Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 23, 1893, p. 4

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lj ctatrjm lrss thursday march 251693 be aung jfolkfe tire litixe quakes jnuroey it ii rery rcry wickoj to think that tlioo art fair- and ii ot 10 brutb the curli flat which crinkle in ilyhair for though i comb thorn smoothly down full sarij time a day tlicyriso aadtwut itid crinkle in a ulost un- quikcr way i know bow very nicknd tii to httetlieee pnyi and brown aud wub tbey were not fattened u t ikifraijd- luotbfri gowni it bccmi to etnncp that all tbi flown should be to gaily drwt tbc vuei an4 tbo buttercups each tbrifht- cr tliau the rytt i an 1 hen my san day bound with its uibccoin- lug crown atrl pakiiik brim i puh it ap and then i pull it down i oant lines almost uaw it for it mniu if my faoc ashamed and ia and utfy bid ret re ted into fpce 0 ifl only bad a frock at bluei tbe brimmer vy with a sub fft ioft iud silky of very brilliant j and a lit jutt heavy lden wit ill tbo flowers that froff id i tbe happiest maiden in qtukerdom i know c i dowry combed my curli by the lookingglass aid mother pently cbided in iict quid peaceful way jib kutb my ifttlc daughter thee- most think tbyeelf rifibt fair thee takat full thrice aa long tbc needtu to only comb thy hair iftar uit much thee doct forget that life ii eborrand rain and days for work are patting which will nerer coma again iray liuth my child win ember a till that faireft far arts tboce whose liei are filled with earnest work from childhood till its close i cannot understand it why all the worlds eo bright vet bright color on a maiden are anything but right if god baa made us quakers why green trocs inttthd of gray and hy are all the flowers that bloom io brilliant and bo gay if god had mean tino to be drab why art djy eyes so blue my cheeky re ink aa peoales my llpi like cherries too i cannot understand it now perhapi i will tome cay when im as old as granny and my yellow hair is cray notes he an jthe item6 of qanaril interest to fra pretr reader orcoatie you rett the tettitnohku frequently pablihed io this pgr kitting to hood btipirilu they ire from reliable people ittte biraple fact nd sbof beyoaddoabtlhithooda cures why dout yoa try thti medi cine be sore to cet hooiv constipation lud all troubles with tbe direct vs organs tnd tbe liver iira cured by hoodi pills uneqaalled dinner pill an old settler rone read dr bolus vid he added thoughtfully well benfcs raiy have been an old settler in ocie tense bjt be always miiisped to forget to settle with me the caw catting winds bring tojthe knrftce every latent pain a change oi even a few degrees marks itys difference bet wee a corn fort aud pais to muny percous happily dieeaje now holds leas sway science i continually bringing forward new remediee wbioh guccefally combat disetse poltont nervilttus nerve piin cure hat proved the most bqccetsfal pain relieving remedy knovra itctpplicc- tioi is wide fdr it u equally eecient in all forms of paui whether internavorerterntt 25 cents a rattle at all druggiut profewtir cram caua a primroe a oorol- linoral dicotyledoooas eiogeo hot be wouldtit do it i the primrose waa able to hit bk he i why co corne corn curo trial and is there behind 1 behind imping and whining about your a 25 cent bottle of holloways will remove them g ve it a oo will never regret it ady creatnre that has its toes a tug its tows are always aflcufurseaie of health aad atrdktii renewed and of eua and comfort follows the me of syrup of fific as it act a harmony with nature to effect ail y cleanie the vyitem wliea cos tive or biliocs for tile ia 75o bottles by all lead tog druitv rrequirei powerful filaw to entbfft a man to see double the langs kidney bowels tc act as so many waste cctecfot the escape of effete matter and gaxsee from the body the ace of northrop lymans vegetable diiccv- ery h6lp them to dfechtrge their duty mr w u letter h if caitomt toron to writes i have personally teted the healthy ving properties of northrop lymans vegetable- discovery tad can testify as to its preatalae wliat part of your ear wonldbe tbemojt essential for a martial band t the drum he kept his word it was in a cbeapside restaurant a solemn man entered followed by his dog seated himself and called for the bill of fare it was given him what would you lite to have air asked tbe waiter flipping him with his napkin the do meanwhile had climbed upon the chair on the ntber bide of the table and was gravely regarding his master well said the solemn man reflective ly gimme two fried eggs turned over gimme the same said tbe dog the waiter gazed at the animal with amazement mingled with horror the solemn mjtn continued then you can gimme a rump steak very rare with fried potatoes gimme the same said the dog tbe waiters face atsnmed the color of cold boiled veal cup of coffee plenty of milk went od the solemn man gimme thajime said the doc tbe waiter shuddered and turning fled for the kitchen a man at an adjoining table wm much idterebted at tbe scene he had observed it cloiely and finally said to the solemn man it must ha been a fearful lot of work to learn that dog to talk mister it wab said the solemn man tliats a 6tory said the dog what od youtake for him dor said the man wouldnt sell him said the solemn man yood better dot said the doe the man at the other table wb much impressed ue began making wild offers and when he reached 200 the soleimn man relented well said he i cant refuse that i hate to part with him bat you can have him hell be sorry for it said the dog the purchaser drew a cheque for the amount which he gave to the solemn man who was about leaving when tbe dog cried out never mind ill get even ill never speak again he never did the gentleman who bought the oz was propietor of a penny show the solemn man was a tentriloaist crook the bhow- man ib now huntiog all over london try ing to ran acroes that ventriloquist horticultural hints press the soil down after sowing email seedt to save labor in tbe garden pfcri loplant everything in long rows it is important in baud ling evergreens to never let the rools get dry r onion tetd mast be planted as early in the spring as the soil can be worked ooion seed muet be of tbe previous seasons growth older seeds cannot be re- lied upon j small fruit is so plentiful as to usually make it unprofitable to send any but the best to market dead bhooti bhould always be cut out as they are more or lets a draft on the vital ity of a tree or plant when black knot has made a start close attention and courageous catling aofl burn- will save them one advantage with usiug freeh manure as a rrulch with the btrawberries is that it acts as an inworator wiiid breaks that will protect theorchard from northwest winds will often aid mater ially in growing koodcrops of froit i forest trees are of but little trouble after they atari n grow bat along tbe road thoy rctcrn lees profit than fruit treeb whenever there is not sufficient time to do everything at the right timeiu the gar- den to much has been undertaken look at the size of the or- dinary pill think of all tbo trouble and dis turbance tiutt it causes you i wouldnt you q welcome some- thmg easv to tabs aod easier jin its ways u at the same tir than rvslm ajttjsk when pabjwaisick wogivo her castorla tvbcn iho was a child sio cried for cstoria when sho bocarie jiim fiio cluag to castoria when he bjid children fliclavcliicaicastorla a cure for croup croup kills thousands where cholera kills tene for tbia dread disease no rem edy can compare in curative power with hsgyards yellow oil it loosens the phlegm gives promfit relief and completely cures the most violent attack a lawyer is not neoessarily a sensible man because he always stands to reason fagged out none bnt those who have become fagged out know what adepressed miserable feeling 11 is all strength is gone and despondency has taken hold of the eufferecb they feel as though there is nothing to live for there however is a care one bpi of parmeleeevegetrble pills will do wonders in restoring health and strength mandrake and dandelion are two of the articles entering into the com position of parmelees pills it may eeem parodoxical but it is never theless true that floating debts will sink corporation r mm w mmm a t tfieweai of heal is in pure rich blood to enrich theblood is hte ptttting money out interest scotts emulsion of pun norwegian cad liver oil fffl hypophosphitet iposseses blood enriching properties in a remarkable degree are you a7 run devnf taki scotve emulsion- almost as palatable as milk be sure and get the geniine prepared on r by scott jt bowne belleriue th power of na tare for every ill nature has a cure in the healing virtue of the norway pino lies the care for congh colds croup asthma bron chitis hoarsen eb etc dr woods norway pine syrup re resents the virtues of nor way pine anil other pectoral remedies price25c teacher to deju a couu tender what boil it tender pupil if you were presi fair and wanted a gate- duld you do pupil id when the deicon looked into tbe contri bution box alter passing it round be aid he thoacht it at a catch penny affair c 0 riaum co gesilees4id driving over the mono- tains i took a severe cold which settled in mybackbud lfidneys causing me many cipain the first applica tion of minards liniment so re lieved me that complete recovi i annspolib fell into a deep sleep and ry shortly followed jons s mcliion differences ol opinion regarding the in- terna aud extei nal remedy dr thomas kclectric oil lo not bo far as known exist the testimony is positive and con current that the article relieves prtyaieal pain cures lameness check a cough is an excellent remedy for pains and rhuemauo complaints and it has iio nauseating or other unpleasant effect when taken inter- dally the cowboy poet recently discovered in wyoming uto le cilled ibe poet liariat consbhjtionctnkn an old phyhiflitn retired rirorrj practice having had puoed in ht hanu by an east india missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy tor the speedy and per manent cure if consumption bronchitis catarrh asthnia nnl all thrnitilnd lum affections also a pwiive audi radicaj cure for nervna debility hmi kii nervons com plint after hating tested its wonderftif curative owertt in thnuan rtf cxsa hnt feji it his duty to nutwv it known- to alshis sufffriftk fflllow aciusted hy llii mntite aud a dfnire to reltevu huhiit fuffefinjj i will send free of charge to all wliodetrf it thi rwip jii gvnitn french ur lngii4i with full direc ions for preps riig mtiii otitig sent ty mail by tmreiiii viilij ttnip niniiiiif lila paper a noyk 620 powers blodk rochester ntf cttrcs caomcptlan coash crotrp sor ttrcct gold br tit drcteut os ocarantoc fcr a luce bids eicfc cr chert shuon potws pinter wiil eito grtt fatlifidic ccsts 8hilohs wfauzer icxriaed f3rej7paraisilvcrotkwnr tronhloltciocis patarrh remedy htroropoittrrhf tttttejitoawsr itwiu pofltivcly relievo end euro jcu pricewcta this injector for its succcfiecul treatment 14 lumbedfrca ilciiismiierfehuoliaketriedioi ue sold on a ffuoiotuoo to clvo iatceuon ncstoredtajfudthr dcin bras for run i ix troubled with indigestion oat being idsited to try b bb t did to tad had myielf qaite re- stored to beiltlt eonrun sduxtut mgr sallirsb firm danlwr oat when rosy mui be uid io be utenjiy immersed io hit basinet f when gmag s swimming lesson ctntii ii being can kritaid everywhere on tbe excellences of her manufscturee art stained glass is prominently in tbe fronj rank ol her improvements thanks to mccaasland son of toronto who for 40 years have labored not only to aceamd late money bnt to make stained andornt mental glass of all kinds a credit to tbe dominion wben is a fruit 6tak like a strong swim- mer wben it stems the currants oh what a cough 7 senator liroar who bad jott yonnf wife ires appointed secretar of be interior by aft clejelmd hjs bridt iptni week hoaathnnling and nnilly ft iod what teemed lo be suitable able rest ease foe toabfaei offloer she drove to be senate of wbioh ifr lamar m still i member to tell her husband the sen o i er discovery hit first question was whad is the rent deer 1 setet tyflfe hnodred a year the s lator lapsed into deep thought and the j once wife laid rather nervotulr do yc i think it extravagant j it jc i at that returned litnir slow ly i w s wondering what shoajdj do with the co ilbec 500 of my stlary 1 o the biblical fountain if von re getting iary read james if your fi lb ft below par read paul if yoa end have are impatient sit cown quietly a talk with job if yoa i re just t little strong hudedj go and see i otet k yoa i re getting weak kneed takjt a look at e ijth if then is no toog in your hetrt listen ta david if you i re getting sordid spend a while with iiatih if yoa eel chilly get the beloveddis ciple to p this arm around yoa if yoa re losing sight of the xalare climb ap o revelatioa and get a glimpse of the pro niaed land boston oautie will yon heed the warning the signal perhapb of the sure approach of that more terrible diseu consumption- ask your selves if von can afford for the sake of saving 50c to run he risk and do nothing for it we know from experience that shiloha cure will cure your congh it never falls somo bojtre like clocks they are going all tbe time but never reach any where if you ysnt to buy or sell a farm ad vertise in the toronto wtttly mail that paper reaches 100000 farmers homee every week and yoar advertisement shoald meet the eye ot someone who wante to pur chase advertisements of this class are h- eerted in the toronto waily hail for five cents a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertions addreae the mail toronto canada the auctioneer is i bavo you talk back man wbo likes 1 1 a plain statement hagyarde pectoral balsam cores congh colds asthma hoarseness bronchitis tight oeis of the oheit and all diseases of th ihroat and lungs price 25o no reinedvcores coughs colds croup hoarseness asthma bronchitis 8ore throat etc so wellas dr woods norway syrup free and easy expectoration immediately relieves and freeb the throat and lungs from viscid phlegm and a medicine that promotes this is the best medicine to use for coughs colds inoamatiou of tbe lungs and all affections of tho throat and chest this is precisely what biokles anticon sumptive syrup jb aepeciflo for and where- ever nsed it has given unbounded satiafao- tiou children like it because it is pleas ant adults like it because it relieves and cures the dieease whatever ones lot in life he should have good deedb to bbow forit ucware of clioltra the healthy body throws off the germsof cholera therefore wisdom couoeels the use of burdock blook bitters thib spring to purify the blood rcgulato tbe system and fortify the body agaiust cholera or other epidemics peonle who steal watches are apt to wind up in jail there is clanger in neglecting a oold many who hive died of consumption dated their troubles from exposure followed by a cold which settled on their lungs and in a short time they were buyond the skill of the best physician had they used bickles anticonfiumptive syrup before it was too ate their lives would have been spared this medicine hab no equal for ouring colds coughs and all aflectioog of the throat and lungs the baltimore folks think bank teller is not always inolincd to tell burdock pills give satisfaction wherever tried they cure comtipatioa sick head ache and biliousness llinanlvilnliufiit relieves neuralgia dead mena tales wills purest strongest best ccstains no alutn arftaooia lime phoiphatcj or any ifljurltafe probab thing for very few failures it is a good and wholesome he advancement ol mankind that i ersont contemplate or makajxny special p reparation for fallursc hope baqye the a up with visions of suocees and though th if fee examples all aroand them of broken artunes hard times and detests of every k od they fondly believe such arils me to them only thus could the work f the world go on steadily and ohesxfully imlgininj wero each one occupied in possible distilen end mentally guaging lit fortitude to sear them his power an t enthufium for actual eifort would be i idly diminished til a strength and appetite i sn n drun and reducing state of mj of mine inc need b which perceptible strength pounds a que lie clocks fr end aid tli a list year i wu very very fast owing to the blood and appetite a me to get a bottle of b i did i obtained immi relief from it have ga appetite aud now weigh if t icobpht dorchester bridge quebec quv of time tbe erection of bin bad nub- tbe grea results which have attei ded the regular use quinine wine by people of delicate constitution and those effented al prostration of tbe syslem can rue than all the words that we this article is with a gene speak more bay in its t ihalf medicinj and a lifegiving principli a perfect renovator of the whole systemin vlgoratlng sjt the tame time both body and mind its jnedical properties are a fc bri- fuge tonic and antiperiodic small dices frequently repeated strengthen the pi lie create an appetite enable you to obaio refreshing sleep and to feel and know hat every fibre tnd tissue ot your systen is being brace i and ranovated in the fine quinine wne prepared byvnorthro 45 lyman tor into we have the exact tinio required ti d to persons of weak and ier vons constit tions we would say nevei be without a be ttle in the bouse it is told by all drngg sts why are jowardly soldiers like ta lo candles i ecaue when exposed to fire they run the third page of the toronto ifoif la notei for want advertisements if yoa want to buy or sell anything you want actuation a mechanic a ncsa machii ery lodgings if yoa have or ound any thing or if you want to oat where at yone is advertise in the ronto daily jail and read the adverse- mente on th i third page of that the charge 1 1 two cent a word each sertion ad reaa the hall toronto ada r thorough value are twe barns cod cherry and digestibility and nntrftive strong points in favor of idil iver oil emulilon with wild ypophotpbitee ltuy if usi lost 9nd to- paper can- wanted every ont3r i honcorcuvvt lnow how keep faiianlcilia pood haih wh e in the stibe on dry udarr dicks bukj purifiek is na napiit rd u the bcit co ji towden k pv a c 4 apprise and iut ens the digtuica to that ell 1 3 food u ajmiue tiiij fgrn8chiliu icirccm ihm ft cuii it eulitcs tlie isowcuaad kijnc and titmi 3 rate roet iuto a smooh and cltnty 0 ways in demrnd this tciioa fthc arc toli ibletotoi toaios hicks lsdat they saad ilfe- ter whi be ft itid a table ecctiilty mrtlt c nil kxifmnctiu id ertritrt ftwul remove a cnts 1 iln tplirt orthofuaf a or any nrednj sound horses dits lik a kraih or umenessand rf move iofli t furfuletrrkudrt cit ttt3odrbriltcr8lc dittsbtikeritjc ijlcks liiiiicait pc diets oinyncat 25c sorl pmoica d fur faop 1 lioiurt fatcattle 1 tut frvc dick 6 co po box ta moktreat castoria is dr samnel pftjtjherg and children ft contains neltlier other karcotic rabstnce ft ii n for parofforie ppopeottiilns a it is pleasant iu gnaraatoo is mhuoni of mothers casfjorlados fovcrlslincss castoria iirotonts cures diarrhoea and wfnd coii teetlxlnartroublps cares constfpa castoria esslmilates tlia food rq pre eription 1 c ian yr ps oastoriai ton and flatulency liates tho atomaohi latural sleerji cas toria is tho childrens panacea ti i brothers friend and bowels etrlnn healthy and castoria 7- i castorfaisai excellent raedlefne roe ehfl- tea jtotserihito repeitedbr told a ett t fcdeaectupoatketrcbildrea d p 0 osacooj lmrell itass castoria u uis best remedy for children of which i era anpaiatod 1 bote tie tit is not fir disaat whea mothers wnicaasfjcr tho real interest of their elilmrea ene nsa dirisrli a- stcsd of thererlousquackncetraraawlilchare dectroyb their lored one bjfordesoricja morphine soothlog syrup tii ether iurtfcl apsas dotrn their thwats thereby irorfins themtoprematurocratea t j da j p itjicazcosf i oottway a forlnftnta mi arorpbino not armless snbstitate akd castor oil i llrtrl fears use ir forms and alloys rnltlfiff soar curd rclloyes meat bs xfx cexumr oasapajrj- ttkmwsrfi 8j 3 tjj cssto alisoiiaciptsatocindrentnaa ireecros ta iscasirperlorteanr yteeeifiascei b a jsiottad lit co oxford et drooklrn k f oct i r the csndren depart- highly cf their expert- encoiatfiir octitda practice with catorla and alth ich wi only have atooej ccr medlcali pplles chat ix knotra aa rejebr pradncra uwean free ta eoweaa that the maitxet satorit has sroa aato look with farorcrx r tjtxa nesrmx iito dtararatar bostae haas jbjrra prra t fifteen per cent reduction from winter clothing quelplk clot i i the balance of our v t i fur ckpsr mint6r undeifoiiqthrna will be sold at cost price for c ttekoitt just one year sfoee i have taken ja businese foteaerly carried on the firm heme of kellvpios ank at i wu delermfbed to- do a oajh saeineei ia ordei lo keep pp with- the hnjwl and gire castomeri goode at rfght ttricos i mmt no aa that it hai been tie most pteaiani year i have eprttlin baiinejei i ho opiortpnlty of thanking the numeroaf oasojere for their very kind patron ageinlhe put and solicit a share o thefc trade fa thefutare feeling lira- no lia position to do better bytbenj ben eter befqre baring the largest and cbdicetjt stock of upie drvfcoods heady made clwhing hats and cerita ftirrilahlngf fori trie spring trade that waa ever abwnin aotbni i want every one to read ibis advertiaement all through uybulwill find itot gret intereet neck jties in isii line i have made a special effort to plaoe in stock the eholpeet collebtioo of knot four la- hands windeor boarfsrand bowe that yoa will lee in any sire west of toronto shiirts- i iwhite and colored sunday ahd working shirt a very fine lo select from at 50 oenti hmts r nevler- in the history of aoion has there been wn such a choice lot of hal ail have to show yoa this spring in all lhtllest shape and color to fit and itltall ages and a special line n children wear hing i- grand trunk railway ooixoifsat ooriia-enrr- express i c9 am express- t roaun 1 ball 10 tit ajn i eassener ft9ajn expreas 1 ipjrt 1bximrss 11 09 aa llall a otr-m- thall 6 07 tun passenger- 1 s8jjo i mixed u pa iracz or ciosrka mna a aoinwes- going east 10 taajn and t wpm- this time table went irao effect on december fthlihi t 1 b o b burdock blood bitters isapttrelyregetable componadpoisesiing perfect reguutingpawf rbovcrall thergani of the system and controlling tfrej secrsi lions it sopnrifiea the blood that t m all blood htnnorranil diieasei from s com mon pimple to the worst scro aloha sdre and thiseombfaedwifhitj unrivalled regulating cleansing and purifying influence on the secretions of the liver kidneys bowels ar- skin render iitncqiiuied as a cure for all disease of the t3 i if id- dujring february iiit egular prices for shaw 8c turner padkagenbw jroods received at th right comprising a cases of dreu goods in navy ci etc 0 bales of prints in choice pattern s cases cot felt i bale english ahictfagsi case cromptons cel cotton 1 can sheetings i paoksga drsis shields l opera twill flannels kid gloves fancy veilings it laces i i the clearing sale of winter goods still goes axminlsten fine designs reduced from 2 to 160 brasslee frora hsi to f 185 a variety of union a reduced to 1i and i5o a lot ot doable width frfno stylet and shades in dress goods formerly 80 sod 90 of mens rubber brace at is 17 20 15 and soo pe birds feathers flowers end ornament also trimi and velvet reduced to half price brocaded silk if colored silk pluih formerly 2 to13 per yard clearii time to buy blankets a reduction of be a pound ma store corner king and hugheon streets hamilton kerch 2nd 1893 ia ithi departmeqt i nromiae yoa wonderful bargains in mens tooths boyi and childrerif bait and odd pante in great tirirty and at price that will be sore to catch yoar eye never heforo had t inch a range of 2 sod 3 piece suits at all prices and style i it wont pay too to paee me it there j anything in ithe way of cloth- vov wrnt hoafety ihavewm veryepecialbat- gefayjwomene tttseee and childrens a splindid black cashmere womeds iframr 25 eeato well worth is oenbi this is tbe kind ofbirgalni yoa may look for from me under the cash sy- teml i a i hare staled before to keep abreast with the limes a cash busi- nesimhst be done and that i will do abdjnpthlng else i have now in stock the balk of my spririg goods and the balance will be arrlttiig daily sincerely ybari jjkelly soooomi to kelij bros x house this week lot 31ack cashmeres fafloy brbche foala kerge diagonals delaines a good consisting of shirting coltcuaijes and cantons i 1 rolls of table rated borseti 1 case silk thread 1 case gotten thread i cases bleached tse caibmere hose 1 case cambric and datliu embroidery spot ifuslia iewssidec fancy ribbons 8ik nets giipare loe fancy illllinety a iloquettd carpets in choice colorings reduced fromj 1175 to 1150 vilton carpets tl05 to u80 john cressley i sons sstfivef came i allfoo flannel reduced ta very iow prices allwool dress serge press tweeds formerly 0 ta 50a reduned to slo a large variety of yrednied to 50o grey debeige 0 to 25oaod 32 tojsoc a large variety iair c uch less than regular prices a large usoctmentof uillinery goods d and 0ntrimmed millinery sailing off at j reduced prices silk plushe lilefluih and groa grata silks grectly reduced a lot of widewldth out a 1125 natrawwldth silk plutfcesi formsrjy ii wjw 5ft a good on all saper blanket please eater the right kouso ihtoagh the new phzoclas o wlatkiens st stfest rontd will open at no 13 the celebrated whitworth hu all fitted with the seddon or lafo 7 i we also have a few cushion ti it will pay you to see our wheels anc send for catalogue see pur diamond frarrie pned best value the world icyde warehouse incanada stocked with the btalslze and 8partan wheels pn jumatic tires wreels tht atic we are quoting rictjs before purchasing if tire guaranteed safety for ioood the very low to clear you cannot cal v i j adlmld db asavsaw gd from one to tiro bottles will euro boil pimples blotches nettle rash scurf letter aniall lbs simpleforms of skin disease from two to four bottleaisill cn sallrhetim or ecxeraa abinglcs erysipelas nlceri br scessearnnnihgsoresaall akin eruption it is noticeable that etaterers from skin diseases are nearly always agjrra rated by intolerable- itching bat his quickly subsides on the removalof lha diseaiaby b3b qisiing on to grareri yet prevalent diseases swh a scrofulous swillingsidinors and scrofula we have uhdoubfed proof that from three- o sixbottlea used internally and by outward application rdjlufed if the skin is broken to trie tffected pstts will effect a cure the great misswn xif b b is to regulate the liver kidneys hbvets anil bloodto ktfrect acidity and wrong action of the stomach and to open the sluiceways of the system to carry off all clocked andimpnr secre- r tioni allowing natuoe thos to aid rcoovery add remove withoat fail bad8l00d liiver complaint liliqusncssdyspcpsiasick r headache dropsyj rheumatism and le very species of disease mising from disordered hver kidneys sfomach bowels and blood we guaranieji eveiyj bottle of b h b shoah any personbe dissatisfied aflernsing jthe frit bottle we wilvrcfund the nioncy on applicationpersonallyorbyletter wewill also be glad o fend testimonials and in formation proving the effects of b ii b in the above riarncd diseases on application to t icribtjrs ico torohtoont 1 e itroe maku dision patiwts coptriohts ttej ycr tajannation and tree handbook writs to mvsx co xi baoibvat kiw toux oldest nat for seernina patent rn america everr patit sakea oatbt oi is broesot bezors the plihtte branotiee sifea tree or ebartelntos itx moatbr laocressruunn kcq iv3til broadvar ssv 7or ac dunns baking fii j8 ii i- theclcsbfestfrfend urqeftsateinoanapal i- l i i- peteflhanis roach food not a poison faux to- cockroacte mbwte uoi wrtuslrnrtktpiiyjflbf iifrfl wwblfltfvvrr touoja ta i litsssr ij55tsi ewiho herron i m mmm sola hfkros sggt a 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