Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 6, 1893, p. 1

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volume xviii no 4j0 ag the qtttm jfree press is rublisbep every thursday morning i tee free press steam printing os re mill 6treet acton okt tibk or bcbtcrirtrovou dollar per year strictly in advance all subscription- diicon- tinned wben the tin for wblcfc the hive been 2 tbe daw to which every ul u m a kddreci abtirthiko flitettnndent advertlse- rneuu 6 centa per nonpareil une or first ib- insert m r ctcb ub r rthe following uble sbowi our ratea or the insertion ol idrertlietnenu or ipecified period toiucbea lolnchee 6 inches llncb 1 1 t itimum 1 1 ko tsooo 15 00 to no too tssm ib 3m 1 3000 too hoc sxo too eso too 100 m without trwinc direction inviom adrertieroents most be paid mmiwt l changed nnce eeb nrsjifjs for f htb tottener thin m reguli rftaa p mutt be paid for ractadvertliement dull be in tbe osce by noon on tueadaya h p moore editor end propietor every week we are getting new effects in ingrain wall papers with borders and ceilings to match these papers are used by the best families they are as cheap as the common papers only is cts a roll and much handsomer when you are in guelph call at days book store and see how nice and cheap they are day sells cheap sttsiness btrerzrirp t f uren m d c m oaice and retidencocornet 11111 frederick q a mckeagde ii d nzn5il f trinity college member of ftiw burgeon licentiate edinburgh fb torceone tssfvti 7ti lowryl lte resi dence head of frederick street atw bank of montreal capital rest 12000000 6000000 a savings department has been opened in connection with thlb branch interest allotted at current kites jas hflhlky i haaager guelph bkanch je wilkinson v d 6 l d 6 brkgeot drvtibt oridaite univertity of toronto member of the royal college of dentil burgeoni office open every diy etccpt wednetdiy tburtdiyand saturday orer the drugstpre actov l bennett lds dentist oeoboitotk ostlxjo m clean 4 mclean birrulers bollcitori notaries conveyucen 4c privttefandilo loin ofioe town hall acton w a mclus jko a mcleui r a mowat blbbkieb souciiob noiibi pcbuc money to loin orricu ditt tuesday md saturday rrice eianiwini block acton upittln j mcnabb costzrivcrb collector etc kcnu and accounts cqdected agent fire and life assurance property bought ind lold monej to loin on the mo favorable terms j a how at s office acton ohilt0n wallbridge stone barriter solicitor tobosto 1kd geoboetowh ofscel creelmini block georcetown ind trtdert bank chimben 63 once t toronto jfihiltos bl whwallbbidoe h e bt05e james hutcheon land ennejor indciril encineer office idioinlng j a moirit mtcdonnell fitreetopelph patents secured fob isvbstioxs heney gbibt orriwi ciiiibi tweoty y in prtetlce no pitent no pit rrrm hem6treet licensed acctioveeb for the coantlet of wellington ind hilton orderrlef l it the fbeb pbui office acton or it nyretldence in acton will be promptly it- lendedto termi retonible alio money to loin on tbe mut fitonble urtni ind it tbe lowt ntel o intereit in lumi of j30 and npwirdi john day architect guelraokt office wyndhitn btreet fjlrancis nunan bookbindeb wodbiast gnelpbontirio over wllllimi store 1 cconnt bookl of ill kindi tnide to order periodical of erery deisription carefullybonnd kulinrneitltind promptly done t he hanlan bilrbeb shop mlllslbrttactok netntte cjjithhilrcrjtcoodteitroiii adechiliirdtingibimpooilwijicirea iuior boqdftndpotrn flntclki codhhqd l41m ndchjldrerjibfrutiljcut 3 ahwormintoniothlartfiti job printing isclldikg book pmnpblet poleri hid hedi cirepr ac 4c eiecnted in tbtr but ttyle of thk irt it modert price ind on lhort notice ajipl or tddresi hp moore peee pacss office actoc agents wanted in every toimsnip to sell the pictorial cyclopedia of live stock and complete stock doctor tbe taot complete ind eomprebensire work rerpublitbed it athor sund t the bead ol tbeir profetiion and bve t continental repu- utlon wortn iu weight in gold to n one bfttinc hors bheep cattle bwine pooltrr dog or bee a qttna opportunity to mk mone becure ttrritorj at once addresi e n hoyeb publisher 120 yonge at toronto hamiltons marble works hamilton pitklirorinerij htcbaulock the core corner ol voolicbnd norfolk itretu outlpb ont john h hamilton proprietor l wboicsau qd ret dealer and direct j reporter and inanufacturer of all kind of granlt and marblo monuineot tombitonc etc htrlng bad n ertcuiie experience for tbe last 19 ear e tbe public maj rely on rettine all superior article at a chcaier rate tban anj othtr dealer in tbe wast n b 15 per oent off en a direct order re- ceh ed f or tbe next sj da s m cook co georgetown licenced auctioneers apprtuera valu ators collectors real estate md qeneral land agentc yon the c0cktiz8 op- halton peel wellington sltncoe york and ontario moncv to lon from 100 up it eli fer cent tirtie plicinc their itlee or other boilnesl in oar bindtrll hivtheiimepromptlyittended to it tnoderite hiereee orricr ld bilei boov- mill btgeorce town or iddrcti hoi u6 b it cook co aactioueere bblcbopncei slqoeen fit cut toronto s if cook co auctioneer ctaorgeurwn and toronto w barber eros paper makers gborgeitown ont i not i ctkixltt or machine finished book papers axp high grade weekly news the paper asetj id thia journilj is irom the bove mills wm bakber ft bros money to lend o good farm security at lower rata of icuereat and on setter terms o repayment than rver before offered in canada intending borrowers sboald jiyim or call at once asd be conincod i tefore applying eltewbere w s jackson real estate loan insurance agent glilph canada new ptaning mill suh and door faotorr john cameron contractor hti isttea up the bnildlnc on kiln btreet litely n nttea np tne bnlldlne on lfiln btreet litely occupied u trnnk ftctorywlthnetnichlnery ind m prepired to farnuh pllni cpeciacitloni ind mtimttet for ill cliuee of bttudlna ind erecnte ill idadi of dbesblstj matching ind moulding hike ill htlei of saahea docfnt and wlndowt and door pnunea and droned lumber and keep 1 tok on bind all order promptlt ittended to john oamerok aoton sflasox 1893 ttthilb retbrninc thanli to our many pit roni fortbeirliberal topportin tbe pait e wiib to intorm yon that we have entered into an arrftneement witb it 6tewart guelph to keep constantly on banda tnll stock of tbe ordinary sites at sash doors etc and will alio supply any special cite onabort notice at gnelpt cnicet frames of all kinds made to order iwe alto keep in itock a line of baae window and doorcuicg corner blocka tonr lumber dred while yon walt price ii 60 per h pumps deing better able than heretofore we will upply either wood or iron pump promptly all work guaranteed latlsfactory plcae call arid inipect before purchasing elsewhere vteios ebbage matiaeer acton bell pianos hebe awarded organs awarded fhe gold medal jamaica international exhibition i 1891 iu con petition with american german engilih fted canadian mannfaciurer foi bale on montbl pr quarterly pa went onlj at c w kellys music store as loner vdm street ouelph tele phone 17b wellington icutual fire insurance company eitiblibbed tsto inbupanc8 on mutual pltn j any comment- ciuoni fonrtrded to iny tdjrem bor 7s9 or telephone 6s vill uepromptly ittended to dohs tatlob acent guelph acton saw milts coal and ood yaeds kiktmctulien 1vd oealeb th lumber lth bilinclm cotl ind wood coil ind wood in iiock tad promptly delivered ii an pirt of the town it reisouhble prteec hitdvood ind ilibe cnt itore lenctb imnn on bud i tetetihoneoqouiudlcitioir the traders bank op oakada sttttatut ttkta from goreromeat r- tarn tfartmbtr sotb 1h3s assets gold t nkt dominion note jijli depoiited with aorernment to secure clrcaltuon m vms kotej ind cheooe of other binki 1s1s i lov slockaandbandi resj biltaoe doe from other btnka ws ts qoternmeat debenture sbiao alteti iwcesuitlt atulable tlfism buli lhioonoted 8012ssj buil i dueounted overdue bink pretnltee ijii uorttnet md other auobj ijaa total actets uiiu5 liablzmcs paid np cipltil b7 m barploi ssffl notei in cuxnliuon ts 960 depoelu from pnbllo t7 depoelte from other btctl m 1 tots oktaeio thursday april 6 1893 farfrg clearing sale winter boots shoes rubbers and overshoes reduced prices preciom to ttoefctiiior trunks valibes at the lowest pnoea in the city w mclaren co leading boot shoe btore outlph graduation fbom the- guelph business college enterprise character capacity success illustra ted cxbcolas sent free to any address m maccorjiigk principal millions in it put money in thy pune if not alaal re who tecji thy pune bteau truh so tid- william shakespeare and all we bare to add ii that a lean pune takes a new lease of life wbemit comet in contact with the price we are offering on all our furniture we wont quote to you my big is per cent dis count but just uk you tolook oer tbefollowfue hit a good bedroom sulto at 10 11 12 13 14 16 a batter one for a daisy a beauty a dandy and tbe best in tbe world next a good sideboard for s 00 a better one with mirror 7 50 a daiiv with mirror 6 co ladlea rocking chairs from 1 00 childrens rockers from 60 extension tables fall size from 00 we hire opponents hut no rivals in the furniture builneu we onteliu them ill ind ever body knowi tt give uaa ceil and see for yourselves if it ii not true do not buy from ui our baby carriages j are tbe flneit ever seen in the city juit tee see them we hindls the celebrated hlh dies i nevcombe pianos boys and mens bioycles will be in little liter walt for ui we are going to put new life in thia town and it good people i p sprhccs the peoples popular furniture eton upper wyndbim 6t guelph we pay freight on ill bills imountlng to 35 tbe ftrekax cjaag ciuibrttie bellnotea jo ffrsl arel yoa hear the cry qjt with the aojiae baste our foe the dread srensnd is nigh see bow the learning bloodred glow oert prsad the murky sky rb fighting fater comes to utah eich brow thrills every vein 2nrry my boys and oa we ruth eager the field to gam vater is near with pintlnggmh upsotrs th stream amain iracclel eracuel loudresound tbe roaring of the fiamo j i imgl clang 1 the engine sounds striving our foe to tame vita fiery tongues with leaps and bounds ithutes its pray to claim lark to thit err i a woman there r oh i are hat f stre my wire r what firman is there would not dare i hisowntosiraillfef ii ladder sooaiut rsisea to bear i bueooar with danger rils j ha mounts and every voice is still from terror and alarm how he baa reached the window rill an bis her in his arm down through the flames with dauntless skill he bears her safe fram harm the red root totters totters crash the root has tsiien in but still the waters steady spluh la heard above the din upward the flames more fiercely flash fierce glows tbe are within a dying flicker quickly drowned and now our work is done onoe more our dire foe we have downed a life at stikenave won we leave tbe scene with heirts thit bound as gleams the morning sun selerf jfemilg heahtg acton livery bus line tbe anden lhed recpeetfally toutiu the patron te of the public and informs tbexn that well equipped tad struf h rlgf oin ai- xji be saizred athl ttablec a comfortable baa meet al trains between 9 ara and 16 pm careful attatctioaelten to rrery order the vtnfc ot commercial trarel- lets fully mat john williams jvjarcjaret s fov it will not be untrue she said and her darl eyes flashed i love yon but i shall not narry jou i ad your reasons he asked in a voice that trembled despite hig efforts to control it 81 s looked at him quietly pityingly and her mswer rang through his very soul liecauseyou would make my life one lonregret because far in tbe years to comi iforsee inch otter degradation for you asw laid make the life of any woman md enoi gh to give her happioeas her fata to yout keeping a life of such misery that the grav s would be a welcome refuge 1 oa love me and you can say this to me 7 icoald not have loved yoa had i dreamed of t is before as i say i will not be un true i belie ea in jou wholly i thought yoa tbe only one i had ever known who had touched my heart who could awaken in n e the love a woman gives but once in her life i jieded myself gladly to the kno rledge ol this feeling for i could not mistake your manner yohr feeling to me i aa my influence over yoa with none of the rinmph of a coquette yon well know but vith the quiet happineaa of a woman who loves truly entirely herself bat for the ate knowledgethat tbe fatal cap which has rained thousands is not strange to yoaj lips my heart would be wholly yours i at margaret your influence has such paw r over me under it what oould i not oonqier blessed with your love what raigb 1 1 not become ti e beautiful lips lost ibeir firmness of pr sslonandquivered with strong feeling i lave no hope in my power she atid sadw god only knows bow intensely i pity kou but i should go mad if i were forced to pity my hasband i must esteem respect as well aa love the man to whom i give control of all my future is there nohopeforme he passionate ly exc aimed are yoa so cold so bard that j ju deny me all trial you refute to believi that for you i could oonquer would oonqu r all that stood between me and my deares hopes of earthly happiness mar garet i margaret i no human creature but jo irself can save me if you refuse to listen- to believe i care not what gulf bears i je to oblivion i t are not listen to you and great tears r illed down her cheeks i dare not take upon myself such vows as bind our earthly fates and feel in my heart how en tirely e shall yet be separated in all true anion i must say to you 1 have no faith in the i iflaence of any womanas opposed to the c sdy tnfatutioo of one tvho indul ges in t le appetite for strong drink you oondenin me then to ruin i ooademn you to ruin i god forbid i harry 1 forton it all remains with your self i cannot conceal from yoa that i think yea have a hard battle before you in life t oonquer that appetite to deter mine thi t yon will not yield and to abstain from all that tends to tempt to awaken desires cor stimulants no matter how weary now worn yon are with struggle demands the strongest will and greatest selfsacri 3ce the prayerful spirit tbe christiai life are you capable of all thia ii yoa dc ubt yoarself at all in mercy never tempt a voman to share a drunkards life to beht id herself the mother of children who new r know tbe beauty the holiness the prpte tion of home yon think i ex aggerate our faults yon do not know all that is 1 urned as with the stamp of are upon toy memory the years roll back and i see a young trusting credulous girl who knev neither herself nor her needs in life wedd id to a man wedded earthly pros pects seec ed fairer than those of most men but this j irl so innocent lovely and trust ing learn d soon ah i too soon w her whole life was sacrificed to one whose tasta for the ao urged stimulus of liquor far ex ceeded hii loveforthewomnheprofecscdto adore y r after year passed on adding to this fat ti taste additional strength no camses a sweetvoiced lovely little chil dren no jdelights of home were half so dear to mm as the one infatuation of his life this girl always mature in mind far bis superior in nature left no means untried to save him she was very attrac tive in tn mner conversation and person and all hei attractions were put in force to save him she concealed his habit of in- temperuio i for years she kept his faults to herself she never breathed aught against hit l she upheld him strengthen ed him oo snselled him was unvaryingly kind and womanly to him if womans influence could hare saved him he would have been saved i have seen her home taken from her her children end herself wandering from one place to another as wealthy relations cared for him this woman was very near and dear o me and nothing upon earth could induce me to put myself in sabjeotion to the possibility of such a fate you have my true friendship my best wishes tot your welfare my sincere prayers that you may conquer in thisfiery trial but i dare not give you mare god only knows how hard this it foe ma to say to you hoi willingly i would share your fata in poverty in any ordinary trial of life but i dare not for my own souls tafce say i take yoar life whatever it may be for mine and so harry let ns speak no more she held oat her hind he caught it he drew her impulsively toward him ha held her for an instant closely margaret he said let me kiss you once and before bhe ooald reply hisbarning lips touched her pure cool brow god bless you margaret whatever be comes of me i in another instant be was gone she passed through the garden walk in to the pleasant porch and stood a moment before tbe open parlor window where an old gentleman rested in any easy cbiir it is a lovely night father she said but i will go to my room i believe i am very weary tonight goodnight goodnight my daughter and margaret went as usual with her stately step to her chamber door but onoe within its solitude and the proud resolved spirit was bowed in bitter sorrow how she had joved this man i and how her whole frame shook with the sobs she dared not vent loudly and the tears rained down tbe proud beautiful face must she thus condemn blm and was tbereno hope for him he was a student in medioine studying of late with herfather and an eager apt student he had come into the quiet life of this girl as a bright sunbeam his quick active intellect aroused her from the drdinary routine of her usual life his tastes harmonized with her own and she had given him her heart entirely then one day she learned that the fatal habit of stimulating his energies when ex hausted by study or fatigue had become a necessity to him and the interview we have just related was the decision at which she had arrived she was a girl of no ordinary charaoter her clear goodisense with the intimate knowledge of her friends life taaght her to doubt the influence she oould wield against the triumphal jugger naut whose victims can never be number ed harry norton left the village for the dis tractions of a life in a great city now and then news came of him as a clever succeieful practitioner accompanied with doubtful surmises as to certain changes in his habits of life vague speeches mean ing perhaps much or little margarets life flowed quietly on her father yielding to the infirmities of old age demanded her care and attention perhaps close obser vers might detect a shade of sadness now and then in those clear gray eyes 101 the was not one of those who live solely for their own pleasure and no one in all the village was more relied upon in sorrow or trouble and a kinder sympathizer than she a young clergyman who settled in the parish was soon observant of thia strong selfreliant nature this tender daughter and kind friend margaret was not doomed to live a solitary life she found maah to esteem in mr eldon and at last much to love and one bright spring morning the stood with him at the village alter at his bride as she entered the carriage a packet was given to her and opening it she found a wedding gift a brooch formed of a large pare pearl finely set and a letter the letter was as follows liioit you ire i pearl imong ill others in my memdry and i beg you to icoept this svmbol of yourself from m old friend you were rlgbt lfirgiret no man knowing himself a slave to intemperance should ever tempt a womtn to tbtre its curse wbiteani write yoa of my life only that there ire times wben ism mid when no reason remains to me and then 1 come out of tbii valley of tbe shadow of death and i see yon strong pure so far away from me your words come back to me and i know yoa were rlgbt when you cboce to walk apart from one so unworthy do not believe that i do not struggle but a power itrongergcnin i controls i can rejoice in your happiness and i know price- theee cents some bright examples in lpril 1868 horace greeley preside at a g rest dinner given ita nsw york citj by thi american press in honor of charles dioke is when the wjna was served it was nitioed that mr grseleyt glass which ha rai ad in anitoa withlothert in response to tosjtti contained a beaatifalred rose when the others dranjk their wiaa ha itaellea his rose mrtj ernestine schaffuer it a new york ify woman lawyer of independent means vho hit chosen foe her life worfc tha aiding rea ol cost of prisaneri who have been alssly accused of crime she hat cleared nd mide happy and gritefal many an in- ossnt riatim especially af hota who wire onviotad beeausa being too poor to employ aflicia it counsel 8hor ly before president garfield jvat ominstad at chicago a company of noted ea vi ited htm at his home in ifeator ha diiner that followed was somewhat ore eaborate tban usual and more iu rdanca with fashionable forms when tverai ooursos had been served the aged other faf tha toontoba president sudden- i r exel timed james i j entirely disap- j tovo ol this when friends vititi ns iu a old imes we placed their whole dinner fore them at once then they oould sea era wis plenty of it but now with a t here and a snip there everybody is id t eat the guests were contider- i7 em larrassed out of cobsideratiou for ir hoi ts feelings but general garfield th a ilaasant smile said very well ther it shall be as you please after t his state dinners at home wereerved iu thej old times eorg w childs the wellknown phil- ropisi editor of the philadelphia jmjer 0 begi n his business career as office boy three dollars per week speaks thus in ard tj hie success one should first ustotr himself not to be ashamed of any d of fork that ia honest and useful been in a profession which imphessobriety in every tense of that word at his table were tdld tha bast stories the best songs were song there and the besldnnks wa regret to 6ay were compounflsd of tha young men who sang the songs laugh ed over the stories and emptied and filled again the glasses a numberbeyond all doubt there entered on adownward career and ended in the failure of their lives he did not mean it poor man i but with the kindliest nature ha wrought incalculable evil young ban be good enoagh tothink ldve bjstcrs es t one may be industribusj and yet his attry may not achieve much valuable it you thoufd work intelligently be faring tha way for what you intend to ma while doing what lies tlose to your d while i for instance was worving i irrand boy 1 improved such opportun- as i hkd to read books aijd to attend bo kales so as to learn the market value ookt tnd anything that might be useful iie her lifter for i always limed to be day ii a position where i could nto my bfy ulan a to the best advantage i fixed ambition high so- that even if i did realin tha highest i might at least be all ys tet ding upwards if yoa jump ata trjlig wit your whole heart land mind tutj i plii fais gh yo 1 may not be exceptionally able wood irfal how mach yoa may accom- bufif yoa are halfhearted yoa will a- ami wei quel thir srti of pla yo qui ctl iml r the oht teti an exj clii the in pl abl wit perl the evetj met miu 0 greai our neiqhbors that i wis once bleued with yoar love thit mv true self was oneodeir to you but purity redtltnde were dearerto you than aught else and be who failed of these could nothold pocies- ilon of yonr heart that one worthy to be your guide your staff through lifebss won you iwak em no selflsb feelings in my heart i nave said that i can i do rejoice in your happiness happy bride that the was tears filled her eyes she pitied him tenderly and pitied him all the more because of her own hap piness the years rolled quietly on with her children were given to her love and care in the pleasant village home where her childish days were potted she lived the contented life of a happy wife and mother it was towards the close of a bright sum mer day that mr eldon came slowly up the gardenwalk and margaret hastening with tender welcome to greet him saw at once from his face that he bore unwonted news margaret he said i wish you to come with me to see a dying man who wishes to bid you farewell you have never forgotten harry norton it is he it was not calmly she coald think of the interview her hands trembled as she tied the strings of her bonnet tears filled her eyes and she leaned heavily on the arm of her husband ai he related to her the story of his summons to tbe house where harry norton feeling bis days were numbered bad come to bid her farewell to die the setting tan was glorifying all things the distant mountains and rivers were bathed in golden light they entered the chamber of the dying man the same golden atmosphere filled it from tha open window came the soft summer air the glad notes of singing birds you are good as ever margaret harry said faintly to come but i felt that if yoa wished me godspeed i might more safely cross the dark river you can not know no one can know bat its victims the irrestible power of the disease which bears me to my grave it is a dis ease a madness with some and i have been one of those fated ones if i could tay with supernatural power touch not when first you feel the accursed thirst or you are lost 1 but who will believe ma god alone knows long and tenderly margaret and her hut- hand talked with him listened pityingly to his account of tbe struggles ha had made to uselessly sgainst what ha believed firmly a madness and soothed and comforted by cev johx tull dd a yon iving where yon were born and g tha peopla with whom yoa grew up yoa have sortie pleasure in conse- add yoa have been spared two 1 tha pain of parting and tha awk- ess cf making new acquaintances you move away from your birth- and g row up and live elsewhere do ver go back do you ever sit and put out fc residents and jack barrett t we 1 ked so much at school what of mm and his little sister is tha 1 am tha lowryaithsi wa used to ould 11 dance under tha bed are jtll got a for if you ever had inch rs in your life yon have learnt 1 from them not so forcibly taught in her way this has been the writers ence to walk on the old roads the old hills and now and then tee i people makes ona feel voqng again a of gray hair and pangraph in tha about the preaching of tha vener- ntleujin young again and yet an irresistible tendenoy cultivated by the lifework of preaching and bit of keneraliring or moralizing on ing t lat will submit to such treat- to see terioos sides of things tnd sadnt ss with tha pleasant memories learnt for example that there is a m la stook there was the 8 1 by no netna rich but nice gentla and jied anybody in tha neighborhood have said of their father his at at good tt hit bond there great prospect of advance for an indui riat ladonuha farm aud be cama to anerica ana went into business ia a western mty in that city they and other arch- of two things firtt thekiudofyinflneuee that extmpla it exercising over you and iajondiy the sort o influence your exam- pi it having peer others we have all heard of tha isrcastio wit who wat atkei for aninscription for the entrance to a handsome cemetery and who gave it jhare the dead ke and the living lie but there ia no force in the satirical play on tbs wordt in the old bury- ingground which i know tha longett for tha names dates and a text of tbe bibla commonly make all the- inscription i have gone through it and recalled the old namesiand calked ovec the graves with somewho never left the place and heard frith tha liveliest interest of their children hother lands australia canada or the f states doing well and now ana then writing toold friends or remainiagjcindred id now tnd then the sfeeplng plica of 9 will be reached of whom little was said the end the folks coqld not read tip but they acted oat the maxim dc ijirfit nil uui 60hlct of tha dead nothing but good i any of them aroand here new no all dead or gone nothing 11 ever heard of them now and then dishonesty sometimes bad family life but roost frequently drink brought the- de struction j charles sicd wis the brigliest stu dent i ever knew in many things in classics in oratory and in genii power to entertain and please his father bad just rdeans enough to put him through school an college that education wis tc be hit a pro- love goes where it nc among mankind tbe one for wfcoai t wis cemt twill turely snl thus pretty joilf c eyes girmgin mice eee tenderloofcs inse loves secret sign thus 1 we stroll we bear frctn brooks ml blrdj softwhiipered ia the xr loves witching words the love ive longed to tell although unspoken she surely knows lull well by miry t token 1 yet why should i dare i to tell mylove fcr she ber eyes declare woam not rcrrov this nicbt my tftrt shall be laid bare before her v ill ibe be glad to fee howlidonber yes for i know thit h returns my passion lovisk me tenderly in maiden iuhfon f i where love is tent it gjes ilice went to julie eshe loves me for she knows 1 love ber truly 1 1 i fcrtone he proposed to go into u ssiod and did so paying the cost n part b- his teaching whila studying to a yi nth who had studied in the same place ai i gone to the same college in wh ch be hid taken maty prizes ho wrote a letter w rich was long treasured the flag of now goes ioto yoar hands to be earned through the college where it was uaver dishonored i am glad joabarry it j for i knowthat while yoa beir it thecfasf of blockheidism will never soiv its folds tt wis appreciated by a student poor ctsrlie hit humor social charm and plastic nature too easily influenced by minor circumstances laid him under the influence of that demon whose play earnest men jwoald sow prohibit and which one would be gild to see driven off the earth he had to give up the profession he had chosen ha sank out of sight as to many dojtbeir sad history compressed into a single phrata poor fellow 1 it was all drfnk i she ooald t est earn their support j and thit j them he passed quietly resignedly nay nun seem ngly devoid of human feelings thankfully into tha other life the great leaving he to ber own msoareet while fieyond lasiodal corners artangzmenta that sometimes and make confusion poor mr 8 through the indirect effect of tttd was put in great diffculty ned to be in that western city tha en bis embarrassment was known veriaj testimony was to this effect s an innocent sufferer and hall t all right tha sympathy with ainhere and the hope of him anjl he did come out all right an if you had a good father and 1 though they did not give you half n to start yoa oat in life you have id much for you to go downward cocott monguilt for yoahava tocon- uco in oarself before on can become hess tl a memory of thosa who now r sleep in tha old churchyard and jerpettata tha beat part of them bu id a second monument to virtues iple tiw one learnt to tpprectite as a f wer foe good when i was a soy i knawj igood aid man past tha age of work on the sarm living with hit children and iookii after tha little thing about a place that 01 ided only 1 an eye and a word of dirtcli p andpotbone or muscle hauled to ctif a good book about with him and a sua 1 nk of sunsnina would sometimes tempi tm to sit down under t free snd resd d get the ear of any ona who coma near m the cattle needed a boy to mind em and he waa in frequent con tact vt h the ild man where the littls boy cat fror 1 1 never knew bat i know wherii a wen to ob i yet poor little i 1 tha 0 d man wonld say he went away 1 amities in those days that cnigra a meant mora than it does now in the 1st generation poor little l whoa 1 to get he benefit of the old mans d vraa an influential and rati in the united states a love far books tnd of a ha secured a good though era is bod example as well as good ihs brightest men of his neighbor- mrj t- educated hospit- tftrtctive a hit home ha readily ung men around him bat foe rat ware oa social he would have ow to see through your hand or a deal board how to sea through a deal board 1 some of our cuta friends will say why thata easy enoughrmake a hole in it but you canltee through a deal board without doing that or at least you can lea through it and that is quite near enough for our pre- tanf pnrposerto give you a pleasant ear prue and offer you a few minutes amuse ment try he experiment however with your hand your hand is always at hand and 4 deal board ic not and you mty take it for granted that if you can tdeceed in seeiog through your hand you can see through a deal board just at easily make a small paper tuba about four inches long and something lets than an inchlin diameter a piece of note paper rolled into tabular form and held in posi tion between tha tips of the thumb and finge is of yoar right hand will answer ha purpisjt well enough place the side of the t iba against the edge of the left hand held fully extended and with palm up ward look down the tube with your right eye and look at youropen hand with the left and yoa 1 will hive theearioas sensation of seeing a hole quite through tha hand tf yon do not succeed at ouce it is becaase yon are not really looking at your hand with the left eya at the same time hat yon ars looking through the tube with your rigbs mika sure that yau do thit jartd the illusion will be perfect there should be a fairly good light on the haudjaud the tuba is best directed toward a part of the floor that is in shadow leeds eng ilrramj what keeps some vounc mn from rising rktheworld- kone of the greatesn drawbacks to tha succes of young men arfiefrom their self- concei and their unwillingness to accept advice from persona of experience in fact 10 common is the fallacy of self- sufficient smartness imoog the youthful and th 1 corresponding disregard of adv ide from tha aged that it would almost appear atj if ot r race were m this msndef doomed tuben tarded in its advancement if each generaliou were to stari with tbe fall id- vantagi of the experience of tha one which precede d it it is impossible to conceivetbe height if prosperity and happiness at which mankind would ultimately arrive bat it seems tp be as difficult to endow with he wisdomj of threescore tjie youth ofi fiveand twenty as it is to train tha muscles ot a child of six ears old to the energy aud en durance of a fulhgrown man nevei theless we do not despond over tbe case of hose who naturally repel adrcba- itiaas fi im their predecessors 1 there is at least on medium through which good couir- sel presi nu ilselt without inycirccmslance which r rediposea men to dispiee it aod- that is t ia newspapers it is from the- re iterated efforts of ibe press that we arc pnncipl ly to look for improvement in this respect in proportion as the joaoc in dulge iu nadicioas reading they will learn to reflect aqundly aud will see he absurduy of closing heir understandiues against ha experience of those who have gone before ham kn he same meiaure by being made exi ensively acquainted with tbe abil ities of ithers they will belled to tbmk mueh les of their own acquirements and to putje it value on heir own capabilities of action j occasi naljy we see young men who seem f to step at ouce as it were into the sagacity of the ag d and it is alwa v s ieei thai hey prosper 1 1 proportion ss tbdr conduct is regulated by the admonitions of prudence they eng 4 in their occupations with ooof uess and 1 elibexation patiently walling for opportuoi iea of welldoing add taking care to avoid wse false septwhioh precipiiate others fro a the eminence ibeyhavo par tially gaii ed while he greaf propor tion of ibi young aud ihoughdest are drop ping aside out of ha rsaks and disappear ing they 1 re steadily panning heir way shutting tieir eyes aud heir ears against the varioq 1 allurements that ibeset them and sobj the time hey have reached a 1 1 mituresm nhood bey are already iilhe possession jf those jmtnfortt aadthat hon orable ifat on that are he reward of virtue industry s ai good judgment ill 1 1 m n hort furrows 1ueick ilutld vbrfc is txjelight only to hia the bete ot contention is jaw be carefi ubarbttif love thi cften he two oldtime loveletters in la old book dated 1 620 there is ha followiiag cunoas love epistle it affords l admirable play upon words mitukzi most worthy of admiration afterllonkjcoutlderation and much medi cation on ha great reputation jou possess in tha nation i have a strong inclination to become your relation oo your appro oatinq af tbe declaration tshali make pre paration to remove my situation o a mora convenient 1 station to profess my admir ation j and if such oblation is worthy of observtjidn ana can obtain consideration it will be an iggrandizatiou beyond all calculation of the joy and exultation of yoursj bus dissnrclvnov tha following is a still more carious answer sin i pernsm your oration with much deliberation at the great infatuation of yoar imagination to show such veneration on so light t foundation bat after exam- iuation and much serious contemplation 1 supposed yoar animation wat tha fruit of recreation or had sprung from ostentation to display vcur education by an odd enum eration or rather multiplication of words cf tha same erminadou though of great variation in each respective signification now withoat disputation joar laborious application in so tedious an occupation deserjei commendation and thinking imi- utionj a safcient gratification i am with out hesitation yours mxet modemnox 1 never to settle down near tbe v male i 1 does not grow an earof deeds is a bltstedtstalk when th truth hurts it is lecaute it touches a d teased place there is much gold in he soil oa vour farm seek t with long plow points be as cat tfahaf the seed you saw in yoar mental fiel as of that you plant in any utier do not gf t so busy bat 5 on cannot stop now and ihen and lee how hippy you ought to be when th devil gdt into the l l j i3l commited suicide wbea some men hey pat him on he back at a rale ardand the average counry railway station to cultivate borhood sny wo acre farm in tie-neigh- ie he he ji ogi hey lets into there is enough time wasted her yearn miss dais y sweat if i yonaghs nks if what j if jou had plenty- of money and a perfect disposition and your ev es were only brown and ypar hair early and 500 was winning fame in vour profession and were nighlv connected and would promise to take me to- europe next 5 car and alwavs lot me have jny own way and never care fb smoke orvlta oat late at night and did not belong to any lodge and would keep 1 sivhah team and plenty of d truly loved me aud really wanted man ma to live with us and why whit is the piatter theobald i drops dead ivafij uil ym t hanks i trilutie hare yoa doiyou know what ha la doing ver thought of what a man is dotnglwho teaches children- you go into the workshop of the wheelwright he is miking wheelf and shafts sad yoa ley he is a useful man oryou visit ho black smiths shop where yoa had hiatmskiag pickaxes hammers aad ploughshorts and you tay thia mac- it essential yoa salute these skilfe 1 iaboarera you enter the housalof asohoolmatter salute him mora do yoa kaow- wbat he is profoundly doing he i i s manufacturing binds erage girls husband rubbish is ail his tslkot best lie theav but whs possible hosl ands a girl takes- the rnafi who offers f he appears to be upright honorable at d in earnest if she does not sb runt a risk of going to seed wih a red nosti a canaky bird and a lap dog the chief trouble wiih her is not to know whether she naagov ha best article in the market but whether thsman who oatya ha loves her mians what he ays- it is easy for a nun ta acquire the act of jovemaking and with a litrfe practice soma men can do it qaite skillfully how to know whei hay are acting anowhembey arebbeyidfj an irresistible and auggvemtble impulse is hathinga girl wants to determine san 1 ii vrancisco a the plait truth it good enough for hoods bare iparilia no need of embel lishment or ispanlls cu es yonatit seasadoualim hoods bar- 1 1 pi

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