Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 16, 1893, p. 4

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mam v tlllfilklay mauck 1g 1898 the chicdirooti of the heart r i 7t wiivio harpy wrdhj oil ibt rosy dayiof cliildlioil how lifull tlicy nd whrti no a cjarm had vnlipd anil lint ft wotilcr hp tuo year wis full of promt then tlir toncuc was full of praise liut i think the cup it tweeter now tuan iu the dilldiib days ob tbc laugliinj world ot cblldbosj of icuoranco vtd c6e the hfibtcct touch could quicken an 1 tir least pleasure plcaio yet tbp upward petti are dcatrr willi all the thorns tbey uar tlbin garden of a hundred fiowcrt ulun icnomnco u there oi the beatinr heart of cbildhoai tint little heart of snow tliat doubt ha never entered for borrow hit lronght low trust me not all tbe rapturo in oeer lifo d ran caashadow forth tbe perfect love tint warms tbc broaat of in an notes hbr 5 and there items of genet tl interact to free preei ptrnrwijr endorsed tho alvetlising l pli to the of hooii strttptctuft nber- common isase of thiakini people b fltw it j true sjid it isauays folly su is t inflated hy eudottt- menli which in it e flruncisi world onu be accepted witlio it s moments hesitation they tell the storuoods cures hon the latest hypnotic yarn the latwt hypnotic yarn from the chtrtte hospital pari casts all its pre decessors into the shwje dr lays it appears has been tnaklrg experiments io relation to what he calls the eiteriorix saion of the homan body and it u insert ed that he succeeded in transferring the sensibility ot a hypdotized woman into a torobler of water when the water was touched the woman winced aud wfeen it was swallowed she went into a deadly swoon how the drinker feltwith another persons senaibilities in hii vitala is not state dr lays next undertook to trans- fer sensibility from the woman to her photograph and succeeded so admirably that when he stuck a pin into the picture the woman screamed not ooly this but the mark of a scratch appeared opon her hand in exactly the spot where tbe pin had been applied to the photograph it is lucky for dr lay that he is living in the nineteenth century for many an old rcmin has been lunged and barned for doing this sort o thing before lone doubtlfh base and football players will btf abld to transfer their sensibilities to the umpirewhich will be very convenient peter was the cat a4mall boy had been taken out by his ancle for hib first dinner in a hotel dining room tbe little chap wai enjoying him self hngejy but the dinner was far beyond his capacity althoagh to his crowing amzcment hi young ancle was able toget it all ice cresm waseached the little man having eaten much more heartily than he wjb allowed to do at boraei found to his regret that this the best feature of the dinner to his youthful palate could not bectowded info his limited stomach though the uncle wan equal to mattering his pottiou when the waiter came the child looked up sadly to him and aaid will you save this for me udlil i come said i conld ijrit eat it all bat ray nncle hi bll his up as clean as peter thi speech was delivered with a childish treble puiuly audible to a wide circumference and the hearers were doubly amused when the interested waiter asked who is peter and the boy answered oh peter i oar cat hrt u ifomf journal begin at home a good idea why do you bein to do god so fur off this js a ruling error begin at tbe centre and work ootward if you do not love your wile do not pretend to such love for the people of tbe antipodes if you let some famil grudge some peccadillo some undesirable gesture bout your visage to ward a siiter or daughter pray ceise to teach beneficence on a large scale vbegin uot at the next door but within yow own doors then withyoar next neighbor whether relative servant or superior account tbe man yori meet the man you are to bless give him such things as you have how can i make him or her happier this is the qaeitiod if a dollar will do it give the dollar if advicft will do it give advice if a look a smile ar a warm pre ere of the hand or tear but never forget that the happiness of our world it a mountain of golden bands and thatit is yonr fjart to cast some contributory atom every moment ways sure fife extractor use are in the roarke raining your feet cations did you ever world gets ont of your way mm readers hoods pills cqi liver ills jiandic fail ioacoeu sick he itche constipation man want lilue here balow and he cao count hiujwll uncommonly lucky if he gets it rau i get lid of my torment ug corns getrtdof them without paio ge rid of thera quickly and effectually withe at pouibility of retarn tbe answer u ai i potmans paiuless corn and wart core tfie great corn cure al and paiulets potmans t and no other frauds dont run the risk of with such ciustic appli- ucstorsdtohelui deau 8icr for yen i w troabted with indigection bat being idviied to cry b b b i did so and fiud myietf juitara- stored to health howabo scmvur ifgr sail inn farm daabxr oat ko ram cirt be a hypilrlte to htc own children thousand like her ten a mcleod severn bihga writes i owe debt of gralitade to dr thomas eolectrio oil foe caring me of t severe cold thtt troubled me daftly til fart vfater la order to give a quiela to hacking oqagb uks a dose of dr thom eoleotrip oil thrice t dayor of tenet if the cough spells render tt necessary fortune favours tlie irtva beet ma the brave compel her favors if the tongue could ku not many would live to old age utfttftgulu thegreit resmlu whiob have attendid qm quinine wiae by people of ral proetratioa of the system tha all tbe wordcthat we can notion how quickly the joint wheu it ceases to run prmelee pi is possess the power of acting specifically trpon the diseased organs stimulating to ac of the system ti iu fact so grat cloe to clinte ad iun the dormant energies ereby removing diseaae i the power of this medi- d purify that diseases of almost every naneand nature are driven from the body ilrd carswell carswell p g ont write i i have tried ptirme- lees pills ad fie icine and one th it is time to r the patience of a limit 3 tbem an excellent med twill sell well pent when you hav tried jast god to the extremest en as iiay it is given to eiery physician the form ula of scotts enulsion being no secret bat no saccessfal imitation has ever been offered to the pu lic only years of exper ience and study an produce tbe best courtesy is th teott of silence that leads to believe t itt oar friends have not fathomed our ntle private meannetses mr j r allc eeods us the follij years my wife n upholbterer toronto wing for six or seven suffered with dyspepsia coativeness complaint id ard piles and kidney w any number of medicines without tetting any relief until ve got a bottle of north rop and lymais vegetable discovery this was tbe fin t relief she got and before one bottle was u ed the benefit bhe derived from it ws beyend our expectation cultivate a memory for names- as good a piece of advice as i could give f young man starting business said an old successful merchant would be to get hie customers namea right of course everybody means to do this but i dont think everybody attaches to it its full im portance tbe fac is that almost every mau is proud of his name whatever it may be and he dislikes to see it misspelled or ipcorrtctly written there are plenty of names which bouod alike but which vary iu the spelling perhaps by only single letter and too in taking a manb name it i not o difficult as one might imagine to make s mibtake in the initials for there arc icttttb which sound very much alike when jou get a new customer get his name rilit toetarl with ko man likes to re- ceive a package or a bill or a communica tion of any sort with his name misspelled however modest and good natnrad ho may be lie in pretty sure to be annoy edjjy it sit if i when its a clockguilty of amisdemeauor when it ettikes otie what river runs between two seas the thunder runs betweeu chelsea and batter- sea when is a soldier charitable when he prcseijth arms the recording angtl never strikes a bal ance on bis books by what is raid of a man on hi imftone why ahotild we fhun the company of chaiidlerb iltcaubp all their works are wicked i what is the diffenence between the earth and the fta one i dirty and the other is tidey stwsnixl porws no naitcr how dark tho doudj are whea tb4 woman who is borne down by womans troubles tuna to dr pierces fav orite prescrintioa u her lift is made gloomy by tbe chronic weaknesses deli- cq3 derangements and painful disorders that af- nkt hersex they are com pletely cured if sbev overworked nervous or rundown she has new lifoandstrenrth v favorite prescription is a powerful mvirottttinff tonic end a soothing n3 ktrtngthcnifls nervine j jciiu brae rjng tieimrz cojimt lzi dtoirtanro it it tba oolr acute can be cu or chronic ed by the use of scotts emulsion of pure c d liver oil with the hypophosphites of lime and soda continued makes on well cadtio gnnio prrji butu buid for every ill na heiling virtues of chitis hoarseness and there is dangi many who have d cold which settled short time they best physician anticoniumptiv this medicine colds coughs and and lungs theres a man he wont live iu a of it becane as 1 turb hirh tried two physicians aud a feeblfc stomach takes kindly to it and its ase adds flesh and feel strong and ureof sabnitctcs d bf bout a uowne this thing of nfetakinj a torpid liver for genius 1b whsl is leaoing the fool of every family in o the newspaper busi- i driving over the moun- c c riuum gestlemcx i tains i took a severe cold which settled in mybacksnd kidneys causing me many sleepless nights of pain tbe first applica tion of minardb liniment so re lieved me that i fi 11 into a deep sleep and complete recovery shartly followed jobs s iicleod annapolis tin- povr of nature ure has a cure in the he norway pine lies tbe cure for coughs c ids croup asthma bron- etc dr woods norway pine syrup represents the virtues of nor ther pectoral remedies way pine price 25a virtue may be ts own reward all right enough but it i i such poor pay that fen men care to laste their jives working for it in neglecting a cold ed of consumption dated their troubles fron exposure followed by a on their lungs and in rre beyond thebkillofthe lad they used sickles i syrup before it wbb too te their hvej vould have been spared as do equal for curing i ii a flection i of the throat i p town bo cranky that houie with trees in front e says their birk dta- bewni boy the healthy cliolera therefore of bodock bioot purify the blood fortify the body epidemic a litlle learning when it becomes man thjowa off the germs of isdpm coantels the uie bitters this spring to icgalate the system and gaiujt cholera or other is never so dangerou as the property of a little tilves strei gill and appcliu don sin hi and ledocitg very slate of my blool of mine induced n b whiii i rfit perrepibe j relief strenlth and ppe pound jj why doe puas porposs ofcboltra t yesr i wj very f it i tt fatt owing tn the bil ktii i appetite a frieiii a to gtt a dottle nf b d i ibained immiite fnini it have gained ite and now weigh 191 t hccrnr dorchester brilge quebec que delicau o ostatioa and those effected with a gen spelikinor fhi ay is ile alf this article ii a tcj tnedioine lqctj s lifegtvlaj principle l perfect no svitor of the whole syitem i aj tlgortttag lt the lime time both body and mind its medical properties are a febti- fage toaio lndvnrtperiodic sautf doies freqaeatly cvpssted slcengtuea the naleef creste aa ip petite eaible you toibula rtfreshlng deep tad to feet and know thai every fibre and tiitaa of yoar lysteox u being brta sad renovated in tbe fine quinine v tae prepared by northrop lymto ronto we hive the exact tome repaired m to persons of weak and nex- voas coast tations we woald icy nerer os without a ottle ia the hoase it u sold by tit dra ii i they kn twin heaven how machteilgioo the rich hsjve by the way they great poor cnree cocnrnptlon concnsi crocpbot tiire t gcm by ail drecrfju on a gturtsw for a utae sii bfc cc cfaert 6hiloh powasj piutsr triil pto grrt rztutxzw cents 8hil0h8 vitaltzer un thtwfcltncatomoosiutoissru baotvielixrhayed ut lmij i cwiaed ford7spqi8iiiirerorkmar trentia tt eiodiftiwsca catarrh remedy have yon catarrh t try tots eemedj it wfll posluvcljtciteto and curo yon prfoewcts this injoctor for its saccescful treatment le furnifhodfroo ucraotahcr ealloac reffiadxee aro so id ca ft suarntoo to civo satisfaction a cnre for croap croup kills thousands where cholera kills tens for t bis dread dicecse no rem edy can compare in curative power with hegyards yellow oilj it loosens the phlegm gives prompt relief jd completely cares tbe most violent attack the man who picks his own crosa never gets the right ono canada is being congratulated everywhere on the excellences of her manufactures art stained glass is prominently la the front rank of her improvements thanks io mccausiand son of toronto who for 40 years have labored not only to accumu late money but to mike stained and orna mental gjaaa of all kinds a credit to the dominion the easiest thing for a loafer to do is to find fault wuh buby people oh what a cough will yon heed the warning tbe bigual perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible dieea consumption ask your telves if vou can afford foe- the sake of saving 50jto run the risk and do nothing for it wo know from experience that shilohs curo will cure your cough it cever fails when people are hired to be good they quit work as soon a the pay stops if you want to buy or sell a farm ad vertise in the toronto wrtkly mail that paper reaches 100000 farmers homes every week and yooractvertiffflent should meet the eye of someone who wants to pur chase advertisements of this class aro n- serted in the toronto weekly mail for five cents a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertions address the mail toronto canada no remedy cures coughb colds croup hosrecneis asthma bronchitis sore throat etc so well asdr woods norway syrup a plain statement hagyardb pectoral balsam cures coughs colds asthma hoarseness bronchitis tight ness of the chest aud all diseases of the throat and longs price loo the diamond has the most pparkle but window glbb docs the most good free and easy expectoration immediately relieves and frees the throat and lacgi from viscid phlegm and a niediciue that promotes this is the best medicine to ue for coughs colds infiamatiod of the lungs and all aflectionb of he tbroit and chest this is precisely what bickles antt-con- sumptive syrpp is a specific for add where- ever ueed it has given unbounded saucfac- tiom children like it becisa tt tspleui act adults like itbecxaseit relieve and cureb the disease tbe trouble with people who can talk is that they are apt to say too much mother graves worm exterminater is pleasant to take bure and effectual in destroying worma many have tried it with best results why is a professional thief very com fortable because ho takes things easy consuliptioncimkd an did physician retired firorcj practice having had placed in his hands by an east india missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for tho speedy and per manent cure of consumption bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat and lung affections alo a positive and radical cure for nervous debility aud allnervous com plaints after having tested its jwooderfat curative powers in thousands of cases has fell it his duty to make it known to all his suffering fellowa actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human buffering i will send free of charge to all who desire it this rpcipo in gertnin french or english with full directions -for- preparing sad using sent by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper w a notes 820 powers ijiock rochester n y a man with a bad liver veryj often has a good heart purr for sn obviiua ifiuardauntttirqtjrrltrvesvtaratjrfa pmsutrmaestbkl 4furtitfarfia folkf thaclitrkf krtioo lis worii tbe ii htrdto k borot the thi d gigs of ttia toronto dtilii hail ia nol ii tar wnt idrertimmonte if yoa wit t ta bay or tell anything if yoawnti sitzutiod s mechnio btu neu micl nry lodgioes if yoa hive last or oand i yttting or if yoa wtat to find oat ifbera i hypae it sdvertiw ia the to- ronwtjdui itaii tad re4 the jrertie ments on i ie third pso of tht pipar ixtiroceatc l word eioh in iiidreia the mail toronto c- a careless tie dootoe the tnb6r tbeiumer ud i worn ttlkinj of tntil in it jordan itndf iheraoit aalriaclag joilo o joonrerftlian oa auth tad tht dmu c tola thli ilorj in the sptuitli amirlcta eiantrfet it i oaitoratryfor urnnu tad joang paopla to go tboat ia the hot either ilaioit liter- 1 idly nited tillioak they juatlly weir httt oa icooqat of thi i itriojc inn oua jiy i coiu sin gcomc teat iin boy ta deiirer ua go it parahued by t umily newly irrid trial i mors inclom- at utiiade the bor m weiring t oro 6m tad i braaette imili whea he retara- ed he braasht the groaer i now garpmy objecting to hit ittirej or uclc of it j t v youh cirtnibiltiid tne ta yoang tilliia doat yaa ever go w thit hoaw igiia wiiaoat patting aa font hit sferaly i fall of iioa fihterc bat dad people who wont ran froii tboroagl digettibility end katritire vtlae ire ti o itrong pointe in firor of mil- barac cod liver oil emalcion with wild cherry end hypophotphitee kill the i rormi or ihoy will yoar chili dr lowi killer vorm syrap ii the bet worm bardock illi give ticiiftction wherever tried the j care conttipttion sick held tche tnd b iiookneti if yoa hive tbe wrong kind of religion in the gtree cin yoa dont hive tho right kind of cba xh tbe nei twenty yetri preiehttbe molt lorioai opj ortnnlty for work md resalte which the charch hie ever hid in thtc country i wtnt to live these wordt were tpoke 3 by bishop broofci when in conqdent ei pooution of living tho twenty yeirs whic 1 he regtrded u the most glorioas opportunity for work the choreh ever hid ind yet within few hoarc ifterwtrd h t work md life ibroptly ended tbe incide t recilli tint of the once itmoas wrii er finny l iliter of h p willi he poet tnd wife of jimee pirton the bietoriin she wrote t glow- ing letter ot the pleiiores of life doling with the wo di i think thee o god thit i live bat when the letter ippeired in tbe jnariii to which it wu iddreued the writer i u deed ind baried an impor ant discovery in africa brussels mirch 9 a telegrim received from odo of he coogo etite expedition to eitingt it thit it hn discovered the point where tbe lnkngt river tbe outlet of tingmyiki joioi tbe luilibi river tbe discovery ei es the solution to in interest ing geograpl icif problem for tbe junction oftheseheic witeri of the congo ii the beginning of the trne congo the point of junction hi oever been fixed thongh it hit been vigiely indictted on tbe mipi on information why ist becauee it wben mij kitted- between the win iven by anb tnder t oriei tiil likettwina brent 1 grows down two persons be fail to he btlf en theyve an nndertttoding the ew snfbrt on ts ncij cuarahteedl pure amd to contain io ihjuri0u5 ijhemru- pisos cure for- ercry corner oi x ol6c1 o tnov keep biiaoiculln good heaih viilt in he table 03 dry adder wa ulcks bloou ts the be coad appelate nd tre- food if athsuuied than h cum it r iuktfitk u now naalied on powdcji it girts c ood ien th digcttioti 10 ihxt all the n j focn fictli ihci tairt more julatci the doveliand kidneys crd tumi routi i jit into a mooch tad glouy oa- soai horse z wjyi in dctnind idat this tcnoa when icy are wliibletoilipi ftrniri dicks b li ter m be tctida iuble beccity i trhl remove a cmb tp rn cpust or tjaoroafhr bni cure a strata dicks unjcent sound horses a or y rretraj diets i jni or lameness and rratores tslxat kliiioafdaciilitr ibrajtes for sale by all drug- psl dicks niooplrifier 50c dkvsbker50c dicks oicucectec scad a postal card furfiifiptr- ticclirs ukiieicid zed jia redpes wig o dok s montreau fat cattle a bok of vajmljc i kat free dicu co du nns baking powder thecooksbestffilenri unscst ialc in cakaoa life errors i how little self ipeointec cantors of others miy know of these whom they coq- demn 1 how temblvi they jsr in tbir iatercoorse on feeiiags with iwhoso recoil tad quiver it is impossible they ctn tymptthizel it is pitual the imoaat of ptia lometimee ignqriatly sometimes selfishly inflicted this wty shoald be thle to quicken vision in thl regtrd ji cireiest foot miy be piloted jast u erasfauigly i is i miiicioas one alii whopinijtnpatii the meaning of those little words i didn didnt know i cul pure powdered l lave sorely the mentil t think i purest strongest best bmartarjamlatarqvmitrtdrmtktbt boas badenfmc witer ptilnf ectthf ird ihosdred othaf uac actaqaiuopoccdilc6li fit tr all tor j 1 drictko 3b w a-ix- r toroutciia oavfatt tradttmarkff dcs 10 m ttatcntet oooyrltthtffsrtc tor inf atvuti on and frw etndtxjot writ ta uvss at 00- a bnoidtrxrjkiir tone oldest bureau for tectutnc patent m america ererr patent taken ctit br us ts motniht befora tie pubiic br cotuee rtrtta irw at diarst in um larrest drculatloti of tnfsdmitjsc paper is th world pleqdldlr luonrated 2to latelrifcnt nan thrraid bi without it- weaklr s300 a rear fljoilc rnonths xddrtmlltyss jfc co pvaunuuua 301 iircadiraji kt ictfc cltr 2b i bm uch bemeji color itscenii sai fifl wintei comprising i sea of dress gooda in nivy ci etc g btlea of prints lu choice pitterni 8 cttea got felt 1 bile enelish shirtings 1 cua cramptont cel cotton 1 est sheetibgt 1 ptokiga dress shields i open twill flinneul kid gloves fmoj veilings it lices 1 1 the clearing sjue of wlntr goods still goee axministert fine designs rtdueed from 2 to igo brussles from 1185 to 1125 a vtriely of onion it reduced to 12 tnd lsc a lot of double width ftnoi stylet tnd sbtdea in press goods formerly 80 tad of ilent rubber brix ttl5 17 20 25 md soo pet birds fetthertlfloweri tnd orntmentr tlso trirai tnd velvet reduced it hilt price brocaded silk m colored bilk plash rdrmerl 2 to is perytrd cletri time to buy bltnketsd t redaction of 5c f poaad mf store ooroerlkinginii hugbron street etmilton utrch 2rj 1ss3l if vectjhidtcilk as loud as our goods a din in this town that would be nowhere tee lions new f speak til afire ere would be alarm v i sethem see them see them j e bekuties theyre beautiis they beauties i ties theyre novelties theyfre novelties heap theyrecheap theyrp cheap j r oo rlctn bu fut prints all isst years 12 print to m tleired tt 71 cents t out fcii bltck worsted jptau to order it 1350 j d williamson co guelph ltrmtgaipii asgasr ph cloth the balance of our stock of rickpsrrjld j tsr unperplgthing be void at cost price for gash during february n pur cent reduction from our regular prices for lothingl shaw turner piciges new goods receiver at j mi i the righi house this week iots bitck ccshmertt fmoy broche fohle barge dlagontia deitiaet i goods consisting of shirtings cottomdef tod cmconi z roils of table rtted corteu 1 cite silk thread 1 ease cotton thread 3 uses bietehed ta csihmere hose 1 cue ctmhrio tnd if rjiliu embroidery spot mniiin iew ihidet fancy eibbons silk nats qarpare ltoea ftaoy ufllioery sfiqaette ctrpeit in choice coloringi reduced from 175 01150 iltoncrpetj105 to ilso joha crostley boat best- fijefrttna allwfaol fiinueis redosed to very low pc ices ailwool dreae serges rets tweed formerly 40 to 50c reduoedto 82 a urge variety ot rednced to 50c grey debeige 10 to 250 tnd 92 to 20a a urge vtriety i itir mich leu thm regalir prices altrge tssortmentof millinery goods 1 i tnd jntrimraed millinery selling off tc reduced prices silk plashet tie bliih ind grot grain bilks grutiy reduced a lot ot wldevidtb oaf tt 1125 ntrrowwidtit silk pluihet formerly ii now 50 a good oatll taper liliaketa pleueentec the right hoate throagh the new htoirtajsio wiatbziits it crand trunk railway 7oorito wist- oontoiiit esiweu 1 09 am eipr- ie ball- 10 01 ajil plmanjer i t tm uts 07pbi mali- 5 otpra iasenger f m v t m i qotag west0 13 amand 5 pm going eatl10 am and 5 f m this time uble went loto tffect on december tth w1 i wonder in we w a representative farmer i 8peak ii w utlll 3 ix- 10 u ill ii a4ti mr c c haun the f ollowkg remarkake facta aro folly certified to oaseing nnaeniably correct in every paxticuiir hr hia ia wofl known in the vicinity having roaided here over fifty yeirs and is highly reapected u a man of the strictest honor whoee word it u good aahiw bond aa will be seen from hit letter four phymoiana had atteaded hla and u waa only after helhad giveknphoiieof care that he decided to iry burdock blood hitters on the roooenmendation of a neighbor wholhad been cored of a similar diaeue by iu use kr hauu vriies ca followa din bru4i mnk i hve been one of the worst ttifferen yoa hvo yet beard of having be4nsil years in tho hinds of four of oar beet doctors without obtaining permanent relief bsi cntinnxljy growing worse until tjinosl beyond hope of rt- covery i tried yonr bittera and got relief in few dayi every organ of my body wit deranged the liver enlarged hardened and torpid the heertr and digeati7e orguu seriously deraiigod a largo abaoeae in my back followed iyaralysfa of the right leg in fact fhi lower hill of my body wu entirely use 1ms after using bursook blood bitteraj for afew daya the abaceu bant discharcing fallyftvegaartoof po in two hoars r i lellru if i had received a shock froni of powerful battery iy re covery after tills wu stetdyand the cure permanent seeing that for the four years since i have liad u good health u ever i had i still tike ta occasional bottle not that i need itihnt because i wiah to keep my system ii perfect working order i can think of j no- more remarkable case than what i bavo myself 1 throagh tnd nowords can expresa my thankrslncaa for sueh perfect recovery h 00 feus i i vtelland po in this conectiontha following letter from t camiiea esq a leading druggiat of welland ott tpealaa for itaelf ifeisrs t milbnrn co- toronto grxneamji have been personally acqnainiod with mr c 0 hanoi for the lut 20 years ind haro always found him a very leliablej man too may phut the utmost confidence in anything be uya with regard toonr medicine he has on many occasions within tho hut fonx years told mo thai it was marvelloaa the way thebnrooodbitterabadcnredhini and that ho now- felt as able to do a- dayt work aa he ever felt in hii life although quite well he jstill takeasome b 5 b t occasionallv aa he taytbkeep him in perfetit healthj xourj truly- i tioius cnaxb t velladoni the tteadllyj increasuig sale of b b b the length of time it has been before the people and ihk fact that it cures to stay cured attest the sterling merit of this monarchof medicines the peoples favorite blood purifier tonio and regulator vsi m a i hylop u 13 froptj st r3est torqto in tad imndanu k ta40tamion ctlttuctxi i ictkb3 of f iiciec l16ht 11110 fata jnnon tmaatum nictialao h to n wgtftl ht wyndll aeeol petermans roach food not a poison fan to cockboackes aib water bust rwind herron eh meg uncmn boiekoxwta8triaflcwoateail will operiiat no 13 the larges celebrated all fitted with it will pay yoa to see our wheels am stocked with the send for catalogue best value the very low to clear you carinot call 00 the itic tire guarainteed safety for ioo sgaroifeild ciico sutwkorrfilicjttmt to it ilra hrjis i iwni t stifestjbvs wine jr sstiisissfc 3 pirit j ttt baotftaw to aa j 4 1v start iwi is l wjlll if ooun ohtotl kiy in rv 1 fv had uio- w civ is

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