Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 25, 1893, p. 1

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y voluile xviilno 47 18 pcbltskxd eyeby thursday uorkinq it the free prtsssteamlrintlnr office j kill street acton okt 5y 0f b dollar per year ifc l advance all subscriptions dlaoon- tl when tha ume for which ther have been iaha eidlrai tha data to which every jjrtpoo l paid la denoted oa tha sdiros anvxartatra futts- transient advertise ments 6 cents per nonpareil line or brat in sertion 3 eeau per line for each subsequent insertion cocthict rail the tollowlnc uble shows oar cataa for the insertion of advertisements for specifiedperiodi ancc 1 1 tb 6 ho s no rxo woo too ix 100 klaehee lolaenes s laches 1 inch 50o0 tssm tiwrj woo wo mx ltoo tao 6jco iso aoo aareruiemeats without specific directions will be inserted uu forbid and chatjad accord- njlr traaileat advertisements most be paid la edraaee advertleementa rill be changed once each month if desired for chances oftener than once a month the composition most be paid for at retrain rates chaajeatorcoatractadtertisenientamnitbe la the office by noon oa tuesdays h puoohe editor and proprietor every week we ace getting new effects in ingrain wall papers with borders and ceilings to match these papers are used by the best families they are as cheap as the common papers only is cts a roll and much handsomer when- you are in guelph call at days book store and see how nice and cheap they are day sells cheap sasiruss biraiorp j f uren u d c ma offlc aad mcideuocorner uilla frederick streets acton sa mckeaguem d graduate o trinity college member of oollsceofphytielans and surgeons untlat of royal onego of physicians and burceom edinburgh oflca tad reticence dr loirrji itle reel aence head of frederick street acton je wilkinson d d 8 l d s s 1itfieox dcvntt s graduate university of toronto hemfccr of the i horti college of benujbargecc offioc open every day eieept wednesday tb uraday ud 6arday ott tbe drug store acton l bennett lds denti6t 1 ocoeoetoitn cmabjd m clean mclean berrislors solicitors notaries conveyancers c rritata fundi to locn ofitoirn hall acton wk a mcltik jko a mxleis t a mowat biwustzb soucitob notabt public honey to loan orrici dats toesday and saturday qmcz kaunawlns block acton upstairs ri j mcnabb costetaadh oollectob etc rcrru and accounts collected acent fire and life assurance property boucbt and told money to loan on the most favorable terms j a uow ats office acton s hilton waxlbridge stone barristers solicitors in toeoxto ixd geoxoktoith office- creeloauib block georgetown and tnlden btmfc ctrtmbers 63 tonge bl toronto iebilton bj whwhxbidge eeetoje jimeshdtcheon lnd sarreyor ind civil endneer office adjoining j a- mowit b uicdonnell itreectinelph p atents bechred fob inventions henry gslbx orrawi cividl twtntj t ars practice no patent no par w u hem8treet liccksrd accrnoneeh for the toantlei of wellington and hlton orders lef 1 4ttbfttib paxes office acton or vt my recidenee in acton will be promptly t- lendedto terms reuonable also money to loan on the moit faroxable ttrmt and tt tbe lowest xatei of interest in ami of 540 and upward john day architect gcelfhoat orrictwyndlitm street tctrancis nunan wrndb buarst or bookbikdek gnelphontario orer williams btore acconnt books of all kinefs made to order penodiesis of etery description carefully bound bull up netlr and promptly done mhe hanlalfbarbbfi shop mlllsteertactoh kn easy snare a sty lib btircn ta good seafoam anetullarstlnecbampooalwargiren bsxors boded andput in firstclass condition ladle and childrens hair tastily cut j hwobdestonsorial artists job printing including books pamphlets posters bill hexds circulars ate atfi e roc u ted in the txtt tijle of the art at moderate prices and on hort notice apply or address n p uoore fbce pjeesb office acton wellington eutusj fire insurance cbmoany erriblishzd 160 inbitrance on mntcal plan any eoilimnnl- catloni forwarded to my address box23 or telephone gd will be promptly attended to john taylok agent gnelpb hamiltous marble wprksl hamilton s block formerly hatcht block tbegore corner of woolwichand norfolk streets gnelpb ont r john h hamilton i proprietor wholesale nd retail daier and direct importer and maunfacturerof sjl kinds of granite and marble monuments tombstones etc having bad an extensit e experience for the last 10 ysatrs tbe public may rely on getting all superior articles at a cheaper rate than an othtr dealer in the west s h 13 per cent off on a direct order ro- eeltod for the nestsoiiaw the odelu type writer toa will uy the opell type- z weiter witt 7s characura w- raated to do better work than any ntxahico made it combines iieplicitt with nrnibrtirr srced ease or opxiutioif wears longer with out cost of rep irs lata tnr othee maehlae has no ink rib boa to bother tbe operator it is keit sciwtiktul nickelplated prfect adapted to all kinds of type- writing lace a prinunc wet ft prodaceg ibtrrt elean lefjtble maactchpts two or tea copies can be made at one writing icy intelligent person esji be come tnopetatccintwodays waofierllooo to toy operator vho eta eqntl tbe work of the odeid reliable agents and euestuen wanted eoc 1x1 induoemenu to oesjers for pamphlets girfng lodorccments etc tdjresai odell type writer co ecttasfi coadufai building toronto 2 w raumttora hci tar domimaru bank of montreal capital rest 12000000 6000000 a savings depabt1ient has been opened in connection with this branch interest allowed at current bates jas hfinlay i uanacer guelfn bkancit spring seeds field and garden red and alsike clover timothy flaxseed oilcake thorley food seed grain of cery kind new and old varieties beed tdtatoes eaily and iste varicjies gabden feab onionb corn best caehot ic by peket ounce tt pecker bushel thaproduct of my lfugej carrot cad tarnlp seed toot dl be leading price at tbe township hhows last year i am tbe only saedsman west of toronto im- porn dr direct ant avoiding the toronto and hamilton seed combination ceo j thorp maaonia block guelph a business education is a source of wealth ever young person will find a thorough baslncsb training the gratest aid in getting a good start lift turn ess itta this age callsfor cctie intelbgeot welltrained help in all departments of trade those who mace tbeir seirices talnable bare no difficulty in 6 caring delnbl ftatitions wtiere tittnoo- mentusjcared lb demand for capable relibje assigtanuis constantly increasibg a practical buelnets education not only fits one for a sncceacfnl start bnt with energy perseterance and hard work leads to pros penty and wealth this is within tbe reach of every ambitious person who lttenismia guelph business college located at noe 101 and 103 s yndham street guelph ont call or write for particulars m maccobmick principal w barber bros paper maker georgetown ont make a specialty of machine finished book papers ajtd high grade weekly niws f ac1 on oktaeio thbesday itay 25 1893 the traders batik op canada sutemaat ttkca tram gortramtut re- tarn tortmber 30th ims assets qolil 798t6 dominion kotes in 63 depotltad with qorarnment to sacare cirealatlon v sos kotaa and cheonea oc otber uanks ii94ig call loans on stoctaand bonds nsjii balanoea daa fratnotbac banka 106t63 gorernmsat debentarcs 30g0 assrra iiocedutclt atiilisij 165938 bills discounted j0uj8s bills dlsoonnted orerdna st6t bank premises lttis lortfiaea and other assets 17003 total assets tluta liabilities paid up capital knioo enrplus s5jjm notes in cirealatlon mxa deposlta from public jl7 depoclta from otber banta t hi ml new stock imported scotch linoleum bond sco hardware guelph leaoiks shoe store large arrivals of new goods wonderful display of colored goods bee our windows we only show a small sample of what we have in stock we sxe constantly in tocb with the wtnu of the public hence the daily arrival of kew goods we keep yoa supplied with everything in the line of fine bhoe at low prices quality always has tbe first consider ation we dont pretend to deal m so called cheap shoes bnt in shoes which crereallya cheap shoe in the end the old and reliable leading shoe store is fresher today than when it wts opened 2j years ago we keep in tle front rank with tbe best quality of sooes that honey can buj guqjphs letding shoe store wm mclaren co millalons in it the paper used in this journal is from the above mills wm barker beos- money to lend on good farm security at a lower rate of interest and on better terms o repayment than ever before offered in canada intending borrowers should write or call at once and be convinced before appling elsewhere ws jackson real estate loan insurance agent quelph cakaba season1893 v7hile returning tbenk to onr lusny pat tt ronsfortlielrlfbcnu rapport in the put we with to jntortn yoa thct we have entered into an arrangement wjtb b stewart gnelpb tokeepconstojulyonhanda full stock of the ordinary sixefl of sash doors etc and will al so supply any special sixes on short notice at guelpl pilccu frames of aet kinds made to order we also keep in stock a line of bse window and door casing comer blocks 4x your lumber drcfitcil wille yoa writ trice ci 50 per li pumps being better able than heretofore we will supply cither wood or iron pumps promptly all work guaranteed satisfactory please call aud inspect before pnrchtslnc elsewhere tuuseuttagehaaaster acton acton- livery bus line thenndeni see iertfffned respectfully soilett tbe patron of tbe public end inlonni them that well equipped ttnd styllth rife etn tl- witibsaira4 at his stabiec a comfortable bns meet al trains betwocti iliu and 14 pm careful attehtioa tlven to erery otdar the tutu of commercial tntel lert folly met joan waflltatfft put money in thj parse if not alas 1 he who steals thy purse steals trash so said william shakespeare and all we bare to add is that a lean parse takes a new lease of life wbenit cornea in contact with the rfrices we are offering on all our i furniture we vout quote to you auy big 15 par cent dis oouut but just ask you tolook oter the following list a good bedroom suite at 10 a better one for 11 a daisy 12 a beauty 13 a dandy 14 and the best in the world 15 next i i 00 7 50 8 60 a pood6ideboard for a better one with mirror a daisy with mirror laditb racking chairs from j 1 00 childrens bookers from co eitenjiou tables fall bi from 5 00 wo bare opponenta hut no rlrsla in tha furniture business we out them all and ever body knors it give us a call and see for yourselves if it is not true donot buy from us oue baby carriages aro tbe finest ever seen in tbe city just sea soe them we handle the celebrated high clsaa nswcombe pianos boys and hens bicycles i will be in a utile later walt for us we sie coins to put ne life in this town and ita good people p sprhgce tha peoples popaltr lttrnituro storo upper windham st i guelph we pay freight on all bills amounting to 3 ijffrfrj wfxjlt she akd be uvst be f smtutbejtaultaddauktamsho 1th deep eya full of mrsttrr adt silky lone mnxtatathe hi mast be dignified and grand at mired and sought oa every band 1 is words most barn and flash w til seoliu fine and mystic fire ar i to groat deeds ha meat upire i jid weaker minds abash h mas choose mo at king w aldchooaafcqoeenand to mo bring pith oldtime courtesy in o treasures of his hexrt and hand h thlfib estate his gold his land jis ho mast hate some fine old name a i must respect iad none mast blame the man that marries me kit idealx ibe must ba slight and fair ho said golden crown apon her head ot shining curling hair b r eyes u blue u bether bells ii their clear depths young cupid dwells ind mods his shafts from there air skin is like tha drifted snow a id ea her cheeks blush roses glow 0 ihos beyond compere ibe must be delicate and sweet ith dainty binds and uay feet and gentle winning grace i 30 must be trqeand tendereyod i ow voiced and calm snd dignified tbe pride of some old race ijsball not seek a golden dower i at iil my ladys wioiome power lies in her mind and face sekzt jkmtlb sfaitng ny a lfittle sng d u1bt e uorflt kellys music store removed to 95 upper wyndham st when i will ba pleased to meat all mr old cusvroers and sa many new ooea s will farar ma with a calt harlni disposed of nearly all mystocl duriae the clesxine sale i hara purchased a very large stock of j plants organs andait kinds of muafcat instruments shoot music and music books call and examine my took no trouble to show buoda w kellys mtj8io stobz 8s upber wrudham strea oaelpb xext ta g bhrsnioa c i s a jounggirl dressed in deep mourn ing was walking tlowly aloag sudden spa rkle among the fallen leaieson the side- wa k attracted her attention bending anc bmibing them aside she foand an old fas lioaed locket set around with small bri hants one of which catching a stray gu im of tanshice had been the means of re ealiog the whereboutsof the lost locket how pretty it is and how sorry some on 1 will be was kthrinea nretthought tl en what thai i dowith it 1 surely an r thing o valuable will be advertised for i sill wait and see he nert mornings pip3r ooattining a no ice of the loss and an offer of a liberal re rard to the finder laths rine wrote tha name and number of the house carefully down in her note- bo k and set oat to find it the designat ed street was along was off bat it matter ed little she might as well spend the m ruing in that way as in any other t was an imposing mansion before which sh at last stopped couch ant hons ca ted in stone guarded the steps on either sit e in answer to her ring the massive dc r swung book noiselesly can i see your mistress sud katb- er ne tell her plcase i have called in ai iwer to an advertisement wait here a moment lttisa and ill tell jca- 1 satberine stepped inside tbe wide lofty hall and looked about her with wondering e 8 she was fresh from an inland village at i hod not even dreamed of such grandeur ax i beanty all from the us sella ted m rbla floor with its changing tints re fit ted from the stained glass dome which lighted it to the graceful bronze figures lo king ont of their sheltering niches all wi s strange an new mistress will see yoa follow me she soon foand herself in the presence of a 1 tdy miss fleming the governess and of 1 yoanggirl of about eight years of age ti e latter ran hastily up to her as she en ered f have yoa foand my locket ob i am eoglti as kathcrinebeldit toward her nothing in the world would have made op foi its loss for poor dear uncle charles ca e it to me and hes in that horrid ch na where folks tarn yellow and wear pif tails a my dear miss edith how yoa ma on ssi 1 the lady smiling toa mix things up rather strangely tt it alamily jewel she continued addressing katharine and ver f valuable for associations connected wit i it miss edith is willing to give her wh le months allowance of pocket money for its restoration arent yoa dear 2es said the child ingenuoasly yoa soe i dont want papa to know how care less his little girl is and she produced a tin pocketbook could not accept anything from yoa t at is any money said katheriae bat i v ant to find something to do j if yon con d aid me by your advice andshelook- ed 1 ppealingly at miss flemings prim bat kirn i face i am ery fond of little chil dren and could teach them and amuse thei h miss fleming said edith clapping her bands shell do for may and arthur the ts just what auntie waa talking about bef e she went o the country e iiths governess was favorably impress ed t y katherines appearance bat she was a et anger and her answer to the impnlsive chil t was a trifle disappointing ton are speaking of an uncertainty ray deaj something which may bedeferredfor a y ar or two your aunt is very well plea ted witn korans care of yoar cousins the 1 she tamed toeathefine have jou any letters of recommendation f jo said katheriae bat i can write to 1 3y old pastor for one x have only com s from the coantry very lately oa have mada a bod exchange my chil l this great wicked city is no place for b youag unprotected girl like yourself wh did yoa oofee k stberine did not speak of the ruling mot ve which had really attracted her to the ity for tho disappointment she hid aire dy experienced made the sabjct pain- fal her poems those unstudied little of 1 jag which came into her miad aad woa d be written down before she could get thei ring tnd rhythm oat of her braia had been her real reason for leaving the gree 1 fields toward which her heart already tare ii with a feeling of intense longing she j toiled ap weary flights of stairs to shor them to editors half hoping at the to be at once received into the charm ed c xele of authorship bat now she ihsd becx ne wholly j despoadeat of access for time after time she had received the cocj eoas bat an varying answer we are verstocked in thai line ind even if yotti verses possessed uncommon merit we coal i not accept them t is ladys words were true she had been fool ox in coming to the city bat it was doni she was too proud to tarn back with- oat rying for sacoeet in one at ieastof the plans which hod filled her busy brain so she answered miss fleming it seems to me that i can bo u happy and as safe in one place as another there is special promise for the fatherless obif- drcn yott know and i have lost both father- and mother there waa a perceptible tremor in the sweet oice toward the conclusion of her sentence it went straght to ediths heart she threw her arms aboat missflflaiings neok and whispered let her stay hero until she writes for ier letter then well get her a place tomewhere even if aautic does not want ier we have plenty of room even for lozbnsin this great ioaesma hoasq do lear darling miss fleming and ill love ou btter than ever miss fleming was very fond of her mo- herlcss charge and she was also strongly repossessed by katherines appearance 0 sho was woa over withoat much diifi- alty will you lay off your bonnet and spand e day with us she said kindly there ry many curiosities about the houss and roahds which it might pleate yoa to see d edith will be most liappy to constitute herself yoar entertainer indeed i will said edith brightly so when mr murray ediths father cma home he found an unexpected guest a i the dinner table after the first coart- c as bow with which he acknowledged the it traduction he seemed totally oblivious to katherines presence bat she fcand her e es often attracted toward h s fsce cdnld that joungiooking man bo the owner oi all this luxury and beauty and tho father of that beautiful child and why did he wear such an expression of settled glxjm he could not be more than thirty fc r there was not a thresd of silver among tt e luxuriant dark locks which swept back frjm his high broad forehead ah i she jci ew and a tido of pity swept throagh k stheriues htart it was the loss of the fa r young wife whose portrait edith had sh jwed her np wonder that his eyes only lighted up when they rested upon hi child edith was in a mood of gajety an usual to her and enlivened tho otherwise qaiet group with her bright childish speeches after dinner she followed her father into the library papamyi have my own way about something le stroked her shining carls fondly supposing i say no by way of variety wi iat is it my pet a new collar for beppo or 1 prettier cage for opal no papa itb about the young lady ypu sai r at dinner shes real poor and wants to cach may i ask her to stay here nn til iho finds a place if miss fleming approves and if it will make mv edith any happier indeed it will papa though as to that i a n as happy as a bird all the time that is right my darling make the mc3t of the flying hours of childhood thy will never come again and he turned to his book with a weary sib as ed th ran to miss fleming with the joyful tid ngs of her fathers consent katharine wrote for tho fetter and re- cei ed it but her stay lengthened into wcks ediths cousins had retarned from the country bat their mamma had given up the idea of a governess for them until auclher year h atharine had however daring this time become so endeared to edith and miss fjemng also to whom the interior work- of the household was almost entirely that they were both loath to part with in addition to her poetical talent she had also ita twin gift of sofig edith had soot found it out and so though kather- ineii shyness prevented her from being willing to sing for other she would often seat meet her herself at the piano for ediths amuse- sometimes she would lose herself so completely that time past unheeded voice was entirely untrained bat ther s was a pathos born of genius in its rich musical tones oice she was singing as twilights pleas ant duek stole into the music room snd fillec it with weird shadows edith loved gay sprightly air and to please her those were at first selected bat t last the ring ing otes softened to a low plaintive key and katharine sang a weird little song whic i made the sensitive child shiver oh please dont kathie dont sing like i hat 1 it makes me feel as though cold wate was running ihroagh my veins dp you nke it papa as she caught the sight of ha father just entering tha room whit is it papa are you sick what makf 3 you iok so strange v katharine tnrned at ediths words and saw dr murray standing beside her pale to thi very lips s mil i get yon a gtass of water she said after one startled look into his face ii is nothiog he answered and passed abru jtly from the room somo half hoar later a servant cirae and said that mr man ay requested miss earlos presenco in the library sh 3 foand him pacing tho floor restlessly his uiuilly cold indifferent face agitated by iome intmie emotion as he saw katterine he went forward to meet her with a strange eagerness pardon me he said hat the air yoa were singing this evening has aroused feel ings which i have been tryiog to exorcise from my mind for long and hopeless years it wi s composed for me by one i dearly lbvec and i have never heard it sang by aunt ier voice until by yours tonight undi r other circumstances i ehoald have had 10 questions to ask as it is i may find hrough voa the clew to tho unravel ling if what has thus far been a painful and inpenetrable mystery where and i wher did yoa learn that song v th a faltering voice katherine told her ston for if this stately gentleman with the settled glojm on his noble face hod aught to do with it it coald bat add deepr sorrow to his evidently already clone ed life i caught it from the lips of aside lady the laid slowly and hesitatingly fearing to coat aae lest every word shoald wound co on for heavens sake tell ma wheiethe was and where sha is now i was a little girl at he time bat i well remember tha load peal at the door- bell and iiiy fathers coattecniifoja when upon aasweriag it ho fnuad an apparently de kdy upoa the threshold she was taken fa and eared for tenderly bat be only lived a fee days daring that time she was qve fully coaccious and in her delirium she 1 tug the air which has so moved yoa over aud over agsia for weeks it kept nagi ig in ny brain bat it u years since x hare thought of it tintil tonight w yne murray groaned aloud ob my i poor ida i dead dead 1 and yet it was 1 j pei0e theee jentg lifer ia lb10 to htvi hied a laffer ob- ivioaa it home and kindred and winder- i g anooj straorenu mis eacla ha id toxmiiir to kaluarina i hat poot iajy a raf wife but m ii own from a riagi a fw moalha attar i ditha birth id reo livad an injury 0 tha braia which nala in partial dimanlia i ooold not tea thought ot plaoin her in an ylmnl thinking home tba b at place for y affi clad darling bat at 9 mada har eapa ine dark and itonnj night and nc tljat lima i have baan ia complete noranfa of her fate whera jid yon lite ben my poor ida cams to yoa i in ha central part o panmylrania hi i been then abost a year but ther iu disappointed in tha location d ve noted back again to oar old home this state c till i ia tha reason my advertisements ilad t be seen it a strange that she old hi te gone so far withoiit attracting tentioi for i bad the but deteaurei in e city detailed to search for ier kathiriua wisely forbore to apeak of e etaf r cf the poor travellers feet bleed- k iron the journey which ah moat have ken at foot as she had no money- with x it wotild hare conjored np additional rrorj a add to tbe aorrowa of him who d lot d her ao dearly i ha a a ring which had to be cot from finer had evidently been worn ii btforo she had attained her wlh ii yes ida wore a ring whictt hak bean aoed c a her hand when very yo ing by father after hii deatlilihe woald i content a pact with it though it wis email as to alooat cat into toe fl h it is ia my tcank i will get it foryoa it wai not long before she placed if in mcjrraya hand then aha left him ne with he memento ot his dead withik tha year wayne kairaylhad a owy manacle of marble reared above tbe ely iravo of hia hapless yoang wife ithin lha haaveaward pointing arch stood exquisitely carved female sgire cling- to a proaa it waa the worfcpf alcnlp- who had been a gaest ot the yoang aple ii 1 their erst days of wedded iiippl- sa at d from his memory of her bea ati- i face aided by a painting he eat her blan x in the lifeless marble in hia deep gratitada to kilherice aa e ohilt of his idas protectors he made ibis ciind to give her the sane privi- ea ant advantsges with judith in pur ines cf hia plans he sent her 1 way to t eachwl the coarae of stair woald e five year to complete 1 eanwhlla e woa d speod her vacations atlwhat wai icq henceforth to be her home eat d mag those long years katharine ed 0 know hfr own heart and tp feet at iti as best far her future peace to cat rift fr 3ia her associations with the man ose n elancholy face held for ier each lecalii r charm so withoat sa iag any ing of her intention to him lie asked i obti ined a position among th corps of chera attha semjnary sheer mdeaied rself i he pleaaare of going home attec r last fear of study was cuncla ed astor 11 of indignant letters cai le from ith and kiss fleming and an- appeal- one rout mr ilarray eatkhe was m in her reaolatiati she bi been chinf some six months when aoeeven- wa ne knrrays card as seat ap to ai she went into the receptionroom rose 10 meet her with a long him pressure ha stood ior a moment thea linger- he said iog sown apon her face iroact tally katherine do yoa know what ya hare ine after me startled look np into his eyes theriie flashed an iatense baraing red i tan ed away in sadden coafarion he we nt on growing more earnest with ery w jrd 3 yoa have taken the light oat of my ase the hipptaess oat of myl life theriae come home i need joa oh darl ng i thoaght my heart will dead love bat i end my mistake come tol eat lerine and be anoe more my son- ine have mqarned my dead loag and tthtally bat it is nstaral that liter the nter lowers shall bloom again- is in a dream katherine listened en aba said it it a in my power to add eveu oa joy yoar life take me i am yoars where silence reigns then is e place down booth where one n hear tha heart of a man six feet- away jjet dis inclly and clearly each systole d dial tola- is as anmistakeable ai the k ot a mantel clock the speaker waa sjtrsvelling man and waa 1 ddreeeiog a half dozen loangeri ia tore six whistles of iacredality from raioj throats answered him it is t fact ill swear to it thorn ds of people who have been there re ltnease 1 to it he asserted i one by one they forrowtally departed til thi last one who said sadly john a bit of adrica lvst yoar lies be obabw well if that dont beat all i declared e trav ill ing man to the bar tender j whstr 1 i whj they wont believe me i t ee of tha bar robbed his hair the wrong y and looked parzled well ssid he tell me aboat lit and i see if i can believe yoa it i had old yoa all that i had caught brtypoand bus yoad have believed it t when i fell a trae tale im nade oat a anchsnsen or something worse com give it to me straight said the r tenc er its dawn ia the mimmolh cave ken- cky oar gaide stopped oar parly by e shore ot the echo river and made ns t oat par lanterns that we were in dark- the new celery culture in which tha plants balnr closely crowded blanch without i banking up the main feature of he new celery cul ture as originally described by robert hivin ia the fisrai stm torfar briesy stated is a soil well enriched and prepared with great care being made aa fine and open as tools can make it it is then marked off in rows seven inches spart each way the plants atarted at nail from seed ire set oat lathe crossjnsrkx seven inches apart all over tbe field they are cultivated with the wheel hoe and hand tools as long as possible and irrigate or watered- so that the soil never becomes very dry sir nivins in addition to manure plowed ander scattered sboat 1500 pounds of a ehemicil fertilizer called celery fertilizer to every acre his access waa phenomenal k h beekwith writing from tbe del aware station to the rural acin rorfcr tells of hia teetin a smsll way of the new culture last season he says we planted aix rows ot so plants each set seven inches spart in tha rows and the first two rows seven inches apart these seemed so close that tbe remsimng rows were planted 12 inches apart the variety grown were the wjhile flame aud the golden beit blanching daring jaly aad aagast there was very little rain and the planta made little growth tha six rows made aach a narrow bed only 50 inches between the oatsfde rows that we feared the plant woald not blaach well aud about sept 10 we placed two boarda one foot wide one above the other on each side ot tbe bad to exclude lha light the plants made very little further growth sitec that aad iu consequence the golden beit blanching was not well blanched although tbe stalks were so- very tender that they would break ose when one attempted to pqli up a pliat by tikiug hold close to the ground tbs white hume was perfectly blanched and ot ex cellent quality late in autumn the golden self blanching plmta were packed away in a narrow trench dug as deep as the planta were long many ot them being i feet where the stalks continued blanch ing we are so wellpleased with this method that we shall try it again the com ing season and shall set the plaus seen inchen apart each way and make the bed very much wider aa we think by so doing lha plants will blanch better elr kitins celery blsoohed nicely and was much cleaner aad brighter tjian celery banked with earth he claimed 100000 good planta to the acre allowing 18000 for small planta snd miises sod easamea bat to grow such an amount of celery the old way would require at least 10 times as much labor he emphaaizee ihe impor tance of plenty of fertilizer and plenty ot waterto make tbe hew method a success fidelity an element of success i have xhe entire political backing ot the machine is this coantry said a deputy 0 his chsef because- ba had beeq upbraided for not attending to his work properly ma chine or no machine yoa will do your work satisfactorily be here on lime aud not leave before your desk is cleared of its daily work else i wilt get- someone else wss the chiefs response it haa always been supposed that a poli tical office wss a sinecure which meant large pay and no work the utterances ot secretary carlisle not to have in his de partment sny drones oc those wfio did not earn their money haa been found to be con tagious as the above conversation shows a man holding a political position shoald be as fiithful in the discharge ot the duties connected with that positiou as any one holding a secularpoailioa oae ot the vital mistakes so mauy young men make and that wrecks so to apeak their whole future is in just such eases as this tbey see- nothiog wrong in pilfering a few minutes morning noon and evening from their employer and if eased to re main overtime do it with a grace which in- dicattea they ought to be pail for it a prominent grocer was aked what had become ot his errand boy and the answer wss discharged he spent too much time loitering when ha waa sent oat with orders now it wilibe a difficalt matter to- follow that boys course when he grows older snd gets a position as a clerk ha will be ot the kind we have already describ ed a clerk who is late ia getting 0 his dqties sad forevorwatubiag the clock while discharging hut duties is notjgoing to- make a successful business man we care not what his abilities may be thia one evil figuratively speaking will kill him takethe case of aoy oce of the success- fal merchants in this country today and it will be found bat as boyithey were slwaya promptly on hand and the last to leave at night we know men loday ia thia city who are now merchant priuces time was when they were clerks hen salesmen snd iatthat position when even ing came did not feel their work was end ed but lite at night hey could be found selling gooda filling up their order book the employers of these men needed not to be told that their men were working late into the night was their work appreciat ed t tbe number of partners in business today proves hat it was take the early life of any successful business mm aa a guide and one ot the very first things that will be noticed will be punctuality in fal- fitling all duties and that waa the chief corner atone upon which a suoceeefoi busi- neaa career was burk xmericai grocer burns ktfew better oxz1ta yeab qalysyoarl ohthatsaot long eighuf the words vera said bat thr fell uka tbe eiosiag no los o a soag- ott the ears of oaa wbo bad wait 61 jong andlefta haunujic dread tints enough for tilcadship to die t though only one short year bat tha fate of many within it he tnare is time eooogh tt laugh and to cry n enough to hop and fear 1 timo for tna orange- goeri toirjt to wreath tha brides fair he a 1 np tune for the wintry winds aad snox to corsr the hearts thai haro lctdd ci so t aadgt grow green fnttcal t j only a year i it is not long j wnen hope a heart doth eheer wnea tba future is bright thj heart is siroug- bat when memories only to us belong thafdlyi snd months neeta lcul o lone ah me though only a year portland trantcripi j 1 the com1ngcan1ne favorite there is a new dog on the horizon aod from his description he is almost certain j to reaoh ua here in fashion lately we hata beenoing in for the foreigner the fox terfief has become almost too common jspaneae apogs are too stupid french poodles are not tone serioaaly considered there rremaia the dacuand and the danish maatirt neither ot them quite satisfactory tbe new doghaiie from tbe low countries and ia not so much a novelty as i revival he haa been rediscovered by he accident of the exhibition st brussels dogs were to be an attnetion there and tbe great desideratum was to be patriotic and if pssistnje local ot coarae thei milk carrying dogs would be collected in rest force and it seemed as it flanders would hsvelittle eiae in the canine world torely upoa j then it was remembered that genera- linos ego wherjrailways were scarce in the land there wis a little black terrier called a spits largely used oa the cauai boats that then carried on tbe commerce and indeed the traffic of the loff countries his chief qualities almost most legendary were that ho waa death on rati and unapproachable aa a watch dog ee was a clever little fel6w too vivacious ind attached but railways had driven him oat aa attempt was made to procure soma for the show it provedthat there waa plenty of life in the old breed still there are yet bargea and canal i boats in holland and they had spits still on board a very good ihow waa got together the spits became popular aid we shall no- doubt soon see him here 1 i i a common fault when a person enters a store with the evident intention of looking around let hirh look around to his hearts content many derks when they see a possible put- chasec ibokiug at books or at toys novel ties etc will step forward snd ask in an almost impertineut manner an thing wanted v jr the naturl reply is i doas know whether there is or not im trying to fiml oaf x instead of privileging- the customer jo examine the various articles at his leisure merely remaining near eooueh lo auawer his questions promptly these inexperienced salesmen stand over him- and act aa a sort o sentinel on all his action r tlwy njaoi- feat impatience and almost say bytheir look aid attitude ueli hurry op if yon doat went anything move along and get oatot my sight a caetomerdoea not always want to be haunted bya clerk at hispelbow there are times when he prefers to wsit da him self and there are lirnesarrd blaces when the clerk should understand tltat if is best to let him wiit on bimsetl above all things the clerk iboulaivoidgivlng offense don do anything to irritate a- customerv sim try to please him study his pee sent humor and gratify it idike him feel that he is welcome that you are pleased to have hinv examine tbe stock in yoar department do this and maybe you will win a steady patron and gain a friend commercialtribune m i i i ii wiich might be felt it waa the rkest jlioe in the world well the idiot t hia matches and there wasnt one to had imoag aa all scared wasnt he rd r7e were three mile underground he guide resssured ua by declaring that lief mist be hadin a few hours at moat that didnt reconcile as much ws eyed there tea mortal hours before a ch party seat out from the hotel reaoh- ns then it waa aa we sat in the dark- i we observed the hearts beat not only it own pot those of oar companions a tho ighl it was all due to the thumping iat caiie of our scare it wasnt though or aft r we were foarfd aud on oar way tried it and learned that it was ibli anywhere in the eare so great tha awfal silence it we 1 he ha a fixture down irr caroadelet there uvea a little faantleroy boy whose common everyday name ia jimmie the other qight a neighbor boy gave a party it which there were the ueaal amonnt of confeotious fruits snd nuts- jirurnie partook boaoti fully enjoyed the evening immensely and went home with gil pockets- lined next morning jimmie on bis way to school rang the doorbell ot his host ot the night previous and the mother answered bis ring in person well jim mie whit is ill she asked kindly why mrs johnwn he answered when i waa here last night i left an orange with a little bit ot a piece ate ont ot it aud i juit thought id ecfae- and et it if ri johnson smiled as shs said well come in jimmie and ill tee it we can find it the good woman made quits a sealed while jimmie swang his hat nervoasly to aad fro finely he said i guess maybe its gone but say airs johnson yoa neednt mind- a new one will da as well and ha got it st loais republic drinkinq a farm bprii g medicine and hoods saraapanlla e syn jnyrooas terms so popaisr is this rest o ledicine atthis season it waa the fate of a practical ind pario io scotchman oteocbesterfo assist al meeting ot a certain improvement society he while a shakespearean scholar dilated upon he virtues of his favorite writer at the close ot the meeting the stranger ap proached the lecturer and the following dialogue ensned ye think a fine lot o shskaspeare doc tor i do sir- was theemphilic reply an ye think be waa mair clever than rabbiaburnsi why therea no comparison- between them j haybe no bat ye tell aa the nicfat it waa shakespeare who wrote ttneaaf ires the head that wears the crown nose ribbf i woald never hse written aia non sense u that nonsense sftt thundered the indig nant doctor i aye just nonterjse rabbit would rise i kent fine that a king or a queen either fy homeless friend with that chroma- lie nose while yoa are stirring ap the sagsx in that fencent glaaa of gin let me give yoa a fact to wash down withit you say yoa have longed for yearaftrir she free independent life of a farmer bnt never have been able to get enough money togetherto toy a farm bat this is where yoa are mistaken for ssvsral years yoa have been drinking a good improved farm at tbe rate of a hundred- square feet ai a gulp it yon donbt tbieietalemeni figure i oat lor yourself an sole ot land con tains i3s60 square feet estimating for convenience tbe land at u3m per acre yoa will see that it brings tha land to just one mill per square foot one cent for ten square feat now pour down the fiery dotvand imagine yoa are swallowing a strawberry patch call in five of yoar friends add have tbem yon gulp down the five hundred foot gardpn get on a prolonged spree some day and test bow long a time it requires to awalw a pasture tiriie enough lo feed a oow put- down that glass ot gin theres dirt in it 100 square feet ot good rich dirt worth n8j0 per acre b disna gang to ted wi the croon on their htad thsy hang it ower be back o a chair 1 fieaaaje tbe marriagehag of martin iuthera wife has been discovered at coubnrg aihnav near i f f z-

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