Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 6, 1893, p. 2

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r- s maia id nuirtacmucmdr ftb utrcb the vife of j tinea ual of a ton did wiirob in ubly utcli on thnrwsy kttch mb wm j vifttcon td w jetir meutt at otkrilu on etansv april let wife of sufford dn ktddift eilibth hirlitt je lcfatt fttt ztss thirsday alril c 1692 notes and comments by the rtpee1 of tie newfoundltud btit act cftntditn fishermen receive their aid time privileges and americaui have the pleasure of eobroiutcg to the fee cbrrgedto all comers par ulkljlit prorogued the ouae ptcommon and senate tprougrt with the business the year acton municipal council notes and comments qitiwa apral the closing eoeaea of the kioa of ftrliment took puoe od the town hall to be renovated painted and decorated tbe ireuch chamber of deputing last thuredav b a vote of 247 to 242 decided to retain tbe liquor law amecdmept s a partof the bucket although the govern meat exprtued itself as firmly opposed to the amendment which increases tbe bur dedb of the liquor trade president hibot regarded this as a vote of want of confi denes and be and hi fellow minuter ten dered tbeir resignations to president car not i rom all appearances the provincial pol ticians are anticipating a dissolution of the ontario legislature in tbe near fature the unubual activitj displaced in the pre puation of the voters lists is a significant indication the present legislature was elected on june lltb 1890 and consequent lv might in the natural coarse of events have another session next jear but the cdqstitution unfortunates permits the government to spring an election jattwhen it thinks it has the advantage jifau during tbe pant twenty years tbe area of jand in england nnder tbe ploagb has dim tmebedby nearlj 2 000 000 acre or over 14 per cent the amonot of arable land in wales has diminished 21 per cent m the u me period in bcotland on the contrary it has increased by 78 000 thlf difference u parti explained bv the relatively large areas of land in scotland retained oonr clover and rotation grucca more than one third of tbe whole cativaton areas in eneland tbe proportion of cnltivated land bo occupied is little more tbau one tenth of the whole a member of the hew brunswick legu lttare proposes to move that the assembly putinn tkt pommioo parliament to pro hibit tbe importation manufacture and bile of intoxicating liquors as a beverage in the province this is in line with the action tafceo by tbe manitoba legislature and thowt that tbe desire to shift reipon si bill tj is not confined to tbe west the onuno legislatnre has petitioned for a general prohibitorj act so that there ir now a probability that three of the provinces will be of one opinion upon tbe subject the recent convention of fcptorth leagues fndeavor societies and other oung people s associations of the metho dist chcrch initiated a strong advance movement on temperance linet it a r rang od for a close alliance witji tbe young peoples associations of all the churches for organizing a definite plan of campaign to promote first abstaioence for the in dividual then local prohibition for village town and conntv and as soon as practicable for tho whole dominion if tbe strength and entbumasm of these nnmerous societies be thrown into such an esort it maj dd much to unify the moral forces of the country in a movement against what is decmdto be one of tbe greatest social evils of our time there were 83 fewer failures in the dominion of canada during the past three months than in the like pno4 in 16d2 tbe total being 52g against 639 last jear aggregate liabilities have fallen o3 to tbe extot of 4763 00 or 4 per cent less than tbey were lut year while tbe decrease in number of failures is sic per cent total a lets aggregate 2 407 105 or 10 per cecfe more than io tbe like quarter last teat showing a relatively greater degree of sol vency this year there were five fewer fail are in tbe province of ontario tcts ear but tbe liabilities here are 10 per cent larger than a year ago in the pro- mnce of quebec there are fifteen fewer fail an s with od a boat 10 per cent of the liabilities reported last year nova scotia also returns fewer failures with a marked reduction of liabilities while manitoba re porta only one failurcmore than ast ear with a alight increase m aggregate indebt nets and the northwest territories one more than last jear with a disproportion ately large increase in liabilities british colatnbja reports a note worthy redaction in number of failures but an increase m total debts mr vim cunningham tbe well known cattle chipper who baa just returned from a visit to great britain speaking of tbe prospects for the canadian cattle trade daring the coming season sajs the trade in great britain at the present time it very bad bat i think that canadian shippers will make some money earl in the season if tbey bav their cattle right and get a fair rate of freight the states cattle now going forward are of very poor quality and are losing hats full of money for tbe shippers tbe chances are that the american shippers- will reduce their exports not only on account of their heavy httei but because of the increased demand for cat tie in america owing to the world tair it is alio a well known fact tbat one of tl e largest american shippers who has secured all the glasgdw space op to the end f jul at 45 shillings has been advised to throw up me contract by bis confreres as they do not feel like helping him along ao longer own g to tbe ceneral dullness of trade hid the verv large supply of home fed cattle und dead meat the trade in cattle from this side of tbe atlaptic has bmi verj poor cattle are bejog sold in londou at a lower figure than thev would make n montreal if canadian shippers stirt in quicuv however early in tbe eetson the rbiucfs are thev will make same money but the jolal shipments from cinnda are rot likely to exceed 50 000 head r mrs mackenzie dead satardy iu he chamber of the senate both houses met at 11 o clock in the fore noon and proceeded to dispatch tho btm nes remaining an finished from the previous sitting the commons was thus occupied until 12 30 p m at 3 o clock the proroga tton oeremonca began weather and walking were cnfavorablefor a large tarn oat of spectators on the hill so that scarcely even tbe autl bustle and activity were displayed aboat tbe mam entrance as his excellency drove up in state accompanied by a rattling escort of well mounted dra fioons under lieut brown of the p l d the i dot uuard presented arms tho band played the national anthem and the salvo of artillery on sepean point was still aoundiog when lord stanley took his seat ontheithrone ind commune being aesem bled and the ui ual preliminary formalities disposad of pv weeded to prorogue the par 3 lament in tbe isaal speech from the throne theprorogatonprooeedidgsended itonly remained for sach of the members and tent tors as had stayed to participate in them to complete preparations for their depart ore but first there was a very pleasant cerememv in the apartments of the speaker of the house of commons for a general mvilatwn to a farewell reception bad been lsmed to the members and presb men by tbe hon the speaker and mrs w bite whoehpepitalitv during the session lightened the legislative exertions of a very trying seteion in no small degree nearly all the members left bv saturday s evening trains although a few had remain ed over for a day or two toattend to depart mental business for their constituents itlujsgtov canal whife the supplementary estimates were dnder ditcossion on the item of 1 500 for a new i ferry scow at burlington canal messrs henderson carpenter and mckay protested agatitt the msdequac of the ferrv service at tbat point and impressed dpon the goveriment the necessitj of pro viding increawd accommodation the were promised cue consideration h chaelttw kjj so givdai ttob in the housepf commons on thursday morning mr charlton called the attention of the house to the fact that certain news papers bad made allegations that his tugs were ronning oi sundaj ido not know iaid mr charlm that such is the case and if any member of the house can name a tug in which i am interested that works od sunday he sfcould do bo i den that i am a sslnctimonius man and all the legib btion thave ever introduced has been pro posed on moral not religions grounds cakua 8 eauwalb from the bine book of the annual railway statistics which was laid on the table of si tbe dominion house of commons thursdays it appears that the total number of milesj of track completed to the end of june last year waft 141 870 the total earnings were 851 c85 ice working expenses st4s8 228 net earrjings 515 497g40 freight earned 22 1b9 9p3 tons and tbe number of pas 13jj33j14 the ftevch ti lat1 before adjournmentjmr launer asked whether the leader of tbe house was pre pared now to say an thing definite with regard to the french treat mr toster in reph stated that when he had spoken oo the french treaty some two weeks ago he stated that he was not prepared to ask parliament to approve the treat at present since then negotiations had been going on with regard to sc me of the clauses on which had some doubt one of regard to fish in tbe french treat the words and natural were used and he had interpreted this to mean fish in their natural condition but tt appeared that the translation from the trench mto tbe lnghsh was not very good and that the treat did not really mean tbat it wis only fish in their natural state but that canned lobfete t and canned sal non catrie in under the minimum tariff kvith regard to soap there had also beeit a little misunderstanding as the treaty seemed to cover common soaps while this government only intended tbat it should apply to castile soap with regard to the most favored nation clauses there were i till some points not quite settled and he closed bv stating hat the treaty would be left over till next ear for consideration sotfri as parliament had an unubuall short session this will be remembered as a jear of lean ftatuo books a circumstance tbat will not pain tbe countrv if lbs proves to be a ear of foil barns and fat pocket books isir thomas gait chief justice of the common pleas dmeidf decided oo satur day that be had no power to interfere in the case of j b arnoldi sentenced at ottawa to six months imprisonment for malfeasance in office his board will cost the countrv 5 cpts pt da for the next half ear messrb henderson carpenter mcka and bcfcroan mps vtaued upon hon mecars ocimet and hagart and pressed for the ooog traction of a traffic swing bridge over the burlington beach canal to replace the ferr service now in use and which they pointed out to be utter madequnte for the present largely increasing traffic the matter will be considered dunogrecess crewsuns corners the regular meeting of the haniapl coancil was held od monday evening the principal bonnes of the evening waa arranging for the jtenovation and improve meat of the town hall beeve pearson was in the chair and coancillori haul carry anderson and williams were in their places the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed the icommittcq en finance presented jtheir fifth report recommending that tlje followmg accounts be paid john arthurs lamp cuuxmeys 9 8 o f burgess palptlng office 10 03 hart i riddel if unlcipal blanks 13 it h p liocre priatlng by laws vi 00 n t state jkiracle a yound ladys aratbfulac- nowledqement op a timelyrecue mist lillian sparks restored to hei ilth and strength after med- loa aid had falladher con dition that of thousands of other lad her as who may take hope from story wiliiinu medicine company frofa either iddrtu the price tt which he pills i ict soli maku a pout of ireitriebt com dtrttitreh inexpensive u oompaied with other remedies or medical treatment i ontario leqlslaturte the widow of the late hon a mac kenzie passed away thursday toiom apl lmr macktuiie widow tho lie hem alexander mackenzie dieif au0solt tbureoy night at tile ret nee m et alban street uead t ihj daughter of tlie late rf koktsjm otperthibire rcotland bheosrried the ute hon alei uacienr on jane 17 iy mrs mseksnu had been ailinc for some j a bli ba nnder the care of dr met thocharo hon ajxlcfcendwlonapnlic m orjartoattj lurd unlmfntrtltrreseaniltts 3t uojea by john willisms ceoonded hy jos ajitlarson that the fifth report of the finance committee be adopted carried tho tenders for painting papering and decorating the town ball were opened c v reynolds gnelph offered to perform tbe work required for 220 and robert thirston georgetown for tl65 lfoed byt h corry seoonded by joseph anderson tbat tbe council accept the tender of r thirston for painting and renovating the town hall and that the com mittee be and are hereby instructed to proceed with the work at once carried the contract calls for the following bpecified work faint tne auditorium and stage walls and oeiling with four coats of paint in suitably contrasting tints treat the minoas members of the cornices in the proper c jlors to correspond with walls ceilings and panels emboss a dado around the nalb of auditorium m a tint to match paint the walls and ceiling of hallway and entrances paper walls and ceiling of council chamber varnish all the wood work paint the wood work of the stage and patch with plaster all broken mouldings put np all the necessary scaffolding and finish the work in a satisfactory manner the construction and arrangement of the ceiling etc will very much facilitate the painter in executing a good piece of work and the public expect a very artiitio and durable transformation in the appear ance of tbe premises messrs pearson and havill were appoint ed to select suitable papers for the conn cil chamber the council adjourned about nine o clock robson discharged engert the government these was with from tbji horaellsrllle k t tlmsc fain sd fart is the aims of a pretty tittle vi lage of one thousand inhabitants situato oo tha line of the erie railroad in steabei county two iriiles from corning n y the name seems an odd one until one lea ns the circamattuees from which it was derived when the first settlors came ere rom pennsylvania all this beutif i valley was heavily wooded and abound a in many kinds of game and was a favor te bunting grnni for the indians who tl en claimed exclusive right to the territory an object which attracted the attention of the first settlers and excited their curiosity was a painted post which stood romlnently in a small clearing skirted ly great spreadiog tpses it was stained red as some supposed with blood and ev ieotly commemorated some note able ev ot in indian life and so from this inc dent the place naturally took its name the city of baton rouge which means painted post lt alto took its name ft im a similar oireumitance but tie main purpose for which your corretpi udentvame here was to team the particdl n of a notable indeed miraculous care of i young lady and her rescae from death b the efficacious use of dr will lams f nk fills for fale people your oorrespc ident only knew that the name of tbe youi g lady was lillian sparks dangb ter of m james w sparks ou enquiring tt the fx st office for her father s residence we lean ed that he lived on the road to hornby five miles from painted post illage and said a yoong man who overheat i the conversation with the post master it is his daughter who was so tick tbst tbe doctors gave her np and she was cured by voluntee borne tha uautqovernor opena tha assembly in tha fine new parlla- ment buddings tososrro april 5 the opening of the legislature yesterday was a brilliant affair and well worthy of this great province the new buildings attracted a large crawl of spectators and the reception given hy lieutenantgovernor tndiin eirkpatnck at the conclusion of the official business was a most pleasant and successful one tion the speech from the throne was emm ently worthy oe an occasion where 11 was coagrttalation snd sgreeanility one of the most notable events of the day iu tbe presentation to sir oliver ifowat of his portrait by his friends and supporters owing to the lata opening of he home the business of tha teasion is to be system- atically pushed forward no evidence to convict him on the chares of forgery d a robson was tried before judge snider last week at milton on the charge of forging a note for 300 eigned by john dixon and matilda dixon and told by reason to william mcclelland farmer of trafalgar township the evidence was almost identical with that given at rob son s trial sometime ago for forging asimi lar note which he told to robert j camp bell of trafalgar and reported fully in the ftet pcies tbe only new features of any oontequence was the evidence of a writing expert con nor o dea of toronto who was called on behalf of the crown and swore tbat the signature john dixon affixed to the note was a forgery but tbat the signature of matilda dixon was id the eame handwrit lug as specimens exhibited in conrt whjch were admitted to be mrs dixon s the judge discharged the prisoner and said that the evidence was not strong enough tor warrant conviction the de fence was not called upon on the charge of obtaining money nnder false pretenses on the campbell note rob son e oounsel mr fnllerton of toronto announced tbat the prisoner would when arraigned elect to be tried by ajury rob son was arraigned on this chsrgeon friday and will be tried at the coming county conrt sessions in july rev william savage late missionary at sangeen preached here last sunday in tbe absence ot rev jj hart who is visiting a former circuit he gave a very interestidg sermon 3tev mr savage is lecturing with a view to securing funds to aid in tbe cost of erection of the iodian chnrcb at ban geen some time tffl destroyed by fire the neighborhood is making quite nnm erous changes this spring mr blaikie moves on to his new farm wm mo kertie ia having a sale ud will shortly leave the eagle farm mr osborne of the tth line itqua6ing is moving to the farm he purchased fron alex cnpps r 1 lambert has renied mrs jfoxon s plaoe and isrnovmg to n william anderson lden mills issettlng upa blacksmith stop and store here a post office kill also be opened if the oiern ment will listen to earnest appetis on be half of h people of this section walter ltinh hts raised quite an addi hon to his pleted iii barn and will soon have it com is a desirable improvement mrs rohertbron i recovering from the injuries v lien np et fractured our m ijllinery i m full bloom now and any ladv wanting millmerv can be suited etonce bat diiijnviut to eill tod received a couple of weeks ego from k rutter her arm was onr special and elaborate dis play of mibtncry ureas goods mantlet wrapt and parasol will be on friday and saturday april 7th and 6th we have nobby ttuffitnd jthi price right a cor oo is esltecded to all the ladle ntpect wu mcleok co davidson the forcer is sentenced at milton to five yeare in penitentiary miltov april 1 the speediest kind of justice was meted out to charles hilton davidson the bnrlington forger thurtday morning and the result of it all is that davidson is to do five years in kingston with hard labor looking none tbe worse for his 20 000 mile journey albeit a tnfie pale and per vous dawdson was arraigned before s dice j p at 9 so in the morning and charged with having forged and uttered forged notes extending over a period of several year and which were discounted by him at the bank of hamilton n htm llton davidson admitted his guilt and was cokfmitted for trial he was at once brought before judge smdef and arraigned on tbrea charges davidson jelected to be tried at once and pleaded guilty to the several bharges counsel for prisoner offered tbe test mony of a number of respectable residents of the county as to the prisoners previous good character also a petition praying for the leniency of the court at 10 4a the judge sentenced the prisoner to five years with hard labor in kingston penitentiary on esch charge the sentences to ran concurrently organist formerlyl pink pills and the young man ed to guide me to mr sparks the courteous young man wtt mr willie jovert a resident of the place the methodist church and organist for the young men chrntiaii association of rochester so getting i horse we started in the storm with the mercury ranging at zero fora five mile drive over the snow dnited roads of hornby hills when we reached our destinalnn we found a very comfortably hogged fi mily consisting of mr and mr sparks i ne son and five daughters the oldest o the daughters miss lillian twenty v o years old is the one whoe re ported w mderful cure by the use of dr williams pink pills for pale people your cotrespoc dent had gone nut thereexpressly to verify jy actual knowledge this is the story tolc by miss sparks to your corres pendent presence of her grateful and approving father and mother tud it given in her ow n language yet t r it is with pleasure that i give my testn lony to the great value of dr williams fink pills i was ill for four years doe tonug near all the time bat with out any benefit i had tix different doctors dr hedddn dr pnrdy and dr hoar of corning i r butler of hornby dr rem mingtont t painted post and dr bell of monterey they said my blood had all turned to v iter 1 was as pale as a corpre weak and short of breath i could hardly walk i was so dixzy and here was a ringing noite in my head my iiands and feet were cold all tho time my limbs were swollen my feet so much th 1 1 could not wear my tboes my appetite was very poor i bad lost all hope of evei getting well bat still i kept doctoring or taking patent medicines but grew worse read in the ml tha time lut september i lmira gamk of a wonderful drinkinq while on dutv peoria april 1 owing to the discharge of lour engineers five firemen and six i estorer ca switchmen by tbe officers of the chicago rock island pacific yesterday tbe bal ance of the switching force struck their places were at new men brought here from chicago drinking vvhile on duty is tbe canse assign ed for the aitcharte in this city nce filled by tbe canadian order of forestere is a fraternal benevoleut society incorporated in 1679 and registered nnder the insurance corporations act 16j2 of ontario the objects of jibe society are to furnish its members jitb sick and funeral benefit and an insurance of one or two thousand dollsrs tlie pav meats for these benefits range irom about one dollar to one dollar and fifty cent per month according to tbe ate of the member and the amount of the insurance earned the membertbip is composed of men only and when admit led tbey mast be between the ages of eighteen ana factitive the present num ber of members is over 16 000 tpd the society has a cash surplus on band for tha payment of the insurance of over 215000 too 000 of which is in dominion of canada bonds andkhe balance is invested in the best monetary institutions of the domiq ion in idasuoo to bit the local courts have aboat t half a million of dollars m tbeir treasijne for the payment of the sick and fknertl benefits tbe high secretary n b l cho me white o bradford mi it is expected that a court of thus popular and purely cana dian society will shortly beorgantzedbere ff 70a wknt fir class guelptt sash and door at gnflpb prices t eamor can j fill your ordir at hit pltningmill and lillian ambitious taken down the facta ment were neigbbora ment at tbsj lams pink sparks d willis are a never- ataxia st ralgia the speclfio for in the blooi sipelas etp anew the successfully pink pill remedy krj pills tre a cure tbrougl i the use of dr williams pink pills for pa e people and i thought i would try them i did so giving up all other medicines nd following the directions closely bj the time i btd taken the first box i was fi eling better than i bad been in long tim and i continued their ate until now ai you can see and at my father and mother know and as i know i am perfectly we i i don t look the same per son and i c n now enjoy myself with other young peopl indeed i can ttay too much for dr will amt pink pills for i am sure tbey saved t ty life i have recommended them po ot lert wbo tre using them to others who i re using them with much ben efit and i arnestly recommend them to any wbo may be sick foe i tm ture there is no medic ne like them i em entirely willing yon ihonld make any proper use of this stttem mt of my sicknetb and cure by dr will ams fink fills in further cosvertatioi mut sparks said she fell away dnnn her sicknets so much that she only we gbed 60 pounds while she now weighs 107 i topposi said ber father that it was overwork tbat made ber sick yon see we have foo acres of land keep thirty five cows and tiere is a great deal to be done wu a great worker and very antil she overdid it and narrated in the above state corroberated by a number of f ho all express their astonish great improvement dr will pills have worked in miss ms pink pills for pale people falling blood builder and nerve in g partial paralysis locomotor ntns dance rheumatitm nen f ter effects of la grippe infin enra and 8 svere colds nervooa headache nervous pnstrttion ind the tired feeling arising th refrom these pills are a all diseases arising from humors such ts scrofula chronic ery as a remedy for building blood enabling the system to resist ditease dr williams tand far in advance of any other own to medical science pink pecifie for the troubles peculiar to the femile system riving a rosy healthy glow to pate or savow completions in the tbey effect a rsdicil care in all cases aritidg from mental worry overwork eto of ant nature these p lis are manufacture by the dr williams medicine company brockville out and schenectady n y md tre sold only in bo ec bearing tha firms trade mark printed u red ink snd wrapper at so cts a box or si c boxes for 12 50 bear in mind that dr viihamt pink pillj tre never l or by the dozen cjr hundred all druggii sold in bal snd toy stealer who offers austitutes in this form should be cautioned builder ahd nerve tonics no nastier what name mar imitations pecuniary reputation is trying to defraull yon and avoidsd the public are also kgtintt all other so jailed blood be given them tney are all whose makers hope to reap a advantage from thai wonderful achieved by dr wiljlsma pink j pills asfc your dealer for drj williams pink pills for fale people au refuse ail j imitations and substitutes dr wu amt pink fills mijj be had of u or direct by mail from dr oni3 enjoys both the method and results when syrup of figs is token it is pleasant and refraining to the tosteand acts genuyyetpromptlyontheindnets liver and bowels cleanses the sys tem effectually dispels colds head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation syrup of figs is tha only remedy ot its kind everpro duoed pleasing to the taste and so ceptibla to tha stomach prompt irt its action and truly beneficial in its effects prepared onlr from the moat healthy andagreeablesubstances its manyexcellentqualitiescommendit to all and have made it the most popular remedy known syrup of figs is for sale in 75a botfles by all leading druggists any relkwedajggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any ona wno wishe to try it manufflctuied only by tha california fig syrup gl 4 iwouse ii 1 i dp you want curtains jermyns is the place next door to you i 50 uifferent qualities all new desigrisand ranging ia price n 50c to 650 per pairl we never gave such bargains j j i never had half the range before the times are too hard i jass such bargains by t i i you ax mvuvmx cbcocae kct toss kx wds art miss lundy is back again iii mantles rib jejrmyn important clxs the second addition to the nen baildmgj the attractive appearance up and down 1 as soon at this section is occupied the and the boilding of the last section will entrance to the eight houte which streets 4 packages o want window shades jermyns is the place price from 25c tq 1 25 we shw twice the variety- jof r dealers here and it will pay you to compare prices id you like to save a you can do it t di you want carpots and oilcloths 18 i jermyn place henps from 10 to 300 unions from 75c to 125 and foths cheaper than whejit no place in this county can our prices we buy cheap and sell close wef hundreds of employees threi score separate depart- men s and sales are counted by tl e hundred thousand otit business is dry good and hom outfittmgs that is ever -thing- for personal and horn use iou and we may be quite a dis tance- apart measured by mile jet by reason of our mail order facilities vtere ir- tuall next door to you no- thmj in the entire establish- men that ou cant have pre cisely as if you stoodin person befoic any counter and at cxac iy the same price we send samples of all mail ible merchandise free of cour ic if you ant a house ful c f carpets or draperies a new aonnet or a tootnbrush wee cpect you to buy in pcr- eon but y dont know- it hal a help shopping- by mail is til ybu have tried it thct eaton c6y ltd ii rut mrat tmift j lfcjwvwwnww flfbn jutttrtisknattb st teon a 1 n 1 1 1 you want curtain poles i jermyns ts the place think of a stack of curtain pols at 25c complete well h 40c every color carpel felt at 4c per yardf latest styles for dresses cot jlill md main streets acton i 1 the jjtighb house will be opened hp in a few days our easterners mil appreciate mrs of these premises every convenience for the comfort of ladies will be provided kd boildings on king street wilt be closed up at1her are to be torn down te started ween tffis takes place these will be only one he through the new building o the qokner oj kins and huqhflon latest ttylea in blouses mantle cloths b lk gloves 8 case ladies knitted underwear one case of 6u velvets including new and scarce shsdes new dress goods pr i fed chillies choice bilk ties 8hk surahs and printed ponries ladle bells one case of newest dress trimmings alto ltces a large assortment of new housef urnishirjgs inolnding chonwaportitre curtains ttole covert art irlasliu tod fancy draperies i urttloi loops fringes coverings jnew lie ourtains alts a lourth shipment of new carpet in brussels and tapettries to da e art tboirini a large assortment of newest styles in the vtriont makes of otrpett tbe new millinery stock is very attractive if 3 uo about styles in hats sad bodneu come tad inspect them new millinery arriving almost daily a large ttriety of new itet in english straw halt to htndjthit week samples sent to any address by mall door of t hamilton april li 1893 second shipment of ladies tnd children lantlcs jackets and capet jutt received the new store corner of king and hughs jjfstreet gps at th flight house new goods to hand this week 4 ijtliejs 1 ikolallas hyslop bwlfeilcli iii r ii r 13 f mantlst arid dreismak- lngrdoparmant very busy please infer the bight houte by the o watsiltf3 qnt st 3at5s toronto fcco will open at no 13 the lafl celebrated whitworth humh all fitted with the seddon or lq m i we also have a fewcushicrj it will pay you to see our wheels send for catalogue see our diamond frame est value the world j h belsize and nd fences before purch orcei pfl tocked with the fcpaftan wheel eumatic tires umktiej tire guaranteed safety for tired wheels that we are quoting very low to clear jismg if yl ptt cannot call i coioetown 810000 the min lit the li tee di robe and ral water half gallon bottles at rug store drifing outfit for salb asherstgned bat for sale a flntlts sr atx rears old good top baggy carter parness all la good condition i frtf bzhstbgk aeton 1 jam to rent rphe m ituilgnsd detiref to cat tbe ftrm j lot 9e cqd i euaffoff ooatalninf 100 utfe 80 1 nm cierbufle trash ind picture apphetioi t bt tddncrtd to johx ccmkcifct hockvoodsp q a eneryctifl udrnm tift to it cook te middle ig affording for yonni 4terud jtsd uak u udsunt miaager on ft 1 inn host bo ttmpert establa fnd tut good imovlodgs ofrtdck enenllr kodtiiror pottltryfor to bat the woajdbe teqafiytmo for tbe proprietor s grajuu of wanted tw u in exeeueat off eotnforuble and pendeaeat pome or middle medoonple of good tahir teipecubllity addrew futlnjf fcge qaiilflofttfeu umilr etc to 3 k talflbt fail pazu offlm aeton flem for sale the and srslgned desires to rett or stu th arm is lot m oon j esqneilnsnmr aeton fttti tent- fnuprtqaltriviubeffitti upon tppll ittlon to i r liaicx lax or tlittssw lit bockwood qnelpb net to loan ilage property tt reasonable rates apply to ucleasamoleal towttbtll atton h aujotiqn sale 1 hqtel raopbkty in acton rphe aad tstgned hat been instrnetedby i thomas bewfett j 1 7 sail by public suction on saturda 22noj april at 2 oclock tbe bote properfr on hill street aeton ntsr tha qrand rnnk stauon as tbe i j t station hotel at present oecardedbr clark bros snd dolus a good bnai atsa the hotel is a two story trout roagboast in wbioh is tbe bar three sitting rooms pan rr and bedroom oo first floor up stairs an welve btdrooro tnd t sitting roomt a i od9 adoltlon in tbe rear ssst pro storr gites i largeunlog and kltehen then is a oellar nn a the vttole tht stabllogltonlhe same side o the itreer and bat room rottwlve horses or t lot seres tbe stress an tin sheas itsso a itclass well at tht door j tziuts oi sua tbe torn ot 100 to be paid on day ot lale esoo on the 1st of star when possession rul be given the btlauee in animal payment c jq0 each farther t utlealars mar be had from tbosus bivnitt b klllnaf ad p0 or i 1 wm hembtbekt aoetloneei aojeg acton 1 machine undjepair shop girinii are veil eoeuaxy td dell ii wright kalnpsd ith ail the maohiaerr weeiteaunpalrsto i maoidlibt i aotv otiltubaii udtlilocrlm and to 4o ill kinds of stb j m wttino- i hobi x shoxiko snd oekisalblaoksmithina and wood ork npsirs derformed in a satis- fsctorrmaaiet wecan raptir any raaehtne or implement i any make bar humming sad altagdonsv aqestb f03 j 7letjby s rkplemxhts ahd repairs oov mjwib aowpt s celzbaatr lawn igh vbesl bigh speeov crindell k wright fash enable west end j i t 99 uppiobt ihfvmdhkwt strut headquarters for i stylts i suitings overcoat- ing t and new and fylish gentlemens furnish ngs w ooooh unviifdulj- 1 i inspection zajrtfeot my sieciahtyperfect fit ting parte to orderod l uxcbni 99 re nelson tsflor and genu nrnlab opper wrutujaavat orielp

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