Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 1, 1893, p. 1

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volume xviiino w 4 tlie jutoti fm ress every thursday morning t at tie frej steam win tins office mill sti1eet acton ont terki of s vbtc ei rf i on ono dollar per ycr ttrictlr la adranoe all inbcription djtcon- t lotted when the time for wblcb tley litvo been ikfd liu expired the dite to which every bubccriptlot it ncld u denoted cm tbcaddrcu ubcl advertising rates troilent adrertue- mcou brenu per konpcrell lino for ant in- lertion 3 cent per line for cicb ubquctt insertion contract iuiritl0 followinc uble ebor our rttea for the hiicrtion of idrcrtiteuicuu for nccifled periods furled 1 in 6 kv s ko lfcto 50 tsjoo 9303 co 0500 sjoa 1800 300 mm is to 700 sso 600 s50 100 100 fcrfnebes lolnchei 5 incbe llnch advertisement without specific direction will be iosertotd till forbid mid chcrgod accord- inlr tttmitut adrertliemenu mint bo ptid in tdvtnce advertficrocntb will be cniiified once tgti month if delred for chmiet oftener thin once a month the coajpocitloo must be pjd for ftt regain rste cbteeifor contrfcclnltcrtlsemcnti man bo in tho osco bj dooq on tuecdii hp1io0be editor nd proprietor ever week we are getting new effects in ingrain waul papers r with borders and ceilings to match thfse papers are used by families they are as cheap aj the common papers oisly 15 cts a roll and much handsomer when vou are in guelph call at days book- store and see how nice and cheap they are day sells cheap the traders op canada bank j oyta statement tikea tram gorarnment re- torn november 0th1892 assets sold omluian notes j deposited with government to secure ctrcalstloa v fptee and cheques of other bauke ic loans oa stocks tad bond n doe rota other baaka government debenture twsu rwj 1ml59 toj52 10j83 sxico tusstss sujss et7 n 1ab bank of montreal ibnsimss bikrtorp t f uren m dc m office snd residence corner hill a frederick streets acton capital rest s12o0ooq0 6000000 a savlngs department lias boon opened in connection with this branch interest allowed at current bates jas hfeneay hanscer quelph bkakch assets ikjcediatwt avalrjblk bills discounted bills discounted overdue bonk premises uortoaa cod otber kueu toiaat 7ixb3 1 liabilities ccrn w033 09wi 3190k7 m9tl jildapcipiui sarpltn koteln circtilttlon dtpodu from pnbllo depotiu froni other banki wbbrs th old t gjrojg hlng at tho in the brtith new cj aiaickelgue m d o5llsikjf trinity collej lesttaffli lefie member of licentiate edicburgb oceetnd residence dr lowryi lje refil- dencc bcid of frederick treet acton m je wilklvson d d s l d s suiloeok dentist gradqate unirertityof toronto alemkerof ibe itoyl cjileceouequl burgconb office open erery day except wednctdirj th ursday and batarday over the drug store acton ll bennett lds demist gcoegetows ovtabio m clean d mclean barriaten solicitors notaries conveyancri 4c pritate funds to ioad office town hail acton tvm a mcleas jko a mclean j a mowat iilkbtsteii soucitob noiabt pcblic honey to loan office dat taesdayand saturday ofkice kaonawine block acton upbtaira rape seed fapmeith look out md pet tho ricnt deed tliil year i imported my rtapfl seed in kite winter aid htd ittctd by prof bhlw it the ontario acricultun college in tbelrgrpenbotise- vou can therefore rely on eetune thfrcenoine true dwarf essex itape seed iron mo price 10c per lb or 11 lbs tor 100 j mangles boc lb carkots 40 boc lb i svtede turnips 18c lb seed corn yellowbcrse tooth 7bc mtm southern wilts 75c per bushel red cob couptons eariay tbosqbred flint leauixq btjcj bvngarian miulet tares buckwbeat etc i geo j thorp direct seed importer hisoaic block guelph stock imported scotch rmt llpc of mornloj tin the wi tb bit bloomrd otmfflffler u alrsldfj tli pour vlllov ucd are nodding tho boia inllad to bnntufc on the mppy mipla true f bo lritl of ufa u miauled kith every loauko j i all natnra ht rerpondlne to tho ittmnxod to and tho recttrractfoa ltftx 3a ilfco t ui railing fd as you ocrly ceoic tho dop pool vbera i tho trott how cnwultxly yoa let tttoai ba tut jtbuksday june 1 1893 and itxfc hit owa fortane uncls so to mo thoaght tho ittmo and kitha n thotnu both coincided ttni the onclj itlnakting thit i ho bo ihoald oevcl troable him moco thoald never ippcil f him for maay irfferad to give him on hundred dollin ia money the ltd iuj thonxbt hi ancle would giro him lomethioj bat thii condition ttroaied hit indignation lad ha would not iako a penny he htd ten dollars ured in two yean and he would nuke tint intvrcc uri speed ilabty i trily vm u linoleum k mcsabb covretaxczb collecion etc ronu andaeconnts collected agent iire dd life aunracce property bongbt and sold money to loan on the most fdvorable tenai- j amowarsoiucc ac ion chilton wallbridge 4 stone utltrf bohelton tt toeonio akd geoegtrown offlcei creelmtmi block georgetown and traden bonk charober g3 youge et toronto jsniltox la vtu ff alleeidqe hebtone a business education is a source of wealth bond s co hardware guelph lea0ik6 shoe store large arrivals touoo ciowd how oa libonkt foatbtt big ouo who ctlmlj- dateds lu the ill ado w of ths roek uiere while bo ed tho other eye do you tako me for beby to be tfckled witfa fly i how dignified and iry a ho came forth iron wi iir aadtmile4 yoar cculembla end jaar royil coachajaa there i 4 how every bpccklo filiated hkett ruby iaila tide and you almost cot to cwertaa where j the old i r trout i aikii there never wu a flibermxo to ivo haard pp old folk ty who cadfiht the blegttt ficb alwaya euro cetaway and iti just u true in troatlng u it a 1q otbi thai bloating teem the brtftieat vbeathdy iprecd their ffoldca wiagt and boat where yoa caat cctcb them but oclj itand nad with that roa bad them la your bttfcet withy i other little flih if withe were but tubes bow your heart wo sweliwith pride i ai jtulauded that threepouuder wbero 1 the old troat ride of new goods lir 6 jackson conveyancer notary 1ubijc itcal estate loan and insurance agent money to lota at iokmi rates office poya dkck gucljh om- ta5ils hutcheqn e nm a 6u 1ild civil eceiuecr patents secured 0jt ijnvkntiosb henlty okist ottawa canada twenty y n rractice no tateot no pit erery younp pereoo will cud a thorough butineu traimtir the era test aid in getting a good atartin bablneestife tbi acecallafor active intelligent welltralned help in all depttrtmeuu of trade thoce who make their bervicee raluable have no difficulty in hearing desirable poaitioni where advaiice- iueut ii aaaared the demand for capbler rejiablo uaiaunte ia constantly jncreaclng f practical businejucatton not only flu one for a cucceafifol hart bat witu energy iterbcrttatice and hard work led- to pros- irity aod wealth thu i wiuiia the retch of eiery einbitioos person mhopixpait tbe w0nde1 imjl we a arrlval ondehful display of colorec goods bee our windcrwi we only thow a 11 tampla of wbatwe hare in stock we are constantly in touch with the wauu of the public benee the dxily of new loodi wo keep you etrpplied xwu keep y with ercrrtbine in the line of fine bhoea at low prices duality always h the first eonxlder- etioo we doqt pretend to deaj in o called chcap bbom but in ahoee which are really cheap shoe la the end tho old tad reliable leading bhoe store ia fret bar today tbao when opensd 2o ver im it waa opensd j yean ago we keep in tfe front rank with tho quality of booea that llonoy can buy beat guelphs leding shoo store wm mclaren o guelph business college located at noe 101 and 103 wyndham etreet guelph out- call or write foriarticnlari m jiaccormick principal utm 1lemstreet licesseb accrioxtra url nt my reiideace iu acton will i j aet0ij m teudojto termrenalili f- tjszsfs la sl ra unnoikandnpsird in w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont millions in it ukkr a 6peciiiii or machine finished bog papers 4nd liltll utauk ivijeklv sews the paper used in thie journal tho above millb ia from john dat architecf orrtctrwyndbam btreet g 0- p rancis ndnan bookbikdeh wndbaui st guolph ontario orer williatne store account dooka of all klndi made to order h periodfcala of erery description carefully bound bulinr neat jt and promptly done rjltle iinlan barber shor iiillsrreei acton aneairbnatoastyileijbafrcutaigoodfcvfom an exbiliaratincibampooalwaybgivn litxon honedaridput in flrttclaes condition ladiee ind children hair taitily cut j 4 h worden tonaorial artibu wm barber 4 bros- wellington mutual fire insurance comoany 1 ebtablibhed 10 insuiiance on mutual tln i cation forwarded o ulepbono to il te mem sed joiis tavloii a guelph t hamiltons marble works t talf iltona illocklfornterly uatcba illocki vtrteikkt w vssat john h hamilton proprietor uliolecale and retail dealer and direct lin and tnaaafaeture all llnd of oranffl i jtarbl uonnmenu tomlitone ctj hitm cjresroredf direc1 season1893 ti7iiile rotorninc thnnki to our many pat v t rona for their fibertl support in the pact we with to injorm you that we have entered in to en arraagcmat wirt r6twart qaelnh to keep constantly on hand a full stock of the ordinary sites of sash doors etc and will also supply any epccial sires on short notice at guelpi piidft frames of alt kinds made to order wlokepinstofiij a lino of hate window and door cuing ooroer bjockb vonr lumber dresl while yon walt price si 50 per ji pumps being better able than heretofore we rill supply either wood or iron pumps prompuy all work guaranteed eatfcfctory 1lcaee call and inspect before purchasing elbenbere tuos ejsbagk maaaicer acton put monby in thy purse if not alia he who emcib thy purse bteajs traab bo said william shakebpeare and all wo have to add is that a lean puree- takes a new lease of life whenlt comes iu contact with the prices we are offering on all our furniture we wont rjuolo to you any bis 24 ier cent dis- fcountbotjutakjou tolook over tho followinc a good bedroom suite at ld a bettar one for 11 a daisy 12 a beauty 13 a dandy 14 and the best in the world 15 next a rood sideboard for g 00 a balier one with mirror 7 50 a daisy with mirror 6 so ladles rocking chairs from 1 00 childrens horkera from co extension table fall size from 5 00 opponent but no rival in the furniture bosln- acton livery bus line tt vet after all the cportxmaa thozh ho doecfi catch the flih catcbea all the happy ttznahine that a happy heart can ah old uotber nature ukehlai and smooths llfev irrinltle ont 5o get your rod and backot for tbe morning made for trout oull go back to yonr labor to yonrdry and musty books in your sonl d little laughter of the laughter os tbe brooks n your heart a little singing like the singing of a bride knd you cot your inspiration hero i 7 the old t trout hide i fortft and stream wept with bttur grief a aha held bis hnd for tho lilt time j and from little petr ha was forced to tear himself away h time piiied on jir bpoad reeeivedj two letters frum robertone written it st louis and tha other twy out award tho rocky ifoantaini sha answered them both in the last sha oonfeutd that she eras very weak with little hops of life remaining i at tho end of a year and a half ha wrote hit third letter from tha pacific coast bidding her that sha should direct ncr answer to san francisco he was going away to the moantains beyond sonora hot a friedd in san francisco wonld forward it to him another year passed at the end of which time his last letter to lira speed ws retarned to him she was dead i andiha wanderer wrotd no more letters to bis old home ten year more had passed whsa robert ashworth now a strong ragged brown- fced full colt to i ell yoa jost how they stand ill fyoajmah akstlheai for what hey hiik ht tiemselvw iheyd be two of th biggit mtnj fa creailoa thats ktj aa and nomas about a score of yean go fbly at a feelia ttxjve work and took to playiji iigbag arltirely thoy let oat their millf nd went to una on- ha laichiiaf their toniy and its my opinion ihjit theyte iami to dipptn pretty deep lafo their prill- ojipajj bjoweyer theyre prood enongb and peter speed what had become qf who was becoming thin and pale and wettklf qim r wept with bitter grief as sha held m o ha is hero ha- same- poor hard jjeurt afttmtlg sitting weigrjeci iq the a lance 11v hvlvakls coiu1 jil we hare xirniture business we outr tbem alt and everybody knos it give us a call and see for purselvca if it is not true donot buy from us tbe undersigned roepcctfullvsoljclutbepatron age of the public and informs theni that well equipped and stylish rigs can al ways be secured at bis stables a comfortiblo bus meet a trains between 9 a m and 816 p m careful attention given to every order tbe vrantb of commercial travel- iers fully met our kaby carriages tre the finest ever seen in tho city just see teh them wo handle tho celobrated high newcorrtba pianos boys and mens t bicycies ill bo in a little later wait for us we are g to put new life in this town and ita good people psprscoe i the peoples popular furniture store i upper wyndbam st guelph wo pay freight on all bills amounting to tix the odell pe writer 20 waiewl sst- ranted to do better ork than h tnacblue ina2e it combines siwplicitt itb dygabilitr steed ease of opelullov ears loneer iith ont cost repairs tbao any other machine ha no ink ribbon to bother tbe operator it li keit kkimu ulekelrtatad perfect and adapted to all kinds of typoritin luce a ftintlngpreaa it rrodoce aharn dean legiblj fpu to or tea oopleican he djade maanaalrita uu ma m md at ooe arrituie any intelligent person can be john wiilia3is steel engravings iroof etcbing colored rictureai picture lfouldlngs ivory oak itoom and ipftamttsl s at ou uus auy uikiiigent lierson can be- coo an operator lot wo days we oser tl ooo to anyopirator who can eual the work ofthe bailable ageata and supsmen anted 6iw ui indneemenu to dealers for pampmeu giving indorcements etc tddreaa i odeej type writer co boom 15 canada life building toronto i w eutlierfed ifgr tbi dominion artists materials afnll slock of winsor nettons flake wtpte ionbe tnbea boirneys 10c 8x10 deep photo frames complete ioe 5 feet comloe pole brus fittlnga 5c our wall papers are eaid to bo the beet selected in tbe city waters bros established wt bt georcies stjttabe tjqilbh kellys music store irenioved to 95 upper wyndham st whpro i iii be pleased to meet all my old customers and as many near onoa as will fayor mo with a call hsrfog dlspoaed ofnearlyallmyctoec dnrine the cfttcrtng sale t hare purchased c rery lareo stock bf i pianos sheet organs and all ktnds of musical instrumftnts music and books musfc show foods c ls mj txt n foible s3 vi to a it fc m sj 1st kellys kelt solomon speed rasa builder by ocenpa- on a hardworkidg calculating saving ian who had come to belmont when the wn was new attracted thither by promise mnch occupation in tho line of his cu- g he was a good mechanic a very fair chitect competent to superintend tho ection of any ordinary bailding and able td do much of thebetter class of work with h s own hands he was also a shrewd n in when he had thoroughly inspected tl e town and ita snrroandings he saw that it 1 possibilities were great and all the m ney he conld raise and all the credit he cared 6 ask were invested ia land and h did not mistake he lived to aeo land tl it he had bought at the rate of fifty dc liars per acre sold for ono dollar per 6 jarc foot he built for himself a large and comfortable dwelling in the new town felling well assared that he was settled dc xrn for tho remainder of his life solomon speed had three children three so is nathan thomas and peter aged re pectively eighteen sirteen and four tl is fouryearold son was tbe child of a set ond wife married after mr speed had bo it his new house in belmont and we ea here that the two elder sons were never qu to reconciled to their fathers second mi rriage they bad inherited all bis sbt iwdness and having seen that wealth wa likely to sow in upon their father they did not tse kindly to the idea of an in- ere so in the number of his heirs the ste imother they had never illtreated tha they dared not do but they never lib 1 her nor were they heartily kind to ber after little peter had become urge and strong enough to creep arottnd upon his tnaes and anon to stand upon his feet the iwo brothers large and strong soma- tim s spoke pleasantly to him and would pel bim op when he fell bnt they never kiss d him they never gave him brotherly love b t the chiidwas not without aplaymate of h 1 own sex in the family adopted by solo non speed was ft boy named robert aahi orthasonanonlychildof his speeds on y sitter his father had died when rob- t was an infant and his mother had survi ed her husband bat a few years on her c stthbed she had called her brother to her s de and begged of him that he would take are of her boy and he had promised that e would do so robert wis at that 1 time live yearaold just tbe age pf thomas and f om that time he had been one of the famil enjoying all the advantages of life ande lucationthathis two coiisins enjoyed bat 1 itb the dawning of better times as the r ospect of wealth opened upon the famil the apect of roberts situation chang id somewhat as solomon speed be gan t gain more money than he could spend be became more and mare inclined to av 1 j and he came in time to look upon his si tars child as a harden which he ought lot to bear and tbe same feelings found life in the bosoms of nathan and thorn s as their prospects grew brighter and b ngbter they began to cherish the fear t tat they might be called upon in some way to share wijh robert their paup r coasin as they had colled him more 1 3n once rob rt ashworth loved the brighteyed flaxen- mired child and never tiredi of carryi g bim in his arms and playing with him- in all sorts of ways in fact the time came- it bad come at the time at which we ope t the story when little peter and liia m her were the poor cousins only friends the only ones who loved him and codtrit ited 0 his happiness at ll a age of sixteen robert concluded that h had been a barden npoa hie ancle long ec wgh and he suggested that it might i bo wel for him to go oat iato the world i twenty met a man who had come from belmont within a year from this manhe learned that solomon speed was dead and that tho two elder sons were carrying on the basinets they were bath married and had families and were looked npdn as being very wealthy at all events they were proud and aristocratic five years more and robert again heard from the old home this time meeting with a man whom he had known ia the days of his boyhood nathan and thomas speed were still flourishing their business being simply the looking after their real estate and personal property snd ia spreadingthe glitterof their wcalthbeforothaworld their- halt brother peter had grown to be a man of oaeandtwenty and was hard at work 4 in oneof the mills belonging to them by some sort of hocuspocus ho hod been left poor at his fathers death dependent en tirely nppn his elder brothers roberts informant could not fully explain but he belived tbat old solomon by hit will bad left everything to nathan and thomas making them jointguardians to peter the boy at that time having been only nine years of age i and still the years sped on robert ashworth in the way of moneymaktng was fortunate a strong healthful honor ableman dealingastly with all and re specting the rights of all with whom he came in contact hevnado friends wherever he went and made no enemies early in bis mountain experience he struck a pro- lino mine and bought t wbenheerected bis shanty on bis land there was not an other human habitation within fifteen miles of him at the end of twenty years still living upon the same spot where ha had first erected his simple cabin of logs nd day and birchbark thatching be was uthercf a town of four thousand inhabit ants its mayor and its ciief man in jvery way fiveandthirty years bad now elapsed ince robert ashworth left his eastern jome to seek his fortare and the fickle fame bad never in all that time played him also only he hod found no society in chicli he cared to spend the calm evenings if his aaya his heart turned longingly ck upon the old home in all his veers wanderings be hid eeen wue fuuc uorov work a unfortunate man he always was he d d one spell drink a let tie too muchl bctl 2 finally married a woman hat madsj wr id man of bim b it didnt nii fifner leave bim any not oatrigbt tha old man somehow got set against tha boy thoaghtiewas wild nnd frolicsome and unsafe o be trusted with money o ha left him fn cara ofbis fwaolderorothers well pursued robert and what have they qone for him j jreallyj stranger i dont like to eay ianyfhtngagainit them two men but if he troth was told i think it would come oat at thy meant from the first to have he whole property ia heir own bands for pttme they refused to let the poocfellow tve money on ha plea hat bejwoald ink it all op and then when be fell in bearded man of eight-and- kta mg meilia i man who had come from t lm l uu r vo uicy tola mm if he ifciirrie d her hat they would cast him off uorgver yoa see kitty bless ber sweet ace i 1 ye and bless her noble heart iool citty 1 ras a pooc girl aa orphan- workup a one f the mills and the big feelia men nought it woald be i stain on them if heir brother ahouli marry her he larpea the poor gjirl and hes the father f five of as pretty children as yoa ever set yea ont anal as nappy as can be notwith- kandiit he has to dig pretty bard to keep ia wol from the door itwa 1 just in the edge of the evening 4 lill an inmnal evening that tha doocoell as ruig oc the ariitocradc residence of on jnt than speed and shortly afterwards 1 seryoi t anhoanced that a man wished to fsakwith tie majfer nathin speed had grown to be a man of f arkntifif ty redtfsced and obese diets- e in a satin houserobe pride stamped in e ery feature hit wife sitting near by is the same her face betrayed tha use of t a winejcup while tbe sparkle of many d unoods told where much more o her h shandjs money htd gone iwhat sight for he prood man a meet idjliij own front faclil a stout brood- slialdered man brown risoged aad fall- bjkrded i bitbited iu a povertystricken gtjb ani evidently very poor nathan 1 dont yoa know me f yoar colsinl robert ah ive had hard lack otl tha road beyond cheyenne i was rotbed of every dollar i hod- with me jhofdial tho proad rasa raised his hsld lie wanced to hear no more ha knlw of act claims which hie coasin could haleonhini aud farther yoa prom iseft yiarj spiy for pave tteked for help fo p ofeea no woman 10m he could love well enough to make r bis wife and he prayed that ha might it find a faithful bosom upon which lie jald rest his weary head in trustful confi- i ejnee and lovo so bo offered all his jondo property for sale and thongh 1 0 iple were pained to sea him leaving them g they gladly bid for his valuable estate vhen all his business had been settled tfn 1 tbe balanceshett brought to bim by 1 it private secretary for inspection ha was i raly surprised at first he could not be- 1 ere it he had known that bis property mi extensive and valuable aad he hod inown also that bis bankaccotrnt was 1 rge seeing that he owned tha balk df the i ink himself bnt when lie looked at tha fpot of the column of totals and saw the total of all saw it running away into millions over three millions when bja vas assared that ha read aright and the figures did not lie ha waa aston- tie government bonds had then coma into market and had already reached a jiam his first movement on reach- francisco was to lock three million i ills safely up in registered bonds the n one y was deposited with the sub- treasurer tl ere with orders that the bonds should be stnt to his address at newyerk after pi yit g for the boqds he hod left between nd two hundred thousand dollars in if which he reserved sufficient to pay jpenses on tha rood placing the rest iaj baakand taking a draft on new york iaj i exchange which draft for secaritys sdace pe gave into the hands of a reliable express company and it was well that he dip so for between the great salt lake ana cheyenne his pockets were picked of every dollar he had with him irrjving in new york robert first look ed afsr his beads aud his draft the bo ids were safe and awaiting his call w ile 1 he draft arrived on the very day of hi ow 1 arrival having coma on the same trs in aid now for his visit to belmont if he coi id 1 ot find a loving heart there then ha kn iw t ot where to look but if he was to fin 1 tr to love it must not be known hat he wai wealthy no the love bis heart yei men for was a pare loyal love for poor bo iby lashworth jost as lie waa when he set forth to seek his fortane so he went to a c othing store where secondband gai met t were sold and parchased a fall sui u sadly worn and faded aa he could fee cor lforlobje in clad in which he sat for h 0 1 his trial trip i rris 3d at belmont and the steam care too c hii 1 to the very centre of tha town be foa id the place wonderfully grown wt ere le had left green fields and angled hecges werenow broad streets flanked wit 1 il res and dwellings in short he auela yoa would never again help i only ask iht it was coiling jnithanf yon mistake then foad better go and hunt up roar co tin peter he would mike v boon cot panics far yoa i doubt no 1 ibert cot away as quickly as possible res red next i to coll upon his cousin tb maa i i 3 foa 1 thomas at home aad clearly ttui ir the jiflaance of wine aot tntoxicst- d bat his blood unduly heated thereby an then as was srea more harsh and an- kin thin nathan hod been and be 00 aa tingty advised tha poor wanderer to go sue leekhs cousin peter so one who would bai fittind companion for him i id to i paler- speeir couga robert ia i hta way not evea a pooc root o bis head hid lbs wealthy brothers girl to their halfbrother tha cottage real r befadgiog to xathaa was hired of sn i eat and more than once the poor mat bod come very near being turned oat for inpoyment of real 1 tiot tried peter whea tha woyfarer hod naddbimtelf known is it bobby don deceive ma coma in where it is iighl im ha led tha newcomer into tha lit tl kitchen where tha suppertable stood with hs remains of the evening meal upon it i j the lamplight robert saw a woman th sweetestfooed woman ha thought he b i ever teeuiataudiug near he table and ear by two of them at the table two by 1 a stove while jone clung to its irs desirlwere fre children the not mora nan twelve i i know jyoalyes i con see the dear bid face notwithstanding tha ysars and is brown anand the beard robert old fallow i pleas yoar dear trae heart i how ira yoa i thbr shookhoadsaa few mora words ond en peter exclaimed 0 kittyj tiaiall ihia days of my early child xid slvinc only my sainted mother this u the only roe sad loving friend i hodr ay ccn sin robert jl was bat s wee bit of ta arc lia when he went away bat i can r cembi r bow my mother had to tear my o no fra n hie neck as though it had bean 1 it yesterday kit greeud the mon cordially though at fits iacltjedtc beshy ai length tbe sofd ith ilsmil t that eiptaved coasin bobjfi raver re uy cosoin robert 1 1 aaght aot a fee tyoa iran conger pefarjioa talk ed of iaso inaah and sda and wfthso mad i f warmth in his heart thati have rego c d yoa i mors in the character of a trna 1 ither ihan anything else a fl morel words and then peter be- thou 1 himself that his cousin might be hung bui no j ha hod eaten 0 hearty iupperast before dork fll l-f- drtd dollars a bis pockef bat ha had been robbed bat wean drest soil lake and chey- na of every dolior of it i went 0 iieepiahajoirhaexplaiad ot night and must have been ohlaroformed on op of that well well cried peter givfnj him a friendly pat on ha knee and speaking from he heart donjs yoa worry think qol yoa baverheafth and strength well fix yoa ap 0 good comfortable shake down here old fellow and then weluookoroaod ondjee what can be done iwiah yoa eaaid find work here ond live with as toa shant pay a peaay bjore ihon it coats as anyhow herei yiar home foe now robert robert sttd be would yfcot it aad then he told the story ofviilt to the mansions of nathan and thonrafcters brow controclei and hit face jbsrk he said bat little for my krtsnakev he whispered i never speak the names of thoaa men when i can avoid it it was very near the boat otmldnutht when ha no began to ihiofc of bed as they orose from their aeats robert look a hand of peters ond one of kittys and 10 held them while ha spoke his voice was fremaloas and his eyes were brimmteg peler i kilty i true haarta 1 i doot wanf yoa lo be spending he night in vain specalotions upon be future i come back to the old home resolved hot i would pat my three coasfas into ha balance and weigh hem i have dona it aad yoa know the result i told yoa i woo robbed on he road so i was bat i had token the precaution 3 send my fortune on ahead of me so i only lost the rifle i had reset v- edfor expanses on my journey i dear hearts i when i come ito reckon ap my posseasioassfxfrjoaths sgo and foaud myself tha owoec of more money thoa i coaid ever spend i feit he need of the- one thing that was not mine a true iheart to love a heart to love me in re turn and somebody to help me- ta sajoy ny wealth thecal nbrcto bed and on tha morrow we will consider one thing my dear peter yoar doysof digging and delving ore past aad rone kitty j he drew lier gently towardajum ond she kissed bim a sweet sisletly kiu warmed iwith dewy ayes and a loving smite bat ehe cbald not speak i oathefolbwwgmormngrowrtleirned or the first time that the grand residences at both nathan and thomas speed were for sole they hod reached tha end of theirfinancial means and wished 0 sell dot and leave thai place thenrobert sotrdown with peter and kitty and frankly govs ta theta- 0 state meat of his wealth at first peter could hardly believe that ha had heard aright while 00 for kitty sha cbald not compre hend the vastness of the sam bat they finally knew bis they were to be roberts chosen companions thenceforth to fear ihe wolf they and tbetr liilla oaenino more forever robert went to new york where he ta- gsgtiiu agent who was to work fn his own name o coma to belmont snd par- chss every piece of property hot the speed brothers hsd to sell there was great woadermsat when it was known that a stranger had purchased all he speed property and that wonder ment wos increased tea fold whan a week later it became known that robert ash- worth was the purchaser ad that ihe palatial mansion of nothai speed had been deeded o his halfbrother peter aye ana more still to peter speed and to peters wife ond ahildreu bod been duly made over all the mills and houses aad lands clear al all encumbrance form erly beolnging to the brothers aforesaid butwho shall tell the feelings of aatban aud thomas when it 6ame to them that he poor wayfarer the brownfaced coasin whom they had so harshly turned from their doors- was he power behind the throne that had furnished all tha money 0 i the torture of heir rain regret and deep chagrin was terrible bat that was not when lilacs ix tbe d06ryahd bloom 1 when lilacs la tbe dooryard bloom and lift aod abajt their plntnr sbevvca when sanbeama smite tbe forests slom i and ttnda go irhlaporlng fhrodgh the laarea whea roos and jobina balld acain in peace anear tbe cottige eavear- then tboagb my atreagth hi somethlog spent and tboagfi mr eyes arefrowhtrgduii i thrill tth glodnen and content 4 afyaooltoada np a joyful bjma and in tbe beoaty of the worfa 1 feel my spirit overbrim long years have gone since mothor took the lonoaoina ay tbat ang die mark the memoryof her latest look u iflto a candle in the dark bat vhen tbe lilacs bloom i see t her sweet face la 0 atorry are bheloted so well these homely hovers sbe bioke tbem for my cbildjsb hand vthoy speak to me of happy boars by motbar lore and patience spanned r their perfnme baa a vaft of aveet blavn hither from th lmmortat strand i like the deoroldfoahioned things loiirays find tbem jost die aamo and so the uncyvakea and clings that blooming by vbaterornanie m one day plaek the lilac aheoves where hovers in deathless garftojttame the magic of silence v t yoa have often heard it hikes two to make o cjuarrei da yea believe it 141 tell yoa howone of my little friends man- oged i r dolly never come ta see liajorie without a quarrel hione tried to speak genllyr- but no matter iow hard sbe fried dolly finally made bar to angry that she would soon spest sharp words too oh what shall i do cried poor little jdajorie r sappoae yoa try this plan said her mamma- tbe next time dolly comas in seat yourself in front of therflre ond take the tonga iu your hand when ever a aharp word comes from dolly gently snap ha longs wiihoot speaking 0 word 600a afterward in marched doily lo see her friend it was not a quarter of an hoar before dollys emper was ruffled snd iter voice was raised and as usual be began to and faalt and scolav llajoria flew 0 the hearth and teiied the tongs snappiolhem gently more angry words from dolly snap went the tonga rhore still snsp 1 why dont yoa apeak i scijsamed dolly in fury snap went the tongs fsseakrshe said snap wai the only answar j 1 cll never never come again never j oried dojly away sha went did the keep her promise t no indeed i she came the ueitday but seeiog ifajonly run- for tha fongssher solemnly said if she would let hemalcue bey would quarter no mora foretrvoto j 1 iv poverty and debt nathani pla ia hi d grown 0 fall six times its size in fiv atl irty yearn before at the smallest one poirest public heuae he stopped and ord ired sapper snd while it waa being pre pare i ha asked after tie sdeeda dtt anj on present know them yes a man waj sill ing there iu the brrroom who had fon lerl r worked for them said he wel stranger it wonld be rather difll- how i he wf br heyp andpnj ha worst thewdrstcsme when wife was broughtiohe need of spplying to coasin robert for help j the crdwairg joy wss yet to come ijay of which robert ahwirihha4 often dreamed bat which hi had nerer dared to promise himself after peter ond kilty hod moved iato he great house kiltys sister ifsry come to visit hem polly wos he dime by which the wot always colled sha was two years older ihan ber lister possessing ha same sweet face and loving honest heart robert fell desper ately ia lavs at sight ond she very soon loved him in return when iba come 0 wind her arms around his neck and nestle fondly and confidingly upon his bosom be knew that it was himself she loved and his cap of joy was fait to the bnp poverty is a bitter- draaghabat may and eoraelimesivith advantage be gulped down thoujt- the drinker makes wry faces there arsy after all be wholesome goodness in tie cup bat debt however courteously title octered hi the cup 61 a siren ud tha wne spiced land delicious thou it be an esliuir poisen tbe man oat of debt though with t crack in- his shoeeatlier and a hole in his bat is still he aoa of liberty free as the singing lark above him- bat the debtor though clothed in the atmoifbrarerr what it he bat ir holiday a slave to be reclaimed at an instant by hi owner the creditor ity soa if poor see wine in the raoaiugipriog i think a threadbare coat the only wear aud acknowledge a- whitewashed garret tha attest bousiogiplaca for a gentleman do hfa and dec debt 80 shall toy heart be at peace and tha sheriff be don- founded to make celery salad a bit of roval vanity la at the little tavern at he lower and ol the village aad shall spend the night i ere s6 idhenighlt here ll yoa willeb hat kitty- tl nk wel can make him comfortable tl aatdjl i i think si too robert id byjafter three of be children 1 igastqjhadjbeea kissed all around 1 0 bed and by the way ha little foart rild jrobert named after the eldar of that ik oried lustily when they fore bim aw y from unola obert he waa to be unci to toaim after this said peter in his off- andsmy i i sayf old wiow i suppose yoa hart come pfme sol bobelt told fraocisfo wit wwhat under he weather jbitn that he had left 8an between two and three hnn- tha only trait ot vanity which i ever noticed in empress elizabeth was the pride she took in her magnificent chestnut hair which fell below her knees she used to have it brushed for hoars every day whilst her reader jlllle f read to her english french and hungarian novels her ifsjesty was particularly anxious that tha dressers who brushed ber long tresses should ovoid palling oat a single bair this of course wtls an im possibility snd he anforf anote msid con cealed carefully in tha pocket of bar apron any hair which became entangled in iba brush one day he empress happening to glance into the lookingglass caught tight of tbe maid concealing a small roll of hair in he abovedescribed fashion jumping up from the rocking chair her majesty clutched her attendant by the wrist sad angrily exclaimed i hove caught you at lost yoa ore raining my hojrl with 0 presence of mind which would have dona honor to an expert diplomat he maid replied unhesitatingly i implore your majesty to forgive me if rniver happened before i only wished to hove a few of my sovereigns hairs to- pat lathe locket which my little girl wears aroond her neck 00 ataliaman1 whether the empress believed or not this clever invention i do not know bat shraggiag ber shapely abpnlders she re- tamed her sett laughing merrily and be next day aba presented jber maid with a locket enriched with diamonds saying with a miachievjous winkle in her eyes i think this is the kind of talisman yoar little daughter deserves for baring sioh mother from vthe empreu of austria by one of the xadia of her court in harptrt uaqaiim for june cat op celery in la small pieces till hero is a pint putin a cool place and servo with a boiled dressing n follows one tabiespoonful salt one toblespoonful of sugar wo ublespoonfals salad oil wo teaspoontals mustard three eggs oce cap of milk oae capof vinegar uixibe salt sugar and mustard together add 0 bem be eggs well beaten then bevioegar and after stirribg well the milk cook iu a double boiler for 20 minutes or till thick ai boiled custard i bonnet does not sing because it is covered with birds but tbe chap hat pays for it whistle a musical young lady says that com- looser may properly make oveitarer to any- body too much rest is rust j avoid bahingwithiu two hours of a meal tea is vecycheap in china 1 in one pre- rlnce of tbe empire good tea is- sold it about two cents a pound if every boose in london consumed its own smoke fogs wodld be almost unknown in ha great metropolis only one copy of shakespeares first folio has lately come into the book market andthfs released tlwo i- 1 1 1 men of bu81ness- fotfnd the reason for the great popu larity ot hoods sorsaporilla simply this hoods cores be tare to get hoods yoa eanaot offdrd to hove your office scantily supplied with stationery of an in fertor erode first impressions are strong and your business methods will be lodged by yoarbasiness forms when the highest grade of printing can babad at u low a price as be poorest grade yon should get the best the foot porss j dtp filled with modern facilities for he highest clasaot work call write telephone or lelegranhib the acton easzpuas few are the remedies whose beneficial qualities and real merits have made them 1 so popalar with ha public and increased i from year to year their comsamptibi which whilst posoegibfrthe most voltubfe ramedial properties are yet 10 simple in i their eorapoand artd o easy fotake ai the quinine wine prepared from the pura r 8nljhate qninine combiaea with line 1 sherry wine aid choice aromatics which relieres he quinine of iu bitter taste m doaa not impair ia tbeieait degree the affiealy of iu achon apon ihe patieit while small doses frequently reneated strengthen the poise iqereaj muscular l fow and iomgorat the tana of tha her- romiystim and thus by the general rigor which it impart creates an appetlie whioh gives to tbaitomaahttine aod eierg uidfortiaesthearitomafffbm attirtfaes- oaa diseases ask lor kwthrop a ly- mans quinine wine pld by all leadinj druggists u jr f

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