Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 8, 1893, p. 3

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-5- cv r 32 k -v- bank of hamilton head office saiolton itasrava- fckd us000 ms0m- j tcrxbcll caaaisa s- 8 steven 4rr cuatsa directors- jettx stsstiut iwdenf a o kikut vicefret joa proma ci qrr qm boies i t wosbs georgetown agency sakb725a s made on all caiuwo mcmjum diurn on ell parte o cix j5pt op ecaora booiht and told bavtkqs pepabtisext isstasjs pt special deposits jutoy accit the methodist church acton pa tor rev joseph edge tataonatejiokerattnao pdb sunday cthooltjo bible clataconducted by tie pastor all cordially invited misji hj welcome at- eatlve others at tha door seasonable goods we are opening up every week new designs in wall and ceiling papers borders to match curtain poles and trimmings spring rollers fringe shades window blind paper 4c per yard call in and look at our stock- remember all bllnda boocht rem ua are put up tree of charge a- new stock oi boti tt libber etjle obudrena vfce 5tl v carta bahtos roda line and elootx comearad aeeca creo hykds acton ont ttm f zee f cess thursday june 6 1893 little local brieflirs which caught the eye or ear of free prees reporters this week the news at home mostly of a local character fcrtst every item intareetlrtsr t rie country around new a itemv supplied by corras- t ondenta and exchangee court of eevition neit monday niebt wellington county council is in eteion this week i eit tustdty oar toys jill go to kitgtra tp cemp milton fire brigade intend holding a demonstration on july 1st we direct the attention o our rtadera to the odvt of wm ucleod co heetrt it j holmes shipped a car load of fine cattle to toronto thursday the farmers state that the clover crop ojhis season it beyond their expectations a great many from here attended the service at the disciple church everton on sunday a great many farmers are oomplainidg that their cheep are oeiog worried by village dogs tea autumn aeeuesi for helton will open on october 2 justice street presiding the victoria timri came to hand last week in a new dress four linotypes are now in use on that daily annneleicursionserebeingerrengedby the railways for farmers desirous ot visit ing the great northwest legtin this year carpenters have commenced work on sir thoa perrymtna store now in coarse of erection on the dorner of john and mill streets i attention iscalled to the advertise meat of w mclaren co guelph in which may be seen the result of the climax purrie ths accomodation train which has beer substituted for the afternoon express and rani ee far as guelph only is due here at 31c pm the chancery autumn sittings for wellington open at guelph september 11th while tbe autumn assises open on moo- day october loth guelph is making great preparations for a big day on tbe 1st of july we have hetia nothing of the intention of oor crticena here on that day on monday morning the fast express from chicago was not sufficient to carry all the passengers from the worlds fair east and a special trtin was despatched to assist the orangemen of wellington peel and dufferin will celebrate the w3rd anni versary of tbe battle of the boyne by hold ing one of the largest demonstrations erer held in western otttario in stanley park erin on july 13th a counterfeit half dollar is said to be circulating quite freely in ontario and the public should be on their guard against- it tbe date it bears is 1871 and it is very light in weight in sice ring and finish it la an excellent imitation and will easily escape detection the other evening while tbof est eipresi due here aboat 71 was pistiug tliroaih ata high rate of rpeed a farmer thinking he train was going to atop at the station drove over the crossing tbeengine grazing the eod of the wagon rack the farmer has nodeeire to repeat tbe act a little item in a nertpsper may eometirnee make an enemy to the paper for life but it will not top him from resj it it merely changes hirofrom a subscriber to a borrower every pub lisher eta recall the name of readers who come adder this head wljile mr adam brown ejip was in town last week he in company with mr cooke sisitei out chief manufacturing in dustries and expressed himself as being bhly pleated with fheenterpiises that are being carried on in acton on visiting mr storeys glove factory he was madetlie recipient of a handsome pair of rnicho gtoves luiicvf per jtoij ileu is the usme of an intereslia new monthly published in the interests of tbe young mens christian association nt vancouver bc it is edited by mr a ccampbell former ly of thietiffsce and rfflectatlie impress of his painstaking and competent supervision the first number baa much of historical ioterestin its columns the oatloo for agoodfruil crop in thi locality is not so promising in the apple lioeaa it was laat year the apple trees ebicb are not showing tolmacb sign of fruit bearing season are doubtless resting after last years labor nevertheless a fair crop miy be expected the plim aadr pear trees have been ooveredwilh boaiotnf but the result of the production u a specu lative one since tbo bee it apt to get in its work before the frait will have matured at for the cherries ibere are only a few tree alive nt tbemmay bear a little choice groceries crockery and gisss- wana at t h eaioota acton ffthon delegate i a roecting of the liberals of the county of halton was held at hilton on friaayfor the purpose of appointing delegates to attend the great liberal coaventlon at ottawa o4 june 20 the following gentle men were appointed delegate messrs wrnmcleod j r lindsay jot barber r dj warren and wm moore george town j dr robertaon messrs j 8 ko- connell rl white n p ltwson and dr a butk milton j iteury robinson palermo g fisher freeman omtgh john waldie toronto alex waldie george uavil and j a mcgrail actoa j d wlittlihan campbelhille capt m beattle and t ghent burlington r harper korval john husband e b andefron c 0 marlatt andtpatterson oakville sunday at the worlds fair tbe toronto 0ol of saturday contains a letter on the world fair on sunday contributed iy itevg a gisordof fer gus formerly of this place in whioh he appeals to the christians of all denomin ations to fight against the opening of the worlds fair on sunday among other things to which the doctor make reference ia the follawing the limn has at last come when the infidelity of the age has dared to lift its bead and with unblushing effrontery hurl a public intuit ioto the very face ot heaven and to the time has come when the church of god must unite in a irresistible attack upon the advancing forces i of tbe enemy at a remedy for the evil he adds let tho christian people of all claasea and kt absent themselves from tbe ioiquitious place and throw all theiwtight o their influence against it and thus demonstrate to the world thatiuch an enterprise cannot bo carried o a successful issue without tho refining and restraining influence of christianity from ocean to ocean tbis most entertaining and instructive lecturetras delivered last tburaday even iug in the town hall by adam brown ex mp of hamilton in a manner that was highly- pleasing tothe eudieooe- the members of statbtns cbttrcti are to be congratulated in securing the service of this gentleman or his descriptive power had a magnetio influence in retlining the attention ofthe audience in an oratorical manner mr brown described tbe most im portant placet as maybe seen while en route from nova scotia to british colum bia and favorably impressed hit remarks by an exhibition of grtphio views thete lirndlight illostrationt tome 125 portray ed cities harbors valley6 rocks ranches including prairie scenes andrail way bridges the last named exhibiting tho marvellous skill necessary in the engineering of tbe trust works over ravines in tbe rocky maintains hundreds of feet deep those who did not tee these picturesque toenes misted a treat the lecturers closing remarks took a patriotic nature in which he urged loyalty to the british crown items from the churches rev w g charlton of bethany w virginia formerly of this pltcbwimpreach injtbe disciples church here next sabbath morning and evening m watson of korval occupied the methodist pulpit on sunday during rev mr edgeb absence to conference lev mr raes subject on sabbath morn ing related to the descration of the sabbath at itbe worlds pair the union choir of- our village is making great preparations for tbe yps0e con vention on the 22nd and the 23rd intt this promites to be a pleasant and profit able gathettng rev g b cook will preach acermpn to the a 0 v w in st johns church rockwood on the first sunday in july adjoining lodges are expected to be present at the regular meeting of epworth league of christian endeavor of the meth odist church acton held on tuesday evening the following officcra were elected for the current year j pntsidest mf moore jltt vicepeksh p lfoore isud misa edith writbt srd lllu itairie ebbtee i th charles jenner i becbetiry miss liaggt matthews jtnelsumji utkada oajrk the christian endeavor nf the presby terian church will meet tomomwnight to elect officers to act for the next six months and to dispose of generalousuiess death otitre charles davidson if is our painful duty this weels to record the death of mrs charles davidson which tobk place last sunday afternoon at their residence lot 31 con 3 esquesing tbe hand of afslction has been frequently jaid upon themebibers rf that bbme aid has remayed fbetefroca those who were totw companions and helpmeets during ibis earthly pilgrimage mr davidson who is a young man comparatively speaking his been married three times the last two wives being titters to his last wife he bsk been wedded only about iusree jeara- the fact that he is thub called npoitto pats through such bereavementa is painful in the extreme and our only source of com fort and consolation is to ba derived from him who it too wits to err loo good to oe unkind and what mavoe mvsterioos tons now trill bo maife plain hereafter deceased was the third daughter of the late donald uodonaldand was a contittent member o knox church acton the was alwayt found in her place in church unless detained by tickness or tome other unavoid able reason her remains were conveyed tofairview cemetery on tuesday after noon followed by a large cortege of sym pathizing friends the sympathy of the community is extended to tho grief stricken husband and the two motherless children tbe vountjer of which it an infant a few i i days old sffeddtnt bells i a very quiet and pretty wedding was solemnized on wednesday evening the 7lh intt at the residence of mr john c nel son merchant acton brother of the bride lihe contracting parties were mr james ix warren of cedar creek farm eldest sou of john warren esq first deputy- reeve esquesing and miss mtggie nelson second dsufhter of tbe late john nelson and mtterof alderman nelson- guelph tuie bride who was becomingly attired in cream liennettaand surah with ututl veil and orange blossoms ni attended by her two youngest litters muses lillie and minnie and miss mattie stone of toronto peine of tbe gfcoro the groom was ac- cjmptnifdltytja jitlle nephew muter rnio warren of georcttown the dating clergymen were the rev jos dge acton and rev a e de st dal- mat of georgetown after paftakinffof a tjimptuout repast the bride and groom left op the 955 pm tram for the eatt followed by the best wishes of their many frieudr the happy coaplewere the recipients of many beautiful and cottly pretentt the following were among the gueata present mr and mrs warren of georgetown ijd kelson and wife and mr and mrs t jtmooreof gadpn mr and krtyw stone and mits medf stontoftorotjto kliianltttatmrtlievoktararria dublin the followiqg are the name of those who figured highest in the eliminations daring may arranged ia order of merit tth clutjannio someryillei willie bonier dlle i sen 8rdmary mokenri john oib- bout tagglc arthur srd andrew arthur george uulluolland mary chester juu wallaue seo claniafie kiley willie mullin bjecpt herbert moltsao wallace wills stalker firalptoaoie uullholuurl douj las thbs rotel the tveragts attend itnee duriiu may was si glo midoiev teacher coiilnandgoincr v lelton to and prom anton and james askgrove miss minnie nixon spent last week with friends in arthur quito a number from hero attended the patron plcnio in tho scotch block on may 2iith j mr ernctt coombt preached a very able tirmon here on sabbath morning we ars likely to have afternoon service here alter conference at the circuit it being divided j hon by sons of temperance will picnic in mr t cnithoimn grove hornby on 15th an excellent programme consisting of mai io recitations speeches etc will be give i during the afternoon the publio are corlially invited our hamlet tat been very quisi lately tcarcel i any newt going s oeorqetown then waano service in the methodut churct itst sunday morning owing to tbe ptttori i absence to conference mr coombs occopui the pulpit in the evening ton orrow evening friday a dramatio recital will be given by prof meeke and wife under tbe auspices of the sons of scotlltd tip dramattttt come very highly recommeoaed and we are looking forwan i to having a rare treat we pleased to note that rev a t sower y of aylmer formerly of this place 1 u succeeded in carrying off honors in the ecetit eiaraipation and been award ed the legree bf phd a mi tion wat pasted in our last council meetin restraining the caretaker renting tbe to vn hall without consulting the ooaaci for the following dates decem ber jili january 1st may 2uhjuly lit civta i oliday and teoond dayof etquesing fall f dr i rev d a moir of alma it to succeed rev mr gee po this circuit varlfui other peraonalnotei mr a p symon it visiting friends in wiattou mr httry jetiuer reluxnedto johatlown nyon friday mr h rtmshaw spent a thort lima in oakville ttt week dr bti wn of toronto general hospital was in to u last week mr am mrs r e keleon of guelph were iu t wn last week mrs v j lee of ksetsgaweys visited friends in town tliln week mr hi rry strauter of milton tpeut sunday a his home in acton miss 1 homprart of bllinafad spent sunday ti th lleuds in acton mr ti a moltacfcnn of ayr is visit ing friend in aetna this wtfck- llr jut 3 laverty of rockwood speut tuesday i itli friends in acton mrs c dempcey of toronto is visiting at tbe bon e of d henderson mp dr and mrs uren attended the wedding of relative at st marys last week mrs h h holmes spent a thort time with frien it in clinton lttt week mist s ionia ot st mtryt paid a thort visit to m t t perryrutn itst week dl bbultz of toronto wat la low lttt week i regard to tbe volunteers miss e lalng who hat been living at orillia for several years hat returned to town rev t a moore of niagara it to be come pasti r iu the methodist church nor wich mr and mrs h hob of new rock ford nd spent a lew day a with friends in town list reek mr f 1 artb of erin hat creditably patted hit dual medical examination before the until 3 medical council toronto tbe trsvertton correspondent to the markdale slaisdard sayt rev joseph edge of a ston t pent monday evening at the old ho ne of hit boyhood 7 on uetday of last week mr robert b laing of kassagaweya raltei a fine bank barn 5 ixco feet the tides were captained by misers john locker and david h tayloi there were two races the first being on by mr locker while the second was a ie so mr locker was the victor there wat a slight accident at tbe raiting wherel ly mr john marshall was struck on tbe hi ad with a pike pole and had einoe been of wort but is doing as well as can be ex rcted several others got their hands bruiser and skinned but nothing serioui mr jcs laipg ie tho framer mr l iing italbo erecting a fine honte on tbe sai ne lot land will have everything very comfoi table for after years mr and mrs john smith of nassaga- weyt celebrated ho tenth anniversary of the r weddinglstt wednesday evening the p esents which consisted of tin were numetdufl and amusing a social dance and ot ler games were afterwards cheerfully iodulgjd in thee js tb bo a garden psrty at mr maloo m mcmillans of brookville on tuetd evening a good programme is being provided and the s a band from gnelp i will discourse suitable music erin wh ie mn jno eccles near waa throwing a stone over i knatchbult terra cotttj waa throwing a stone over a bill his tei ra which were attached to a set of bsrrw rs in the field ran away the harroi rs lit on one of tbe animals backs inflict ng some severe gashes the horse may c ie mr eccles of the 10th line of etquesing is ver j ill our reeve is in attendance at the county count il guelph rev hr bill of fullerton formerly methi dist pastor here paid a thort visit to some if his friends here while on his way to ibt laying of the corner of the new o lurch at belfonntain mr wm sbingler an old and respected citize i bads sad accident last week she fell ai d broke her right leg between the kseeind the ankle we hopo the may rapid y recover a 1 twn tocial will be held at robert woods tonight mr h boomer htt ditposej of her house bold eftectt and is leaving these parts to joi i her husband who is living in tbe unit d statet jui ge jamieton presided over the divis ion c jurt here last week the docket was a il t oue gr it interest it being manifested in the snppc ted case ot infanticide here rockwood i wool knitted goodi complete inet tweeds io- in eiohtnge for wool at newton sent 11 lit limehouse t m merah or georii o tr lacrosse s football oa the ark last monday night an altar- cation tool place between theiactotte tnd football toys at first the dispute wat viewed fro n a pplloquitl point in which weighty i plthett including italics were used to mi ke tbe remarks forcible but to make it e fectml and leave t luting 1m prettion t ie confab utumad the nature ot a belllger nce aud pugilistic encounters were quite in order and pounding wind not at all i ut of the way but the timely arrival ot i ur villtga fathers including the reeve and ither citizens euchred the medi cal profes on of patients or perhaps the caretaker f fairview cemetery nf a dayt pay we nope tbe dispute may be amica bly fettled oakville the mc it pathetio tcene that hat been ourdntylo record occurred on saturday and bund y to tbe family of john eenney of this pla ie it appears that the husband who is a l engineer was working at hit trade at g rimsby when he got word that his wife vaa lying at the point of death here he took the first train for home and in att impting to alight from the train too quick y missed hit footing and fell nnder the wheels his left leg was cat off at the kne he was at once taken to the hospital oronto in an ambulance hit wife has s nee died and hit two children are now i ing at deaths door from the ravages of diphtheria tho od ifellowf ore arranging to run an excursion io niarara on review day which will likely be the 22 or 23 of jone one of the best b iats on tho lake will be secured the tra elling public will be glad to learn that a tra n will hereafter stop hero at 955 am goinj to hamilton previously there was no tr in from eight in the morning till 2 in he afternoon the new train will be of the greatett convenience to all parties gi ing weet the morning train too does i dt lcive till 823 the morning mail from the cast will be later on account of this munns church start out with a garden party nex wednesday evening on the lawn of daniel mcduffe one concession north of postvil e tbit it the first in- this dis trict and t is hoped the weather clerk will repent of lis past record and give warm and clear weather good mutio and ad dresses tl e best of eating and- abundance of it guar nteed the fra ne work of the new basket fac tory has i sen completed and the roof pot on the engine and boiler have arrived and been rat in place and the tapping of the batkf tmakars hammer will soon be heard t 3o work it going ahead withgreat rapidity for able will wn wixteu 50000 lb of clean wool the blghet price in cash given wk mclzon 4 co simply awful vorjt asc of scrofula tho doctors ever aw a cputntcfelir cured by hoods srsipakllla j whea r was t or 5 years oik i liida jcrof- ul mi sort ontlij rolilila flaicr il my loft band w licit rit si bat tint tin dcta cut the ft wr olt ud later too oi raita lliiu half mr iu 1 1 tliea tue soro lir ike cut cu my arm n oiitouiny iiom ail itcdaulotii ddej irly detroyini tin sat ot oui eve also my right umi uaciori stm it wa tlie worst case of 8brofula y over saw it waitfmplrasrztti five rekrj ajo i bepintj toko uooits garsaporllla gt linlly i fount iut ilia sorbet were begln- uli i io heal i kept oil ull i akah lou- dii tl i c tollur jut tlilnicof wliat a- rct irn i to- for t nt lavcitmentl a lb a i iicr cratf vn ramy tltimau i for uk it jenrf llmvi hrd no irei i work all the time b ore i raatd d a tarkl kuov not wli tto s3jilroii3 enough to cxprai mi gnit- uuke ia uikhis sriniwlux or my perfect curt korqe w tckxcnj fanner ol- wnr sarxttiii cnmty n y 0305 p lus trtioa md luun tlitu ii trytfttiut ac tfhe wqrk of rebiixlding i goes on apace aiid evory da makes shopping with us more eaafand comfortable the delay bej ond tho time intended is ow ing to the extent of the changes ant improvements we are making eaili days work unfolds more ace more the perfection our new pi imises will have wearesore out friends will bear with a little incjnvenience for tbe sake of whit will be we are building up i great dry goods centre and are sparing neither labor or effort to irwike the premises worthy of thtj business patience then a litf e more patienco and our e will havo on its new habili- ita linrbg hey are baviug- a bigger sale summer than ever you should see tho lovely patterns aud ion sfittebns 7e fur 85u a great pjihksols- prices wo havo just received are selling 20e satteeus 10c 25c batteens for i2c j satteeni for 17c they are bargain iiought direct from tho mauu- fac as lowest urer for spot cash usual best goods price result fori the jacket sale i e havn two racke o sprin jac kets and wraps wjiich from thii date we- will offer at reduc- tioi s in price of 25 aud 88 per cent off our regularly plain ma ked cash prices bargains prep rations are being made for a county ti mperanoe society union in milt ton on tl a 23rd intt the ypsce of this coun y has announced for their meet ing in ac on on the same date it it un fortunate that tha meeting of the two societies 7hote constitutions are tha same on the t impertnce question should con flict and hut lessen tie attendance of both conventic os dr 7ilkiutont office dayt are mon day tue iday and friday of each week tnd on s tnday from 1 to 3 p m office over the drug 6tore acton 25 a very happy gathering took place last wednesday 31tt may at the residence of mr homti walters ertmoaa being the ocoai ion of the wedding of his eldest daugh ter 1 ite to mr jos kirby teoond son of the 1 te matthiat kirby of guelph town- ship tha gathering was large many guest a being from a dittance rev mr hart rockwood performed the ceremony mr jobert stark etquesing assisted tbe grooi i and i mits mary walters sister of the jride wat- bridesmaid tho happy coup a left on tho midnight train for the west thja salvation army had a grand time lttt wednesday night in the town hall the guelph s a band discoursed tweet mut c and a good time wtt ipent tha jum ee ni tqpplemented by a coffee sod 1 when all turned to work to tupply the i ante cf the inward man over 200 peopewer present from other corpt- m cant ot crewtont corners occupi ed tie motiioditt pulpit on sundayevenlng j j hi i brother of a sd hill of eraiwte md formerly of thii village it belnt banqueted in st paul today wed nesday the city offiaalt are thowing theii appn eiaf ion of hit worth at a railroad king by i olding a grand demonstration weeks preparations were being made to olebrati tie event afeordit g to the firtt conference draft mr hart will go to kintore while thof j sabine will come on the rev rev roc iwood actom machine uno repair shop j gindells wright nd circuit tte iu ia meetings of the dtsoiplea ot chrtt were brought to a dote monday norni a great many from here went to the seefflgt and three oc faux carryalls wet- 1 running dally to everton to acoom- moi ate the public c e3 njoyisi both t ie method and retmlti whea byrnp if fiffl is taken it is plemaat and re resting to the tastaand seta sntly etpwrnpilyoatheeclneysv ver i aid bowels cleaiisea the sys- teta ef actually dispels colds head aches i nd fevers andcuree habitual consti atioa svrop of fig is the only i smedy oiita kind ever pro duced pleasing to the taste andao ceptab e o tbe stomach prompt in its acti jo and truly beneficial in its effects prepsxedonly om the most health randagreeablesabstances its many xcelltmtqjaklitiesoommendit to all and hate marie it the most popuh r remedy known byrt p of figs is for sale in too botfla by all leading druggists any i liaole druggist who may not have i it on handwill trroeure it promp ir for any one wno wishes to toy tmarinil orjybytae cau drku fi6 syrup cd jjjraaircrrtex wbbtutr ixwittttx 3a iiiiiulluuv1luui 3eqrget0wni t b m oi exerienca shows that right roods at the right time and atri tpnes com maud business ont tock is just in the above posii ni 3ur dress goods were rievii larger or better assorted t shall give you wonderful gooil dresi goods jfor 6o peryd and in gi re you paridsomo anl atyl 8 i creations iu dress goods at i jdercto prices a dress gooil trust less wei are bouud to do if low prices jlarge- variety and e ylish good goods will do it mi iner the rjnapproaohable styl este it aud vanety of our mill i eryd es comjnand business parii lis gloves hosiery ladies und a wear complete stock and at io prices ot small wares cottons tick ing otto lades check shirtings canti i flat nels flannelettes big variie v and cheap a beautiful liuoj f printed sateens was sold jc arid 45c reduced to 25c guificent lotjof prints styl- d ch ap have been aomg a big car- lade reason why right right pricqs lace curtains dilcic ths malts cto i g8 its we dofit forget jour iuteji sts our variety in cloths ur n ake rip and style iu id clotliiuglis unsurpassed i und 3rwear gents furnish- etc iu great hats caps colo rbollert co 27 lower wyndham st guelph ar i wall equipped with all tbe machinery necessary to execute all repairs to machinery j agriotjlttjral imtemekts anvl to do all kinds of steakfitting hoesebhoeinci tud general blaoksmithina aril woodwork repslrs nerformed in a tatls- fact rr manner tya can repair any machine or imp ameut ot anjr make saw iraaunnis and filln done i tini iesa id gentsfootwear we eel ii quantity pnee and in his department we lly ii vito everybodytacome cami ie ourj stock and be iced of tho bargains we j wool the- highest price h or iu dry goods will be for iny quantity ot good mere hanteble wool deliver- our i tore tllllllfjleodco georgetown j frajined j size 14 x 17- qr crayon tints arid qqz9n okbinsts s500 thi is only for a limited i j unders tho sacd stoc onh artk aoekts f0k- fleur73 ineleidents and kkpntrfl i oowdts oxlebrated lawn if cjweb high wheal hih speed crindoll tv wright cheap 1 heat or xbt toai us lor ttott fos photographer elgi watches new tack ot watch move ments made to our special order at trie elgin watch factory just received well nnistied reliable timekeepers savage co f jeweilers guelph 1 our qreat stock mdst go at any prioe thousands of bargains still remain a this sale cahnptiast forever but while it does last you canbuy a good union carpet for 3jcl 50 other carpets will go below cost you can have curtains below cost yoilcan buy floor oilcroth english make at 34c 4j5c is a i common price for canadian made r m delay is dangerous 12 doz 26c lisle gloves will goiquick at ioc 15 doz blaclfrsilk gloves grat value at 33c 20 cents will buy them now i 250 parasols any color at 75 ceftte on the tnis great takeadvantfge of sadriiipe sale 5 doz ladies brpuses just ia to be sold at akss 10 doz leather belts can be bad at cost 1000 doz buttons fer 8c regular price 12 j and 15 cents 500b yds silk braid for ic per yard 10 dozcorsets at cosf watch for new- list next week i everytmnff must go cashwlcrade is credit- it b jermyn oor mill aud fain streets actcjrl hortop8 flfrur feed store j i rthupls old stand jgnad bif porehuad from john ioar uid foed dcprtnunt ot hi rcl continae ittn tilipwn t luad ot f our meal feed 0 id whero you cii b lappliod irith t food t dun in exaiungfl for flour i baifafllc or over uroand tt et- aa caau ptr bahal jtrooiga wipactfullj ouclt3 henry hortopi n i f fqrldestcbying caterpillars crude carbolic acid phenylei copperas and chloride of lime for disinfecting purposes sfiig smiths co dispensing chemists guelph ont no 12 wyndham st rashionable west end 96 vppbr snvm6hk7htstrbbt suitings overcqating t andpantings beaollful designs jew spring hats ew gents furnishings new andlej ding btvlea try oar uolaondriod shi t at 60a my speciality p rfect fit ring pants to order 400 r e nelson usrcbaxit tailor and osnta 99 upper windhal 1 himiahar stooelpn nartaijdollar bnyt at the quarter ttor yflve fang west hamilton on come on tlie lollowior extraordinary barf 1 i choice itairtn peel for u 15c superior wathing soda for 35a eicellent bice for 35a superior laundry starch for 25c good cooking baisidt for 15c ckagas corn starch for j5o j choice miied bir3 seed for 25a lonateabari good laundry soap xss iamilt0n t for 1460 t 85i i jt5 i for 100 t 175 1 t 10 t r 136 kind ot t etc or tloo company the lion delaines satens chadlies i 3 special lines sa- pelhines w 16 pieces worth 30 to 50c at 25 cents i ohbll 1 r large range of challies clearing at 8ci and i2ic srtbens 1 fhs currants for superior tapioca ot 8t akm xoim soap for 1 lfflbt beit baking boida for blfeiog for eikra qoality saeo lor nice freeh biaoulu for oifer halo net for ileotris soap i i kxtsp li sara 1 1 joiesl ado- j5c 25a 25o 25o t5c 25c 250 260 25c 25a r txa compact fstrwt vast south ttda star to of hamilton hamutoo i 65 ipieces of sateens fast color worth 2oc at8c exceptional value in parasols graves hosiery t aodt wndban streat onlph m oswald street olajjaw j d williamson cov guelpil m

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