Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 23, 1893, p. 2

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boftf ii u oniu vancouver ft c on the mn mirrl tbe wife olc v uivldian of a sou v ili vtsol orincsdm 1 lb hard it l i m 10 of ii denm ouif6trtct v o ij liev jmcjl eltcf wlllum henrj un t lollcbecea jlurft tcr ot llobcrt wat 0 fcll ot sorval j t i 1 iw hi 31 at tl c rifldct cc of tie r t jre t on tl c ljtb loit b hcv t v ikv coretit vwllian jmiim v t iteliw of lilt tptit to jtet otth ill el tcr of ur i m iii nu d 1 r u dominio par clarke wallaces loyamtyhaltott i election case the mc carthy resolution mtljiwt lc i cc c tl o bride f f tlrr li llirlti it tnrmd on tlmrsli m i a i iw 1 iftt 1 he wm hurtle utlttcd bj dr hit hoi mr john crowe to mr 1 m tier boll oioull 1 i ks it ii muto b toi cj 15 v ur 1 tu k ol j 0 liickltjn ied 23 aii 1 i i at tl c fai iil r lilc cc ctucljl on ln im c v march 0 mdcr jn ob kil u r it 1 it h it jcir i at mis in curcco vlcl on cdir i hi marcl c 1 arlotta i uie si ort belov 1 v if of hucb h hcl aicl lto and daaqt tcr 1 willtaui h ort of mctfurd capital notes talk an epitome of the world dolns durlna the week tijc jxcton jm rtss timnstmi mncn n iej3 notes and comments i c sentience of the scvfuarjdland i lutaree afcta arable decision record j the 1 reach shore juettiou the french go en ment hie idetruo ed m wadding ton to make urgent representations to i ord roeber idfittinc that great britain fjijfii her pledfle and arrange a rmanent setoemect of the question the german government ib facfi to face with a hostile cnajont in the ikichbtac on the arm bill and the emperor insists that no compromiee ran be accepted and that the measure mnet be passed ifi jtn entirety the conserjaenoe will be a dieso lut on ul the r the probable down fall of chancellor ton oapnti and the pofiibiht of a er senouj cribii mont the flenib of interesting news tl at comes to ob rcenfl from japan is that whi h fchowe the great liberality of the emperor who hae donated 83doooo ont of bis prutte income to continue for snjcarfl for the purpose of building war fhips the maminimjt of thib act baa made a profound impression on hia sub je ts with the result that members of par uament and wealthy persona are oaotar lh contributing vast sums of money jo the same object thib may be taken as the outcome of the advance the japanese hae made m education and civilization wjnch has naturalli led to the deeire of hating their own national fleet all the ateamfihip lines carrvinc pacted gers to and frotn continental enrope bae aent circulars to their agentb notifjing them that there will be an increase in eteerace rata of from 20 to 6o per cent and that agent and bub agents will be held reeponeible for telling tickets to immigrants of the prohibited cu no immigrants will be taken from rujsia the circular co u tains the lawa governing immigration eo that agejta and eqb agents roaj know when they arc not doing right the lines have raised the fteerage rates at is aaid so that they ma reap a reasonable profit even if the quarantine regulation ib eu forced opponents to the li juor banqesa will be interested m the progress of bill i ovv b fore the maceacbnstt lcielature for the establishment of a modification of the goil eubnrg b em of refiulating the liquor traffic the princij e of the bill is that in touching drinks eliall be eold b public aen onl and ita advocates claim that it will producs the following good results i limmation of saloon influence from poll tic removal of the motne of private profit stoppage of the fale of pononoub com ptti ds aad adulterated iiqoora enforce ment of retnclive lawe each as those against fielhug lifjoora to minors and jrunkrde tbis eoundfi xtr well m leorv but tl c experience of norwav and b veden tl e past ten jtrfl dcb not prove l at the result is such aq recited above tl e drink bill of gieat britain accord inj to the official figures was h0 8w 2g2 a decrease of j3j4 413 as compared with the neures 0 u m of epints be consomp tion in i uebnd cost lhj lid per head in scotland l 17b od and in ireland 1 u ci of beer the englibh consamption cost 2 123 103 per head the scqich id 5d md tl e inji 19 some idea of bow enor mona this drink bill of great britain b is mav be bad from contemplation of the fact ll at the entire railway receipts of the kingdom for 191 for both freight and poseenccre were j1 b0 607 or onlv four eeventha of the drink bilj the post office and telegraphic rtceiptb for the vear endpd 1 march 19 j were i13 cio 000 the iccnraulated balances m tie post office and oil cr bavmes banks at the end of 1881 fcere114jh5f7 or 2g 000 000 less than thn the montj ppent on strong drink for a fiingle ear during the past decade there hae been a n irked improrement m our railwayb municipal buildmgb country residences and farm buildioga but the joeetion of improveing ourcounlrj roada hab not re ccived the attention that bae been directed principally to the securing hues cf railway throughout the different municipalities having now eecared the advantage of rail v aj b forbe a bipmeut of farm prodace and the bringing in of farm eupphaa it is the rcaust importance that the roads leading to these iailwaib be pjaced in brat claca condition the benefits to be derived from 1 avmggood roads to the marketb are eo umeroub and eo apparent that little need l eaid in advocating thcra good roads enable the farmer to market bib produce at 11 lunc3 to tuko nl aitae of chanses in arkct i ricef and to otihz time that can i i b liven to other farm work the al if him to market bis produce and k ure hi tuf plies at less expanse for haul i j witli lese vrear and tear to vehicles auj with ices injur to unimau the an jrevement of roala results m bringing noreclotlv together the members of the fter cultural commuutv ind thereby in tunics the to lal intercourte of farmer i i a word the construction of better roadb b i t the fttrmer ooser to tl nr markets hiitl fr lo oi e hi other the finaucial fc jl i 1 m ml uvnutap of whirh are til i jtrttooj 1 fill 1 1 tcidtiriff john goodwin aud john of ottava for sections of the ottavva march 22 on no evening fi tec the beginning of the seteion have tliere been more crowded or more brilliant galleries than were to be en during the debate in wluch mr clarke s allace s king ston epeech wa the topic the bouse had been occupied all da in discussing a vote of censure proposed by mr dawaon on the 6peech reoentlj delivered in kingston by the controller of customs mr clarke wallace declaring smpatby with the ofangeroen jf ireland in their opposition tdhomorule atterreccsemr davin took tlie floor i epeecli from him ib alwaj something of an event in the house he was m vcrv rood form and made a charac teistic attack upon che government which amused the gallerrb hugelj in the coarse of it ho accused mr clarke wallace of having at a caucus of protest aat ministerialists before the vote on the jesuit estates question urged them all to vote with the government explaining that be had to vote against the government to save his political life mr allace denied this statement most emphatically and member after member aros and declared that be had been prent at the caucus and supported mr wallace in his denials of the alleged caucus scret winch mr dawn had divulged ifce debate wab prolonged until a quarter of an hour before roiduieht the only not able happening in that time being the strong and eloquent appeal of mr patter sod minister of militia totheparty loyalty of the ministerialists aud mr kennv a an ndnncement that he wonld vote for the rolotion the vjote was taken upon the stroke of midnight the majority against the resolution was 31 the vote standing 105 to 74 twelve ministerialists voted with tfc minority meesrb costigan bergin currao lepane pelletiex lenny idamb bir hector lartgevib hearn davin mc donald of prince edward island aud clndrney the house rose immediate it after the division a iultos cibi a cab of special interest to free phes readera came up far hearing at the su preme court last tbnrsdav it was the ancient case of lush v waldie it is not often that a controverted election case out lives the parliament for which the election was hld but such has been the history of the one named the defendant la john waldie who represented halton rn the last parliament his election was protested but he won hie case and after various vicistudes the matter reached the supreme court meanwhile the parlia ment was dissolved and at the last general ejection waldie wab defeated but still the supreme court has to give its decision as to whether mr waldie was legally entitled to his seat mr avlesworth qc appear ed for the appellant and mr r grant far the defendant the reason for carry ing on the case thob far is to settle the question ofcots judgement wa6reserved tnt cuiov tcasi u there is a good deal of speculation as to what eours mr ldgar will adopt in refer ence to the report of theroyal commission on the carom scandal in vmdication of his action last session the evidence has been printed and the matter willbebroogbttothe attention of parliament in some form this week but it is not likely to delay prorogation so far as can be seen at present arsulw fcd the i eaes iw s at the aesiz court at ottawa irida mr justice lalconbndge read the eentence determined upon by chief justice armour m the case of john r arnoldi convicted of misdemeanor at a former sitting of the high court it demanded the payment of a fine of one thousand dollars and commit ted the prisoner to the county gaol for six months ht pi fmevtarv ttiwatrn i the extra supplementary estimates for this vtar presented friday morning total 246 w2 54 there is the prov ision of 37g for the salary of mr bristol the private secretary to the comptroller of customs 15 200 for quarantine 100 000 for militia annual drill and 53 093 to pav the claim of the city of ottawa for taxeb from lso to jw2 on the rideau rifle range liecaktht b tajlltf ilsolltios mnch interest was centered in mr mc carthy a resolution in favor of tariff re form and incidentallv of a reduction of our customs dotiea upon importa from great britain and the other nations with which the mother land bos favored nations treaties was defeated at 1 30 friday morn ing bv a majority of 52 tho vote standing 11g to si sotfs prorogation ib expected to take place be fore laster mr john charlton m p preached on bonda observance in ht paul s prcsbv tenftn church hat sundav evening kt a tneehng of the agriculture commit tee this week a motion was paesed re commending the government to grant 200 in etch consthaencv to not more than four cheese factoneb to be converted in the winter montha when not running into buttermakmg establishments dr a r c selwyn director of the geological survey of canada has gone to chicago on business in connection with the dominion geological exhibit at the worlds fair three or four car loadb of this ex hibit have vet to go to chicago the names of mr john carhng and mr adam brown of hamilton are mentioned id connection with the ooramieeiooersbips to th world a fair senator tass is also spoken of in the eame connection president cleveland wa 56 years old on saturday brandon manitoba had a 10 000 nre last thursday erastus wiman lectured at ottawa on saturday night advocating free trade tho wellington hotel at mono road ont was totally destroyed sunday morn ing it ib calculated that there will be 250 000 deadhead tickets issued for the worlds fair capt isaao morden one of the oldest residents of prince edward died friday aged 93 a row of frame buildings on west market square in gaelph was destroyed by are last week the newfoundland government has de cided to repeal the famous bait aot passed fire years ago it has teen practically settled that the world s fatr gates will be kept open until 11 p m each day the two columbus caravels the pinta and the nina have arrived it havana ou their way to new york the texas legislature has passed a bill reqnmng the railroads to provide separate coaches for whites and neroei the central presbyterian church in a norwood miracli health regained after spy en doctors had failed the public school board matters passed upon by the men who arrange for our children s education the municipal council all bqslna of the municipality completed up to data the re markabla experlenoa of mr johr slatar knoxtwo hoars slaa authe bsnaflt derived frim six veeka madlcal traatmatjt- i reac ua from suffering cama arte doctors had pronounced kit asa hopeless soncood fcutr tho ti adera of the rcguter will nmim ber hin iff re4 la tins paper dating the early pai t of lut ytr of tha very icnias ulneu ol ilr john sitter kcor nho wet on lot 2 r the thirl coaoeceloa of ac phodel awnthip they will remember how in j aaary 1832 itr kaoi wit itrick en dovn vith u grippe how from a maa of tboat 163 poandt he fell iwiy ia fieih in a uv ihort eeka ontit he km a mere ikeleton of hn former self weighing only 129 post la how he m racked with the most ere mcitting pun how he loneed for death to relieve him of his toffennc 1 ow he coma tod doctor near and fir and t aw they fn ed to taeoeufnlly ditgnoiso bit cue li ftct they confused their igt or- auce of i ii mtlidy and said be could pot recover bat so mach for the profession mr eno is alive to diy he ht reco er ed his wi nted vigor and weight 160 poa ids and his many friends in norwood ixia apon hn in wonder ofooarsemr knot is qaestit ned on every hand aboat his re oovery a i to what mtgic infloence he owes his mere ue in fleob and his answerl to hamilton celebrated ita jubilee on bnnday i a lnte to is dr williams pink and wiped out all it j indebtedness 9 000 peritonitis bas set in in tbe cue of mr john w macksy tbe cilifornun million aire and a dangerous operation is neces biry m jules ferry the crlebrated french statesman president of the senate who was born at saint die on april 5 1632 is dead the 10 dsys statement issued by the united states treasury department taes day gives tbe gol i in the treuury aa 106 57o000 v c green has struck a valutble vein of mica near arden station ont for which he has been osered over 20 000 by experts bishop power of newfoundland is said to have expressed strong opposition to oon federation of tbe island with the dominion of canada by a vote of 31 to 19 tbe minnesota sen ate has pissed tbe senate bill extending fall suffrage at ill elections in iiiooesota to women a sucoessfol test wis mide in chicago tuesday of the telautograph an instrument which transmits by wire an exact copy of handwriting on siturdiy morniug h mcelroy of richmond oct committed naicide by hinging to mental derangement is attnb nted tbe deed all tbe jewellery bas now been recovered tbit was stollen in the toronto daylight robber affairs and tbe desperadoes have beeu convicted a fatal esse of choiera occurred on the bark heon whicl recently sailed from gravesebd luglmd and bas arrived at gaivimas mexico henderson smith at one time in the employ of george washington died in qaincv iii on wednesdiy aged one bun and mneteeo vears at niagara ialls saturday an m c e train ran over and killed mrs jane little and injured philip howard both of whom wero of drommondville it is now stated thit signor cnspi ex premier of italv is involved lo tbe pltia mi slaudal and ihat he received a pav ment of fifty ihoosind francs mrs franceb hiller of bostou said to be worth 87j 000 000 was mimed on tharsdij night tq her former coachman who is ftbout one third her ago the rev mr cbiniqoy whose residence at ste anne 111 was recently destroyed bv fire bus retorned to montreal and htf- decided lo spend ths rest of his dayi in canada the toronto sslvition army will open a refuge founded on tho principle of gen booth s darkest england scheme at the corner of wilton avenneand ictoria street toronto the brantford city council at its meet ing taesdaj night decided to endorse the dominion alliance petition asking the ontinu legislature to name a day for voting on prohibition canadas offer rejected the british chambers ot commerce do not approve of preferential trade with the dominion lomov march 21 the 33rd annual meeting oi the association of chambers of commerce of the united kingdom was held here today one of the most import ant subjects before the chamber is that re isting to british tnde relations with can ada upon this question tbe birniing hsm chamber of commerce introduced tho following resolution that as in the opinion of this meeting the future prosper itv of british commerce most increasingly depend on oor commercial relations with our colonies and recognizing the fict that cinida bas by tbe resolution of her par liament invited the mother country to enter into an arrangement for reciprocally preferential duties we hereby urge npon the government the necessity of taking that invitation loto their immeditte and most serious consideration after considenble discussion the resoln tion in support of preferential duties m favor of canada was rejected editors table iusca al hive been bccep ed mr olu j as a contract for eight 6 etions i mr olcarvfor one llr un home has written totbemavor f hamilton ont dedinrng tie p oposal ftlechtuubecmdin paccirnl l lnnld optrilj 0 ciinibellvuleto connect hiiilto with lh he think tl at tldi t t uoltv he ud hamilton woaldbette 11 frests of use ambitions h tie canadian pacific riilwav serve itj iud of iho regular meeti of the board of trustees of acton public school was held ou mondw tfvenn members prefeot llev j b coole chairman and messrs george hvnds james mclam itobett holmes sod llobert willsce the mini les of list ineetmj were reid and confirmed the property committee were inslrocted to have h door put opor the store room in the second storj of the new building and to mike other nuuor improvements the con mittfre on finance presented their report recommending pavineut of accouuls us follows heujliniii watkill 3 crds vvyol b oo y s mojer chins 0 00 tlioa ebbige earjiei ter work o el jolt ciinerou bimc architect fe 39 a rhou u uruut wort r 13 ii i moore priujcg etc j0 jiuieagrlut express indteamlnp s o h fc holmes etprw 3d ihe couteuts of the april number ol tha clailujmi cover a wide range of topics there are scholarly articles designed es pecully for reidera of the cbiutaariua lirerirv and scientific circle aud many pipers discussing queitions of current in terest for the general reader beside those pills did it and he never too busy to extol the merits of hia now world famous remedy this li what be said to a report er of th norwood kegietrr the other day when he asked aboat hi illness and hi wonderfa cure i will tell you fcll about it in inuary 1632 i had la grlpioe whicb w ti prevalent at that time it settled in o pains in the calves of my legs i wu d awing lamber at the time ind thought load and the regular semi monthly sessions of the council enable oar civle authorities to keep all pabho matters well in hand as a result there ts do sccumqlsuan of basi ness requiring late sesstoas one hoar sufficed for monday evenings meeting all the members were present tha reeve in the chair the fourth report ot tha committee finance recommending payment of ihe following accounts john cameron bapalrs it town hill 1 t kanniwinooalou bj i t thompson dinning sfsea 1 j v kauniwin ink t5 s3 i moved by john williams seconded by joseph anderson that tie fourth report of the finance committee jait read be adopt ed cimed the newly printed permanent by laws of the municipality were presented tie members expressed much satisfaction with them both on the point of convenience in refenng to the provisions of the several working by laws in force and at to the mechanical execution of the pamphlet i repairs and renovation of tha town hall are engaging the aftentiaa of the council the ceiling of the law office has been renewed with wood the council chamber will be papered and its proposed to suitably paint the walls and ceiling of the auditorium and approaches the council adjourned at nine o clock t was caused by sitting on he ulowing my legs to hang doun i consult d a doctor in the matter who told me it wi s rheumatism ha treated me but did ne no good and i kept getting worse dai y altogether i had seven doc tors in at endance but none of them seem ed to kno t what my ailment was some said it w ls rheumatism others that my nerves wi re diseued one ssid locomotor ataxia ai d another instmmation of he spinal co d another inflammation of the outer linn g of the spinal cord and still an other said neuralgia of the nerves i did not sleep or six weeks and no drug admin istered bj the medical men could deaden the pain o make me slumber i will just say this at the end of that time some narcotio a ministered made me dore for a couple of 1 ours and that wis all tbe rehef i received irom the disciples of esoulapius they said that i could not recover and really i b d given up hope myself hy pain wu s intense i wanted to die to be relieved of my suffering from a weight of 184 pound 1 had dropped to 120 i was a skeleton a mpared with my former self i had oft 3 read in the rtqvttr of dr williams ink pills bat did not think of taking the remedy about this time my father pur hued some from dr moffat druggist i orwoodt and bringing theui to me requett d me to take tbm they re mitned in the house perhaps a couple of weeks befc re i commenced taking them and then i must confess i had not much faith in th ir efficacy before 1 had nu isbed takn g the first box i felt a little better and when i had taken two boxea i was convinced that tbe pink pills were doing me gc od in fact that they weredoiog for me wha seven doctors hid failed to do they were e lecting a cure i felt so mcoh better afte having taken three boxea of pink pills hat i ceased taking them but i hid not fully recovered and had to re sume and i then continued taking them until now i am as hale a man as you will meet in a d ty s travel i am positive that this happy result hu been brought about by the use f dr williams pink pills i recommend them to my neighbors and my fnends as i am thoroughly convinced of their great inrative properties there is case a shori distance from my place of a man who 1 as been a cripple for some time recovering fter taking eight boxes of pink pills in december lut i could only mansge to ift a bag of oats now lean toss a bag of pe is unto a load with ease iso t that gaim ig strength at one period since i befan taking pink pills i gitued thirty pout ds in six weeks today i feel u well as ever did in my life i have been skidd ng logs lo the bush all winter and can do a day s work with any of them i believe it my ddty to say a good word for dr williams pink pills whenever i can 1 hear you are making preparations to baild a house mr knox said thereporter yes riphed mr knox laughingly i im about rjuilding a house and barn which i think wld demonstrate that i am trying to enjoy my renewed lease of life call ing on drl moffat druggist ihe rtgultr reporter asked him if be anew of mr knox s case and that that gentleman uenbed bis cure to the use of dr will tarns pink pills yes replied the doctor i have been talking to st knox and hu ii certainly a most rem irkable cure but speaking of dr wiuims pink pills reminds me of the wonderful sale they are having in audi about nor ood i bay a hundred dollars worth at i time and my orders srenot few i sell mon pink pills than any other medi cine and i ways hear good reports of tbem dr wu lams fink pills are a perfect blood builler and nerve restorer caring sach duettes as rheumatism neuralgia partial pi relyais locomotor ataxia st vitas dit ce nervous headache nervous pros tratio 1 and the tired feeling therefrom tbe after iectt of la grippe infiuena and severe coh s diseases depending on humors in tbe bloc i such as scrofula chroma ery sipelu etc ptnk pills give a healthy glow to pals id callow completions and are a speciso fir the troubles peculiar to the female sys em and in the case of men they effect a ra ileal cure in all cases arising from menl tl worry over work eto these p lis are manufactured by the dr williams kedicine company brockvitle one and i chenectady n y and are sold articles of interest chiefly to woman tho j concluding piper of the brief series relating j only m bo1 m betr the firra e mirk to the greek influence on the english lin ll lli wrt m ot i or six boxes gosge is contributed by prof f a march of lifavette college eooentno features of the world a fair by john o eutman contains graphic descriptions of roaoy novel exhibits which visitors to the fair mav expect to see and general muter workman powderly of the knights of labor discusses from a labour leader a standpoint some of the problems of organ lied liboar in the utsited states bv far one of the moot important pper dealing wtlh the men of our own time is that t32 s3 4 for k 60 bear in rhidd that dr will tarns pink pills are never sold in bulk or bythedozenorhundred and any dealer who- offers cubsf scutes in this form t trmg to defraud vol and should be avoided tha i mhlio are iso cautioned against all other riocalled bl od builders and nerve tonics no matter hat mine may be given them they are al i imitations whose makers hope to reap a ecuntafy advantage from ths wonderful reputation achieved by dr williams e ink pills ask your dealer for dr wilhan s pink pills for pate people and refuse i ii imitations and substitutes dr willi ms pink pills may be had of wntten hy the hon william mokiuley jr the governor of ohio entitled personal moved by george hjnds seconded by ll recollections of ex pnmdent hijei in robert haw that tbe report of finance l m lh a- the april number i dcngeiati or direct by mail from dr cormnilteebe sdoptedcrned i lh c contain many other i w edlin mpa from either armaments acre made to hive blinds f enunentwriter the woman s t p whlch lhme p t at up ou ill the school windows council table is brimful of good reading i om ml 8 oe trt botd djoorned t nine o clock tlle tditonal aud c l s c depart i p expensive as compared with j tnents are devoted to the discussion of live rem or medical treatm hlnaikls liniment rillucsvoraljiir i questions airtard s u llment relieves keuraljfa it hu been decided to petition tha ontario and dominion governments for 1 15000 each to be added to a grant by tha city as a fund guaranteeing an invitation to tha british assooiatioa to meet ia tor onto in 1695 the temperance people of fort scott kamu are fighting tha liquor sellers with much vigor on tuesday 80 saloon keep en were arretted by order o governor luwelhng and placed behind bars prison bars and the town is greatly excited mr blake will speak fn midlothian on march 31 at paisley od april 3 id giu sow april i and at darliogtoa on april 5 he is feeling somewhat the effects of over work and will spend a portion of the euter holidays with mrs george brown in edinburgh house 50 different qualities all new designs and ranging in pnee tro 1 50c to s6oper pair we rwer gave such bargains wj never had half the rangfe berw the times are too hard ass such bargains by t wo a quarter dollar buys at the quarter stor twenty five king west hamilton on come binatioo the followiog extraordinary bar guns 3 ths choice italian peel for 25c 25 superior wuhing soda for 25c 8 excellent bice for 25c 8 superior laundry starch for 25o 10 good cooking raisins for 25o 6 packages corn starch for 2se g its choice mixed bird seed for 25o i monster bars good laundry soap 25a hamilton t for 50 t si5 t 2t5 forli00 t 175 t 150 t 125 six lbs any vskv kind of t coffee cocoa etc for fl 00 company 6 lbs currants for zoo 7 superior tapioca for 25o 36 cakes toilet soap for 2oc 15 lbs best bakthg soda for 25c 7 blueing for too 7 extra quality sago far 25c 9 nice frssh biscuits far 25c 5 boxes lucifer matches for 25o 12 bars electric soap 25o 12 boxes matches 25o i ibstsa 25o samlfoh tea coupahy so 77 king street west south side near ths bank of himutcn hamilton steel engravings proof etchings colored pietarec room and pictar uaaldincx frames s artists materials a fall stock of wlnsor kewtoni white doable tubes rownevs 10c 6 x 10 deep photo frames complete soo 5 feet cornice pole brass fltttajt s5c fills our wall papers are said to be tbe best selected in the dty waters bros established istt st oeohges square otjeleh do yoi want curtains i jflfmyns is tfte place i it ii oll bes youiwant window shades r jernws fa the place h price om 25c to 1 2 5 we s iow twice the variety of ott r dealers hefe and it tail pay you to comfiare pnees ou can hemps from 10 to 30c ritiiijj u oths chea our prices pe than wheat no we buy che wo h 40c every color carpet felt at 4c per yard r b jermyn di 1 you want carpe ts arid oilcloths jotrtws is the place tmipns from75c to 125 and arrand youiwant curtain poles i jertws is the place think jf a stack of cu tain piles at 25c complete well do it drop us k postal if joti want samples and prices s of anything m dr goods or gen- k cral merchandise ours isyhe largest retail 6toro in all canada with 6er three acres of selling space and hijf 1 thousand em- ptovcc knd i po card is enough to being all the facilities of the store 0 jour home just as much as though vve wero located in jourtour i i hint ofja clerk educated tot know fashion changes mcrchan4 disc qualities stj les and colors being at 5 our beck andcall when ever joa w ish lliats shop tng bv nnl thct eaton cot ltd im risp start ttnamal ls 1 f 1 i otnsn suitabl inau tt w epos dlti tercsti wltbdi also ootlcfl rzvl paulo vi fto ttlurftsniunts place in this county can sell close con hill au main streets acton ur ipy tssts by an experienced optician we give you plenty of timft now the christmas business is over our mrcuiverhouse jl spoken of as tne of the best opticians in canada savage led i opticians jewellers guelph john speight fe soni i un3erthking par stock of fornifure is now complete for t is spring trade and wt can supply any i tide yon want at tbe lowest possible prices wa dont steal oar furniture nor for s4 defra id any one in its manufacture but we pay cash for itshd can sell u low foe cash 1 dealers in he trade i we can give you a bedroom sat complete wave mattresses fori m 1 sprigs for 8 sideboards atjcost lounges for 750 extension tables t50 chairs atariyprrce f roes ste always m stock ws cangirs you satisfaction as tj prices wa desire to ionresa upo4 tha publfa he faif that wa have no oonutoa with ariy comblnatioa and oafpriees ar not govarned by tha undertakers usoclftion wecan give kroa the best ttfa msrksts tfford st very reuomble prices qpod hearse anil outfit for f bronchial syruf ts a most soothing and healing rejnedy in all cases of cougbs wd colds i soarsx1txss and sors tbroa t try a bottle only 25c i 1 sptj cou isi 1 our ttja nti outfit for funerals spsight 3t son sprinq i qoods 1 the interior ot withm the past week oj have given place to th for spring wear we or 10 cases of canadian goods for spring anu a dress french designs lew lancjies jilt and which are canfinedfeo ourselves showiugotircifatoniergl something cauuot afford to miss ai inspection o lr store fias undergone a cqmplee change two the sombre tints af the wit ter goods bngbt ahi chterful shades ofthe new goods bvealreahv oneqed hp in addition to the 80 staples j abouf- 30 cases and bales ol imported passing others through the easterns daily 1oqds7 ckrpett we have re of the latest designs an in oar carpet viudow this spring boots 5t nnd shoes ejvery day as fiue makes as though and the cost ii compa oar driiss maki and orders coming in look oat for a g milliner has returned li g the only onel priced itterns invented thife e lone are vhat we iew and freih every c oar new spring drepv isaseojfrom bdnu choicest we propose shos shac 11 to season are daily ay- you goods to date 45 ngg see double on pieces of he new sales o buy every day we an satisfying obitomere wit 1 faaltl j therg leaning t jjjgj eaq 1 hey had a standing last ait the sho i lively trivial r departmenl is now opei for th ii work gna ranteed stric tly first- his iud display 0 millinery europe yhn8co ry godds pore in glterlplrl 1 spn ag carpets patterns carpets use boots of j us makers wwwwwiw- house and lot for sale the undersigned desires to sell the faouu and lot ou arms street lot 8 block 18 icton and fivp baildins lots on lake avenue tbe hoasa u a eomfortable rough east of su roans ind his a stable on tha lot for particulars apply on the premises to jib1mm ubs ckabxes qctttksb faem for sale tee undersigned desires ia rent or sell the arm k e1 lot h con i esqneslng near icton ftltr acres fall particulars will be sltsa arion iripueaileti to pimicl las w if ilrasw lax l bockwocd quelph salesman wanred 1 ekerget1c ma mated for haitoa coaafr to idrertlie ud uktforderfl torths itmt flteawd ud improred eleetrieal appli- ueeaor tha cow ot disawe tjlyy 180 pr moatii and eptitec so eximrieae ueomurj perniaqotempioytnant senduaiup or pr- tfoolx stud application form bokelx putt ct co 170 ongfl st toronto ont mone to loan fapsi or nllsga pruparty st reasonabls rites appltjo uclean4lfeleas i town ball acton grain wanted i s tse andenfffned li pnptedto py the high- et uih vrice for h kiorfi of griin datjittr- ad hit vsroboojm t cj t rtiutioo acton r joht e cobbj wanted at one rbalexmon lo every county for our choice ktjrsery stock ind flair tuletiai of seed potatoes bilcry otj oomraliiioa btstdj empfoyoieat knd food pv bead for unn j hookeboboveb 4 coi vlmarymaa uid bdimea boehmter v y saljesmen wanted we waa both trtvefllarf sad loesl aaiasmin to represent ths old establlsheil fontblll k orients faby fa id feoii tbe st ast to salesmea eipariencsd in oar jul udsral tennrtonssinnflrs aad a permanent sltnarioa aisared we have too leres under enltirscloa and furnlshioolyarstelaas stock yjutrrrfaax hardy viriatiss for northern ootarlo and hani fobs t spejeialtty we guarantee oub stock apply for terms at ones w want youkow 1 btone wellington toronto ont v to su ur jfisq auction sale sfocjc sacf zaplesissts i rpee nndmigned- hsabn instructed by frhos cmoore r jrpnbueiactloaoolots eons esquek fngjaerui ot q t k- actontm fricjay 31st marefij8e3 at ten o clock sharp the following btockiiroa grsr horse 5 years old i bay mare 8 yeari old 1 grejr mars mars 11 years old by ueahuder 1 ued bay mate j bay eoltlj yean old ietot and bleekhewk grsdi mts in calf or cau at foot extra stock i jemy bejfers bith grade 1 yean rnllkint 1 8ysara ber fat lvearllsg neuar ayrshire 1 durham call i brood uerkthlis sow in tag sad about 90 hens leghorns and plymouth bocks ikplbmbvtsl flinty binder li rood ii h p mavson seed drill new i sharps sons take good as new ijoxyptowiommt 1 essex oibtrs plowi sett iran barton 1 lett team hatssss risaaw sjji utl food is new rri doable ugbt biroess 1 setts dagle hanuss i cart banesa and can j sennur 1 fanning mill mw 1 agrisnltaral fnraaos oowdy kaj and wood racksj logging chains ttowbats ploks shove s raksi hoestiorka grain rrsile7iythes andotiararail tools and artjclm of futnltnm lneladlns cbhrn tubs mux oani and tables about tffl hush banner ud black bnsataaoats baib seed peas 10 tons timothy and clover jit m pae the msbhinerv sa beadlnsi turnr planet and jointer stars issjjs eblealof buswoodandsoft elm lot beading tnd enstotn edst for ahlsales a btgra2dt th tmai b teblas ol balewl ams i10jb snl under cash lover that amount ntaelriooths credit on ipprj s4 notes hit gsin and lat jeltocuh jhul and macirr to lit v5- ilunta rprty b fou wif hemstbebt aaetioneer i thb odbu tyse writer 120 ksat tbe odktt type- jgji to spusts thanscse niii jlti aa mv other machlna- hat no ink rfbbon to bottler ths ojmterm t siplsteilsriwi ai i and nnifflstaj rjtlst di le atmivsksl t t oaplss eaadis raada hu intsbiswrpeaoness ii girtng indorcoments etc otjxljt typi wbitek co boomaknaaaiebiilldlng toronto jw utmrford vgs for domliaon kill the wbnns or they vrill your shild r low worm syrnp is tie best worm dr killer

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