Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 8, 1893, p. 1

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volume xviii uor 49 be jirttra jrce jress ib pcalbhed every thursday morning at the free prtsi steam 1rlnunj office mill street actok oxt trnwb op firutcrutionone dollar per year strictly in advaooe all subscriptions discon tinued when the time for which tier hive bea paid bu ernired the date to which erer itibscription is paid u denoted on the addrtte label adrrrttsiko rate transl cut advertise nicau 8 cent per nonpareil lino for first tn crtionb mdu er i in for etch sutquant imertion contract rates the following table ihowi onr rate for the insertion of advertisements for pedfled periods space 1 tn 6ko sko 1ko inches 10 inch f inches 1 inch cuxi s503 bo 03 ceo 3500 000 1jo0 sm licc rjfi mm sco lco advertisement without specific dlrectlona will b inserud till forbid and charted accord ingly transient advertisement must be paid in advance advertisement will bo chanced onco each month if desired for chance of tenex tan once month the composition most be paid for it regain rite chvne for contract advertisement mutt bo in the oseo by noon on tuecdays h ruooue editor nd proprietor business sirectorp j f tjrkn m d c m office and residence corner uu frederick streets acton cj a mckeague m d fje gradatte of trinity collece member of college of physicians and surgeons licentiate of royal college of physician and 6arceona edinburgh osce and residence- dr lowrys late resi dence bead of frederick trt acton every week we are getting new effects in ingrain wall papers with borders and ceilings to match these papers are used by the best families they are as sheap as the common papers only is cts a roll and handsorner when yo in guelph call at days store and see how nice and cheap they are day sells che the traders bank of canada statement tejcea from goreramet re turn november 30 tb 1892 assets bank of montreal capital rest 12000000 6000000 a savlngs department lias been opened in connection with this branch j interest allowed at current estes jas hfinlay honsccr odeiph bttanch rape seedj je wilkinson d d s l d 6 ecnorok dentist graduate lnivertityof toronto vicmecr of the rorsicollece of denul surgeons oqce open every day except wednesday tn urtday and saturday over the drug store actok l bennett lds demist geobgetowit oktahio jtcleax fi mclean harristeri solicitors notaries conveyancer ac private funds to loan officertown hall acton us a mcleax jxo a mcleav t a mowat bart5tzb souciton noiabt pcbuc honey to loan orrlcr dsts toeedayrand saturday office knnawins block acton upstsirs kaillilvks look out and cot tbo right seed this year 1 imported my kane seed in the winter and had it tested by prof shaw at the ontario agricultural collece in their greenhouse vou can therefore rely on getting tbe genuine trueowarfiseliusialiepnmerlce lovperd or il ha ftr 100 itahglessojils i cjlrbots o eocjb i svrebe turnips 18e jb seed cork yellowborse tooibtoc mim southern vjute 75c per bushel red cob comptoirs taslt tsorobred flint leambfo etc hungarian millet taes buck wheats etc geo j thorp direct seed importer masonic plock guelph gold a docnloiaa note deposited irttb ootemtneiit to gecare- cfrcdlitlon koteaandchsaaea ofauuruaaks call loans en stocks andjzoadj dlancfti dae from otbor lrtpks qoteramsat dsbeaturet j assets ziarenuteir available fililseiscocnted bills dtscoqutsd overdue bank premises tortagee and other assets total assets liabilities raid up capital surplus notes ia ctrciauod deposftj from pnblfe depostta from other banks nm iufils 17505 vaw ixt fto 165939 sfsajstt 6tst h8 uoa 113700 tsaa svxa tuml new stock imported scotch linoleum bonds go hardware cuelph ba ton 01ttaei0 thuesday1 juxe 8 1898 0rfrit qsb of the 3es8iblb so it jntfc nt tha ua peal nd bou oucocs ubjcs s baia1 of omtoav ho doeaac know ittt aaan from am ia welt iha coolcj chlcjcea thit loot appotit troaldqarckoc ba phecnaot fluwaaitmpdernframi ltfqae fiha tnowf how to mt a ubu a nd mtka order oat of babel boj the doesat know eariptdec from eajic oaca tt mtklaff pfea caoght her a rail expert mcut hers uaght bet be i the cumoc toll trao eloqaance from 6be hta qolte firm ooatlctfon she ought onlf u resd fiction at 1 the doecat care fr fcfaace not t bfi she llkas i plot hut thlckeaf and thes very food of dfcken fjpm copprtleld to martin chalewtc she can mke her hit uid drecbei tih a filowfalreooettc tljtt theres not mothr racldea htlf w lwt shea immened la home complete where the keepc ill things to ceatl bit from brownloe cot a lino eta the re teat thick foodnexn well in fact the j tut t miidea thtt wnaterr thet imred in uxct her look jut ike the heroine ol a liuy twooli bo fooiub to hare tarried so tomorrow well bo marrl kii im clrrula 1 thxll neer regret the dj select jfffmilij kwltttg lljrider tile apple t she stood under tbe sppto trieiitha lit 1s patch of groan d that km all the r j mcnabb cokyztisczn collecton etc kcdu bnd tccoudu collected acent fixe ud life awurunce property boceht and mid money to lotxn on the most ftortje terras j auowatb office acton nilton wallbr1dge t stone bsrristers bolicttors sx toeosto akd geoeoctofn ocvci creelmanb block georgetown and trdert hank chsmbert 63 yooge st toronto jshilton da wnwalleelxoe neetone w s jackson conveyancer notary public itel eitate ijoiu nd iniurnco acenl money to loan at lowest rbixa office days block ooclpb out james hutcheon land buireyor md civil ensioecr office adjoining j a mowat i macdonnell mectuoclph abusiliiess education is a source of wealth l leaoins shoe store large arrivals of new goods w girl croachai it her fathers feet and his hnd softly strokioj her glossy brown carl i hint their greatest blessing was ha power both possessed to lift themselves at sach limes tbors realities put their sordid life far stray and lite again fa their past or make a now- world of boefio and artistic imaginings somewhere in dreamland they wets resting foe their brief holiday when a harsh voice on las other side of the j great oak tree rodsed them only too well both mew- those hard tones as cdthbext holmes said shell marry me foat cnong aalr j her and as to her father quite sach a fool as to bi i stele man ill take haf off for a wedding rip and keep hertii the oil man int in the distance wheal im not rdea myself with bis knee with sach ira me 1 it wis every young icrson will find ft thorough business training the cratctt aid in getting a good btartin bustnesallfe thiirgecallsfor ftcure intelligent werilcld nhtlttaji depurtmenta of trade tfcoiewhcj aiaks tbeir serrlce valuable have no difficulty in w curing deairable potltionb where adtance- meat li auared 1ho fiemend for capable reliable acsicunta is constantly in creatine a practical bnaineae educaiioa not only fits one for a sacceiul start but with energy itersevtrance and hard work leads to pros perity and wealth this is within the reach of every ainbitioub pereon who attends the i okdekful display of colored goods liee our windows we only show a small sample of what we have in stock wo are constantly in touch with the wanta of tbo public hence the daily arrlixl of new good we keep yoa sappjled with everything in the line of fine shoes at low prices duality always has tbe first consider ation we dont pretend to deal m so called caeap sheet bnt in bboea which are really a- cheap ena the old and reliable cheap leading shoe store lsfrecber today than when it was opened 5 years ago we keep intle front rank with the best qoxlittot boo that money can buy r fycavpir letins shoe store wm mclaren co de 3 the small iionce behind her could t cost pi tty slay grierson she waa called bat as she stood lootiog oat into the rosd and pi king to pieces a sprig of apple blosi ami th ire was that in her beiaty to mk i her he rt ache i ho waf hungry she was almost de rper- at the large brown eyes whose as oral ei ression was all gentleness sad timi iity wc e bright and eager the face was tbia an i white the lips parched with fever 1 just a mile to the river the wss think- in one little mile and once under the waves rbtt peace and oblivion out apon the soft sammeralr there i ame frc n the window behind her a hollow ex ngh at she heard it her face softened a id a ra h of tears filled her eyes i could not die and leave him i ah 1 th way is hard the cop is bitter bat will wi ik over he one and drain the othei for hii sake only for his sake it will be only foi a little while and then there is stil che rit r j she was not yet nineteen and the way ore her was to lead to the church the cu i to be drained her marriage and for he wedding portion the was medlti ting su ciie oes it seem exaggerated i will tell yo i her story and you may judge her business college guelph locatrd al guelph out m maccorjiick principal locatrd at jos 101 and 103 wyndbaiu street call or write lor particular- p atents secubed foit inventions hbxby gwst ottawa cavaiu twenty tjp practice no patent no pay 1 w heltstreet llcixked auctioseeb for th couatiew of wellington and balton orjettlefiattbefbce pkesb office actoh or at my residence in acton will be promptly at tended to enns reasonable also money to loan on the most favorable terms ted at tha lowest rates of interest in iumof 5ftobnd upward l john day architect gutxrh okt orncc wyndbam street b4lrber bros paper makirsi georgetown oot i i maee a bpeoialtt or j- molina mel book papers akd high grade weekly xews miuiions her paul grierson bad been faeces- in it put money in thy purse if not alas he who steals thy puno steals trash so uid william bhakespearo and all we have to add is that a lean purse takes a new lease of life when comes in cootact with the prices we tre offerigg on all our the paper u6ed in thib journal is from the above mills wm barbek ft bros f bancis kunan dookbindeh wcdbsuist guclpb ontario ofer wlillamb6tore account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description caref ally bound uullnr neatly and promptly done t ue iianlan barber shop mlxlsleeptactox a n eaiy snare a stylish ha ircut a good seafoam an eihlllaratingthampoo always gtvei bonftdandput in flrstclase condition and childrens hair tastily cat ear ore ladles j h woitdes tontorial artists wellington mutual fire insurance comoany e6tillfibed lrko inslltce on mutual plan anycommnnl- cationt forwarded to my ad dree i box t or telephone will be promptly attended to johs tayloii agent gcelph hamiltons marble works hamilton block formerly hatchs block the gore corner of woolwich and norfolk street guelph oct john h hamilton proprietor wholesale and retail deajcr and direct importer and rnauufacturerof all kinds of granite and marhje monuments towbstonesj etc having had an exuntiive experience for the laet ic years the public may rely on retting all saperloir articles at a chcaivcr rate than any other dealer in the west nnj3 per cent off on a direot order rtv etlvod for the next mdaya season1893 rrrr i- tthile rcrarnfnc tnankbtoonr tuany pdt y rons for theirlibcral tnpport in tbe pact we with to inform yon that we hare entered into an arrangement with b stewart guelpb to keep constantly on bands fall stock of the ordinary bfies of sash d6oral etc and will also bunply anyrfoojialtitejpn ebort notice at guelpl ptlecta- frames of all kinds made to order we also keep in stoch14na of jjate window and door calng coracr blocks 5- your lumber dressed while yon wall price 1 60 per u c we wont quote to yon any tils is per cantjdli- count bat just ask rou tolook over ttwfouotnf hit a good bedroom suite at 10 a better one for 11 a daisy 12 a beanty 13 a dandy 14 and the best in tae world 15 next a good sideboard for g 00 a better one with mirror 7 50 k dais with mirror 8 60 aades chairs from i 00 childrens bookers from co eatinf iou tables fall size from 5 00 we hare bppoucats hat oo rirals in the furniture business weouu them all and ereryhodranorslt give us a call and see for yourselves it it is not true no not buy from us f u artist and may was hit idol after his wi e died years agone may had jeea ca ef ully educated and upon ground rock of useful knowledge her father had re ired a airy palace of matic poetry and pain ing w thoat being rich they had plenty th sy had travelled far and wide wi h a co npanton kay had loved from- a d kby he fathers pupil and namesake paul g ieron hall a distant cousin vhen may was seventeen and paal yejtrs older the young artist joined an pi riug expedition to make sketches tb i trio separated that was tbe hetrtwrenoh they were all in five er- and first 1aris wlfen the parting came bat a few mo itbs lai n mr griersons health began to fsil an i he becamehomesick ho tiny cottage in hamilton smallest of villages was his inheritance fron i his m ther and he came back to it to die for co sumption grasped him in iron f ldt an i while he struggled with sickness the ba ik in which were all his savings failed ari i save for the cottage and its fumi tire he was destitute hen began that fierce discipline of life th t had robbed pretty may gricr ons ch ek of its bloom and had- driven he step by step over the ragged road of porertj and su ering to the boundaries of decpara ion pumps ileing better ahlo than- heretofore we will suirnly either wood dr itoa parnhs promptly an work enaranteed satlefaetory please call and inspect before purchasing elsewhere titos ebijage itanaeer acton actom livery r jusljne the undersigned respettf ully soliclu the patron ae of tbo public aidinforms them text well equipped tnd stxitahpjfitoafi al- rajb b eacuwd at hist stables a comfortable boa meet al trains between 9 vm and 18j p m carefal attention given toereryorder j tewanuwoommerdjutrarel- lers fully met john williams our ibaby carriages atexbe finest erer seen in the city just see see them wo handle the celebrated hliu class j mewcomba pianos boys and mens biovie will he in a little later wait for us we ue gotnc to put now hie in this town and its food ifeopie psprkcge tbo peoples popular furniture store upper wyfidnsm st j guetph wo pay frclchton all bills amounung to tf he sewed for the villagers at i xe she carried her fathers j pn set thi itarn ion pictari s to the roioawm growing and they heard no more but paul griersoas eyes were fixe4apoa the white whita face atlhi knt with nh b terror that she cried oh forgiva me ft for year take 1 for my tike may 1 1 would yoa have married that that bcate to help mo child i child 1 i woald sooner strike yon dead than give yoa np to him i bat paul grierson was too deeply shocked yet to realize mays escape itcoatdnotbe long for me dearest he said holding ber hand ia a close clasp only a few months of ease or rest bat for yoa a lifelong agony promise me prom ise me may hat yoa will never yield to tuch a temptation agsia far my take i promise we may taffer bat it will be together ob to think he woald have parted us and left yoa to and a shad- der finished the sentence bat even then a her relief and piin may give no hint cf those visions of rest under the river that hadl been thedream of release surely heaven had stved her once and some way would open for tbe fatare the fatare the girl boandel by her fathers life beyond that separation the dread of which never left her may bad no thooght of fatura j dask wasgatheriug when paul grierton rote feebly and set hit face homeward when the cottage doorcime in sight father and daughter stopped ihort in he rood there being littlo to tetipt burglars they hod not fattened doors oc wiadowt and evidently some one was in the house there was a light in the sittingroom and when they entered it a table wss spread sacb as they hod not seefa for many long days the service was familiar the old- fashioned chins that eld mrs grierson had cherished since her ownj weddingday the wellkept damask the small silver spoons and forks bat where had broiled chickens muffins golden preserves huge red straw berries and crisp wateraretset rained down from t who hid heaped the tagar bowl filled the cream pitcher replenished he batterdish who was coming with a firm step from the kitchen bearing triumphant ly a coffee pot whose fragraneewaii wafted apon sammer breezes to greet- astonished noses a tall man a browubearded man a broadshouldered man witb great blue eyes fall of mischief and yet softening oddly at the sight of his host and hostess as if tears were not far awayj may gtva one ecatatiojery j paul i and would bare rathed forward bat he waved her back deposited the coffee pot with a dramatic sourish and then openodhii arms she nestled there like a bird who had foand ber nest after a storm and looking over her head paul held pat one hand to hit godfather my little wife ha asked and knew by paul griertont eyes ami mays quick sob that he hope ha had cherished in bit long exile would soon be a reality coma i be said presently eat of my sapper t knew yoa woald coma home half starved to i forigect with t pocket fall of silver yoa know i have a natural gen ius for cooking and it has been cultivated to fall perfection in oar rrplorationa but how did yoa fine us asked mr grierton when the two rera tested came direct from ptris may wrote oa were coming to hare illon so to ham ilton i came the nitidis told mo where mr grierton lived i bat paal did not mention bow the one native hehad interviewed had described to a list of mistakes 1 j gaoct round dozen of them that induce chronic bid-temperi- ld invalidism con riving to keep op aiconfirwal worry ibout umathirig or nothing gffnigwaylo its of anger j lleicf irregular in all habiu of sleeping nd ta itog too much too mtnr kinds of cod s id that which hi too highly seasoned was iug liiia shoes and stockings on amp ifghuland in cool rainy weather resria insufficient clothing especially poo the limbs tad extremities 3i tag on feather beds in 7 x 9 bed- wme without ventilation at the op of he indoa and especially with two or more arsons la the soma small bedroom allot ing the power of gain o absorb orjj indt so as to leave no me to attend to j price thee centf tcdbits hea th following an unhealthy ocos becaasa money eaa be mode by temcting tha appetife with bitters and oeties when the stomach says no and by roiag ood into it whea nslare does not imtnd and even rejects it gormandizing tweeq meals keglept to take proper care of ourselves id nottppiyng early far medical advice ben daeate srt tppeari bat by taking tack n ediclaet to a degree of making a tgsuiipof the body marrying iajhaita and getting no ancou- jniil eimpaotoa and ltviagthe remainder al life it mental ditulisftction cultivating jttioaili t and domesdo broils snd always blidg in mental ferment begin ling in childhood an strong tea and c tea at d going from one step o aaoher t rough chewirij and smoking tobacco and d tokluf intoxicating liquors and mental s d phy deal txesaset of other kinds surfeiting on hot sod very stimulating i inert eating in a harry without half c tsticatiug the food and eating heartily b foce going to bed when the mind and b jy are exhausted bjr tbe toils of he day a ithaixaitstneut of he evening jeepisg children rjaiet by giving pare- g io ant cordials by teaching them to i ik candies sod by upplying hem with r tins luts snd rich cskes when they s i tick py giviag lhem mercury tartar 6 etic and arteqis under he mistaken n ion that they are nredicfaes and not it itant noitoat iadidg a life of ahfeeling stupid ltzi- m s ana keeping the mind in an unnatur al date of exckement by reading rasby n rets going to hearet patties and bi is in sit sorts of weather in thin dretset d iciug until ia a cdmpiete perspiration ii i tbes going home without sufficient oi irgarit ents hroagh heieodtrdamp night f neoettify msfcea tome very poor bar gains t humility ahbuldneter be worn as an uttide garment boms people are never easy unless ibey isve a hand in pultiug your tfftirs in ihsps the man who is wisest and who lives ongeat always finds much bat he hat not earned the more industrious a man it in hit irotettion or calling tbe mote useful ha is i o the world at forge every path in life leads o the grave i lost of as wish to avoid the short cats many objects are only obtained by round i bout routes it is he stgzag path that 1 d at safely to he mountain top he who thinks moat for the many hti no time to think of what is said oi him by the few i i i t i tbe man who knows just whahtd do sith himielt it qaita a man after all nearer my god ta thee brings a man realise the sot that god and man are is and the nearer man is to god he more apes he feel at home and be more useful iiho toothers j deah it theunknown and not existiog tl ilng for he one that knos that god and nan are one whit a narrow idea it that held by hose vtho hink his he only inhabited world a id 4hst all he stars and planeia snd iv jrids innomersble are vacant lots reverend dryasdust may ba a very good tr an if he wiuh merely a obtoco tiuo bi lt the minittec who it more fncu oa hit a ittioa ban ca hit grammar will find he bi gest score in hit favor over bere bio person ever gained a paarport to hi uvea as a reward for seeking to quarrel th he minister whrrpfeached unwelcome rnlht j jeveryorime commited by the preseut generation had its origin ia a preceding one perhaps the man we denounce t ia oar anger may not be entirely wrong even if w think 10 the people have some influence in the m iking of political changes after all che combined ieogthof the worlds tele gr iph lines it 881000 miles necessitating th late of 22g00oo miles of wire t 3igger ihsa he tlniighy dollar is v pe thy droppedinto the oootribution box loae no time in laying in yoar stock pf loerrflomeers hey will be much higher in a few days i courtesypays tomatoes and cancer ted v ih he manner of his reception the readiness to meat his wishes that great city nine miles away wal ring on way always but rarely finding a tale sh caved anf started to give food and wi e to the invalid and at last in i beer depair thejretolved to marry catlbert h imes from whom her soul shrarak in po itive horror t was nseuss to write to paul wat der iuf in central america and whose le tert to paris were forwarded before he o juld co oe they would be dead from hunger and pr valion uthbcrt holmes was rich and fal en in love with may in he church c loir hi bad a deep bats voice and had tup wrt edper clear soprano week after week shl woke in him a desire to keep her beside him his wife and mittres c his larke handsome house he was a co trte illirata man and there were ru riots tb t bis dead wife died of tn obsojate cai 3 called decline by the profession br ikea ha rt by the sentimental 1 lot he had a sort of clumsy tact he rooed the girl through herfather the odell type writer wil1 buy tl c v7riterllh th characters war ranted lo do better work than any machine made j it roroblnw sikixicit with dunibilittt hpeed easko ofejutjov wears locger with out cost of repairs than any other machoe if as no ink ribbon to bother the operator it u mat 6uhttatul nickelplated perfect an adapted to all kinds of typowrltlng like a print i oe press it prod ace sharp clean lebl maucscriits two or ten copiea can be mad atone wriucfi any intelligent lenoo can be cotneaooitatorintwodayi weoflertl000 to any operator who can equal the work of tb odzll kellable ageot and suetmea wanted icc la inducemaou to dcalera vox pcfflpbleti tiring indorccmenta etc addreaa odelitype writer co iitc3 ssvctnadclifebtiildinc foronu j wkuowrftiilmgf tor dominion- steel ekioravings trogf etchlrirs coiotm pictorea eoom ind plctaro oaldfngi itoky oak 1f1tomes stxter gixt artists materials a lull stock ovwiisor k kewtorjs flake ittiite double tubes eowmyiloe bxlo deep photo frsws complete he seetcomlcepoleirafuliijlc out wajltprs are taid ubs the it selected in ins citr waters bros kellys sic store hod till erer and talk ing of what he woald do if he hi the im ilid ia hit care tending flowers and f ru t to the cottage and all tha while h ting pa tl grierson ss a coarse mind ha tea a ref led one smarting under a teni i of inf riority though ha exiled tha grid torn be trs in heart i think bad paal grierson known all tha was in hi daughters heart 1 1 she fto d under the apple tree ha would havo bid lea her go to the river leave hin foe the srdiwkaecl r- fi7 rernoved to 95 upper wyndham st where i- will bo pleased to meet all mr old customers od as aft new ones as will taror tnowitliaji kaviut dltpcsed of nmrly all my stock during the cletridg bale i have parchased a very large stoekot 1 pianos organs andalt kfnds j qf musical instruments sheet music and music i books csll aod examloa my stock ko troable to how goods mubio stobz as cpper wrudham itreo quelph kelt frj suicides lot rather than pat her hta the dreadful poverty in the little cot tage mayv he commando i eat more and stop drinking coffee yoa aro the same old coffeelover as ever i seej this is tlmply delicious she replied nobody ever coald make ooffea likeyoan bat wo will train out tlaves he aa- twered majestically for may and ha laughed like a boy wiat newt do yoa thtnfc i foand in new york i cannot gaess my grandfather is dead well i thought yoa because yoa woald be an prominent city retailer recently dealr- ec loma ioncecl progrtmaies printed with in weatv four hoars he wit recommend- ei so a well known firm of printers who w 0 lo b im strangers he not only was re livedioatteoutiy but was aided iathe at xngen eat of hit matter and made tu le ii if he priateri were under obligi- i is to him- the man was to much pi sm benubliciy acknowledged his indebtedness be ires urge audience and gave the print er faejh r large additional orden coart- e mnd a paying customer la that in- it icel j id is a retail grocer in- 0 1 rtia day a ttrtnge womta entered bl state tnd tiked o be directed ta the re dence of mr b j- it was raining hs i tnij tha grocer said mtdarrt my wi goa ii under the ihed snd if yoa will ri in it i will send one of the clerks lo a 1 yoa where i yoa desire to go the ofl r wtc accepted akd aohag further be rd of he affair until a few dava liter h wiiecemrb sniared and said 5 u jttt 1 to kind tnd courteous he other dt om friend o yoa tfrsnger hat tn husband lays ha ouidbe nletsed to gi yoa bis patrontger sudha di an- otl r atutnea where courtesy mode a pay- ifll oastoiter i aartetycaiinohitj its exercise ea ric et whoever mskes it a pari of hit daily 111 asii la from i pojver toj help 1 man sic gfa sde ii is slmays alfgn of he rt genl man and evlryona caabe that rif rdlets of hit ittdonjin life a merkait ffrf one of he delusions that is prevalent in many parts of he ooanry it hat toasaloet are thedirect causes of cancer and that hose who eat them ste pretty tare to ran the risk of developing cancerous growth at me so fixed is this delation in patt of he codrriry that people wfll nor oojch hit 1 most healthful of vegetables fact it there is no connection at all een eating tomatoes and cancers hose who eat plenty of tomatoes are now mote apt to outlive hose who do not for fhej vegetable pats direct and beneficial action upon the ttomaeh and kidneys they should be eaten whefiever possible recently it was announced that the london cancer hospital had forbidden all patients in it from eating fotruttoes at they were a predisposing cnusa to cancer in response lo numerous inquiries if herejwat any foundation fo he rumor he chairman of thehospilat committee dr mardden an- aoancod officially that tomatoes neither predispose to nor excite cancer formation- aadjthatfhey fro not injurious to fhose suffering from he disease bat oa the con trary are a wholesome article of diet par ticularly so if cooked this should be sufficient to dispel the illation ia this country 00 drawing nbatftbbgoall fronrtho original uy eyes arecummy step unseady cow grey locks adorrmy pale tlmefoxrowcd brow hr feeble pulse my palsied hands my wiole tell me that i am drawing near the goal what have l done these ihraeseors years and ten tby name lo honor trd thy love to gain what cant mortal plead approaching theet butth tnd only this he died or me faith triomphs here what moretis all i eravf ko more 1m needed and no less can tsvs redemption hers complete tbo glorytbtpo solvation free tit free the grace is mioe a iray is open snd or me theres room for ta for whosoever will may come why linger here earth has do charms for mc ur father calls me f let me come jo thee va brpthert eroas can i assist to bear f ko slafers grief tm i required tb share ko little band isitretched to me to guided ko little feet keep patter by my side ko needy children uyolc timetor bread ko family to claim me as its bead ity work is dona t ah nororstve the beast tbe days ive soaanderedlrnrecloos momeuts lost r the dayls finished nataros night baseame my work urmrilshedearcelywell beao the held is large the harvest ready true tet what is there the ageel one can do f could t sume hapless alien ooe restore heal the amloted and relieve the poor comfort tht orphan dry the widows tears brfaghack the profligate blrmlstpout fears thcrf ufe were bliss then would i gladly slay another four score yearsflorgo sway tiut bad wiped away the last lad tear and faired to find another wotto core fu rata the needy stretch iholr arms for ai ra vain bj suffering or compassion ploadl v sadly i see them sink beneath the wave without thi meaat to aid or power to save elleas o help why should i linger here sad witness otho woes i cannot erne the rich in gold perhaps luay and a charm and yonth and beauty travel arm ia ami anlniant child may hold a mother here a fatbera lots a fathers toll marchocr but noneof these are mine to comfort me what bath the sged one o lord but thee in vain i watch the passers on the street for those familiar forms i used lo greet tbevotem afid the aces once so dear art ksxa no- more they art no longer hero the busy crowd now passing to and tro is not thebusy crowd o long aod themaidwhc4smueioneescproudjywoa wtasammoaed benoe ere lie had well tirsnu tbe child ia often fondled on my knee j has long since fondled others it may bet j the child in time beeamo a man with meal by nature i became a child again a child wbote mirth no oosipany auuoys a child witbbuthit playmates sodhis iivu an orphan child no loving inotlier now towiperoy tears or imootw my tronbled brow ko fathers hand to bar the throateood blow or none that can a ifsferjove bestowim auorpban child poor rill and helpless thing without tho sympathies misfortunes briag an orphan child nay am l not a sou a prlncertsn heir apparent to a throne a fathers kingdom with hit childrenshore forsil the ransomed omve a mansion there j come heavenly muse ny songindlta inspito liy peo faith plnmo thy wings awaib my lyre r j j sfyfew remainlogtioai 1e mo engage suigtngof sachagloricsitberitogo feoriostondruiuedowsstlleshandblood bedeemed restorod adopted child of ood oh for a glimpse beyond kay ii t might what then of faith if f behad the sight for thll i for this a title wo receive f forthlsnothavingoeeniret we believe jn this odr heavenly fsthbr htth delight his children vjalk hy altn wnd net by sight hereon i rest let skerdfet cove mpre enongh for mehis promisie axosare a few more trials perhaps few more tears finish my pflgrtaageof fobrscere years tet gratitude 0 lord inardro my song tit by thy grace that i am spared so long thf love ha been mr fhleld- throughout the whole still more fneedtbco now when noar the gcal aroapuig the band that held me all those yeora clinging to hopes that choerod modriedmy fears j irtokiog to him who savw me from iny sin leaning ou fsiaefs god t wjn i win aaelpbjiaroh8ndhhji v iti h 1 v i quarried with him artut itoo trde yet he relet ted and left ma all th 1fore8thy buiudino land in that of cuthbert holmes sad twe tr o lov and honor him bat he gaessed lath ing of this crowning set of telfssorifit e the git meditated i e looked from the window and tajr her ta ding quietly alone and he said gi otly shall we walk to tha grove darhogl 3o yoa feel ttropg- enough she t iked con iflg qaiciiy lo his tide e ae wrapped him carefully in a soft ra tiling ahawl brought a taste of wine in i liny glass and gave him her arm only stronger than himself in tha fool that there was no disease ia her young frame only ha weariness of hanger and aafferfnj 1 isy walked slowly to he grove dus ter of trees upon a pohlio eommoi and wh e one bench at tha ioot of a gi antio oak iree was a favorits rastingpiaoe war hidden here from paaservby opi a the nsr aw footpath and when may had mad a ct iblon of an old ahawl that would keep her fathers feet from the ground they both fell into deep contented suenoe i tbo bis money we sro rich my dear we 1 she echoed too are rich it is all in the family my lave for i am going to have a wedding in hamilton to morrow oh paul- tha gskped it is too soon then ill be off to ceatral america sgain and give yoa two or three years marc to think about it dare to go 1 tha cried wondering if her tinging heart was theono so fall of misery only a fetf short hoari before bat before she slept tie made her ooa- ettioa and waa forgive i and paal hod hi way about tha weddii g ha hod been urged to haste by mr griersoas ghastly face and racking cough bat the angel of death pasted them by with money used lavisily ia physicians and remedler with tha n ottioyingofoare hit children nursed paul grierton bock to life sad health and the itadio ia the great house where there era baby voices now lo greet paal and may is at mach for the ate ot the eider artist at for hit ton and pupil sometimes they make irammer visits to the liny cottage and lira la arcadian sim plicity for s few weeks hat mays dreamt ander ha appls free are no longer of de spair and tuicidd ba t f all of roseate visions of a air happy future happy in her father hatband and children and ha homelava encircling hem all brief study of the ctntdita exhibit id be forestry baildijig at tha world fa will ll repay one there are speciv me act oil tha known vaxietlea of canadian wo is highly polished to show ha grain th mot s artistic as well as the most at- tea ire aid unique display ia the ontario co rt has been prepare by the indians of thi reservation of bcaniaod holdimand th i oonsitts et a moaament or trophy en ely aide of pieces if limber compcis- ingj thirtejea varieties and all ot which hanbeen prepared sndfiited without he asejif taw or other ulensil except a jack- kni s ye tha timbers are squared and mo ided with a perfectqess hat could not ba teallet by be moat elaborate machin ery and hs pieces are polished by he hat is of is indians bormouuting these tin ten i inning ha bass qf tha trophy ate ive wi oden eolumnt elaborately decor ate by carvings of nstjve birds and ani- ma r all baldgdone wilk ojsckknife oa he op of isch colamal its small belfry an above alt a iarga belfry tha entire wo t it th 1 1 result of six years work of two or tree educated roditos the tides of tb base lara richly inlaid with various tpe intent of wood and teed stamps as wali- paper ia a certain oldfathloned hoots in london there it a room about twelve bet square that is eoltrely papered with postage stamps it is mtimaled hy mr palaver he largest stamp dealer in tha world that those stamps wotid be worth 50o0o00 bat for the aufortsntle circnmsance hat not one uf hem it genuine mr palmer exirtcted bete iorgeries from collections fhtt he bought from time lo time and a rale the people from whom he bought them did not know hat they were forger ies bat no forged sump can pass as genuine when it falls ander the scrutiny of ha expert palmer this crazy patch work thowf a specimen of every known tamp in he world tha poll mall bad- get of london ityt hers are 70000 stamps on he wallt of he room and it took al most thirty years to collect them to make wall piper oat of them kept oar- pairs of- hands busy for three months they are patted upon canvas to hat in order to remove tha stomps it will not ba necessary to remove the building paste no gum has been used as gum j discolors ittmps having been fastened to the can- vat the stamps weretreated o a coat of shellecand were then varnished they whea a man la bis upward coarse reach es a point where ha ignore hit inferiors be hss tltoined bis climax j the truly great man reals his inferiors gealeely aad often galas a new idea even from a bootblack such a man grows wiser sod broader at long at ha lives j after the grip when yem ire weak and played oat hoods sartaparilit will restore your health and strength lvhat fish never sleep mi ha authority of mr coates of tha soi h let singtou aquarium of tbe inven tioi exhihitionj there are the goldfish pik tnjdtrfltn anil salmon whlobj the gh occationally retting never sleep mr ooote a the very j carefal invetiss tio i he node 00 ibis subject foand thai imlogtt f eth water fishes he roach dose gncmeop trp tench and minoow ateep- firldicallf sljl regular iru alto among mt ins lis iss do the wrasse conger dory dof 5h b iss and all fiat fish j while tin ela lers at dj restart sleep and rest eqaeily we by dt r by night having really no pn ireooe for the latter time fishes hat- log to aye ids and a very smell brain in pro ortoo to size oinnot enjoy true sleep llki be bl bsr riaomslia tbe great ex- car on la the natter ol sleep no far as fill rare i onoerned is tbe airioan mod ftsl uhlob it oettala teuodt goes into a eta of to rjfditytiau hlbernsdug animals aoi ildee or mirtbi toketber in the toft olaat the boltoln of the pools qett1ngthe mostoqoo out of books yon should treat a book at yoa woald t person with whom yoa are talking for in- information that is question it read lr over and tara back sod try o get at be meaning if- the book itself does not an iwerlbe questions you raise go to some other boolrj asks dictionary or encyclopedia for an explanation and if the book treat- ed in this wsy does not inspire yoa it it of no more service to you bah the converts tionof a doll ignorant person i jail used the word inspire yoa do not read ill books for facts or for information merely bat to be inspired to hive yoar thoagbtt lifted op to noble ideas to have yoar sym pathies touched year ambition awakened o do some worthy or great thing to be come a man or woman of character and consideration in the world yoa read the story of a fine action or a heroic character the death of socrates or ths voyage of columbus- or the storifioeof nathan hale or inch t poem at the lady of be lake not fer fnformalion only but to create in yoa a higher ideal o life and to give yoa sympathy with yoar fellows and with noby purposes yon cannot begin j too of to haw tbeee ideals and these par- poeestnd the best iters are in all tbe world it tbe best or yoa to begin with and yoa will fiadibe most interesting enterprise in business it is oecemiry lo hive nrprise ia botiuets in order to make- it a succett at it might be termed they are bnilnese meu who have tn average lucceas i s h might be termed they sever make a great tiir in he world but hey make a living and call htmtelves fairly lacon fuimen they sresacb but bey coald be much more to if they wouldjpake a- little push outside o ihebeaienht ahosinets jnm who it in a rut it do be pitied ha sees other men make gieat business tacoestee of their efforts and he attribotee their accets to some genial they poitetl that- it beyond his grasp but many timet their geniais simply gothead- iveoese they strike otjtthey are not cob tent lo do holiness st their fathers did tnd hey look the field over cert ally bey observe tnd they itady they work ateijhe ttore closes opi they waloh he methods of more iqcdeiijai men than hey ee and the result it they make proset ijhe greet roable wilhjthe average-boil- nesrmsn jt that he roes o sleep he it eonfept with never tninking the inoeeu ful meo of he day ore hose who think they are not afraid to make venturos that btvo tbepromise of soccest behlod them oi course there should be reasonable care bat there should botbe unreasonable feak this- last should bt botne in miudiss much u tl he first fear is juat at mach to beidveigbedigilnstsi rssbucif jaststop short and lay i can betlti my potiiion that it where yddmott begin and then you will do something u i yoa do not allow yoarsello fall heck into the vortex of indiflerencei a man to be successful in butineta matt study the field constantly he must be prepared to lead hit cbmpsulor by sur prising them consfantly with something new it will never do jio sit down and imagine that lack will throw ideas injonr way- it never will the plane by wbiri yoa luoceed have got to be thought ouk theraare men in every locality whqhav made a tacoett and sty that such lueoesl e beyond their reach not at i all if tbe j aims vigilance is used stir yourself and j do not let this year pill without making an advsnoe il 4 m i m it m the pineapple beitdei its fine qualiuee at a deliciout fruit it rapidly coming to the front as oa effecluol remedy and pro- ventative of indigettlah-dyipepsia- like many of its predeoesson in the rait and vegetable line itt adjed quality of medi cinal power had discovered by experiment tnd experience care must be taken how ever to get it ia right preparation of which there are several jcindi in the ma kel i 1 it i- 1- i- he was not ashamed m 1 i i f he is the wisest and happiest man who by oonitanf attention of thooght disooveri be greatest opportunlliei of dologtjrwdi and with ardent and animated resolution breaks hroagh every opposition that he may improve inch opportunities george clarke a well- mown negro mln- itrel was onoe being bol led in thewltneee- box by a barrltter tit be old blusteriog sohoql yoa are 1 bel iri what ii known at a bigger- mtniiteir t aerled the barrist er iperctuontly yjs dr ham i batbir a low calling it 1 1 not pethipe it it antwired the con ertjiiuiibojliijt so maob batter than my faiherl bl tjm rathir probd of it djndinjl pray whatwaiyootfai bft jiarrliter grcstexai 1 z r i- ftil

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