Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 15, 1893, p. 4

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l sank of hamilton head office hamilton currtt paid tip i uluetlllkd lj turxbull climes si 150000 tooooo h 8 steves asst cumuli d1uectors jotrv etewirt president a iutjmi geo roicb a t wood a b l oeoroetowk adenc sotr discounted and adraneca made on all itule securities duarraon allptrtsol cis m the ukitko 6titi qitext lirmw mid tfco covmtxt op ecbofe bought and sold cullrcnois max e on el accessible poiat on njoct tatortble terms sucgs rsrarthest deposits rteelted o 1 cod upwards aad id terest allowed rom data of deposit to data of withdrawal special derosltb also received at cnrtent rates of interest ko cdtlce of withdrawal required j u boy agent he news at home mostly of a local character and evary item tntarostlne the methodist church f acton bev joseph ebqe pastor pvrtontej bowe5atnoe iviuic services lo so am ari16 90pm 6nnday clooi jo uiblcclfcceconductodbj the i pastor allcordiiil invited strangers and visitors alcajs welcome at entire ubben at the door wedding and birthday presents wc carr a complete stock new lines in silverware rogers knives spoons and forks nickel table desert and tea spoons gold and silver watches ladies and genu sites ken desicns in brooches ear rinfce chama seals iou will find oar stock complete oar prices right all kinds of watches clocks jewellery spectacle repaired bring jonr reptirioc in to ns charge reasonable t geo hynds aoton ont vit xton m qttss thursday jdne 15 1803 little local breeflets which caught the eyes or ears of free press reporters this week grand growing weather just now uajing will commence ery suortl jane u the favorite month for toansts mrs a mornsou has opened her new store ou mill street general repairs are beinj made to side tilks and crossings in town new steel raila are being laid ou the g t it wesl of the 6tation jard here the new buildings of messn ilavill tnd pern man are beinfi poshed forward there la not likelj to be anj pabhc demonstration in acton on dominion mr it j keened of flint mich sias kindly cent the fete peees copies of ihe colombian edition of the flint jovrnal sergt lurp and two or three meo left du tuesday morning for camp at niagara the acton contingent will be attached to sewarttown company no 2 this year a large nnmber of ffzl pbe eob ecnptions expire with the present month nmice jour label and see that the date ib advanced to thai no nombers be lost oiting to neglect to prepay little slots for nickels open m uthed taut dnmb ive the jawiotii school girl vraas of chewing gnm little three line locals m the fro puteb thine give the ba merchant wads of good od com a spirit of improvement prevail to an nnaeoal extent in acton this epnug be eidea the new bmlding3 in coarse of erection we not innovations and renovations onall ei3e3 the carpeotorb jia3terer3 and painters are bne if a mower were run over the eideg of th streets now the appearance would be improved the grass is growing tall m a result of the btrictly enforced animal by law coaldn t ibis be done before the convention next week a team which was insecurely tied ran awd from the methodist church ahed on toesday forenoon and smashed the street lamp opposite the church the were caught before any farther damage was done b mr f bailey tba tv hiatus green borne shirt co are puckfug up and leaving for berlin and have notified the major of their intended departure their agreement with the tit will came up at the next meeting of the counc 1 gneph ucrcuv obpnncestfnclay ffcbool h6latel been re organized the officers for the ensuing v ear are j millar superintendent mr a aikens secretary and miei l webb librarian with these officers and the staff of teachers the echool should be pros perous indeed the following is from the guelpb llrrald the uzrahl is in receipt of a neatl printed programme of the firet an nual convenviou of the halton county v s c to be held in actod on thurt da andtridav 2od and 23rd of jane the programme is typographical a credit to mr ii p moore which by the aj means a great deal acknowledgement tu the officcrh and members cf acton home circle i acknowledge with thauvs the receipt of cheque for one thoufiand dollars 81000 which has been handed to me to da b v our treasurer mr geo hnds this 6am being the fuil cmouut of benefic srj certifi cale htld by my late husband as a member of jour ordar please accept rr lest wiebea for the propenlv of our order i remain lours sincrel signed s ah cu j it cton june 10th 1m 3 wool flannelb unshrinkable gray and natural all wool flannels m exchange for wool at newton a sous miiib lime bouse if ou want first class guelph eashand doors it 3nelph prices t edcige can fj i oar order at his planine mill wool stocki g srnb in great nasjety of best quality in exchange for ftool at newton d sons mills limefeoueo wool wantld 60 000 lbs o clean mercbantable wool the highes price in cath or trade will be tiven u mclodaco georgetown paiuting and paper hanging in all us branches orders left at the house will receive prompt attention carnage naiut ingaleo eiecuted in the beet manner c c speight devial oeficc in fature dr wilkin eonc office will be open every day except wedoessay aud saturday and the first thursday of each month over the dreg htcre acton t it ufeporl4 that an attempt has been made to acaasinatp the new president of grac oitences a number of the yoath m town have laid thet uelves open to a ery cenoat charge lai sunday the new school was visited s wm low ried ind the deski id u the de paatmenu raamckd peuoijs knives add- other ccbdol mjojaim ttrtlolcn and the lcrcriij todowilirftspired with mrjt this coaitjact u rtprtbeoiibie and the tmhontioc an determined to- pat a stop to it the ooosttble have the oamea of half a dozen or w ot thfl boy belietd to be corj6ftucd la the matter and an example may be mtde of the guilty odct it if re ported that other boyc hiva iilely been amusing themselrec by throwing atones through the windows on the loath side of the old echool i knlx church vpsce the following officers were elected for the young ptopvs societ of christian eudeavor for the last half of the present jeat ho iuesidi ntkev i itae inxfiinirst m mcpiiail uce tees mrs ucgui con sec mrs havill t ec 6ec miss tctcre tltrlbsjn llefhall tiooaon cou mis sinclair convenor tnarrn ucrnno cou j hennm eocial com hits l scott convenor fcuiwen miis a smith eisdatsciiooi com miebm uobb sick cow mies i cowan the societ is growing in favor and now numbers some thirty five members a quiet w eddlnji at llmchoasc a qaiet but ver happ wedding was consummated at the home of mr john mcore limehouee uncle of the bride last ihuredav evtniut when mr john v kaonawin drurgist aclonand mits jennie fraser were united n matrimony rev j w rae performed the ceremouy misb jennie beeeev was bridesmaid and mr william kaunawin of orangeville brother of the groom supported him the cos taejes of the bride an 1 her maid were very prettj and appropriate the guests with oue or two exceptions were confined to the immediate relatives of the contracting par tie3 manv handfiomeand valuable pres ents were tendered the bridal couple the oang people are well known and highly esteemed in this locality mr kannawm beicg one of acton s most successful bub ness men congratulations and best wish es are universally expressed mr and mrs kannawin are now at home at no 22 bower avenue cbfircn s um j ldge will preach the first rt a series of eermonb upon the seven church ca in the mell odtst charch next sunday evening rv g chnrlton of bethauv t ir tiua preached to his former congregation m the disciples church last bunda hib nnmeroue friends here were pleased to hae the opportumtv of hearing him again rev bron laicg occupied the pnlpil of the methodibt church last sunday evening and preached au excellent temperance ser moti from prov 20 1 his arcuments wetcloeical and convincing and the iiiue trations u kitc modern ald appropri ate owine to the absence of rev j s rae at the meeting of the general assembly at brantford nest sanda the presb terin and methodist ciongregations will be united and rev mr edge will preach in knox church in the morning and in his own church id the vening the christian enden or convenfion the people of asioevare looking forward with a great deal of pleasure to the vieit of the christian oung people of the count next week a large number of applications lor billets have been received but oar citizens are hberallv responding lo the members of the billetingcommitteeidthetrcanessand there will be comfortable homes for all the delegates who ma come to attend the con vention acton iookb ub prettiest jqst now and an enthusiastic reception awaits the visiting christian endeavorers and epworth leaguers the programme is a mdai- interesting one and includes a num of the most prominent workers of the province as well as many belonging to the count societies k union of the choirs of the churches here will lead the smgiog at all sesi ons all eessionb will be open and the pnbhc general ib cordially m ited the program is as follows ever speaker btcs promised to be present and the tipne tabic will be closely followed through out uptst sees 0 tulitedal iionmms jcif 22nd 10 30rraj er and i raise conducted bv president hutim 1100 oncid i repress and extent of christian endeavor bociaticb s b crmr oalville it i discussion 12 w adjournment clcovp gne xttehvoov uc joicih edge topretide i 00 christian endeavor exemplified coo- ducted by j deacon eb 1 fa i milton i thou eiii remember all the waj which the lore thj god led thee kcv dr brctbour burliugtoti 0stitti0 ticoduiica or oecers 1 hon president kev j p stcqurme tana1e ircsiden hiesu inclcutrt borlidewu jthe sccrtaries and treasurer mits harj anderson oakvilic lulupecei ovtbuisd fvemvo 3henicoof t one conducted by kev j argo sorval address i itov w b smith trafalgar i ev u l- pearson ramptott collection itev hj alglatsford guelpb j0oadjouruuert tftldai uosmho csunriec prajermeeung couductelbj kev h b christie everton lotrrii eessiosrnidai uonsivo h r moore to preside 0 00 chriptiau endeavor exemplified conduct edbj htv j ilobmeoq naesecavreja 15 duties cf committees 1 look out ircd c watson trafalgar 2 social miesb peters acton i rftfr iscuint misslotlie speight 4 otlicr committees itev iu h abraham m a burlinrtou 10 10 discuttiou 11 00 the i ledge kev dr dickson gait 11 jodicusbiou 100 adjournment nrtut6io rmdat arreiisoon 1 cv j v kae to i reside 2001 raer and iraite conducted bv hct a l do st dalinas acton fchpose 2 benefits of the christian endeavor to 1 its members itev j h milne mansewood the church llev it scanlan omaeh 10 butuuers itejiort of fxecutive and officers discussion of constitution j election of ofliccn etc 300 adjournment tloiso sebslosfnidal l1emvq 7j0 service of bone conducted by hcv i k dun churchill roo ddrws bev a blair b a sasfigaweya b0 addiesb b v dillon esq toiymto collpction 3 o address bcv dr dickson gait consecration service au delegates are exhorted to come in the spirit of pravec to bring their bibles with them to engage heartily in all the pro ceedmgs and to expect blessings as a result of the convention he country around neis items supplied by corres- dondehta and exchanras rockwood h00i resident b iy address ad dress htsj hoope jadge jtmieeon delivered jndge neat list week fa the action b roue lit by qi orno coghlad of htamosa igiinit pait iore bro of rock wood foe damigea resiling to the ptitutlfl fa the salcio hfm by faeefeadtquofbroadleavedrtpeteed instead of the dwarf ecx varfety thf c44rtmchcd mueti itrteret among the farmer of the commaatcy owiug lo a great cf them occupvidg a like position to mr joghltn the plaintiff cued foe floq damicet hie liococ nan matted the plain tiff a lid each ptrfy payi his own cuts eramosx mi town fatbei city their the of 8 and love i were congi fnem llton and mrs j to vol i f lraraoea p id the county of wellington the r and mother of rev i lovellol this pelebrated tlie fiftieth anniversary of wedding day on tcesda june gth enerable couple are 73 aud 72 jears respectively are hale and hearty vy ere made the recipients of tuketfa of nd esteem from many friends they much affected by the greetings aud tulationb convened to thm by sin the niagara conference ham cbming and going vlalti rs to and from aoton and various other personalnotes mm toroni mrs o town ojn taeaday burlington bulliiiftc villsgo having ultered ee verel by fire of late is considerim the quest on of fire protection nil be settled flarjlly this week whet ler the burlington wringer company will i o to strathrov to locate or not th 9 burlington junior crtckit club has orgar ized and is open to receive challenges from ao club whose members aces aver ace 1 i years f 0 young burlington is seen tarj a iumber of oar onng people will at tend the c e convention at acton next week rev dr brethour rev r h abrapsm and mies inglehirt will take pbrt n the programme milton monda llih lost at 8 p m has been fixed id pon for the induction of rev p t magiiot bb rector of ihepanth of miltooaud hornb hib lordship bishop harm tn and ther ckrgymeu are expected to take n the services s porter has a number of meh en gaget preparing a foundation for a block of rice stores on main street between the post office and uigginbolham a co b drug and has ordered 150 coo brickp average of 200 pupils attended mil ton public school labt modth tljroqgb the liberality of the town ooun milton no 7 co of lome rifles will as usual be supplied with milk batter ac at camp tne council granted lo for purpose cll 0 that erin the sidewalks throughout the corpora tion cf our milage hae been during the bast wfek undergoing general repairs mrb henr boomer and familv left last week for their new home in the sunny south we wish them a eafe and speed journey the alton brass band were presenf thursdav evening at the lawn focial given at the beautiful gr unds of postmaster tsood rev dr strongman returned from con ferecce last tbursda his colleague next ear will be re d b neele the animal b law is now being enforced the conncil of the township of erin will meet as a court of revision at dwier b hotel hillsburg at 10 am on saturday the 24th da j- of june i georgetown rev mr st dalmab r t bessey m howon dr roe and r d w arren are the delegates from the baptist church to the association in eesbion at cheltenham tbia week a public drinking fountain in asked forab thejtown pump having been superanuated the average attendance at the public ecttool m ma was 182 at the last practice of the gun club the score was from 10 down to 7 out of twenty birs the battalion band and compaoy no 3 left for niagara campou tuesdav morn ing there was a pleasant gathering at the residence of mr a d thompson on church st on tuesdaj evening gth lust when mr christopher price was married to miss mary mr thompsons adopted daoljhter rev jos teunpll performed the ceretnonj ashcrove mrs w cantelon of bimcoe is the gnct of her daughter mrs geo bailey misses milly and tena anderson of actm are tneaestsof m1s3 annie alex an ler mr and mrs edward tolton everton called on friends in this vicinity on satur da messrs holt and alei warren were the guests of their parents here on sunday a garden party under the auspices of minsewood presbyterian church will be held at the residence of mr c p preston on thursday jane 22ad an excellent programme will be provided including the milton brass band aud tha hornby orches tro we wonder when the methodisib will be having theirb raisings are the fashion at present they are pretty numerous in this vicinity thia eeskon we believe one of cur bojs who was captain at a recent raising came off victorious congratulations dave limehouse nellie moore is visiting friendc in j t ellis o st jacobc ww fa w coou of guelph visited hfr mr brotbejr here on tuesday mr at sta mr u hea met fnendti rcy octbe mr friend mrs ind m usoith vlted friend r art town this week 3 stfackhcmmor who hu been in th or wm time it improving james hall of edmaatoa mi led in her old home tut week g b co6k itteuded the meeting fedod at hctmlton lut week v e smith made s short vint to in hamilton dating the week jercnyo o bee ton is t guest at the ho no of her eon mr r b jermj n mm ausley of guelph was a gaest at the hofne of mr alex secord over san d m m vauderbarg of wclland kii he gc st of acton fneus several days this wck mr md mrs r kannawm and miss kinuawm of shelburne were gaects ol friendi hsre last week rev j w rae lefcon tuesday morninp for btj catharines thence he will go tp fchd tf r had suliit jodfo coit wctu to return to kiqaudib0hntafchhnacrr after nd taken tlirtjuottlo 1 co il i eat anyuiioic i jvitliout hurtlnjr ine uiy i n so hungry mcnatb radehete to the annual meet ylsit i hail to tat r me a thy t havo pqw brantfprd to attend the general assembly u4 w ttilhams 1 francib and r ing of at mill mre klalfon temperance oocieties union on on friday 23rd inht w m crewcon of hnntsville who has be n visiting friends at spring greek farm left jesterday for home aocompq ied by ict neice miss katie lasby mesi rp john matthews thomas perry man j and l i matthews were at mil on tut iday on the graud jary and messrs thomi e c moore w e smith and a mcpbtreon on the petit jury thecoatm had ve y little business ou the docket mr md mrs sxmuel smith of mam toba ffiit several das last keek visiting friends aeon here they were resideuts of n her earlier days thirty tivejetrs ago ajad express surpnee at the progress made q the n all sides eiuce that titne hcret ioiater a d indaa man john wallace has been sent to jail on an unusual charge at the reqaes of john wilson the license inspec tor no ified the liquor dealers that they were n t to sell liquor to thomas wilson au inebriate the latter got over the dim tulty t y getting other people among them being wallace to buy liquor for him young wilson warned wallace not to do so but as the latter did not heed him he bad him at rested under a law of the ontario govert roent which provides that any per son wl o buvs liquor for an inebriate whom the sa oon keepers have been prohibited from e rving shall be liable to a fine of 20 t 8u0 wallace was tried before mayor mckechnie and was fined 2o or 30 da s as he did not have the money he went li jail ppecial fabt trains on uritcd states rajlroals to the worlds fair are being discan ed owing to lack of pa ing patron age chai les ork while doing some blasting on baihon street east hamilton was struck by a j iece of rock aod recieved lujanea from which he died the orner stone of 6t andrew s presby ten an burch stirling was laid last thur4 dav by stirling lodge i 0 o f assisted by tra id lodge officers foui uuued slates bicjclera who are wheehig from buffalo to quebec are de lighted with our rcade and declare canada to be t ie wheelmans paradise cap hftb ju partm f w gormley of nova scotia t received through the marine de nt a gold watch from the emperor of ger nany in recognition of his services geo ge h clarke of chicago and chas harra i of detroit have purchased 1g5 acre3 tf land at the village of tecumeeb ont a id will it is said establish a sum mer n sort there the committee having charge of the comin chribtian endeavor convcution m montt al announce that they have secured over t ivent thousand lodgings and that five 1 ioueand more could be easily ob tsined jhefr ifr david it jordan of earnest m k y colorless emaciatqd helpless cattjilcto cure hy hoods sxrsapajztcla this is from mr d kf jordan a re tired finrcr and oao of the most re spected citizens of olscgoco n y fourteen years itffo i ind an attick of tlio narcli ftad liave sluco heca troubled with ry liver and ktdnoys ciadually growlus worr ttrco years aso i got down so lor tltat i coiljrcarcelr vrolfc ookeel more like a corpse unn a livlne being in t no nppetlto aud far tvo weeks i me iimaf c rraet i wis badly crnaclxtcd ii 10110 rnorecolortluui ti niarhloistatoc io t s sarxaharllla was recommended and i mlie i would try it before i luut fintibed 1 3 first bottle i noticed unufclt better suf- cd leu lbs tntlg at ma tlmt at tlta hurf i tj j t- fufirrccotcrcd iinnmo hoods sarsaparuia itcci well aad rci well alwha knoiy marvel to ecmc hi well i m johnax 1 htoodff- plllc nrr i i te d mi r nii ujfltt dlceuja curohuuliujiiuibluouiuesu tlie work of rebiiilding goes on apace and every di y makea shopping ith us more et sy and comfortable ilie delay biyond the time intended is ow ine to the extent of the changes ai d improvements waro making eicli days work unfolds more id more the perfection our new p emises wilt have wo are sure our friends will bear with a little convenience for the sake of what will be wo are building u j a great dry goods centre and aec sparing neither labor or effort mako the premises worthy of o business patience then a itle more patienoo and our stdre will have on its newhabili rrents cslkines- they are having a bigger sale tills summer than ever you anould see the lovely patterns aud low prices we have just received 4ktteens- we are selling 20c satteeus fir 10c 25c satteeus or 12ic 3pc satteeiu for i7ic they are great bargain ejkhfcsots f bought direct from the manu- turer for spot cash result ubiial best goods for the rest price jacket sale i ive have two racks ot spring- ackets and wraps which from tliis date we will offer at reduc tions in price of 25 and 33 per cent off our regularly plain rnarked cash prices bargains prtgrrss it is very important in tbis g of vast material progress thai a remedy be pleasing to the taste and to the eye easily taken acceptable to the stomach and healthy in us nature and effectb possessing these qualitiep srup of figs is the one perfect laxative and most gentle diuretio known twenty six weddings are booked ia belle ville for this month mr rn garvin who has had charge of the toronto lime ooe business at alton this eeuon has been obliged to give op his place owing to ill health he ia removing to limehouee with bis family a interesting entertainment was given hereon tuesday evening by prof sudtby and miss pratt it was veotnloquial and musical in character a quiet wedding took plaoe at the home of mr john moore last thursday evening when hiss jerfbie f riser and mr j v ktnnawin of acton were united in wed- lock tho heartiest congratulations of residents here are extended the happy ooofjle t an event is announced to be held in the presbyterian chnrch on tuesday evening 30th mat in whjch much interest is centred a strawberry social will be held when addresses will be delivered by revs 3 h milne maneewood if s magee georgetown and rev j 3 courtney of knoxcoiiege music will be furnished by the msple leal quartette and the chnrch choir choice groceries crockery and glass vitro at t h hardiwb aoton woorjblenkets in great variety in eichaoge oc wool at newton d sons mills lime bouse boffl the method and results when 8 yrrip of figs is taken it is pleasant and teeshing to the tasteandacta gently yet promptly on tho kidneys liwr and bowels cleanses the sys tem jeffectually dispels colds heavi- aches and fevers and cures habitual conitipauon syrup of figs is tha onljf remedy of ito kind ever pro duced pleasing to the tasto ana ac ceptable to tho stomach prompt in its action end truly beneficial in its effedts prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances its many excellent qualities commend it to ill and havo made it the most poptilar remedy known byrnp of figs is for sale in 75o bottles by all leading druggists any reliable druggist who may not havp it on hand will procure it pro nptly for any ono who wishes to 1 7 it manufactured only by the cllifornift fig syrup ci tlx fkiscbctcit wufsvllle kt irit toss jtt money to loin ill or village property at reascnablo rates apply to uclean s uelean town hall acton e r b0llert co i 25 27 lower wyndrfam st i guelph tim 991 i lte ph0f0 fn med size 14 x 17 ed r crayoa tints and dnp dozen oikbinsts fjr destroying caterpillars 5 r for s500 thi is only for a limited qfwtso 1 photographer fashionable west end lppr kvndhrkstrebt suitings overcoating r and pantings baantifal dwirai spring hats geits furnishings new andluding styles irvoar uulaandrled shirt at 50c y specialit perfect fit- parts to order s400 irebani 99 e nelson tailor and gents forcuhsr upper windham st qnolph ikrterldollar bays at the quarter stor svd puir west hamilton on come sa tha fouowiqr extraordtoary bar- choica itihaa feel or 25c superior wuhiog soda or 25c excellent rtce for 25c superior laundry starch or 25c good cookiog baiimi for 25c cages corn starch foe 25c choice if ned bird seed for 25c msterjean good laundry soap 25a hamilton t for u 50 i j 25 t f 275 company ants far rior tapioca for 25c oilet soap 25c for 25c baking sjxia for 25 25o sa0 for 25c nici fresh biicmts for 25c joxes eocifer marches for 25c ii electno soap 25s ozes matches 25c tea 25c samzltos tea coltpajtt king street west bonth side near ths bifc of hamilton hamilton mare tastji than look wed jthe result ofgood jndgecnjat and mere laruh use of money sfy oits shoes to fill the wants of those who ender incomes stilt desire to appearance creditable experience- i and close relations tiubofictarers enables me to present a line oe with crude carbolic acid phenyle copperas and chloride of lime for disinfecting j purposes lfl c mith st oo dispensing chemists guelph ont no 12 wyndhamst ftrsrin up busi our j great stock must- go at any i price tkpusandsof bargains still remain this sale cannot last forever brat v hile it does last you can a good union carpet for 35c worth 50 other carpets will go below cost you can have curtains below cost you can buy floor oilcloth english make at 34c 45c is 1 a common pnee for canadian made delay is dangerous 12 doz 20c lisle gloves will go quick at roc 15 doz black silk gloves great value at 33c 20 cents will buy them now 250 parasols any color at 75 cents on the take advantage of this great sacrifice sale i i r 5 doz ladies blouses just in to be sold at a loss 10 doz leather belts can be had at cost 1000 doz buttons for 8c regular price izl and 15 cents 5000 yds silk braid fosicper yard ro doz corsets at cost watch for new list next week 1 r- everything must go cadi or trade no credit r b jerky n cor ml aad main streets acton groobries crooksry footwear quailed in the county for style ijuality 1 and once charles co have just opened out a fine new stock of fresh and seasonable groceries and a well assorted line of crockery glassware etc and desire to inform the public generally that they intend selling goods for cash at a very small margin of profit call and inspect our stock ask our paces for any goods required v charies co secords block 1 1 v tfye jljioii delaines ghai 3 special 1 dslkines hortops our feed store arthurs old stand no undersigned bu porebsaed from jobd hors the nour and feed department o his iiness andwillcontidueitin his present stand rood stock of floor kealt feed 4c hand where you can be supplied with a good icle cheap for cash wheat taken in exchange for floor nsts of ten bushels or orer ground at evee- tqp mills tor ten cents per bushel lour patronage respectfully solicited henry hortoit 16 pieces worth 30 tojgbc at 25 cents williams j 1 acton f the auldjr lawn mower high wheelhigh speed sattens is chhllies lines unexcelled in dasign quality of uater lal and workmanship durabtl ity ease of operation and cleanness 61 cut ifikofactuked by the g0wdy itfg co auelpz grirtdsll- si bright kcbhts kctois large range of challi i clearing at 8c and i2jc shteens 65 pieces ofj sateens i exceptional value in parasols jd willi 5 aod wyudham strmt gael ph monrald street glasf ar color worth 20c 8c kplotyes hosiery hon co t guelph i- new stock ot watch rtiove- ments made to out special order at the elgin watch i factory just received wej finished reliable timekeej savage jewellers g

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