Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 25, 1893, p. 2

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4 i 1 v kaeried uatturrehulfb avthcbottjeottbelmfioi rjrenus imencct ave fiymcufe n ycn tntldav mav ictuby kcv jeremiah zimmer man albert e uattheti ol chicago son ol jtmce matthcwa postmaster acton to mite anulia clara daughter otmr andrew miller talk of the bay an epitome of tha worlds doings during thji weak a rptinriu gue1ib on the 14 may kobett vandi lctrie ca 6 jean brottat montreal on friday may 19tu iso- gcorco k kcott ilatc taylor scott t co tfiad st kinin kpfimfincmitbtirtilaymrili wav oliii wn of joliii bulkcr red 11 ycr and r uioutbi kaitnui acton on thundav 16tb uajmaru adiicttabclotoj wife of w e 6tnltb d to yearanud 4 inoalhi ctjrwe at bli borne lot 5 eon 3 erin6n vtdnwday morning sub hay lacbtin currie iced c7 yean 1 month ijerf on fm flress thursday may 25 1833 notes and commnts jt ib believed in hodoiqiq tbat if the united states decline to accept tha offer of annexation great britain will acquire the hawaiian inlands io accord with her policy ot constructing travelling ult around the world the manitoba government and the can- adian pacific railwaycompany have aban donee their efforts to promote emigration from the maritime province to the north- west aod vfill close their moncton cmigcav tion afieqeiefl on the first pf jane the thanls of tha city of hamilton are dq and are hereby tendered to col kerns 2 p for haltonrfor the throwing ont of the bill 4o make the beach a close corpor ation of aristocrat if it were not for the country member hamilton weald have po chow in the legislature hamilton spic- tator i amonthe amendment of the corjsti ca tion of the state of california which are to be eabmittei to a vote of the people at the next election is one restricting the e offer- age to persona vhocan read and write with the exception of citizens who are oyer go years of age this amendment it eaid to have been framed in response to a popa- lar demand and to becertaioof ratification the post office department baa deter mined to pot a stop to the practice which evidently prevails in certain sections of tbe eanntry by people attemplme to uie pott age stamps a second time some time a0 a conviction was becnred in the county of bruce and his was followed last week by a conviction at kingston several caaea are under consideration m which there is evidence of parties having attempted ease old stamps by obliterating the cancel lation marks a new demiind is beisg mado upon tbe dominion government by tbe metis of tbe northwest territories they have held meetings lately and adopted resolutions asking the government to graut land to all metis children born between the years 1870 and 18s5 or between the date of tbe ac quisition of the northwest by canada and that of the rebellion upon the saskatche wan the government has refuted to con sider the new claim made by the half- breeds but the latter propose to continue tbe acitaliog in favor of their demand newfoundland having for the time dis- poeed of the queition of annexation to canada is about tn embark in a railway undertaking ot considerable magnitude for a colony of its eizc tbe government has made a contract for the construction ot a highway directly across the island from the present line on the eastern coast to the southwestern extremity it will com mence at the bay of exploits and termin ate at port an barque tle railway which will be two hundred miles in length is to cost 3120000 io addition to ibis earn the contractor in to receive for opera ting tbe line 500000 acres of land aid soo- 000 a year fur twenty yeare the world fair was igaiu closed to thj public on sunday mr welter bistedh one of hamiltons oldest rctiicnts is dead aged 75 the new first presbyterian church at chatham wu dedicated on sunday the bank of england has advauccd its rate of uucouut from 3 to 4 per cent trof yirchow says the recurrence of cholera in germany this year is improb able rain is badly needed ig northern michi gan the woods are on flre in all direc tions y the election petition against mr j j tartem p for linlet has been dis mused tiie atstbsed value of winnipegs taxahle property is given at twenty two millions of dollark lidyabetdeen was on saturday elected president of the worlds congress of woiiei the report of the department of irumi gratiou tor ontario has just been fieaed the nomter of immigrants reported as having settled in ontario last year was 14771 of whom 7771 went through ontario agencies and 7000 reported through the custom the largest number of settlers for any one year was 40491 in 1833 in wu the number was 18072 ot 301 more than in wj2 the number reportefl through the ottawa agency io 1891 was list year the figures are given for only the first six months and were 23p during 1692 321379 emigrants left great britain of whom only 7771 or 242 per cent made ontario their objective point tbe total immigration expenditure last year was s348g or 8107 for each settler the british post office authorities have given notice that hereafter the following articles eved though samples ooly it lent by mail will not be delivered on arrival bat will be tamed over to the customs authorities cocoa coffee chicory car- rants figs fig cakefl dried plums prunes raisine apricots tea tobacco manufactur ed or dot including cigars cigarettes and snuff hydrate of chloral playing cards and transparent soap id the manufacture of which alcohol is used the public ia therefore cautioned against the pobtmg of auy of these articles addressed to great britain or ireland as they will not be for warded by msil articles of glaii atfd liquids oils aud fatty substances are also excluded from british mails has any one noticed signs of a fioancial panic in canada are banks over there tumbling into the haudii of receivers f has it be to found that its street railwajb arc wreichid pieces of property too heavy for the thonlders of the average capitalist must rji of these nufsttous be answered in the negative truth directs that it be i the dominion is weathering the etorm like a veteran rsbe it provilg that the mild cut operator has not during re- cut yiarr been allowed to boom specula tne proriies into the cloudwith the ju- ten tion of swjcdmng foreigners who have sduglit open toga for capital within her borders todny canada is found to the ore hud rrrnnnably sure of soon cmpiarmtf man of the capitbliits who have been bitt n in be argentine itepublic as wel as in australia tbe worlds pair will afford her tbe opportunity of j products b fore a critical ti citmiu uniiince miid with a reputation fr houeny in depcrjptioi3 of her natural reourcea the beet of results fliould follow the inviatoriii argentine and auralian schemes il p atteritinmothis cjnlinvn hfrefier humor tn trifr i it is said ht john l sullivaud little escapade at biddeford maine will cost him 1200 v eleven men were burned to death at sands lumber camp near cadillac mich igan on saturday dr hector mcdonald a graduate of the queens university aged 20 was drowned at kingston yesterday the deposits in the pobtofiico savings banks of canada during april were c30- 725 and the withdrawals 707411 the breithaopt tannery at listowel formerly owned by george towner wag almost totally destroyed by fire monday adrices from japan say the tjclano bjd daisao has become active and that wide spread disaster has been caosed by its eruption tbe swia exhibit in the arts building at chicago has been closed temporarily owing to alleod indignity to the swiss government tbe brazilian vesselofwar almirante barrosa hib been totally wrecked dear ras ghareb on the coagt of middle egypt in the gulf of suez eight women were badly injured by the collapse of a section ol flooring at the closing session of the womens congress in chicago on saturday thomas job o 8 ton undergoing a sentence of fourteen years in kingston penitentiary for manslaughter has been reprieved and has left for his home in chatham dr h mcdonald aged 21 wa9 drowned intataraqui bay near kingston yesterday afternoon deceased graduated with high honors from the queens college thib year sir james witer leader of the opposition in tbe new brunswick legislature and ei attorneygeneral has been appointed judge su the ftapremi court id place of the late justice peneent the worlds congress of newepaper men opened in chicago monday mr a f pirie president of the canadian press association is president an informal reception touk place ou fiaturday afternoon tbe presbytciian church in maxwell was struck by lightning tbe chimney was knocked down most of he plaster torn from tbe ceiling and part of the floor ripped up sanday being the anniversary of bome of the battles in the riel rebellion of 185 tbe winnipeg militia decorated the graves of fallen comrades with fiowera and held appropriate ceremonies the honorary degree nf i c l ia to be conferred on his excellency the governor- general and bishop potter of new york at the centeuial convocation of bibhops college lennoxville que bhorlly the earl aud counlcsa of aberdeen who carno to the enited states some time ago to establish an irish village at tbe worlds fair sailed from new york on tbe btcatnfr aurauia for tnerpool on saturday william bell one of the edmonton cili- tens who pursued murderer oleaou last fall and chot him during tbe encounter has beed acquitted on a chargo of man slaughter entered again bi him by the de partment john dickton a punlinch farmer while driving across the grand trunk track at hcspeler was struck by a train and thrown clear of the track the horse wan also thrown clear of the track but the buggy was wrecked the man and horse were badly shakeubut not seriously hurt suicide in astable an insane brant county farmer 70 yeare or age hangs hlm6elf with a logging chain the worlds fair tha various departments being gotten into shape for visitors cmoifo liay 23 the weather last week was cool and pleasant and made sight seeing comfortable dedication exercises wero tbe order of thweek and tho homea of canada minnesota and illinois were ai mado ready not to mention tho opening of tho cbincba thcaer and tho olit vienna- village tho discord over tho musio question has culminated in theodore thomas being asked to resign his position by director- general davis tho musical cicccisce held at noon in festival hall are bocomiog more popular every day as attested by the crowds that attend that sort of musio is more in toach with tho publics favor than the high- toned one string symphonies of the masters 4 many of tho state builoiugb arc keeping open house anrcceive visitors with much cordiality espocialif so among tbe court eous land hospitable southern tomes as if the people were liable to overlook old liberty bell it has been placed at the entrance to thj pcunsylvania building which building is an exact counterpart of the city hallin philadelphia the electrical display is something long to be remembered and the evening when they take place will draw crowds to witness the beautiful sight they are fc a vingy troubleover in midway plaisance as tho tenants claim the expos ition management havo failed in many particulars to keep their agreement as night comes on darkness reigns supreme along this avenue and the exhibitors claim that thoy arelosing much money as if to est ice the public intt their den a free exhibit is made of a man among the hoob he fires off pistols puts his head in their month and feedb them raw meat from his hand as a lady remarked daniel was not in it with this lamer of tho king of the forest tho memorial art palace situated on the lake front foot of adams street was form ally dedicated last week and immediately taken possession of by the worlds congress of representative women and many pro minent in the varied departments of womens work were present and took part it ib intended to have these congresses during the next six months under the title of the worlds congress auxiliary of the columbian exposition and many subjects such as medicine temperance music religion education etc will be ably repre sented by bright mindb familiar with the subjects io hand the exhibits in the building devoted to mining and its kindred industries are fast assuming shape pennsylvania at present is very prominent therein with tho exhibit made of tbe fiftyfoot pyramid of coal kentucky not tobeoutdocewllhavcwbt3 completed a very finepivillion to 6how off the mineral wealth of her domain michi gan iibb reason to bo proud of her exhibit of copper seen in its finished condition and aa it comes from tho miner although tho new governorgeneral of canada hails from scotland yet he and his good lady countess of aberdeen seemed to take a good deal of pleasure and interest in the visit they made among the peasants of the irish village ample provision line been made in case of fire as a fullfledged fire department ia in operation and a patrol boat tho firo queen is in readiness at all times to do her duty tbe admissions last week were absut 130000- there is trouble over the official cata logue of the art gallery especially among the frenchmen a visitor in looking up a chriet ori tho cross found it was a wounded dog in the catalogue and where he rights of mao was the cata logue toqk you to an angel dressed for weather appropriate to 90 in the shade there are six niileb of painting in this art gallery alnd one who visits these institutes much knows what that means that it is a tiresome journey to view them the saoshinc lastweek had much to do with making tho grass grow and flowers bloom aild another siuj a week- will sec marked improvement in this a w00dville miracle tkh remarkable case of little qeorqie veale afte willi tbesj three years of utneas ftfs fjiencfsdispalredof hie recovery testaratton came when hope hid almost fledrthe little f tllow is now as lively as a c icket a story that will bring h spe to other parents wood me independent tjh indrprndcnt has pabimiod from lime to tii ie the particulars of some very re mark ble cares following tho uie of dr ms pink pills for ptla people cases have been so fully verified as to leafre no doubt that thfc now universally faaor a remedy is cue of the greatest medic d achievements of an age that has been i eratrkable for the wonderful discov eries of science possibly some of our reade i may have thought that tho virtues of tliii medicine have been exaggerated but there are many aming them who can testify to its virtues and now the indeptn- dent i enabled j to give the particulars of 4 cc ro occurring ia our village quite aa remarl ableas any that have hitherto been publisl ed and which may be so easily verifier by any of oar readers that skepti cism r mst be alent we had heard tint little g sorgio veale had been cured through tha ca of dr williams pink pills and as all out people know that little boy had been il for a long timeand his recovery was tb jugbt to be hopeless the report of his cni a therefore created 60 much aston- ishmei t that we resolved to ascertain tbe facts i nil accordingly we called upon mr veale o get the particulars mr george veale las been a resident of this village for ye rs is a wagonmaker by trade and is well known to all our citizens as well as to moi t ot the people of the surrounding count r he has a family of young childn 3 who unfortunately lost their mothei some eix years ago one of these childrt 3 named george is about seven years if ape and some three years ago was ta en ill and has since been practically helples add as t result much sympathy was fe t for the family owing to the child being notherlets the case of the little fellow vis considered hopeless d no oca ever ej pected to see him able to rice from his bee again on asking mr veals about tbe rej ort we had beard of the boys recov ery he said it was quite true aud express ed hie willingness to give us the particu lars d glaring that he had no hesitation in saying that it was owing to the uso of dr willia ns pink pills that the lad was now better he said that some two and a half years i go little georgio was taken ill with inflam nation of the bowels and received good i ledical treatment after being ill for son e time tho trouble seemed to take a nev form and settled in his bones which became diseased during the sum mer hi got a little better but when winter set in ie was taken down and the disease becsm worse swelling arose over the body and several small pieces of bone came ut he could takw but very little susten mce and for seven months could not st nd on his feet he had to remain in bed dr be carriedabout in hie sisters arms all th medicinehe got did him no good and h s case was given up as hopeless and it was thought that bo would not longsur- vive mr vetje had read of the wonder ful tu es effected by the use of pink pills and ecided that all things else having failed he would try what they would do for his bey accordingly he purchased eomo at f ads drug store and began giving them to his son after about two weeks he foind that there was an improvement in hi a condition which warranted the i bnantrorit may 22 at g oclock sat- urday morning at jerseyville mr darius misner ended his life by his own hand mb had been out of bis mind for bome three weeks and was without doubt inbtne at the time the rash deed was done he went out to the btables about c oclock took a small logging cbainaud threw one end of it around a pole on tbe top of a straw stock and there huug himself oil the chaiu he was found only a short time after he left the hous by his daughter and son-in- law mr and mrs stenebaugh but when fuund life was extinct the deceased wab 70 years of age aud for o long time had been a resident of tnis county en and ch cd before mr gladstone in peril a missile flung at his railway carrlace londox may 19 while mr gladstone wb travelling from london to chester yesterday a heavy missile was thrown at his compartmeut as the traiu approached witlsden the missile struck the window of tbe next compartment which was occu pied by thedeau of chester jit 6mabhed the glass and struck tbe cushion a few inches from the deans head no arrest has been made even moric rebpect it is well wowh anyonev time to walk through midway plaisnce even though you do not visit the many villages and other attractions found there certainly such a mixture of jew and gentile heath- hstian wero never bo congregat- and many of theeo strange people will not return to their native land the editors in their national convention last week and part of this seemed to have mixed a great deal of pleasure with their business and they return to their pabte pots invigorated by our lake breezes and 16 continue the gool work of saying kind wordb for tho columbian exposition the driveways are finished or nearly so but an edict has gone forth that no driving is allowed except for the delivery of sap- plies late at night and early morning even tho bikes come under this head and are barred out some of the colum- bianguards are a trifle eaucy and too offi cious they seem to forget that they are required to be gentlemen under all circum stances even though they are dressed in brass buttons black braid and blue uni forms to judge from tho numerous hotels erect ed for tho entertaiement of worlds fair visitors saying nothing of the old cstab ijbhed ones and many boarding and private lodging houses chicago will have no diffi culty in taking good care of theimuhitude even though all of china were poured in on us rest assured on this point that ample preparations havo been made further use of the pink pills and accord- inglyjhe- procured another snpply and now baid his father the little fellow is raun ng a boat a lively and as mfschevious as eir there u no doubc about the matter said mr veale pink pills cured my toy when all other remedies bid failed aud am glad to give this information so that it may bs of benefit to others w a called upon mr fead the druggist and ibked him his opiuion of dr will jams pin pills he laid that the demand for then was edgreat as to be astonishing id that those who once use them buy gains 8 1b4 25 10 0 lbw vicinity who are boots and shoes that deserves yet system of raonej j avu a i it is pdssibjl that thero are yet some peoble in use specialists another for missf aud makers know thffl makes little diffef qualities and mplfeys wc dont rail o shoes nor do we contvoi any one factory we meoinlicea i lxtxfc meais going tothiaman for tadles styles to th result amply capital is a shoo needed mi cheap reliable ft any variety rcqui some or the you with as follcj cadres o a nice d ladles ti you 6ave mone t awarethat wo are selling ladies nop to heao and others we would siy this is ft matter thotghfjful consideration as it raeajus to yon ft tavinj clo larcre qnelphand ii childrens t to in oth e rib r childrens a nd ju fain ts some f busineis well enough toexcell in all three it ncojvhothey are orwiere theyareao long as ortu are the best obtainable se guying is close selling laud jhe result of a and varied assortment ja matrar what tfie be wfl can meet every demand j from finest to twea r our shoe department will supply you with id ss expensive grades of ladies shoes a- ords opera toe tip or tfafn ii koli oxford good fitter 20j oxforcfs 1 25 to f 22 y means our shoe department g b mskm5t co only one pricf aqbirter dollar buys at the quarter star twentyfive king west hamilton on come bio at km tha follpwiog extraordinary bar- choice italian pee for superior wishing soda for excellent bice for superior laundry starch for good cooking raisins for g packages corn starch for choice mixed bird seed for 25c 4 minster bars good laundry soap 25c hamilton c g 0 20 0 c g coflef but lbs any 4 lb fead agfc thus proving their value m said he sold more piuk pill than any othi r remedy and the demand is utill in- cre 3ing and lie thought uo better evi- den e could be givpn of i heir value ua a me seine than this dr williams pink pills for pale people are manufactured by the dr williams mec icine company brockullr ont and sch mectady n y a firm of unquestioned relii bility pink pile are not looked upon as patent medicine but rather a pre- sen tion ah analysis of their properties sho that these pills are an unfailing speci fic f r all diseases arising from an impover ieht i condition of the blood or from an imp lirment of the nervous system such as ioes of appetite depression of epirita an- bid a chlorosis or green sickness general mui ular weakness dizziness loss of mem ory palpitation of the heart nervous head- ach locomotorataxia paralysis sciatica rhe matism st vitus dance tbe after effe ts of la grippe all diseases depending upo i a vitiated condition of the blood such sere ula chronic erysipelas etc they are alec a specific for the troubles peculiar to the emale system correcting irregularities we supply 125 jlfhr hbtxtistmtni -amsricax- wall papers and borders new artistic designs at the dirugstbre see our sample our priceg beiore juii j any line is oat calf astbay j othatrfi upon thapremises of tb dildtftiint- o moaortbdat tha lh mr 18 one red ball calf oiraer to pro properly pi czpea- lf and remove the tijmii v c hildbxbbasd t acton acton hit s3nl 13s3 trespassers take notice v rphe ifedersfgned herebj- gfrejiquee tilt j after tbii date taj peeion or person fonnd treepejilnff on tneir premlbes tut ud weet lot b con 3 by fiinlni ibootlng berrj picking or isenyotherinf villlm prpeoented according to law joseph hisbz i wsibeows acton vifk 1333 mring oiitflt fjr sale the tindersfgned has for sale k firttajisi drttr alx yean old cooq top faacetetittbt obef and bamssa all ia eoodtotiditioo wu hemsereet actoa 6uelph cocoa for 8100 1 t 175 t 150 t 125 kind ot t etc for 100 notice notici li berebj giten that irin not bt retpontibte for debts eontnctm by m vtfe6r funuf or tnr other tronbie w1tsoeter iter ihli dite william warwick deled at acton thti 3rd dr oiuajr 1bk money to loan fcuaif or tultee propertf at rotonbjet r appir to ucleax helbam town htl aeten foe sale fphatdoafrablo propeity laulr ocoapied ijy j wiulam bamabaw dseeaied oonautibg n trams dwelling house with wood shed attatwd a convenient it ble a rood vail and eisten together with an acr cf choice land batinc a aamber of fruit trwi thereon all being in food ordar poeiwaaion giten immediately apply to johk uarshaxi kauoiwyrjl po horse in pound company c lb cnrrtnta for 7 saperior tipioci for 30 ci ke toilet sotp for 15 lti best biking sodi for 7 blneiog for 7 eitu qoility sieo for 9 nice fresh biscuits for 5 bt rea lacifer matchesfor 12 bi rs electrio sotp 12 bifcea matcbea tea vjf reat 3took mjust go at any price tlidusajids of bargains still remain aying iip busmess nottce ta hewby gita that i haw impotrod- ed a sorrel horse vlth four whits feet wbita l mans audtail hu been in pound sines satur- daj- owner irill please pay expensa andtaas bitiiawat dgrahau leton itar ltth 13 poundkeeper hamilton tea company king street wet south sfdo near tba bank of hauiiltou hamilton sjprina 1893 wfy cheap goods fe aa the chicago spectatorlurh citir her n invetti- am all ilit cn now he l inmlio i tooncv to north rijiiret- tht we jliatbath ttt b pro e to li and cinan fftr w bet and inot solid tr4uoftnrritn in tlie world tic caa ftkinc otftletn for iikeatratnt that canadian a t the ilayal i jaars old t to the espiuh hrdto dchiiigvi ciety of humcutis u 315 one of the largest and most noble enter prises connected with the colombian ex- position in chicago is that known a then chicago spectator urn nn immense build ing which covers an area with its studios aud powef houses of nearly a hal million square fet in this building will be pre sented with the lichibt of artistic and realistic finish all the incidents of colum bus life from his appearance at the monas tery of la rabid to i us discovery of sati salvador artistio features of the greatest iraerit and many new appliance in mech anifw and electricity will be used in this builrfine the desire beiuq it is said to combine a noble rcalim with perfect ideal- ism song and scene will anitq in male- jingit lhoireatt nttractioti or the fair ys the chicago lltratd laardsunliueut cures uarus 4c the cauadin order of loresterf ia a fraternal benevolent society incorporated in 1879 and registered under the insurance corporations act 1812 of ontario tbe objects of the society are to furnish its members vith sick and funeral benefits and an insurance of one or two thousand dollars the payments for these benefits range from about one dollar to one dollar and fifty cents per month according to the ae of tho member and tbo amount of the insurance carriod tho membership it oo m posed t men only cud when admit ted they must ho between the ages of eighteen and fortyfive tho preseat num ber of members is over 10000 and the society has a cash burplus on hand for the payrreot of thettisurance of over 5215000 50000 of which ii in domioton of canada bondn and the i a mice i- invested in the beet monetary institution if the domiu- ion in addition to thic the local courts hate about half k million of dollar in heir treasiiries for the payment of the sick nud futietnl denefiti tho itiih secretary of the order u mr thomfts whiteof brnulfurd mid it nerptcted that n cixirt f tui ofmiur mid purely cana djhii swictj will hirily brnrtitnieedherr vcru in llie lotilest river in ent- thes land wool ftiirien itnhnukablm gray and natural mii wool naiutelx in exchanpe for wool at hewlon sons ililu lime- house soptressions add alpform of female weak ness building anew the blood and re storngthe plow of health to pale and sallaw complexions in the case of ticn they effect a radical cure in all caw i ariaiog from mental worry or over wor of any nature these pills are not a pi rgttive medicine they contain only life ivinf properties and nothing that couli injure the most deli cite system the f act directly on the blood supplying its ifcgiving qualities by arsisliag it to ate rb oxygen that great supporter of all org a jic life in this way the blood be- com ug built up and being bupplted with its i eking constituents incomes rich and red nourishes the various organtt stimu latii g them to activity in tha performance of t leir functions and thug eljtniuata dise se from the system j d williams pink pills are sold only in bies bearing the firms trade mark and wrapper printed iu red ink bear in min that dr williams pink pills are neve sold in balk or by the dozen or hun dred and any dealer who offers subitftates in t is form is trying t defraud yoa and shoe id be avoided tbe peblio are alto caut oued against nil other socalled blood buil ert and nerve touict putup io simi lar irtn i a tended to deceive they aro all imit it ton whose makers hope to reap a pecc iiary advantage from the wonderful repc ation achieved by dr williams pink pilli ask your dealer for dr williams fialf pills for pile people aud re fa so alt imitations aud- substitutes iui uthei dj all 1 will ddtpsi at 50 centt a ltox tic bores ftir williirai fink pilu any bo hid of rbjtita or direct by trull fromtlr am sfediciiro cunpmy from either the prico at wlticli tlitae pill ftreaild milte acoarrt of tretmetu com ively iuexpensice ks comriret with remediei or midio trentmeut voou bieukets in jrentvariety iu pxcii lnge for wool ac newton sons miup limehonre i our uialiing beat thj wo of gnoi tho cheaperj they arj spect wll springs brings new hopes new circumstances and new ideas it also brings spring fash- iohs in dress goods silks millinjerylfantles wraps para laces gloves hosiery corsets ladies underwear dress trinirriings dress buttons and a large variety s other goods too uumeijons to mention to the marritnoth house wo have purchased largely and early this seasonin theabove fancy joods and staples in antl cipaticu of a rise and all the goods ira on tho move up from 15 per cent to 25 per cent so really ve can sell you goods all this eiabon at about wboiesale prices we never had larger cheaper or better dtocks of shirt ings c ittons cottonades denims tickings towellings linens tab- lings flhan now our cheape wholes we and oil this sale cannot lasttorever but while ft does last you can buy a good ljnioa qarpet foe 55c worth 50 other carpets wiugobeidw cost you can have curtains below cost you can buy floor oilcloth english make atj4p 4scis a common price for canadian made ely is dangerous 12 doz 20c lisle gioveswil go quick at rpcv 15 doz black silk gloves great value at33c 20 cents will buy them now 250 parasols any color at 75 cents on the afce notice to cbeditobs in the matter of william ramihlw feceaaed vtotich if hereby gfren jmrsrnut to ne etatntei in lhat bebalt i nnn nia ati eredittiri o wulim iumihlte ot the vlllife ol aetoo who died on tbe 26th day of r 13bs are to lend by poet tirepald to jobn marthall kaaaa taweya poet office ont adminiatrator of tbe eiute of the tald dedeued oh or before tbenret day of janeld93 tutemeot in vrlt- inff eontaining laq patucqaui ot their elairas and the natnre bl the aeenrlty eny held by them and farther btkenotiee that themid admln- fitnttnr will nroceed on and after that d4tetc diitrlbnte the ineu of the iiiot deeefued amoatt the partiei entitled thereto liatlnff re- nrd oniy to tboee elaitne of vbioh they thall nate ba notice t johkmutshall admlnlitrator dated it acton thta isti derof my iso dnuts are buperb and the by 15 per cent than tha tfo price liave a big stock of carpets ioths cheap of v riety of all kiuds of goods is large with the latest novelties ladisand gents footwear in immense variety and estriordiu ary chfi ip our iu the b k silk braid for ic per yard to doz corsets at cost watch for new list next weeki ejreijjtliiiig ifnsfc o temrffradv no credit jerm1 n cor hill mjd jfain streets acton b vf yorj pave t i m koff- get t bottle of siriiths ciierrr bsam millinery opening will be egiiiniug of april and mantle making will he ap t the mark as usual ailoriug and gents fur- departments nothing to m in ontario nvs several leading liueg b wo are slaughtering jublic citiiniit be served tir better tmywhirej aud cordially iuviied tii in lajijrcleodco aeoraetowh i gj ioldoz leather belts can be buttons for 8c regular price advantage of tlis great sacrifice sale- 5 doz ladies blouses just in to be sold at a loss had at cost rooo doz jf2j- and i5- cents 5opo yohvvant 1 your blood punned- a invigorated get a bottle r winter fluid i i bpe seed farliehs look ontand rat the rlsht jeerl thii year i imported myhape seed iu tlie tinier and bad it teetod br frofsbav at trie oatario ajpicnltntal college in tbeir creenhone yon oau- therefore re1 j on ratting tnegednlne trne dvarf euexbapeseedfron moi prlet iqc perlh or lias iprtl00 kamaies boc lb cajuiots 40 t goc it stbxtvxinpsi8c a sz5d cosh yauawborn tootb70t ifeja soatim wlitt 7 be ftr bushel bid cob comptqir barlt thoxogrxd flzht lsahcoio tte uuxgajuajt htjllkt tarss bucxwbxit ere ceo j thorp direct seed rmporter i ifasonio block gdelps -r- your system smith tfontof pleasant to taici and cures every time fo roughnessl of the skin thsibnea stjyrt-f-dataajae- steel engravings n colored pictaroe jlolor mooldlngi eroof etehlnjjl colored pfctnxej boom and flo ivory oak artists matbrials i- a foil itock of wioaor 4 netrtone riik i white double tnbet boirneyi 10c 8 x 10 deep photo framee complete 906 1 feet comioe pole brw fitttasa bo our i are mid to be tho feet eelected in the diy watties beos established st fjaoaaij sfjoasai odxlth prepared only by irl g smitlj st go dispensing ch mists ellpffrqnt j n u s o 12 wyndham hlgli wiieelhigh sd jiexoelledin dmfn qiality of m afer- i iai and worktbaojhip dnj-abii- llyeamof operulonind cfenhi ef ct ustw flf lsd ght- kctewtb- acton saw mills coai and wood tasda t r jkwes brd3nll torclctvsz axd qkauu1 bt lumber latb sbinglei coed and wood coil il and wood alayi in itock end promptly tfelltered to uy pert ol the town at 1 reupnable priou j hardvocdeinatlabi eat ilore length aiwaj telephone 6omrhnnlcatlon t tolookweij ii more lhrreojt of good jndgemebt and ttite hu tsern larith dm o moqey my food of bbotsiss shoes if adipled to fill tho nta nf llioie bo heins iltnder iucomu itill desire to raake thrflr tppetrioae creditawe ifihdmotbbkdpts tjtfe gowby mwc0 kcton wniafnotorer eiiablenn tcj prraent hue if hh footwear ii wm wrtitlamb aeton ml ji 1 j r 2kraiegifti

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