Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 25, 1894, p. 2

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n li i m n hi t li w i 11 iim lr fl rj iiimi v 1 llriil t n iii urr i it il ilifr iini in hun uy jll jai vnii j i i tx otijc rton 3fm jrcss imiuhdly jan 11 a lu i 1hj1 notes and comments i ho montr indfl who set out to blow n tin nilnou monument but worn bluwn nit uiu poltm cclla llirliimllra instead lmo n unci j each for lliclr smart lima nail now they might to be soundl itixnkiml nnd acnt to bwl tim nelaon monument mil bt a landmark long afler thr prnpln whn want to dm it ticbtroytd lun i pjvnuctl away ami been forgotten llniiiillon rrm lo oca all i tic hldaihnwa at iho allfor ma mi1wiiut i air will cot thn visitor j lint rill lit tijctuno of tho iiennril admin m 11 there am forty otic aide shows akin to that of the midway w intra a data foe is charged and a dooti or ao other con cesser ftsturea wlnro tlm visitor may auaiilnr hia wealth hut an was tho case at i hicago tha viaitur will have much m to a t m uni a da t h attend to 1 bo plebiscite vote on tho prohibition jtimuui baa multetf in developing curtain difysrenoea of opinion an to what tile fohoy of tho prohibitionists should bo under tho ixibtmg conditions tho majority for pro hibition wu ao much greater numerically and bo much morn widely jtltubod goo graphically than wu expected thai lomn lliinj must bo attempted aa ibe result but hv whom in what direction and to what extent montreal m ifnw i ho acton hukt- pueiw adopted tho ciah ui advance principle a year ago and nun au trounces that tbo result ii entirely satis factory merchant who nil for caah only llnd tho plan to be ontircly satisfactory and kxjplo who buy from thorn and get uio good atcaah prices find the result entirely sails factory why not compel all to adopt the entirely aatiafaolory plan by abolishing tho imcliiqccy iqi uio couoctiou ul debts machinery that la very expansive to the oommunlty and la far the benefit of a few iwoplo 7 hamilton specials bee rotary carlisle haa issued a circular ouorinj for public subscription an issue of bonds of tho united htalos u amouut of iw 0h 000 iu either registered or coupon form in denominations of iso and uowanle redeemable in coin at tbo pleatatire of llu foyernrnonl after ten years from data of tboir issue and bearing intcrcat svyablo jimrtcrly in cum at the rate of wo per cent ir annum no propoca at a lower prion than 117 ju3 winch la the equivalent of a three per oonl bond at par will be consider i bondb will be dated rob 1 tho new york irw im sir oisttr expresses lytupatby for poor ontario lo these edinmlsoraltug terma ibe ontario plebiscite baa resulted lu favor of prohlbl lion- that u to aay the majority of tho vutera of that provluoe have gmeu approval to a prohiblliou law compared with tha i ulted btatoa ontario la but a thinly populated ooaotry yot bar infrequent farmera now produce all lb jrain ahe oac coobumo and aome or which is uaod fui brewiiitt aud dlalillation therefore the u fleet of the plobiaoltn ui bay to all tlio world lht tlie providoa wauta o mora axriculturiau that ahe baa room for no more pooulaliun that tho ultimate of hor probjwrlly baa been reached w are vorry for ontario i ho canadian 1reaa aaaociatiou h aak iuk ibe outario domrnnmnl to amaud um civil law of libel tile chief ohantfe aouht fur la that lu rvfuaiioo o mattera received in tbo way of ordinary qbwi publiattod lit lood faith and after tho exarciae of reaaon able oaro bat wbtcb may be found to em uioorreot a prutnpt retraction or eaplan atiou ahall be a bar to da ma gee the oou dlliuua of modern nowipaper work ruaki ouub a obaue abaolutely nooemaary in tin liitoreata of jonrnallam four flftha of iho lloua for libol at tbo preeool time naval come into ooarl they are merely tuatl luted for tho purpose of aacurtng ooau of bleodinu publtaborb who would rather asttle than fight the preaamon aak uo pec la i favora 1 hoy merely aew a rai able moaaure of juattoe and protection i legitimate bubiueaa the hailway monbv a haitoit deputation walt upon i government sookinu hctlp i apodal loulalallon a h potation from thi ouuuty waltol upon ui provincial iovcrnmont taat tbora uy afternoon it waa oouipoeoil of lr uobliiaon lloeve of milton dr duok hnevc of 1 rafaltfar joeeph harbor ltoove of eurkoiowm dr wo baler it rove u 1 ijiwaon and john warren deputy iteuvea of fcaijuoaliig j alkiiiauu iteeve of uurlingtou jj w ampboll county ireaauror w y iollil ueova of nation and n mndaay ei warden 1 he deputation wanted to know of the government whether it would bo likely that a by law from tho ounty ounoll aulbohxing tbo wvmoiit to tho group for ita expenditure upon publlo works of the railway money wogld be lealiaed ly tho ugiklaturo by moaiii of a private bill ihoy explain ail that their county fjoutieil would moot tba follow jug tueeday and limy waolod to bring tha matter up than lbc lovernnaeot could dol forocaat how tha private bills commltuw and tha iegu latum milit cayaxd such a bill aa waa n for rod to and both log waa done in the mat tar during 0io interview adulpu mtln a well kiiswii abd wealthy farmer of ualdatoua townabip rux oouuy u now in wiujeor jail under oharga of mlling an lo hia barn la order lo get 4b odruto john warren warden honnrikl willi tho hluliont poulttor in tho council on flrnt fin i lot the raiuwav mon v again i it v o tf rortnlitin i v ifnrnooii v iiihi i rabl mi it of immirvne h til hkiimuluid mid a in i ond rtit n miimnuwitn fninrd ioim ru an uniniil rxprrir un 1 1 all on mini ml lb in uiurn uoro pniulit b hut uwntf nrrpl lr uurlpon an i h or rlrl diitliii llio aflinioon 1 im rirt lltiincbb ath r tin tnrmt n imd made their d rlnrationn an tbn ui lion of ibcwnrdm s thf raiill of tin tlpt bil 1 iuk iho pouitioti to john u arren dipnlj idimof lwiicving mr warren irriud ttin hm lion lu iv graceful npixhi 11m iiiibiih tin u pro orlrl witrdrn unrroi ban imn a rj ktrted rraiilnu of i mjurimif for oor hitlf n i n lurj n waa qrnt hlcclnl to fwjiigamf lowubtiip comic il in 1hiw n rid invs ikm n i moat ronliniionaly n ntpinuir nf tlnv pencil hlnrr in ih7j in h cuc i illy ittoic mn ban fnitbfulu rnrlmnrnl fo tcri ihl rnlriita of tbn inwimlnp and ban thrtr rrcitltuijo for lint lonu ttrni rf acrmct iln will r the dnlt of lb olllii with din art and dlknlly one of bo mont hiipoitmil mattcm wiiih cmn rmforo the oiinqll yratrntay waa a by law to appropriate nnd ilintributo tha money rrcoverctl from tlm trand irmik iuilwny the by law prnmitia that tho built of ibe money flo to thn croup to ix uunl for ucliool pnrpiiub ii ulu r u ot far froin aitllitiiint acton municipal council dnncornwlll hnvo to pay for mora thantho plpor in future on monday evening thn omnll unit for the ancond tuna tlili iar aftlraimiel hat on lbc uiathrr and otbr kiiiiirvl lopiiu llw km took tb chair the inmubprn prriu lit ttiro mi hbth uttmll william i nun inl vuhrtmu ih mimitcrt it tin ptf m nitt dim tini wori rtaii and conllriiiol 1 im ill iwinn report win tin n uiibimttihl hj llo himi i oinullttcf and occiiptnl j k hurt ifc-tltfm- iho followinn uiitioiia worn miivo 1 ami uy too iumii bc- n 1 1 by j uilliama that it kenny ii 1 hewn and kobt wallace ho opixyiitoi moitibara of tho hoard of hnallh for llio current year ily ilavill hocondod by j u illiaiua that the charno for tho tonu mali when unod for abbcuihltea txi uigla tollam liisteail of four aa formerly tho round adjourned at i board of tducatlon aftor buslnosa la ovartho nowly elootod momboro entertain tho board rhe iiuard of 1 ruatrva of a loo publlo hchnol met on monday ovciitn at 7 jo o clock uniubcib uilticul 1 ii uacdliiu cliftk man oo llynda it ooko aud jamen mclm tbo niluutca ot tho previous uniting wore ruad and cotillnicd 1 bo pnnciial buaiueaa of the ovcouif were the oooaidcratlon of lendora for the follows jaliie italia 30 t o i n i lln watklui i hi j i a j wunn i ill jiilin llolxirteuii i in iuvl1 ucknown i uoual i uauii i i j ik moved by it i k xx d 1 i janica mclani that tlm ton lor of omald mann tubiipply the bcikkii with woihi bi- ourdiiii to the adviirliaumoiil 1mm iuhi larriod die conimitloe on lluaiico priauiitiil their ural rvpirt rccoinintnilllij llio ay ment of the following accounta i i uattlmwi hu una al in inurite iuvlll 1 ml it 1 uoura i rlntliiu 1 n ic t 73 moved by juiogo kyoi bcndcl by d cooke that tho rcixirt of tho finance on i in it too aa t bu adopted arrhfi 1 he hoard tbon adjournci at the invitation of llio newly ellnd meintmra tho hoard and hb ulll xir ivlintl to llip parlors of mm dumi wlioro an mjuyud after tlm tcuviitlug ruiaa luul hocn di patched informal aochra and ainvnr ttoa brartti ujmn tocid odocatloiiatintemttn fnllovrad liairtiiau harding proaiding much aallafacuoii wu oxproal with um new bcbool aud tho aaccraaful work bomi aocompllahed by the ui of teacborv ho ferouou waa alao made to the rojmrt of in apector lcaooii to the county couoml in which thr ho in mil waa iharactorlaud u belli m tbo lineal in llaltou and to hia letlor lo the hoard laat week atallng every member of your prcaiit alui la rendering you oxoelluiu aervine not only waa au uuoyabln xiial loor mill by lb uiointwm uf the honl but into o float will niiprov th am lonov of the bcikhj thb lditoh s tablfc 1 bo aiihidii him for 1- ubruary haa a nob and vanod table of uooteiila anionil which may t found v ilut- i if in hwit land by bwau macpboraou iublle oral oebale by j m uuckley i i o huu day headings bel eo ted by lliehop john h viiicent what la aatruuomy 7 by oar felt ia hervioa the uuaeiau 1arludioaj vr by victor yarroe obearvatioub from a iullmau oar window by idaho p 1 a uoodaeji l i u the miner and ilia rerlla tart ti by ajbert wilt lame jr what makea a catlulio t by ibe llav john conway a m after twenty yeara a tory by ferdinand fried fan d lblllia wheatloy the african 1oaleea by iamela mcarthar cole wlmleu in waahlllgton aa nowipaper oarreepondeula by cynthia j cleveland coatpsbloua of the cotton loom try ltllta b ctutoa wyman tbe jioelry o the number h by llobert gilbert welih and william kraooii barnard and many other mtareating artiolee tha edi torial bubjecta are the pioneer in popular liduoallon tho forgotten writings of noah webaier hoaeahmpiug hoard l n tf tliera araltiauiakraiputraaou devoted to the uhautaoqiia literary and boiintiflo cirote hubert moore formerly a kirrtftlun onl drogittat want to bad in lost a tad in ilaffalo on balorday night and waa dead basid hia wife wbau tha woman awoke in tha morning tba coroner ihinka aloobolrtm killad him joaaph iurgar farmer waa driving acroaa tba railway iraok oaar tavialocdi tuesday lienan oipreaa trait came along knocked hia waggon into apjintar boka hia arm lu iwoplaj and brntaadhia haad ha may llvw obituaiiv pttcii mann jr of llu k i h v born in 1 i htgiii it hill f mn if mil hid al tin i i h t jli i liiimrs it- h in i jtfrfr hie wlmlrlifi u im ii f i j another mono miracle i mow a bnioht littlt till lifh was tiavi ri a tnirllli sulfnr from st vttu ij men oulil ilirdly rnid llur li ii nml hud lo tx clotifly w ill n ixl a puhllo afknowh uifiin pt ly hor triviful pnroitli their lkt ui 1 i ni on r b ti ii lim im f iuk ml wlimi 4 liiniik hi iiiiil nr- l hi i tlf in iuhl uu luijtir 1 im fi md il im impratti ithli i ii inn h uork on tho farm an i n lilt 11 it i an ho rink lif biyli villi win h in iravi lltl for milra in dm r din hon f t- oily iming away from h mw f r ovor a nik jon hia irin u- lirrif i n jinttiniinhl litr aluif all hi- hooka wiry rclinlni in ibe ijom fiin of unit li in lit 11 a 10 ii ion fjr nolrcling thn iwal nnnui elniir ard wnrka anil fcom kiiihiij uii neur ihiikit plajrd in iho milk t hii rllin bouely mnrktd all hi i- itu- ailh li4rllun u thn bom of tin nunlklir- nml ihortc or lho tho tnlt ro mmt at j tractne lo liim llu ipti rvliil in ovnry dprlnftit 1 uxirnh work iu lietrr num d n pr ijrr mcelii g wlttn vmy fr mi i an 1 iim nllrudnii r on thn t vn ol 111 ii tnf in hi own rliiltch waa iiiaikrd villi cl x k 1h prorulun mr ial fair if la ai a hmkr an 1 b itij aplrituttlly inliidiil bia pubh prarra wiro imlh rarurat afvrl pnuerful no mm in ktrfit from very nilot of vluiv aud l ho failiiia of our di p tried frlfnd all la au tile writ rof thla hrllovea in tho ninr rtnpimna ol tint which in lt aolf aa chi 1i al llioujitful ami prirf n r jit hiiilive in conviction and self aanirlui in all matti m uf l i trine and dot 1 1 1 ran chnrjrii tiu a j nt 1 in jmr the coltithitu in othra esprtally it thxy lovni to arui- an i held a different opin ion from bin the nuikneari ulinli lurniluauid with hia loath ocean attout four wiira ao kud though there waa a reapiti of about a year lint that tuna it nlurtl ain with ircaned intennil mid on kabbath morn a amoijjirtng a i lull ui liiitoi by xrl failure followo1 by minima aufli rihj i great weaktmnn plainly abowid that a few hour would i lout the hfa ho pnfeud uimivv rui failb in hi ion nvo direclioiii rngrdini hit funeral iibiiiiui ttio lext lo bi nseil i boreal and itlt b m t rm ed away at half pant light o clock in the evening uiew1 ar tlm 1 n 1 11 at l in um ir i i he funeral i rvlcm wre cuducted by kov r hte an hi dtlnit- the former doll v nut the a i uua frum ibe wordu given lobiin by mr maun a ah rt tmio before hindcalhanl bnli are to be found in matthew 111 uiap an 1 i tlh verau u talk oh 1 mb day an eultomo of tho world a loln durlna tho wuuk rnwall will probably mtou ha au lactru railway norwich mlun ofor4 hjfi for tho letec tiou of fire hui rina week a llio deer wan nlnroil with in a mile of woodalork ouunvillo an 1 vicinity ar xrllg coo al lerablu hay and flour hoqlli aj uga oherao acorv i m lo a hmal bio 100 at the worlda i air 1 ant year j fitm were colloctcd lu hcott act tinea in new hrtinawiok i al ijoaaon im ikw worth of cheeae waa ahlgiptkl from 1rrth atallou i lie lal of llio anadlau oxhltiila at the world a tair ba bren rem nml at iort aril or and r orl william i hto mx huabelii if wbeal are iu torage ibe halvalkn army in t anala lcl slitkhi durli l hit hrekofarlf trnil o of tbo i iiuiih i uml wrli a raw unru lo on the free hy iho nrv ii i it niti brl ie at otter vllln id lieailv ipleuxl and will cost mi km hiox hurch hamilton in 0 yeara old mil uf lebt baa jli 2 1h aaaela and a mem bcraiupol m07 halifax baa a x titiou atloat aaklug that a plot im ite be taken lu nova scotia on tho jueatluu of ptohlbltiuu haturday jan j7 baa been deflultriy ao ice toil thn om ulng da of han kran claco a 111 id winter iiiatll ill llic new iork hm mty- it la repirld that john ii u1 irianrerof lalm tabernacle la j j i ikk iho btuckbtd lorn of the woil1 kali at t to g a iff u u r their luvrblmtrtil v 1 mrllrijn u old hraiupuiu ihlji hobimd ly baa boen priuliiuhl to tllo olty odlloiahip of iho moouoi rtl whcarv tin deaf kill lunl ooir wl aa fool i i ullty of itiur lor at 1 rtilrrilloii n h baa hmn nrntcttined lo he balipwl on april j1i kov 1 it 1 uk t wim iim aaked the doparlmiil of tlm lolorlor for a bouua limardaybtiuuil ill moravian- u manitoba mr juhol ial of tern iia formally accepted tbo n miuation dtr i aat welling ton aa liberal i audldalo fir hie ontario irglalalurb mra v lixtbelb lark dml roooutly in mldllnkex ounty had leu aolia ail daughters hi reudojiildrau aud mi great grandohlldreii from every city town village and bam lot of ontario co mo m porta of tha prevaleuoa of la grippe in eomo of them ii iaeplde and many doatha are caueod thereby uoaara 11 hoott co the great pnoting preaui bulldera are very proud of tba d olqoenl proaa which they have built for tha ikum- wboae oapaoltiea are palting all thinga logwtnar tha groateal thalliaire r baau oomblnad iu one machine we bbta onampaotadly race 1 red from ibam ttw fol lowing uolo of triumph which on ooaaidar atioo wa think our reader abauld b l lowed la eee new york jan is 1801 uenllameu wo reooived tba other day itlroaqh odd ot nor foreman moopj ot i the 33 pago paper printed on your pi and certainly oougralujau you upon tbia aohiavnmaoi eomelhidg that baa oatwr balora beau dona on a regular iaau on any of our prtmhmja wa ballave in tbo oooptry and ol oourae on no other machine i mad wa have alau aoeu yaux ioaua of dcoocq bar in aud hold the klod worda apolutn uf oar machinery in fact wa keep pot had oqour leaner aa il apiwara frum tlroa to lima and oartaluly think your aohie mania lu atraotyuingpiipliaiiing cataaod in avery way aoraalhtug to be proud uf with beat regard we remain youra vary truly it hub a iu uaaara juhu uouxall iboiibj the ifitarm uonlraaj jue gboioftoroowim oookary and jum warat t ii bkmitjitau aoiou in tti ri riian i vi in on j tin t i i 1 thirt id iii l i il i fl on i i tl ihlliliii ivi 1 ilo m i i i lit vvl i it i il i i 11 of lb k of hi t rr 1 lubll h ih i hi i pr i lo r rial i itnillit tlm mxirhuf imra hioiih ifrrlnl in arioun piria of iho count rj l in ml ilienl uie of dr william- 1ink iink tor rlt iople and jot in the mo h if a li w there may line r ut iho klailiui uf a doubi niarilui the viranly of ih rehiiln 1 o ho raiidi the wnur uf linn rtit tn roticpm t in have jiaitm thti ptnl a il no to avoid the mirarb column uf the papcru but now- ho admiln that wire iho nytbliik like uial vliichanin under hie jh raonal ohertallun a few tan ao lie pririrloia o muol mv li mliili con liming thrao pllla aijd tbnr ruraivil pb rju tbf avtnny dimiatwa li nhl tl 1 all in heir rm u iftst inik l rc trior waili i hii mr and mra john fiudaay at ihtir me i it 31 on 1 1 ii s lauhip ol mm an 1 li inurd lo llio wofila uf irate fill rfcknuwlodgiiii nt whiui ml from iheir i t ttlulp doaeribing the terrible malady from iji i no of lllrlr eluldreii lind been biiflrring aud of iho cnmplola rcutorallun to bialth ifkctcil by tho um of itr w ilf iiiiiii iuik imia irappcara that during tho winter ol lbil j iho child rmiun ijla may by name and now agrd about hotcii vrari conlraclul la grippe one mghl durn g hbr illneh her father biard her niri am and rati to her bed 1 he eliil i ap mar i to be in a urrilio friilil aud f r no mo linio could not iki perilled and al lliough alio ipparciitly ivcowrol fruu iho uiual t inptomb of la gnppo ahu waa never tbo amo in health and nlreoth hrr norvnin hjutem we mod to have become dc raiiie1 aud ai lime nikof the terrible symptoms of hi ulhouy a or st him dixtorb dls all they could for bur bu in bu ad uf etliug belter nbu tccaiii worse until the jiarrtiu had jveu up ail iioj hli emit not hil in ralr nor rould ahe take hold of a cup when liandnl to hrr blio would frriieiill fall down when at lufiiptmg to walk airoia tb ii mi and hid to be closely watched for fear ahe mibt at fall the btovc uld alio ait on a chair 1 1 teemed aa tbouh tbo had completely iol control uf her hoiba lrlor to her ilhieaa alio bail usual ly bbblaled in drtabln licmcif low her parents had lo hold her linbn urbeu pulling on her clothing him could not turn lu r aelf in hid and her parent had to lorn her sho waa wrfoclly helplcai an 1 had almost lost the power of ajiecdi when nbe did acak it waa wil i dilli oily she was un ler atooal aa her tongue waa drawn to one aide and bhe had loet control of it hlo had a attaogr demented iihjii thai f oreb nle llio lua of roavaoti tlu ounditiuu ol llio iour child waa pitiabl in the extreme one dav about the end uf january hut lliu father read uf tho cuo ol lit la lrnoal duke who ha i buen curnl by or will lanib 1iuk 1 tilt aud he secured a box from mr hrown druiibl of shelbonie 1 boy com mo need the ircalutul by iviuj iho child hi r cc pillu a day ouc a ltd cacti meal and never varied from that treat incnl lu llio cud uciiitn ttia tiial box had been uaed thay nolicod thai thn little irl a appetite was improving and by thn hum three boxen were uacd alio bad imprukud lo a marvolluua extent iu april laat tl child having fully recovered in mo pllla yore fclveii her several moutha have paaacd allioo lllcti and there haa been u relapae and no 1111 of a leloru i ho lei 1 1 hie maladj 1 hn cure aecaicd i ik com plnte and no further irlicino haa hcuu re jmrttl 1 ho parent xtiu roiplialnil i that dr wllhaiua link i llu rl iho hfo f iheir hltle h 11 william link i llu x iill for ail dlaoawe analog ftum a inihvcr laheu coiilllioii of the iiihhi or a ahallered coudltluu of the ucrvuua imcti auiii aa bt hub dance locuiuolor ataxia rbeu mallbiu paralyaln aciallca the after elfocla of la npp lusa of appetite headache dlixuicca chronic or alrlan kcrofula elo they are also a bpccilti for hia troubtea recuhar lo the female ayxlem uurrrotkm lrre aupprwaiin an i all fuiiua uf female wakiieaa build in auew tho blood aul reaturiu tile u of uoui to pa lo and allow rlieeka 1 1 the of lui h llioy tlucl a ra heal euro ur all aim aruiiik from mental worry or uvrrwork uf any nature- i hon pllla kir ool a pur allx liialuiliia 1 ilt 4tlluiuimu uic 11 i i m v r i ii tei- brimful t lllt 1 1 i in i h r if ram- all w ii i fll i 1 11 prih ir firm r nrlm it luiuiai ial ihiihtraliuiio aud id il i fre to j uih tiding taijru and imli i rrii llrm ar ifllnl i an 1 ill 1 fo npy di gro i um in riu i iim u old plijhiiian nilirol llrnm tirnrticn liaviun bud pla 1 lu inn ban la by an lanl india miihonir thn rormilla of a miopia vegetable remi dy for tbo upend y and jicr nam nl euro id oiiaumpliou ilrunahitla atarrh a nth ma and all throat and lung affectionn ami a jwimlivtt and radical cure foncrvoim dihilii an i all norvoon fom jlainlh nflpr liaviutt trntnil lu wonderful riiratlvt vvi ra wi tti6iinniida of caaoa boa fxll it ino duj to maku a knowfl to all inn siiffrriug frllown acualcil by tilla motive an i a di ir to r hove himiah auifering i ill wild f n of charge to all who donirl tl ina hn ip in axninn 1 rotioh or iiili with full dirirlionn fur preparing and unini sitit ly madlty addrnaaing with tamp iiajmtiu thin pajxir w a noyki rtjppuwcn lhtk liocliosler fj y hie tliu block of fancy alippera at tba kcadiiig mhrwr urorr hnelprr w mc i an n i ii iftihh np irnci buruts knocked out hy on i hat in rln n bole hi the trati heo it alj 11 mattlu w a acton if j on want aotielhiiilcoiu tho way of a nair f linatuiah hlipra for jour huahaiid try hiss hi acton tin uhtaihht and ix at place for r oil 1 hih and dry oooda ia inn tin iii s s iii wer wyndham hi hove a very nnd courflu 7fw7 an surrvrlnfc om lunff troubles vfcj hnvajltrat vlca through y- i anjtiircatonyd with com m nsumptlon aretlircntofijtd with is what yo ie0uihe ws furniture remnants remnants remnants if joll waul iloulil harm i ingle di of aim tly pure lg j ii mallbowh iton 1 1 and whin j on art having any jniluig dune you inilhtamllhaveit w ii done iho itu ll i aa job printing deparlmetit doca work uf tho uncut iiuaht and prices are alwaya reasonable 1 r ua with oiir noil order itev ur i lhtwitt i altuago aunoiinced laat sun uy nnhl that thin coming up ring on hia twmit fifth aiiuivlraarv aa an lor ho will ri from the hroohlwi txbex narlt kiving prukirtiea ana uotluu that could llijiiru ttie moat jolicalo ayatelu th wilhaura innk imia are 4u uwly- in buxea bearing llio um irailn mark and wraper prlutei in re1 ink hear ul mlud that i hoy are never auld in bulk or by tho doaeu or hundred and any dealer who off ra aubslltutca in una form in iry hi j to defraud jou aud abould bo avoided aak your dralora tor or william 1itik i ilia fur ialo ieoplo and lofuae all unit- liutia and aubalilulob or wilham iuik illla mj bo bad of ail drugglbln or direct by mall from lr wllilama medicine ouipauy htkikville out ur bhonectad y n i al ecu la a- lui or ata boxes for j 0 ttio prioe al which ihoeo pill are bold makea a oourae of irealiuanl comparatively tuaipouelve aa com pared with other ramedlea ur medical treat moot the iaaue of the hrlmrutvr for march ka the great bpring aunounoeiuent number and in ita arliallo display uf new hlylca and general atuactivwoeaa it ia au per lor to any formar n amber of ihle popular maga aina in addition to tbo uanal eutertaln log reading there are several now features uoliood this month one being ao original and decidety fasci dating hoarf drill that will be im mantel y popular auother ia tha raaamptioo at lu articles on the ueee of cnpaj andtnnni papars with llluatra- uona and a third ia the oral of the prom tawd mtiaw of paper on uygieuio living tbo uoawatumpar la apaoiallr considered hi boo dainty cookery hints to uouae wtatfia and tba articjo ou household iteno ihutaa which treau or the lbapainng and rollablbh of tba woodwork of furolloa hlll wthf r j f ili m will boll food for serious thought in the concluding chapter of child life tho aaoond i natal ma nt of uoature in hlooulioo ooatiuneai tho aubiecl iu a maaurly way no sal and i u tares ting forma for outer lain omuta that era axroaable aud iepoaaivp iwdsaeajaadin a woetal ctsisjf arusma tho taa table ia aa bright and chatty aa usual aud thing thai ouuht not lo u ltiahhs praoltoally aud auggealivcly tslu able tult n arko flower cnlturd for iho month ftud new and in crest log design in knitting tatting netting crocheting etc etc tha alarcb number s uuo uf lbs batter tha yrtr wlrh which to bfuin a sub aoriplloo which ousts one dollar kinglo copies ib cents addroaa irdern to vhp vfjsnifor iubllahiug ou of lor on to md m utcbmond ht rest weal tunuilo ont i f sjueatda ualhrairor luirmmmlhum knowledge bnnga oonif rt and imiirrtvomont and t i ula to kii uu enjoyment when rightly uihi 1 ho main who livo bou tr utan t in round oi i j y lifomoio with i i oxiksuihturo by mora pniniptly uliptiug uio v i rlils beat prnducbj to tho li da of physical being will ftttert llio vilno to hinlth of tbo pure in i mil iimiimo piliiiplca embraced in tho mi is rviuptif fib itn oil lit oco ia duo u ite preacntlng in llio f i ui in at acuphili o and pit on nl t to tbo lnnto the rufroaliltig and truly uuliclit r mtrtlca of a krfict lax niuo xfhnt it illy cli iinltg the sj nuiii distil g c ma in in hoo bud fours nod p iimiliitly ciuiig ciiidtiialiiu it lux iiv t ii aatinfnrti u ti millions and im i wiili tliu b i i i uf tho mudlcnl i f v- u- a mtn on tho kid i r ti 1 ii i vnrh t val on 1 1 y llu in no 1 it in in lit i ly froo from evry i jf 1 loinilil i bw f ljul nuvlo l all drug gimn 111 t ihil n hut it ib illniitl f s i h i i i in ck- al ll i linn sin xr iii i i nj ll 1i1 wul li i tux- l ii ii i i niluto ll itrortmi wenkly free press far2c a home for 1894 11 si horn i ti nis um klitamikl and lufnovkd a mail l l astauil y falkh veterinarydepartment wrllera full uauia anil lilrou kosli uuiuihu ailllaiaii culllalu tlvv dr tbi inaan a aormuii lallvareil ttia huuday rovtoul wakeiuaaa wamlfrlmta and ollt wrluuffa ly lliia nlnl ralnl aulli r ahrlcultural uatlar illuatiaual lillaa 1aiu illoauauxi a burial tais and ullior intoioah u isallo a woekly nmdo unl uual subscribe now i ilea uiu dullar a nu lu liauixi loi itio vveaktv k 1rwaa an 11 ib 4iea ailenta ataiileil lu uursiirueuuvwi i riot lo aoliott aulworlpuoiu froo pross prllitlns co london ont aftcr a fuirucccbbful season l we have a lare numlrtr of remnants ormanlle cloth dross goods wifitcys prints muslins couonadcs delaines shirting ilannels i lanncuettes tabic linen ticking etc t u lso a few of our largt stodt of i y and 1 lotley oinb wool shawls left from 25c up wc have tjh fcw wraps at 15 never old for less tlian 215 a full assortment of dtnts 1 urnisliins hats caps shirts collars iks i ndcrwear etc i tc in many cases at less than cost price i vrrjthinf has been reduced and must go to maki room for our spring goods dive us i t ill and s e for yourself that our prices nt light a it odtl jai ksts left uvci ol ceilts up dwrnoco rcton c m and m st thlfi hartdeomo sideboard extension tobto and six choirs au ik 5olltf0ak tlik dinino poou suite comflktk for s900 packed frse and frftighl prapaw to any nlsce wllhiil 100 mllea of uqelrih our chrtbtnibb goods am now coming fn and wo ar going to sell oak itqcking chairs from 91 do up we havo trie largest and best selected stock in wntcrn ontario call and see our stock tjbo ptoplao popular rnrnllure btors dppor wjnadhniae p sprkgge cuolph fitbt jtbbertistmmts the lion k no respector of lvues a blaze of bargain shoots iioiu cvci counter at our iinal round up dissolution sale 1 lw m the huiii hiilbt unit 1 icji 11 liiicnl iiciim to tiui most rijul mlis of tconurn j d williamson co duia n dominion boot 8c shoe stoee kenney bros acton per cent f 3q rf reduction i in order to make rtxim for our nana tiiiriiig block we have determiusd lo gia a rulinsu in uf 11 per cent on all oaali urcbaaaa for tbo toxt tbirtv day a it will pay yoo in rnakn yonr porch asoi of hoots anj htiors from us j- u 1 wlt j stoom o 1 ink v ill shawl taps 1 t in viiu t ul in u ih nj itpalling ii felt t ait f ul uleiuion kenney bros acton music 0 mj store will be open ever at ok nlgbt tbia nionlli until uino o o luck to ivo you 11 oiimrtunlly if ydn caiim5t nail through an on im ill lay to call and aolett a ma no qhcajt music uox tlujtah 11anjo riutk or amy mlfsit a i- i 1 u wiab lo iiavo for maa i bave llrm all ai il will sell cheap fur cash ilaiioa sj to v0 cash and tt per monlb oruana fit caab a oil lt jnr xnuiilli hccond lis nil mclmlona auj organs for tli up lu ttj on easy terms dw kellys muuia aroitki come and see how cheap wo sol a 1 ut lolul silvor a tern aritul jiondaiit sal iskellsd hliilu walcai oux low prloca ii thia tuonui i aur prise tha olosoat buyor naw lot ilcs uluer llgm wak lllh o iiurobasoil saragerfcoo 1 cuelph i lu imiui rittto ii a home paper read by all llic family it givci all the local news and it is prized fiy every render money to loan allu or tlllno provsrty at rsaa oalla ratr aihit i st0 kwood wanted 1lt or all conlaol crn body tnaln alilaa i liirlina lona to 1m mlltonxl bv lt uarcb inrr i naaa orrn it job printing inc i t iiimi hooka pamiblaa ioalara lllll hoatla irrulara 4c ac ripcotrtt in tlia bat atjrln nf llio aft at modnralo price and on ttiorl uotitn ai ly or add ma il 1 mooilb flint lnaaa qftlc acton wvxtei uaii ui work lor ua who rtolro in mahu mono um f an 1 winter durluu alack tlniea i- icellntit chaiics 1 llfaral r if you hsva aire tin o f work or ltln lor a par luit bualflcaa wrllo lue at once rltlu t olmi sunnryman llochcalcr s 1 01 m n wanted uarrlbil tnan iirvlnnwl cominrtabla bouaa for la uas uuuaa u oouidaanca lat uarcb a tho wellington mutual fire lnauranco co il annual 11 sot i 1 ial hire luauranca luiiiimxui a oltlm fm lo roeolva utsurractorriupbn tdl tbs lianclaj utalsnsxul for uia autl nuiar bualunas ralavaul u llio uaauni 11 order ligued ciub davidsov higu christmas goods i mrs b w nicklln curna olasswarx rascy goods builablo fur brlstmaa preacuta which slic is selling at a ootialdcrablo reduction gall and see her assortment brislmsa roocrio fruits bjulm outa candle sic j 11 roal variety mrs b w nicklin vortior mill ami afaiu ilmau it will pay you to do to waters bikikt ax ajtoaoxsaodaiul autyu rox new years goods mxw ficnrnxs mkw styles or ritammz uoolii buttauhc tur rwoxwl 1 in ifdmciubtillle pak1kty u i 1 ilh ii iton fkek handsome threequarter lifesize tkel rolnt crayon portrait free aa a compliment tuuur many uatruiia ai d tba public gona ally for 1 in lime we ars iiutug lo give to every iaaki iutibacl of tsn dollan worth of ld a thrum tuavrfar lif- i a family but tar wliiob tliv would like ts bavs repro iucsxl fi a life liho ami iluraliin niamur call al ouoo auil see bhhiiucii al our aturs what mora amiable lur a promul t ami ka uor liberal uiler will inuro imiiiodiaio orders in largs 1 is d jnntda tan tol lara worth with than givo ua any picture of youia friends that yoo wish lu have nil la ik ail tbalramo aample of wbicb you will as luouracirr together with ilia glaaaaul monntlng will only coat 15 m 11 rs in largs numbera jour aarly vlait losuej 4 o bocure one til ihcae iortraltb ou oral booraantryhoes w vstilliams dialu l boot3 81 shoeb slippery rubbers tiunkb valiios kupauin puiinpll cimliil acton

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