Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 25, 1893, p. 3

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r ers s at get ttpen let t lot floot lac to fcct tx it qt ply to m in bank op- hamilton headorrice haiciltjl oimtteito cf iimnr i k g bwvkl mn i utenzx citntani rotes a rosg- cufftrt eydyulq ft jk coiarcttommee easliioeexe sftffs next favorable terras j u on savlkas dspirtkekt dxrotrrsrcsairaiomlandnnwam j- r special deposits the methodist church aqton rev joseph edge t ptrtont gqbover ivonua public bertiees iojo am anltsjopm tchooltjo bible clawoduetedh castor iaieotslllylnyis pastor sunday tbe fcatthk at seasonable goo the news at home mostly of a local character and evary item interesting 38 we are opening up every week new designs in wait and ceilirig papers bordejs to match curtain poles j and trimmings spring rcj lers fringe shades window blind paper 4c per yard call in and look at our stock faraambex sll buadt bought rem ut ire pat p free of charce a new ttcot c boy ljcrjto btlcki tfnbber balls ehhartnt wire gji wttont carta utiles boda iinea mi hooks come and see us ij geo hykds acton oiit i u jctit jfree jijs thxjrsdayj hay k uk httle local briecets h which caugfrf tha eyes ar ears of free press hepartars this week tbe wild flowers are now plentiful all subscriptions must bo paid io ad vence thome c moores stave end leading factory is now in operation revmr ete wilt address the christ ian kndearor society at knox chupjh thii evening u the fair puss ii on file in the cana dian pavilion at the world a fair at chicago j h kamahaw photo artist htsja fine display of portraits in hie etodio window jut now tha park committee have planted a number of fine maples and cedars at the perk the put week j williams quartette clnb sing t a fnrestera concert at eden mills last iiijjht with much acceptance the grass it beginning to creep over the edges of the gravel walks in some places at fairview cemetery organize have been talking np two new societies here the past week the select knigbtaand the maccabeea interesting correspondence from rock- wbed asbgrove and knatchbalt was received too late for insertion this week tbe new school bell has been ihung endisnowin dily nse it is very cltar and distinct and hkb a pjcnliarly tweet tone the a 0 f court attended the funer al of mre w e smith on saturday after- uoou ouv of respect to their afflicted brother workmen are engaged on m 1 k corrys new residence onyonng street ur perryman is the foundation for his new building hetiry hortop of everton has pur- chased the flour and feed business hereto fore carried on by john arthurs anj will continue it io the same premises the volunteer of company no 0 30h battalion will oommence to jsrillj in the parktbis evening at 715 seargante lsing and cameron will receive recrnite at spy time bill hicks the tramp printer former ly of georgetown died in the police station at hctnei ificb on friday night he set fire to hj cqt rith bis fp ru tflffoctlei a mus meeting of seformers will be field ia the town hall tliltoa on tuesday iniianast 2 prato elect delegttss totrie bsipftnoontention to be held at ottawa ooitbviawi jane i tha ladies aid of the sietbodlet church have had placed in the sanday school afine imported slate blackboard jcj i 3j feet it ia much superior ti- the qroinsry black hoard and the bquday school sppreciates it fully there is a good deal of misapprehension in regard to the registration of births mtr- rfaijesand deaths births mqst be regts- ieted byp isitbta p 4sy marrisges by clergymen within w diys and- deaths bf tb oeeupieri of the house in jhich they occar withia ten days thstswnshipsondty school cocven- tion st bsllinatad tomorrow will be of mock inferjst haaday school wotktrs generally are inritat to be present i the programme was girost in 1 ise t tj fgafyai and will be in progress fram i aimtilt the elose of theetening sessliq qaeens birthday ni quietly observed jesterdsy good many citiiens received visitors from other points while numbers visited their friends andsometo otherplaces of auractioo oot of town tie weather was pleasant and the holiday generally enjoyed doriug the afternoons lacrosse matclt between the janiots of actofa and btampien wst played it resdlteiiua draw theidisciptes of evertoo are expect- tog a large meeting at their churcrj bo jnnelstwbea the annual june meeting will bsvbeld- a schoolroom k by 36 has this sammer been built as ansdditioa totheebqreb this will bfejtted a com m room during the i jaue desuag several divines fram the states are ei- peetw choice clover and timothy seed in sny quantityat t hhiacrxoagrooery 1lo0irbami roods oottrplete linerflceeds c- in mcbsos foe wvl at nwtfp sobs us lirrieheose i itvoo warit fwtciass coelph sssij and fdoors at oaiph prices t ensue can filfyoar orsersthis planing mill painting and paperhanging in all it usnches orders left t the house sriu rtceie prompt stuotioo carriab gaitil- ing also exwated ia the best mariner c 0rzuucc v denth at if ra w s smith the illness of mrs w e smith referred to prcvioliily in uio farj passs termina ted lut thursday evening in her deith a second operation wis performed on thnrsdsy afternoon by drs temple of toronto eowitt of oaelph sod uren o acton but owing to her ettcemi weakness the rapidly sank a hart time thereafter daring all her illness jitrs smtti was a mottpatisht saffercr christisn fortitads chsrsctrited the taios weeis of siffet- ing and her qntet resignation to the will ot the lcsster whom she served ros manifest to all everything that human skill could io was brooght into service and the minis- tratiaas of kind relatives and friends were freelyj given but wtthont avail mrs smith was the daughter of anson smith ej- and tister of mrs w hj storey she leavha sorrowing husband and three sons who keenly feel the sad loss sua was highly esteemed by all an affectionate wife and tender mother the funeral took placcastibrdu afternoon tvhen a large concourse of friends was present to pay the last tribute of respect a memor ial service was held in the methodist church and th occasion improved by ap propriate addresses by rev u b cooke and rev joseph edge the choir of fhe church bang a couple of appropriate anthems tho following friends from a distance attended the funeral iir wel lington smith brantford j llr and sirs 0 w smith if onnt forest j mr and mrs jacob smith glantord mr andrew swayzie jlr and aire ira green hamil- ton mrsi jackson and son buffalo mr bobt oliphant glanford mr and mra john bennett miss bennett and miss dcwar milton from ocean to ocean a very interesting and popular lecture will bo delivered in tho town hall on thursday bvening 1st june by adam brown exm p hamilton under the sospices of st albans church ocean to ocean m tho subject and mr brown has won most complimentary references from press and puhiic theoluwa cithtn ssys commencing at halifax n s he described tbe fine old historic city giving views of the city and harbor andfugship blake the lecturer proceeded shewing a map of the dominion and carried- his audi- enco with him as he proceeded westward in a c p r car over- the intercolonial oast truro spriaghill amhcr6t sackville ilonctoaand other places to st john k b shewing pictures to illustrate his re- marks he spoke very highly of the people of halifax and of the energy of tho citizens of st john as shown in their beautiful city after the great fire detailed description and graphic views of the various important points across the continent were given the engineering skill in numerous public works the kocky mountains and tbe great wealth of forest sea sad minerals of british columbia were portrayed tho lecturer closed with an eloquent peroration declaring that loyalty to britian was the creed of the canodlanpeopleof both sides of politics the dundas banner says mr brown6 lecturo was postic patriotic and pictnresque being a sketch of a trip across the continent entitled from ocean to ocean was illuminated by 125 limelight views of cities harbors prairie scenery rocks and glaciers railway bridges and ranches about all of which mr brown wove a cnarming picture in glowing and fervid oratory- a unique entertainment a hhihchus refined and interesting en tertainment will be given in the brick church above acton on tuesday evening may 30 mebsrs fred w christie dialect reader and will a dixon ventriloqaist of toronto are the artists for the occasion tbey are accorded places on the best plat forms and will provide airogramme pure ir tene and thoroughly rnjdyabe and in structive tbe following press comments speak their excellence mr christie scored u great success as a dialect reader in xiil- old roan and jim toronto ifvrf concert given at tbe residence of mrs geo a cox presided over by rev jolm potts d d victoria university tlie programme was considerably en hanced by the veulriloquial work of mr w a dixon wko5e woodenheaded family created no end of fun in his mim icry and dialogueliepcovedhimseu fit far the front rank of the profession another pleasidg feature was urr fred w christie character impersonator in sandy mcdon alds signal iu wlrrch lie gave evidence of great natural ability iaif bond street church dr wilds held a large audiencelast evening mr fred christie scored agrcatjsuccess as a dialect reader as did mr w a dixon in his ventriloqo- ial sketches toronto world mr dix ons ventriloquial powers would put to shame tbe performances of a great many socalled professors of tbe tort his imi tation of drawing a cork the fizz of soda water the buzz of the bee sod the saw ing of a board were most realistic he was loudly applauded daibj examiner pelerboro ont williams quartette club of acton whose reputation is well estab lished have been engaged for the occasion the admission is only fifteen cents child ren 10 cents thecountry around news itams supplied by corres pondents andexohanges l1meh0use ur bsird preached an excellent sermon in the presbyterian church on sunday iflernoon i mr and lrsjohn kennedy of guclph ritited friends hero daring the week the nshcrram have been putting in fall irae here lately on saturday there wero tbont st many fishermen as fish a few ot fine strings of trout merirs jno newton sons are just now hipping large orders of their superior blankets jk milton mayor dice hat been confined to his louse throogb illness tbe past week the methodist district meeting was held n thursday and friday mr r s porter it already having bricks placed upon tho grounds preparatory to juilding a block on the property ho has recently purchased on main street mr duncan mckay hat purchased from sir knees the property known as carlton hall on martin 6treet the price paid t6ercfor being s5w0 a pablio mcetiag of the patrons of in dustry will be held in the town hall milton jn saturday may 27th st 2 p rov st which addresses will be delivered by grand vice president curria and grand trustee kennedy officers of the grand asocition rev r haddow b a preached an able sermon to the oddfellows in ensx olinrch last sanday evening a considerable num ber of visiting brcthern were present the court of revision will ait on theflih june a joyouaxuptlal ceremony the union in wedlock of mr albert e matthews of chicago a native of acton and miss amelia c miller of syracuse n y was consummated at the heme of the briavt parents gn tuesday ictb inst tbe following ptrtifasr4re given by the syracuse ack ibeweddingwas solemn- ized at 609 aud 610 prospect avenne for the two houses had been connected by a temporary corridor both residences were redolent with the perfame of flowers the marriage ceremony being solemnized in the homo of the bride and the sapper served iu her sisters house the msrriage cere mony was unusually effective tb the strains of wagners faithful and true the bridal procession entered the parlors preceded by four little nieces of the bride and attired in pink and white silk carry ing bouituete of marshal keil roses which they scattered op their way immeiaelj following came the ttnid of honor little virginia haberle dressed ia yellow silk tbe bridesmaids were miss hattie zanke and miss annie morgan and the grooms m m charles w a ball and fred l med be ry under a canopy of radiating whiti si k ribbons relieved- with cmdix with i large wbhbouo formed of roses in the rea r tbe two prtbctpals werb made man an wife in- ab impressive manner by its jeremifii gimmermau the brides eoi tame irss of white corded silk with peal 1 trtrnmitgs veil en trsine and the ctrrie l lirgaj- boaqoet of illies of the vtlle after rfceiving the congratulations ol tl a gsettt kai viewing the many tokens if esteem n the form of valaahle and cottry gifts ssomptuous banquet w enjoyea the wtaded couple left at 2 oclock nejt morulas for their new horns at 358 lincoln tfenuef chicago in matthews name obt frkrrdt iu aetna unite in wsrmet ccngrautiorttad best wishes foe alia ofns qeorqetown tho methodist church will uowtaka a higher position among the cbarohes of the inference with georgetown and only one jutside appointment the minister in charge will be able much more successfully to luprintend the work rev mr moir who prill probably be sent here at the coming jonterence will now have excellent oppor- unity for advancing the interests of the ause here messrs g h kennedy and caps juhn- iton have been elecied delegates to confer ees at owen sound court of revision next monday mr j umcleod is among the number jf etndenta who have passedthe etamina- ions of the law 8ociety held recently for all to the bar and certificate of fitness mr a e coombs b a of the high school staff has successfully passed his ixaraination as a specialist in classics the examination was held recently at tho toronto school of pedagogy erin rev gerald willoughby of aberfoyle ccupiedthe pulpit of the methodist ihurch here on sanday very acceptably some fine trout are being caught here his spring this township lost yesterday by death another lifelong residedt mr lachlan currie after an illness of considerable duration died at the age of 57 years he was tho son of the late john currie and was born in the township nis father died when he was but a lad and be was of great comfort and assistance to his mother in her days of widowhood mr currie was for a many years a representative in the municipal council qf the township and was for several years deputy reevo aud a member of the county council he also served long aud faithfully on the richool board in his ecction the funeral will take place to morrow to the cemetery at evertoo a very sympathetic resolution of condol ence was tendered the family of the late wm matthews last week by the a 0 d w methodist district meeting the annual meeting held at cuelpvi last week the annual meeting of guelph district irho methodist church was hell in nor folk street methodist church gutlph last wednesday and thursday there was a good attendance of laymen as well as ministers and a large amount of business was transacted and returnsco the ytar summarized for presentation at coni fereoce tho finances for tho different circuits an stationbon thedistrict were given asfollows the first column being connectional fandt the second for circuit purposes and the third ministerial support total ei037 fan og stsoo on ts i iod 05 ism 5 uoo to ta 30 89 90 651 30 too 0 379 s 550 03 915 39 750 00 703 05 ko 03 33 smoo rata lfmm lata ioo km bo 65503 582 co ks03 130 u oj1 st s30t3 sim s5 977 s5 1150 00 261 cl 1195 00 153 03 tm 70 coming and going sltors to and from aotort and various other persorialnotes rlits n4h hyndt of fergus it visiting at ton friends iir wm mecslcheon of tctonlo wu in town this week dr john mcclare of toronto visited fri sndt la acton this week ilr joe m moors has sgaln assumed tb i foremsnthip of the hlnoterf c dr and mrs willoughby ef toronto wi re gjietts st the home of asa hall esq on monday dr ahdmrs jas melint and mr aud m 1 1 francis were present at the clid- fe ows anniversary sermon in knar ci drch milton last sunday evening uv j w riqsnd mr h p moore at ended the somiinnuil meeting of the exicutive of tho provincial sanday si lool association at toronto ontaesday itr william beyers of sbedden who w t pastor o the methodist charch here ei ht years ago is about to retire tram the ac ive work and wilt we understand settle in acton ilr john b kennedy left on monday fa baffaln ha will probably make his hi me on tha other tide mr kennedys fr 2nda ia acton wish him success in his fc ure home ilnch sympathy is felt for mr and mrs j an stalker esqoeaing in their heavy at liction oa the isth april a dear little be v in his third year was taken from them at d last thnrtday isth may- they were if tin bertsvedy the death of their eldest at the age of eleven years this icken family have baried five children thin tha last tea years j the friendt of rev t albert moore in i old home will be pleased to hear of hit si xess ia hit present charge it niagara f lit the lltucw sayt there have tx n received iuto the church during tho yi ir on profettion of faith 63hy letter 20 ule 25 have removed or died leaving increase of 8 in the membrtliip the rr 3uey raised for all purpoxes was 1350 al which t025 is for the miseiont of the cl arch including 5255 raised by the omans missionary autilliary every it lerest of the church is prosperous and tl 3 f atare is bright with promiie the p storate of mr moore has been exceeding ly successful and the congregation all ej rnestly deeire the conference to send hi n back to ns for another year at the re ent meeting of the official board they vc d iherjistor a donttion of 100 more th m his salary tuuruts whei her on pleasure bent or business should eke on every trip a bottle of syrap of fig as it sets most pleasantly and efteetai y on the kidneys liver ind bowels prevenling fevers headaches and other forms sickness for sila in 75c bottles by ji e ruggiils wdolstocung asrnt in great variety of best qoalliy in exchange tor wool at newtou i sous mtllt i limehonte to 1 st i acton laertne akdrepairshop rlndell wright i well wroippsd with all lbs mtemntrt itarrtpmeeuteallnpalrita sfohlinhlyi acsricxtlttjral implemxnts ndlodosjlkinato stealtmtina j hosseshoeing tad ohneral blacksmithtna kud woodwork rspafrs aerformed in a satis f rv manuer wa eaa repair any machine or hplomml of any make saw irainmips and ilnffdo ijl qlkgow house acton we areoffenng rockwood sirs jfarv e ofallon at rttiaa0 sari the pur- slctans ara arcnubcd and look at her llko est jed fra the dead and terrible illness m blood poisoning co itptetcty cured by hoods sareaparllla mrs stary e ofallon a very intenijent lady ol plqua owo was poisoned- wlilla as- slstlns phyilelaas at an tufajj- 5 yean aju aadioca lerriale nlccrs broke out on her head s rms tongue and throat her lialr all came o it she welshed but 76 lbs and saw no pro pect of help at last she began to take i osds saraparuia and at oace im proved could soon get out of bed and walk she m s i became perfectly cured by hws sarsaparilla and am now aweuwaman i weigh 12slbs eat we 1 and do the work for a large farnlly jty caie scenic a wonderful recovery and plitslcbm lonk at me in artrmlsomeut as almost hle oae railed t rant tko dead aflests fob- plfctjrts ihpijim3kts ahd ipatk8 j 30wdy6 celebrated lawh wer blju wh hlh irksod icrlndell 4c wright the aybill manufacturing co ltd 00- ont uficrnjbeaa o oftiee school lodge anttoperv iiiniiture hoc os pills should bo u orcrr ftnnr adtct o ehcit oncoiucimtrr protcrwd jhe salvation army band of guelpb wi 1 visit ropkwoodon wednesday evening m y slst to hold a special meeting in gl tdstone hall where the salvation army 1 meet in future ensign miller the dii trlct officer will be in command assisted by toldiers from guelpb acton and other pli cee a coffee social will bo served at th i close capt rutledgt of acton will be iq charge tl e christian endeavor convention i pleasant and harmonious meeting of th young peopjp of the christian endeair- and epworth league societies was be d in the methodist church lst monday ning to arrange local matters for the oo oing convention of the county union 1 rangements were made for a strong unit- choir and committees for billeting re- oe tion flowers and other purposes were biated indications point to a most successful convention ou the 22nd and dvjone aud it will be of great interest the community gnelnh norfolk bl dublin et paiiley 6l poosonby eloral fergni uirtvtllo belwood eramosa fverton naesagaweya kockwood acun qeortetown erin s3 15 333 65 79 65 177 si 1e8s3- 10 79 103 60 ssi tf7 s13 1 rs 11 s31 79 261 70 1i 90 1233 15 1975 m 17a 65 11165 550 03 ullt2 i 179 03 1733 si 6230 17s7 17 j georgetown and erin circuits have each two ministers the others but one the following are the returns of member ship guelph norfolk st 535 guelph dublin st i50 guelph paitley st 177 ponsonby 170 elora 178 fergub 217 msrevillo 167 bel wood 215 eramosa 175 everton 62 nassagaweya 221 rockwood 95 acton 250 georgetown six appoint ments 428 erin five appointments 275 total sc30 after considerable discussion over tbe division of the georgetown circuit it was carried by a large majority that george town and limehonse next year form one circuit and norval asbgrove saimonville and glenwilliatvis another cotsofer pro positions that georgetown and asbgrove form one of the circuits and also that georgetown limehonse and saimonville form one were voted down rev a cunningham was elected to re present the district an tbe stationing com mittee rev joseph edge and h p moore on bunday school committee and rev drj gilford and- w g smith on the epi wojth league committee w g smith was elected lay representative to the missionary committee the following laymen were elected t attend the iannaal conference at owet soand t w g smith j a davidson harr cbown jss mills lld r e nelson c bl ryan alfred smith gnelph job i crpsby msrden dr savage john goc fray elora r h perry wm tindel sri fergus thoe ruddell oqetio i falconbridge aberfoyle john nea orfoa john henderson draton wi i kitching rockwood ernest norish ed n- mills h p moore george leslie acto i g h kennedy georgetotvn j w bu ti coningsby capt johnson esquesin fhd near bsuinafad jat the close of the meeting a teiu ie vote of thanks to rev dr hannon wiu is about to enter london conference m moved by rev jamesflarris and steon ed by h p moore and carried by a sisoc og vtev ofi fie mettod and ksults when s j inseof figs h taken it w pleasant in3 i aoreeskng to the tasteand acta gently yet nromptly on thekidneys liver and bowels cleanses the sys- em effectnally dispels colds head- iches end fevers andenres habitual nstipationbyrup of figs is tha jnly remedy of its kind ever pro iuoed pleasing to tho taste anct ao ptabla to tho btomach prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its jffects prepared only from tha most jealthyanaagreeablcsnbatanees its nanyeiccllentqualitiescommendit to all and have made it tha most popular remedy known bymp of- figs ia for gale in 75o jjgfitrby all leading druggists ny reliable drnggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it molactured only by the caufornia fig syrup xsc aakntahciscvsx iomstole si kew y0e hl hortops flour feed stor arthurs old stand the undenlgnod hti pttrched from joh 1 xrtimis the flour tad twd depcrtment of h f baiinet ud will conflnao it in hi proieat sun a rood toct of flour meals feed o on hind wfcrs yoa eta ba lappliad with a goc i uxticle chcip for cuh whaat taken in exchange far flour gtutc of ten babe or orcr ground tt ev too ul lor ta cnt per btuhal your ptrong wuclted hekry hortot fashionable westenti 99 upper shcvkokkk stree t r sp ring suitings overcoatinjg aiidpantings beiatifal designs nev spring hats new gents furnishings new sndlesdtng sty try our uulaandried shirt at 50e my speciality perfect f t ting pants to order 400 ii enelson uorcbant taflor and qonts fornlifaflt 09 tjpptt wrndlitmflttguf ipfa r naw planing will ikd sah and door factory johrl cameron contractor has ntfid up the building on ifsin strelitlely oecaple jut trunk factory with hewmachlnery andiai repared to farulxh plans speclflcations and et imatet for all classes of buildings and eiccut all kinds of v 8 drpsseko 1utchcco and kooiinka 1uxe itjsttlzs of baal es doors and windows and door frames and dre ssed lracjber and kepp a stock on hand all orders promptly i td to john oamehok aoton to get our estimates send for circulars and cafalofraes atest improved andperfect- edischodl desk x oajpets curtaina and house furnishing goods h per cent ghelper than- they can be purchased out of town j i j our dress goods department is complete with the newest fabrics and trimmings we are showing today some exceptional tvaincjs in single width dreis goods it will pay you to see them before purchasing t we still rushing boots and shoes lofsoftjobfl bargains remaining i jill g- xla x o john speigiit fc son t furniture 5t lndertkking it it jo tone year since ihava taken ilover the maineas formerly carried on ii under the firm name of i oar 8took of furniture it now complete for the spring trade and e tan tupplr sot article you want at the lowest potiiblt prices wo dont steal owi furnitare nor defraud any one in its manufacture bat wi par cash for it and can sell si low for cub as any dealers in the trade i why pay si 50 for a hat jvhen you can buy it from is for 75c por si 00 for ne that we will sell you for 50c or 50c for one that we offer for 25c several score dozen of mens and youths elegant straw and jmanilla hats i just opened and are yours at about halfjrate prices queens birthday week means that you want oneofl these elegant cheap straw hats sure heptonettes these porous rainproof garments free from the odour that pertains to rub ber garment are now al- most completely monopoj lizing the sale for i water i proofs excepting perhaps in the very lowest priced goods we have an ar rangement with the manu facturers that puts us con stantly in possession of the very newest designs and patterns asj they are pro duced we show nicei styles and better value than you will find elsewhere in the trade see if wt dont i e r bollbet co 25 27 lower wyndirami guelph groc6r knd orock6 bros and as ijwat deiermlned to do a cash basinessin order to keep up with the times snd give- cattomert goods st right prices i mast mow say that it has been the inott pleasant year i have spent in hniisest 1 now take the opportunity of hanking the numerous customers for their very kind patron age in thttpaat and solicit a share of their tfdain the fntute feeling i m now in i position to do better by them than ever before having the largest snd choicest stock of staple drycaods readymade clothing hats and cents furnistungs for tbe spring trade that was ever thownjih acton i want every one to read tint advertisement sll through at you will find- it of great inter est ckties in this line i have made a t pecial effort to pkc id stock the choicett collection of knottj four ia hands- windier scarfs and bows that you wilt see ia auy siorsjweat of toronto ihirts both white and colored sanday shirts and working shirts a very fine rsngito elect from st 50 cents its never ia the history of acton hst there bsenl shown such a choice lot of hals ipava to show yon this spring in all the latest shapes and colors to lit tcdjbuitiau tget and a special line in childrens wear dy thing i in uhisj department 1 promise 76a wonderful bargains ia mens yoatht bojt and children baits and odd pants in great variety and at prices that will be sure to catch yoor eye never before hid i such a range of 2 and s piece suits st sll prices sod ttyies it wont pay yoato pass ma i there it anything in the way of cloth f i r y0jiflknt hosiery i have some very special bsr- gains omens misses and childrens al splendid black cashmere womens sire for 25 cents well wortk 5j cents thit isthe kind of bargains you may look tori from me under the cash tyt- tarn as i have listed before to keen abreast- with the times a cain bail nets mutt be done snd that i will do sad nothing site x hare now in stock the balk of my spring roods and the balance will be arriving daily 8inoerely yoor 1 i jjkelly saocettot io kelly bros x charle in have just opened flut seasonable groceries ana glassware etc and desire they intend selling goodifq profit i call and inspect our stpjk required- j charle tine fiji rm we can give you a j bedroomset complete for 14 j wove mattresses for 94 i8prlng8 for jb3 sideboards at cost lounges for 750 l extensronlables75p j chairs at any price i- undertaking a fall line of coffins catkstt robes etc always m ttock we can give you satisfsafion as io prices we desire to imprest upon the public tbe fact that we have no connection with any combination and oar prices are not governed by the undertakers association we can give yonthe best the markets afford al very reasonsble prices j good hearse and outfit for funerals f- j speight st s0n 1 1 v j- i i gtielphj gloth hall mjr i i ft- f i we have a fine range of suitjncs s q j v 1 overcoatings 1 for this seasons trade and will be pleased to shdwithetb j to intending purchasers iour reputation as firstclass tailors andidealers in reliable goods is well known i shaw turner i a if ti 0 new stock of fresh anc i well assorted line of crockery the public generally tha a verysmall margin fcash at 4sk our prices foe any good co mrs secords block dellaines saliiens 3 special lines delhines 16 pieces worth 30 to 50c at 25 cents i qhhlies large range of challies clearing at 8c and i2ic t 65 pieces of sateens color worth 20c at 8c l- exceptiprial valtfe in h s parasojis gloves hosiert mostah i 5 seat w tidrjani street onelph j d- williamson t co s street qlatfaw guelph 3 fe j- t r a m v tt-

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