Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 22, 1893, p. 4

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mt oung folks m i tf a 1 -v- i m i- i trsdvess qenora1 ritwret lp fraa i prejm reader toe math bf itetritnt zoji tbe softest utile nsfrotlgrl ilia gentlest moacfnanaatte trotrl 0 li eterrtodjr tola ma that 1 ijie was uia rloteiittt tuuecst liovtbeo sheoa ttmtablsrraoc ludlappod the cream with tmallredtoucue only gently put her down tod add h no v aad tried to frown i talf i hat boon trolyktad should hat mads that kitten tabid t ikow large and qalcfc and strong of will snail iprlag opoa tbe table still jtod spite of all mv tstenfal eare i will snatch the chalelast danties tbere aad crerybodrsarc scat acatl i saes f oeh a dreadful dretdf a cat j bdt i who hear beta know with chaise i emtbeduly one to blame for in ta days then be was young and lapped toe cream with small red tongue had t to her been truly kind oe a good thing thia it avninentiy the case with poltont nerriline and great pain aprej it i an ihonert remedy or it ocouina he mort piwerlal the pa teat and i moat oajttala pan tabadingrrenlsdiee i known ta medical icienoe it ii honeat becanae it it the beat in the world it only oasts 15 gents to trjj it and yoa can ret a botuo at any drug jttore necviline cares toothache neuralgia pain in the back at tide all paint ere pronrptly reliatacf by poltont kervhioa i people know laeaasd aoaaoa u at hand they feel it in their bones tirep feelini areitoo serroiui are yoa i ll tired ot t do yoa haw that or lick headache yoa can be relieved it all theie lymntoau by tak ing hooda sanaparills which gives nerve bodily ttrength and thoroughly blood it alto creates a rood appetite ci ree indigestion heartbarn and dpapepsit hooda a action fills are eaay to take euy ud inro in effect 25 centi a k ir tovon y should have made that kitten mind 1 r sauce for thecoose is sauce for the gander the ber drataeleod father o the labs norman alacleod waa proceeding from tbe manse to the charcu to open a new place of worthip as he patted ttowly and gravely through the crowd gathered aboat the doors ah elderly man with a peculiar kind of wig known in that dictrict bright smooth and of reddiah brown arcoated hlini doctor if yon please i wiah to apeak to yon i well dsncan laid the rtnerable doc tor can ye not wait nntil after wor- aiip 1 j no doctor i matt apeak to yon now it ie a matter of conscience oh rooe it ia a matter of conscience aall me what it if bat be brief for time prettec i the matter ia thia doctor yoa tee he clock yonder on the fan of tbe new ehoreh well there ie no dock really here nothing bat the face of tbe dock there ia no troth in it bat once to twelve boars now it ia in my nund and against my conscience that then ihoald be a lie on the face ot the honae of the lord dnncao i will ooncider the point bat i am glad to iee yon looking ao well yon are not yoasg- now i remember yoa for many yeara and what a fine head of hair yoa bare stilt i i eh doctor yoa are joking now it ia long aince i have had my hare i oh dancan are yoa going into ihe house o the lord with a lie oo yonr headt the doctor heard nomore abont the lie on the face ot the dock selected mr j e allenj uplotiterer toronto aendana the following for ail or teven yeara ay wife aafiered wild dypepia coativeneaa inward pilea and kidney oomptaln we tried oa pbyticiani ahd any nutober of medicinea withoit getting any rtlsf nntil we got a bottle of northrop lyounj vegetable duoovery thia was the firtt relief ahe got and before one bottle waa died jtti benefit ahe derived from it waa beyond our expectation whenarnari whtitleaia he perpetrating vocal or tnitrameptaunaaic needed repair the old practice of badgering witneeaee ht almost diuppeared from some conrta bat in a weatem kansaa town it is still kept np sometimes however to the damage ot the crosseaaminer lawyer s ia well known for his nn- comely habiti he cnta hia hair aboat four times a year and the rest of the time looka decidely ragged abont the ears he waa making awitneee describe a barn which flgnredin hia last case how lobffhaa thia barn been bnilt oh i dont know aboat a year merjby bntjstthow long tell the jury how i long it baa been bailt well i dont know exectr qaite a while now ur d yon pass fori an intelligent farmer andyet yon cant tetl bow old this barn is and yon have lived on the- next farm or ten years can yoa tell how old yonr cwn houso is come now tell at how old yoar own house is i yon think yu know quick aa lightening the old farmer re- plud y want to know how old my house is do ye r well its just abont as dd as yoa be and needs tbinglin about as bad i in the roar that followed- tbe witneac stepped down and lawyer s didnfc cal hira back touthi companion 1 i by sowi lg fragaliiy wo roip libsrty i golden hat est if yoa v ant to bdyor tell a farm ad vertise in hatoronto ifechjr uau that paper reches looock farmera homea every wee r and yonr advertisement should meevthb i jtat tonieoio who wantrta pon ehaso a ivertisemente of this class are o- terted in he toronto itrehy jfaif forfjve i cents a yord each insertion or twenty cents a ord for fivo intertiont address the if ail toronto canada china is the dirtiest city in the slowly d m iba loitg jiheday softly ro is the earth away loveli riht at length dlvtnlc all a lream o misty bloom tren bliog stars and golden bfoom large beayeas and sweeter shiaiaff whicht daaoerdoskordayr where 1 1 glery dy sd the dirk t id i tht the rnbr spark tiohi jeamaadiasroatpiendor ixelt and mlnga lata one r will lthslongjaasdayudooe ailth depths throb close and tandcr isltda orlattdarkf fjoia 1 ia lone june day bis life silver s lowers and tinny strifo kor i rosy wraith ados oer as 1 eld i vut twiluht atu bec at 1 tat what freedom of the skies parts lhe starsown way beforo cs itltdjjthorlsltllfef larperi bazar eiperlencehaerroved it a triumph ia medicine was attained when erpef ience proved that scottt emalaioa would tot oalyttop the progrete of pulmonary contumption bat by ite continued ua heejth and vigor could be lolly reatored i itoa can tometiimes tell when a man be gins to baektlideby hia breath colio and kidney diffioalty ur j w wilder jp lfargvilue n y writea i am subject to severe attacks of colic and kidney difloalty and find parmeleet pills afford me great relief while all other medicinea have failed they are tbe best medicine i have ever oted in act eo gnat it the power of this medicine to cleanse and purify that diseases ot almost every name and nature are driven from the body j her portrait shows that queen eliza beth bad a rus appearance in full dress j taruebcfarja- ttris reform is in the air the praises otb b b ar beard veriwhere no other medieiq cures all direaset of the stomach iiveroowelaand blood ao rapid ly and ao surely as burdock blood bitten j the shopping woman is impressed with the behet that there is something good in ittore for ber i old ron the three oldest kuowo pieces ot wrought iron in exists nee are the tickle blade that was found by belcoui under the base of a j tphinx in karnac near thebes the blade foan by col yye iabedaed in the mor tar ot one o tb6 pyramids and a portion ol a crosscut taw which atr lsyad ei- hnmed at kimrud all of which are now in the british bluaeum another old piece oc iron is the wrought bar of damatv cat tteel whicli king potas printed vf alexander the great thia bar vbich it ot unknown untiqntty ia atttl earefaur preserved in tbe rational tarkish iflsotn at constantinople one trial of uother graves worm ex terminator wil couvinoe you that it hat no equal at a worm medicine buy a bottle and see it it does not please you how many tilings there are to laugh at in ihtt world to the girl who hat pretty teeth and dimples hara aretol cares jcottnjrpttcrafonigcrotrrflot forts aasdtvsadtwclfstalaaohaporow csate 5t ctt ickrutd bwdycprittttorklitaer trcmfalallt areola frlcoiscta catarrh remedy itoaostarrhi try this eamedr itwffl pmitivi lyreueva andtorsyoa juraltl sdtmclmrabslffiortslcsbwieti h oa a goaranteo to give s oh what a cougtv will ion heed tho warning tnetigaal perhapt ot the bure approach ot that more terrible disea cntumptiju aii your solves i you can afford for thjs sake ot saving ocj to rtto the ritk and do nothing for it shiloh never f its woh t annually devour russian domes tic anii lals worth t0000000 we know from experience that cure will euro your cough it the dhird page of the toronto daui uad is noted for want aderti8mentt it yoa cant to buy or sell anything if yoa wtot a situation a mechanic a busi ness n achinery lodgings if you have lost or one d anything or if yon want to find out wb ire anyone is advertise in tha to ronto i aily hail and read the advertise ments in the third page of that paper the ci arge is two cents a word each in tertion address the mail toronto can ada ital gets 100000000 a year trom tour- istp a itnsdlsu favorite the season ot green fruits and eummcr drinks is the time when the worst forms ot cholera morbus ditrrhoia and bowel com plaints prevaih as a aafegaard dr fow lers extract of wild strawberry should bo kept in the house for 85 yean it hat been the most rtliable remedy an amateur would never take pert in a concert it be bidht believe- he ooold do better than ha really can bate certaid prompt economic these lew ad eetivei apply with peculiar orce to dr t lomaa edectric oil a standard extern j and nternal remedy adapted to the rel et and nre of ooogha sore throat hoarse nessanilall affections ot the breathing organ kidney trouble exooriationt tores lamen s and physical pain an arring ivorn by mrs delia ptrnell molhe r ot the late charles 8 parnell has been t int to tcoy n y to be east into the colon bian liberty bell the best beverage an enthuxjastio lover of ehocoltu affirms that or those who wish to keep the imagi nation fresh and vigorous chocolate ia the beverage of average however oopteaily yoa have lunched a cup ot chocolate iin- mediately afterward will produoo dtgoattjior three hours alter and prepare the way far a good dinner it is recommended to every one who devotes to brainwork the boars he should pass in bed to every wit who finds be has become suddenly dull to all who find tha air damp tbe time long and the atmosphere insupportable and above all to those who tormeuted with a fixed idea have lost their freedom ot thought onta- hi world- herald how they came croesae when came here i didnt have a cent in my pocket midas when i came i didnt even have a pocket croeius admiriuglj how j midas i was born here i no matltr how the nurse girl is abuted tbe will never prtfer her coarsea t a policeman who are puny pale weak or scrofuloha ooht to take doctor pierces golden medical difcotery that bnfidt vtrp b t flesh and their strength fcrtfafs and for purifyinr tho blood theres nothing ut ah medidno that can equal tha discovery la reoorertne fitona grippt or la eoa- vaiarence from pdea- monia ferert or other wattinc astfmmk tt tpoeduy and kotit ia- tfgaratea and builds up the whole sysam as aaapmtfaing raatorative tonic it sett at work all the proem of dlnttion and p urritioo raws every organ into natural jtion awtbringt bock boalth aad strength gar allditaabbt caused by atorptd uver or l nvrof- teffspawha wscotbrx is the onlyssi ooeaalfttotfc vcicra tattary otsa i yonr moawy larict aclfte or chronic 2an be cared by the use at c0tts at pure cod liver oil with the hypophosphites of lime and soda a feeble stomach takes kindly to it and its ontinied ue adds flesh and lakes one feel strong and ell j c itjtrtoc nwro oftabctltcttit itti pttil by bwt i a itoat kud blood cumd gtsii- here aied yoar burdock blood bitter- for tid blood ind uud it without eioeption the bt pnrifyidfi tons ia uca a ilfort time tgp two very urge and pain- fal boils cte on the back of ray neck bat b b is completely drove them ewy i bamcel buis 1 toronto jaoction i f tbe old fcnv opcru house it wwhinr- tod iu which 50 govern meat clexfct ro employed fu id stardy bcryiiig most of the iomttflk in the taint a urge dam- ber were killed ind tbout 100 bidly iu jured i wekness debility faleueu aatemit etc are dured by milbnrnn beef iron and wippj the chinese watl ib more than 1200 milt lonfj cenerally over so feet high tu 21 fet ihik bonkukttion curfd an old ihysictan retired firom practtco hftfioje fk v4 a hlmdi b ta jvipt tadi mimivtwcf th ormau oft itupla tetutite remwly fflflha rieedy and x- atitint cere of conprmptlba brotichitte currh atthina tud all throat and laue ffecttom j klmj t positive and radical can for vcrvaai debility and ell nervous gam plaint alter having tested iu wonderful curative- cwera in thoiuauda cif canshaa fell it hiajdaty to make it known to all hia taffrrititi fchtyfi ariuated ly thia motive and h deire to relieve humau mfferiok t will aend free of charge to all who desire it thtruugfrwatt fttuoli or witii jili dtfocfictft for yrriig mivti seat by mail by addreuiot with ctamp niminii thti paper w a kotei i qiq powen block rocbetter n y vtc vhet j vb y yers efck wo gnttj lute castoru liic nu clifld eio crioj foe castorf tho dftcaavs itlffl fha clang to caxtorta jho bajcbiltlrcm asjofavotleniciutorii it it rning lo be hat now so ibil yoa will isqtire i ad holiday season wise women jrlpirt or tha wan laying their wsth dreii oooai nowj tbe ortnt iswtptper yoa man tee ibem bafflolent bkre d 3hecks and stripes all scotch ooopfi nsw sco 3 inehamt and zephyn fancy prints blumlitu mai printed mail matllnt fanoy whita firodnd sooloh m ilto s large collection oc white lawn nainsook and jlonncing embroidery or ladies and children s dres a ccmprlrsttd case arts i rts troubled with bilionmest headache a id lots of appetite i conld not rest- at nigl t and was very weak bat after asing three bottles o b b b my appetite it good an i i am better than or years past i wt aid not now be withoat b b b tod ten alto ririof it to my children 11ns wlltti bcras ilaitland k s jefi ros sih anchdrilies have forbi jden thepabllo lion of marrtaga of err in the newipepei a- wonc irinl new combination ft b starkt e eadache nearalgta and liver powders nice to tate and perfectly harm ictr ha ifary keatt 68 ifain ttreet hamilton tayt for yearsin fact all my life i have been troubled with severe headaches 1 have tried all the remedial i coaid he ir of and have been treated by many doc ort bnt with very little good results frieadreoammeaded yonr head j ache net ralgia and liver powders tom time ifio nl i have found them to be th greatest ilessing to me ja fact i car truly tay hey are perfectly wonderfnl would not be withoat them for more thai i can tel hr flook station matter grand t ank railway hamilton tiys ihey cc red my mott e4vere headachei whioh i had for at least threa years price 25entt a boa sold by all medicin dealers belts dont neglect teeing our assortment of fancy belts nothing finishes off aloos- tum like a pretty and weliuttiaj belt whether of leather bibboo ot metal in addition lo belts we have a nib aasortmenl of chattelaines ami bagparses which have come into great favor j how white kic parasols whita shi frilled i belts or ii to we 8cabee new sty sailor hi ingt 6bo gloves point z- and cof ureas g iat pent aahional jdt st liable or lbs samojer syaibttaresaretopooeby oiithim it ptsruuing ln kptooinwortam hlfw oy ohbotolandstrinasl flu a for biouw fanoy lirfwi th woven oolomd spofi idian moalin- vv 8wl largest iwd most complete dlaplay of seasonable goods hamilton june 12th 1803 taking a brussels farnitat 81 have bee find dra iott of gc entrance it wm chamois oiotm lores whlis blbbou ww htt ries white btoujj talsu white diokias whit otsf i i whits a oantm i atherathigoods re theia or yoa fnbw and oodb j08t received veryf chsrming in ladies iqavered win fancy frill- iiatpajraiois creim miuna ckiahdcf buk uitl new press trimmings blaok i silk velvet hontaokfog ertsjmine new silks inelad- sarahs cryttalioa and th li8atiadaoheate ic prrf kr mr conr mtiii titinwt are goad isdvectlsen gentlemerl whavbtar assortroebt ol ia- asnsoulwhite rt 87io lltfrn balbrfggsn tjodeear bammer weight ol nataiaj wool under ltr in all aiiet at rnoderatt prioes vrntraobuos suitable j oar iteamer bt driving aitwavttmbtaet 1 07 am 9 sjani ulooajn ciieetiribeantifal qasjittm in wuton aitniijtter and jjvj rr y and cortaln potato great ttiety octaleo gfo offered in ih wfist lovjdto the different dentrtmenu on tie groadd jffig i ioodtt m snd 8i which we formerly sold hr 50 to 830 i atwry speciil ptiim- samples sent to any avjdmm to canadapnty one i buslnass before plaaisure i clerkid like to get off this afternoon to gq to my motherlnlawt aneral employer im afraid we cant let yoa off yoa know were very baty now and business always before pleasure yoa kaow it never no chi d is tate from wormt aniest di lows w irm byrnp it at hand it is t complete remedy both to destroy and r move wo ms of all kinds heado he and constipation vanish whs n bardocfc fills ire nted they core whei e othert fi il onco ntpteoeiare being introdnoed n oakiadd cal or the flrtt time tie smallest legal tender formerly used w s fivecenl pieces why offer rom coughs colds hon e- nets a hma or bronchitis when perfe 6 cure is i o easy with dr woods norway pine s rap a sin le piece o cnppsr weihinp nil tons ws i onoetaken rom one of the uict i gn mil es how to itltt isanlfelit rirlnre set d 25 fsaaligbt soap wrappers wraj per bearing the worda why does a worn in lookoid sooner thana man to levei bros ltd 13 scott st toronto and j an will receire by post a pretty pic tura ree from advertising and welt worth framing thisiaaneaiy way to decorate yoar lome toap is tbe best in the mark t and it will cost lei postage to send in tl e wrappers if you leave tho ends open write your address carefully ca iforma8 orange crop will fill 7000 care c c ricuiniit i co or st i eprdined my leg so badly that hat tobe driveii home in a carriage i immidiately applied minard8 lini- mei t ireely and in 48 hours conld use my irg t sin as well as ever joshca wykavght idgewater n s b br tl t string on yonr finger means dr home a bottle oi min ards lin isii nt stick to the right it ght actionb spring rom right princl pies in caima ot diarrhoea dyeentery crai ips colic bnmraer complaint cholera mo bnh etc the right remedy ia fowlers ext act ol wiid strawberry an unailing made on the principle that natures rempdiea are best never travel without it cracow salt mino has been worked years i 7hy willyon allow a cough to lacerate yotr throat or lnnge and run the risk of fluiigaopbamutiyee grave when by the tinelynseof bicklee anticonsumptive sy op the pain cm be allaynl and the dai ger avoided this syrnp it pleasant to tht tatte and unsurpassed for relieving beiling and curing all afferlionb o the thi 3at and lungs cougba colds bronohitis etc leiioo exports fjtomoooo o gold and til er annually forewarued u fartimnert i fany of the worst attacks of cholera rbat cramps dysentery colio etc co oe suddenly in the nuht and speedy and pr impt means must be used against them dl fowlers eitract ol wild sttawberry is he remedy keep it at hand or emer en iie itnever fails to cure or relieve uric it now the best foreign market for al lerioaa cotlouiaods mmi rfau powder jurist 3tr9msest8iist ctatslnaii aiwa anuaoaia iicc i ptkicri3yb ew ailrett toronto ant the camel is a lacky brute his to hamp itself selfitbneit and modetty never travel the same road j to be fariout in religion ts to be irrellgi- outly rellgiout philadelphia had tho first insurance company in america chills and fever malaria etc are promptly driven off by mllbarns aro- metio quinine wine the potent invigor ating tonio doles your lie her 0wn shing f you regard her health aid th and want to keep yoir free from hot steam and sme 1 nd vt fuel washin powders ai d the c othes wht tatter rom week nerves wtnt ot sppet te and general debility leuiug the lost o sleep and rest impoverish she yt tem a id thin fha blood when satm a re tlly merit irious remedy ae northrop- quinine wine may be had at drug tore this article is recommenied by tb 3 highest membera of the med xal faculty iu cases of indigestion general biiityi lots of appetite and nertoaa a feo- tiontbf all kinds it it also specially lie eficiai to children and delicate females md toboiioess men students and those vho have much brain work we would tay never bo without it it will strengt len yon keep your system in regular order and enable yon to successfully grapple with worfc yon have to do it is pleasant to taste and contains nothing injurious to i mosg delicate constitution remember to ask for the qoinino wine prepared by norffirop t lyman toronto and we are sure yoa will be satisfied that yoa havi tall for yoar money draggista it does not follow that a perton will ba corns a successful fiihermio because ha has a pall on the line it it reported that an attempt hat been made to attitsinata the new president of nicaragua uluirdi linlmcntfor kheumatliot cml pure powdered ly purest strokgest best eaadt lor osa lit inr qnanllir for mtfctoe e boctssnicc wtner diiinfflctf nf snd ehtlaircd otkss cics aoaeqtiu2qpjanl4tu8oli mt it all cr- r drmxtt ex ttw gjtt cr-tvtt- ecqlvr a h o vtjecla crantl trunk rihway ii oob01st oorsowsst j l 09 am1 eiprott sasriojs lorontd to oaolph tii or cioarxa mas t going woit- tra aid 5 to r-m- goimemt-10amand50rm- thf tovublo went into fleet on my h i acton machine mwm shop grlndellvyrlghj ir well quipped wwair uc pacnwj necestarrto execute all ropairt to j j maohinert i ahictottjbalimcbnient3 j aadtodoallklndof j stbamitrtlncl j hoksishoeingaui obnsalblaosmithlna and woejworx repairs nertormed j f actorv manner we can repair anr machine or infjlssrsl any make saw gumming and fliibgdone j s i m ml hellebore i for destroying caterpillars aqexts for- rlktjb-ts- inplisments repairs and gowdts celebrated lawk moweikfaitfi yihtok high petfd crt ie carbolic acid phi iyle jcopperaff and cklorideof lime ml g smith 3t co for disinfecting purposes crindoll wright t the ky to health s- dispensing chemists gulflpli ontv nct 12 wyndham st i valap it iabeuie going to graduate this y ar 1 th nk so or she now eigos her i ame elimbeth ance is boilding25 warships tell plxox bemcdr torcotanh tt the eot easiest to tjie aad cheapest qwmti shecooksbestfr lfiatznr ssle tn canadi utoul tv wmmcleodco georgetown or our sxperienco shows that right goods at the right time and at right prices commaud business onr stock is just in the above position our dress goods were never larger or batter assorted we shall give yoa wonderful good dress goods for 5c per yd and can give yon handsome and stylish creations in dress goods at moderate prices a dress goods business we are bound to do if low prices large variety andstyltsb good goods willdo it millinery the unapproachable style extent and variety of our millinery does command business parasols gloves hosiery ladies underwear complete stock and at low prices our small wares cottons tick ings cottonades check shirtings canton flannels flannelettes big- variety and cheap a beautifal line of printed satteens was sold for 37c and 45c reduced to 25c a magnifitent lot of prints styl- jish and cheap wo have been doing it big car pet trade reason why right stock right prices lace curtains floor oilcloths mats etc gents we dotit forget your interests our viriety in cloths and our make np and stylo iu ordered clothing is unsurpassed gents underwear gents furnish ings hats caps etc in great variety ladiesaud gents footwear we we excel in quantity price and stylo in this department we cordially invito everybody to come and examine mr stock and be convinced id llio bargains we are offering vs weld the highest price in cash or in drygiods will be paid for any quantity nt good clean merchantable wool do iver ed at our store willuscmcleodco aeoraifown v- req rogefcles rnd charles go avd just opened out a fine new stock ofeshand able groceries and iikvell assorted line of flrockery bwark etc and desire toanfbrm thepublicgenerahy that inteid selling goods forcask ata very small margin fi and inspect our stock ask our prices for ahy goods cha4fts 06 mrs secotds block uiu tj 1 bobls htaers and utw ofl sauwitnont srealimng th iaz all the impurities md font hwnort rf secretions nt tofflme oot- rerttnff acidity of tifcstomwh jami- vcaaness ani general wwutytf these and many oer tield to he hapry thence o bubdoch blood birfms far bauifii a duaicn effectual permanent agreeable ekmuy hew compound r ir e auld j v lwn mower wlieelhigli speed uakdfactrjeed gowdy cltlndell ibcright cierits rcjon u pssign qaality ot mater workmanship ddrabii- asa ot operation and eenness o cnt will be robbed chicago ripg tfie worlds fair ypu ajrep posted every tnbsoriber o the satorday blade or cbicago ledger will relb a free certibeate entitling the holder tq call at one office at any hoar day night or bdnday dating the worlds fair and wo will locate ateyer priced room yoa wish we personally investigate rjoarding hontas rooms rentljhoteli etc snd can tare yen a great deal ot money thia department bu a read ing id writing rooms baggage and parcel room teleg office waiting roo alt thai prijilegesareibsolatelyfmetoeterytiittoriber i b th sstarcky blade is highly illastrated weekly nets paper the chicago ledger is a well known an y and literary illastrated weekly thepapert- are lemoit interesting weeklies eiaot and hvve the las it eitenlalion o toy weekly newspapers in tha li i 500 000 copies eeklr the ptioe p either c la t2 00 per year 100 or six months or three mffba or 60 cts send in yonr subscriptions a ffrt tni4 itia wnrr1 wtttf stltan aam go j to ci icago and lbs worlds fair slab sample i sen id thqscrtorday blade tiie chicago ledger largest weeklies in the world 500000 ss isirrsi pan fori j all headpalns biliousness aqd stomach r jcomplrinu j a box oomkomdstt ri cbimiri row gtaszov vni- venily scotutd or the r sbfrlt medioine imebarri ctji dipq itndaehe xrnralsla bm urei jirta or ipowdew klee certain hnraleas bait iqaddhcixi l fradjefrt dkn caveats trade marks oesicn patcnrs copyriohts etc for tnfonnatlra snd free handboolc wri u 1iunv co so blwidwit xew vouk oldest bareae ror teenrtm painubi amerira krery patent laten ot b ae 1 broogbt beiore tbe jicdilc br a notice sitcalnk or ccjuf e btuie lareest drculat taoof tor edcntisc paptt la th wcrii spleadidl- mastnted so ldteulrou tlua ehoqld bfljwtihcat it weetlr s3uo a tjir juo sir danths addreasjlcss tco- ptnunhsttii 3i brtwiwar 5v ynrk atr the electric- w 1 arc and iocs odescent electric llghtln electric fotors ad generators oobteaotoea ikd builbesa 07 emofitlo liqht abd p0vte5 btihostll tunocanoct toe doxixios i tto to to wellington st ree to any address boyce usilt 5th hub chichco jdhp speight sbn f jrntture 5t undrtricing stock o fornitnre is now complete or tho spring trade and waoan aapply- yoa want atthe lowest poaiible ptioer we dont ateal onr arnitbrenor and any one in iu mannlaolore but we pay caah for it and can sell as low or cash ay dealers in the trade onr a i article 9 vve can give you a bedroom set complete for 14 wove mattresses for 4 8prinr8for 3i sideboards at cost lounges for 750 extenslorv tables 70 chairs at any price afnu icaoti ection undertaking lioe ot coffint catketb bobet etc alweyi in ttook we can giro yotr i pnoetwe desire to imprest npon tbe pnblio the tact that we have no with any combination and oat prioes are not governed by the undertakers weean giye you the beet the markets tffora at very reasonable prices cood hearse and outfltfor funerals sieight 8t a best ta pvertisinc medto in the world is thi local press a perfect article coorsfrlel baking powder y tihiresbqnalhy of cream tartar fibeatrerystnlizedbfcarboriatoflf sods only are used in thia preparation itbnsstood al wlthnonaoheopers for the host so rears end is now upoeslblelbeliej gfifafftjl the finest pure ground coffee in tho world sold in tjns- only v yoa cannot get it at yonr nearest prpeer send poatal card direct to acme milu montreal who will moil immediately free wal sample to uie address given m rf lift ri for restoring cray hair to its natural color and latorhmttauonm sllsejsj sk on parjjslam hair rehewer uacomsotlrloii usmh ttattta be w faunre u asnnlt 2m s islp vi uatltfltcasallafic iiro it cfa r abottlit

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