Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 12, 1893, p. 3

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r-lu- j v banv of hamilton head opsioe piirai iaih 111 111 hrttyk iuhp j xuiwuuuu uniidroiih iimi l hawbat mrnltn 1 hum per uro linn 11 jiamiltoh kwamt i r iin iiioi- wixh a i note illioduutnd and adyniica mnd n all lultatdo see ur ulna diuart on al rti f an ua th uwtmi utatci oil 1iiiitain ojll urn con yih kmt o luiim hiniijlt ann tl 1 lollctulullui oil all aciibllh imiiiiu on noat favoratdo unn y 4- jfciv imaivrirrst r dybormtrrrnlri fl nn i iiiwrli nl in inrnst allowed from data of nhslt n tlatti ol withdrawal hiiscluj druobitb auo remit nd at current alaa nf interns tin uolleaurwlibdrawal rmjiitrihl s m mwmistilm f ill yjuslilethodlstrilllrcll acton tlev jobkphjpdoy taator 1 ifuwnr vvnuu untitle horvloe10lukjn nil 30 w huud ohonlliao illhloclaaaoanttuotodbylhrr mutak jill nor d tally inlud r i you have an ey for rjeauty for qualh for good -viitue- then in spect out stock clocks from si o up- wflds watcllcs frotn s oo upwards bpi taclcs from 25c upwards quo hykdb aoton ont trjuithday ottoiikh i inn-f- little local bhieflets which caught tho eyas or ears froo proas roportorn thin wouk milton and hock wood olioui wire bnh bald yeaterday thero have been somu benullful autumn days lately tbe tcrvtcea of ilia iccmnu may now be diapeuaed wilh until 1wh tho keen rents are rapidly denuding tho tretra at ihoir bdtaufuiipl uallon and fee i medio i asaocialiui mot in vorretown ou tueaday a coitaiderablo number of actoniaiis attended naaaakawoya i air on i rtday a family jar waa ventilated 111 a nia i irate court horo on saturday 1 be cane waa diamiaaod a mooting of all inurealrd in checkers will be held 111 tbo lowu tiall tbia vuuit for die re organization of tbo club a practice match between acton and ulojomabury foot ball playcra km won by tho latter in the 1ara halurday after several of our cilieena wint to lirsmp too on monday evening to attend ibe crosalay nd hunter meellutia in ihu 1 ru byterian jnrrch auulvoraary aurviccn uctu hold on bunday in s david hurch ampbell vilt a aucceaaful tea mceluik waa bald un monday evening iho jeer aboolnik icmoii 1 1cii earlier thia year tbo joth of ooloberand ciobfb nosember 16th with live additional daya ta net the gtmii out una practically mum otie monfh a shooting incl aporls mn will aoou be utaklnit tbtir arrmift mania for tbo fall hunt it haa loakcd out thai the bur a i mm ia of montreal la to bo oven urtr uitd greater than laat yeara conaintitik of 110 leaa than four hundriil and llfty ueforo the publialiera liavu laauril a iniifjlti anoounceinetil tnere baa hrfruuij ga treat apcnlatieoua domaud fur it tueaday waa an uliforlunate day or a oouple ot kqrkmen at ilejrdmure a o aola leather fauiirry in lliu inomluu george bojwr had til left ilium b badly cruahed and in tbo afternoon 1 ho loo offered from a similar aocldont lu two ltnftera hoth aoidonta oooorrcd with lie fd manli1f7ia the news at howe montly tifrrtocnj ohnrootor hrfd cvorv ham fpforoiitlna a nuihi r t iiiplti fiapjtity wnllcth ttiiro wntlfl very jcytnlrithrtrinrf atlhw jkhiio of ftfr lubirt ii iiuniiiii irln above ac ton lutt wajnrmuy tbo ogttio 1 hnint un itiulirtlin xjt tlio mvrrlnftn of mlfla mary in mr willium 1 larrfblo a ru iwryj youiiu fwrm on the next l hnv akaandir hiratcli llm pmlor of the ouni ooiipl lurluriiioil tbo ciro m orry tti i tllo proicnoj of nurtjqodiiijifiiiy of frioiul the woildiiik tapatutwau ijj fro uglily aiijoyad tlici bridul hih uor nnilitiroiin and tnttcb ndmrrctl t aclth otthr t uurvltru hov mr iavin tho cvapinljht ih con ducunijatrvirnit tn tin ilaptia i hnia llna wr0k lliu itwli t inilii in ijmla fun til re yr tlui a rvin tlie world fair rocul tn lliu lboul iimin of ibu mfcthodul cliurlh iiex1 mmiilay m ill 00 aij nccaalod of aocial and puiillotlinl ititrroal tbn imdtotwtm pruvido ralpuhflicuui nd thiu will w fulloavd ullli brut tinonhlouw uf featurea of tbo wtirld lair by kluiib tiir11 uf tbo qdiiratinliun wli6 bavc vlattod it f tbn pchm and 9 h nrcticatri ymi rjo tlioir nart u mjlrvon tlm prnucdiuk huv wtn ju brinnb iu tho ullbodlal btinhf inirb is iiokturtivrfy ilrliim itr com ratio- jihcubcie in una uu will bo found a liimrty aul tordialcall tir tbe christian aliutllilu iqiilii lollu tpoicticb and iho vaihiih inmprranco nrdora to a convention to blinlmtvstiitolir ueftt-xlluoidayy- 10 ul- uihi ibu l4lly uf hallou n ikiiih iuml il rvirih 1 rn vtbo am intercnto 1 111 tlyi banlnb uuu of tbn li junr currn has bcru very lru mid- uiltiiiy in tho iifl u ia tarn entlv liopud ihul tbo corning couvetiliun will b wry liir attetil4v lcrfrct or ianinlinn in mini in win utun all i tirihiian and inttiphniico workera arn in luronlid in tba matter and little sacrifice of limn and norfy w roll up the dooia av- vtfliry ant 1 a ij tad by- hi iuud llnlhour lu bia letter atttiii trmpcrattcc vniou ihu quarterly lu tfon of ofhorruof acton gettegetltyv tim amilveraarv airticiw 1 lb ilutby lefun ofmrcliwiir imi in id on huitilny iltrv w gmallaca nl minor urol ircahyv hfiafrcliilrcb rriii will mi utiy tbo nulpit dr huibtrumi iibomxii i take a pout irmhil ivinrn mr j malbron and il harw brrti at tlu vudl rt inlr thu jinul wiik irssstrrrtltvucll uud itnmm mnorw ivo 0110 tn rcaiyno lbuir aludnn at or ill i tmermty ithaca n tli 21 tli monthly imouou of tbo irnn itiwni no man 11b ibu rfti iik r old lant 1 riday ill mllui llailia thu annual meeting ul tlio iturur deanery of the county of haltou waa held at mlltou on tueaday in drace liuob ilia lordabip uiabop hamilton made hia annual vull to the dua11 or y heveral ini ortaiil lbauitca wtre diannaand iiaui mtnititrt will mud the nicotinic duritik tbo loii cviiii ocaaaioua of mnoli prabl 1 iki roniin plebinaito vote 1 receiving allention uuuia part uf the i nroti tutntly tint arc suimlcrrl i nut lliurady inuriiiiik mrn ccorge iloawick who haa locn in iour health fur ihu jat jmr or nnti almly breathed her ut durinm lier dlnna her huabaml and fnrnd left m means untried wblch waa aluulated tn relieve her but lu no avail hrr tt nbli ario from the inaidmua ravaltb of hirer but liiuukii ho gradually ailed there wna lillle aufferink mra mawick waa born in nova hcotla 111 irljd nnd in hrr infamy iaiim to llalton uunly i will hrr lalbtr and acltled 111 traf ubjar- 1 ihu b1111u nubatijuoiilly ciiuiuveil ta lot j eon 1 1 nu near dailuiafnd hicb fro petty mr ltehwiok after warda purohaaad from bia fauilr lu law 1 rom ihj t una m their home until four year it ao whim ihci rrinnvtd to acuin mr he wick w mm b in- lot ml by i boon who know her her fa lib in lod uliii euntinually unuilfest her nirroiiih buaband itnd family 1iavo llm n nuiik mpalhy of all 1 tie remalna crr tutrrrcd in thorniiictery at ilallinafad on blim hornonii hov j ldtfo con dueled a luetnoiial firvieu in ibu uhuteb llioro thrjuitiic n i tinrf hi fninn ludeu hinder bold in- eourt fur the ivi ion of ihu ultra 1 imi uf thla municipality hi llic to 1 iiull laat i rid ay i ocal pollll liusna of oaeh parly worn jrcaent ui add ii ihaiiulu niiiik to the hula and to pro fuel thu iiiturealn of ibuao already imlod hi iiiu ui i i wu appeala item heard nine icon name nuru added and tiul one wan craned iiitikutarly cnuutb i hero waa an apnal iriini raoh political parly to bavo h11- in till it llu bear tho iiiplmu imi nnmr william walkrr iho nxmi adltd atwua follurvb william anderw11 l miller ilivum uryct urv iatrmk llitle alexander hy nion jiibu j oym itobort iii ill- hr john huddiek jamea mihaul mulkeru samuel mo llbbuu henry boll larloa v illlanib r amptwll it mckmnon i dward r iotin warren aoneaa hhaw and n tbboii willi rufnrenou toaovcral apfmiaii iflnivo ybunc hcnanon jmru thkcounthv around ndwh ltrtift aunrolotl by ctjrron- jjontlonta nd cko1ipkiii mlbton s tlnrltili trrjjntiiri in ttin itiblln hnhtmil ul moiiili t ihi jjttro art uh lioya ami hi irla nnrolltji tlio111ubt itevrmid tlktfird nhtmp nf niagara jirimelal in jfnrn- bun it im riuiidiliiiiutulull d llniratlnn at ht htepii i i11r1h hin by at l o oliu k and nmmdnrji inijuh al tbo 1 i dock nrvlof mr ami mrn 1 h mifautiill d lb mith iortin nml mahul ltiilkrtmi nnr aifl mnu hblt irft ul wiofl fir lie wgu lr a lliair will bahetdoll ibu mill ibty of oulubcr 111 hid drill tdnd ilriim umler llu aujjibiii of tbo i n li a id swi v t hi innurrli 1 lie coin ty ikv 011 i lira i j khi wii iknday oreatitl tbn uhubi utir ji town tbn nimbumn wan cnunltlrrcd hichly nun cudaftit w 1 irk to muuiihrtrt 1 mn 10ii a hoi thu man or norval laat vutiunal oieroiauh utid reailing of iititiulch hov h haddow read an exnclleiil jiiht 111 wkich fto an intnobtnilj -yni- if a book onlllknl jio makluk uf a mull ty j v ioe i d v lliu call uf itev j tilh ii d if likiaavllle i btnyil4 llln ban unit con- arpuwl- mr jkmea matlliew lil un haliirdny to vjnit ttla sun at cfiioapji and aluiitd the world a rair ljitur vurron of tlio ooochito w 11 llrmhl ihjorod lliu lair niti bfr preaonce laat wcdinaday allan martlla talw baa mtunrrtthonir afldr vuildluu a pleaaaut iil with rola llvu hi ilanulton mitfa ktta kcnuoily andmlt john kennedy of oooretown vtfitod aoton trimida oxer knnday mrrj h mrytnanjma ttiailift uf loronto upeut a touple of daya laat meek with fluitda here mini lull lei accompanied by a huty friend truiii now york fitate injtontbura to viall lliu world a i air mri mccly u f rctmore and mn aji ilrcwb ol markham are lakliqjj their lkr mraalerf minahl itev john 1 lelcl or inbnmbeiit of ht 1 1 1 li tt r hnrrli ialrrmn rnn- apjioin f public oohool last month ifilh attendance of 1741 blfl ldllub mr it nd mra i ii nixon are few daya wtlu luutula in arthur mr and mr- it dlk maiul inmu in olatide on friday and rulurda uev mr mulj of 1 nu vill preach in the mottlodlat i liurcti 111 xf hat hath at lilf jaat tell a m aud 3 p oi h- tnppptn i pliant potaloch of wblub n have over hoard i rum a iff teen quart pail of l polaloea lie bad a yield uf hurt euro jmila or alkjiit ten buiboln if anyone ihiuki thia a htdiy atory bo rn bo anaurod ol the into by calling al mr maaou n and ioliowink aru iho ulluera ulccl uf tbn h u i for tho luarter ending lint dec w 1 ha m nixon v a hi n doii uhb i w i jtro j douf hib m 1reaton a 11 h uhaukb i- h his 1 loulaon trca llro a bander hap hi aaaio 1rmluu 31u llin it lliwddi abhib on mro j held 1 h llro ii 1ewlrren i h uru j orttanmt tu muinio bib batrt frocriitor flm h h htrddell diki on huuda ut nnt 1 boniai held akid ki yr nolli rdy v hockwood al exhibllmnol 1 r uly hldon ini a marked uoiri tiallur fawred it it unn aejil y and yua dhkhuul i t tb lei lnt worn read by hov o ii ooke act tho beat modu uf prrpariuy candidates for conflrmalfbii and by ltm w atxiru of norval un hon means nfa n u11 tbo mission 1 uud i r i b ellntil prmoiivl oor made all hii by bini for h haeniu heap uaillctll 1 all fi a mydei narked thai lliey wei y olnnihb to be in iho onaclvativ tl boat of tho day i k naturrdly and born rlrcloi rjtltinh ii her of 11 rlnir ijita tt the tulr 1 nl wodlioday afltruoiu wlllu jul il 1 lilijjun wcro at ibo uxbibiti 11 ii wii rii kiiiu a uimt 1 r t tbo uu lluftv ivvuus attu juu4 atiwui 1 imi u wbi ecnerblly rllcetwl by col la 1 in iwn or fur doors iii almost every ntamoburuaii ilrawir trniiltn aid tied ami valuablei u the vidoi inaido do ireb tbere wan by eibibltora and visitor hikihwoihi u auxil to li and moat lustily n npntti l prtfermeut eita lifm a ii laro town ml j h h faithful and painstaking 1 nf the liaud 1 nink hal lwcu raoo nlicd by the au apkiliilcd tu tlio ahiiiny of tlio i rami trtuik ul hcrllii riua is oiiu i ttin iwal ataliona lu ojibla and it is hi 1m111 plliuontary ui mr htriekland that lm hai hocn cunsidcrud worthy of no unporl jjoaitioti with w or 1j nion uudnr bin lelitn wntan slid otlliso cs in blellt an coming and going vlnltorovb and prom- aoton and vnrouoqkhorparnniimdtpii- tnl aeloii mlit filinilimu nf fnrtli frhiida tliia wrrh dr jyne loft 011 rulurday for bin limnt llinblaiil hj htilla hill lnfl im 1idiy l m fiimdn nt iirl lm hm nnrl mrvh t- nilhf uiwlili wen willi frirsilr n turn n n r h jf ilrlllllt ia ijir v mm my hw tr itnnt mr- jrlui i bfv jw11 ivtlly iu in haliifdny for miiislo in t wu fiiendm mi ber id honii till 1 dr mtltnu and mi a dowry of bsi-il- un thu euiatbi aetoiifnriide ibis ur pnvtd it jnrdah uf fitment ill s v colorless emacitatoti- holplooa a complete runt ht nonjfs sansilajlilii phi i froro mr m jortun a re lircl- farmcrjjymd m ot lite mol re fipcctcrj cttlicni or otseno lti n y knurtiiiti jinn nrjolind nn 1tliiru id hip frravrlnd linvn ulno hfnii trouhlod with my lfvcjr and kidneys rratlunlly jrrrinliijf uiirn tliren jcnn arto 1 nt inn1lolvtniitnibiliirtmci wntti llnpunl morn jknafirpo tlmiilt ilthik hfliut 1 bid mi nirhilltn nnd bn fln weeks i ni nihly hail grand i una tinillv mniiplsti d mid dad nil inuro rjnlor tlinn m snarkln ant lain ijihid hamnimrlilrt wili nitirh mlert nnd 1 tlioiiuhl 1 would try it iu furl i had tin it lie i the fllpil ikihio ijliulliid that i frit brltcioflii frlred inn llm l ida bin sir irr hml aiitiildi it lire olnr lrn in rimril tn my fjiro apd i ia frrl h after t flail uutcil ultcl bllllk i i rnnl 7iil nnylilna wlthaut inirlfiir iw will r nftlitmirry ml imd hi ut f ilmi h 1i11 i bnva now lullyfdaovarddiliiinlci lo hoods sarsaparllla i frfil woll nnd am rt all wlin know mn inarrcl to niy mr m wi 11 b m l nisw ed iiicuilibenl at j rand valle mr john 1 uwimiii who baa been o lined lu hia home by acrioua illnehh foi luolwcckb la nuwrccovcrin mr lliomau i mooirn attended tlio kotlth wotllmton leaebcra aanooiatioii onvintion at dunlpb nu halurday lt j v hau and jotrph lde irfl tueaday iiioruitik to attend the 1rovuioial hriutiaii llxiduaxor t onetitnn at rt caxtxaxineb iwwkffti po ttrn wtnlrrirlmrwrmtmrfbry hi waa a delightful 0110 and lie 1 bud in hia p rallies of tbe wonderful fair miaa eorula clark daughter of hev dr lark of hamilton formerly uf mil lou who took hor m d a defroo tbe ld 101 college in juno laat baa kiiiu to take iho h a courno hi victoria umvoralty fur iwculy puuiida uokink bxtmj at iiamikj k 0 1- or bbiu chrap three kood acond hand of pianllty lliwer l0tw iiautity bible atiiun now cherry bod rik wi1v caiuo a watch thai don hin rkillt whru uu can xluvoy i11n1 11 midu lu liu ri al 1riuule a hi wlph there in nu rink about ll fur if wo eenuit make it 1u11 lu suit you we is- turn van the money i bin ta not pedlar a talk who uu will inual likely never aeo n bn from innlo who baa been willi you lor il years and who will positively do aa ho soya wo camiol uiaka ovcry wutch and look keep perfect time but if ll can bo done v jin do it lur uarululueaa in maklii our 1 iiiiiuulluiii niakoa it all but linpoualblo for ua lo fail old watubca taken in onlatio fur new uuea lriiile lb jnweller duelpb afiit beta mr h haa had tbo most pluaaaut rutalloiia with i bo public ilia obli muuner and careful allriilinn bavo won for li iho hirciu of ttioro duluit business wllb him ah a cilieeii bta courav lias ihtii blrailfurward and ciiisislent with bia hrlatlan uharacler ho will be mlsirm lu tbu burcb and bunday tjahool oircira i ut lh kindest wiqieo ut tho coininiiiiity o with him lu bis new field mr htriekland in a nutlvn of waterloo couuly slid nerved in ins earl lor jay a aa an lateral or a i hhin ual 1 lllbto hotol lluln tu over 0 ou ly the mcoualhl llwcdn acton machine andrepjur shop grindell wright uaohlnautv aqrioultural lmiltm ln i r utkam fitting timcfnd r the magt new store gjiafix in tbo heart uf 1 mer wyndbam hlreot with tho urucst platea nf ttlaaa in the horn 1 11 inn of canada wuoi the beautiful white and tibld front with the heal hhl moat room and koiieral cortvnniinc 111 ti city of queli h thin ia thu new dry dooda h to re of e r- bollerta co mi mill ton 1 in it a kouei al 1 pih lutmenta tn 11 u10 of in diae will 1 which it tilled la be olid rum pa rn ihr en points at nkej uu o hkmai ly ki ml the 1 10 of the at 00k 1 1 tbn iml fn b api uce uf the it ouk llivril lb- 1 er bi irtfaiui xk rl laat bn 1- iru and lot oared out our lelv s a ud i uur atock ll iruujth out it now and uud orful ly ohoap f- ynur xoatih iieediclcnntng nhtl aluitf oulc uilry eighteen matithi if ydu iloutd piacrvc its tunc- kttyiur qualities consider hi that tnin ttc bahtueevlieel turu on its drttcatc axis ijt6soo- 000 tuna wi dtfts nut rest at f inght f ukt ordinary macfihtcx y but ketps al its xourk ncftutgiy yon oil an tngtne or a scwwjf machine or any nthcr viechan icai totilt ivauct daily or weekly f but that dthelau instiittircnt of piiteisioit your uatdrzts al lowed to fro uncifled of until it ts dogged utth tlirt and stops tfu hesf of ml fcconu thick and 1 dirty w unit tfl thu condition it wears the pivots and destroys that actness of their fit in the jiwel holes which is mcesaiy to a eojicct performance ll uu took at your itmtch uull a j a conscientious optitwrt t to whetjtcr tt needs altcnhtm qeo hynds watohmakko jew ell err votoh out we carry a complete mtitek pi watch clock jrvurllfy sjeruirjr and rllrerwr jj xliii henderson co aj the mammoth a lov of a bonnet wo acio iiot in hphiii ihape fni 1ric knll tntili t ir ttttii h ih t 1 1 tti 1 ru 1 1 11 j 1 niirv hilui itll with it un in hfllin uluitp it in ffortlij ul tin iltt nl i ilit tluautttlllul llluht llllludl liul 11 hut it is uu iifiitf i tiutii out dreit tftnni ih1 un 4hf5tikft nro kujiuri m niiiilinii 11 rtjiinplc fr iirito 11 ilmilili liil put ud rcsh irflolk lit lib it irtllltl pi h e 1 00 ottmi tnikiny tli mi hm nt in lull huiinn unilil ihu uuimiii- niotit our mnntlpq nrc intu mintnlilr fur the huiirtuil mill ii i lump ottr mthttrv tn hi tnnit rihititi uomloi fnl iiintmiih llu itiillliicrri ptt up out iiikml luihnil- ih hiking til hi luilk uh limiiill oui ciilral hlutk til ioo1h ih complete it ml it will he muni till in inicih ln id mi 11 n iiimii r lolhliit 1 in u iikik r ninth i t totliiii lujip i tfln iiohmv lino l1mi in tj li nihil in 11 l kmul ninth lolliii my l i oilth illfgc fltlilk lltlt hiul n hrrrjt unrnber nt nit rertnetti irnmjloo t s j i imhi ui our cnip ts nut ih loth- me umnrlit imu in unltli h mti- ful 111 iliniii unl 1 tjiriliniir i huup our itiidi 11 ul mhii i k ih ilouiy lunukrs t nu i inuu inc t hoiti tin iiiuiiirk inn m a few lines j oi for to day b uienliou 1 hey pluma ilck llieiu hlle they are ripe i bey are prion jiavcri in every loatanco 1 hiratladilb and mibblh i n dlht lollllnti at i m ti and ulu per iaruietit are very muuli under ronolar nrtcea bcooiid mln 8 and u ihu un i dlhci jllllntl at every price aro aieo lal and exceptionally aheap woods ih al horflk ahoiino oenkral blacksmimincj a11i hkloork alrs 1 utrtnl in a siu a uirv uaihicr wo ran r pair sny nix llln f ullcmaiit uf n lialle b llulllii hik an 1 wuuljj n hobuhy ooiitain manufacturers oioarui lota at prices about i uuo half the regular i i ourth dhlss dodh have junl bad upcmlal uiiporuid jurniau dress ltubca addod wbioh we venture 10 call the hand so meal ooda iu will roa uu any uuolph cpuuter fifth man till iho aricl the lylo tbo low price nf which simply put other blocks lulu tlio baoktruund and tho alen for which up to dalu simply justify our claim of dul ui wo bava always dom iho untitle trade of uuelpl it oouldn t tie otherwise with audi a stock and wat ll fw our mil advl wo bavu i aumetbiuk apeclai for which wo haven i rkim to day lly tho by you ware at our i mllliuorv olhiniik worou t you will you m7 i l is frequently llo ooubo ol a quarrel m tho family ours are not so expensive as to cause one we have lew in tstjt surprise iu i ioj and jhulce tlrucoilea rockury and dlai are at 1 11 haui imi auln merchanlb invito ibu tiado of lhu crul pubtm tbtmnjh an nlrichn imv be i hitlik bim a tlroiii on bladrd km owrror can 1iave the bamo by proving p perty at fur 1uxan oilier if yuu want first lass tunlpli aaah and doors at cluel pi 1 price i 1 t nt a can 11 icvuu udex al hia pianino mill i he uhrbhnl and hist pi i carpets mhbilolbs and di y foods i cuiik a luulilnohm ii lonn uyidhii ht uuoih lly bunt way to lapture itiu fall traii lv to take into your cmfldeire thu hunlrvdh of lemlhcmhal buy and read and a ivor ilrnfl uivii away l u10 wohlof the n iruder- at ihu home uf mr luhnlorkius alxiul 9j wasecurcd part uf it bauu lb nlenlb of a obuiob mlaaiou box j keni y jr i i about tl j caab and a valti able rn worth la the home of mr d lirn bison m i wai lburou ver hauled hr about 17 ua waa aacurod at 1uu1 j hi piiiibon a limy look two lkud udorvme lie i ldrm of a dlmi i llillllt ridi 1 iumaait tlavp kan i in rtnn i hoolhlnttcffeih nf ryrupof 1 icn whn lr nerd of a laxalivo and if tbo father ur mother be coalite ur biliuua the mual ural ify rcatilu follow ua uao to that it is the brat family remedy know rnd aicry family ahould bavo a bottle itiiiti rt iiurd every when mr and li lai wore wa at tbu worlds it a uatdul aorutiuy faila 10 ahuw that y i oinini i huliik 111 broad n t li li u biit wero tdarillijy bold ml ll in p i lie thluvca wutubod ii 11 iai in tliinui h that tbu 111 iala mi enih ai lia 1 lull a iiiltof oidnntb of a lbor iu it wlio i10 11 unsuvirv leputalliiu bio unspotted uim luin knatthbujil concert hern n 1fllsy ukwulwj tu lbu methodist 1 luiili ll 11 lost ritjiiy able mr 1 j llauiuuu virtuj ol ll 0 1 lo moebaiilua inlltuli rivrd a heck r 10111 the overnmeiit fdr flti tho other 1 jy i bia alliuntit will pi li a ii e tldl tion for ihu library a parlor social under llm auspice s of the cuuir ut tbo t roelyferiau hur h will be hold at tbu leaideuoa uf dr marl 111 thla ovcunm hacramoot was d it penned m lii hub buroh laal huuday ur lbuuiaa vuunk ha bcu n appoi hied lerk of the btb hivibioii t lu urt a sue lessor lo tho late wm lylef 1 bo fi s th hill 1leuuy s 1npumhn1b ht uclalrh uowdy b cljchjta 1 kl 1 a w n aauwjtluiiila liulbaiuuul crindell wright torontos greatest attraction run nsw cyclohama jhrusalem jn tllh la of t ifl crucifixion i all ftprou iliruiaalva aa urotly pl sswl willi ito iuaiiinclonl and tnitrtlotttv vluw i v r 1i iiopy mumt to toltdnto alimltl lv ur ilia u jforaiu- othii lall du 11a tbo kindncbb to toll your frionda what you think otuur display 7 thank you h k liollkrl a o aq a 27 lower wyndliam bi hi ki1mi iii i bl jii o jjn uebson co avl tnrri rrvnrg jrrn m bunefit our htltt k i u ill 111 iki 11 i nkc n look n mmclilmco georgetown x x worthy ot notice rr ll lniinu- itnily irilod 01 umlrr ih- i nt i 1 kelly bros been the in mt pb oaanl mb lil in bubinofn i now upporluully of ihniiknif i hi cusloillerb fur llielt t km a 111 iho past and solli it n llieir trad in llu fulii now 111 a position li lo 1 1 iru i nn ehoicral sto k of dtn drycoodb reo mddo clothing huts iind cents furnishings iuiii hm of t 1 1 m b ll t an zhlue bnucnl 1 eoive eeplane mr yuutitt juallllcd l till ll e jh ut aauafactollly mr david aidcinon known ioidniuf 1 nu ubl work at ibo bto of alliiik or about tlro trouble but waa able to weeks ul llna eoui vth hi- 1 ciodltauly and drmer well d 1 lie had been si llio lyd 1 011 ua ill i ih in i uk i hoi auihhlts nai huuii r cr mia lurk i acton saw mills the try till aboll ho uam yuara uf ap with his pienu who settled 111 1alatoy i hock 1 ur a time be ruau a kd iho place for bia fallier after winch hu i i i y h t wuodiluck ia lilted pver a rrpuit that i iiia tira tiuimi nifur mi elbpej uiuii a boardar iu ih bouaa uaiuwl albert hmltb j lur dock ill la lit cr b an kru or 111 jure tliny cufl uujtllloli and vlek uaaadaohe mluarda ltiiliuria runs uurlpiu mik 1 h lbuiuas is ill and ihrraluusd villi tjpio i f ll la b pd abe will ikhin bo rmtnrml 10 nvatth win husband baa add lila farm nboo hi ul i bull o henry moore for i hk henry luwk w held a leao uf the plane receives frttl fur hi work and ajrcc iit to larmliato ibo uaaae na lall i xhlblttpit held at itrnnkvluo tnat i rtday waa a fair uocraa olwilhwlandlnit llio diillnr of jb da and the siikiii abuwura ibo abow in the ball waa fairly cotid wnlle ilia outajdi tuck waa up to the mark aa far aa ualtly ii cmwirirnril allhuujh lu horaoa tho nuui ixir waa unall tu what it tiauarally 1 ho ahuupaudualklu wero tood and tho number of ei it lea iimimiuui f and lljeu a number ul yi rumuved in bia present farm on tl o lwi lit e bolweeu the ouullea of iol and hal ion ho loaviii hue marrlerf daujjhtur two iiviuk 111 manitoba and one near owei hound qtlr 4 and mr anderson died laal no f llioiinuiui ol mr ucawlok wife of llcorue ilrawfok of aoton toriuauy yoaro a realmclud robldcntof lrln wore nttrrred illllbfnitrrmrtrr laat hatllfllay 1 ho dedication anrvicen at tbn urti fountain llinnh wrro coutinultl ibki hun duy hev dr tliltord of i oriia prta br iunlfriiiuiia lur orient and vylou laaa lo t iiimikh a ol jhmes brown our nlrtui tioiit 111 unking you to initio mid hi our utw onln lot lull i ttir in tfntl 0110 oitl vuluu thu tjuuhtion liuw to otlur lullllllll goollrl 111 lov prtcch let klltt w 0 lltlvo mtttltl u slucl ol wu imvo eviiti gonu turlhor atlll uutl nolvuil thu problem ot how to ivu but ini jtmilri lor lhu uiuuuy tluiu u cull obtuin trot putrtuiiig uu hiiititt btihhiuhti polit y it ourhulvi tliihruimin m wk muy hitht ami llio roirot of dotlverot 10 an pari ol tliatown iiiib prioea srlwood and alalia uil ilovo lotitliralwiv new planing mill 8aah uwldoo folorj john camoron contractor lu flltml up tlialulmlii an uaiu nliool latalv ihi uplad aa a trunk laclurf wllli iirfw luaublnary aul la prnparad ua i aud atlliiaua or vi and uouilustl maxh acl btlbm ur tjaxhtw doora and wlndowa aud door franim and druaacd lumber alii i kiwo a sunk ou laud all ordara promptly ntniiilod lo 1 i j01jn oamjjron v 1 ih not 1 tin tin oiirntlvum lo toronto loc our gooilti wo vimt 1 iiiipttiii liiitoriiim vo tlo not rory on loltor utlorn trptn kuropf t hi ml uhtijit n lio rhoonvh wlmt wo wiuil uud wliutonr tiihteri lunianil hciui oqr nuccuhb our runitlly growing tntdu uiui the ovtu incioimui autmlnctioii you hml dealing with un wu long uo ilirx n iroil tjmt in order tijtfivu cuntomora tlio bout vnluc wo uuint hu light 4umtiuiluu wu bnvu rtitontl nutdo exti iiiu vu liuprovenicnth in unr nfoio milurging it flo tlmt it ut now ubout double tho ttitp or auj dry roodtt lloumuin tho city wo huvosuid hlllo or iiotlnngubout if oiifmlor1itg tho bi7t of tto pfneo werfo hunmfin in o little n ho rtnn ce uhou coinpurod wth hu1i mnttora un rumnnaa growth und huroubud value to cubtonmrn wu huvo received up to ditto nmotoun eabun ol muutlea dirocc i nun lhu bunt mukuiti in the world wo do not know whore you vwll hml ttticih vuiluj tut your money un right here in our mn title houm neck ties hi ibis line i havuui i ol i 10 plac in sloi k uu bolobl 11 of hnol lour bailn h l ul shirt 11 th wlll n i hhitnani k il 11 ration lo stdi i fi ni u u eoi u hhts rekdy made cloth inc lu tin duprtnil i 1 r in wop do rlu ilia hoy an 1 1 h pauls thai w ill im nowr b 1 i aui ilefu sty tun ll woi tboto 1 a al tytbi uk you vhnt stk terrrtfuuack l ii wirtu una la tho kind uf ilartialna you may look tor from tn imder m ah-ya- tem aa i iravo stated imitorf in kurp abronit with the times v l itab hum ileal limat be donu au i that 1 will do and liothtuu olao i have now in ato h the bulk of my spriuc mli uud iho bfclauoe will x arriving dailv t hlucoroly yuos g b ryan 5t co 1 guesliph jiubivj x

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