Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 4, 1893, p. 2

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7 fr s dor rotic in actaci on a hi stub the wifi of j fl vorcj of daughter cirwuosat rrowoi comers cm april s7th tl c wltc of morgin crtwion of daughter biionnn at isrmi ou monday s4tb arru the wife cf mr h s fil ortill tcbr of son swa kiiaiirn in glinfom on the 23rd april the wife of austin 8waeil tuner of a daughter tvtixin t owen homd ga thtrndaj th 1 a r i tl c wifaol mlliamitajlor drucciu of son the worlds fair the big columbian exposition topened on monday in th pre- ence of admlrlne crowds canada does herself credit mt eiif in i 7iei nc scotch hlock on bunday ai nl23rd jouu micliie ct iitiaou heiilworth on the 19th april ttm cut ing clerk of tbetownihlp of arthar afiod tv jean moi and 10 diji iinnwmuna w brampton on toecdcy morn inc at ril sotti of pneumonia josenb h hroirnridcc jr agedsj can and 6 mouths 0rskt mount forett on sedneaday 15th ajr 1 matilda beloved wife of william oreni nn urjjhlcr tit the lato david uchcown i t frin 1 qtlje rtott fttt press tlimsvw mai 4 1693 notes and comments the amendment to the rotera ut act introl tc hj sir olier moat uilliecmu the number o appeals from the diefran chuej in citiea and towui it pro ides that more letrclnni it q unes shall be made bv stebnri n rtifurd to manhood fradclnae and income voters ftufl tlto that the work o makiiii out the lists chill be proceeded with immediate after tne making o ass o imenti at the last meeting of the canadian press association a committer was appoint ed to act with mr john king q c of behin to prepare norae needed amedd menta to the civil law of libel aud ask the utoroej general to present tbem to the iefiidatore for adoption the work has ben left in mr ktnu i hnuda and he has formulated a number nt proposition which if they become law will protect more effectually newgpsper pablishen and the pablic generall the greeu poods sharks are doiutf a roshing bneineaa in ontario if we are to take the dumberb of circulare eent oot as an indication thonranda of persona in tbia province have within the put month received cirtoltrs of xinultr constractiou but in come cues signed by one name and then another it may be well for all each person b to know that by answering these circolara they commit a felony under the criminal code of 1812 and make them seues liable to five years m kingston peni tenttary there hs been a marked improvement m pobho morality in ontario daring the pist sixteen years tbifii proved as the a tics points out by the jail lututici of the province in 1677 the uumber of commit menta for crime against the person vu o in 1801 the number was only 725 during the same period there watt drop from 2 773 to 2774 in crimes agtinit pro prtj crimes against pabhc morals and decency fell from 416 to 82 and offences against pablic order and peace dropped from 8 obi in 1877 to i 07 last jear the chicago papers are lond in their praise of the fine display of plants and flowers m the ontario section of the world s fair the exhibit is the admir fction of all who have seen it mr awrev the commissioner for the province also states what will be gratifying toevervbo3 that the canadian exhibit is farther ad vanced than that cftin state uf the uliod or any foreign conctry there is a strong probabilit that opening daj will see the canadian exhibit all in place and if this hope is realized the chances are that cun ad a will be alone in this respect there are 32 000 000 men and 31 000 000 women in the united states men are in the majority in all the states and tern tor les except io the district of colombia massachusetts rhode island north caro hna maryland connecticut hew ha tup ebire isewiork south carolina virginia and new jersey in which there are more women than men the district of colam bia his ihe largest proportionate excess of enisle gdpulation and montana contain b the largest percentage of men io new jertev iho two sexeb are most near equallv represented the superintendent of insurance has jubt issped an abstract of the statements of ihe insurance companies of canada the following fuels applv to fire companies onh the 24 british tompaniea netted in prem urns i 68 a 000 the six canadian compan es 1 025 000 and the eight amen can companies 1 004 000 or a total of f 715 000 nn mcreaee over 1891 of half a million dollars he total amount of risk ib 5921617 000 an increate of g1 000 000 the net amouut paid for losses daring the eartvas 4 348 000 of whrh the british i companies paid 2 8jj 000 the canadian 875jo09 and the american 8700 000 hereafter registrars of deeds will have to attend personal to ihe duties of their ofice ji bill the jrovincul secretarj haa id hand provides that the business of the office most be conducted under the direction and immediate eupervibion of the regis trare and no auch official ill be allowed to practice for gum as a barrister or phjs lcian wilhintbe time limited for office burs an addition is also to be made to the duties of regtsfrara they must report b uning with 1894 their transactions p cttj fullv and must place before t the government general return as to the j umber of mortgages registered and the amountb of their incumbrancer oue of the most desirable railway enter pr ses of late ears is the ottawa arnpnor and pitrr sound railway now under con strnction between ottawa and parry sound it is likelv to be completed by the close of 18j4 and will open a much more direct route between the treat lakes and the sea board than now exi6ts at any poict the only strong opposition to the new roote is offered b toronto the reason for thib opposition being that the provin cil metropolis will have no termini con n ctiou with the road this spirit of sel fibhnees in most subecormng to toronto and is severely commented upon b cm rns of the province generally toronto should eurel be above exbib ting the spirit ci tl e selnel little bo who sulks because he ca not lave et good thing oinf the peop e of parr sound have great faith in the future of their pretty and en terpmit g town and manifest that faith by makiog large expenditures for permanent improvements to the town itself as well as i by taking financial interest in the new rail way above referred to and the xotth star deserve the thanks of the people of its district for the bold and fearless support given the proposed railway and it ex posire of toronto atactica tn the- effort to lhwrj the proj ct iu worthy editor by his able tnl outspoken advocy has earn j edaod alwuld be award p on t directorate of the company with a 10 000 doution f aiock to his crmit when comiltted the new railway will make parry sono i a l miipptog centrtand a r v 1 to n an of the towns t pr esi more prhei lious and populoas cnicjioo may 2 tfio great gtcs of tbo orld s fair were swung open on monday president cleveland pressed the button that set the fair in motion and there follow c4 spocche matic tbo boommg of canon and such rmthmg and jostling and shout ing and hurrahing as was never before known in chicago les the great worlds fair ti open to the pubhr bat let ni whnpr to the public that the exposition is not jet at its best by long odds there are thousands of boxes of exhibits not yet unpacked and it will bs weeks before a finished air is assumed don t come too soon the following will rive an idea of the ijst of attractions in oonnotion with the fair the program of the congrefises thus far determined upon lias been arranged and dates fixed the first congress will be open may 15 this will be the congress of representative women of all lands to set forth progress of women mledacation 2 mdtistry 3 literature and art 4 moral and social reform 5 philanthropy and char t f civil law and government 7 religion esch of the subjects forrning the basib of a separate congrcsb one week will be allowed the congresses and so um versa has become woman s interest that the time mav prove all too short then will follow the week of ma 22 the de 4 partment of the public press three con greces week of mav 20 department of medi cine three congresses week of june g department of tem perance nine congresses week of june 12 department of social and moral reform six congresses a con ference on chanties correction and phil antrophy prehminarj to the general con gresb on thes questions will begin in one of the smaller halls jnn 8 week of june ll department of com merce and finance seven congresses which the fourth that of congress on water com merce ha been transferred to jul 31 to be held in connection with the codgrep on engineering week of julv 3 department of mesic two congresses week of jul 10 department of liter ature five congresses week of jul 17 department of edaca tiop fifteen spcial congress which will be followed by a general educational con gre to close jul 25 teek of jul 31 department of engin ecnng seven congresses and the depart rrjent of art five congresses week of august 7 department of government eiqht congresses week of aug 14 five congresses cov enng as man distinctive departments viz 1 dental 2 pharmaceutical 3 medical jurisprudence 4 horticulture j africa the continent and the people week of aug 21 department of science andphilosophj ten congresses 1 astron omj 2 anthropolog 3 chemist 4 electricity 5geolog g indian ethnolog 7 meteorolog 8 pbilosophv f9 pschi cal resesrch 10 zoology week of aug 28 department of labor seven congresses and six congresses of so cial and economic science week of sept 4 department ofreligion ibirt congresses including the parliament of rehgiona it m eipected that these con gresses together with five others of the department of sundav rest will occapy svera weeks extending into october commencing tndav october 13 will be held four congresses of the department of publio schools week of oct 15 department of agncul are nine congresses and with these will close the great series rrjdm the citt to tut fain it ib full seven miles from the heart of the business centre to the nearest entrance gate at jackson park it will cost bat five or ten cents tcvleave the distance behind and jou can enter the grounds feeling fresh for a long da of bight seeing that is before jou the lllmoifl centre railroad is b all odds the quickest and most pleasant way of reaching t reposition ou can gob cable electric or elevated roads and lastj but b no means lcat b steamboat of cours the latter mediums take a much longer time how jou will travel is alto gether a matter of tate and there are facilities to gratif the millions if you are bo hard to p eas that none of the manv means of transit sait joa then as a last resort oacantakeo pullman pull one leg after the other till vou reach the grounds 1 v1sitoi b iuirebeiovr out of pure cunositj i paid a visit to the exhib tion vesterdav and made the rounds pretty carefulk i roabt cenfess i am afitoonded at the extent of preparation made for the world a fair i don t think an cit in the world would have expended such an amount of monc on fair buildings but chicago in conversation with one of the commissioners he said the had alrendvf pent 18 000 000 and expected the expenditure will rech fullv 825 000 000 be fere all is completed they have had dreadful storms of raip snow and wind this week which have played havoc with exhibitors and exhibits 1 have been trv ing to draw a comparison between the build lugs for fair purposes in chicago and as i caw tbem in pans in 1889 i most con elude that or extent expense and gen eral grandeur chicago will be folly four times greater than pan this is a big thing to say but facts bear me out as to hotel accomodations in the vicinity of the fair grounds this beats everything i ever saw or con id imagine i think i am safe in saving that 300 000 people can bo accom odated within five or six blocks of the grounds no person unless they saw it could imagine that people would rush into such expenditure of money for a six months show the question to me has been what can be done with such large structures after the show is over unless to convert them into poor houses io bouse the speculators cam1hb bio cheebe the thing that is going to advertise can ada more than anything else at the world 8 j fair is the twenty fi ton cheese its joamey to chicago was nothing short of tnumphal the big fellow was witnessed by tbouiands of curious people all along the ronte the drum that surrounds the monster is completely corered with the nttnea of peojsle who have written upon it since it started chtcagowards jumbo has already paid for himself handsomely and before the cheese knife bnngs his gtonons career to an end he will have proved him self worth his weight in silver as an adver tising medium for canada after being gucd upon by the nations of the world at chicago jumbo will cross the sea and ex cite as much wonder throughout rural lugland as didlha trojan horse before the walls of troy xote asli coitflexts foir hundred separate buildings have been erected bnngmg under roof an areaof about 0 acres director general davis report to the cauootl commission on tbo prccnt con dittin of tha worlds fair chows that thai far tha eoormotii total of 133243930 55 has been raised for the purposes of um fairi without taking into aocoant tha cost of the exhibits which kill amoant to many millions of dollars mors two thousand english mechanics are coming to the worlds fair for a month i outtng and they will pay their own way says the philadelphia betord thats a prettjr good trip for paupr labor to tsko says an exchange memotul art palace is destined to be the greatest attract ion it the fair it will be the depository for tha art treasores of the world hat the fruits of the brash and the chjfel will not be the only feature us spacious balls and mighty arches shall ring with the voice of modern thought because here is to be hell the 130 different ooa gresses this intellectal treat will rival in interest if not surpass the combined de partment of exhibits the county council anotherspeoll meeting- to consider the disposal of the s5oqo the council met at 11 am last wednes day in accordance with notices issued by request of the railway committee calling a special meeting to consider matters iu con nection with the suit halton rs g t b and to pass accounts the warden in the chair members all present the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed the third report of the railway commit tee was presented and read dr robertson moved seconded bv mr pettlt that the report of the railway com mittee be adopted carned the council went into committee of the whole as recommended by report the harden in the chair dr robertson moved seconded by mr menzies that the railway committee s re port carned at our last meeting on apnl 18th be reconsidered carried dr robertson moved seconded by dr buck that we go into committee of the whole to consider the railway committees report carried at our meeting on apnl 18th al6o to consider the report of today and all other matters connected with the case county of halton vs g t r carried the council went into committee of the whole the warden in the chair the council resumed mr anderson moved seconded by mr feathcrston that our solicitors re grand trunk railroad suit be requested to ive this council an account in detail and that the warden be instructed to accoants taxed by the proper officials carned mr warren moved seconded by mr lawson that the money paid back by the grand trunk railway less expenses as a result of the decision of tbo courts in the suit halton vs gtr be paid back to the several sections of the group which paid it and then to the parties from whom it was collected and that a by law be pawed accordingly and that application bo made to the legislature for an act to confirm the bv law carried mr menzies presented and read the third report of the standing committee on finance mr menzies moved seconded by dr webster that the third report of ihe stand ing committee on finance be adopted carned dr robertson moved seconded by mr maodonald that onr solicitors be mstruol ed to prosecute the case pending now m court bigger and fettit against the county of halton and that we instruct them to take all necessary steps to defend the suit carned mr feathcrston moved seconded by mr anderson that this council do now adjourn carried the council adjourned champion municipal council an east end deputatlon-stralght- enlnj of mill street east talked of council met monday evening at 8 p m reeve in the chair and all the members present minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed committee on finance presented their sixth report and recommended payment of following accounts h tbunton paintlnr town hall 1s5 00 mnllinauulr taper 17 37 l lambert work on streets 6 2j angus johnston 5 62 david mills 5 00 wm bwackhamraer work town hall s 00 ji grant freight cartage 1 75 ym word en soap for town ball 80 236 23 moved by john williams seconded by jos anderson that the sixth report of the finance committee just read be adopt ed carried a deputation of the residents of the east end made complaint that a porttoo of arthur street was being plowed ap for gardenand thereby obstructing entrance to their property the streets and walks committee prom ised to look after tne matter at the same time he deputation asked for a sidewalk to be extended on mill street the walk was promised providing the residents moved the fences off the street so that work could be proceeded with on motion council adjourned the april examinations the pupils who took the highest standing in tha publio school the monthly examinations of the several depaxtmeuts of the pubko school were held last friday with results as follows heat depabtwevt sen james tovell 246 wm gurney 21 elhe kelly 240 ivrte etta laird maggie wallace 2sq nettie cobban minnie holmes 256 maggie laird 248 jcx jas thompson 210 sydney oram 202 joseph stewart 200 total marks 300 t t moore teacher kecokd ueraetuevt sev willie arnold j76 jessie harvey 171 edwin francis maud ryder 157 ivten john moore 201 mabel roe bella mcdonald 193 clara cobban 175 jlv james forbes 171 eta perry man 1g8 mary harvey 157 total marks 225 c hcphail teacher titlild depahthevt scn rubin wallace 160 laura pletch 178 ada thurston 177 istee laura ryder 186 willie pear son 178 edith warwick 174 jt geerge oram arthar hodouald 182 maggie harvey 179 total marks 200 b peters teacher pouetii deputtuext sen albert edmiston mabel soper ettie mcdonald 189 frank gibbons 185 ivteh aiay worden 187 josaie btep henfon 185 florence soper willie clark mabel mcphail 160 i jtv edith williams 177 mabel i edmistoa 175 thoma kenney 170 j total marks 200 minnie nelson teoctier an lilturda liniment relieves kcunlgu ancaster uiracle restored to health after being atvbn up by four dqjctor8 the ramirkabls cut of copa- town ladyafflicted with par- j suffarlnj intania atony ax a pronauncj nounblashe i ajafn ratord to kiajth and viiorshe tapf haf story for thp bartaf it of othar sufferer daf og th pat two yet mtny of oar repaubta exchiagec hive circa tocottiu of wondettal caret oocarlng fa tha loftlittoi in which thajr wars published caret wtre til effected by t remedy thit 1 u raids fonltielt hs matt rem irk ible epatttiaa ft tny medicine ever braaf it before tha notios of the pablic to remti ttbli indeed thtt it it t contttnt therm oc coaremtha tad the ntme traoc the matt ftmllitr hoaieheld wordt we r fer to dr willltmt pink pillt for file eople utay o the pabllthed told 1 it ttory of people ewea ap by the docto t tad who were on the rery thret hold if the ocbe world whea dr will itrct pink piilt ntie broaght to their notice the ctcet reported were in moit lacttt e dltttnt from danjtt tad far thtt reuai rnieht cot be coaildered of more th tn r uctng mten t for the put month liowei n the repo t wu carreat in town of t wo derf al can tcoompliined by th time ntlt in the owaihip of aacuter it wu tl ited thtt ifrt d s earning wife of a i rominent firmer rettdmg tboat a mile i ett of tha killtge of copetowa tad even nilec from baadu bid been giten ap by he doetortt tad that the had been cared by dr willltmt pink pillt bo great rtt the interett ttken fa the ctta thtt tl e slar decided to inrettlgite it tod a few ityt tgo a repretentttive weat ap to the h rnog hamettetd far thtt parpoce in pti ting throagh copetown he letraed flitt v ry little cite wte talked of bat the remtr tble recorery of ifrt horning poiiib y the fact thtt both tin earning tnd h r hatband were bora in the immedi tte s lghborhood and are pretamtbly known to everybody in the ooantry troaad lacreti ic th laterect in the ette the star a tn on trriring tt the eoraiag retl dence t admitted by sfrt horsing her eelf i he looked the plctare of health tnd it wu hard to believe that she wts the came i omtn who wu tt deatht door foar month i ago in antwer to heqaettion u to whe ber the hid any objection to giving a hitto y of her cue for publication ifrt hemic replied thtt the bid not i con tider tt tt my recovtry wu limply mlrtca lorn i give dr willitmi pink pillt all the cre it and i am willing thtt everybody thoald know tboat it ifrt horilog then gt e the following hlttory of ber re mirktb e recovery ar tgo i wu ttken ill with what or called tpintl iflection which retailed in ptrtkl ptrtlytlt my ay the docj finally legi fro 3 the kneee down being completely dead ly tongae wu tlto ptrtlyced on the fin of july ittt i tack to my bed where i ltid for foar mobtht ho tongae ptn tell htt i taffered i wuteniible all the tiro i tnd knew everything thtt wu going oi bnt i ooald not tleep for the in tente pi o in my head oar ftmily doctor ttid i a nld not live tnd three other dec tort call i in oonialtatlon tgreed with him i felt m telf thtt it wonld only be a thort time an ii death wonld relieve me of my tafferinit neighbor ctme in 25 or so every di y tnd every time they wenttwty erpectir thtt it wtt the lttt time they woaid t e me alive i qait ttklag doctor t medlcia and gte op all hope aboat foar mo itht ago a friend came in and read an accoi nt in the toronto wttvy a of the mir xuloui recovery of an old toldier named i p hawley an inmate of the ulchigt i soldiers home atgraad rapidt the ttoi y hs told ettctly tallied with my conditio tnd it wu on thtt tcconnt thtt i decide to give dr willltmt pink pillsa tntl hen i begin taking fink pills i wu to 1 1 thtt i could only ttke half a pill at a tim for the firtt few dtyl then i wu abl i to ttke a whole one after etch meal i ii have continued taking tbem after i bad ttken over s box i begin to eiperler e t ttrtnge tingling tensitiop til over my body and from thtt out i begtn to impn ve in a month i could walk with t cane o by oiing a cbtir from oije room to anotl er my general health alto- im proved in ftct my experience vrtt like that of t ae old eoldier whxecie bid in dncd m s to give the pillt a trial while taking t e pillt tt the onttet i had my legs bathed ritb vinegar tnd ttlt and rubbed briskly it it now four months since i be gan ttk ng the fink pills and from a living i releton racked lnocsnty with pain i 1 ave at yon tee been trtntformed into a a mparatively well woman i tm doing m bouiework this week tnd tm free from ill piia tnd tleep well when my neighbor i come to lee me they tre tmtxed tad i ci 3 tell voa there it great faith in dr wil itmi pink pills in thit tecticn tnd mtbjy are nsiog them when i began taking p nk pills i mide up my mind thtt if i got 1 etter i wonld htvethe case pub utbed fc the benefit of otliert and i am glad you called u i am tare i would now be dead f it had not been for pink pills ifrt h rning stated thtt the pnrobticd the pink piut it mr comports drag store ta daad j tnd mr comport informed as tbttrhis ales of fink pills tre urge tad constant y increulgg dr w iliams piak pillt forpale people are a ne er falling blood builder tad nerve ettorer luring ptrtitlpertlviit locomotor ataxia e t vitas dtnee rheamttltm aea ralgfa tl a after effects of la grippe ina enxa ani severs colds nerroat headtche nervous prostration tud the tired feeling ariting herefrom these pills are a tpecillo f ic all diseases triting from humors in the b od inch u icrofutt chronio ery clpelu tc as a remedy for building anew th i blood eatbltag the tyttem to sacoettfc jy resist disease dr williams pink pill i stand far in advaace of any other remedy nown to medical science pink pillt ue t ipeciflo for tha troubles pecaliar to tha fei itlaiyttem giving a rosy healthy glow to p tie or tallow oomptenont in the cue of m la they effect a radical care in all cues arii og from mental worry overwork etc of a y nature these ills tre mtnuftctared by the dr williams afsdicine company brockville ont and scheaecttdy k y tad tre told oaly n fx res bearing ths firms trade mark printed i n red ink tnd wrapper at so cte a bor or i it botes far 12 so bear fn mind thtt dr willltmt pink pills are never sold fn bi ik or by the dozen or hundred and any sealer who offers tabttitatex in this forn is trying to defrtad yoa tad thoald b avoided 1 tba pablio are alto cautioned agatntt tit other socalled blood builders i ad nerve toaict no mttter what name mi p be given them they are ill imitation i whose makers hope to retp a pecanltrj tdvtnttga from the wonderfat repatatio i achieved by dr williams pink pillt a k yoar dealer for dr williams pink pill for ftle people tnd refute all imitation and labsdtatet v dr wi ktmt piak pillt mty be fasd of aldragg iu or direct by mail frorqypr willltmt medietas company from either iddreu ira nld ma parttlrely other romedl bnachei receive promjpt lag alto 0 spirant price at which liieta fills a couria of frealmeol oorn- peaslve if oonjptred with or msdloal irealtnent palauosjaad paper hinging fa ill its qrdertjeft at hs house will alteatloo otrritge palat a tha belt meaner c ezeoiifed gsfa enjoys hod and restilu whea a taken t is pleasant uidg to tie taaiesnd acts iptomptljontliakldneyi i bawels cleanses tha byi ject lally dispels colds head and fevers and cores- habitoal instipati orl syrup of figs is tha em dy of its kind eyerpro pit aauig to the tasts and ac t j tha stomach prompt in indtrulybenencial in its pared oniy from the most idagreeablesabatances its entqaalitiescommendit have mads it tha most aedy knottoi- tjf figs is for salain 75a all leading druggists jlo drnggist who maj not n hand vill procure it for any ona who wishes anuiactad only by tha m fig slfrop co xmsmmcit both tha jaethod byrupof andrefre- gently yet liver and temeffe aches co only dueed c ceptabla its action effects health tnanyf to all popular byrup botfles t any harft it ess pi exoslentqu rem caufq u vtil be robbed ircng djhe wor fasmsssssssssssltahkl you are fot posted r n e rery labtcilber of ihesttardty bud ar chicago ledger will rioeite t free certificate entitling lbs otjf nnrtiflfl i holder to call si oar ofbes tt sor boor day aigblor vjuj pupwu geadlri dar tbi wofidl yksnd ws will locate i at nttaver priced room yoa with we permrttlly fareauctta boardiag boasts xootnt reg hotels etc tad eta tare yam great deal bt money thit department hu read hi ind writing rooms bsggsge tad parcel roim tele offlss wslting nam aj1 tbje nririwgessre absolutely free aetecjudtserlber i thatorhty blaovu a highly iiraitrtled kttvr til ft sftfntvlftv rlflifa ti bmaiflty bladertt s blgnty iimitrtma pteesiy ae iptperl thi chicago ledger it a well ptsown tl i jy tad literary illottrtted weekly the papers tn hs moat ntereitiag weeklies eilapt tod hare the iu nt cilcalilkn of tay weekly aewtpsperi in the woljd 604000 oonfec weekly the price of i either la uv00o copies weekly the price of either r ii 12 00 per j etr 1 1 00 for til months oi thret hi for so cfs bend la yoar luhsanptlo is a to chicago and the worlds fair alto i ample cent free to toy iddreu boycb 115i1t the saturday blade themcago ledger lat2e8t in fhe world 5jo0000 s5r 5th hifb chicroo i i the above cut represents our new mrchmkkers lmthb we have all the latest make of tools and keep the best flam springs jewels and material 1 bring your watch to us wherj oat of repair savage co i jewellers guelpg the fact stock of dress mat good value nor dj desirable combinatii a study of buying oj and thought in gett makes and shades i is like a dress goo other in quick sa majority of which as to make or tints tui it is known the seasons novelti 4 the collection dldn under management of other houses in baring is that in bu the smallest profit carpets or house p it is time too show you anextenbj hard cash to deal wii in cprpats is to be found in ourparpeteoom jappin there by chince this department is well qualified to keep it a step or two ahead jb line and another point well worth rtimem- igfag your carpets here at any time yptj face itny store we do not do things by halves in nrshings oilriloths and linoleums of which we can range at all prices we makejit pay you in gb only one price remember whe in quality and price hjyslop s goods ss68 you mostrotubly in inspecting our i value merely a low price doesnt imply it ciom quality of itself alone but the these two mark the house that has made twm ks belling we have spent much time g together a satisfactory stock of the newest dress goods produced j everyday these days i opening here the new fancies follow each essioh and we place before vein goods the will not succeed in getting elsewhere either ont this city and district thafi the cream of buyihg l shoes that we can do well for you both celebra ulfeili fc oo toronto ed all fitted with the sddon or la wo also have n fewcushioa it will j ay you to see qur wheels- send fo catalogue j wjllopen at no 13 the larst icjcle warehouse in carjadj stocked with the vjrhitworth humbt- belsize and spmn wela torcel tirett kndpn t spjr pneumatic tires 1 h 1 wheels that we are quoting verj ic toes before purchasing if you c w to clear nnot call sej our diambnd frame plijrireguaranfjeed safety for roioo- the best value the world if j h wcksoneixtj next door ta you 4 t were hundreds of employees threescore separate depart ments and sales are counted by the hundred thousand qur business is dry good nd home outfittmgs that is everything for personal and home use you and we may be quite a distance apart measured by miles yet by reason of our mail 1 order facilities were vir tually next door to you no thing in the entire establish ment that you cant hav e pre ciselv as if you stood in person before any counter and at exactly the same price wjc send samples of all mailable merchandise free of course if y ou want a house ful of carpets or draperies a new bonnet or a toothbrush e expect you to buy in per- sqn 1 but you dont know what aihelp shopping by mail is fill you have tned it thct eaton ocy ltd 1h tg suwl tmits hi ht r ht jmixtistmttlti ataiacajr ttall ptfbh nftordeiis new see our p and artistic- designs at the drug store our samples and get ces before f any hnfe is sold out n notice- 0tici is bsreby ftren list i will not u i 1 respooslbls or debts eestrseted by tay wtfeorttairroreiit other troable whitweisr ttur this dtte f willujtwiswick dated tt icoc uii ird ity of kay ins l 11 trespassers take notice the asdentgned herebr botlm that tftetitbit data toy person- er persons found tresptssfot oa tbelr premises east tnd wist lot tt eon 3 y flsliliis sbootiug berry pleliof or tn tnyotbrwty trill be prostastsaceoreunf to 1st acton us 1 ma if joseph lasbt wm bbowh driring outflt for sale tee lesenlgned bu for isle a srsfabss dzitet six jesrt old sood top boggy taster robei sod biraea til la food condillan f wmhbmbtrmt 1 e fofl 8ale thr aniarsfgaed deslrts to rent ar sell lira fumxeilotm ooa ltqfimiof near aetonattyicrtt fall ptrtlcoliis u1 b 1t open triplication to lxnucs ia or kurraxw ijk bockvood quelpb v money to loan j jf trk otj tfllsja property tt reatenablt rales apply to helbah 4 kcleak town ball aetoa s public health notice is heresy gtrtn that til resldentf of its required i elaaa ibttr ellirs drtlat tirds pig ityet wattr elotstl tad otberoatbaildjnsi tud premises and rt- movt therefrom all dfrt filth manors or other sabstaaee i vhioh may endaaiar the pablls hetllh saatohsuisstmompltudttltut by the 13th day oijut nsst oa which day the sanitary laspeotor trill commence a feaeral la- spectloa ah arther ttks nottee that th stetfba eldb public health act prohrblttu iht keeping ofoti between the 15th stay and ths 1st othotember except in pent at least to feet from tay dwsulai hoate tad tc test from tay itreetor line with the floors kept tree from staadlnr water tnd resmlarlr eleaoaed and dtf- infected will be itrittly enfereed la rttw of the ttet tjiat oholtrt it likely u rislt this eontiaeat tils samraer til residents treuraetttrrecaettedto keep tbelr presues eocituult tuaa and thoroard flhinfertwl w b kbxlfbt chtirman3oarjl of health aetna april kit iffls f i ute framed size 14 k 17 colored or crayon tints and one pqz6n ckbints for 50b this is only for a limited time i photographer fashionable wet end 99 ufmr lbiikbhrmstbbbt suitings overcoating aflpantlhgs beautiful designs newpring hats new gents furnishings kv and tetding sttlec trr oar ualaoodrled 8hirt at wo my speciality perfect til ting pants lto order 00 sf e nelson uerebtitttiflortad qtntt farolshef 4 99 tjpper w jmdiiam st oaelph u

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