Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 8, 1893, p. 4

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v- fl i ff sfjt xton rce fress thursday june 6 1693 she cmttg jalks notes here and there items of general interest to free press readers kood6 caret dear uttljtejlds is the pew iu ibe luotnlng o uie holy 84bbuj i like in the church to to thdfr little chuflren clustered worbippibg tficre with me i rid turc ihtt the pcatle ptttar nviiofc irorrli ro like summer sow f filtered micgtrc over tlicikaj little hcrl in the pew j faces ctrtiect laid thoughtful- innocent grave and sweet they look in the congttcuod i bike lilies among the wheat and i think that the under ulster vbot merclc ir erer new hu it pee ill euedletioa for the t5ir littielieidi in the paw vyhembej heir tho ixjrd u wy shop herd or buffer the lubm to come they ire filsd that the bring jciui hit given the iambi a homo a plc of their own with bii people he carre for me and lor you hut close tn lilt arnii he gathers tbe dear little henjiin the pew ho i lore in tlie great attembly on the bbbath morna to toe tbe dear little children clustered and worshiping there with me 1or j know that jny precioui saviour whoac merclei are ever ne haif pedal benediction kor the dear little beads in the pew ur if k sanitler- id icliog that hoods sircaptnua cures iti proprietor rotke no ifils or extrnvriadt cuiro statements from thoubindb of re liable people ol what hoods samparilla ha doqe or them conclaeively prove the facthoodd sarsaparilla cures kayc sou neuralgia iiook pills act especially upon the liver rpqeiui it from torpidity to its nat- aril lptie cure constipation and asiet digeitidn id italy 17000000 people who cant write cao play a handorgio poultry notes give jioor poultry ihade in warm weather bat do trot house them clocely to acoora- plleh it currant baihet plum cherry or peach treei are excellent fpr thia par- pate it planted iu the yards light brahma fowli lay large nearly round eggs of excellent flarof more tempt ing to the eye and equally tempting to the pilate yon mita do mitute io choosing this noble fowl to grace yoaf farm for real lervte in producing yearly profit a flock of docks deed watching more especially so doridr the layine and hatch ing beaioo thedrateat times ii retlly crnel to the docks under his care driving and pecking them tintil some become egg bound too weak to wait and their head bare from the abuse of constant pecking from the drake dodot permit this to cod- tfnae buff wyandotte and buff leghorns feem now to excite the mind of those who look each season for eometbim new that few other farmers keep theae two breed are commendable and very good for actual service in the poultry yard on the fxrmv they are beautiful beside this is a great point to many who seek a new breed the coughing and wheezhg of ptreoob troubled with bronchitis or the asthma is exccccirely haraceiog to themselves and annoying to others dr thomas eclectric oil obriates all this entirely safely aod speedily and is a bengiu remedy for lame nts sores injuries piles kidney and spinal trouble it in t a id to cost 30000 a year to keep 8t peter a church at home in repair gtt the ucst if you are suffering the agouieft of neur algia and havi failed to get a remedy that will afford relief we want you to try pol- sons nervilincj no remedy in the market has giten anything like the same degree of satisfaction its action on nervo piin is eimply rnirrcuoue and as it is pnt in 25 cent bdttlcb no great expense is involved in the most pleasant powerful and certain pain remedy iu ttie world sold by drag- gists and all dealers in medicine eataa bottle there is a un produced in jepin and china which pouui coxhjkfttox cuoiu3 bells at 515 and sjo a if you wand to buy or sell farm ad vertise in the toronto weekly mail that paper reaches 100000 farmers- homes every week and yoar advertisement should meet the eye of someone who wants to par- chase advertisements of this class are n- berted in the toronto wtdly mail for five cents a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertions address the mail toronto canada consumption is believed to be more pre valent ii ireland than iu either england or wale an old phys ciio retired firom practice having had pis ed in his hands by an eat india muuions y the formula of a simple vegetable reme y for the speedy and per manent cure o coaeamptian bronchitis catarrh ailhiit and all throat and lang affections also a positive and radical care for nervom de bility and all nervous com plaints after laving tested its wonderful curalive power i in tlonsands of cases has fell it his duty to mako it known to all his buffering fellov a actuated by this motive and a desire t relievo human suffering i will fend free c charge to all who desiro it this recipjtn german french or english with full directions for preparing and selatjjy mail by addressing with e this papar w a noyes ock rochestsr n y some specijs of eeaweedxgrow to the length of 500 yards i using stamp namln 820 powers u the public are too intelligent to purchase a worthless article a second time on the contrary they want the best 1 physicians are virtually unanimous in saying scotts emulsion is the best form of cod liver oil canada ha 4 1 uow 14803 miles of rail take ii plehlseile should a plebiscite be taken it would be foond that bardock blood bitters is long odds tpe most s access fal and popular cure i for dyspepsia headache conetipatiod bil- iousnees bad blood etc if is purely vege table some men complain of hard ttmtb who sleep tbenibelves into poverty smoking her out a company of harvard students were starting for springfield to the football grounds last fall and meant to have a car to iberobeltea at the last moment how ever jest as the train was starting in hastened an old woman one of the young fellows thinking to get rid other easily remarked my good woman this is a smoking car dont yoo know well well answered the old woman never mind ill make it do and she took a etat ab tic train started the word was pass ed around smoke her out all the windows were closed accordingly and every etudint produced a pipe and soon the car wsb filled with a dense cloud of tobacco smoke bo foul became the air that at iat one of the boys began to feel tick as he look his pips from his month and settled back into hia beat the old woman leaned toward him if ye j s re done cir she said in a wheedling tone would ye kindly give me a draw i came away in such haite i forgot mine fyuijf hatching fish the hatching of fib by hens ib one of the induetries of china the spawn of tbe fieb ib placed inside of an egg shell from which the contents harebeen taken after the spawn has been forced into the empty shell a very delicate operation the eggs are placed under the ben at the proper time the ehells are broken in warm water in which the fish hatch at once they are kept in water perfectly pure until large enough to pnt in the pond with larger fisb the selling of the spawn is one cf the commercial enterprises of the chinese do not monopolize any good thing do not overdo the matter of entertain ment do not make a bobby of personal infirm ities go directly wien tbe call or the visit it ended do not forget bathing facilities for the traveller make yourself at home but not too much so iu ministering to the goes do not neg lect the family conform to the customs of the house especially as to roeel let no member of the family intrudein thegaest chamber do not make unnecessary work for others eveuservints be courteous but not to the extent of surrounding principles do not gossip there are better things in life to talk about when fccveral guests are present give a share of attention to all introduce games and diversions but only such aa will be agreeable better simple food with pleasure than luxuries with annoysvnce and worrt learn the likes and dislike of those who arc to be entertained but not through the medium of an imperative catechism have a most comfortable room in readi ness adiipttd to the needs and tastes of the guest a kuct need not accept any propostd entertainment he hould bo confiderate hirmeir and of liit liott the proprietors of parmelees pills are coutubtly receivingletter bimilar to tbe following which explains itself mr john a beam waterloo out writes i neer osed any medicine that can fqual parme lees pills foe dyspepsia or liver and kid ney complaints tbe relief experienced after rising them was wonderful as a safe family medicine parmelees vegetable pills can fie given in all cases- repairing i cstbaitic the late t idea in telephones is one that can be taken to any room at a moments notice mr thomab bell of mebsrfl ficott bell go proprietors of the wingham furni ture factory writes for over one year i was not free one day from headache i trid every medicine i thought would give me recef but did not derive any benefit i then procured a bottle ol northrop ly mans vegetable discovery and began takiogj it according to directions when i soon found the headache leaving me and i am now completely cured is oftentimes absolutely cared in its earliest stages by the use of that won derful food medicine scotts emulsion which is now in high repute the world over c a ctiov beware of internet c gfcnelm prrpril br beott t botrne retlcrille fold b all drsuu tocm4tltq the cholera suirc- fear kills more than cholera severe diarrhoea purging colic cramps etc arc often mistaken for choiaraic troubles a few doses of dr fowlers extract of wild 6trawberry will remove both the disease and the terror it inspires doat complain oc your wifes extrava gance with a cigar id your mouth cares coaincptlon coughs croap sore thrccu eom by dl dmcciiw on a guartntee fora use eidi bickcrchetf shlbho pcraoa plaster viu pro trmtcatufsaiaa i ccot shtloks vitaes2sr hrt t b hiwtlto cbattnnoopi tcsn rctb i sbmitrpaizcrxayepj fly hivrfi wiutt ite ert rened y for a dmu td cdn laxrutci for trouble it exoelj tmr uki tor dtiportia utct or kltooy prlsolscts satarrh remedy hareroucatarrtittryttisecscd jtwill positively relievo and curo you price 60 eta this injector for its euccerfirul treatment is furnished free ucncmlk6nuohbltexcedicc are sold oa a guarantee to frlvo satisfaction a wonderfsl new combination is ii starks headache neuralgi and liver powders nice to tato and perfectly harm less mrs mary keats hi main street hamilton says for years in fact all my life i hate been troubled with eevero headaches ijhave tried all the remedies i could hear of aud have been treated by i many doctoral but with very little good results a friend recommended yoar head ache neuralgia and liver powders some lime ago and i have found them to be the greatest blessing to me in fact i can truly say they are perfectly wonderful i would not be f ithout them for more than mr flock station master railway hamilton says uy most severe headaches for at least three years sold by all medicine 1 can tell grand trunk they cured which i had price 25 ceutsja box dealers the man vaio was tied to time is now bent on a eeparalicm oh what a cough will yon heed the warning the signal perhaps of tbe bare approach of that more terrible dtsea cjaiumption asv your selves i yoa can afford for the sake of saving 50c to run tbe risk and do nothing for it we know from experience that shilohsj cure will cure your cough it never fails quakre arc eqi 1 to be lifed unmually long- tho third page of the toronto daily mail is noted for want advertisements if you want to buy or bell anything if you wact a situation a mechanic a busi ness machiriery lodgings if you have lost or ound anything or if you want to find out where anjyone is advertise in the to ronto daily hfail and read the advertise ments an the third page o that paper the charge is two cents a word each in sertion address the mail toronto can ada vtrdi thccompoeer id the 60q of ai innkeeper wlini pnlv lli ck li o mf llt i nmorlfl wliiii ilio mi ciiiiii if it loil loi ctslorlii llvu ilie 1- c-oniui- mi- i ii v tutoria wliii ilmli njcllhrri h uvv lb- in astoria uow to irt a sunliplit rirlure help your cliildreo to- grow strong aud robust by counteracting anything that causes ill health one great caufc of disease in children is worms remove thcm with mother graves worm exter minator it never foils dehorning is cruel when it is done with a club in the hands of an angry man a proisit core gjktleuek having suffered over two years with constipation aud the doctors not hving helped mp i concluded to try b b b and before i used one bottle i wan cured i canalao recommend it for sick headache etuu d haini likeview ont why don thee fallows who know the short roads to success ever try them why will you alloti a cough to lacerate your throat or lungs and run the risk of filling ft consumptive grave when by the timely use of bickloa anticonsomptive syrup tho paiu cau be allayfd and the danger avoided this syrup is pleasant to the taste and unsurpassed for relieving healing and curing all affections of the throat and luugs coughs colds bronchitis etc send 2j sunlight soap wrappers i wrapper bennnn the words why does a woman look old sooner than a man to lever bros ltd 13 scott st toronto and you will receive by post a pretty pic- turn free from advertising and well worth framing thie is un oibv way to decorate your home the ecnp is the bust iu the martiot and it will cost lc postage to eeud in the wrappers if you leave the endb open wnttfyour address carefully ojida the noveliet was born at bury st edmunds fiftythree years ago atlnsc iiodilblnucc muny syraplomfi of canadian cholera are similar to those of the real aeiatio cholera buch as vomiting purging intense pain etc far all these symptoms dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry is a bate and surq specific price 33 cents at drug gists a load of two tonb cau be readily carried by a full grown elephant why suffer irom coughb colds hoarse ness asthma or bronchitis when perfect care ib so easy with dr woods norway pine syrup weakuess debility paleness anaemia etc are cored by milbums beef iron and wine chills and fever malaria etc are promptly driven off by milburns aro- matio quinine wine the potent in vigor ating tonic classified do you classify your fair adverjtiser- advertieements clerk- we do fair a where would you put thii ad vertisement ftir a husband clerk in he fiats wanted column it seems slys the burber that my whole life is to be spent getting out of one scrape into another depositor- is the cashier tn the janito he is for 10 years per haps the aesi tant chasbierll do selfconcei cancer we often piy the most for what we need the leaet c c riliiuma co giints i bprained my leg bo badly tbat i bad to be driven home in a carriage i immediately applied minards lini ment fretly and iu 4h hours could use my leg again as well as ever josiica wvsaiiint bridgftwatcr n 8 that string on your fiuger meaub bring borne a bottle of minards lin iment iimrd against cholera keep he blood pare the stomach iugood workingprder and thoeutire system free from morbid effete matter by ubing bur- vdock bjood bitters which cleanses btreugthens and tones the whole system cholera cannot attack the healthy spain has fewer daily paperb than any other european country is harder to cure than experience the weapons with happiness much but in we possess people who wear lou j clothes are doing their best to make up for some conspicuoui lack is a trophy composed of all have been wounded consists not in possessing being contented with what any one whi b has ever had a little bit of stand around with pockets and see ho rich why suller from wjsck nerves want s i r 7ub way out if srjhufli i of womaift tronhlos is wilh doctor pierces favorite prtcrntlon safely and ccrii my cv- cry delicate wcilihes derscpement sue dis ease iwcullsr to the sex is permanently cured out of all he medi cine for women the fnrorite prewriptlon j to tlie oiriy one lliati gttaratkeed to do wlwt i clnlmcd for it in nil tannic complaints 1 and irreptilaritltt peri odical mlii dkplace- euiiu internnl inflam- mafiow or ulceration hoarlnprdown hlitioiis and kfndrrd ailment it it ever falls to benefit or curt you bare your inuuey back bo certain to cure rtvri of catarrh is dr hacks catarrh remedy that itj proorie- torr make you tills oflcr if yoa cant be f jtyfed pertajtaeatly well pay you uoo casb apatite and general your handi in your juick you will get debility letting the lota of sleep and rest impoverish the ayb- tem and thin tho blood when such a really meriioriuub remedy as northrop it ly- mati quinine wine may be hod at any drug store this article is recommended by ilia highest members of the medical fuculty in ckmn of indigestion general do- hiliiy iwi f bppetite aud jitrvous affec tiom of all kinds it in hiko specially ben eficial to children mid deiicateteniale and to hu men mudem und ihoie who hhve much hrain work we would wy ntver it without it it will hiren milieu you keep your system in rculnronht nud enable jyou t mccetxfiilly lrie with t- work pn1iave tndo il id pltftmant in lli- tatt slnd conlainft nolhing injurious ti tiiu most delicate nonstitiituni rvminithr tn ask for the qninint wine prwrri y northrop t lyman toronto mid we are sure you will be satisfied ilmt nu imve full valuo for your nioney drtigiits kii it tliiuly wiidoii great and timely wisdom is tthowu by keeping dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry onhaud it has uocqual for cholera cholera morbus diarrhoea dysen tery colic cramps and all summer oom- plaints or looseness of the bowels lllimndri lloliiirntftir hlicuumtlsui dirt tbcro m ist uddcretand the worry and anxiety of tbe patriot when be has a big office in hi eye no child is afe from worms unless dr lowb worm iyrnp is at hand it is a complete remeiy both to destroy and re- all kinds d constipation vanish when ire ubed they euro where move wormb ol headache adj burdock pill others fail the medoraj b new steamboat capable of carrying god people was launched at gravenhurflt isjonday tho officers fcf tho brooklyn tabernacle have arranged be financial difficulty with the creditors o tho church and the rev his resign a dr talmage fas withdrawn tion dr h a bl uce gold medalist son of mr stewart btuce of port perry ont hab been appoi ited surgeon of the c p r bteamer erapr ss of india sailing between canada and ci purest stromgest best contains oo alois anunaafa lime pbocpatestoroiiylalarfsitt strawbebf uafil 2bfessi dunns baking powder thecooktjbest friend largest sjalc n canada dti mi prwdered i lye purist strongest be8j kcdrf rcmiaanrqtiacutr for majdnr soap bolicainc water micfertlniaad a hundred ctfce cks io aeqahi33pgriiids4ltkkla- satj bf all cmt end vrastuu xxa tf grttt tarantbi picos tlemcdy forcurrfx it th bctlesttost to uieam cheapest catarrh saidbydnissltucrtcatbrniiil et il25cltlno wtrrcn pa- u sjur x worthy of hotice it is just one year since i hive taken over tie business formerly carried on under the firm name of kelly bros and a 1 wu determined to do cish basin m iu order to koip ap with the times and cfv-e- castomeri gooda tt right irices i must now ely tint it hu been i he most pletsmt yer i hive spent in bnsinefts i now take the oppon anity of thinking the cameroas iert lor their very kind ptron- the pist ind oliut t ihtre o rade in the lutnre feelhil i am i a positiod to do better by them ver before havinlhe largest and stook of staple requir d c dkbceries pppckery charles c co ust opened out a fine new stock of fresh anot groceries and ia well assorted line of crockery 2tc and desire to inform the public generally that selling goods for cash at a very small margin of cjll ard inspect our stock ask our prices for any goods charles ooe secords block age in theii now i than choic drycoods roadymade clothing hats and cents furnishings ie spring trade that was ever in acton i want every one i this advertisement all throagh kill find it of great interest sck ties lis hoc i have made a special effort tpe in stock the choicest collection kfiots fonr in hands windsor s and bows that yon will see in itore west of toronto llrts white and colored sunday and working shirts a very fine to select from at co cents ts tn the history of acton has there hown such a choice lot of hats ave to bbow you this spring in i the latest shapes and colors to fit it all ages and a special hoe ilarens wear ihdymkde xdthing in t lis department 1 promise you wouqerfulbargainb in mens youtha boy 6 1 and childrens suits and odd pants in great variety aud at prices that neve i guide toj copies crand trurrk railway doccc west goixoexst j mail l10 ciam rusflnger seta accont 3 15 pm eiprss 11 co aid r tah 6 a pm 1uh s 06 rua pusengtir 7 so pm t mixed 956pm toronto togaelph 1 tiue of closing ifxils golnj west 3 13 m and 5 0 ria toil urns table weat inw effect on uayasth ill be robbed hicago ing the- worlds- fair ou are posted tq look well l ijmoro the result of good judgement and usljlhaa mere lavish osa of money jlf itocfcof i boots shoes is adipfed tojsli the winu of those who havinji slender incomes still desiro to miketheir appeiranoe creditable ersry labsoriber of the salorday blade or chicago ldic will reoeire a frea cartifieat entitliou the holder to call ai oar office at any hoar day nihl or 1 sanday ddrin f iha world fair and w will lncat r priced room yoa with wo psaqoilly iatntfgate bordiiuj hoaw rboroi etoi and eta ura yoa a gnat deal of money this department has read- tiling rooms baggage and parcel i room teleg office waiting room all tlegea ar absolntely fre to every subscriber r day blade it a highly illairrtted weekly r tho chicago ledger is a well kaowa i literary illnstratod weekly iho papers jiit interesting weekliea extant ud have the frcnlatfon of any weekly newspapers id the 000 jcopiea weekly the price o 1l h dovce u51it sth kicis ohicijcco feoo pejr year 5100 foe ill months ce three inr so cts bend in yoar sabecriptiom a jhicagq and the worlds fair also sample rjt free to any address the saturday blade the chicago ledger largest weeklies in the world 500000 jl jr lasam iotsret idgli wheelrhigh sieed unexcelled in deatgn qaality of ifater- isl and workmanship darabii- ityeaseof operaiioaaad cleannm of oat uikufacjtukedbr the gowdy 1w co grfcljkleill- st mright toents koton u-iup- m i i ily experience and close relation with manufacturers eaibles me to j present aline of i footwear unequalled in the county for style qaality and price wm williams n the ksfkmth f 4 w unlocks a the cloqsed atcnrtes- 61 tha bowels kldaers and liver carrying off gradually ritlbat- weakening the 6ys- cem all the imparities end foci harnora ol the secretions at ifosiao timecor- curing biliousness dyspepsia hoa4iehes dizziness heartburn constipation dryness cr the skin dropsy dimness- of vision jaun dice salt rhenra erysipelas sero- fola flattering cf the heart netv voosness and general debility ae these and manr oilier simihjr compjairt seld to tho harjpt tiaaeaceil boebocil l00d bitters v tor sia 1 h dateru telbmctgofebrietorsitoioi will be sure to catch your eye before had i such a raugo of 2 anc 3 piece baits at all prices and style there ing it wont pay yon to pass mo if id anything in the way of cloth- ydu imhnt hosiery i have some very special bar- gains womens uisses and cbildrens a splendid black cashmere womens size fpr 25 cents well worth 45 cents this is the kind of b area in a you may look for from me under the cash sys tem as 1 have stated before to keep abreast with the times a cash busi ness must bd done aud that i will do aod nothing else i hare now in stock the bulk of my spring poods and the balance will be arriving daily j sincerely youra j j kelly sticces3or to kelly bros x jfyhn speight fe son ljuffniture undetrklkg r stoo of fnrnitote is now complete for the spring trade and we oan snppty any arfi e you want at thelowest possible prices we doat steal oar furniture nor defraai by oni m iu manufacture bat we pay cub xor it and can ieh as law for cub as any d alerb ii the trade ir i we can give you a bedroom set complete for 14 wove mattresses for 4 springs for 3 sideboards at cost lounges for 750 extension tables stso chairs at any price undertaking atnll line of coffins caskets robes etc alwayf in stock we caa give yoa satisfadtfeu a9 to prices we desire to imprest upon the public the act that we have no oonnectilp with any combination and oar price are not goveraed b the undertakers associaf jj n we can give yoa the beet taemarkeu afford at very reasonable prices t i hyslop aulfeild go 13 fr all bed good hearsond outfit for funerals spsioht 5t son t ehtirely hew cohpoilho effectual permanent agreeable frstn glzszrj l the b stark mgdlcina tajebtjljthu qtaqfts licadaehtfexvaratblrindailtex xleo cprlatit ttrtrmlc 7t m- y nft st west t toronto will open at no 13 the largelt bi ycle warehouse in canada stocked with the celebrated i whitworth hufnbel belsize and spartan wheels fitted with the seddon or laforce pneumatic tires wc also wave a fevy cushion ured wheels thatlve arc- quotiig very low to clear ill pay you jo see our wheels ad prices before pprchasing if you cannot call it senil for cataldiiue h see our diamond frame pnefmatic tire guaranteed safety for 100 o5 the value the world hi e j h jjilkson agent georgefojh i f caveats i trade harks a oesicn patent3i copyrights etej fpr infarmaotl and fnt hsncnjct tue to v ux i co kl buoxd1vat slit xocs u evcrrratenc titcti out br u is- bniusla befiltn liepuaiicbradouctjritcnlreaof ebirsatnsa larpeat thrcniitioa of anr icicnuse paper fa the rand spjandirllr lunsirxtcd so imeljcent ma thotiid iic without it weekly 9000 a mr mailxmontui acljrtlj muss k co pciiricirelm 3til nrrwrtiriv sex itrk atr iu mil electric co j- are and incandcsocat eiectrlliktini electric stotcrs ndgcaeraors c0stsa0tms isd btodei13 0 eleotho uqet ahd p0we3 blilldhj theououoct ide vojiisios 50 to to weuington st m it- the best j in the jloca world i p mediu is the ress apejfect aftticle eooksfwel w baking powder theparcsttinalitv of gream tartar finest rarjstalisarbtcarbonato of soda only ara used in this preparation ithns flood- al wilb cousclteepew for iha- ruut tq rcorf end it now lfpoialblebottel ihaa ever axiv tbe best orocebj sbttv it c a f f a r 0 m a the finest pure c round coffee in the world sold in tins only jr yoa cannot ret it it yoiif nearest grocer rend postal card dircdta acme mil 3lonreal who trill l mail immediately free trill aarapie to tho address given- f for reiloptdj irrar lulr to fj nstural color and head and curlujf dandruff i la fact forlljc preservation aad na rration ol tbe lialr uicro is ao eoaal for n- armm hair 0emewer bafii te hon toaltirh um it m abottlet

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