to get our estimates bend for circulars ud catalogues latest improved and perfect ed school desk furisrrtfre urkoehtrking our htookof furniture it now complete for the spring trade cod we can tupply any i ftiole you want at tho lowest possible prices we dont steal oar furniture nor defrs id enyjone in its manufacture bub we pay cash for it cad cca sell tt low for cash es fi dealers ioj the trade i we can give you a t i bedroom setegmpteta for4 i wove mattresses for 4 x i springs for p sideboards at cost j lounges for j50 extension tables sr60 j j chairs at any price j j undertaking v i 1 i i ins of cofnt cukets rices etc always m stock wc cca give yoa at to prices we desire to impress upon the pablio the set that wa have ao r th any combination endoht prieerere not governed by the tjndertcksrs we loan give yoa the best the merksts efford et very rectoacble prices good hearse arid outfit for funerals- bpioht- son jmokfiytqloak t7isl or rlllaga property at recsonabla rates jc apply to o uclffak helbak town ball aeton arain wanted tee undenftued it prepared to pay the wh- eat cub price for ill kinds of sraia deliver ed at hit nrsboou at a i b station acton johh b cobby wanted atone 8ifmu in ewyvcoaatrforoot choice ntje8eht sto0k ud atrr ttrlum seed pot 4t0efl biltty or commiiiiba sttstdy emslorment mdjixxlptr bend for itttoi 1 hookekghovzlctt cgr- koriflrrmtia nad stsedipasl bocbater ny wanted a abktfl to sell oar choice eadhardr ksn x wit stodt we hare many ntw ud special vatfattas both in fmtssafid ornasdtstalt to offer wbioh ire controlled ooly by- oa wt lr eommlelon ot telary write as it once for terms ud secure cboioe of territory may bbothebbnoraerjmtn boehetter nt jobprffltiivgfr tkcludiko books ptmphleu posters bui 1 heedt clrealsrt fte ac executed in tht bt style of tbe art at moderefe prices ud ou hort aotioe apply or addreaa npmoobb i fen fust oibee aotcn sli marvej oa dr iliiems piak pills ere e perfect blood i adder cad nerve restorer earing such iieates as rheametitm neuralgia pcrtisl pcrtlytit locomotor etcxis st vitas dmce nervous headache nervoos prottrt tioo end the tired eeling therefrom the eft ireffeots of la grippe inrlaeaa cad the success of c ir milliaory depdrtment ju the paat is well kiiplvu to all we rprrj naither expense thought nor effort- in producing millinery thltihaju ecell in every partibtthnil hqt eon- tentwith this wego mrthe r and ensure our custowrv miftihery not only the beat of ia lind and the most stylish hut different from thatto be found elsewt bral all this odded to excellent wprfcmaa- shtpj will tnaintaitl oar eidership ia this department- tho time of ye r paying arrived for the spring iflllinery opejiings at the tore tta wholesala jiouses the various milliners from this and other citi jin odfaciojihave paid their semiantiual visit there each one gel eting a parcel of goods varying slightly if at al t from that of her i eihbpr i our hiss kelly sile 1 from new york by the britaiinic on february 1st arriving ul liivternool on the 9th after spending 15 visiting the yarijas niillinery centres tu the old country raakfng selections fromlhi fc rempst millinery manufactarere inkue world shecomplotedhjf tnrchases in time to sail frorri- liverpool on the 25th by the serlia caching nev- york about march 4th she jwill remaiu in kitr york for a few days to parehase iny american novelties shejniy jpnsider desirable andwilllheu return hdm we promise oi r iustdrcerg a range of choice th millinerv this spriiig that will bor is i ahy previous showing i j oar new goods a a lotting rapidly to hand wi hare now 30 crises of goods m bon it the station here which we shall pass out in a few days when wa willbe ready for our ispridgittade the only one priced ykm go i iy coods stbrfe in dliesitlph thb odeuu type writer flcoitf will bev lbeodili-type- epiu wsite8wttb t8 characters ar- ruud to do better t work then aarmaehiot made it combines snspttcnt with dciiuiutt iriid run or opxsutiox wean longer with out cost ot repairs than any other mubloe baa no ink mbbou to bother the operator it la xut smuterrux aiekejputed perfect ud tdapted to ell kinds of typs-wtuliig- like a printing press it produces sharp clean legible manuscripts two or ten eopleteene medt tt one writing any intelligent person can b- coma ao operator lotodars ws oosr ilooor g env operetor wbo ten equal ths work olthe bellable agents and btletmen ruttd spec ial indacatoentt to dealers irornemphlets glvint indoretiuenta etc odill type wprrsr 00- boom 94 canada uis building toronto rwruthtrtortu mgtte dotbitucm 3teel engkaing8 proof etching colored heturee itoom and plctora mooldlnsa 1framei i ivoby oak oixt artists matbriatsl m oek of winter 4 kewtous hake donble tubes boney loo i s deep photo fretnet complete nc i feet conilot pols brass rittukke our wall papa are laid lo be th best uleeted to tbe city tefisbros isn 8tj2l5h sstabubhih st qioeobs squaai whet fiord estence is beet to heal the woands of c loveri hecrt f essence o lalips why laoald yoa never try lo octoh a iifiottaln t beoaaeeiu tea to cuts if yoa dooctohjt a i mjb8gbm i -ijii-

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