Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 18, 1893, p. 2

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bqrk coon in aton on batttrdny isth may tbe wife of itith coon pi a dtughtcr s tr at uaiehouic on soaday luhllay the wile of ueorgewyu of a son niiletat horaly on sandy may ill the wilec wmimm biy of a aot i wo k mcwarttorn on uondiy lit ut the wife of liter ltwton otiioq bcpcnu crtoni corner on fridaj luy tl tl e wife o jowpb 6oper of son jeab in acton on sunday kth uy the ifcofmr miam jetnt of a daughter talk of the day an epltoma of the worlds doing during the weak uarried srifrtiihbotrv at lakeside the retwooe of the t ride pirent on tbartdar 11th may ivrcr jofcph edfie mr john c set ton merchant to hary daughter of june rreirn f til of acton died rtocrat hit father ilome in roekwood on friday uy it b george stoat aed yn ntonat rommarj montana klti april 163ft of carletferer claire wnifred only daughter of ramoel p anj utndc k panton iced cm yfatijand two nrootbe hje ctott fm stress thursday may 18 1633 notes and commnts v wo are not accustomed to seeidj com plimenurj allusiocs to canada in amerl can newspapers so thst tbe chicago frrim will permit at to ooogntalite jt upon a tfiendlv refeienoe to lord aberbeen e ap pointment and lo the dominion sa the beantifol daughter of the empire on the american contiuent empire an ottawa gentlemen taw the earl ol aberdeen in chicago iatt week whoinform ed him that he had been appointed gcver nor general of canada the earl ttated that the countess and he wonlj leate chi esjro to day and tail on 6atorday from new yortfor littrpool they eipeet to return to canada about september 1st according to the lait retarni for 1893 oar most raluable mineral output by long odds wta that of nickel k ran op to 13 cis 339 in value while gold which ttanda neit ouly reached 900 s3 strangely enough iron ore n pot down at a beggarly 25 200 tbie will give foroe to the promise of the goternracnl to introduce- a nickel coinage h m 6 blake entirely eolipced amen can ta wall as other war ihipe at kew york tbe other day and now the british steam ship campanaj hat beaten the newly par chased american liner which was to whip all creation by crossing the auantio in c dajs 17 hoora and 2 minutes at oppos ed to the kew york d best record of 5 daye 19 hoars aod 57 minntes acton municipal council the ameaaraent roll returned- laotorts assessment ncraaa- ad tos24s75 the eiportt of hreadstnffs from the united states lut month were for below the record for april 1692 the decrease being not le than 33 per cent in value even this rate of decrease ihokta deceided chadge for the better in tbe four months ending with april the exports of this class measured bj market value fell no leti tlan 45 per cent short of the figures for tbe corresponding part of last year the department of agriculture has for wtrdel to chicago register books for can adiaos wbo ruit the dominion exhibit at tbe world a fair there it a column in tbe book giving the residence of the visitors in the city to that any one who desires can find the party the department is also desirous that the pnblio should know that letters addretsed to tbe canadian pavilion will be delivered to parties when called for an important amendment to the pabhc health act passed in the legislature this week tbe chief provision which empow ers mumcipalit et to issue debenture and raise money for the erection of hospitals during the coming jear may be of great importance if the threatened visitation of cholera should occur it it probable that in tbe event of any sodden necessity tbere are few municipal officials who would not oreride the law in the interests of the people but it is desirable that the widest measure of freedom be allowed during the time of peril a mile jn thirty two teoonds is terrific speed for a train of care sorb as thai wfcich lately ran over the new xork cen tral but a wild duck a carrier pigeon i falcon or a frigate bird could probably ejusl or surpass that rate of motion for a moderate distance evcd a bee can fjy a mile in a minute easily and tome author itlee claim that a mallard duck can cover two miles in tbst brief time there are records of carrier pigeon flights in which ao average speed of about forty five seconds to tha mile wts maintained for half an boa it is sometimes well to moderate oar pride in human achievements by con tide ing the retain attained by nature without the aid of machinery or the art the geary act is indeed a novel and remarkable freak of american legislation it demolishes at a bow every constitution el guarantee on which the chinaman had a right to rely it is tz pottjacto in its operation it deprives the tccuted ol the right of trial bv jury it places liberty and property at the hazard of magisterial ne riaion it casts the onus proband on the pricioner and compels him to be a witness against himself it is of course urged that the law requiring the chinese to register visits upon them no esseotis hardship tbev and their fneiids how ever contend thst it is an invidious and hostile discrimination and that as tbe requirement of an unconstitutional set it is void jt is their hope to have it to declared it is moreover the earnest belief of those who revere human rights and a true americanism that it will lead to be ultimate redrees of grievances great cr than it inflicts it will infallibly call the attention of the american notion al ways just and chivalrons to the whole subject of our relations with china calm consideration of which will convince them that our policy has been onwortby of a grot nation and of a christian people their keen intelligence will not fail to dis ccrri alio that its unwisdom if persisted in mtjit prove a coetly follv shutting us out from the immeasurable advantages of reciprocal commercial relations with some sn hundred millions of friendly disposed peoile our nearest western neighbors whose market within a ceptury wilt be amon the most lucrative in the world r ii leilj the earl of aberdeen hjs appdntmentas governorgen eral of canada successor to earl j derby officially announced ltmov jj n officially anted that tlje erl of aberdeen ha been p poll ted governor general of canada in piles of the i rl of derby formerly baron 8taoey 0 ivwtou who it about to retire from 0 fi ol governor general to waich h waafppoutjj 1d 1sm w t want sr e quelph aath and ja order tmncmil the ontario coil campiny his mule tn assignment thomas ford was trampled to death by a tlallinu near inmbeth on bttnrday mrs lieltreu wbo lives in london towothip ni 103 years old on saturday foiling on the question of repealing the scott act in brome county will take plaoo oil june 1c ii r alutoder camerou a well known tad wealthy citizen of toronto died lion day morning geo fred jalft has been appointed police magistrate o hamilton to succeed the late james ctlnll at exeter op monday george armstrong ot the thames road usborne kh killed by a kick from a horse a toroqto waiter w b bard cordmif led suicide by taking carboho acid tome time during friday night last tbe local directorate of the worlds fair have decided co open the espositioo onsundtytio all department mr waters bill to amend the assett ment act waa discussed in the assembler and referred to a special committee eight cabinet ministers are at present absent from ottawa and are not expected to retorn before the end of the week george r clark assistant manager of the african choir waa found dead in bed at a woodstock hotel tuesday morning mr 3 r booth a large mill at the chau die re began the seasoui sawing yeiterday morning with a gang of over nine hundred men johu h beck for many years a mer chant in brampton died monday of con simption he leaves a widow and two sons mite e ii fairclough of hamilton hia been appointed to a pott graduate fellow tbip in greek in bryn iftwr college pennsylvania bombardier hall an englishman and an et member of tbe british army com mltted tuicide in the guard room at que bea citadel monday dress reform politics and the social evolution of woman were the chief topics of ducussjon at the sessions of the world s congress of women in chicago the amount of dominion ourrency in circulation on may 1 waa 18 hi 000 an increase of 235 000 on marcb and a de crease of t700 000 compared with february eleven of tbe thirteen distilleries at peoria iii will be shot down tbe first of next month by order of the whiskey trust ofcials bcante ot two much stock on hand there is a scheme to celebrate the open ing of the twentieth century of tbe chris titn era by a great international world a fair or something of that sort at jerusalem inldoo ten men were dashed 3 000 feet lo the bottom of a shaft in the calumet and hecla mine al houghton mich on san day te breaking of a coapling pin cans ed the disaster judge benedict in tbe united states court at new xork jbas handed down a decision quashing ttje indictment against john c eno who recently gave himself up to the authorities the report on drainage shows that 58 maoicipalitics in ontario have borrowed 82 582 570 from the ontario government under the municipal act and the ditches and water courses act frankie cook the three year old sou of samoel cook formerly proprietor of the commercial hotel hamilton was drowned in a cittern near mr cook s house in wftterdown on satoraay the west shore road has decided to ter minate the airangement whereby it used the through line of the grand trunk to chicago and will hereafter ran its trains over tbe m c k tracks toronto s city treasurer has made his estimate of the expenditure for the current year he pltces it at t 410 000 exclusive of expenditure on capital account which will amount to about 750 000 at the canadian pavilion in chicago a register is to be kept id which canadians may sign their names and place of resi donee in chicago and how long they intend to stay for tbe information of friends 6idney moore aged 12 had his foot caught in a cattle guard on the grand trunk railway at- belleville tuesday and before he could get ont of the way the lad was ran over and killed by an express train while moving tome boards from in front of a circular saw in card s saw mill at klcinburg tuesday john kurtt a prom inent farmer slipped and ffll on the saw being cut to pieces before any assistance coald be rendered the english war ships which have been so much admired while lyihg in tbe north hirer left on friday and set tail for ber muda directly that tbe blake made a start the other visitingf ships ran up their strings of fiags sailors manned the yards and a heariv god speed was uttered the pwladcli hia record taya that cliicsgo is giving foreign exhibitors to the world a rair an attraction not set dowu on the pregramme the failure of a nation al banluwith a branch doing business on the fair groendt is a feature of basinets operation in the united states which tneylffill study with more perplexity than pleasure the council nut in moqday evening tha reeve in theohur all tha member present the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed the committee oo finance presented their seventh report recommending pay ment of accounts as follows r d graham foedlxul trsnips n john ltvton wbrk on town ball 1 00 wd svtckhammer work an streets- f 37 levi lambert 37 david itills 11 6 80 j kanuawlo coal oil ifc etc 9 18 5k moved by jos anderson seconded by john wulitms that the seventh report of the finanoe committee just read be adopted carried the asmesmsnt of the municipality com pleted a couple of weeks ago shows a total assessment of v28715 an increase of about 18 500 over last year popalatios isftboat the same as that of last year the school population aggregates s2 i fire atouelph t may 15 aboat 11 oclock 6at urday night the btables of the gaelph cart ae company were discovered to be on fire there were seven horses m tbe stable at the time five ot which were rescued but the other two valued at about 150 were burned the cartage company estimsie their loss on contents at 2 000 partially covered by insurance in the economical of berlin the fire is supposed to have been of locendiary origin a tramp was arrest edon suspicion andlhe gave his name to chief robertson of the fire brigade as jobn bums and to thexhtef of polioa as watson from toronto is bis possession was found a letter dated 2udmty signed john lynch to a party in cleveland rewards for bravery otti may 15 the government tits haa kpproved of the grantiu of rewards lo capt cnrey and certain of the crew of the beaver line 6 s lake huron for gallantry displayed in laving the lives of the crew of tbe barque kite cann of ytrmooth n 8 in the north atlantic io january last year to capt carey hat been awarded a binocular elm to tirst officer evans who was in command of the boat which effected hie rescue a gold watcb to loarlliotficer roberts arilverwatch the rescue was effected at very great risk uluaril s i itilmrn rnrrs roth t editors table love through all by amy parkin son this is is collection in booklet form of original verse with sslected portions of scripture arranged for each day of the mouth it comes as a tvotoe from a sick room the authoress having been unable to leave her bed for three years bnnog which period her parents have srntten from her dictation often in the times of most severe physical suffering these bcaa tifnl verses full of cheer aca comfort many of the verses are very gems of poetio bekaty as all will be prepared to believe who bare noticed mits parkinsons coatn butions in the magazines the booklet is neatly printed on fine paper with band tome cardboard cover and tells at the very reasonable price of 25 cents postpaid it is just what one would ten to place in the hands of a friend discount to the trade address orders to tue endeavor herald publishing co 13 25 bay street tor onto the following books are announced as ready for publication by harper broth ers the secobd volume ot the illustrated edition of green s short history of the english people the stary of a story and other stories i by brander matthews the unexpected quests a farce by william dean howells tbe rivals by francois coppee and kirk monroe s new ttory for boys raftmsites a story of the great river all thkee books will be illastrated a revited edition of william blacks ad ventures in tbule will be brought oat at the same tituei tht joyo j8 beftultxjftakinq tlrlely advice the of mr prendersraats 8iffernfnd restorattortqlvem dqctors and believed to be finally raoover per- haalth u by i d aw- fctr from tho comt sr herald mr win oe e achester story resdergaat of the towothip a fortnsc resident of this village is known to almost all la this eec- liorj sad u firmly esteemed by all his acqa mtancei it is well known that mr pren ergatt vrant taroogh t terrible siege of id feeing ahd that f r of hii friends had any ions ot pir recovery mr prender- gait trouble u chronic enteritis intest inal ifiammstioo and what ha suffered si tlmei can scarcely be described hun dred of doljtrs were spent a medical treat cent without avat sedatives stint nlaoli tonics tnl external applications etc rere successively tried with little or no n nit ejrief temporary relief might eutai it was always very brief when the inn tormentor returned to smite bim with fresh agony in this condition mr pren ergatt eoatinasd aatil last sammer whet the physidia frankly toll bim hit bis i ise was incurable the newt cams is t erriblesbock to his wife tad children looj before this after a nunfal straggle he h d been farced to give ap work on hit farm bat there hid always been hopes of his recovery to buoy up his family and fnec it ibat the ittlement thst his case waa sundered loourible was like a stroke of in pending erin a general map for the corporation of the village ot erin has just been completed by mr m c scbofield turveyor and is now in the county regittry ofiice the whole finish is very complete and refleots credit on both mr schofleld and mr w hill tout who added the finishing touches to the map this map was ordered to be made by the inspector of rgistry offices some months ago tbe annual meeting of the members of the mechanics institute was hell ia tbe town hall on wednesday evening last week although this institute has been organiz ed a little over a year the report was very encouraging and showed that there were now 100 members value of books parchas during the year not fiction iso 09 fiction 816 83 number of vol purchased 168 number in library 32 iciued to readers during the year 1000 valne of books in library 230 90 the ofbcere for the pres ent year are r wood president c h walker vice president t j hamilton secretary treasurer and librarian messrs wra conboy d campbell t scott t akins jas walker rev r fowlie drs mcnaugbton and martin directors tbe council of the village of erin will meet as a court of revision on the 20th inbt at 7 30 p m in the town hill master fred travis sneceeded id captar ing one of the finest speckled beealies on monday that had been seen in erin for many a long day but on tuesday morning mr w conboy jr cangbt one a few ounces heavier the weight of ibe two trout being five pounds fourteen ounces advocate serious accident at a raising haxiiltou may 10 at a barn raising on the farm of f beforth con 5 east flam boro a heavy piece of timber fell ttrtking wellington griffin on the head and one of his shoulders he was picked op nncon scions andtaken to his home at a late hour last night he was in a dangeroas con dition blood was still oozing from his month and fears of internal injuries were entertained tbe canadian order of forester is a fraternal benevolent society incorporated in 1879 and registered under the insurance corporations act 1892 of ontario the objects of the society are to fnrniah its member vith sick and funeral benefits and an inturance of one or two thoaaand dollars the payments for these benefits range from about one dollar to one dollar and fifty cents per month according to the age of the member and the amount of the insurance carried the membership is composed of men only and when admit ted they must be between the ages of eighteen and orty five the present nam ber of members is over 10 000 and the society has a cash surplus on hand for the pay ment of the insurance of over 215000 50 000 of which is in dominion of canada bonds and the balance is invested in the best monetary institutions of tbe domin ion in addition to this the local courts hare about a half a million of dollars in their treasuries for thy payment of the sick and feneraf benefits the high secretary of the order is mr thomas white of brantford and itt expected that a conrt of this popular and trarely cana dian society will ehortly be organised here men of business yoa cannot afford to have yoar ofiice scantily supplied with stationery of van in- fenorgrade first impressions ire strong ted your business methods will be judged by yoar business forms when the highet grade of printing can be had at as low a price as tbe poorest grade yoa shoald get the best the fan pfess job dept is filled with modern facilities for the highest class of work call write telephone of telegraph to tire acton fkkx press there are so many coagli medicines la thejmarket that it is sometimes difficult fp tell which to bay bat if we hsd a coagh cold or any aflliclioo of the throat c lung we would try bwkles anlt con umptive syrup thine who have used it think it is far ahead of all other nrenjn- tioua recommended dr inch comptaites the little folks like it as it is as pletoaoc- u syrup doom and bis friends con- ly dreaded to hear that he was no si n was t io condition ot tfisirs at the close of last i aomer and a little later it wa mdecitodd that mr preadergut iu gett ig better sad or the way to recovery late one of nit best friends while m the htn id tanctarn remarked prendergsst is on hit feet tgtln and as louod u a bell inqu ry naturally followed si to what had prod iced this remarkable result and we were informed that his recovery wis solely due 1 3 tbe use of dr willismt piuk pills for i ale people tha herald had ptblitb ed 1 1 particulars of many remarkable curei by the rjie of this remedy and while not t y any means sceptical felt a strong detii to verify a cue in our locality and toco dlngly drove to mr prendergaitt up r lachiug the house it was ascertained that mr prendergsst wts some distance awaj in the field meadiog a fence thith er th d scribe wended his way meeting with cord xl welcome and an invitation to coma back to the house to dinner after dinner we n ged him so tell tboat the remarkable chan o that had taken pltce in hit con ditio i at fint he wis inclined to pat as off lying that be bated to think of the old d iys of agony and misery however at la t he told as all he hid undergone bis story bearing out whit haa been said con cerni ig his condition al er the dectors htd given him ap his wife hoping a ilnst hope bad urged bim to tr dr wil itma pink pills hetooat ed t is idn at first saying that these thin were al humbugs t last moce to pl ase his i rife than anything else he sentiocotnoeifor tomecf tha pink pills he h id not ta en them many days when he fo ind they were giving him relief the pain etsened bis appetite began to retarn tnd 1 3 did hon and confidence ha pro cared another supply and found himself grow ng daily stronger he felt that he could walk th oagh the fields without tha fear i f being i trickes down by a tuden pain later t e resumed work on his firm and f mud to 1 it amazement that he coald do a itrd days work without fatigue io a woi 1 that hi had completely recovered he h 4 taken dr williams pink pjha at the cattet without hope of benefit and mere y to pie ise bit wile now he finds tbem a llfeboa and an ark ot safety dr williams piok pills for pale people are i lanufacmred by tha dr williams mediilne con piny broekvllie ont ind schei ecttdy 1 yl firm of unquestioned relist ility pink pills are not looked upon as a patent ediolue bat rather a pre script on an analytlt of their properties showi that ttey ciattln in a condensed form all the elements necessary to give new 1 e tnd r cbness to the blood and re store hatters nerves they are an an failing tpeufic for inch diseases ss looomo torats cia part al paralysis st vitas dtoce sctatii a neartlgii rheumatism uervous beads he lh after effects ot la grippe palpit tlon of he heart sud the tired feel ing re citing from nervous prottrstion all diieu s depending on vital humors in the blood tacb is scrofula cbronio erysipelas etc i a remedy for building anew the blood enabling the system to sacoectfally resist disease dr williams piak pills stand tr in advance of any other remedy knowr to medical science pink pills are a specific for the troubles peculiar to the emtio tyttemi giving a rosy healthy glow i pale or sallow completiont lathe case o men tbey effect a radical care ia all cases idling from mental worry or over work i ny nature dr williams pink pills ire sold only in boi ss bearing tha firms trade mtrk tnd w appsr printed in red ink beir in mind thtt dr williams pink pills are never old in bhlk or by the dorea or haa dred s id any dealer who offers substitutes in th form is trying to defraud yoa and shoolc be avoided tha public are also caatlo isd igiujtt ill other tocdled blood builds t sad nsrva ionics pat ap la itml itr for n intended to deceive they ire ill imitit ont whose makers hope to reap a pecani try advantage from tha wondecf ol repute ion achieved by dr wilhimi pink pills ask yoar dealer for dr williams pink 1 ills for tle people and refuse all imitat oat and labstitates dr viluaati pink pills may be hsd of all dri gguts or direct by mail from dr willis is medicine company from either addres i at 50 cents a box or sue boxes for 2 50 the price at which these pills are sol i make i coarse of treatment com paratu ely inexj leutivo as compared with other i imedies i ir medical treatment botb tfie jnethod and results when gympof i igb is taken it is iumnt and relies eg to tha tasteand mfe sntljyet proraptlyonthekidneybv irer and bowels cleanses the sy tea effect wily dispels colds head- aehes and fevers andcures habitual constipati n- syrup of fig is tha only remi dy of its kind erer pro duced plehsfogto the fast andao ceptable tithe stomach prompt ia its action and truly beneficial in its effects pre sared only from the moat healthy an i agreeable substances its mssyexce lentqualitlescommendit to all and have made it tho most popular re nedy known eyrup o figs is for sale in 75a botues by all leading druggists any relial is druggist who may not have it c a hand will procure it promptly or any one wno wishes to try it it ajfflfcctiired only by th ciuforw fig strop c8 eajtlujlcnoooal cumrruzi cr xvr tost ix ac tort saw mills coii hd wood yaeds jhtoes 1cutct4 ttohs lumber latl coal and wood deliverer brown xjfd di1xjxtk stjtnglw cotl tad wood ivajt ia tocfc tod promptly i tajr ptrt of thotova it uoatblo prlec ksirdirood ind ilibt oat itoro laajth lrtp on hind ttjlphoaa eoiiaiaixfettion mac ike gr acton nd repair shop ndbll wright ctuaar axe s ell equipped with all the mael kneeata j to execate all repairs to machinjet j a iricttltttral ikflzuxhts and t do ill kinds of j s e ait frrnno- h r8z shoeing and a uteral blaoksjothina aaiv odwarfc repairs nerformed n a satis- ftctoct l lanaer we esa repair any iqaebina or fnpleah ot of any maka haw armiaiins and ojtntea a -aaektsfoc- njecthy3 enp descents bx7aixs ttfmz l and qcw omjjbhated lawk uowi el high wheel hi h speed crnfeli ft wright m urn gclagow hjbuse acton we are offering i qarpets curtains and elousfr furnishing goods per cenii cheaper than they can be purchased out of town our dress goods department is complete with the newest fabrics and trimmings sin jlttrtisfliutttb iusricilt wall papers and bobbers v i new a iuk artistic- designs at the- drug store see oursamples andget our prices before any line is sold ont trespassers take notice mke undersigned hereby tfeiwtlee that 1 after lib claffl any mtn or peufbd tresbuilne on their premtsoa it3ss a eoeu j by flauins snooting 6et wsj 2 envothexwar 15 lioatrfaoraui to i joseph cabby i i wm mows acton ha j i 133 driying outfit for 8ate the undersigned bat tt ajsts drlrsr stxvearsold 8 robes and earnest foci eoadttton wtt hbustbeet i aetoa fae1t for sale chb ondmirned desires to feojsell t farm n b i lot h cen j esqcotfng lis etontttttaeroa paupartllarswuibegi we are showing today some exceptional values m single width dress goods it will pay you to see them before purchasing we still rushing boots and shoes lots of good airs remaining ifendersolsi j 5tco shoes th t it is possible vicinity who ara not boots and shoes that deserves yoar ti system of money snir thro are yet soma people a gaelph and are 1 wl we are selling ladies and childrens fi these and others we would say this is a matter lghtfcil consideration as it means to you a s- wo dout make 3 toes use specialists the t beans another for misses au to a makers know their 01 lines makes little different who qualities and money sjprortfc thu result of cl ample capital is a largt shoe needed may be cheap reliable footwe ady variety required some of the less you with as follows- i vtottce a hereby gtoan that 1 bare impound 11 ed a sorrel horse wish oor vbtte fees white man and tail has been in pound usee bator day ovrner will please parexpenses and take hta j7 0bahau aeton vcayltui 183 pound kooper kind ladles oxf orris a nice donkojja ladles tart you save money by se and uordo we control any one factory we gc ing to this man for ladies styles to iott er for childrens and infants some wall enough to exoelt tn all three it they are or where they are so long as arte the best obtainable buying is close selling and the result of 1 varied assortment ixa matter what the e can meet every demand from finest to r oursoe department will supply you with i cpeunivi grades of ladies shoes we supply opera toe tip or plain 125 oxford good fitter st 20 oifardssl 25tot 22 rrjeans auc shoe department g b rylkn only one price hyslop aulfeild fc co sco gublph ntt st west f toronto will celebratec all fitted we it will pa send for i fycycle warehouse in canada stocked with tii humbt r belsize and spartan wheels eumatic tires dso have a fewcushiop tired wfieels that we are quoting very low to cear you to see our wheels atalogue see jur diamond frame pn iumatiq best value the world j h jackson 1l max tsmfl nd prices before purchasing if you cannot call i tire guaranteed kafety for 10000 the agent oeorcgtown t tlmiohf tutj auawtv upon ippucevtloa to pstnaoclbb or uirnretr wir hoekvood qaelpb tha dht money to loatf aeutor thiijs property at reascoabls rates appy town hall acton v f0rsaie that desirabu property lately qcspled or william bamsba deceased oonaistiiii ol frame dwelling bouse witlrwood shed attached aooamoimi stable a ood well and date toeetber with an acre of choiee lsnd bating number of fmlt trees tbereoiiall betas in tool order possession siren lmtdeduttly spply to joek ifabsbalii msloiwzti p 0 i in pound t notice to credit0bs n tha matter of wiulam iramhaw deceased vtotice ii hereby gltea parromt to wb xx sutatem in cb bhir that til ertdfton t ot svuliam buuibw lata of the vuu ot acton wbo died on tbe 35th day of april jbb3 r to lend by joflt prepaid to john mtratutui huatviti poet office ont adroinfrtrmlor of tha eauu of the ud fleceued on or before theflrft dayot jane 1893 t atatement in ttit- tng eanteiningrau ptvrticaln of their eujmi ud the ntare of the eecority if tny held by them and farther tako notice thai tbe ijd admin iitnior will proceed on and after that late to dii tribute the aueti ot the laid dooeaaed among the partiee eatluadlthereto hiring re- ard oniy to those claims tl which they ihalj are hid notice joh kapshall admlnifltrator dared at aeton thfi 12th day of uay 1893 t al framed size 4 x iy colored or crayort tints and one dqz6n chsin6ts time ior 5do this is only for a limitd tjstjt2vettsv7 pliotographei fashionable f west end 99 uphr jriyndhrlstrbbt 1 suitws r overcoating r and pantings deaotilnl desifjci new spring hats new gents furnishings new anrlxesdidg styles try oar onleandned sbut at 50o my speciality perfect fit ting pants to order 400 fi e nelson ifcrehant tailor aod benta furnisher 99rjppsryyathamst ouelph 1 steel engravings fi rvort oak ri i ti artists materials hll stock of wtosor er howfems fjak doube tubes bowseys 10c ix 10 deep photo frames eompibte 80o 5 feet cornice tole brass fittings 25c our wall papers are tud to 4 0e best selected in tbe city watebs bios e8tabh8he igrj 8t aeoroessqtjaee orteup fi bank of montreal oawtal rebt 12000000 6000000 bom opened tr ocmneouon with this branch latest allows at bbirenthste ja8mpjhlay mtjutu ooah bluatal wstthl skspjssssrsw- stssav8f-

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