Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 16, 1893, p. 3

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tnd of i lbo pact tcb bank of hamilton headojtioe hamilton curralpild ct- ucctan fjkd tubxdutx citaicr uxom kjoooq h 6 6teven i asst clinic directors jonx stewtrt prostdant a o iuksav vlcelte jobs raoctott cut qcevxtorokoicit atwood a blee georgetown agency notes d1couued and advances made on oil ialm tmurltle daim on all parti o cix- adane usrnm 6tct qsjut liarrir and th coktikext of ecaom bourbt and tola colltcnoksmue on all accessible point on molt fstorafcle terms savikob rsfartuent darotrrs reeclted ol 1 and upwards and in tetmt allowed from date of deposit to dste ol withdrawal special deposits also received at current rates ot interest ko notice ol withdrawal required ji10vixcnt the methodist church aotok rev joseph edge pirtontcboireratcno iublicsrtife10j3fam buodny icboolfcso biblftcuxccaaductdbytbe mutor aiieosilallylntited btruicn fttid visitor tjvivj4 welcome at- otwo usber it the door wfleredoyoubuy a man brought in a pair of spectacles to be repaired of course they will break that is not the point it ishhe price paid for them we want to call your attention to said party told us they cost him 1150 he boogbt them of a pedlar we showed fairs exactly tbe tame kiud of spex onr price ic do you buy of pedlars we on lire yoo dollars and oens orvr rs a cxix geo hynds acton ont betdqtitrters foe spectacles thursday march 1c 169st little local brieflets which caught theeyee or ears of free press reporters this weak st patricks day tomorrow eqainoxial gale are now blowing the easter millinery opening are being arradred or tbe day and nigh will be ol jaal length next toetday regular meeting o municipal council net monday evening sbamrocka in tbe moroinq tbe time- honored seventeenth divieion coart cession here today judfie snider will preside col allan has favored the fitte peess with a number ol ioterestink old country papers ptbe y p 8 c e of knox church have changed their night of meeting to tboreday at 8 oclock pmr 0 stall who u at present in rochester n y bu favored the freiv part with interettinfi dailies of that city the c pj r station the aide of a silent mostly of ft every the news at home local charactar and tarn trvtaroatlne t chtnfttf piipeetyiad kesrfcfece mr h iutt ihahti pntchami trim mr robert uc re the lot and dwelling on ifefn street pposlte fairview avenue and hat remov d thence mr llooro will shortly retnotja to a arm at crewtooe corners mr wallace lathy hti rented the farm ot tsit alex h broicn juttout- lda the corporation limits ho will move on to tho place ahortly mr edward kioklin will move to the house now occa- pid by mr lathy va mill and wellington streets aod an hall esq will leave his arm residence and occupy the homo fa which mr nicilin is now living a word of cutioa bogus t2 bils are in circulation in some places and we tat this opportunity to warn our tubribcre one waa paid to a lady over a coontcr in a neighboring town last week tbe bill had the appearance of being well worn though the bogus part was very easily detected instead of tho words dominion of canada across the ace of it in large letters is the line pro vince of canada people are eo much in the habit of simply looking at the denomin ation of bank bills indicated by the largest figure that they scarcely ever look at its face but take onr advice and examine every j2 bill yon may save ft couple of yeara subscription to tlio fnre pkess the sew jutdba wheat a bulletin has just been iitued from tho central experimental farm giving the re sults of various experiments made with ladoga wheat by farmers millers and bakers tbe general result is that the flour produced from tbe grain is of a yellowish color inferior to that produced from the red jfyfe variety the toronto miller who xperimented with ladoga bour says th it tbe bread made from it was unfit fo torodto jtrade and adds that uo baker who tested it could be per suaded to buy the flour afterwards even at a considerably reduction in cost from the price of flour similarly made from no 2 hard manitoba mr sawders says that tbe ilea ot growing ladoga wheat for ex port or get ral home trade bnald be abaudoned jut thinks the flour of the ladoga makes bread suitable for home use and that it an be grown on the indian reserves wliere a yellowish tnt in the bread is not i matter of much tignificaqce vicmmmd i their own game the brampton conservator thus exposes the uiistortut e of a father and son in peel county who were anxious to gat rich suddenly by swindling others but who were ihemce vea badly swindled father and son well known in the southreu part of the county have been swindled out of 500 on a tteen gnoda transaction the proposilop vaslhst 67 wo would fce given for 500 and an additional n000 for travel ling expenses annans to mike money tbe twain lift for a small town in york fitatt to mee ibeir benefactors after ei- aniiniug the goods they expressed them selves as perfectly satisfied the amount was then as tbe purchasers believed placed in a small satchel and after receiving the information that if it waa opened before arrivinc in canada all hands would bo ar rested 9500 p good canadian money was paid over the sharpers escaped and tbe deluded piir started for home after icav- tbeevangelistio services in the metho dist cbnrcboontinneekch evening fruitful resulla have thus far characterized the servicea the waterloo curonicle bas been en larged and improved under mr beans management rbe chronicle bas abundantly prospered constant reader should have signed bis name to the communication sent tbe fcee feces that would have saved it from the waste basket georjf thorpe ofgoelpbsbippedlast week five cara of potatoes to different points in ontario mr thorpe predict that the price cf potatoes will fall soon sacramental services in koox church on sunday were well atteoded rev ur iue preached impressive sermons tbe preparatory sermon was preached by rev mr linton of malton on saturday morning the oonstant drop of water weara away the hardest stone tbe oonstant gnaw of towcer muticateclhe bar ject bone the constant oooing lover carries off the blush jag maid and the fceepecss advertiser is ihe man who gets the trade anniversary mittiossry eervioei were condacted on everton circoic last sunday by rev h b christie with most enjoyable results the missionary offerings of the brick church were double those of last year and everton is also increased a commercial etcbanga advises far men as follewa pock holds np well but he balk of farmers pork has not been mar keted those who yet have nogs should market them without dalaj by holding on money will likely be lost to the farmer one of the representatives of the milton pressed brick co was in iown last week and stated to the feet paxsa that he had sold mora hrick in acton than any other place of its size in the county there will be eonsiderablebailding here the coming season missionary services will be held in the congregational cburcb churchill tomor row evening addresses will be glveu by rev b b williams geelpb rev dmc- cormick georgetown aod rev chas duff m a toronto rev i b doffthe pastor will preside tbe spring announcement of the mutnmoch house georgetown will be- foood in another oolcmn the many new goods jnrt opened will be found particularly attractive this spring wm bfcleod co clsim that customers cannot be rved cheaper or better anywhere else the probabilities are that through the influenw of mr jmes innes member for south wellington and mr henderson memberforhaltonatriweeklymaileriee wil i be arraugel to armstrongs mills speed- side oustio and shuoh two mails a week are now the postal communication to these places if the new arrangement comes into foice the mails will likely be delivered every tuesday thartdey and saturday which will ha a great convenience to tha people in that section guelph uercurn the country around newtttamc8upplld by corres- oondants and exohanges i a8hqeove miss maude mcgill oferia it vtsllfag her cbasln hits beladtct mist ethel jones slreetsville is he guest of friends here the misses branrnridge ot omagh arr gtkits at ur wm flihets miia flora holme o ksiugaweya ft visiting at mr j h jitions tha bona of temperance will hold an open meeting oh march 2uh then will ba an elocutionary contest for which a silver medal will be awarded aboia a dozen coaleatania- wilt cuter tha lists and rcadee mlectioua which they hata seen cndt tha previoasday the fortunate winner of the silver tnedil will have tha chauca of competing for a gold medal at the district division here in may vocal and iniunmenutl music etc will also ba among the attractions it is with regret that wa bear of the coming removal of mr wm mcdowell and family who have rented the farm of mr wm brown scotch block edenmills tbe social dance held in the hall on the evening of the fourteenth was a success there being over 1g0 people present mr dawson of puslinchhu bought the farm ot the late eraanoel dufseld price t5m0 he took poseetsioo last saturday jaa b anderson has sold his driving mare td wm andersoo of acton john grieve and family are leaving for ajkell where they will reside in future a ycuug man in this village without any reaiou as far as is known suddenly diap peered on the momiagof the 1ith inst and as he didnt tell anybody where be waa going and not having returned up to the present some anxiety is felt as to his safety his employer has been looking for him hut can get no trace those who tnrneel ont on the night of the 18th inst to hear the phonograph con cert were again fooled this is tbe seoond time that the same concert was to take place here and each urns the phonographic didnt pot in in appearance probably mr laing will sometime explain the reason for his abaenoe hill was selected as a safe place to divide the booty when to their consternation they found that instead of the 8600 the satchel contained a piece ot brick and a quantity of brown paper wild with rsge and disappointment they at once returned tohe telegraph office where they discover ed for tbe first time that tbe whole affair waa a swindle there i itoaey in dalrylat asa hintto thefarmingcommunityas to tbe profit in cheesa and creamery business we copy tha following interestingitem from the stratford btacon in these days of low prioed vheat and other farm products it is interes ing to look at the following ex cellent recc rds that have been made by some of tic patrons of the black creek factory ni ar stratford during the past season the factory began operations on 16th- of a ril and closed on tho 18th of november and during that time j arbo- gist sent milk from 6 cows and received ff863 av rage 5603 per cow jas cann sent milk f om 4 cows and received 19982 avers ging h978 per cow p arbogast sent rhilk from 9oows and received 385i9 averaging 14278 per cow r fraser sent milk from 8 cows arid ireceived fllc88 averaging 33 80 per cow g bald sent milk froral 12 cows and received k0077 averaging 13840 per cow mr arbogast whoheads he liit beats au previous records as far as we know for this part ofthe it4 k- is certainly a creditable record hut is only a few dollars more per cow thanhe has been receiving for some years past and is theresultoflbreeding and feeding f o a special purpose he having kept consl antly in view the production of milk miarbogistnjfond8usthatdariifi tbe past i eason ho fed onty 25 worth of bran and chopped oats in addition to grass is there not a good opening for a dairy business i i this vicinity an ixopoxrant connlj- xadurlry while ii oskville recently a- fbee peess representative was shown through the extensive manufactory of messrs bale jl- marlatt the attention otthis firm is principally given to the manufacture of book binders and fancy leathers and travelling bits but they alsotnrn out large qnantitiei of suspended purses pocket books crcket and foot halls ladies belts and various other leather goods their factory i i well appointed sbpplied with the most approved machinery for the exe cution of firstclass goods and employs a large stab of workmen both of men and girls mr w d frick who occupied a similar position in acton trunk and valise factory por several years is foreman of the travelling bag department and under bis supervision all the latest and most popular styles dt bsgs are tnrned out messrs sale i ifarlatt have a wide rtpotatios foe goods both in leather and manu- of that important staple and that krfatchbull the robins ire around again also the woodchueks are ont after their long rest during tbe winter modths everything points to an early spring the last week hastiktao good deal of the snow away andput the roads in poor shape for teaming the apple buyers are around again buy ing and packing the farmers winter fruit for shipping but the apples are very scarce now as a lot of farmers sold all they had in the fall the special rfices which have been going on at the ebeneier church the last three or four weeks were closed on thurs day evening rev jas harris of guelph preached the closing sermon the meet ings have been marked with success and much good was done tbe farmers are busy these timee in ge ting oat theirsupply of summer wood co and hauling wood is tbe order of tho miss jennie haw and mtsselicn taj lot of snatchbull spent a few days at mr mc- cuens of york rood guelph township ting day dublin we can scarcely give you as much news as might be obtained from dublin in the land of shamrocks but we will endeavor to impart a little of our gleanings one way to get news is by travelling but the roads are in such a strange process of transition that they are not very ajtrac- tractive either for equestrians or pedes trians i there is lots of snow if it were evenly distributed j tho arithmeticrule has been reluctantly observed viz before proceeding to multi ply first invert a couple of our farmers tried this last week between the school house and the second line the roads are ex tremely bad tho result was their sleighs lost their equilibrium and instead of the wood being on top of the sleighs the latter were on the top of ihe wood a very pleasant evening was 6pent on the 10th inst at the residence of james scott esq 8rd line there wars quilting bee in the afternoon and in the evening a large number of people assembled to shower their oongratuiatiqna on the second son thomas who had reached his 25th birth day in the spring the young mans fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love the redbreasted authentic heralderof spring has visited our vicinity once more we sincerely hope fee has not migrated in his sleep it is very early yet and wo have strong reasons o believe that bis plumage will be raffled daring winduary mr relatii ur coming anp going visit ra to and prom aoton smd vi rfous other persona notes hn allabrdl nelson visited friends here i his week un droreu spent tha week with retaj- lions t medina henry tcvelt ot walkwion vfsitei es in acton daring tha wk and mrs stewart of georgetown vtsitct meads ben daring the week minnie styert of nisssgaweys uh spent khe week with acton friends mr f e deitcb who has bean at cay uga f c several weeks returned home on- fridar mr robert sattoo left on monday fox johni own n y where ha has secured a good lituallon mr h b mccarthy of eort hope was a gue t at the home of mr d henderson m p this week go iph boardjof education hat increas ed tt i salary of mr t james moore teach ir to 1150 ur 0 w hill photo artist of muaroe mich spent a few days during the week with kctoa friends t ufa jessie moore of dopkitk n y has men visiting friends a actoa and vieia ty tbr several weeks rer r j m gltstford of street sville has ken invited a chalraers church quel ih at a salary of 1000 mi i john h crippa of maple grove fern erin returned home last week after visitigfrfends at hamilton and duudu m is jessie uckabb who has been uade going treilmeot in toronto general hosj ital far several weeks is not improv ing bt v j w raa goes fobcaraptoa today to oc oduct a sunday school institute under the i aipieea of peelsanday school associa tion j it is repotted that rev j j dobbin torn erly of caledon east who was locked np a an insane asylum at kilameioo micl a few months sgo is dead mrs dob lin is an inmate of toronno insane asyl m i si john abbotts health is not in a mac 3 belter condition than when he first took up bis residence in southern italy in v ew of this the expreraier of canada his tedded to return to canada and on mar h 11 he will leave genoa m w w buchanan of hamilton has beet invited to deliver an address at the wot di temperance congress in chicago in j me so fjrj3oly two canadians are on the irogramme the minister of education for intario and mr buchanan m edward b ntcklin who has been in glo ersville k y for several years has retu ned with his family to canada md will go into tho manufacture of several spec al lines of leather at stewarttown it ia with regret we make known to onr readers that mr william tyler erins sge and respected justice of the peace is at pro nt very ill and bat slight hopes cf his re very are entertained ha waa ttkep witl a fainting spell while attending t his dot es at division court last week sue hid to b a conveyed to his home in a ontter ad ocatc 1 idge klnesmill of biuce who has per- fomed the daties in connection with hal- ton judgeship daring the vacancy hti sent in 1 is resignation to the government and inti nds to move from walkerton to tron- to for over 26 years judge kingsmi 1 has bee i senior judge ofthe county ml has esb hlished for himself an enviable rejputa- tioi as one of the ablest administrators of the laws of canada among its county judges an ittclpteat firey i ast sunday morping about two oclock the watchman ot the works of aoton tan nin co aa he was going his rounds found tbi t a quantity of bark dust under the con- vevoc chain was on fire he did his best to xtiognith it but found that it contin ues to smoulder at a point which he could no reach without assistance mr miller tbi manager was notified and by cutting aw ly a portion of the wall the sro were su dued thecanidian order of foresters is a fraternal i snsvoleot 8ooiy incorporated in 1870 sad registered ander the insurance corporttioi s aot 1802 of j ontario the objects of tbe society are- to furnish its members nth blok tnd ft aeral benefits and an insurance of one or two thousand dollars tha payments for thasa benefits range from jaboal one dollar to one dollar and fifty oenu per month according to the age of tha member and the amount of the insurance carried the tnerjiberihlp is composed ef men only sad whan admit ted nay most be between tha ages of eighteen and fortyfive the present num ber of meinbers i over 10000 an tha society hi j a cash surplus on band for ihe payment oflths insurance of over 1215000 150000 of illicit is in dominioa of canada bonds and ha balance is invested in he beat monetary institutions at he domin ioa in sddttioa to hishe local courts have about la half a million of dollars in their treasuries for hypayraeut of the sick and federal benefits the high secretary ofihe 0 rlr ii ur thomas whiteof brantford and ittsexpectedthat a court of this popular and purely cant dim society will shortly hiorganhsedhere g5s on13 enjoys lotli themetod and results wheii fiyrnpof figs is taken it ia pieasanfc and refreshing to tho tasteand acta f itlyyetprompllyonihekidnayb ver and bjvpcj cvp tha ays- 2m effecttiilydisp3c2l2t head- aehes and fevers and 0uk3 habitual constipation syrup of figs is tha only remedy of itj kind ever pro- dnced pleasing to tho tsst naac ceptahleto thobtomachpi ptirt its action and truly bccoial ia its effects prepared only iora the most healthy anaagreeablosuhjtanccs iis manyexcellentqualiflcr caamendit to all and have mado it the most popular remedy known i j syrup of figs is for sale in m bottles by all leading druggists any reliable druggist wio may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any onoiwno wishes to try it hant fectured j only by the california rxakfkk i ujtj1sv1xl3 rs sjfhdp co nnciaii phqtjts taken griphy at night why not have grou taken iq the livening in your own parlor ih bto8dyri48 x ousands thou ands a xra thousands of dollars of goods b re bee i cleared oat daring he ad- precede led tt sit of ha past two weeks bach s whirl of business has not been known and t oar shelves are full o overflow ng 4hera are piles upon piles still to 1 b dear id oat before oar purpose is reached j we ioli yon at the outset that bur pa pose first and foremost would be la make a laaranee o jibe entire stock ajt goods w th the evidence of i l fip smoke or water i i l upoi heui mast be oleared thits oar purposi and we spare no sacrifice i to i a his e are well backed up by ihe iosur- ince c upaalas sadcaa ibord to cat he prises and we its doing it u everybody knout sacft k catting of prices on every single i dole in the house we venture jo say ha ool been madefor many a day in iguelpb competition is completely j stag gered iffiedjaway behiui in the race and aw illy out ot breath goods at l5 and 15 mtaoilhel of coarse completely jpsrslyi all kttempted of position we were it victims ot the fire oat yon ate the gainers ly he bargains we give in order to cles ont ot c stock before commencing the ret vatioo and enlarging of our prem ises fart sr red- radons aacaany lines are in order f t this week snd wa invite your coattht d pail ooaga for oar q eat fire clearing e 4 4 x mantles t jackets i still a nunaber of ele- j gant garments- almost 1 perfect in material but damaged j awfully damaged in price furs furs everything in furs at your own price if you are reasonable ahout 1 k at all they must i gi dress g00ds have you seen the amazing value in b lack cashmere at 50c every pieceof dress goods cut in pricey to clear i overcoats at 2 and j- upwards andall clottf- ing at a sacrifice cbzjlp prists cbxap cottoxs cxapsitctss c8zap saextdte cheap rrckwff cheap rtaksels d imaged linen sale continues all this week lbbolleptsgo tfou a as faith in advertising 4 hacking a successful business man in pc rt hope writes to the berlin kfict as fo loirs wa- hive immente faith in mi dable4cnthfal attractive and frequent ly changed advertisement pnt in a proml ne it position in a good live newspaper in otr opinion there is no other mode of u vertlsing equal to it there is uo money invested by the merchant that produces 1 d reproduces such golden results and no pirminent 6uccets can be received without it rockwood buy jsurgroerries fresh andtiewand canadian and american coal oil at t h hisniaaa j t a- kasoo has moved this week into bis new store corner mill and mein its and in thanking bis nuroeroas customers for their liberal patronsge sinoe opening up business two years ego in actoo wishes for a eoatfijaance of that support heretofore given jl am now opening np a large and choice j stock of crockery and glassware which vtll be well worthy of your- inspection ety prices will be low as asual i have always made it a point to dasu liomstly with my patrons and by keeping the beat ajoods and selling atdose prices paying strict attention to my btwi- nets i am anticipating an increased trade superior fstaurcs their ba iotas is constantly increasing is a matter i f aatistaction to them as well as to the peor la of the county who have an inter est in lie prosperity ot the industries with in its b irders soch so instigation is of roach slue to otkvifle as a county ballon ias become noted for its manufac tures of leather and leatber products we refer a ve to oakvilles prominence in this iiuv milton has its fine new shoe factory and its big cordovan tannery georgelown bis another shoe factory of long standing- titewarltowns tannery is being put into operation again and acton ia known as the leather town with its two glove factoriesone the largest in oanadi its four tanneries embracing tbe diverkilied manufactures ot sole leather bsrueiii and shoe leathers all classes of glove eethers including buckskin ante lope scd the finest lines of kid there it nothin like leather j death has agalii entered ode of our village homes mrs andrew hewatdied on saturday night at 12 oclock after a weeks i illness jeavingone child and the husband to whom she had been united leas than a year to mourn her loss mr hewat bas the heartfelt sympathy of the enjire community in his sad affliction mr ralph richardson metwith aserioas accident on his wiy home from luther on saturday last while driving along the road ineompany with john laverty they met some teams on a partof the road where it waa impossible to tarn oat or past haying to back up a short distance to a wider jart of the rooid mr richardson got out and lifted the rear part of the cutter while mr laverty took the horse by the head and backed the rig out ot the way while doing so mr richardson was acci dentally struck on the eye by a part of the cutter with such force as to injure it very seriously it is feared he may lose the use of one eye altogether dr dryden is confined to the house with a slight attack of la grippe lie john lundy returned to his home at niagara falls on monday morning rev 3 w hitching of erin preached in tho if ethodist church on sunday evening mr kingsbury teacher read an excellent paper on tobacco et the meeting of the epworthlemotviayevemiig i mr george a- stout is much better several of the young ladies of the village have formed a dorcas society robins were seen in the vicinity ot the station a few daya sinoe the harbinger of an early spring mifsywm cowan of kosbaro returned home on friday last john o stall left for the canadian north west on tuesday morning auction sale men of business you cannot afford to have your office si antily supplied with stationery of an in- fi cior grade first impressions are strong a id yooc basinets methods will ba judged b r yof r business forms when the highest g radelof printing can be had at as low a p ioa aa the poorest grade yon should get tie best the farx paras job dept is lied with modern facilitiesfor the highest c lata o work call write telephone or t ilegrarh to the acton feee prees fas lionable west en 39 upper wvndhkkstrbb headquarters for stylish suiting overcoat and sty if fowantfirttlaaagaalphsashand doorr tt guajpb ptieea t esaxot can fillyotf order at hia planing mill- wtirtroottx 29th march sslo of stock and implements tha property of sinclair bros lot 8 con i erin sale at oclock wa holstezrr auctioneer uoxsit roiieco attention is called to tha card in eoothec column of w 8 jackaon realtateloaail fninranes egwt-ooiipk- ings trowserings andnev ish gentlemens furnishings xew qoods arnvlnat vuly lupectinu invited my speialityjeerfectfit ting pant to order 406 e e hbl80n usrcbaut 1 ldor and uenta furnisher 9 9 nipper wyndham st ouelph guelph thenetv mbitjiaeket ostjdill his been in bntluessui acton looe enooah o tad lust wuefl people srs supplied with ttrst- fresh meats falitettief a b scrl waoffercnirahabflictobohid sad s con wqaaactsi aavnjort c piroatja which i sboat oar hiubwt miclptio l simply awful worst case of scrofula the j doctors ever 8aw oeispletelt ourtd 6y boobs saitsasajullx when i was tor 5 years oldllisd aserof- ulai sore on the middle saner ot my left hand wufeh sal bad hat hs doctors eat he injer air nd later took off more am halt my hand then lie sore brake out pa my arm cants out on my neck and face ort both sides nearly deslroytug uie sljht ot ne eye slso onlmy riglit dociori sjl4it was uie five itay ngnt arm uvcuii 111411 a worst case of 8orofuia v ever saw it wasslaasilr awfal e years ago i bejaii to take hoods sarsiparilla gradually i found that the soreijwere bejln- nlnr to lieth i kept an ill i lad taken en tatfm seat ltars jiiit uak ot wliat a return i rotfor tut taveitmentt a thew- aaa per et ves rainy uiilttiand for lie past i ftrt i have had no sdres i j work alt the time before t em t a irafc j know not what to say stronj cnoujli a exnrais my stit- itude to hoixlt 8rsitnarnui for my perfect care gaonait w tdiotin farmer qal- wtr aaraloaa county x v we always endeavor cot treat our customers wsuaadas sciniaiaaaeaveretaiixfjia oldaad secure new cues i j i hlsfaest cuh uric paid for pork hides til- low ate- 1 1 forties bard s cstu 4t tcselliirerauestwl to call 25 and 27 wync ham street- guelph want j j your blood purifiedi andiybur system invigorated get a bottle of it is just one yer since i have taken over he business tprcnerh- carried on under be firm nimfe ot kelly jro and as i wti delermjced to da s cuh banincaa in ocder to itty vj with th timtm md give caiomera copds at nghtprja ifnast nmey ifaal it btti ba the moat pleaknt year i have i spent id bttainearv t now uka tha opportanitjot thuhkiiig tha natneroai l for their rary kiad patrca- jeia the paat and solicit a ahare of their trade in the fiiliire feelio 1 acq now in apoaiubn to do belter by them than ever before having thelircest and choicest btock of staple v drygoods redymade clothing hatsjt and cents furnishings foe the- spring tradu that aa ever hown in actoari want every one 1 to read this advertisement ill lhrbqgu aayaa will find iitiirrett ialerest neck ties tn this liaa ihivemadelbpeftalettqr to place in atock the ctoiceat collection j of knoti four- in liandi windsor scarfa and bows that yon will see in any store west of toronto shirts both white and maced- sunday 6hirts and working sirta a er tine raufe to select from at 50 cents hkts ktitz in he hktory otr acton hai tbere been shown iach a choice lot of hals aa i have to show yoi this apria in all lha liteit shape tod golora to fit and suit alt agea and a special liae ia childreac wear rbrdy-rde- blothlnc in this department i promise you wonderful bamanuiir meiiryoathv soya and children suits and edd panu in great variety and at prices that will be sure to citcb yoareyc never i before had i jsacbl a range of 2 and 3 piece mils at alt- prices and ifrvlea t wont pay yon topsaa ma it- there is anythicgyta tpo wv of cloth- ou srtotnt 0r winter fluid for roughness smijriris b l jtlph igf have a badkbff get a bottle of i j miths clierry bal sam hosiery i have kmaveryfipecuibaf- jains women ttuaea and childreca atipndid black oathmerewomeu size for 25 tents wellj wottk io cents this is the kind of bargains you may look for from me under the cash -jys- tem axl have alaud befocclqkeep abreai with uietimea a caih busi ness must be done anti that i wilt do aod nothing else ihikye nowtn stock the balk otmy spnod goods and ihe bilaoce will be urriving daily smcetely youra j j kelly success r to selly bros x v pleasant to jtakejandl cures every of trie skin hands and to be used after shaving has no equal prepared only by irl g smith dispeasihg chemists ont t ime iiapped 3tco no 12 wyndlam st ux koton r- havink taken over tha business dt this old established house lately condacted by henderson licbss co we bee to announce o its many nelrout of he jst and ihe public generally hat we will inaugurate a j afreet clearing cask sale t o commence on 1 saturday feb 25th sprma 1893 to look well is mora the resal taste haa mere lav stock of i boo is adspted having make their foo0a pll8 wssksa difmusvaisltttaetliscunirtu trrlfccax- 3c to fill slender wcomes ttill desire mjear uy eilieriejioe anil icloae ralafiont with tjneqni diet wm line of footwear o aroiii o rood jadgemeutsod sb ate of money my ts lfeisii60s ke wants of hose who wa will offei 1 tress fabrics for one m irith only stacks of oodt which we cannot carry over till next season will be offer drat larateliing prices immediate tale regard less of cost c c profit will be the lirder of the day a very fiaa aasarttntnt of h sny otwn ch are auilaulefor summer wear an inspecdono which we are satisfied will require no second thought about purchasing- f- i jteijiaaiiis j i ot everything or ilmcstcolhfng i 1 0gts shoos n nee creditable factorers i present a enable me to in thei coon ty for style cjoality aidnoe williams i otor 5u wi wilt be a ureal reatare of this iele- we have a largi and well assorted stock which matt poshivalr be oleared oat too tt once wa are making no reserve in hit department whatever oar object is to clean the stock oat in a monh and to do to regular prios will ba entirely lost tight of terms aro cash we can tall you goods much obeaner for cash haa under he j tha old eredit tyttem and be more satisfactory for everyone i concwroect f invite inspection aod will at all times be pleased to show onr goods bpringa btmgjtuievv hopes new circiinfibtanes aud now ideas it alfo britipe sprine fash ions iii- dress igoodf silks sriliinery ifatitlpfe wraps para- ik laces 3 lbyes hosiery corteta hldiea ujidecwear dresaj triqimings drea buttons and a large varioty ocoibergoodstoo uumerons to nkotionf to tho mnmnoth ifoaeq wo have j purchased largply aud early this seasou in thealidwj fancy goods audlstaples in -anti- cipatiou of a rise aifd jitl die goods are on tlicj mqrp up from 15 per cent to 25 per cent so really we can sell jod goods- all fr this eeason at jajjout wholesale priceg had larger cheaper or hettrjtoekg of shirt- ings cottons cottonade3denims tickidga towellings linens tab- lings thin liowj oar prints are superb arid are cheaper by 15 per cent than the 1 wholesale price we have a big stock of carpets and oilcloths cheap pf variety of all kinds of goods- is large with tie litest novelties ladies and gertts footwear in immense variety and extraordin ary clieap j oar millinery opening will be in the beginning of april dress and mantle making will- be up to tlie- mark as usual i oar tmlonng and gejjfa faixi iiishing departuicrifsr nothing vo beat tham in ontario we hav severah leading lines bfgoods we are sladgitterirrg fthe publiccitnnptbe stjved cheaper qtibettsr anywuertj and they ari cordially invited to in- specv y r ai v m i fc i 11 r immdelfts n stco wieltltt mcleod c0 iv georgetown h j f- iiujisi miul

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