Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 18, 1893, p. 4

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l 1 if teijg ixcton tee kssj ill i m i 1 till hsday may 18 ibm she floung folks gravely the little procetsion j tm lie tvi 1 ben and we i lei ttirougj ibe mowrailn orcbvrd an itopioj tt the iptiu trw dvw dojtuns a tin crave im there aud tbo clilldrcn ttood ibout il i with i lolcmn tender air tlicy photed uieflisof the- comhry the blcwed rd white and blue and tiucred their eloreri and dke andtlie bocnle tlolcti too and then tbo email binds jolchm c3oira the bird at davwn they mas ith wber voice fid i3ul cv4 mircblng oa and the foldler under tbo flowen with the old flj at hu hed hadfoufibt in abandredbattlm and a hundred chirce itvj wounded sorely tod often hrnto to the end bo tttjrxv bfiall ice lionor him auyleu dearly t hccuie be tu made of wood 9 annie hamilton dutinelt notes here and- there itaml of qanaral interest to free press readers ilirl lieu mood aa patarally results from taking hoods 8txtspanlla ti ptrtontl cleanliness results from free ne o soap cud wateri this great purifier thoroughly eipela scrpfult ttlt tbenm and all other impurities and buildii op every organ of the body now ii tb timo to take it a succession of blotaoma in every wellordered gerdeo great atten tion will be given to furnithing a regular continuity of bloom to that the garden will contain a continual euccessiooof vary ing beauties from eirly tpring until lcte autumn this canbe accomplished on a very tmall pieoe of ground and witbin the range of asingle bed itmajbenecoessspy sometimes however to grow some of the plants indoon that they may be ready to transplant when they are required tbe first plaots in the tpring includethe crocus and the snowdrop these may be followed bydiflerent varieties of hyacinths kelt in order will be tulips and after tulips the variety will be abundiol tbe only real difficulty will then be which tncboose from rather to find varieties several of the successive orders may be grown in the bed itself if pains are taken to plant theflrafc tbe right time and in tbo right way it very pleasing to have tbe flower bed attrac tive just at the right time a flower bed with rraoy old plants and but little moom is not a very attractive eight in fact it rather repels than attracts it would- be better generally speaking to have a small bed lhu9 kept than to have tjveral beds with but little bloom in them unless at some particular season of the year this higbeet praise baa been won by hoodt lills for their easy yet efficient action sold by all druggists price to cents id tea drama of life the ocean has the principal role for the thorough and speedy cure of all bloofl diseases and eruptions of the skin take horthrop lymans vegetable d it- covety mrs b forbes detroit bad a roontng sore on her leg for a long time commenced nsing northrop lymans vege able discovery and she is now com plete y oared her busbnd thinks them la no hiug equal toit for ague or any low fere- the man who is canvassing for a new dictionary wanta a word with you guard against cholera keep tbe blood pure the stomach in good work og orjer and the entire system free from morbid effete matter by using bur dock blood bitters which cleanses strengthens and tones the whole system holerk cannot stitack the healthy anjempty bottle as often brings a m cage of a wreck on land as at sea the little things how many of us when we awake in the morning resolve to do all the good we can and going oat coming in contact with tbe world forget to be plessant forget the smile kiod word and act wanting to do some great act leaving the little things undooe tbe pleasant goodmorning the grasp ot the band the thousand and one little things that seem so insignificant to us yei to some ope unaccustomed to kind nesses how much it ia to them no one but the heavenly father knows not a sparrow fallb to the ground with out our heavenly fathers notice and re membering this let each one of as do all the good we can if we cannot receive tbe applause men because we fail to dosoine great act let us receive the well done good and failhfol servant tbou hast been faithful over few things i will make thee ruler over many and be more than con tent a tribute to a lawyer borne years so ephraim mariner tried a case in tbe circuit court for an old irish man the suit wab against the brother of mr mariners client it was fought bitter ly and there was a great deal of feeling displayed during the course of the trial as there always is when relatives get to fight ing each other mr mariner wonthecase hit cliedt was in a state of exultation he thanked tbe lawyer again and agaio when he reached the south door of the court house he paused before going down the steps and slapping his lawyer a vigor ous blow oh tbe back he said we bate them diddt we mr mar iner iyes andrew it came out as i said it would said mr mariner quietly mr mariner said the old mau hls voice trembling with emotion youre a gentleman in dibguise milirauirr llij bishop brooks simplicity that chatty scottish gossiper dr boyd did not wholly approve of tbe democratic simplicity of the late bishop phillips brooks of boston in bis twentyfive years of st andrews he speaks thus of him at the house of lords june 2a met phillips brooks of boston tj s a the great preacher of the american epis- copal church a great burly man frank and friendly mr brooks being dressed like a respectable gamekeeper of the lake not a trace of clerical attire when i came to know him better i revealed to him my perplnityot his appearance but he said that on the street at home he was merely a citizen when he entered into church he tvsa duly arrayed and be ex pressed a frank disapproval of professional drebs and tf other things notably of pala ces euipges andjpurple liveries in re lation to the hierarchy in fact one felt he was a republican firbt and resolutely had la grippe mr a nickerson farmer dutton writes list winter i bad fta grippe and it left me with a bevere pain in the small of my back and bip that used y catch me whenever i tried to climb a fence this lasted for abjnt two months wheii i bought a bottle ot dr thomas ecleclric oil and ased it both internally and externally morning and evening for three days at the expiration of which time 1 wasicompletely cured thejraao who was dissatisfied with the menagerie said it was a beastly affiir for frost bites bias for chapped hands sore throat and frost hites i find nothing excels hag- yarda yellow oil wliich soon healed up the frozen part ciias loxowcin almedanwt ii is lot difficult to be generous to a fault beo that fault happens to be ones bwc kill it by feeding ft with j scotts emulsion it isreirwrfc- iablemow otts of fluro korwegtan ooj liver oil and kypophosphltes will top a cough cure a cold and check consumption in its earlier sugw ls well arll form of waitings olseasqs scrofua bronchitis imoti n patatnbte nt mtft- prepares cnljr by scott bowne bellettlle tbe birds were the first spring poets their lays are good and on nest ones g c klciuriis 4 co govtteirer the top of my head was bald for several years i used min akds liniment and n6w have ab good a growth of hair as i ever had mrs auirrt mckay wherty itiver p e i i have used mikahds liniment freely on my head and now have a good head of hair after haviog been bald for several years it is the only hair restorer i have ever found mns c amiekson slanlej bridge v e i 51 little boy gakts my little boy bad a severo hacking coush and could not deep at night i tried hagjards pectoral balsam and it cured him very qnickl mfi j iiickett linwood ont it wasnt outil women started in to im- prove her mathematics that 6he began to count for much linn to uit a sunlight picture send 25 sunlight soap wrappers iwrapper hearing the words why does a woman look old sooder than a man to lever bros ltd 43 scott st toronto and you will receive by post a pretty pic tura free from advertising and well worth framing thi is an easy way to decorate if yon want to bay or sell a farm ad vertise in the toronto welly mail that paper reaches 100000 farmers homes every week and your advertisement should meet the eye of someone who wants to pun yonr home the soap is tbe best in thejche adverti6menta of this class are n- serted inthe toronto hcewy mail for five cents a vord each insertion or twenty ceut a word for five insertions address theimail toronto canada it has lieen estimated that it vvould take a mm 3000 jears to read all the standard works markol nei it will cost lc postage to send in the wrapjerr i leave the ends open wnt- your address curefully jltnardv uiriiimiiiforlllieitmatlsiii no maud dear the chickweed and tbe tglplnt n not numbers of the same bot anical fliriih rnqjrvs op woubh ntitl dr ilercet fnvoriio prescrip tion those who wiot to bo mado strong and those who want to be made well it builds up invigor ates regulates o cures 1 for young i prls just entcrins i womanhood for women who havo ibf to become mothers for mother 1 or ovseli u n mumj lk that tt cm rensed n jte money wm u sj ctu tire celeste coon syracuse n y writes foryearsi could not eat many kinds of food without producing a burning excruciating pain iu my stomach i took parmeleeb pills according- to directions under the head of dyspepda or lmliges- tion one hot entirely cured me i oan now eat anything i choose without dis tressing me in the least these pills do not cauec pain or gripiug and should be used wjjen a cathartic is required onetenth of the world is still uuex- ploied few are the remedies jvliose beneficial qualities and real merits have mado them so tapular with the public and fucreased fronij year to yer their oomsiimption which whilst iotek 1 lie most valuable remerlial properties are yet 0 simple in their oniiouiih and so eay to take as the quinine wine prepared from the pure sulpfmte of quinine combined with fine 6herty wine and choice aromatics wliich relieves the quinine of ituhitter taste and doe rot impair in the lesst degree the eracuny of iu action upon the patient whila small doses frequently repeated strengthen the pulse incresv mncilr force aud invi ih- tone of the ner vous tystem and thus by the general vigor which it imparts creates au appetite whicti give to the atorasch tone and energy ad fortifif the system agalnit all infectr om diseasta ask for northrop a ly- fqainiiw wine told by all leading drogsttt look hen do yol col blue and despondent do ptins net and tear away at netrej and muscle and havo you been diuppaiukd in coding a remedv that will afford certain and speedy relief f it to go at oooe to an jr drug store and buy a bottle of poisons nemlinc poisons necrilins never alia to relieve neuralgia cramps headache rhuematittn and ill internal or external paint j carman druggist morris- burg writes all the parties i supply speak very favorably of poisons narvilina and always purchase a second lot poi sons nerviline it told in bottles at 2 centa by all druggists and oountry dealer everywhere the mint cat li not the only tailless variety in tbe crimea is found another kind of cat which bat no tall a member or tile ontario board of health says i bave prescribed scotts emulsion in consumption and even when the digtative powers were weak it has been followed by good results h p ycohiocs abmd there are 0000 intoxicant cures cocconptioii congo czotn7 foro threat gold br all dtnexiitt cw a gttuxaaec fit a lcno side fisd cr ckerf bhuoia portjo platter will give rryt sathfietia a ceats 6hnoh vitallzer mri ff b hawmtu chattanooga tcaa sa t ehoovtvticvrkaved sr ltfef t cmslderttthebatrakiisyforaismutatdtfle icarani fordmietisaiiterorliklaey uoabtoltctocja prjcotscta catarrh remedy have flou catarrh f trythlaecnedr itwol posluvcfyrouevo and cure yoa price wctj thts iniectar lev its stucorrfal trcatmezit 1 fumlahoirrco licmcmhcrbauohgltnrrwilfla are sold pa a roarantoe to clvo air lf srtttoa i a ccmplltated case dun bias i waa troubled with bilious ness headache and loaa ot appetite 1 oonld not rest at eight and was very weak but after using three bottles of b b b my appetite ia good and i am better than for years past i would not now be with out b b b and i am also giving it to my children mas walteb bcaxs maitland n 8 in italian cities the cleaning of streets is sold to the highest bidder at a public auction mnnr th re it nothing whloh adds o a boys laoce a ia lift next to henesfy oc parpose like t le practice of gooi breeding wberever he go it oa the sidewalks la th buggy aj w i ti la the paclar if yoa meet a boy who stated to give yoa half road or am oat o the sidewalk yoa miy cktt him aa a boy with no sense of justice a hit tost whet we ipetfc of a polite boy wa da not with jbeaarfentood tt referring toaaewho bowt ow tad lakes off bit hit simply bat we rx saa the honest face the one who earth t a tmile oa hit ooantentnoe we mean the ode who hit a kind salutation when he meets yoa fn the morning and a pleati at goodnight in tke vtalnga boy hate face it tlwayt void of offence on oi how to swear a witnate of your ooatemporariee tha other day iboke of a certain jadje hot one ban dred- utlea away from this city who refut- tirrar a witceit until die ejtcted a chew terbacky he matt be a blood relati o of that other judge in the new if washington before whom an ex- toldis of oar late civil war appeared u a witns ia h ild up your right arm laid the nt do it wiynot gi t thot in the arm h id up your left arm then ci nt do that nayther got thot in one too en bold up yoar leg no man can be sw rn in this court without holding up tomet ling tothe ti covsuhptiok cubed there are so many cough medicines to the market that it is sometimes difficult to tell which to boy but if we had a cough a cold or any affliction of the throat or luogs we would try bickles anticon sumptive syrup those who have used it think it is far ahead of all other prepara tions reoommended for such complaints tbe little folks like it as it it aa pleasant as syrup the first post office opened its doors in paris lnhgj in england in 1581 in america in 1710 oh what a cough will you heed tbe warning the signal perhaps of tbe sure approach of that more terrible disea cinsumption ask your belves if you can afford for the take of saving 50o to run tbe risk and do nothing for it we know from experience that sbilohs core will cure your cough it never fails it takes eight times the strength to go upstairs that is requires for the same dis tance on tho level the third page of the toronto daily hail it noted for want advertiiementi ifyou want to buy or sell anything if you want a situation a mechanic a but- ness machinery lodgings if you havo loet or ound anything orif yoa want to find out where anyone is advertise in the to ronto daily hail and- read the advertise mentsonjthe third page of that paper the charge is two cente a word each in sertion address the hail toronto can ada tho prebsure of the atmosphere on the man of average btature is about fifteen tons yet it is not felt when haby tvts sick wo gflro licr castorta when she woa l child she cried for castfaru tvhcii she bocanio 111m tio clung to castoria when she bad children sititjavouieiucajtorla scraped with a itasp j sias i had such a severe cough that my throat felt as if scraped with a rasp on taking dr woods norway pine syrnp i found the first dose gave relief and the second bottle completely cured me miss a a dowxet manotic o hateful error melancholys child i why dobt thou show to the apt thoughts of men things that are not a wonderful new combination is it starks headache neuralgia and liver powders nice to take perfectly harmless mr wills chief of police woodstock sajb a sure cure every time aid farmer barrister hamilton says i experienced almost immediate relief ifrom their use for sick headaches mr mer cer contractor hamilton says i con sider them a very valuable remedy and far superior to many others i have t ied mrs gaston hamilton says i have derived great benefit from them having been a long time a sufferer f rom headache biliousness and neuralgia mrs crist hamilton says no medicine or doctort did my daughter any cood until we used starke headache neuralgia and liver powders tbe have effected a complete cure mrs keats hamilton says lour powders have been the greatest blessing to me price 25 cents a box 8old by all medicine dealers an ild physician retired firom prtotloe havlni had placed in his hands by an east india nlttfoaary the formula of a timpte vegeta io remedy for tho speedy and per- raanet t cure of consumption bronchltit catan b art hint and all throat and lang aflectl nt also a positive and radical care for ne roas debility and all nervoat com pltinti after having tetted its wonderfal cartti e powers in thousands of cases has fell it lit duty to make it known to all his tufferi ig fellowt aotnated by this motive letire to relieve human lafleriog i will te d free of charge to all who desire it thit tt ipe in german french or english nil directioni for preparing and sent by mail by addressing with naming thit paper w a nortt with nsing stamp wea eto and wine 620 po vert block rochester n y tneas debility paleness anaemia e cured by milbums beef iron it has been proved it hs i been proved over and over again that b rdock blood bitters cures dytpep- tit ocnttipation biliousness headache scrotal and all diseases of the stomach liver ai d bowelt try it everyiottlo it guaran eedto benefitor cure when taken accordi ig to directiout the roe sporttman will never figure out how mi ch lets it would have cost him to buy his fish than to catch them rerfect satisfaction g ercelleojt and long ti heartbotn me tad since with when a always i bave found b b b an remedy both as a blood purifier family medicine i was for a troubled with sick headache and and tried a bottle which gave perfect satisfaction that i have n used it as our family medicine e biizxr north bay ont little men it may be different but all man finds himself short he is m harassed gee ral tbl there trea number of variaties of eornt holloways corn cure will remove any of them bottle al cha tores ly cm 3tll on your druggitt and get a once pisa red by hands and lips cracked skin i woundt and brniies are prompt victoria carbolio salve lows worm syrnp is tho ttandard of excellenqv dren cry mothers recommend it chil for it worms fly from it ulnat 1s llnlrawitfor hlieuraatlsm urn urcp hctal i annamr m usl suiluht 4 ko equal for uokiiry h0u8eh0ld a rardad 11 ooi4 hedals pisos cure tor the iest cough meojclketl sos it itohti 17 m v ua consumption dolltr buys at the quarter ator ung west hamilton on come 1 1 followtog extraordinary bar- a quarter twentysva bination th gains 5 its ohoio i italian peel for 25o 25 snpe ior washing soda for 25c 8 excel ent rice for 2oo 8 bnpeior laundry starch for 25o 10 good 3ooking raisins for 25o 6 packages 3orn starch for 24o 6 its choic i mixed bird seed for 25c t monster i ar good laundry soap 25c hamilton slakms purest strongest best coatsjat no alum ammonia line poapftatrs or aay lejurfaflt e w qillett toronto ont 20 lbs t 6c six 1 cofiee cocos company 0 lb currents for 25o 7 superior tapioca for 25e 38 cake toilet soap for 24c 15 tbe best baling soda far 25c 7 blueing or 2jo 7 extra q alitysagt for 25c 9 nice fro b biscalbt far 5 boxes lacifi uakhet for 12 bars eleotri soap j t u boxes match t t butssu kamtltt y tsj coitpakt tsttt king stree watt south tide na bank of i amutoa hamiltoo 2sa 25a 25o 25o 25c rtha the ideal hustler hotr do iome drummtrt tell lott of roods fad others vary little 1 repealed jeorge wtthing while one of the bright- nt lights of the qainoy crowd la antwer oa query from an outsider well ill ell yoa a little ttorr i heard two draro- nort talking oaoe one wi telling tticks f good while the other wis befnj mt all oand the uasacceisfulmtn halput up our qiery to the other sow do yoa tell mtny goods while it tmrntlcaatmaki tale r well antweted he other therei a tecret aboat it tea are lit starting at and to help yoa along ill give yoa it pointer bat yoa matt keep ft tecret sate replied the yoauger beanriag with feasant tnlicipilion haw ia yos miotge t be successfau itlwayf make it a colnt replied the elder to wear oat the spies of my shoes instead of the teat of my iroaseri fathers look look 8 yoar boy as he turns into these deathdtaling placef the liquor tiloouton hit way from work see m at he turnt in again at night sea him aa- ha tarnt oat tt midnight itapefitd dazed maddened ready for any crime eager far violence tad perhtpt before the tan ritet bearing the mark of clinton his brow you hand within the thadosr of the gal lows and yoa shudder as yoa heac hit list words liquor brought me hare what matters yourery ot anguish my taakfv ton i woald to god i coald hare died for yon i 1oa helped to bring him him there yoa voted to keep the places open where he could bring hit fearful doom upon himself yoa are a consenting party yoa were one of the lignect of his death warrant christian patriots fathers mothers cant yoa tee it 7 woat yoa tee haw this applies to yoa f dtmiraci men of business yoa cannot afford to havo yoar office scantily supplied with stationery of an in ferior grade first impret t iont are strong and your basinets methods will be judged by yoar holiness forms when the highest grtdeofprinttngcanbe had at at low a price as the poorest grade yoa thoald get the best the fixe pacts job dept is filled with modern facilities for the highest class of work call write telephone or telegraph to the acton fbee peesj i will now write something in a light and airy vein said the clerk who makes ou gas bills hoast is tbe old scotch name for a cough the english name for the beet core for coughs is dr woods norway pine syrup yod can tell more about a mans charac- terby trading horses with him than yoa can by bearing him talk in prayermeet ing ulnards llulment relieves keuntlcta pure powdered ly purest strokcest best bolt- aioc water dtilnfcctliitf tnd hantlnj4 othef aoiqeqiiiaapottadbukod ml itr ah crtrci bud drvsctatt w oxt v ttwoato spring 1893 i goods k springs brings new hopes new circumstances aud new idea i it also brings spring fash ions in dress goods silica millinery mantles wraps para sols laces gloves hosiery cors ts ladies underwear dress trim nings dres3 buttons and a lare variety of other goods too numerons to mention to the mam moth house wis have purchased largely aud early this season in the above fancy goods and staples in anti cipation of a rise and all the goods are op the move up from 15 per cent toi25 per cent so reauji wecan sell jou gdods all this season at about wholesale prices we never had larger cheap jr or better dtocks of shirt ings tiottous cottonades denims tickings towellings linens tab- liugs than now our prints are superb aud the cheaper by 15 per cent than the wholesale price we have a- big stock of carpets aud 01 cloths cheap ot variety of all kinds of goods is largi with the latest novelties ladies and geuts footwear in immense variety and extraordin ary cheap our millinery opening will be in the beginning of april dress and mantle making will bo up if the mark as usual our wishing tailoring and geuts fur- departimmts nothing to beat them n ontario we iave several leading lines of goods we are slaughtering tho public catiuut be served cheapei or better anywhere and they are cordially invited to iu- spect wiltilliljreleodco aeorfjetowk k- li mm iimmi l j what is cast0ria dastotria to dr soiiaol ptehcrt tescriptton for inflintt andjobndwov it jcontaltts neither opfammorphine not tjtliir karootlo enbstonco it is r uartnltim nibftitata for parcfforio iwops soolilnff syrups on castor oh it li pleasant j iu traaraatoa is thlitr rears oh iy aimtoiisoflflotlich cortadcroyatoriiifibiiiallaj fororlslincss ontario ptaxents vomiting bohr card euros diarrhoea and wind colfc cattoria roucrtw tactlilng troablca euros sorta csslmllaiea tlid dtstorf i rt i tot i ot ledect cstorfjts i ch i am iii rwtffint i it rest of ite docttk i a royfa tie pblne is its lieato gaatoria constipattoaand flatnlcney food reffabrtes tuo womachi and bowels eivtas iiedjtar and natural sloop can- iarufi is tuo children pttnaooatlio mbtherj krlcntl it ma cxeelfcit ncdj rno f eh him tcpeatcdly old ma of ppoa thctr chj idrca i da o 1 omooo luaai i it the bett remedy far children cf acauilstit ihopottoihylirot ttonotiotrflrsikjcrtiercil uelr chfldrca and usa caatoria ia- s vsrfaosojiacfcrwsrjuaiswaicucro i helrtdrod oucj byfokuionta3j aothjcs lyrap vni other hurtful dotijn their thrdits thceir t nsves 1 da j f kaanloc ty if prcxtatcrec gaatoria v railwaytirxfe table grand trunfc railway bxtrrtss i w j- mail w ot w railway pooro turr y v i exprest g sat faawsger jib im exptets 110 sjxt t ot pttt puwrz r itn- 1 ud u v- tio ttosixo suits joiof wst- m am and 5 pii fiotnf batt10 15 tm and i 0 pm this time table went into effect oo dewmfcar rthwl dunns thecooksbestfriend larbist salctncnaoa cuforci ti to if adpeto cafldren tnat i rccomaend baatcpertwtoaayreaerfptjaa o a asemcavst d 111 be o s brootdya if t cur pnnfetao te tie chfldrea depart- tnent hire spotca blt of their sxperf- aeo fa their outside practice itit cattoria asd cudoot tra oalf bate amont ecr medical ttrppoea vbat it kamra tt rem lac fmdocts yet to era free to confess tbatjhs tncria ot cattoria haairoa as to bcstldl fatcrupcraft dxnxtt hosnrat s dtsrtjrsaar boston has ana c ssam ivea ts sexttatrr jamptutr tt jxfttxrsit itertr taricotty yep will bd lis cnioago diiring the ig ycju are n posted robbed r fair every tubtcriber of the saturday blade or chicag- sdgec will receive a free oertiicsie entitling he older to call at our office at any hoar day nigh tor anday daring the world fair and we will locate at whatever priced room yoa wish we personally iarettigate boarding houses rooou rent 1 tels etc and can save yoa a gnat deal of money this department has a read ing s xt writing rooms baggage and parcel room teleg office waiting room all the 1 1 riviiegi s are absolutely frep to every tutscriber thejs turdaj blade is a highly illustrated weekly newtp per the chicago ledger ia a well known famjlj and li erary illuttrated weekly the paper are th most nteretting weeklies extant and hare the iargetl oiroolatioa of any weekly nawtpapera id the world- 5oo0cj0 copies weeily the price of either paper i 20o per year tl00 for ijx moatfia or three monhf for 5y cts send la yoar subscriptions a guidi i ohio go and the woridi copies tent free to any address ifl d boyce us117 sth kub chickco wb ha fair alto tatnpfe tie saturday blade the chicago ledc largest weeklies m the world 500000 sssgj e a fine range cloth hall df suitings amb overcoatings andwill be pleased to show them our reputation as firstclass seasons trade intending purch talors and dealers in reliable goods lis well known sers t shaw 8c iturher yu want your blood purified v and your system- invigorated get a i ottle of spths i llood toniclf if yc a have a bac i kott get a bottle oi ruths gierey i balsam pleas int to take and cures every time gubi ph ont ouflkvliyter fluid for roughness of the skin chapped hands and to be used after shaving has no equal prepared only by m gsmithcs co dispensing chemists out any artlcl defraud a as any deal john frn epfngiye you a edroom set one i rs in no 12 wyndham st ghttife san furniture is now ot it at the lowest its manufacture bu he trade posaibli mpfcta for the spring trade aud we can lble prices we doat tte1 0 f amitare nor t ws pay oath for it and can sell as low f ceth line wove mauresfftte for 84 springs for 3 81deboards ai cost lounges for 6750 extension taplas 750 chairs at any price undsrts kt ng complete for 84 unde rtkkirg coffins caskeu prices we desire to r combination and n give you the best bcbes etc always m ttock we can give yoq ii a press upon the pablfo the fact thai wa have no priees are nof governed by the uhdertakera markets afford at very reasonable prion tie m rattsrtjlbs j cbod hearse ari d outfit for funerals sfeight st son ehtmly hew compound effectual permanent agreeable bilious yimvo h tun curt for all fkadpiiih biliousnssi ani v ifomacjp ivj ccmplafnii 21 tenu a 6or l cfrtfotwscs tv r stark cbmitt frrm guizev urn- ienitfi st or the rstark medicine co tjutmtnui dr i d v c neorjattte v rnfltaul itrev jcie certala sou tr a iv- c irjrmtc ror informsuon tad free handbook writ to uuss a co tsi buoaowat xtw vous i oldest bareaa for secarins- pstenu in aaieruar- oldaat bureau or seennns t kverr patent taken oat br el is broupht beitiral taptiiilebraaoumsirezilrfatoiiartalnsi lanart etreautfan of tar sctenufte taper latba rorid tpiaudidir niruimed koi immums aiaa sheuldtw toom it vtsaktt moo t year uo fix months amress iltns k oo pcuxiuitta uc linuuitar ne vork cltt d b d bardocii biood bitters if a pnxely vegetable compouniipossoasing perfect regale tingpowers over all the organs of the system ana contrblhnif their tecre- fionx it to purifies the blood that it cures 1 ill blood homers and diseases from a torn- mon pimpleto the trorst aoroftiloas tore and lhitoombmedith its nnritalledregult ting cleansing and purifying inflnenoe ou the secrelionsof tlia liter kidneyt bowelt ar- stin render it nnoqralied as a ours for all diseases ot the skin from one to two bottles will tore bolls pimples blotches nettle ruh sdurf tetter tndsli the timple forms of skin disease from two to four bottles will core taltrheom or eczema thlnglet erysipelas ulcers ab scesses running soresand all skin e motions it is noticeable that sofferers from skin diseases ire nearly always aggravated by intolerable itchingbat this quickly subsides on the removal of the disease by b33 pasting oa to graver yet prevalent diseases soon aa krofmoosiwelling humors and scrofula we have undoubted proof that from three to fix bottles used internally ami byoutsrarf spplicstion diluted if the skin is broken to the affected parts will effect a oure the great missipn of b b b is to regulate the uver kidnavi bowels and blood to comet acidity and wrong action of theaiomaeh and to open the slutce trayt of the tyttem to cany off all eloggedand impure aeoie- uons allowing nature thus to aid recovery and remove without fail bad bld0d liver complaint bmousnessdvtpepstajtlek headache dropsy rheumatism tnd every ipecies of disease ariain from ttislrdered uver kidnej stomach bowels and blood o evtry bottle of b b b bhoujd any pinion be dissafiafied atler using u i btttle we will refuhdthe money os- tpphcaticipersonall or by letter v will also be glad lo send ttotimoniali and in- tormation proving the effects of bb 3 in vo tsiilbtjrx cc cq toronto ont the gbriaybill manufacturing co i0 waterloo ont iuxufactubebs op bank office school lodoe and opefa f arnitnre the 0xfohd automatic t dont fail to getourestimatpv- sid foruwantcw utest improved arid perfect ed school desk t rv n

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