Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 22, 1893, p. 2

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to bokjt r xanax in acton oa th itth loau th wtfi of h k watte of eoa x t harmed sitrans touoxat the reelleas ot lap i tides lather r tbo toitoukrfa township on the tib insuny br p bejur ur arehl- btw6uphuoulmhltoltonllloer1ii died i tutioa kth hey victoria deugtjter of besets kveadt iroetor hell ionnrfroc torobrl ot clerk ualvssilty wotweter tfee ije 2utou 3ptttf rttfil thursday juke m 1883- note9ano comments the governor of amoy bu issued j proelsraatioo against lb sale or use it american petroteam fa hi duttict tad thi u rtgerded u che first ttep towards relelitory measure teiutt everything american in the event of the geary aft being eofj esqub81ko town council the wok undssyul ell througho council met on joorameat ijtml minute oflut meeting firmed a oomnumicttlan we rejrom toba bingham eg a land being taken my from a pit lot 27 eon 8 by ileurc eta- riair and betray a tender from 8 ivwatrea rcccoancil printing for balance of 1693 a petition from alfred byte tad so others aaking the coancil to enquire into account given by mr wm orr commis sioner u a statute isbor taxmoney granted end money expended in 1692 moved by ur stewart seconded by mr wrigewortb tbat the tender of e d warren gesxgetown herald lac printing voter lilt financial statement and urina te of coancil for the year 1693 be eeepted carried edward playter of ottawa haa re turned to hltittacc oa qroaae iale quarto- tine station in reply to minister anger statement he ttjj that the disinfecting apparatus may be the beat bat it ia the management of which be ootnpleioe he asks the government to appoint a oommia- aioo of enquiry pluck naoian bu8h oenqland j irttime in thatdj proudceithe we havirtabbr pleasure- in reproducing the following trllcia from the montreal viitiuu relative to the success in great brililit oi 1 wellknown canadian firm we bare done basinet with the firm in question for a number of yean and can heartily enaone what the witnat tij concerninjc ibeir honorable batinen raelbols aad care exercised in the pabli- cation ot the artlcfea appearing in the press relative to their preparation these oases are always written op by influential newt- papeta in the localitioa la whioh they occur after a fail and thorough inceetigation that earn no doubt of their impartiality and truthful character we are quite certain- that the confidence reputed in the moved by ur stewart leeooded by uri firm 1 f prep- notmi the montreal bias ha given publicity 0 a rumour to the effect that great effort jn now being made by a number of american and canadian capi taliata to aeenre a controlling iuterevt to the grand trank railway and to mat age it from the canadian tide of the atlantic the australian maila foe englaodvi tile canadian route arririog in montreal list week were promptly forwarded to hew york and placed oa board the steamer auguet victoria and are expected 0 reach sodthempcon on the 27ud jolt so deyt after they were abipped at sydney a caving of four daya k londoo cable esys it haa long a tore point with canadian and othar colonial legialaton and iach big bag that their home titlec of the honorable wete not recognized in the mother country tt will be a cause of much rejoicing to day ib her kajettyc dlitant domlniooe that be queen haa been graeioualy pleated to approve ot the ate and recognition ot the title honorable lawaoo that the freuarer be authorised to pay wm dooglaatis dollaraand teventy- five oente for work done on check line let con alao to john kickeil tuso for tim ber repairing bridge lot u cth line and rilling approaehet to the tame alao to jamea clark 110 being one half coat of culvert oppodte lot 23 on the 7th line- carried moved by mr warred seconded by mr lawaoo that the clerk be instructed to call a meeting of the ttatute labor tax payer of the village of glenwilllama on monday the 2gh intt at 73 pm for the parpoee of giving explanations in the matter referred to in the petition of alfred bykea and fifty other alao that uesare lawtoa stewart and wriggleaworth be a ootnmittee of coaucil to enquire into all matter and bear complaint in the one the clerk to tend notice to all com- miaalanert to be present with a statement of all money received and expended by them and all is default for the year 1892 if any carried moved by mr wrigejeawortb seconded by mr stewart that the treasurer be instructed to pay the fallowing accounts james achflahanc patbmuter repair- iiiccalnrtlategusliae c 00 josfb copazcnd pctbmwtar reptlricg 0uiiertiltui uue 1 d joseph capelaad material for culvert and pattuifi in thesame and grading road the new criminal code passed bypetii- ment last year come into force oa the lit of july after that date any person found carrying concealed firearms without the written permitaioa of a justice of the peace will be imprisoned without the option ot a fine this wits probably put a stop to the practice of carrying revolver by peraon who hare no more uma for esfx- shooter than a oac has for a sidepoekzt the dominion government has decided that saturday toe first day of julyhall be celebrated as domiotop day the matter was considered in council a letter harine been received from the toroo tocity clerk making enquiry as to the governments power to postpone the celebration until monday the reply was given that except when dominion day falls upon sunday the government has no power to change the day otittcelebrattoa troeo lots s and 6 eon 7 a virginian has invented a new postage stamp which ought to be popolar the patent device consists in the regular twj- cent stamp being perforated througb the middle much as a sheet of stamps is per forated the figure 2 is to be printed over the perforated line and the necessity ot baying two denominations obviated whenever a one cent stamp ia wanted the owner of the twooeut stamp just tears jit in two making two onecent stamps j throughout the western states the gen eral feeling of financial insecurity that first showed itself in chicago has caused the banks to experience some severe strains id consequenoe of the eletm among depos itor fourteen institutions have epnoancm that withdrawal will only be permitted after sixty days notice ia kansas ohio nebraska and michigan the disturbance has been chiefly felt the coinage of sti ver and low price of wheat are said to be causing financial havoc michigan it about to try a curious ex pertinent a new law provides that any one convicted of drunkennesmay take his choice between a term of imprisonment and a coarse of treatment at some keefey institute if the prisoner elect to be cur ed pf the appetite- for strong drink sue cotnty shall spend at least 70 for that purpose the scheme will be watched with interest it is an acknowlegment that drunkenness is a curable disease and admission that penal practices should take into account the welfare of offenders a well as the protection of society j the reform convention the great convention of liberals from all parts ot the dominion in session jat ottawa tuesday and wednesday numberjed between 3000 and 000 sir oliver uovrat occupied the chair a brilliant address was made by hon wilfred leaner who wa followed by sir richard certwright and mr gilmoar m p the proceedings throughout had much otiuterest to the delegates 1 j 7- i nassvaaaweya there was a heavy thunderstorm in the neighborhood otampbeltville and kaaav- gewey on saturday evening about six oclock the barn and stone stable of mr hugh campbell a son of arch campbell esq acton were totally destroyed tiie lightning struck the barn and entered the hay mow in asinstant the bam was in a blaxe the loss it reported at from lll0 to 1 1300 with a fiir insurance the spire of the presbyterian church at cempbett- rille was alto struck it was slightly dam aged mr p sayer of bayers mills lost a fine five- j ear old mare a few days ago by a broken leg fihe was valuable beast and had to be shot sir john abbott has greatly improved ia health siacethe warm weather aet ia george williamson bus driver wac drowned while bathing at goderich tuet- dy j the msjortiy for the scott act in the contest iu brome county oa frtisy wu arthur schimdt aged 9 was droned in hi fathers mill pond at thornhol ott sander evening while bathing hugh caraerou committed suicide a fergus on saturday by taking laudanum yen he had procured for a tick horse famous borden murder trial rjsrajtj day in lb acquittal of ural bar weksrg of having killed lies t at pll river mtwj i- ultnsumfcruhtlm eu 75 carried your committee on boadi sotth and west beg leave to report that we have let tho following contracts tiz tot james clark culvert on the town line rin and esqueeing sth con for the bum of 1375 erin paying halt cost john wright cut ting down brushwood on the town line erin and eaqoesing at 250 john wright to pay half coat the township of erin to pay half the remaining half john nickell furnishing cedar timber repairing bridge and filling approaches oa the cth line lot 24 u50 mr edge removing ico to clear channel of the stream cth line lot 24 by order of the pathmasfer j wheues moved by mr warren seconded by mr wriggleaworth that the preceedibg report be adopted and the treasurer be aatbprised to pay the several sums on the order of the committee carried your committee on roads and bridges would beg leave to submit the following report of contracts as let by them on check line con ii restoring roadway and covering with grarel let to stephen rozell at 1475 on check line con 1 grading htll acdcoveriog with gravel let to wm dpaglas at 075 on cross road between lots 15 and 1c con 1 recovering bridge let to stephen rczell at 675 and that the the treasurer be authorized to pay the above accounts on the order of one or other of yoar comraittee7 johx weiocleswobth robert srcwiet moved by mr stewart seconded by mr wrigglesworth that tho above report be adopted carried yoar committee oa roads and bridges beg leave to report having let tbe following con tracts archibald mcdonald repairing bridge 00 south side lots 15 and 10 con 7 aa per specification 700 james clark repairing culvert con 6 lots 15 and 1g a per agreement 1200 also new culvert coo q between lots 15 and 16 2750 wm foster ditching and grading coo 0 between lota 15 and 1g 1150 and woald recommend that the treasurer pay the same on tbe order of the committee h pliwsox jons waioaleswoare moved by mr lawson seconded by mr wrigglesworth thatthis report be adopted carried your oommittee on roads and bridges beg leave to report that they have let the follow ing contracts andrew robertson cutting down hill and widening roadway on lot 5 cong 2940 ditching and grading lots 1 and 2 line 1975 ditching and grading lot 1 3rd line 1400 and would recommend that the treasurer pay tbe same on the order ot the loommittee your oommittee alao examined bridge on 2nd line lot 8 and found it in a dangerous state and and wouldrecommend that a oommittee of the whole coancil examine the same robzst snwurr h p lwxw moved by mr lawson seconded by mr stewart that thi report be adopted carried 1 moved by mr wrigglesworth seconded by mr stewart that the treasurer be in structed to pay 10 to david cook being twothirda value ot two sheep and one iamb killed ly dogs the owners thereof being un known carried moved by mr stewart seconded by mr lawson that the clerk be instructed to notify mr hutcheson of guelpb town ship engineer to make a surrey on the 2nd con with a view to finding the correct line between lots 10 and 11 on said oonoeasion and also other sarveys ia the same section and that the same be made a soon as pos sible 1 and that mr lawsonxbs authorized to make arrangements with the parties concerned and have rooid opened for the present carried moved by mr stewart seconded by ur warren that the treasurer be authorized to pay the following accounts j h jseasoa gorgetoynicuoaery 5 65 ohkennedy tovojhjp cferk quarters salary m a wm h fotfcr grading oa cheek use 6th coa 1 f 73 33 carried moved mr wriggleswortb seconded by mr warren that this coancil do now ad journ to rfeect again an 21st day of august carried the presbyterian general assembly bas decided to meet in st johns k b next year it is said that dying sailor has confess ed at springfield ohio to having murder- ed mr and mr bordeo choice groceries crockery and glass ware at t h hieorxotu aetott- wool blankets in great variety in exchange tor wool at hewlett fc sons uills ritnafaatn wool- finuelt unthrintablo gray and natural all wool flannels in exchange for wool at kevtsa v sons mill lime- bouse placed tho nhlmibritiih plack hts become an adage and not without good reason for wherever enterprise coarsge ar baildog tenacity is required to sweep away or sur mount opposing obstacle in order tbat tbe pinnacle of success may be reached your true briton never fliacht and facing all obstacle works until bu been schisted thi sam british pluck tc a chtrsoterii- tio of the native born canadian and there sre very taw walk in life in which t doe not bring tucce a the reward this much by way of prelude to what ber every indication of betug a successful ven ture oa the pszt of a wellknowu canadian bouse when ft was announced a few month ago that the dr williama medi cine co of btockville intended establish- log a branch of tbeir husiness ia the motherland there were not a few who were inclined to bo skeptical as to the success of the venture while tome boldly predicted failure there would be an ob jection they urged to taking up a col oaial remedy their buaineta method differed from those prevailing in canada the field was already crowded with pro prietory remedies long established and well advertised these and many other ob jections were nrgest as reasons why the venture was a doubtfal one but the dr williams medicine co was net to be de terred by any objections that might be railed they had unbounded confidence in the merit ot dr williams pink pills for pale people and the pluck to back up their confidence with their cash thi latter is well known to canadian newt- paper men who know that lea than three year ago the company first pat upon the market in the form of pink pill a pre scription which had previously only been used in private practice and with a skill and audacity that has not been surpassed in the annals of canadian advertising pushed it in the van of all competitors of course the remedy had to have merit or this could not have been done audit wee the companys sincere belief in tbe merit of their remedy that endowed them with the pluck to place their capital be hind it it was this same conviction that merit skillfully advocated will command success that induced them to venture into competition with the long established remedies of tho motherland and we are glad to know indeed wo believe that all canadians will be glad to lesin that short as tbe time the dr williams com- peny has been in that field their success has been rapid and ever increasing as au instance of thissnecessthe chemist and dm theletding drag journal of the and probably the most conservative in a recent issue states that the success of dr williams pink pills in great britain nas beenunprecedentedandphenomenal while no doubt it is the- advertising that has brought this remedy into such rapid prominence iu england it is the merit of the preparation that keeps it there and makes it popular with the people there are few newspaper reedersin canada who have not reed of the cures that to say the least border on the marvellous brought bout by the use of dr williams pink pills and already we see by the english papers that the eme results are beicg achieved there is it any wonder then that pink pills are popular wherever intro duced we have done business with this firm for a number of years we have found them honorable and reliable and worthy of credence in all tbat they claim for their remedy we cannot close this article better than by giving ia a condensed form the parti culars of a striking cure in nottingham england by the use of dr williams pink pills tbe cure is vouched for by the nottingham daily bxprcts the leading journal of tbe midland counties the picturesque suburb of old basford some three miles from the market-plece- ot nottingham haa just been the soeue of ah occurrence which has excited consider- iblo attentiou among the local residents and of which rumors have reached nottingham itself tlie circumstances affect ur arthur watson of old basford formerly an employee in the bleach yard at messrs h ashwell ts cos hosiery factory in now basford andafterwards employed at the bestwoodcoal andiron cos factory near nottingham in consequence ot the gossip which bas been in circulation with regard to this case a local reporter called upon ur watson at his bright little house situated at no 19 uountpleasant white moor road old basford and made inquir ies a to tho curious circumstance alleged tbe visitor was met by mrs watson but mr watson himself immediately after ward catered the room looking very little like the victim of sadden paralysis he told tbe story of bis lifes health as follows in boyhood he was prostrated by a severe attack of rbeumetlc ever which after his llow recovery left behind it a permanent weakness and uncertainty of action iu the beart and he had always been debilitated tjnd more or less feeble ou giving up his work at messrs ashwells bleach factory be sought chaage at employment end un dertook the work of attending to furnaces atkilas at the bettwood coal and iron cos works being t tbe time an out- pitint at the general hospital notting ham where be was trected for wealcnesa of the heart the circumstances ot his work at the furnace8 were somewhat peculiar eiposed oa one side to the ex- freme heat of the furnace be was attacked on the other by the chilling winds which proved so distressing to many people last october and ous day in that mouth he was fuddealy prostrated by a stroke which had all theappearjuce of permanent paralysis and waa pronounced such by the doctor who attended him the onune of the stroke sppears to have been down the en- righttide lira leg waa entirely powerless and he was unable to steqd he could aot lift hie right arm from li side or from any position iu which he was ptteed his face waa horribly distorted end the organs of ipeeeh completely neralyzed so that be fat able neither to stand nor rpeak hi condition isdeacribed by those acquainted with bim at being most pitiable he lay ip this cotiditiod for more than three suffering intermittently considerable pain but roots s of cted by his alter helpletsnea lbs by tafferlngs otmy vft eiwers indlctb i renufa 10401 jhntlypfllorotjftfeati to ledintioipatffg not thi t death should eventually aeliav him of tit jbelnlestncat be rev walter cooper wesleyan mi ibodltt minister whoa flock have their if itaslhsbiuilonintiubstant al building in high street old datford too a pastors ic crest in the case of ihii 1 nfortunfte m n and is acquainted with t is eireom- tti uces from almost first to iti i a week or two ago mr watson begad to astonish al his neighbors by the saddi a improve m mt la hi appearance and o scilr he it ible to walkabout and hit right arm w ich was formerly perfectly i icapsble of rr nion it now moved almost a 1 readily as tl a other thotgh the fingers h ive not yet n severed their tunal delicate t ucb per h 0 the most strikiagcircamti taees how- e r it the great improvement in the per il nal aspect of the man ttii deformity c feature canted by the partly nt it entlrs- lj removed hit speech is mtored sad tl right leg the displacement of which k pt him to hia bed ur chair h ta now rs- 01 verod its function so complel ily that he 1 about to take same outdc x work in i tsford sad nottingham questioned a to the causa ot this re- n arkeble improvement in a aae aalver- ily regarded a incurable by the medical p ofeuion mrs watson wife c t the patient u hesitatingly attributed he husband n iracnlou recovery to he aiel of a medi- c ne called dr williama pii k pais for etje people and biougbt into ransiderable p otninecos by the publication ot some re- n arkable cure affected by the ir means in c mad and elsewhere si nee i have ken dr williams pink pill 1 said mr v stson i have unruettionab y been bet- t r not only than i waa before the stroke at 0 iralytfaseized me hut than have been a any time since my boyhoo i a etete- n ent confirmed by mrs wets u who said t e appearance oi her huabax d now waa r roof of the enormous improve cnent iu hit fa islth the piili she said teem not 0 ily to have cured the para ysis of the 1 ce and leg but to have effei ed a moat r meltable change in his gene al health ur watson was always remarkably pal- 1 1 and of a sickly appearai ce but the r iddy glow of the patients fa ia confirmed 1 rt watsons wordt i sture yoa 1 id thewe can speak ia the highest po- sbletermof dr williams pink pills 1 othing either at the general hospital or f cm doctors who have atteni ed my hut- i tnd at different timet hts d ne- anything i ia the good which the few 1 axe of dr iluamspilli he has taken t are effected a id under providence we fee hs owes his 1 fa and hi restoration to wot c and useful- ts to this wonderful medicii e ur charles leiyesly imu ranee agent s cowley itreet old basford has among c her neighbors been deeply n loved by the itferings of ifrwetsaa am profoundly pressed by his miraculou restoration t health the case hat in fact been a t ipio of conversation in the ntire neigh hprhood attention is drawn to tbe lircumsteuce that every fact in the ebon remarkable i istory is vouched for by iudt pendent evi- c uce which it would he morei ly impossible i i doubt it is shown by con datively at- t sted tvidenoe that dr wi hams pink i ills for pale people are not a patent med- i ine in the ordinary seuseb t a scientific t reparation from formula ong used in r igular practice they are si own to posi- t vely and unffiiingly cure all diseases s rising from impoverished blood such as t tie and sallow complexion genera mus- c liar weakness loss of appetite depression c spirits anaemia green sick less palpita- t on of the heart shortnese of breath pain ip the back ncrvok headache dizziness clifford k boston boys eyejslght savedperhaptv his life by hoods sarsaparilla blood pol- v sooed by catiker eead the fodowuir from a grateful mother if y little boy had scarletrever wfiew years old and it left him very weak and with wood pouoaed wltst citalsev his eyes became so inflamed that hts sofleruiss wets iu ensc aad tor seven weeks lie could not open his eyes i look him twice during that time 0 the eye cud ear luflrmory on charles street but their remedies filled to dahlm tlie stalest shsdaw of swd i conrraeaced lvlnff lum iloodi sarsaparilla and it soon cured bus 1 have never doubted that it sarel hia even if aot ate verr life you may llie this e4- tlmontil in any way you ehoose i am alwayi ready to found tho praue ol t hoods sarsaparilla became of liio voadcricii good it dill my son jlbsie f bulfkuakt s8g3 wsuljingtou 8t boston mjw qtjt hoods- h0003 pttls btti md3 knd tro p t la eouipolttm nra arlloa iad iiij8nnc ancient order of foresters mom demi i to bz1tlx ottos city op ouelpfi dominion day gltuedaytoirittlgb we under tfaq aatviat of south rkaerextaaa fc brand vam ol fpmt- flmmrke iqaire o bzbl- 1 budadoruiawatarlop fiafioaojp kt en villukepucc bitlqu pajik ad will ind 30th btuon bind tad rlsiuag budi la ordsir frocettfon tho f otloiriag till bo fflwoctbaiuricuoo i lsurocco match txce for kea bop fooios inddoc biayclo bice tag at vttexhlhltlou drill b r f benrood ctdutc tad hjgtlsad cadot andaccit vutcf crulca ind competition drill fortltc ateallo corps andadnitlcarplw- idea a lc igtb program in a of tporu admliti oa 3 ceats children under 13 ctlqtf i la tho ercklug uia wttorloo dead tui rits ona of their feolebtctod j protnenada concerts a numlwtof ttjotbte prtwou will bts glrea ic y admutl oo to eoncott 10 cent j akiijg 3 h katssuth ta stjcrirtirr i acton saw mills co al akd wood yaefis jkvps brotacn iciki jvicmoea esn nuxlett ne lumber lath shingles coal and wood i 1 as of memory early decay all forms of i mala weakness hysteria psrafysls loco- r totor ataxia rhenmatism cciatlca all c iseasec dependins on vitiated iinmors in t le blood causing scrofula riefcets hip j lint diseases chronlo ervsipeles catarrh c insamption of the bowels end langs and i so invigorates the blood and pystem when i rnken down fay overwork worry diseases hesa pills are not a pareative medi- c ne they contain uatliioz that could i ijure tbe most delicate system hey act directly on the blooa supplying i s hfe giving qualities by asfistiu it to bsorb oxtgen that creat supporter of all c rgenio life n this way te blood be- riming built up aad being supplied with i lacking constituents becomes rich and l sd nourishes the various organs stima- 1 itlng them ta activity in the performaace i f their fanctians snd thaa eliminate isease from the system dr williama pink pills arie sold only a boxes bearing the firms trade rqark nd wrapper printed in red ink hear in niud that dr williams piijk fills are ever told in bulk or by the dozen lr inju red and any dealer who offert substitutes a this form it trying to defraud yoa and hould be avoided the public are alto autfoned against all other socalled blood loilders and nerve tonics nut up in timi- af farm intended to deceive whey are all tnilationt whose makers hope to reap a pecuniary advantage from thu wonderful eputation achieved by dr wu iama pink illt atfc your dealer for dr williams iok pills for pals people and refute all mitatioas and substitutes dr williams pink tills may be had of ill druggists or direct by mail from dr ffilliama uedicioe company from either iddreit at so cecte a box or si bore tor 1260 the price at which these pills ire sold make a course of tree meat eora- lerttivety inexpensive as com red with ither remedies or medical treatment cosi sad aod sjirers la stock aad promptly delivered to eay pert af the towa et resoaeble prices i hardwood and slabs cat stovo length elwers on head telephone communication i vibr fto ibttiistmttds tfatgees i new stock ot watch more- rrients ihade to ourf special order at the ejgin watch facw jqst received well finished reliable timekeepers jewellers gljelph hellebore j paris green gyatfantedfurer m tenders w anted- sol have all hay obtobesjrl ieton june 90th th08 t moobbj clerk m gmgcm hdti actoft are offering fabfcibil jhlflwjjniot isltetkesa tub unden u eon cobtsiranff sop mere or tellumberss andweu bam and stable tad co ins premises tin two boss toattaitstt km fosuarther particulars- apply to kbs jam b8 bell j nassagawsypj jane 9th 1mb 1 1 stood lstenliaomon kirelardivsttool it oornsr of tlwtrm- i tunber farm for sale ia 11 mill ran- saw asdlof atablas nalndar- mcstof hsl tsfttcleared rii vlthisn sottslm oaafcwreh and tofu iprtof era socfbottoi otow j at a bargain for m im witlbesold i anply ta box to owan sound m carpets curtains and house furnishing qjoods r cenrr cheaper than they can be purchased out of town qur dress goods department is complete itnth newest fabrics and trimmings j gmim astmy striyed from the premise of the under signed lot it eonj i hsataitaweya oner about tbe sth hay waits steers i red bstfers all ttauuno any lnlormetion leading to their recovery will be suitably xewarded wk coxe masaweya0 kaasaspiweya iooe 6thla v h0r 8rbayd stbated on the premises of tbe undersigned lot loan t brio on or about the 14th of may 1885 a sow tbepsnieroiayhayetiiesaxatt by roovuicraopeztyaimtrisuepsrasasu wooseffqambtlh acton june euaieea i acton j somebody lost mority i at their clearing sa a lew dollars to inest a what they are worth it our store every time we tii we are showing today some exceptional values n single width dress goods it will py you to see ttem before purchasing jwe still rushing boots and shoes lots of good bargains remaining- bnderson valuablepfiopebjy for 8meln acton v tbe undersigned desires to sell his vary com- fortahle property fotumuths of sn ten lot rr con i esqsesmi known u lots no 80 it a o main strict aetonl tne rjdano u com- modlous hi tbod condition hss bard and soft water and- fa very oonvoulant vor terms aad particulars apply to j v01tj akbbn i 7 actoo trespassers jtake notice seretar give notio that rphe undersigned ii rtwtfaudataanpsatoiiar l tresoasalde orrtbetr premises east aad west lot i 19 con ltf ashing shooting berry jacmbg ot inaayotherwaywulbeprossrattalsacvrdshgto acton uay 1 1833 joseph lasbt- wmbb0wm 5t liost prjg b ryan co wouldnot be able to sell fy intpnd selling ihem at commencing you goods at the prices th 1 thrsflay june 22nd remember the naifie c bryan bvm wool knitted roods i ooraplete iues tweeds srn in exctianijafor wool at newton 4 sodf if ills jimehoife if yoa want firstciaa quelph sash and boors at guelph prices t eastot can p 1 your order at hia planing mill wooi wutm 50000 lb of clean hneruhaatabte wool tbe highes price in cash or trade will be riven wc ujrlconco georgetown to look well it more tbe result of good judgement eod tasle than mere lavish use of money ify slookof i i- boots slioes la adapted to fill the wants oi havine sleuder incomes still make their appearauce creditabje my eiperience aiid close relaliont with manufaeturers euable ne to present a line ot v footweaft unequalled in the counly for ttj le quality and price wm williams those who desire o dress oooda and stfci 275 yards stylish check dress goods kjublel fold 10 inches wide at 1 oentsj worth tit 200 yards diagonal 40 inches wide 30c wortl too 1207 ysxds scotch tweed costume clo i rer r stylish t2 inches wide mo worth 50o j 331 yrd wide wale two toned obsit n clo fa choice good u inches wide jwo worthjt o t 031 yard scotch check would mat a ttif ttrlith dreu if inches wide 84o worth c 501 yards sootto all wool cheviot filing 43 ioobe wide 3jslhrth6se j i 330 ysrds fancy stripe mad of very u inches wide 33o worth so i 468 yards plain french goods la ojbys end shade 44 inches wide 40c worth la 507 yards french bepralibe in nav and grey oqlorw at 40 j 5l8yarda french wbfpoord very ar wdhh 7oc 1 iu yards black figured goods all wci 39c worth 50a i we will offer at the same time aeveti dress good qua wodl stylish fawn broiefa myrtle sh pods 50o 43iojhewide line of you will find many other in the matter of tte gfprd- iansliip of the infant chilflren of leyi smith of the township ot glanford sia the county of went- vorth farmer deceased be made to the surrogate a ppllcarh0s ix court of the- oouutyoj helton before the judge in chambers at tbe gourt boos la the town of iduton alter the expiration of twenty days from the first publication hereof pany tor ait order appointing toe sun yeyo toronto general titists oontdanyf gttardlano tbe infanta bobert anton smith and lome smith and tyallaee eerld smith said the dtinot and sduori infant on behelt ottftoltoronto general trusts cgrn- lev appointing tbo tb ert idto children of tbe said levt smith deceased tie toronto general frusta company i by moteamatmctbas t ttalrfloudtoi t dated at qnelph this ljth day ot jans aj slfb auction sale of valuable freehold propert y in that village of acton j u m kdeh snd bv vb ooatalodd la a date tba 1st day of i will be produced at thi of the power of sals irtaln mortgage bearlag is 1867 whfeb mortssgs v time of sals thsre will be cnetm for salt by public aootlon bi wj4 bblsatbbtauctkswat c acntwm tiotel aattm on i saturday the tltlr dsy of june 18l8 1 at lbs hoar of twain oclock noon the following freehold prpperty all snd singular that certain ite somehodys loss may be your gijiv if yoirhave lire w 11 positively sell many lines of goods athalf has ceased to be a surprise to us that people crowd e a sale as they have long 8ince learned to feiiow that bur reductions are gijluine that we handle only good goodsthat we have only one price and that ijl nevjer press customers to buy thisiale will be one of the bestas far as jxtra extraordinary purchases liljpl thousand fotir hundred bargains we offer are end value is concerned as we have made some our purchase of elress goods amounted to four jightyfour yards only a few of the many ed in the list given below othel remembeithe b aoton remember the date- thursday june 22nd 1 893 lend and villag provtbe ndemguler that certein parcel or tract of nd premises situate i ring and being in the i of acton in- ibe county of halionaod i6o oi ontario smd being composed of put of vthage losniimbarsuudloeltnambernro la the said vulage of acton ormtalnlng s19 sqosre feet batted end bounded ss follow commendrig at a point ta the north easterly limit of aula street in said viheaje ot aoton dis tant thuseven feet sontb easterly frotn to westerly angls of eeld tot els tb ence north esst- efly parallel to bower street in said volaat i eithtyeeven fast theme sooth easterly parallel i tofieln street aloreeeld tblrtyevtrifeet thno eouthweaterly parallel to bower street al elgbtvaevsn feet to tb said northeasterly limit on kaln street tneneelongldltxirntion ed limit thirtyseven feet to lie phee of beglrc nlng i upon the saldproperty fs ereetha two ttorf i frame building the lower story being seed eea barracks by the salvation army and th appear story see dwelling hpaee i- tne property w be oflered in one lot subject to a reserved bid terms ten per cent of the purehea money to be paid lolaah to th vendor soudtott ti tbeumeol rale end theibelenoe wltbln tslrty days thereafter pot fm signed vendors soudtonc ho tongebl toronto toronto 6th june lifi3 i i tot further partleolere epplr to tbeunder- mbakns mclras franolt dalainm french delaloesi sre scare yet w are in a potilioo to offer you tomethlng very special i 215 yard union fsnch dellne at 16o worth 25o 600 y trd all wool french delaine 24c worth 156 450 yard all woof french delaine 80o worth 40c blliai we will offr from two to threhundrd yud of fancy and plain bilk frotn loo yd ap which will be worth at least doabl to price t i mnto tviiti mniiina i m0 yard of wide print at ooi former prioe loo 600 yudsof wid prints 7jo formar price loe and 124 boo yard whit chisoa motbdaw spod loe worth l ladle wuto mttnidnvtsuitm wt boafiht over on hundred emwd1i flkirt at a big reduction thy will bravand at 75e a l00 dont fall to e tbu i bsry inrsjrtb u bobo more lait spring etiukstw iad oap ad oar rjpring jaake and 0xa frill b oswtd at a big reduction i nes on our bargain tables in additiqn to those ffh the abpve hst r dattthursclay auction sate rop valuable freehold proper irv the village of rookwood unden end by virtue of tbepower f eele oontainad in a certein mortgage btaring date the 8th day ot april lset whlcs mortgaae wtn be projaoedat thei timftital there wlh be offered for le bypawb auction by wtf beubtbebt anctlonaer at dumtlttbottl htwjfwioocf oa saturdaruis sithuay 6f june aj 189 etlhe boar of three oclock is the aiurnoon tbe j 14 property tnoeeoetteia parcels or tracts if lend and premises sltnst lying and befog in inevirstj of boekwood in the township of ersmosa la tbecoanty ot walllngtopand which mayartlytadeeribd fcllpw- commencing ettbeolh west eogle allot d in black a lstth western division at said vulage tneeoeeobtb fortyflveciagreo west two ebslns more or less to a steisrrtbeno soatb tortydlve decree east one ebetui thnee jiarth i fortylive de ea two chalni itbeoo north ortyavedestreesrwaetooo ohalh tothsplse ol besuoiagemtsjslqctmsatsbofaifcre more or leeslbelri m oi fltth lot 14 the fourth oon- cession of said trwnahlpof sramos j ttoeoadlyjlou h f aodjiabtoo a intrawsstsrn division of tfit llao o etook- woodifiwessihoontelnljmcejh ouetfth ot sn aorfif ls dponlbe property tbo i erected oo stone bolldlag aseet e a bnteber ebop tb property will be offend in on lot subject toa reserved bid tbwis ten psroetil of pttrehe money to be peld in oesb to thsveodere solicitors at the timeofealeendthe balance within thirty days tbsrsafter a vor farther- pewtieular apply so the nndmv signed msaknstltcmsah c vandore boudtors ltrooglt toronto toitmtfttthjoiaojbj ft new planing 1 asb- ad itdootoraotorr h john cimsieroiie cohtractir has tttosnp tbetmuaitoj on mtrtlii oe trttnli fsntorysnlli i ii sad fi prepared to ftuiiahaeaq nd eshmsiaslcr all cleaie of 1 a autohisgi vh j air ijjwnjsav j baabea boots and wtedowsrand door avaraaa atyttvaeaime t 1- arullstonlieajd ab orders promptly jobnoallbbbr m

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