Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 13, 1893, p. 4

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fp i 8fo jictatt fttt 1 xm thursday april is lij gqzqes xqkekt8 i tt fa tha suent twltlgtit reviartaa old ttotset goa by j and from my bowra jiecrfflfi ececpod c lonedrawn tfcb and throagb tfaefciptwft luhoon a choral jtniou rami uocra far the daja departed uotirn foe the lent and oce i drew my breath and ltrteaed and still it leemsd to wy throccb cutd opportadlua iimeejinthliehtof day backward thy tep and forward 4 tba myrtle roicec ranc mourn for the dari departed if oaro for the ioct tad cone- r tben camo a twoet it whicper conscience be kind and true and teach me in lelf knowledge thlnga tbt i nerer knew teafch me to study natnre waite onward the roicea ranfi uotirn for mutate departed hoar for the loct and gone tba pnweetit la onn tbe pt beyond rectil i alu i the i utort telled ibroud hanji o er n like a pell j lidtnecr afaunre oiybt ui aeunbcam we regret if earned in tbe dayi iieparted i- orjotten we forget it this life an irregular rbitbm liketbemurmarof tbe watw 1 it so iitbrcoeer a chink in tbe world alxt here they ibsen to worde from below ah tmel from diacoid eofflf baraony and occet ii tbe flower of defeat and tbe music we mourn o er triamjbact i ind place in god anthem complete 1jvc io wxhon motes hereand there ftarrieov qnerfl interest to free prassjreaders ooat hie moot i influence upon l weathed it accepted by some u retl by ohr it ti dspale3 tha moan never attracts oorns from tba aider eohiog ipot batmeaa painless coca ertrtotor reravesj tba moat pelnfal oornc la three days tbi greet remedy makes ao lore spots doecac f fooling- around a meat foot bet gate to business at once end effects ai care dont ba impoeed upon by lubttitoxes end imitations get patmiat end no other after deal of diteaatioo at tha pottery u to srhieb ilda of tba jog to pat tha htodle it waa decided to pat it ou the oat tide trusts cad combinations ate unpopular bat there ie one form of trust against which- one bit anything to sey that ii tha trust which the publio reposes in hood sersaparille and the beet of it ii the tract ie folly joiuned by the merit of tbe medicioe for remember hood 8 sampuiue curls hood fill ere partly vegetable ted do not puree piio or gripe sold by all droggkta tlie eed river excusable ignorance u it ia often taid thit one of tbe beet waya ol leaning a thing ia to teth it to otbera but tbe rate doee not eivtya bold zood one day my brother ent to bey a boe bel of backrheat for cowrog the mto of irbom he waa to get it waa twayj bat bia ifa vaa at home aod nodertook to make tbe tale she got a peck meaaare and tbey vent to tbe granary there the woman filled the men ore twice poored tbe contenta into the bag apd waa proceeding to tie it bat hra f aajd my brother it telcee four pecka to make a bethel 1 ob doeeit ttid the well jon aee i never had any experience in meaaor ing graiu before i waa married elwtra toght ichool a new trolling device anglera will be intereated to that para graph a couple of mootba ago we ootioed a deecriptioo in tbe srxnttfc amalran of a novel device jott patented for ate to troll log for nth it ft a flint glaie tabe ao tr ranged aa to receive a minnow bch ia kept alive by the water peiiio tbtoegh a bole in each end of the tube angle worma craha graiahoppera or any kind of bait can be nted in the tame- way for the preaent the owner of thil device mr calvin c gretee natural bridge jeffer aon co k y doea not intend to pat the bqitoett in tbe bandt of jobbers qfi whole tale men and if yon want tbe apparatct wnte to him enclocing a money order covering the coat three airea 1 1 25 or i 60 each tbe devise in to be oo tale at the worlda pair chicago the newspaper ad doe the bualneae a neat illnttration of tbe talne o aaga cioai adverticng waa given at tbe portland lonng hen a cbnatian aaaociatioo meet logon banday when general secretary mcdonald atated that he bad tome canoe lty to know what method of advertising reached the people he had circnlated tbontandi of little dodgers giving notice of the meeting and he aaked these that bad aeeo them and bad been moved to oome through that means to nte tbe ball was packed aa fall as it ooald hold and o tbe entire comber aboat fifteen arose then hi ucdoaald saked all who bad read the ooticea in the newepapera aod hadpeen lnnuenoed by them to rise and the crowd rote in a body 1 hie spring of all tenant in the year is the oaa for mating radical changes in regard to health heed a seriiperiu hu attained tbe greatest popularity all over tbe country aa the favorite spring mediate it eipels tbe aoeamalalioa of im pan ties throagh the bowels kidneya liver longs and skin givea tothe blood the parity and the qaality necessary to good health and overcomes that tired feeling the beat way to get aloog with people who are let ap by pride te to npset their pride and them too totally deaf mr s e crandell port perry wnte i contracted a severe cold last winter which reenlted in my becoming totally deaf in one ear and partially so in the other after trying various remedies and oontnlting set era doctors without obtaining any relief i was advised to try dr thomaa eclectnc oil i warmed the oil and poured a little of it into my ear and before half tbe bottle waa used my bearing was completely restored f have heard of other cases of deafness being aured by the nse of this medicine when the house of commons is very en thutiatticlly stirred by a speech it goes os on ite hear t hen a fashionable j oung lady dreams of a filbert it 1b llga tnlt her thoughts are running on the colonel kernel at whit time thould an inn keeper visit the blacksmith when he want a bar mde a man eccutatont ol himself are always behead h p ne expensive e s f j rj enotelndoutrgeoafatbionblefid acoordm j z md d0rine lh0 p- tj five partfiea and enriches tha hj3 wont 8crofaloqa belaid 6we lagx prtectamiennai3 oaredbrlt nes csarmtrarflla tba bhsj ery wortx snoally well at all ao s one antiwyearroaadaiiltaia j it la gtahaiud aa no oth r btod medictao ia tttteverfai to benefit or cars you haviiycj neybact yooparonlrfortka totjoapfc isat it safe to say that n iota r uomnarffier an ba tttte pdl j kitwreiroaldjitltbasolisof tbe red ner of life is the blood like other rivers it sometimes becomes impure but nnhke other nvera it only needs bar dock blood bitters to perfectly panfy it and remove all its disorders from a com mon pimpleto the worst scrofulous tore a kile stream flowing through egypt in the earlnat history of tbe world showa that petroleum is no new thing worm cause fevertshueaa moaning and restlessness during deep mother grave worm exterminator ia pleasant sore aod effectual if your druggist baa nose in stock get him to procure it for yea it is mistakenly sappoced that the weather service i scientific when reslly it it all elementary j immiqim wwullw f lisb bfopp skirt i ramembar i rememtfer tba hoop mjt beat tfrl want asnarkiaher war bank in i for bsa it st bar fumt o nkbts i tsow twit ki ider roojti to stamp aj gutter oaoi tb walk wanxsidaanoaghl i remember 1 borne wba the olt folks bad gone to bad an left oa uiara alboai to et in ipoijafa distance waa morea t ooald if remember the tlttla room at do aiiwhaaihokakuio soff seat tbant waatao room tor two 1 tremsmber 1 rememaer how i used to sweat aa worl a tryin to figure oata way to beat that darned c3hjo to i reekoa low i addled round two year aa more that way afore got atimnk to ask my gal to name the das jwondef ok t wondir if thit the troth sea be that the oomth hoop skirts bigaar tbaa tha oaealpsed toite an tf ltatoraattoiire jatt long eaoagh to glaa i how tbe veabg aika noradars are goia to uctlcclinollao i the best pills hr wo yandertoart sydnejrcroactag ont writes we have been ucicg parmelee a pills and find them by far tbe beat pills we ever used for delicate asd debilated coottitubooa these fills act like a charm takes in small doaes the esect u both a tomo and a atim- aleot nnldly exciting tbe secretions of the body giving tone and vigor chronic coughs persons afflicted with these or any throat or lung troubles should resort to that masf excellent remedy scotts emulsion of pure cod liver oil with hypophosphites of lime and soda no other preparation effects such cures cavtiqx bewcw of tabeutaut geesite prtpcrtd br fitmtt t bows bcilertlc flid bj all dnzcrta mr h b hckinnon ptiotsr hoant albert ttys list tamraer my lyctem became impreotted with tbe lead nd tarpeotlde used in ptinticg my body wt oovered with tcizlet spots as urge as a 25 cent piec and i was in each a btat that i ooald scarcely walk i got a bottle of korthrop t lyman vegetable discovery and at once commenced taking it in large docra apd before one half the bottle was tued there was not a spot to be be seen and i defer felt better in my life tbe sentiment of the suffering oat west cyclone be blowed i c c rlchlioh co gitslmy daughter was apparently at the pom of death with that terrible disease diphtheria all remedies had failed bat kinajtfvb ltnisent cured her and i woold earnestly recommend it to all who maj be ao need of a good family roedi erne jons d boctilltr french illage cause nnil effect coughs and colds are the cause if ueg lee ted of ooqsamption it is therefore much tbetler to care them at once by the l t rf nse of hagyard s pectoral balsam the safe bare ana reliable remedy for all disesm oc th throat and longs family life may be jail of thorns and caret pat tbey are fruitful the and re grat demand for a pleasant safe table antidote for all affections of the thijaat and langi is fully met with in bicklej anti consamptive ryrcp it is a pare y j vegetable compound and acts prompl and magically in subduing all coaghs colds bronchitis indammation of the idns etc it ia so palatable that a child njl not refasa it qd is pat at a price tblt will not exclude the poor from its benepta k care far loughs there i no remedy that makes as large a percentage of perfect cures as dr wood s norway pine btrup in nearly every case of cooghc cold asthma bronchtris hoarieneei croup etc its curative eflectt are prompt and kit id g every observer who walks tbe streets of a great city and scans with intelligent eye thecoorles fsces of more than fifty per cent of the people he meets can easily acree wjtti a in the rtatemhit that this age winch make such draft upon the working neriie f ihfe yreaipr part of men in the intense parpoae of haiae h des troyed m a prtiportiniiiteftetjreethe knimat health and rbat oinrtitation nature n this ktnire of ptltruiiinti cmtnt be re stored of ijself but redmi aome attmutat lop ionic tostrtogtlien and kkp the system in rcgaar order and in northrop i lymary qmoint winf we hva the exact lemedy iwiqirm the pcnlir operation of tins msdicme m ca of woeral debility uud kiervuas prostration has audergoae lone and clow obcvattoa ud it i btheved 6 will never fail if pro pwlf and jadicioolyjsdmiatstanid pre p by kortbrop eymtn toroato and old by all drngalsta xliurd fattueat reuf reatvearalffiju j jeoi cure aptloa conftu oroopf for br all dncaws oa oittrtstaa j ids bade or cheit shfloht poraat ir a ccattt shttjohs vltaltzer krtte cnw- cbre ferals ptutsr tt rlltttteichottanootatonrlaaytt fieifuctarajed jffr irttc f iaerttmbearoiiaylwadebiitcgtdttfeii f crer ifleefljlct arypepttatw coisfixsrtt lexriaei troshloltcspcls r llatorotiqatairtirtittma pojtutciy mien and oiro yoo erica wets rtu ioleciqr tor its aaccehtol treatment la tlrubbatfrei ltcmciatxs sblloh a hnredlea are tddoaa fiaraatoa to tiro inr liftrtinir uoi tbe txnonenoa of phyiiatns tod the pablio proti e that takicf scotts emutfon pcodueea an immediate increase in fleth it is therefore of the highest valie la watting diseases an i consumption ftlmerttiin tt to have a new pablio school tbsitj will cost tooso 1 up to the mtendi at the com lature walt for the elckrooui llfbnoel yon ou not tfitti k htvf your office toantdy ppual wltti it taij ol an in- a eras to j r fttmt ittaitmu matbods will 4 judgael by your b sinaa forms i when the hlkhast grade of p lntln can b bad at m low prloa u 11 a pooratt gndf yon should gel tha fan pun job dspt ii oodus fsllltlaa for tba hljhest claai ot tjork call writa talephoos or ttlsvranh o ths aoton fin put coughs ind ooua bad to oontomptlon if neglected or woods norway plot byrap cares qalo ly and it pleasant to take senator edmundt ayt no man likes to be called t donkey bat thit sentiment waa original yi art ago with tha post who said kan wat it bat little ear below nor wault that little ong milburn t beef iron aod winethe best ii beef iron ind wine hilburns the beat l the beat i eef iron and wine hilbarnetl there it t striking difference between aa old toper a id aa old cow two horns last the old 001 a lifetime bat tbey dont but the old tot c 4ay uilbarn i cod liver oil emulsion with wild cber y and hypophosphites caret all throat asd lang troubles i dont t irnit too much on ibe grocett profettloa if hoaetiy ocantelt t w oper- he apt to cbeajt yoa alive eathjtlaat in every 0h what a cough will yoaj perhaps terrible telve if laving 50c for it bhiioht never fsilsi heed the warninc tha jttgxcl eture approach of that mora coatamptioa lik yoar eta afford for the take of to ran the risk and do nothing e know from experience that fare will cara yoar cough it of the dije ta a friend la seed a fnendj n need is secured by everyone who keepsi bottle of hagyerd a yellow oil at hand foe use agtinst accidental sprains bruises cuti burns scalds or any infiam matory pan such at rheumatism quinsy tore throat etc thuja date notice haa been given of introduction of 77 private bills ig session of tbe ontario legit if yoa want to bay or tell a farm ad vertise in tbe toronto wakly had thai paper reaches 100000 farmer borne every week and your aid vertiiement should meet the eye of someone who want to par- chase advertisements of this clata are n- serted id the toronto fferify hal tat five cents a word each insertion or twenty cento a ward for five insertion address the kail toronto canada i 1 geofferyboyd u u son of chancellor boyd toronto hu been appointed tnrgeon on the c p r pacific steamship empreta of japan of the 18 m3u passengers that were by canadian railways latt year were killed or one out of every carried only 14 9c0 073 tan ton tulnl can you think of a worse disease than dyspepsia it plungea its victim in gloom and despondenoy mtkee him a burden to himself and others and causes constipation and bad biod yet b urdock blood bitten cures dyspepsia or indigestion and haa done to in thousands of case with the dishonest money will do almost anything the third para of the toronto daily had is noted fori want advertisements if you want to bay or tell anything if you want a titaacion a mechanic a busi ness machinery lodgings if you have last or ound anything or if yoa want to find out where anyone is advertise in the to ronto daily mad and read the advertise ments on the third page of that paper the charge it two cents a word each in eertion address the hail toroato can ada there are about 10000 appeala for changes in tbe totera list for toronto ernest w hewn a brantford boy re ceived fatal injuries bv the accidental dis charge of a gnn in he handt of a compan ion named squiresj cosuupriok cubed an old physician retired firom praotice having had placed in his hands by an east india mnuionery the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per manent cure of consumption bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat and lung affections also a positive and radical core for nervout debility and all nervous com plaints after having tested ita wonderfal carative powers in thousands of cases haa fell it his dnty to make it known to all hit snfleridr fellows actuated by tbit motive and a desire to relieve human suuenng i will send free of charge to all who desire it thit recipe in german frenoh or english with foil directions for preparing and using sent by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper w a korea 820 powers block rochester n 1 a ddlereace between a knife blade losing its temper and a woman it tbat the former becomes dbller and the latter more catling cudthy firm who market in have tntdi up canada on the ej art stainld front rankjof sfccautki foyeeri late monef mental g dominion elgh high hialiug power are possessed by victoria 91 rbolio salve the beat remedy far cat br rat cores and wooada a man a rested foe drunkenness explain ed that ha iad been to a political meeting and bad be in effected by tome of tha argu ments wfc ca were regaltateggerert hjfslop i co and fairbank co two have dominated the provision chicago for a year are isii to 13 000000 aad will now let t being coagralalated everyj where cellences of her manufaetarea glass it prominently in the her improvements thanks to 4 son of toronto who for labored not only to econma hire but to make stained aadjomt- ass of all kinds a credit to the if rou sunlight suttlfgrvt soap ho th laraqt sale n the world because t ic best n the world the vnd alio bsjcaute ttoswtaeit for laundry aed household it it a nocluve comfort garrlrfera i waa troubled with- dys pepsia fori about four years i noticed an tdverfiserjient of burdock blood bitten to ase it aad soon found that bothing to equal it it took jatt et to effect a perfect cars ia my to i iter there was three botll case ibetl why wtnldi man in beat and buying onl brd send wrapper woman lever and yoa tare free framing yoar honi market in the open wf jugh1v figdttmdc what no otbersoap can do dyineptt cured brsi j bern wingham ont n t yon sell anything to a 7 because a cash busmen it it 11 evident that he would be tick ho to get a sunlight picture b5 sunlight soap wrappers bearing the words why doea a ijook old sooner than a haa to ltd 1 scott st toronto nyill receive by post a pretty pie- from advertising and well worth this la an easy way to decorate tbe soap ia the best in the d it will cost la postage to tend wrappers if yoa leave the ends tite your addreti carefully it strokcestbwt elntnronntlir far fflaktor boat attr xriuiiijr4afiarm5 duettlfioda id drusctau freeaa relieve from vnci promotes for coughs aad all tina is sumptive ever used i tioo ant adults cure the ncest best affi etiont c preriael sfrnpi easy expectoraiioa immediately a id frees the throat and jungs i phlegm and a medicine that 1 hu u the best jmedicine to one colds inflamatjoa of the langi lit of the throat and chest y what sickles anti con- p ia atpeeifle forand where haa given uoboanded tetiefac- roa like it because it it pleaa- lke it became jit relieves and d tease j a canon leased by the niagara anslican synod haa ust gone into force whioh pro vide that a i arrearages of pew rentt must be paid ix ore tha holders can vote at veetry meet ugs chunroo lively actonr the aadenfaiied ratpeetfany spuctts the patraa l pablle aad laf otrna them that age octha well eqaipfaed tod stylish riga oaa al- kya be seciired at hla sublet traina cartful thai bu line betkaan and i a comfortable len t am attention liven a of commarelal len fully matt boa meets al sua pm td every order trarel- j0hn williams will celebrated j wmtmkl 13 caulfeilti co irfrqnt st meist wholesale dealers im i m cr indlttunk railway oonf wist j 1 aonasunv open at no 13 thw all fitted vith the seddon orj it will paj send for catalogue you to see our whj argest bicycle warehouse in cpada stocked with the wfotworth hunber belsize and spiartan laforce pneumatic tires we dlso have a few cuitfron tired wheels that we are qjioting very low to clear jaels and prices before purchasing if you cannot call see cj best value ur diamond framled the world j j h new things 0 wear arid it sj styles cha the second a the ettrct aa toon as t and thebuiaiog entrance to streets lie iti dditioa to the new baiidimjt of the bight hoase will be opened up ia 1 lew days oar caitooen will appreciate h appearance up aad down llalrr of these premise every convenience for the comfort of ladles will be provided ia lection ii occupied thenold buildings oa king itreet will be doted ap a they are to be torn down zof the laat section wltt be tfarled when this takes place these wrll he only one right haute which wf be throagh tbe new buildings oa tbe corker of kinq asd hughhon the 4tf samples sejit to any address by mall second thipttwt door of the new hamilton april i wheels pneumatic tire guaranteed safety for 10000 the jackson agent 1 oeorostomn li impoitant ohil nes at the ighlt house n easy matter to find what you want beauty elegant trunk variety in wellmade fabrics packages in bloaset sfantle cloths let new dress goods ren trimmings also la i iatiius and fancy draper isaj n tseli and tapestries to i itock ia very attractive if new goods to hand this week ik gloves 3 aaees ladies knitted underwear one case of silk velvi latest ttyletl new and tcaroe tbapet one case of newest table coven art new carpets in bra the new millinery j arriving almoat deify- a large variety of new afrlea itceogliih straw hits tstiand thit weekl velwui inolnding nted chailiet choice silk ties silk soralia and printed pongee ladles bella a targe assortment of new housefuruiihingi inoindingchoniliepbrtiere cartalni curtain loops fringes covering new lade cartaint also a fourth shipment pf f we are showing a large assortment ot newest styles in the various makes of carpets lorioos aboat ttyles ia hats aad bonnets oome shd inspect them new millinery ijitxieis of ladies and children corner of bang and hnghjbn pth 1893 rnot baocdjjbrcstaith is lbs best essisk to use and caeaseet catarrh for inf ormawoa and idsx tcoia oldactnireaa tor ererr patent uka the poailc tj a notaca mtimtillt larrest drcalailoq of ror l srteadidly mao ihoaltl bo wit rear 1 fljatie ramtrhi oaviat t trade mark jisiom patkhts oprroht8 tcj f hi handbook writa to bljoaditar nw touc lac patent in america br u is wonj ht before moeiosirgoinuic ketone 11 litthlfi menitt tjnrscicntlilc paper in ih l vew tarfcutr the qraltbill waterloo ttahdfac bank office the optoelf manufacturing co ltd ont usees of school lodge and opera fmnitiire autottttio j i mantles jackets and capes ait received streets mantles and-dressmak- ng department very busy pbasa enter the bight house by the thomas o iateziisrs the above cut represents our new totpctohtwrkkers rkjthe we have all the latest make ofjtools and keepfte best of irlainspnngs jewels and material bring your watch to us when biit of repair sayagre co jewellers guelph john speight son rrurnrrur jm eipralm lrtao bsyjress tttaa auu ljlflli passenger ta- sari paasansa trie cnj closno uatu oolng wdtt- jnaad 1 40 p m qolnjeait hjajainandnrijija thtotluf e table went into t daeambnt 1th vr toiookwell lemons taste took of stbafa bobtii shoes v r adaptkl is baring make iki to nil the wants ibf those who slender incomes still desire to mr appearance creditable thir liua it cou udtnts 5onn4 wmyiin tftinl or oi tja tjb sxtveas u w bi n stall tortua uixm thpjtt tba remit of good judgement and mere uvith oaa of money my my eiptrience int close relation with mknuiacthrtn enable me to present a line of footweafe i dneqaaled in tbe county for style qaality i and pnoe j t wm vyllllams i aoton fi j wlanm erery owner 6f boneoccotrwasu tt know bow m keep litataalmaljsst joof healih wiiltj ia die ifakt oa dry fodtr xkls jlood plrifier la oow ncorfxtd liwt b et condition powden jr hres a gmfd tppetiu ndtftr- iaeu tba dijcsksjoaiuh lrtta are al emand udat lim icax d wtieq they arcmlut etotlipialtd stnuu dcks bus ter table food ea an reflated and tana desh thai ttvttjfmore tiua tcou u npilates uifcbowett aad kidney l tuogt ct mto a irbootjiaod tey 06 sound i uiuk bl1- v sr ws befooada sftfwcto oeeutty it will 1 iv1 5v3 i curb apan r kotoacfiib or any iweenf bkktljii ment cun i a stnio dt lanaeneuaod rentottt inftam nuiionfrt n cou and onrfsel for sale br lodn lisu di k blood purifier mc dickib3imcrc dick i li umenc zc dxk t onument 2sc send a postal card torfobpar ictjlar f mjoiwc fceucliom and torn reoipes wffl beicnttre dick 4 co j p o box is2 utheal k 1 boqkofl t cattle ii i is- dunns baking powder thepicsbestfrienl larjjcst salt in canada wonier in welundi artjpreserrtatlve fajpnpr xl ihr c c haun the foil nring workable facts erenfly oertinedti m lg andsnjnbly correct in every part rmlar jjtr hinn is well known in the tic nity baying resided heraorer fifty year and islhihly nspeoted as a man of th i strictest honor whose wordis as good at his bond at will be seen from his letter foqr physlcianj bad attended bus aad ii was only after be had gives up hope of core that he edded to try burdock blood bitters o 1 tbe reeorrrmeridation ok a neighbor i bo had beam omad of a sirnuai diaeaso by its oae ur sann wribjs as follows 3ua si is i think i have been ana of the wor t saseren won bare yet beard of having been sa ycers in the hands of four of oni beet- dajfera without obtaining permlneni relief btrk oontinnslly growing worse tm il almost beyond hope of re covery 1 1 ied your bitters pm got relief in a len i tys srary orgati of my body was derahi ea theuverrmkird hardened and torpid the herrt and digesti7e organs aerionsly d tranced a bugs absoess in my back folio red by paralysis of the right leg in fact tbe lower half oftaj body was entirely n leless after nsing burdock blood bit urs for a jew days the absoeas burst duo urging folly five quarts of pas invwobonfs i felt v if i h jeoetwd a a powerful battery itf re- i m shock frorji a powei -o- thls was steady and tbe cure for 14 4 t dont fail to send for ctrctilaxi latest im ed irovtd chopl our estimates and cataloguea and perfect- desk tsilstlotian oooneltipn assoaltlon we can give you a bedroom set complete i wove mattresses fori 1 springs fojc 3 8ideboards m cost lounges for 8760 extension tables stqo chairs at any price urtderthkjlng a f oil hoe e of coffins caskste bobes ete allrars in tk vtr as tdprioes we desire to impress jon lnwllijs f 4 with any combination and ear ptieesvlr s sl2v h t w m tb best h tjttsj sg cood hearse and ontflt sp for funerals chta son w wutiu lottery siyi i oorery aft t this was steady and the co permanent seeing that for the four years sinoe1 hav i bad as good health soever i had i istiltakoacocasioalcwleno that i neat is hat becaiiae i wlffi to keep my systen in perfect working order i can think of no more ronarksms- ease than what have rrryeelt passed throagh t ml nrnrrrrli inn nnniiii 111j hu lis fulness fcr saob pettect recotery j 00 hun l weulnd po e omux ii bijir t very rein sirj7y wwoj satia c e b bw toonsniiy ifoiuctaam onrsd ism ctntriekt 1

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