Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 4, 1893, p. 3

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at ii mr j u bank of hamiltonl hsasottlox hamilton rssests ftl j tcssbtjll u swirl k s nsyxif i aisr guanas directorsjcmc ctrwiar ptmit l a kurur vieepres joins rioctostcii7 q riurir q to boac l r woodta fftii aeorostowk aoehot noaiseotuted sad edvueet made on all ih cormmtr or kcaore teusbt ml sold bavkas departuekt jir in- srecuxfljeposrre i2 j of interest ko optica qf withdrawal required 1 fkrotiatwc the methodist church ioton the news at home moetly of a local orthraotar ami every item intsrestine a honster carnfrai at gilt a greet demonstration ft anuoanced to be htld it gait on uth 15th md lgth jane under lbs smapiees -of- lbs eoretters gitlxeue ifaodbcerd of trade end oonn- j r vv- il tj to6btlu mduphti dtrttttl4iiihrotterkr retjosephedae riraonaeebowtr avenue psstor fouue serves manjen4fcj0 gondii tenoaltn brolnimsinil acted by the pastor aueordlsllj invited strtntsrean visitors always welcome at- sstive ushers et the door headquarters por window shades curtain poles wall papers spring rollers youll want some this spring cadi in and see our stock prices as low as the lojwest cpohyndsactoniant the coq a news items supplied by cqrree- dortdentt and exoriantjaa- ierin dr geir tile oc belwood hu oa 10- coo it oc ha retirement pt dr mentogh- toojopeneden pffloa in oor vms je r- -i- ftfytkttott fm film tbpbsday may 16m e utr local brffiflets which caught th eyes or ears of free press reportersthis week seeding u pretty veil over nor ipttuioo court on thursday next litfj inst seed potttoet 50 cents per bag symoabroc the ttreet cleaners continue iheir wotk with good retail prealdeht john duff icted is jadge it the peislsy boring fair lut k mr henry f hill of indunipohtj remembers the fcie ptcss with copies ot thit citys dsiliet the license commistfooers crented ons idditionti license ut weei trefsk gtr is sfflietsd with it arrm oesx it mind the fem pnrbs mast bvpsjd in tdnaee no paper for- wtrde4n oihsr terms i fitkeimeii here been oat in fall fonj this wetfc jjotno hire msde very good citches oiqekied trpat kergt eohrton tad pte hetved of tho 20th hsttre members of the buej esm this yetr they wiu tsil for enrfsnd in jane an idjoarned meeting of aetan san uy school assocution will be htli in the fizz pcs office this sfternoon- t three oslock a bi tttcb and now with rod sod line snd hoot the fuhermtn so bold will go snd tit down by the brook tnd bitch t fetrfal cold the worlds fiir is the toiject of mach comment it present a namber oar eitisens tie csjfcaliting npon si trip- to the white cityi i in daffetio coanty the license mmmis- doners hive pe i reeolation iiipotfng neof 150opoo holelieepers whb tflo- dmciog ptrties on their- premises aeton tempertnce union will meet etery fridty evening in the oddfellows hill the officers for the carrent term will be elected tomorrow evening i ten esrlasis of emigrints went west throngh actoo over the grind trtnk one diyjistweek they were mostly fewedee with s tmitare of irish scotch ujd eng ih the sinitsry inspector will eomaienoe his daties on koodiy 15th miy every itijen is required to hive his premises horoaghly free from rabbith tnd filth bj thit time t the ptiee for belt irtistio tnd ohesp job prialig is the fixe pees office compere oar work with thit of toy othor office eity or oaantry tnd tttiify joanett of its saperiorit i i hflrp ooriingly s gtr1 uikl mtn en btcttford hid his left wd bedly airathed while ooapling art here on fridty morning a imatrjocdeot befel hit right jind few months tgo i spesliag et the redaction st iqaor liceomria hsltast to test thin aaekiiflhe nnmoer israeaj twenty yetrs ithe streetstutertn syt thty set tem pertnce is well it ulk it in hilton tin inqail meeting qf the cooperition of disapls of christ in onttrio will he held it everton commencing oa tpartdty lttjane the ertrton people ire ipreptr- ing toeatertiin t iirge number of vititori if it is trae thit u things tome to those thit wtit oar citizens who trivel aa the tuteu it nfght with the lidj of oar coil oil limps thoald be hippy while wtitjog for the tdoptioa of electric light here i a wommfn neighboring town wtt withoat doabt the most harried wpmto in the ooaoty lilt sandiywlien e foandi on coming oat of church thit her brta ntw4priag hit wts tdorned witlj i jug whmopon wtt iiucribed the tegedd be- imtjotusr i the iaqatst on the body of archiiild hfcpbedrto who saicided by hinging ham- self in ksssigiweys list weekwts held in brookri lie oa wedoeedty before corpoer freemia of muoa a verdict at taicue while liboriag aader i fit of te nporiry iasiuity wis retaraed dttt employees who hive been looting forrtrd lo i tuit to the wottds fiir it chicigo this yetr ire now doomed to- dinppointtnrat a iircoltr his att beenissaed bylhicomptny ia whtch it is stated thit no lesve of ibtencej wih grinledjo their employees fromj the 1st souy lo he sut of octobee of iait w i h va grocer udked npon his doot bit pi per litfftbbtt boy wtnledl at the lek tpplysy ort first hoi very fcigb wilhia two diji it euly morri i racer bsby boy wis born hit lille trotfaei wild with joy slid lo hit fitner heres you boy i ttke down the ioce pa ths door for jpa wont nted i jthy yaore theil tdded his were 1tls tries i ho dont it pty lo sdrertise htrmoole concert pfljo vot btndlear- pmitnt 8ih higfalt4deri billopa tosa- tjoni ilhsiese tporu ind fireworks the trrtngemeou its inthi hinds of les3iag ejcisessr- v- -i- a cr btr put chief ifcktbb iulormi tbe fees pscts thit acton is likely jo tee i urge namber of viiitorj oeit toronto clvio hall- dty the highltnd regiment tad ill the ctmps of the soot of sootliad in the city hive beea invited to tpend he dty in acton tnd cirry oat their asail prognmme of ciledontia gsmes id the ptrk here a namber of the ctmps kive icoepted tnd sevenl oompiniet if tetit of ths high iinders till scoompmy them tatreu be btgpipetesd tirtins ctiore thit dty oar citirentwill heirtilr welcome the vititori iorae shoot report tho following it the report of the ertra- inttions held tt loroe school daring the tkoath of april jos iv alioe brown 227 lltggie bira20 iii grtce cletve 188 bichtrd lewis 161 ii robt levins 133 robert lubv 181 psrt ii senior letie gimble 2c9 arthar swtckhtmmer 2c1 alice snyder 157 ptrt ii janior archie aietinder 1m jtmet ucdontld 178 pottible mirks 200 ptrt iclinton swtckhtmmer 200 nellie browo 188 adt towntend 175 pottible mirks m0- jtfedooimfetoher aewsatccsjrestet c lrr knox charch mniverstry eervioes on sandty tnd uondty kth md 15th kty rev h b chriitie occupied his pulpit it the brick chared oe 6radty he took very high honors tt the probitioners eitminttiona held recently it clinton the list sicrimenttl services of the present conference yetr will be held in the kethodist charch nerf sandty morning in the evening i reception service will be held whenijirge namber of new members will be received gaelph conference of the hethoditt charch meets this yetr it owen sound beginning on fridty jane 2 it 9 im tnd the gtelph district meeting tt the norfolk street charch ou tbe 17th tad 18th miy rev j edge preached his sermon to youdg women on snndsy evening to i ltrge congrrgttion the sphere qatlifici- tion and reward of women were tfaly pre- tented in i highly interesting discourse rev j w rte will preach a specitl sermon to tbo sons of scotland in knox church onsnnday evening disease at tic buck door it is the nasty habit of pitching oat of theuekdoocsptilfalorsdiprmrfal now and then of greasy wtter and t handful of pairings tnd the general wtste of the kitchen that breeds fevert and billons dil- eases the waste disappears for the most part in the soil bat that is the key to the mischief the eoil gets fall after a time and fermenls and the hot tan breeds gtscb which sarronnd md enter thehoase this is true not only of poorer hornet or careless families bat velltodo intelligeat people htve tpott behind their houses sitnrtted with slops sndveritihle breeders of disease in populous towns no amonnt of supervision can prevent a great deal of filthy evil but in the country towns slops should be carried but to trees and poured in small quantities here tnd there is fer tilizer trees will tike up ilirgequtntity of water tad be grateful for it there must be constant intelligence in the dis posal of wtste the feee press will htve more to say ibout this important subject from time to time a thoroughly enjoyable ercala the second phonogaph concert given by rev byron laing on monday evening coder the aaspioes of tbe epworth league was most interesting and thoroughly en joyable the programme was varied tnd comprised selections by several of the best ceniditn tnd american bthdsnusidans and vocalists- thort addresses by promin ent speakers as well as other special fea tures rev sir laiog was very liberal in the somber ojtelectians mdittingly acxded4o tberequesc fajedditioiift quat- bers a pltisiotjjfd itttlxecuve fsttare wss the singing of the betacifal solo trust by miss hemstreeisbd its reproduction by the phonogrtph rthe weather wit disagreeable bat the wldienoe numbered about 300 tnd expressions of satisfaction of the performance of he wonderful little machine were universal no other entertainment can be arranged with so little trouble and with such satis factory ret alts sad the fees pus his pleasure in recommending ir laiog to the young peoples soeietiea md church organizations generally jfysteeloaa dfskppervice last wednesday forenoon as a neighbor calledat the home 6t jtr wrtliam bim- thtw on fslrview avenae the hoase wts found to be vtciut tbe limp burning tnd every appearance that mr reraahiw hid left the night before tod very scintily clad thef act that be wts known to have frequent tpellsof mental iberrttlon led to the conclasion that he had when thai afilioted left home with the iotentiou oft expressed of endlng his life his frieods searched in every conceivable place for him and their number wit tagmented by scores of kindhearted citizens who will ingly lent their tid in tie search the vtriout ponds were drsgged indlifcely tnd unlikely points examined withoat avail on sunday tbe country was scoured for miles sroand through swamp hash ind thicket bat no trace of the unfortauate- mtn could be found he wit last teei om tuesday eveniug and up to the present writing there ire no tidings ofhis bcinr discovered mr bamthiw is seventyfoar years of age tnd settled ia katsagaweyi when bot i isd for forty yetrs he his it intervals suffered from temporary insanity tnd after an attempt to hug himself wis for i few mouths in toroato asylum boi was discharged si cared lairtysii years sgo he imagined fiat the lord hid tern manded him to grtdutlly id nhilite himself and proceeded to obey by amputating he first tod fourth fingers of bis left hind on sevjnl occasions be bsdstrsri tuempledtbukebillifeiit wtiilwty rettrtiaid byttsrelitivesor f etotwi he re tired from jtrming ind settle ic acton seven or eight years sgosnd datjntjni retldenee here smpatifed s third finger his wife died very suddenly of heart dis ease tiout four yeirs isgo his daughter tnd sofibjltw bid lived with him since about month sgo when they removed to heir term above actop tnd the old gerrtlesfitn wis fiviog slone he ink tl- wsjs kfcen to obligiiitr neighbor snd enjoy ed tefltril respect hismyst4rioat dis- sppetrince fats caused quite in etoilemeot jrtlitmtrtn to partuerihip j urflin- matthews it sry ii snd wight hip of his recovery erseotertified jimes d gibson sou of d aioeon teaib lis wis married in 8t paul ut tavern licenses were grtnted to o j mcpouatd and g ramsdeaia this village snd iu he towaihtp to h howe w i dwier 0 anderson i beanett vi iltors oakville the oakville basket factory was com pletely destroyed by firebetwosn i and 5 oclock on saturdty morning together with two ttoreho ases puked fall of alt kinds of baskets fortanttelytheltlirgeslsiorehouse is situated some- distance away and wasoat of reach of the fire it s supposed to be the work of an iuoendary lois shout 48600 rniarerl is the merotnttie mutual of waterloo for 4000 this enterprising firm has the entire sympathy of the whole eommanitf they will commence rebuild ing operations immediately tud expect to be in fall running order ia two oc three weeks tnd will be able to fill all orders o and pram aoton and varlot a other pereonalnotee dublin the following li honor roll for april tth class annie bomervitle 165 wilhe somerville 10 j sen srd duncin scott 135 gibbous 125 miry hceeuxie 120 jan srd andrew arthurs 155 wallace 10 see class willie mallm ho kiley 145 hettie brigbam lib beo pt herbert kolsiio 16tf5eester wallace ico willie stalker 120 1st pt cassis mulhotland 180 james douglas iso john ktjey k0 totil marks 200 g midgley teacher john geo miry ospringe the result of the promotion eximint- tiont given below we are pleased o ttite thit the twelve pupils who wrote tt otptinge were snocesefnt tsui speaks well for the work dons in the school snd is creditable alike to the pupils and to their teacher mr h n awrey the following are the names of the successful candidates to the fifth bookm a robertson m robertson a hill md d e webh to tho fourth b anderson t loree a roberton to the thirdg baldwick a hill h anderson r hindley tnd w robertson uiy has come tgtin tnd with it the hordes of fishermen from gaelph tnd other points the river is too high for much success knatghbull mr mark ltngford of maskokt paid i visit to mrs jos haw of koatchball on tuesday j the quaterly communion services of the methodist church on the nassagaweyi circait will be held in the ebenecer church on sundaynext the rev j w robinson the pastor- will conduct the service ind the basinets meeting the following mondiy sfternoon the fishtngseison is here again sod the boys will be telling some big fish stories miss mary a haw left here for toron to on tuesday to livo in the city for t while we regret to learn that mr wm raoi- shiw at acton formerly i resident of enatchbull has run away from his hopie and family the family hare the deepest sympathy of the entire community in this their sore and tad bereavement we bope they may find him and then be at rest in mind ss well as body 3eorqetown mr e jenkins has put iu aclaitnof tloo to the council for damages through defec tive drainage mr jh roy who has just left the position of manager of the bank of hamil ton for a similar one at alliston wis feted by i number of our citizens prior to hit departure list week jrhfinnial meeuoj oftluv bfschiniot iostilate wis bjrfotoimonalyevefiiilf rev teomss gee returiied from the south uijlwkk ihe is considerably im- provedinlsslfh mr ju kennedy his bought the farm adjoining his present one iron david cross for 16000 it is only i few weeks since the death of mr alex michie of the scotch block list week his brother john died of paralysis a ire broke out in a frame building oc cupied by mr q hall near thegtr station about 7 oclock but friday night the house was fully half a mile from the fire hall hut wilhia five minutes from the tfaethealinn was soanded the fire bri gade wts on the groaad ind hid i strsim turned on tnd theirs wis extinguished a i jninate the fire it supposed to hive beea closed by v defiscttte flue tie damage wts light fr thoi mophail of toroato it home uiiweek fr- robert rsrcthtw of milton was in oi a on monday tr anton smith br returned from 01 nfordon saiurdiy ifre i j ytrey of toronto visited ac on friends this week cr john dean of toronto is visiting to- ndilu aoton hit week i r drjmiddimss of elorr eftisst we k on a crip to scotland 1 r john laferty b rockwood spent sa day with aotoo freioas 1 tr ansia smith of st panlminn ret irned home yesterday morning t a moote is i siting at he home of his iaoghtsrlfrs dr mckeague 1 r lotbst lymsn of toronto his been vitl iing friends here he put week i or dr willoughby of toronto tpent a f w hoursjst be homeof ass hall esq i rs hitry slriasaer of milton has bee visiting tt her fathers the put week it r uillsr of orills wti lbs goitt of his irotherldr j omiller over sunday 1 iis kerr of brampton wis s guest at he methodist parsonage oa monday evei iug si r john fortune ind family left oa if oi day for buffalo where hey will reside in f itare m rs- w 2 smith who hu beea serious ly ii for tits put week is still very low at we a to press m n guthrie of be toronto police fofi 9 spent friday with his brother ed of tletltr v father ualonsy it now s resident of d irhttn baring moved aver from mark dale last week m thomu henderson of mittoq hu been the guestofj hit brother d hender son if p his wees li lateaiotgoversor barkpsfrick hu had uaferrsdiahim by queens univer tity he honorary degree of d c l mi hpj moors went to beuerille 6a ttjet lay to attend the annual meeting of lnj jtrdolimaatgors of albert college its 0 wj toang editor of the oornwsll fral ati bis gone to chicago as press tgem at the worlds fair for the ontario gove nmentl mi jtmet mcintosh who hu been con fined tp the house for i ooaple of weeks throi gh an attack of rheaoiitltm is able to be sboot again mi if i frtncit returned from glovers- villa ut thursday mrs w i nicklin whos husband died on the uth alt aa- oom taied her ind will remain a few week in aoioo re john hough ton of ths ills jtfnet hau 3 has dscided on ttkiug up his real- dena jftgaelpli he will lire tt the old home iteid mr hough hu retired from tciv i work la the ministry- mr and mrs will ism hostel tnd mrs thou is chlthohn left list friday for stgii tw mich where they will ia future residi mr chiholm preceded them i cbupl i of weeks sgo mr tt e mocamj of ha toroato star earns home last week inflating from an sitae ot la grippe a few days of home nursi ig broagbt him sroand and he is feelin fmdosi better igain mr dividsfokeown st mrs vllliam plsnl mrs john stephenson mrs jsmes wilse i mrs wuhm coleman sod mr thon u elliott ittendtd tbo funeral of the i to mrs william ovens it mount fores i shoal x il u wl lether on pleasant bent or business ion 1 ska on every trip t bottle of syrup of fid is it set mitt pleutntly sod i sffeci uilly on the kidneys liver ind bowels pravtntiug fvrt headaches and other form of tiokneu for sals in 75c botlles by tl druggists x ks miss aouie alexander tpent last week with frfendt io streetsville smce moving to her new home hrt wm mcdowell hit been quite ill miss midnie nixon wu the guest of miss kellfe shtokf of harpby s few days the put week- oa wednesouy of lst week mr richard pick had a very narrow escape from being killed while wotklcgin the mow some ttrswiiipr from under his feet and he feii to the floorit distince of fifteen feet he wu ohooasoioas tar some hours bat foftacutely hitipjaries were nothing more serious thin i severe braising tnd general shaking np mr geo carry intends to batld shew bsrn his summer mr geo bailey of this place hu the contract for he frame work while tame people may not think much of our enterprising village we can bout of whit mint hwgec pwes cso not poetjt no mean ability although ha signs from stewerttowu we think we have flrstcaim on him the beautiful poem n-mjsroor- istn whjoh tppeared in lajtweeaifefa4f it well worthy of note u sifiblseri whichtppeiredfrom tlratojiml3we heirtily oongraiulau mr morritbajoahls poeiiosl prbdootioas hotwfthstsnd3ng the oold weather hoosecleining is to foil swing in this ham let we suppose the list that aabgrove leie s the sutroooding viuiges tooounts or id becommiiiiity end grest soiiety it wtat felt by rail urte ss to his wstsrssboou worthy oi it iu spesidng of ashgrovs ws do not tea wby some of those toronto newipsper men who have beea to busily eogtgedjn writ ing up tbs cities sad towai of oat glorioas dominion do not come sttfaqcf bis fay sod writs ft ap ws are tare ituweu l is just oas year since i have taken tbe business formerly carried oa and r the firm name of celly bros an u i wu determined to do a cash bui inest in order to keep op with he tien tad give cuttomert goods it rigt t prices i must now uy hat it hu bee i the most pleutnt year i hive ape t la basinsm t now take he opp irtunity of thinking the numerous cut omers tor their very kind patron- age ia the put and solicit a shsre of thei trade in ths future feeling i am noo ia t position to do better by them ha ever before having he largest and cho xtt slock ot staple dr goods ready made centhtng hats and cents fu rrtlshlngs for the spring trade that wu ever she to in acton i want every one to r led thit advertisement all through u j ia will fiad it of grest interest n15ck ties in t lit line i hire nude i specitl effort to p toe ia stock he choicest collection of cnots four ia band windsor sot fs and bows that you will see ia shy store west of toronto shirts bad white sod colored sunday bhii is and working shirts i very fine ran a to select from at 50 cents h3ts nsv r in the history ot acton hat there beet shown such a choice lot- of hats u i biave to show you thit spring in all t li latest shapes and colors to fit md sait til ages and s special line la c hildreas weir riskdvmkde clothing la his department 1 promise yott woe lerfal birwint la liens youths boy tad childrens suits snd odd pan r ia great variety and it prices that will be sure to ottcb your eye nevi c baton bid i toch s range of i an i it piece sails at all prices sad style it wont pay you to paas me it then is soything la the wiy ot cloth- fafr vdju whnt hosl ry i hive some ver bar gain womens miisea snd otdlarent a sp enbid blask cashmere womens tixa i ir 25 cents wsu- irprtb oenu his the kind of may look or from me ondsrhe essh sys tem as i have sutett before fc keep abrti tt with ths times a cssh bosf- deaa nost be done sod that t will do snd othiog else i have now io stock lbs i ilkot my spring goods and be bllarjce will be srriving daily sincerely yours jjkelly suocetsor lo kelly bros jfr david jf jordan ofedmestttky coli irless emaciated hetpless odtptete cure bynoodj unsapaniitla thts is from mr d m jonlaa a re ed farmer and one of he most r spectid atiieru of otsego con y ill tea ago i had in stttck of an irtvel and hive sbco beca troubled with my llvor and kidneys grsdniny growlus kbrre nnei jm ago t uso low that t tnuktnelr tvak si more like a corpie than a livtat belrit srpeuta and for llvo weeks i ai srwsl- i wu badly emaciated bletnac tired gutd i im i 1 ivrjf tvwsi i wis ladi kxv iuiu no more color than a i bursar anarjlls was ieeomcnrtetl nndi trwpum hrlt mcrqlliad fiolihed ho frstbolue f noticed lliatlfetjbettertsu eit l ess the inonasmetlea es oieetirf- erhidsabslded uio colnr cpm lo return to e and i besne la fee hettsrr- aller sken tunc bottles r could eat anvtlinur wtllioi htrruiic me why r got- so uungrf mt i tad lo eat c imei a dayi i uaveiiow filrrkorerediliaakjto j ww hoods sarsaparilla i fie well sal an well all who knew mo marvel to accrue so wen 1 if jonnxic bprirjg time is ear the earth sgeltirig ready ir it i new garb tlurtfor3ipse ht dwell here frujes within thelreath of alf oil clotb andrnoleamieaiiish j merlcenand canadian patlema also plain sod pasroook grpe snd be aer jsu ont boffir t it correct floor covering for offices lvs brussels dj j2fij2 d tterntaoh matt scalable for bsd v- jiq in addition mmy hoase furnishing goods jiho ryonj that will be baiter apmtad bi ieaw b4jo jsttu by adeaeription serat lomemtbmtalbeboghaoa street window hoooj plll5 nro a itrtasrr nils iastst ttesuoo euro uu clio and bulbasaasa i v house clbahisgi nbfct hind ud rooriti days not far aiy basy days t ly will be wqltonuny rants oarpausadddoiolhsiortbeflooriaaw caitsin and draper 1 windows and i axminttin of ar ire ule io 4e dty shown in wntons brats lit ind ispeetry a- fah ssbortment noqutes and union osrpett afal popdj rug 8 1 ind orurab cloths smyrnaj moquioe and kyber the bawtsile eruml clothes torv bontekeepers and mtny ohingn decessary few deooritions for be home will be heeded new bnndredi of otter wants beforehoasa cleaning days ire over daihesian u in wool see it smil on kay 4th 1893 new planing mill iaah an poor r hh oameron contractor iis fc ipiso i s a stank taeuey wfth saw maehliutt u pre lied to fnrniah plans srxewcauoni der8hc0i utchlkq i sad mould qcg r tiict irxtrrlza or doors sad windows and door tt anas and dressed lumber i stock on head all eraart promptlj keep idadl malfe your homes a t t r a c t i v e entirely different ito show you in lai window blinds it popular prkat someit greatly reduced prices for he on- exhibition the largestiand most complete stockorcarpets and house-fur- hishingjy ever displayed m- now is the time to buy absdi and jesecsomethidg i r ii and fringed a full aassortment of curtain poles t i piev wb uh nitsrrish point point brussels gsuure swiss tamboor mall and nottingham lice curtains in charming variefv of p aho8ashurlaint jn new deiignsandmwke p0btiebe cflfttains shown in the largesr amenoan ideas end ajloringa the tlyles are artistic to design and the coloring so beautiful to effect that whep you see jhem younill cease lo wonder why they sell so way iaieo furniture coveriogs in vsriety j fringe8 snd cbrtain hoidertbeautifo1 style ia fringe suiuble hr drapingand fsnoy witk also bath andcortaiu holders noticef13 feet from hotheoa streetjrheonly entrance thabighl house it on he corpee- of king andhagfasonsireelti v h ighsoh ifre k thoaso wiafikiilnrs h h if we could talk as loiid as taur goods speak there would be sa a din in this town tit a fire alarm vi would le nowlere vm see them see them see them theyre beauties theyrf beauties they beauties 1 theyjrje novelties theyre noyeifis theyre novelties theyre cheap 1- theyre cheap theyre cheap j pleasant our winter fluid ionics smiutff 3chi tr mbajsam for ipm i xess hands aif r coequal prepared only by dispensin drijelph oht tojb tak andenres ievery tiirie -fci- oi the siqn chapped e used after having hajs i2wyndanis remember our fast color american priiis tt s cents 8 andf wrudbam street quelph m otwalifstimt aiaagaw we all list years prints to be oletn it 7 cents 4 iretl j d williamson co cent out tt630 black worsted pants to order at 1360 car- i guelph queph eiotlx haili m iave a fiae range of suitincs amd for overcoatincsw ms seasons tradearid will depleased fdow them- o intending purchasers diir repute tion as rstclass tailors and dealers in telia jle goodsis well known jjshaw v turner rebuildin 0 sale v- m t m vlore and more our anxietycreasesto have our stc ck reducedto the very lowest point to look at trie crowded youd tninkwehad a heavy tai k before us 1 its maryeuoi though how each days sellingmakes holes into the l the low pr ices vlhich rule this weekvil make quite a change but thei time is short arid the goods mustgo v i carpets r two r three featnree are very pro minent n oar carpet stock tnd dis- tiagnishl it from ill others its not the larg st bat it is all new its not arc vded with old patterns thit have b en carried ovexiromseston to season its slain and choice with beeutilt i designs and coloriukt it contains be best vajoe inf he trade jwe are not inxlobt to make money ot of carpets fcis season we have jo t opened the department and are mode anzioas to advertise it than to make profit we wtht yon to know thai yob csn bay tbe nioest and cheap- eat curate from na lacsjcmrtainb curtain mete chenille portieres art i and cretonnes i i- i i dothin the first floor otthe addition is to be devoted entirely to the clothing and gebla furnishings we are going to- run his department strong wo tit offering diaoonnti in- ordered clothing of 25 snd m percent in order to clear out the stock of cloths and tweeds ttll pay yoa to leave yonr messara this week readymades te novef had tnoh a splendid ttoek i j bojrasllits at present not thetrastinaaallt said every garaeot is ftrvtolaaaaijd tqoronghlj reliable wrbaw bt yiara maanfaotdred oar y gents i s ctolbujg ana tl a- nigh jatandard of iu rephlation 2 and 27 wyndharri il l i- fv streer guepb y 2-

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