Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 13, 1893, p. 1

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i ciis jltton m press is rratxsti ery thursday morning it tax- free press steam printing 0h uill btbeet acton ovt 5c or 6 dollar per rear strictly in advance all tnbceriptioni diacou tinued when the time for which they have b5h paid bu eaplred the date to which evert iihfhnrlan 4nut j i a t subscription lipoid u denoted on the eddreu libel adtebtiwmj ritzstreosient edrertiie- mentt e eenu per nonpareil line or nrtt in ertlon 3 cenle per line lor each subsequent imertion covtatct iutesthe following tthle shows our rttee lor tbe insertion or advertisement for specified periods 1 1 1 ib 1 6 no liim 11 o sb inchh loinchu mnches llnch 50 00 is co so 00 600 mm so 00 is 00 iso 30 00 700 soo 67 03 900 250 1x10 advertisement withont apeclfic direction will be inserttd till forbid end charted accord lngly trtcdent ediertimmenu must be pekl in advance a4 be chanced once each mpntb if desired for chances oftener than opce a month the composition mnit be paid for etceculei ratea chances for contract edrortjiraenti must bo in the office by noon on tuesdays h p mooiif editor end propr etor eery week we are getting new effects in ingrain wa l papers with borders arid ceilings to match these papers are used by the best familjes they are as cheip as the common papers only iscts a roll and much handsomer when you a in guelph call at days boo o store and see how nice ard cheap the are day sells cheap the traders bank or atiunk sftfcemenc rajrett tram oovtmmsot jse- rura lfarembfs0th189z bank of montreal sttsituss bircrforp j f urls m d c m office and residence corner alii frederick streets acton s amckeagle m d graduate of trinit college member o dollea orfhysicians and surgeons licentiate of boyal college of ihnciani and 6oreons edinburgh office and residence dr lowry jaie reii dence bftcdoirredenciitreet actoo j wilkinson d d bl d 6 ecngtos destibt graduate loivcrsity of toronto llemfcer of the harcj college of dental burgeons office open every day except wednesday tbursdayand saturday over the drnr store acton l l bennett lds denti6t oeoraerowk oxrixio m clean 4 mclean barristers solicitors notaries conveyancer arc private lands to loan office town hell acton wm a mcliaj jso a mclxix j a mowat uteeisttb solicitob noiirt pcblic honey to loan omen dirt tuesdejiand saturday omen eeanawin s block acton np stairs r j mcnabb comeiivcxe colllctoii ltc ileuls end account collected agent firo end lllo assurance propertv boocht ind told monej to lotn on the mott fevoreble termt j a hon at b office acton qhilton wallbridgei stone btrrltten solicitor l toadsro ihv groeacromt oficet creelmtn block georgetown end tredere bnk chemberi cs onfie it toronto j eniltoi b jl ff h w1llb2idge ti e btove james hutcheok lend bone or end ckll enclncer office tdlolnlnc j a movm llicdonncll itreet jnelph oatent8 beodred poeihvemiovb henbt gbist ottawa cakaba twenty t kit prtetlee ko jetent ho pit w heststreet llcekged auctioseeb capital rest 12000006 6000000 a san ings department hes been opeaod in csonnection with tba branch intcreit alloneil t current etci jashfinlay ilautcr oueiph bkasclt a business education is a source of wealth every young person will find athoroogb buslne training tbcratcst aid in gettios a good btartlo butinetshfe thiiage callifor activo intehigent well trained belp id all department or trade tbose who make therriervio valuable have no difficulty in aicojgaeairablepocitioni where advance meflt liawared tin fieunand kr cpble reliable ashittanu i tonitaatly increwinc a ltcrfctl tuaineas eda cation uot only flu one for a cucceufnl start but with energy perseveraqce and hard work leads to pros perfty and wealth this if within the reach of eerj ambltioufl person who attends the guelph business college locstmatnos 101 and 103 yndbam street guejth ont call or write lor particulars 31 maccormick principal w barber bros paper makers gboraetown ont mace a bpeculti 07 mactiine finished book papers high grade weekll sews the paper used in this journal 11 from the above mills wif barber bros for the counties of wellington and halton orders left at the fbee press office acton or at nyreddeneein acton will be pitomptly at tended to terms reasonable f also money to loan qn the rnoit favorable urms and at the loweat rates of interest in sums of c500 and upwards money to lend os good farm security at a lower rats of interest and assets golj don inlon notes deposited with government to seem circqletioq sobiud cheqnee of other beaks cell lotnc on stocks end bonds bciimcet dae frdkn other beaks goti rameat debenture assets ikxediatelt avaiuux bills diieoanted bum diieoanted orcrdoo beak premliec ifortgigec end other anets totel assets liabilities piid np ctpltej barplcs notosln clrcaleuon depoelu from pcblls deposits from other btnks tb8ts two 1705 is us t4sw2 108 tbs tcto t i i 11938 wmss sis7 una 1803 t1cbj 07 ssxdo sa 3490 7 24 ml alabastine it wont rub off it is more sanitary and is cheaper than wall paper i it can be easily applied write bond co hardware guelph for sample card and prices 2vtclhrbn 55 cos climax puzzle w e a p g w 0 y r john dat architect gctlpu ost orricr wyndbun btreet trancib nonan i bookbisdeb 1 fttndnembt gaelph onterlo orst ttlllfuas store aeconnt books of ill kinos tntde to order periodicals of every description carefully bound rnllnf neetlv end promptly done mhe hanlan barber 8b0p uillsteeitactok anseiyinsre estyllchhelrnt agobdceafocin eneabjlleretlneibempoo eweyciin rexors honed end put in nntclees condition ledlec end children s hair testily cat j h wobdev tonsoriil artists job printing including books pamphlets eoslcrs bill beads circulars tc itc execatm in the best style of the art at moderate prices and on ibort notice apply or address h p uoohe j fbee peess office acton agents wanted in every township i to sell the pictorial cyclopedia of liva stock and complete stock doctor r the moat complete and compreniaaive wirk ever published i c authors stind at tht head of their profession tad have aoontuentjal repn utlon w orth fu weight in old to any one iianng hore eup cattle 6wie poultry dogs or bees a crand opporronity to make monej geiare territory at once address e k icoyer pnbluher 120 tongs st toronto on better terms o repayment than ever before offered in canada s intending borrowers should write or call at once and be cominced before appling elsewhere w s jackson reatestate loan insurance agent glelpff canada new planing mill am- 8ah and door factory john cameron contractor has fitted np the buildlf g on main street lately occapied as a trunk factory with new machinery end 1c prepared io furnish plans specifications and estimates for all cl aires of builngs and execute all kinds of drfbsing i matching and moulding haxx all bttxes of sashes doors cnd windows and door frames and dressed lumber and keep a stock on band aw order promptly john 0aieron attcm ecnast dea to i aoton hamiltons marble works hamilton 1 bjoci formerly hath block tl e gore corner of woolwichand norfolk street guelph ont john h hamilton proprietor wliolecalc and retalj dealer and direct importer and manufacturer of all kinds of granite and marble monument tombstones etc having had an extent u e experience for the last 10 j ears the public may rel on getting all superior articles at a cheaper rate than anwathtr dealer in the west b j itfr ot off on a direct order re ceiredtor tl e next so da s season1893 ti7hile returning thanks to our tiinn pat 1 rons for their liberal support in the past we wish to inform ou that we have entered intoaa arrangement with r 6tewart guelph toleep constantly on hand a full stock of the ordintrj siren of sash doors etc and will also supply anj special siiet oh nhort notice at guelpl pjicct frames of all kinds made to order we also keep in stocld a line of base vsindow and door casing c order blocks ac 1 yiurlumbcr dreimd while yofewtit price 1 50 per m n r l i dibecti0s8 fob climax puzzle l cut the card on the lino in nine squares and arrange them in three rows 10 that np and down acrofs from corner to corner they shall spell a word of three letters eight ways 2 form a crocs with tbe nine letters iou to tpell a word of five letters in two ways 3 6pu ft word of nine letters with all the letters in a row 4 form t triangle and cbow a word of foiir letters in three ways n bf the above purile is printed on a card which will be supplied by mclaren co tbe letters s r li appear on reverse side of card under the letters wcrt this purcle can bo solved the first person sending oe tbe correct solution of tbe pottle will receive 5a3 in cash and any pair of ahoesia store valued at wja tue first person leadihfl us the nearest correct solution of the purde will receive l53 in cub and any pair of shoes in our store valued at es50 all replies to bo tent in on or before jane 1st 1653 all replies must be sent in sealed envelope witrj full name and addeu given to the leadiaf boot od shoe store wm gnelpb mclaren co t3e leading boot shoe store v e fake care to keep our prices low and quality high w e have a full assortment of ladle american band made eld boot in all widths we lead in all the novelties in foot wear in catering for tbe beet trade inlcdfee and gents fine goods we do not forget tbe cbillrm oar stock is large and always of the beet quality wm mclaren co ll millions in it pumps being better able than heretofore we will 101 pry either wood or iron pumps promptly all wrk guaranteed satififtctory please call and inspect before purchasing elsewhere taosebbage ifanoffer 1 acton s m cook co georgetown licensed auctioneers apprtliers vla ators collectors heal est lie ind general land agentc fon the cockties 0f- halton peel wellington sjmioe york and ontario j llooci to loin from 1m up at six oer cent tartlet placing their telee or other bntlnets in onr bendiwlllbav the tame promptlyettendad o atmoderati- bacrge orricv avd hanrs rooks hill st george town or addreei boi 186 b it cook co uctloneeri ueavch office 81 qneen bt eist toronto s m c302 4 oo auctloneert oeorgewwn and toronto j i hw wellington mutual fire insurance comoany eetasijeeed 160 isfitjrakce on uutna plan anyeoinmanl ctcmos forvarded to my addrcac boc t3 or telephoned will be promdtly attended to ioilk tavlok acent oaelph 1 cton saw milts coal ad ood yabds zlltssio focik xotbsb girls ton oxtaeio thursday april sitt listen to pur motlier girls teas sdrioe from her withronr bt and truest frisnd frequealirooofer she is wiser than jonx mates in ihs glddf throng she will lead yon to the right when yon re golnat wrong listen to your mother gills oonottarassme from hsr aoansels and embark qa l tresoheroas tide take her in yoor oonildeace tell her all the truth foq conld hsys no better guide through the days 2f yoqth when you feet disposed to hreck from the uu at home when the sfreae voice yon beer tempting yoato roam when persuaded snd distacbed by ambitions spur listen to roar mother girls take ad rice from her there are many demon ones in angelic guiae waiting in yon neighborhood to secure a price if within an aril net ton would not be caught listen to toot mother girls learn what she s been taught youth is spt to mske miitakes prone to goeetrey fooliab rirelns may be foand anywhere todey unto wise and pmdent onee all your doubts refer listen to roor mother girls take edtlce from her jofeplum pollard harmless her occupation rhigat be it was scarcely a dignified position for a stoat middle nfed matron to be climbing after spice bartiea on the topra stone walls and she did nit care to be nonsi nse i leftys clear sweet voice rang oat he neverasked that of me he might fcnsw i wouljl never harbor a fussy old moth r in law tf any man asks me to accept of his home and his heart i must have a cl mr sell bat s le things a deal of yon letty remonstr tted hiss pix the village school mistress ie always thought so more than i do of her retorted letitia dart jricions me parthenia dont yoa know tba yoang follh and old fogies can t get alon together it amt in the nature of thing it sh ird on a mother though aint it that loesnt signify said letty indif ferently i tell you as i mean to tell hini no cranky old mother in law for a i a thr 11 of gay sweet laughter pllowed lb was monday morning not a blue the word i and then the voices of the speak mo aday either for the october sun was ers died away in the distance and mrs stkrt fatttilg itwririttg jler at iy eori ii iui bjlvdolph put money in tby purse if not alts he who steals thy purse e teals trash bo said w ill lam shakespeare and all we have to add is that a lean purse takes a new lease of life whcniit come in contact with the prices we aro offering on all our furniture we won t quote to jou any big 13 per cent die count but just uk you tolook otertiofollowlog hit a good bedroom suite at 10 a better one for 11 a daisy 12 a bfeauty 13 a dandy 14 and the best in tbe world 15 next a good sideboard for 6 00 a better one with mirror 7 m a daisy with mirror 8 50 ladies rocking chairs from 1 00 cbildrentrockers from 60 extension tables full nie from 5 00 we bate opponents hut np rivals in the furniture buitdeic we outclass them all and everybody knows it give us a call and see for jouraelves if it is not true donot bay from as our baby carriages are tbe finest ever seen in the city j ait see see them we handle the celebrated high clecel newcombo pianos j77res br0mn uikur ictvacb tsr d kales t lumber lath 6binglec coal and wood cod ind wood alrayi in stock and promptly delivered to any part of the town at reajooalije prices hardwood and slabs cat stove length always on band boyb and mens bicvctes will be in a little later walt for as we aire go in to pat new life in this town and its good people telephone communication pe sffrkgge toe people popular furniture store upper wyndbtm so cuelph vfe pay freight on all bills amounting to flic ging its golden rays into the red am brewn leaved woods and the clothes we fu iping signals of household trace upon th hoes while mrs carson knitting bn ikly at the south window watched her ul son royal potting his jeramams and bri 3g them into the house one by one le 11 be dom it for somebody else next ei r she marmared to herself and a tear pis shed down apon the blue yarn took that h was fashioning at the same time re yal looked up and taw the glitter of the pr smatio drop as it fell in an instant he sel down the scarlet general grant that tb t he was trimming os dusted the earth ofi his hands and came hurriedly into th i sonny keeping room mother said be are jou sick what is he matter mother dear nothing said mrs carson nothing on of the ordinary i mean its only wl at all mothers have to stand i suppose royal pat his brown hand kindly on hts m ither s shoulder tell me what jou mean mother ho t i yoa oughtnt to let me hear it from a g stip like susannah sears royal said ra carson mournfully if its really true why didnt you come and tell me inrself bat mother i dont know what you nean about jour bein engaged to clara fad dick roj all said mrs canon sternly t ansnxing ber son with her eyes oh e l e youre blushing like a gal i l mast be tnel royal did color a little but he smiled t evertheless your accusation is a little sadden mo- tier said he- and i do not know who i as been talking to you i am not engaged 1 3 clara although i don t deny that i ihould like to be i am fond of clara 1 aother a little dark thing like that spitefully i ttered mrs carson with no more idea i f housekeeping than yonder kitten i oh 1 toyal how can yoa talk sol i love her mother the yonng man mswercd simply i know it said mrs carson sobbing folks has always told me how it would be toa bring up son and you do everything md bear overything for his sake and just ts youre beginning to take a little comfort if your life os he goes after some girl that mil be a trial to yoa for the rest of yoar lays royal dont marry that girl i take four mother s advice shes only a little insignificant chit and yon 11 repent it royal looked pained mother said he dont yoa think that hat is a subject apon which every man tnd every woman ought to choose for them lelves mrs carson screwed up ber lips snd ihook her head remember tbe good book royal said ihe honor thy father and thy mother lint that what it says and i tell yoa plainly i never can feel like a mother to 3lars paddock butj mother if it was letitia dart now went on sirs carson knitting away as if for dear lfe id be suited exactly a nice hand tome stirring gul that would be sure to inih a husband onn the world do i need pushing mother said royal nth a hlf smile every man does evasively retorted lira carson yoa would like me to mirryletitia dart id like it above all things royal cried he old lady iter keen eyes beginning to parkle again i dont know ft brighter i iri than she is nor a prettier nor a i weetex tempered 4 but perhaps she woaldn t have me nother hoarded royal mrs carson hud her hand carelessly on i ons arm there amt many as would say no to on royal i gaesc she said for a moment or two he was silent yoa are asking a good deal of me nother said he in a serious tone yoa have never disobeyed me jet ileaded the old lady dont let this time i the first royal returned to his work among the reraruuma mrs carson knitted on with lying fingers and needles that gleamed ike line of electricity and in her minds le she beheld all the paraphernalia of a off ul wedding and saw blackeyed lebua 3art sitting at the head of the little round able pouring oat the tea and dispensing he preserves while she herself occupied m honored post im most certain she an me will get dong together firstrate thought she kith a thrill of exultation in her heart in the afternoon when the geraniums thought painting were all placed in the sunnyj wlridow and the hoai ewark wac done mr i carson pat on her r iby menno gown an started to go to mrs jolonel roberta to tan ill co by the way of the woods sha and take lucy rickerts some o moifj worth cogate them red spicebernea jbat shes so foad of on plaoqaes poor lucy 1 shes lame and shes dreadful pleased with any sach utt e attention the rsd spice berries however grew higher u than mrs carson had anticlpat ed and it was just when sha was balanced on the t p of rather an unsafe stone wall with a lc ng scarlet dotted branch hooked down wi h the end of her umbretla handle that she heard gay young voices in the thloket b syond its letty dart she sad to herself and martha ann pix i good land i i must kee d still as a mouse tilltheyve got by i for mrs carson realized that however orgotten the and lama colors her carson kith a scared pale countenance scrambhd down from the stone wall with her tropl lies of scarlet spice berries clasped tightly 1 1 her breast has i come to that she asked her elf las he proposed already to that girl a id i brought it on myself heaven forgive u e am i to be turned out of the old hom where i ve been queen and mis tress foi thirty years not bnt what royal is true and faithful to his old mother but but what is a mothers influence sgainst i wifes will she turned homeward with a vagae un certain i p still clutching tl e clusters of spice bei ries but she had tea parti at mrs roberts lnoys i ondnesc for vivid heart ws i fall of other things evidei tly royal did not exfject her yet he was i finding before the are watching the leap md crackle of the flames around the old b ack log and in his hand thero was a little rown glove four buttoned and scented faintly with direct rose leaves mrs caran s heart sank within her mothir i cried the young man turning quickly i round as ber footstep sounded on the threi hold yoai e asked ber royal 1 gasped the poor wot lan her eyes brimming with tears yes mother ive asked her and she has ansv ered me yes i mrs larson sat down and began to tremble oh i oyal i she sobbed and what lb to bees me of me 1 yoa i re to live with us mother dear said the young man putting his arm fond iy aron id her still trim waist she stipulate i for that herself you are al ways to keep your own room and yoar old corner b the fireside she has no mother poor dea and she will now feel as if she had gair ed one royal cried mrs carson with a great start as she looked ap at her sons face who ar i yon talking about letitia dart because not jetitia dart said royal even if i conld bring myself to care for her didnt jou know that she was engaged only th s morning to peter fanshawe 1 at least so dr morrison tells me and i pity peter fanshawe from my heart said mrs carson olasping her hands but royal its ilara paddock mother said her son ry and make the best of it dear for i fee tbat i can never be happy with any one else the est of it i exclaimed mrs carson why its all best there isnt any worst to it i never was so glad of any thing in my life royal looked at her in some surprise yoa lidnt talk so this morning moth er sate he but me changes ones mind you know cried mi j carson incoherently wheres my bom et i must go and see clara at once an 1 tl her how rejoiced i shall be to welcome her here and rt was not until the old bedtime hbur in which true to the traditions of his childhooi royal csrson always came and sat besne his mothers rocking chair for awxile that the old lady told him what she had heaijd from her covert among the spioe berries oh ftoyal she said yoa dont know how ba it made me feell and when when ci j cme running to meet me the dear litt 9 thing 1 felt as if i could have taken he to my very heart royal yon were ng it when yoh preferred clara pad dock to etitia dart if jou had married letitia should have lost my only son now i h tve got a precious daughter and god alo e knows how dearly i snalllova her and i oyal carson and bis mother were utterly i eoonciled at heart prke three on the rkjkr side the lessons nimble of experience are always bat rarely are they more heeding than in the case of william the jwell known manufacturer why i was short they ire the lissons that spring from the esct that a young man began ufa by start ing in the nghj pathway a pc or boy mat an old captain one day- ton a ow path on the erie ceutl the laptai i recognized him and said will william where are you going i d at know he answered father is too pot r fo keep me at horns aay longer md sa i mult now make a hwng for my- falf tb re s no trouble about that said the jiaptaii ba sura yoa start right and oau i et along finely will am told his fnend that the only rade i hat he knew anything about was cap si d candlemakiog at which he had lelped his father at home we 1 said the old man let me pray nth yi in once pore and give von a little it of jdviee add then i will let yoa go thej both jcnelt down upon the tow elh ihe dear old man prayed earnestly or william and then gave this advice socieone will soun be the leading soap nsfcer n new york it can be youaa well a any me i hope it may be a good lan i ive your heart to christ give the jord 1 1 that belongs fo htm out of every olltr voo earn make an honest soap ive a all poahd and i am certain that ou will be a prosperous and rich man whei the boy arrived in the city he sund i bard to get work loneame and sr fnra home he remembered his lather s wordj and the list words of the aualb lit captain he was led to seek rst th i kingdom of god and his righteous- ess aid united with tbe church hare lembared his promise to the old captain nd th first dollar he earned brought up he qa istion of the lords part in the tibia le found that the jews were com iande to gtva one tenth so ha said if t 18 lord will take one tenth i will tve thi t and so ha did and ten cents f ever dollsr was sacred to the lord hsvi lg regalr employment ha soon be- sma a partner and after a few years hit artnei died and william became the wner 1 1 the bssiaeso he n iw resolved to keep his promise to id old captain he made an honest soap ive a all pound and instructed his book eeper o open an aeconnt with the lord nd cai ry one tenth of all his income to lit ac aunt he prospered his business rew h s family was blessed hit loan sold nd ha grew rich faster than ha hid aver oped ha then gave the lord tivotenths mora than ever then he then four tenths then hut fsmily settled all his lans fir life and gave all hit income to la loi d ha prospered mora than ever this is the twy of william colgate ho his given a mtlliou dollars to the lords came and left a natna that will verd temsi of general interest qt a yoong bank teller of blameless repute tion wu detected in stealing money from the bank when asked how it came about ha paid why was i short 3 well the money slipped out of my hands little by little and before i realized it i was behind this would be the story of hundreds who have gone dawn to ram through sp propnating tbe property of others they had money which did not belong to them they bad neither earned it nor borrowed it they wsrs tn ited to handle it and ther stoiitl they did net call it steeling though it was v they took it thinking to return it this wu the devils device his plan to get them to take it if be had said steal at first the answer would have been is th servant a dog that he should do this 7 so ha did not say steal he said borrow pelpjonrseli use the money lend it to yoar friend joa can eaaily pay it back j you have money in your pocket spend it freely bay what yoa see it will all coma nglit by and by but it all conies wrong by and by and things grow worse and won e and at last rua overtakes the offender learn to call all things by their right names no man can borrow money from a drawer or a bank without the per mission of its owner he can steal it bat he cannot borrow it borrowing is not done in that way if you propose to steal say eo and steal bnt do not tool yourself with the idea that yoa are borroting jivhen yoa come into court borrowing will not be the word used to express it you msy be a defaulter jou may be athief bat no one will accuse joa of being a borrower if you wish to borrow anything you mast isk permission of the owner if yoa wish o steal it yon can take it without thit ttle preliminary formality stealing is a hard wardbut it expresses hard thing and the man who takes an ither mans property without hiv permis- lion and uses it or lends it or gn es it away may jast u well write himself down as a ef at the beginning ts to wait till the rts do it at the end learn to let things alone which do not belong to you and learn to call things by their right names the cttrwiait other peoples affairs nd prispered va tireetenlhs ve ten hs ha educated 1 icebe gs sometimes last for 200 ears six ii oh heels were once the fashion vanderbiltt hava laca worth 1500000 silence it tha gratitude of true affection cannon balls n sight are photographed tha king of greece speaks twelve lan pages it is laid that character u betrayed in he walk mirth btrt a thousand harms and ngthens life i the first and worst of faults is to cheat bes self i the heart of a greenland whale is a trd in diameter tha china bti petersburg canal is i 472 ilea leng j erta ma heat is more fatal to human fa thu sitrema cold it s 1 19 fad now to hava babys picture ken vi bile rt sleeps yawc mg it caused by a deficiency in i r supply to the lungs prejaiioe sgainst green as a fashionable- i ilor it disappearing a rev liver his been invented that shoots ven tt net a second soma insecta are in a state of maturity irty ninutes alter birth a dei ler hts invented a itnrt that does it need a collar batten the f ve largest cities in the world are iondon pans new yorkchicago berlin a gcod kgyptam mummy warranted jo00 yi era old can be bought any day in gypt or uoo j the mndar is the highest flying bird lown it spends most of its time floating prea miles above sea level ever time a bank in china fails they it oft tha tank officers heads and no ink he failed there for over 500 years ad we live tooay raci ii said a speaker the other fay in philadelphia the raw sugar wittiwhich our fore athers were oblued to be content and in he grinding of which tha poor grocers apprentice wst permitted to medi tateon m sad lot end prove to hit own 13 ssgar compare this old combination oe qaettidi ebla ingredients withlhe white c ystals of pare grsaaiated sugar of today tnd which like theproduct of the flout rr lis fs turned out at the rata of thousai dt of barrels perday and it cheap enough to be used by the poor glance at oar tab ea today and we see in tha very heart o winter delicious fruit wholesome vegetal let and nutritious meat and fiahl many c f which were unknown a century ago to i veil tha wealthy but which became of the i kill audcheapneasof thecannert art hava b come a port of the daily bill of fan i of tha american mechanic take ithe for my part i care very little about ither people private affairs i never ivent to tarn their hearts inside oat kaow he amount of their bank accounts or peep nto their stors closets if they are nice io know pleasant to talk with and alto ether friendly and wirm hearted that ileisea me there are plenty of sbiuact lubjects on which o conrerc audit would lever occur to ma to inquire what their latchers bill might be or if the batcher iver eslledtwlce for hit little account i fanoy however thst soma people must o about asking luch question l is these or in no other way conld they provide hemselves with lach an atiiottnc of statu te at they collect m regard to other peo lies affairs and housekeeping i remember that a lady 11 once called on ne burdened with news u a homeward flying bee is burdened with stolen sweets for honeymaking she shut the doors drew down the shades and begged me not to mention it for only to ma would iha bonfide so terrible a secret- she wax no louip not she she pitied them from her iul bat senator bobolink s fsmily had 11 their underclothing made of unbleached ailm without sonuch at a row of rfek ok braid upon it it wu lacha frightful disclosure thh i mid do nothing bat stare at her and gasp and i did not thinkit worth while jbhl to ment ell of n he tims to propose 4f the morning for it augustus pop qaeitton then there is no illusion to irry roa away between breakfast and oontide if sha ever looks plain she will lok so then if yoa era ill tempered that i tha bw for it if pecuniary questions ra to weigh heavily in tha coming years oa will be apt to know it at that hour and yoa really love each other you will love efore lunch the sunshine brings things out clearly nd plainly t rouge and lilj white tnd hair ya cant stand it sometimes a fresh weet goodness and prettinesi appear in is face that it not seen by gat light i ava known women who look prettiest in ha morning and in tha bright daylight at of doors it is not always tha sweetest romaa who is called a belle of tha night whose chatms coma oat after tha lampt ro lighted tha jonservstory or the balcony on tha oil room or a boat on tha water with otic ra board or a lonely seat in tha garden under a tree with tbe moonlight iltarin down moves young heart bar oandngs have much to do with such hingtj but after all the life of a married mention the fact that the clothing wat i of raw silk in its natuntl fellow lint urs senator bobolink having confided to aa the fact that she had a pale from china tnd meant to make tbat use of it another aiy a venerable one toddled several n ies ana day to see our family thit she ght imperii tbe news that thetomkinses ra it poor that they could not afford rpets i thetomkicies were itnuug he first who ltd their fiogrs polished snd large rags lid in the centre of the room bdt we ihiok our heads and hoped they would io n recover their lost good fortune and ff ra equally sympathetic when tbe visiting ip nster of a tar away coonlry place con id id to ns the fact that them smiths from tfiw yvirk never had no regular dinner loc she went and staid one day and foand iu their dinner hour was at nx tha ocil hour wet twelve and they always is i a light lunch at noon lpart frora these fanny mistakes hew ivi r there are so many bits oe gomp afloat thi 1 1 often wonder if there is not a gossip syi dicate where people find out things it wonderful what petty itont certain pe pla ipend their time in gathering and dii panting and the pity is thai those wlo listen with suppreisedcontempt have no tha courage to express it open tha doie and bowl the gossip oat nine limes oa of ten she deserves it becaase she is a i ar tt well at a tattler u x a v cens spbrg cleavisg t s clean ter home aa clean your ibed in clean yenr bam in every part i b tbraihtbo cobwcltfram ycr head lu sweep the cobwebs rmni yer leart wan ipnnijcieaaia comes sroaa iitag forth tha dzsisr and the broom t rate yer fogy notion down ji sweep yer dusy 02i of g 0 joj s cepot idees oat with the tts n drestjr soul in cexcr t vie sc ape from yer mind i j worcot crsst a dump it in tie rubo jh pile s sep oat the bates tlat bzrp and smart ring in new loves lareac an pce ar ma the hoarthsce o the bear i lace modern styles of fnra re ci an oat yer moral cebby ks es e weep oat tbe dirt scrape a2 the icnm ii r deanin time for hekar mali it np an dost the irnlf hei came cl in oat the concr of the lran i ear down ttitnifaral bin bnsa and soap an dompol fear into the rain i n dust a coty cbair fo- hope cie in oat the bnia s deep rabbiah hoae nak every cranny treat an small j an in tbe front room of the soal e anff pootler plarea on the wall svt 3b cp the winders en the mind lean ap an let the spring becin sw biropen wide the des vbtind i 1 let the apnj sanshma in els it flowers ia tie soal s front yard iioutncwthadcan blossom trees an let the lanl once froze so hard 6 rout crocuses of ncv idees et rein yer house an clean yer shed a 1 clean j er barn in everr pari ba brush the cobwebs from yer head a 2 sweep the mewbanks from yer bcart sam walter fom 1 i canbymtaklnc and canfpy- eatinc i dm told said a cynical gentleman that confectionary is made pat up and handli d entirely by cirls and women itrt i do no believe it from what i know of wome winter that if the preparation of confec uonery were completely in sheir l hinds none of it would eer teach the public it would all be eaten up ibis cynics 1 periou like moit cynics in tbeir- jsdgmints ignored an impoctaut cliarac teciati of human nature it is this that iibert is olten oe of the best means cf regale ion in r lost establishments where confeclioc erj is manufaclared the female emploiee when hey begin their service arc told to eat as much candy aa iley like their emploecs evtn show a solicitous interest that l iey shall consume a much as pos sible yc 1 are doing very well said a supet- tntenc nt in a eand makiug ihop to a girl who h td been in his emploj for a day or two ncept in oce respect you don i eat enoug candy unless yoa eat mors we shall 1 ave no confidence in oa the 1 eneoattged the girl ee a great quant tj of vanoui sort orcoufectionery the ne t da and never wished to eat any s more i s long as shelived i thu 11 toe secret of the free permission a uew employee set down in the midst of so mui h sweetness and free to help her self c nsantes too maehfor her palate and digest in disgust follows latietv and from that ti ne forward the candv maker is con tent ti let her confectionspass through her hi ids without tasting them in i assft where represiiohjrather than freedo a lrthe ordec of the daj a different practu e and apparently a cruel one pre vails ii the confectionary establishments the gi is emploj ed there are never permit ted to isle the candies and in order that they lall not do jo secretly a sort of j moral nutrle is put on tbem the are made to sioginceasahtl when i at wor t a ioog especially composed for the purpose any young woman who inter rapts 1 er siagiag for an instant is as once under iuspicioa and is watched of c lurie the employees in such oircnm stance are continually tempted to et tha candv and their tottora is made the more like th it of tantalus by tbe nordt of their song self which are in praise of tha sweetniss and delicto jscess of the candy they a e hand ing the ieam to sing on ceaselessly and in- dinerei itly bat it is said by those whohava been n uch in these russian candy shops that 1 ie girls ultecanee occasionally be comes singular thick toltfi etoompon- r- m r thabuta satufac ion the perceuuga of and in the n mli p rom h n 1 i m vthintion of ifmmmonpitoe comet into it very soon pop leqaeitfoa thea ia tha morning and yoa will o t see aa eagel fade into an ordinary oris and if she accept yoa in your basineu octt with yoar freckle visible she wtu understand that yoa are not al ways i n a taste of poetic eostaoy and be mora pt to remember how yoa like yoai beefstiek tnd to sew oa those missrbf battoi it which befall all men sooner 01 later lifi it short and time it fleeting ban hood s sarttpahlla will bleu humanity a tli age toll on try it thit season the reward of economy soma one bu defined genius u con scisntioas thoroughness ha key to busi- nes success is mora reliable than such thoroughness and it is within the euy reach of all wa remember hearing the following story which illustrate this troth it seems that merchant had made up his mind to take a young man u partner in hut growing business while looking for the right man he chanced to hear a con- vetaation between two clerks somewhat u follows jhave yoa thoroughly cleaned tha floor behind those barrelgl yes with the exception of a few corks which are of no consequence f that won t do yoa nvuie- not waste evtin corks pick them all op the reply af the senior clerk made for him a fortune tha merchant made him an offer of partnership and a career of con tinned success followed closed only a few weeks ago- by in death 4 of faint ha following fs says tha australian sunday schcol teacher from a boys essay an total abstinence i abstain from elooholio drinks because if i would excel u alcticketer grace says abstain at aa oarsman hanlaa says abstain a a swimmer webb says abstain a a mis- nonary livingston says abstain at a doctor clark says abstain at a preacher farrar says rabataln aiylnmi prisons and workhouses repeat the cry abstain 1 wa have heard long speech with lest in it- the late and ifa of faint prtlietre the commc aett nd mote mischievous of qaall fying rords to the firmer how nun repute ions have fallen sacrifice to tha latter vhst wrecked possibilities and an- qaencl able remorses are anahored we jt turn w ith suspicion from the ealogizer wha latent etset commendations with bat who ii ys he is a fine fellow but or she is a n oa woman bat what stabs are given io innocence through this insinuating iittla v ord the ongae seems to fiqd it with nsltnctive evil propensity how eldoa we hear a person discuss tha char scler f another wtkhdat using ibis quails fyiag i at ro matter bow generally repaij table amiable or meritorious a person msy 1 e some flaw in his character mil be iou id in which to lodge s detracting bat ys ar i manifestly all jealous of oontemj pofam ogs perfection possibly becaose wa lack t ourselves and io we pot this drag i pon oar neighbors and umrfands we aie quick enough to anger if then but ai yet we are perpetually bnt ing ot len preserve us from all such oon vert s ekpooi i if we are to ba assaalfed we pn fer sa undisguised blow we scorn the co nmsoder who tips the shafts of hit praise with poisoaous batt and ifs bat for tb s and that and ifiie did and it he didnt these are the qualifications that blast note chiraeter than all bold opsn falseh md uttered in tones of patronizing sympiihy theyare like the tigers paw all velvet to the seeming but ail death to the touch oui first impulse ts generally kindly compi asionate generous bnt the qoiok after- bought as though itong with envy or jes ousy dngi back ie tall praise and dilates it with killing qualifications the garlands on tha dagger only hide the keen er bis de it oar kindred sad friends leave oar hinder intact our enemies can scare iy injure us it is the aiding word or wi ling ear ot the former that give ttttv latter their chief power to do us harm 1 souses repeat i heard long i f luard s liniment relieves vemnlgi i t easyehouqh mn goodsoul ob dont thank me 1 it nukes ma too happr to know that i can service to an unfortunate fellow bsfo- beioi wm iderer eageriylady h ord and otf can ba be happy three limes a day hb ear around 11

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