Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 27, 1893, p. 2

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v v born fenwirkinnrln ontlinrsdiyristg intt the wife of mr a fenwlckor kliughtr henpebiox vt knxtciibull on thursiriy 30th april tlic fwlfb ol jom henac no a o a cuugbter i auiistltonnm ai mtlr- ur mills ou fridiyiut april ltcbets ll3s wife of tlnmss 8 ann- tlrons tgici ycr fncnwin at hissteniliienco burlington on tuctdi- the jjth ayriljohua fretrain esq in the k5tb jtx o hiitfie horcu at hu lfctcrcslilerjcegnelplion frlds si f moraine april 2j after short lllnecs iralycib jbtncs houjl jl nearly thirty t and deputy clerk of ihe crown for the conntj of welling- cifiht yeara clerk county court and clerk of ihe crown for the com ton iu the 89th year of hit ace ijt ctott fttt impress thursday alril 27 1892 notes and comments there should be borne systematic action taken to abate the- eilter rjnissrjce and drive oat the current united states coins tht are mw 60 plentiful a hckvy discount wonld sent it bick over the line oar 20 cent coiu should auo b cilled in i it is a delafbn sud a temptation tofnad coaut paal hobsbrock a brother of the prominent ultramontane member of the reichstag hib publicly quitted the jesoit order wherein he his occupied a high posi tion for thirteen year id pamphlet ex plaining the step he tys that jesuitism almost destroys a mans independence and individuality and even his feeling of patriotism his secession causes a great sensation dr henry of orangeville is out with the announcement that in the event of a vacancy in cardwell he will make no attempt to secure the conservative nomin ation but will run on an independent mc carthy platform at a mcetidg of mc carthy supporters held in orangeville arrangements were psrfected for a visit of mr mccarthy to orangeville about may 1 the railway cash i l the county council ooatinnes in hot water over the dlspxitlon of the is5000 received from the grand trunk raflray a meeting was held last week another took place yesterday afternoon at to the result of theater the feee phess ald secure no report biforc going to press the question has taken a new phase in the opinion of a number of the members of the county coaijcil since the contents of the county solicitors letter have been more carefully weighed tho fact is set forth in that letter that no group of properties is recognined apart from tho county as a whole in any matter relating to the railway bond the bond was executed in favor of the county as a whole tho county treasurer has paid the debentures as they became due the cass against the railway waa entered in the name of the couhtjy the costs were paid up to tho time of settle ment of tho case from the ooity treasury apd judgement was given infch court for the county not for anyesciion thereof farther it is pointed oat that the bond was given t0 6ecurea railway fot the conven ience of residents of the county that railway was built and operated and since it came into the hands of the grand trunk company has been very materially improv ed and rendered more safe and satisfactory to he travelling public considering the above it is admitted that the railway has fulfilled all moral obligation resting upon ft and the ratepayers who paid the bonub have received the equivalent for all they have pnid it is argued then that the money received from the railway company is consequently the property of the county at large and should be expended for county purposes ab a whole this position is believed by many to haveo it much that is reasonable and it will not be surprising if the courts take this view of the perplex ing question ontario fjrtut ml life t i about i uatriflsg to globe pouoy-ltiur- a growing the company new rouoy-mwr- esuna facts jabd v bui ton hon wilfrid ltpriec neited waterloo t few days sga to attend k meeting of the wil board ofdira3tottomh qatarlo ttaiail irom 12 to 80 inches of snow fell ia c aelph it asking for a new drill shed ijus rau of tuition fc loo do a this year be 21j mills the actioe minister of justice hon j a onimettias- informed the friends of mr j r arnoldi that the government will not grant the request for arnoldis release it appears that chief justice armour who beard the testimony in the cabe declined to recommend clemency when asked for a report npon the case or to say anything which would warrant the goyernroeu in interfering withtliesemenceof six months in goal a deputation from the canadian press asjocmliou consisting of mr a y pirie of the dundaa banner mr john king q c berlin e jackson newmarket era jb maclean canadian grocer and l p kirbs empire toronto waited npon the ontario government last week to suegest desirable changes in the law of civil libel the attorneygeneral gave the deputation to understand that he looked npon the request of the association favorably the globe has undertaken to secure plebiscite vote of lbs electors of ontario upan the question of prohibition a blank billot farm will appear in cach issue and the poll wilhremain open until the first of july the says it ie not pretended that this plebiscite will answer all the pur pees of a provincial plebiscite but at least it will not be complicated with mbnicipij provincial or national issues and it will help to stimulate public- interest and mature public thought on the queslidn of prohibition a number of members of the executive committee of the patrons of industry waited opan the government the other day asking that holders of mortgages on land pay a proportionate share of the taxes qu the land that the centralization of law courts be broken op and division courts be given greattr powers id addition to this the deputation asked that municipal offi cialb be elected instead of appointed and that county crown attorneys take the iu itiative in the prosecution of combines there are a number of cases of measles in walkerton the health officer had two of the residents up and fined for not report ing to him he is determined to enforce the health act this is the section of the act they were ignorant of and were convict ed under and it would be well for people to tnaee a note of it whenever a case of srtmll pox cboleri scarlatina diphtheria whooping cough measles mumps glanders or other contagious disease exists in any house or household belonging to which are persons attending school the householder shall within eighteen hours of the time such disease is known to exist nqtify the head teacher of such school or schools and alscj the secretary of the local board of health of the existence of such disease from the report of the iuspector of prisoni and charities on the hospitals of the province it is learned that the amount of the legislative crant islncreasingyearly in 1690 it was 73723 05 in 1891 it wis 3300250 and this year w9s4170 the average this year amounts to 3093 per cent of the whole cost of maintenance of these institutions a cornpirilive statement shows the number treated in all the hospitals during the past three years to have been in 1690 9187 an increase of c2c in 1891 10523 an increase of 1330 in 1892 11404 an in crease of 631 the total amount contri buted for the various hospitals wits 99841 jn 1891 tire amount was b9o02 or 10339 less thm 1692 the daily cost per innialv in 192 was 7931 per day for the povernment of the country canada annually paye very large sum many cititni think w are too mnch govriiei aidlhat the cob is more that the benefit derived list yenr we piid 19 go f jr the governorgenerals salary- 00 for hi travelling expenses 12- 7 b for office awieb 0912 for contin- genclei nnd sid 814 for expends- in eon- oectioi with ridtau hall thjs mikea a crand rital rf over 93000 for one year tlitn tin lifiit governor of ontario recnesa faurv ol 10009 and the cm tingeacie3 conneled with hii office am mnt to 603 m ire kich of the other provinces has a lieut governor also the salarie of th- time running irom 700i to 10000 the areme being g0655 aiide from contmyfnciei snd cott or resi dence itiit even thia u only ihe bem- ning thec am tho frills at tho top below am lot of minivers snd li lators bth ht oaawa ku the v provincial capital ths thirteen minis ter i at otuwil km y oo t theciuutry s3010 for siuries and txpelte the senators receive fi7ll8 iq indemrrtty andv 9258 in mitea for uft seinon the 215 member of the comimns drew 210059 undsr the qnt heid and 19 033 tinier iheatcoid the home rule bill passed its second reading by considerable majority lokdon eng 2ut april there vere only fourteen membsrs absent fromj the british house of commons last night when the division upon the second reading of mr gladstones home rule bill took place and the motion was carried by a majority of fortythree there was not a single break in the liberal ranks mr saunders the radical member for walworth who threatened to bolt because the bill gives property holders special representation in the proposed dublid parliament only pro- perty owners being entitled to vote for members of tho irish house of peers was in his place and voted with his party pro- bably he paid cpecial attention to tmr balfours speech which as mr gladstone pointed out was made up of baseless assertions and unwarranted prophecies of evil the irish people can only be refused the right of managing their own affairs on the grounfl that they are an inferior race and the position they occupy today not only in the british parliament but in the world makes such a pretense ridiculous the speech with which mr gladstone closed the debate last night was a magni cjent effort he pointed out that from the moment that the irish masses were given substantial reasons for hoping for recognition of their rights at the hands of british statesmen and the british parlia ment there has been no disaffection ir ireland le aeiuranoevcoj in wpich compear the hon gentleman is c largo policyholder and there took occasion to tpcfk ia the highest terras of to prosperity of tha com- paoy due iu a gtet taeacirs to carefal management lqlote rjpreienutke drop ped ra at the companys office in waterloo one day this week and wed mr w be riddejl the secretary tt there a anr- thing new or startling in ufa lasaranoe mr riddell said no nothing startling only steady progress dn being asked if the company hid any n w plans of insur ance the secretary called attention to their twentyyear survivor thtp distrifaattoo policy the chief featunof which are tx follows i instead aa heretofore 3f pre mi a me being reduced by annual surrlat they are paid in full to the end of th dutribationdivi- dend period the issan of each year on this plan forms a cltza and the aocarna- lated surplus of the clasi is ttthe end of the dividend period divided among iu surviving and pdrsutept membert all policies will have ittach xl guaranteed snr render talaee in cish or paidup insaranoe as heretofore balio tfce case of twenty- year distribution policien terminating from any cause dariog the dividend period surplus will be allotted to the class to which the terminated policy belorjged to be apportioned with its aoqumalations among the survivors the rates are low and ths- advantage so apparent that the q16u wribe immediately asked mr riddell to a ake out an appli oition for him which wls promptly done and the medical fttam nation was tradsr gone before leaving waterloo in connect ion with these polio es the following options are offered lto withdraw the a cumulated surplus in cash 2 to apply the accumulated cash sur plus to the parcaie ol additional assur ance to eecare trmoation the members must be in insurable htalth and not over co years of age 3 to apply the tocdmulated cash sur plus to the purchase ol an annuity or to the reduction or extinction of future prem iqms if the policy be nat already paid op according tojts terms ito surrender the polioy and receive therefor its full cash su render valaein ad dition to its accumulated cash tarplus or 5 a paidup polioy for what its cash value will purchase as a single preraiam iu cit death of earl derby lord stanley succeeds to the title and estates london eng april 21 the earl of derby died at 2 oclock yeserday after noon the earl of derby waa the eldest son of the earl of derby k g at one time prime minister of great britain and one of tha ablest debaters of english parlia mentery annals the deceased succeeded to the earldom on the death of mb father but hsb not attained the same prominence though he was considered a wise and pru dent oopnseller though of conservative family he was a liberal in politics and waa a member of one of- the liberal govern meots he withdrew from the liberal ranks borne years go more particularly on the home rule question and has taken little public part in the house of lords since he was unmarried and bi9 title and estates revert to his brother lord stanley the present governorgeneral of canada the second eon of the former earl lord stanleys term of office in canada expiree thib fall but this event may bring it to an earlier cloe r h mcgreevy hastaken action against owen murphy of new york his former partner in the harbor works at quebec for 40000 new westminister b c will esk the governorgeneral to disallow the local governments bill appropriating 000000 for new government buildings at victoria until a just measure of redistribution has been passed a popular literary artist llies efne blaine hext tbe popular american elocutionist and reciter is win niog golden opinions from her aodienoes throophont the dominion the brant- ford tirpuitor says miss hcxt was down for sis recitations and in addition gave forty attitudes or posings in greek costume she created a very favorable impression and has established herself a favorite with the braotford audiences she appears to good advantage in both light and heavy pieces of the more ambitious pieces leah the forsaken was best tbe chariot race from ben hur one of her best n embers was certainly ahead of most attempts that have been given in brantford and a decidedly acceptable performance the po sings ia greek costume wljich con cluded jhe program were faithfully given and elwited well deserved enconiumb we understand mis hext will shortly visit acton biidcr the auspires of a local society the editors table painuug and paper hanging i a j 0r3ert mt at the fcm m wire prompt attention carriage paiutl mnjjauo exerted in theu manner l speight j c the west additionto the numerous pro ductions fiom tho facile pen of pansy mrs isabella m alden has jnst teen issued from the presses of the afethcdist bookniid publishing ho use toronto it u entitltd twenty minutes irttf and is ri ontinuntjon of that excellent volume which umeout a little over a year ago mis idea dunmore bryant pansy requires no introduction to the- reading public i her literature is widespread very generally read and thoroughly appreciated it is pire in tone prolific in suggestions for the accomplishment of christian help fulness and calculated to elevate the mind thejreader twenty minutes late is equal to any previous work and will command the admiration of the joaog people especially and have a tendency to encourage them to cultivate the habit of always being nn t it ia beautif ally printed on good paper and is attractively bound in cloth prioe 70 cents win briggs pnblisher toronto g lated talk of the day epltom of tha worldi doing durlnith week hi oeealt tnd dtkoti aa april 20 1 1 he ppitinoe o ooltrio litre bn been i 1 sdacuaa oc hj uqaac lidtaus ia tea jus 1 he btnk of uubtnk it milbtnlc soalh dilou hu itilti with lubtlitiu it 110 1000 he womta saffrtie bill killed by tiu kan scatii legidttaie ia committee week 1 he emperor oc bini hxc iigaad the 4itioa tnctf betvaea the united su tec tad bsitu tie old liberty bell remored troca tai epeadaace hll philidelphii uoadiy mi ic aow ia chicago 1 r eiadiun the kcnioii firmer of br adaa iixa hu tterted to pat ialcrop 000 cre of wheit 1 inuier ingr iufes ihit he tnd mini iiti c bowell will repreeeat ciad it the op inf of the world fiir be wellind nii m opened for the hi oa iloadiy morning the erie einil ot expected to opea before mir 8 ne karvegiin uinictry hu raigned o rig to the refaiil of king oictr to fir atioa i retolotioa of the konregiia st rthiag i bill to opren gaeuiog lad miisiag- o doompetitioat hu been latrodaced into the kori bcatd legulitare lad ii likely to bee sola tiir i cue of genuine tiiitio leprosy it slid ire need diworered it fort wiyne in the tictim f syriia womia iitely in ted from tne ftcico cout ill invig irutfng- cure yaa ia ittvi soothing aiafa nd ills and motes ill digestion iclics una and rcstotje nothlni tliiiroa 8 istkiks to reuehbsk f u youre wt or eiilns woman tint theres bnly one mcdlclno to mre to lrclp4ott thrtttem be jwr anfcedv ieidr- plcrcej firorite prescriptloa ia building up-ottr- workea lecblc dcllcita women or fa any- female oomplilat or if it erer m to benefit or hire your money bick il siruttng- restorative tonic i o ad mren gtheatng nerrine and d certila remedy for woman aimenfcj it regulates and pro- he proper function improve enrfche the blood dipcl nalns brlngrefreahlng ileep liealth andstrengtli s eise can be u cheap tb piy onlf toi the good you get abiidnp polioy tnr whititiiccama earplas and cieb nlae will parchue s a biocle premium o to the imoadt of the orieinl policy if tbe imonnt ecoeed the originil policy a iitisfictory medicil report will be required and the age mute not exceed go- or 7 bach id idoaity ti the cish viloe of tbe policy will parchuo ia idditioa to the finrplabl or iddependeat ol it ri the amount of assurance and accum nlted earplub or flitter may be paid to tbe benenciiry by way ol annuity certain in five nen fifteen or wedty anduil pay mentn tbe ort paymei t immediate there are eeveril ood life insurance compnieb in canada eicb claiming and no donbt possessing ion e special excellence the company which has the greatest merit ia ths one which gives i polioy holders the mobt liberal policy at uie lowest oust aad which provides an ample security to meet its obligations i that the ontario ifutuil is a progressive bucceesinl and eoundly estabhehsd com- piny tbe following faqts and figures wilt bhow insarsiiee dtc income assets in force 1ct hgmm isbig 00 sj15m03 1875 2719 03 bm1 00 lmjoss 00 1b80 b2j15 33 salu 03 sxtmi do 1s15 27346 15 750651 03 613451 00 im m7g23 00 155b031 00 1183337 do mj c159i5 00 ovcrtjflooooo 1s1c18s 00 it began business in 1870 and its growth marked by the following items the investments of the ontario hetutl consist of mortgagee first liens debentures and loans upon its own policies specu lative investments ared0t sought or per mitted under its charter ite interest earn ings have alwiys been large and are now sufficient to pay it anunil death lostee the reserve of the ontario mutual now over two million dollars is bued on the legal government standard and affords a teourity unsurpassed by any stock company in the world policies are unconditional u to reudeats travel or occupation end are incontestable after two years all ordinary life limited payment life and eoiowment policies nave definite gnat anteed values in cash or paidop usarance at any time after the third year or fifth ai the case may be dividends are paid at tbe end of five year periodb from the date of polioy or may be allowed to accumulate for twenty yeara on tbe survivorship distribution plan this plan offers to good sound lives the greatest possible advantage under iny system of dividend distribution at the close of tho distribution period it offers si viriety of options of which the policyholder may select tbe one most suited to his needs or circumstances ha may take his dividend in csh in additional usarance in any form of annuity the merits of the ontario mutual life may be briefly 6nmmarised the compauy is wt11 established having a record of twentythree yeara of solid and satisfactory progress it is managed entirely in the interests of the polioy holders who aro its mimberc and it gives to these members the profits which in a stock cumpsuy arepajd to stock holderp the following is tho list of directors and officeisjoi the ontario mntual boabli of diecctoes i e bowman m p j president waterloo c m tavlor first vice-presi- deal waterloo robert melvio feoond vicepresident onelph alfred hcskinq c toronto robert btird kincardine francis obruce hamilton b m brit- ton q c kingston jobihmarball lon don j kerr fisken toronto e p clemens berlin hon w luorier arthi- bukaviile p q stnirt henderson b a l ii b b c l ottaws ornccntf alexjmillir q c solicitor berlin j h webb m medical referee water- loo wj 6 hodtin snprrintendeat of agenciei waterloo wh riddell secre tary wm htndry mausfer hendersoo i co aro showing the largest tnd nobbiest stock of kens head- wear j when ruby vas sick xo rnve licr castoria when she waa a child sio crlej for cutorta whcu tho becmo hits fjo cung to castarta vhcn sic had children icavoutcucbxtora nevv planing mill ism i suh and door factorr john camerartj canractor has fitted t p the building on main streatlataly occupied as a trunk fmtorytttii newmachinery and is prep lrod to fumlih plans- spectneatimut and estimates for ill elaisea of buildings and execute all kinds of ii dkksaika hitchiks anduo uldika loxb iltj sttlu ot sishm boors ud window and door framea and dre saed lumber and keep i stock on hsnd all orders prompt j attended t john oamekok acton kr geo w ihtrrter simply awful worst cass of scrofula tho doctors ever saw completely cured by kood8 sarsapartlla when i was 4 or 5 years old i had a scrof- ulc ai soro on tho middle finger ot my left hand rl ch got so had tint the doctors cut the fin er oif nd later tooic oil more than half my iia then the soro lirnke out on my arm i out on my ncsk and faceonhotli sides rly destroying ui skht of ouc eye alio my right- nrm doctor said it was the worst case of 8crofuta the f ever rstt it was tltnplr awfttt five ye rs ngo i bein to tike hoods sarsnparlua gr dually i- found that the sores were hegln- nlr to heal i kept on till i had ulieu ten bottles tea tfalfrer juft tiling of wliat a iru i ta fortiint lnvcttmentr a tbia- i4 iicrcrbtf yc iiuuy tuoiuaud for tliej past 4 yean i have had no tforcs i work att tho time before i coa id da a tvr1c i know not wli it to say strons enough t cipreii my grat- itu o to hoods sirjruiariilft for rayperfect cm 3 ucouqc w toioten farmer gal- wn r banltiijp comity n v ood3 pjlls do i die ucainduina tlioti ft co lot weaken lti h trj ttiem framed size 14 x 17 ored or crayon tints and one dozsn cfcbinqts for s500 this is only for a limited tine photographer flashlonabie west end 1 vppbr uyndhrnstrebt headquarters for stylish suitings overcoat- irgs trowserings and new a id stylish gentlemens urnishings w goods amrtcxdaiijf inspection larittd my speciality perfect fit ting pants tq order 400 r e nelson ixcrchsat tatlor and geatsfanllsher 99 upper wyndhani st quelph steel engravings pr ot ecchlrjgi colored pictures boom tact pictart moulding hdrt o vs pftamesl 5 arttsts materials full stock of winsor t kewtons i witte foable tubes bowney t 10c x ia deep fhoto frames complete tie feet cornice pole brass fittinci 15c our wall papers an ssid to be the best selected lis the clfr waters bros kgtaflubhkd 18tt a azorass bquaex quilph 1893 b k spi new ideas ions millii sole corse trimt nngs a largi ings brings new hopes eirctirristancfis and new it also brings spring fash- id dress jgjoods silks iery mantles wraps para- laces gloves hosiery ladies underwear dress dress buttons- and e variety of other goods too numerous to mention to the mam noth house i ajyimastij f wwaiaiaw t a mw ijry c00d8 palace oarpeps curtains md hofase furnishing gpods per c9nt cheaper than they can be purchased outqf tpwtu our dress goods department is complete with trie newest fabrics and trimmings we are showing today some exceptional values single width jdress goods it will pay you to see em before purchasing i j we still rushing boots and shoes lots of good bargains remaining j f wher you conje to toronto bear in mind that too tc 26b yonaestrect is a meeting and rcstiflg and vaitjinr pvccris well jhe biggest store tn canatix there arc- reading and iitting rooms for ybu telephone telegraph and tnail facilities- your parcels will be cared for without- charge wc try to make youtvclcomc whether you buy or not ydu know thai there is no wortiy thing for wear or homo use out we have it if you cantjeome ta the store jnifc- for whatever you want sam ple ir goods shopping by mail has cbmctp bs simple and tertain a few scratches 6f a 3cnand all the facilities of th store are yours inf short we shop for you as we would for ourselver and jsuch service costs you noth ng extra the ff eatqn coy ita w t street twitt tt t iis 1 r in l4htrti5jtfnts ailbucjjr r new and- artistic designs at ft thejdrug store t u our sarrfpes apd get w have purchased largely and e arly this season in the above fanej goods and staples in anti- cifat on of a rise and all the goodi are on the move up trom 15 pir cent to 25 per cent so really we can sell you goods all this season at about wholesale price 1 we never had larger cheaper or better stocks of sijirt- ings cottons cottonadesdenirnb tieking8 towellings linen tab- lings than now ou prints are superb and the cheap er by 15 per centthan the wholisulo price wii have a big stock of carpets aud cilcloths cheap ot variety of all kinds of goods is iare with the latest novelties lasies and gents footwear in immense variety and extraordin ary cheap ou millinory opening will be in tho beginning of april dnis3 ano mantle maki ng will be uj to the mark as- usual our tailoring and gents fnr- iiishiiigdepartjncnts nothing to beat 1 bom in ontano wy have several leading lines of go ids we are slaughtering ths public cannot be served cheaper or better anywhere and are cordially invited to in- c ci rebuilding more and more oiirjanxiety increases to have our sljock reduced to the very lowest point to look at the crowded shelves i youd think we had a- heavy tisk before us its marvellous though how- each dtays selling makes holes into the piles j the lpw f rices which rule this weekwill make quite a change eut the time is short and the goods mustgo y i rids carpets tsre or three features are rery pto- ilneo 1 in oar csrpet stock sod dii- tokolih it from all other its riot tat jest bat t is all hew iks cowded with old paltcrai tuat men carried over from season m itscleaa aad choice wnh al deaiftns aad oaloriarc it contaias the best vile a a the we are not anitons to make none oat of carpets this seasot we itvo j ist opened the department and re rsore anaioaa to adrertise it than a mare profit we arant jcn to knesr ihst r 3a can hoy the nicest and cheap- jat ca rpeta from os lace curtains gartaitt kets caienilla portieres art ttuslins and cretonnes re sklat worth your while there i litt enthusiasm in w we nevehad so or speedy sates in ye dont nee trtentis tho latest atidre8h in onr to europe for mill the leading novel in whatever- purchased most for millineryiha good poihtsv aud paris are the poi millinery aiid go exhibit in pnrsho a host of argnrceq offmilhueryithan sprin g b the only one pr to see glotmngvj the first floor of the addition is to be detoted salirely to un olcthur and qenta furnishlnits we are sitnj tn ran this department itronj v are offjritijiiseoaniaia ordered clothing of 35 and b5 per cant in order to clear oat the stock of clotht and tsreedi itll pay joa to thii week leita yar measure of readymades we nerer had sech a splendid stock boyrf suite aa at present rot the trtaii amifj- sold erery garsieot u nrstolaaaaj d ibercmghly ratitble ff h fit yeart marmfaetrtred onr oant a aayma4eclohfnirnd mafnuk t the highj standard of iu wpatalioo r ot 1 are advertising to create an in doing in spring iillinrytl ecfjslsful 0 millinery opeiiing never 1 oa this season has brought us uvi ifiery t ill yo 1 that whit we show in tad r or that everything wetrow ey stock we do hot end o s alona without showin of that extensive market jyoctas a ty any line ot goid rageobly there our ity is europe new ie 0nr buyer visited excellence both for pertaining thereto and 0 rqofn willip mote to cam never made a mora ill find in our we deal in may be biiyefiwiubeifourid 1 ork milltneryilimite ifc tut london land style and price for siugle glance at th inceytiaofthis tnn captivating showing milhnfiry dipartmeht this cantince ffpn si co cyisl 3rygoods store in r teresfcantl lis senson 1 uch iargb is depart- rou ia new- buyer result alf pecial ph t 1 i see our prices before any ime is sold out tende wa t1ndbb8 win be teeattecvtrrto tbe lstef hay for lbs brfck weak eos odrpenatt vork for a horse tar tne anderslcnad rlaos ed speeiseattons nay be sear al any urns area sppuearicai l jbcobp i 3axl acton drifins outfit for sale the asdsrslaved ba for sals a ftntelees drltir six jean old coed tap bear cottar robes and haneasel in food condition i i wit beitstbiet j tetea ijarjtjforsale ths onflenlgned- deslm to not or sell ths fartntke i01 cod i esqnealas dmx acton lir sent fullprtl coin will ba fltta npoappoctlottio t or uatthhtt 1m bockvood q ml pic 1 pubhg health 1 notiot is hereby firtm that all residents of actca are rurdred f cethwtlh to elaaa thalr hilars dilis yards pig atyea wessr eloasts and otbaf orabaildtngs and pmniaas apd rs- raoto therefrom all dirt nlth manra omtbsi sabauneej which may endanger tbs fnblla healcb aid tohere lbs sataa eomplatadu latest by the nth dajef may nut on which day- rha 8anltary inspector will commence a general in spection i and further take notice that lis section oftba pnblie health act prohibiting hi keeping of bogs between the uth hay sad tt ut ot hottmber axbept in psnsat laaatniset from any dwelling boose sod sj feet rent any rtnyitor lino with thaloora kept free from standing cater andiegnlarlr cleansed and dis infected will be strictly enforced in tiew of tbe fact that cholera is ukily te tlstt this eontlnant this sammer all residents era sernestly nqoested to keep tbelr premuee eonsranuf elaaa and thoroogtuy dlatnfseted i w fcxarojavr cbalrman board of health acton april mthum- 4 i5 acton saw mills coal ijtp wood fabdb jkmes brown i 1 jtirctictrjunixdliaiceara lomber lath sbisglea ooai- aac wsed i- coi ind wood aur laa stock ad protbpfcly deliirered to sny put of the town t t i tcmonmblo dtidfls sc hfcrdwood ivod ilsbs cnt store leoctfa sjirsys tsahn4 tttlaphona eommnnletflon kellys music store removed to 95 upper wyndhamcst wbsrei wl tw plemsed tosnest an my old easterners and u many new ones as arol fator c i ma with a cell of nssirlyall my stock daring the oleeringbale i han panhased a isry lerga stoekof plancjsorsxans and all kinds of musical instruments sheet muslo and music i looks j f oalluntf examine my sleek no- troabla te f show goods 1 g fe kellys mtjjbio stobz w tjpt wyndham streett qaelphksit i i f i- ohn arthurs btjtyotj rrrorar and clovxr sxxds oajjdfflr- tvsld ani nowzb and at am all a will be p i by april 3 seeds anything yen want in crocerles bnbs71enrand reed store of mo months standing er otst seed m edhrt for eallaetlon if not psid lh- y7 johsabthubs dap ed haring- make to look well 1 v 55 w tft iadgemant and iuteltu 1 men uriah tree of money my stock 01 i booma shoes to fill b wants of thoee who fender income jtilt desire to appearance creditable thalr dpeqasjleiin wm rrinofectarars emauee tne to prewani a lineof footwear eoonty style qoalily and prtoe nujams aoton v

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