Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 15, 1894, p. 2

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n vim v lllfl llll slfnnf lulli hi line ii ill ilaiii it ri viii ntaiaw in s farmi tl mit hit t i wilx li lulililwk 11 nohmimi itll r r ihii at llinrenllenenf lb lirhva fniter by lie il i l ifoll llrltnliort llguin rl nolr loaliu ismi al i mi no- nil llio mil uarrli hllaha i em nil 1 voanaiil nli n tli ui ii if i i at tit mi lolirs of unttlilna i am i rl i rli n tuewlat 131 1 uartili jane mr lllllan brmltll years tniut81ay maucfl ll um notes and comments ii jaautcdqo jmod authailtjr hint urn anadian lboiuo hallway fin pol intend to do any conn rult inn work during tho com liifj an miner they look upon tho present railway facilities aa nmnl to the rtxgulrc moiiln of the country at prreatit i tin itrf iruirr evidently ban a remark ably lively imagination it aaya humor li il that ahoald mr horns crry tho coanty by a cood majority at tho next i viitolsl elections tin will al tho proper time renln and run for tlinpomtii dr webster ba k tho nominal llio lcialaturo itul if oourno thla ta only a minor and t tiara tmv ba nothing in it at llui nlliolal lunern jfvati in ixiodou i i if- nn kalurjay ntht the outline of qnmn ware communicate to thn guest tho in am point the apeeah concern elah disealahliaomci reuutrali n reform relief of evicted in aula in ireland and amcudmrul of the 1 actor v acta 11 under tood tho aoncii will ruiiuin a urareful inference to mr gladstone a service and retirement iaal thursday iho nomination lo the local leinlarlro of nova boot la took place and there waa riot oca election by ncclarna lion a politic coo lent in ovary county ill help to bnnii oat tlm vote on the pro hibitiou plebiscite which it t hot iihould lie an larto aa possible in two contest there are uo conservative candidate opponent of tlm kovernmont bain in cm a prohibitiouiat and tho other al docndonl a vole on a petition for tho adoptiu the soott art in rifarloiioiown t will be hold on april 1j tho act waa adopted there in ihtm by ft majority of wl a petition or repeal wu defeated in 1hk hy 10 and atfnin in ihh7 hy jo but waa buccmtltul lajsju by 11 tho atatularv throe years iiavinj- expired the temperance peoplo m ffuiuu lo last opinion attain on a petition for the ro adoption of the act a few da a ago a deputation called on hir oliver mowal and asked him lo piu legislation to gtvo women hie franchise on the name term aa men sir oliver taid it vaa uaclcn lo attempt to do no at present aa a section of hi own party and a major lly ol the fonnervativen wore opposed to tlm movement ho aaid lie wm personally in favor of it and although he could hardly lioie to live to ace those hopoa real lied ho had no doubt that aomo of the inomban canadas capital ion ipnrhnrriiinl will totlny for uair nnunl sobblort only four ncv memdtrs oritht mar m bvrrilliuik i nnilinpth rrnwpttitiiiif vtrlirniimt i rxwanoen tttisiiawo 1 hi re ill tin ai uiiiinna4ly aiiinll ixira uu mt tnl llicy will boovltilj ilhiilc iwn con cttbtlrni nrtwolttiirrsl tl ton anralioaard hir i attire irani olta urhn aiirctwia 11m r llmitonrilil hn iiriior maokinlooh and luljlnj ancnurer who wiu tlcclcr i fill the vacancy raiiord b the death of mr it i lonlnn 1 he i ihoral ar hon laeph martin vinnp wlniurwly mr lliijli john mcdonald rtaijin d and mr u h harwood atidrgiiir who rtirtmila mr hiikh mcmillan una lrd tlio pcrt inilifttionw are that tlierq wilt b a larger number thai uausl of tli mombrrs or both ilnnaea proacnt at thn openitik tint lieinij iird abcrdijn flnl j fr it wan tpeoln that tlm opoutnu wnnld he mo than uwiially kv jil thoajih there will lie the riialorfiarv k of honor andoaiwirt apd shkcmhlaue ot ollawa m r lite on tho flunr of tlm hambor the dralh of iady abcrdm n a father i caat a ttlnom over the foahtitlra anil ill will bo ahorn aomewhbjl it tho aplom which ihey were rajwcled lo aaaume hi m ii rin nik riiuovr it undaratowl that hir janiu cirnnt will mo the rwhlrow in nply lotlit fruan thn throno at dm bcmmiiul o ll approarhliik nntaioit ll n itatnl to hn now iikmtxr kirfirih thnt lutj hut hi irtmra ailmircra here think that ho hiuiiii have the honor thin tear lo aunalierhla n otilr into parllnmmitarv life mr urn lam tho new muiiatcn mi mhrr wh auccwuuulo i a in u ft i fitiriluii vi iho ribum mot uhi krlil aamn ilntjra wl lllllllll fllo m lain in iii it fm lathi mull f llllun iytt millop li hif irni lln i lifi it fitu ll lllrht th rcniid thr atldrra accorilinj to lh annual rfxirt if th depart mftit of inhni affair fwluh ha jnt ihcii ibhird jlnrc art in tin 1 iniiiint n 717 inlisiitt of nlioin tl iii nn xl down an icnitivn nlholic i imi ni rrolptaiilh and j 7i0 ax porfiim ni rellllon la ivrn fur indiaim in the rmiou portiona of the dominion iiumtxnii i n in hia rtiort thr lipnl hup nn triidmt tonnral aa u thai altlunnfh thi witilrr ohfll hi wa uountially etld lh indianri nnirajiv wcrv prrt romrnrlalih ihe ontario lndinnh routintin to hiio thrmmlvrii thn moat ml iiiorl mid tin naiiirnl lo take up thn nah anl nork o momuv waa a dav of dt lnli i i i i than four lielnjj hen i ht m win hi n jo ihe pnrpnan of intoriiuik tin tarif roiiiniitt- ami laving th ir irwx lirforv them one of tli doputati im nrnmnli il of mtaan w ta lor of tin i rnnt 17oa- 0 h hint montreal ii uuili liralism moiitroal unr aud l 1 0 on nor montreal 1rrill ll onll an wars rstiosul ahout tlwtr huatiicna placed on tho name plai the franchisn ion rcjfardluh a conaiderahle decroase in the circula iron of money took place lu iho states laat inomh the amount in aircnlallon uu eb 1 aaya itr4alrsela waa ffl 717 7h1 611 ou march i ll had dscliuod to tl lijo mi ifii a docrease oi over llj 000 00o una decram appears to have bean principally owing to tho trauaactioua con u dc led with the bond laano tho trcaaory mouay and bullion fund showiui an in crcaao to asliuhllv larijor amount than thai of tho deorcaao in circulation the most nolable decrease lu his classes of money in circulation waa in lha case of gold coin whioh ahowad a decrease of sjo u7 o3b bilver treasury notes came next with a decrease of j 710 u then guld certificates with a falling ufl or 8u 07j goo the williams tragedy itnvxn marth 11 iho trial of ll milsjtr xiwh11 a wll charjfc of havui in i uiiirdurnd the ajfod couple ja noa ami hi wilhama al heir home oo ihe middle road a ml in and ltsalt rum 1nrt rrdil bewail luexlay iikirimig at 7 u tluck the oraitd jury brought tit true billion two indictment agaitml oaili of tin prisoners who were im moil lately r ranged pleadod not guilty ami wore taken back to their col la in the gaol lhm caao againat mcwhnrrell and wal la tho only i rmliial taso in the docket at llirs aaaiiua it la likely to laat all week at then r fi wiineaara u bo examined f ihe crown an i 2 for m w hlrrell i ho jury jincl waa an riooodluuly largo icinl i hi rhalhuigea wen my mo wherrell m by walker i told to ttand aaidc by the niwu 11 making a lots i of 4 1 ihualil were mlhl but only 1j were hut it la reported that tho object of tlirr viall waa to nrgn nn the enmmitteo a lion of iho duties on patent mrdu in waa rcprtenll that tho proprietor of american pilent modicinea uwh to w large advertisers but that of late thi ir ad vertisliju had been annoiialv r huenl mi n niiut of the ompotlllon of auailiati patent mcdicmca foattrcd by the prtrii urtitit a curioon feature or thla depnta tlon waa that it waa i mipomd entlrrly ol representatives of nowaiopts unf rixcnt i to the government a deputation of printer rnpnraoii ll the typnttraphtoal i moan or montreal lor onto and ottawa those latter urgid on iho committee a retention of lha prearnl duties on alorootypo plains which the so called hmploymg imiitera witno time ami aaknd the committee to reduce or abol iah altorothor tho printer claimed that there waa an abundance of phtto matlor produced in anada wlmli gave employ ploy men t to a larg number of prinlira ate rooty pern and others who would in thn iul of o ph it ploy n lit if ft ho it v tv 111 irjii join walnoi juoirn htubba jmjili lavi i homaa it wuin hamii 1 lliotl win tliiia jr imir hiulth totkrl huelr win dick hr 1 rctl itmnca stewart llltlir and will al i well i ii day b evi h im would norm i i iiidiuttti that tlilru i likely l be nearly an many dlflcrout tali a an lo thu alate of the wmtlirr al tho time of lh uul irr an 1 the jn ll dition of tli tr ka around tin ilhama house aa thu re were persona in tlm vu lolly ll slao indiralmhat tjiore la likely u bo a treat advt nuty in the nlurioa told hy dliloieiituwltticbsca as lo tho banieeveiits tho theory i aul up by the defence that iho murder may ha is been cum at 1 1 led uu r n day night and to prove tba probability of wkleh they have auotmoued a doaen or more wiuieassa rccoivad a ijuielus lu day when all lha witnesses wsra forced u ad mil that llioy could not tall lbs lllflcrauoe batweeu iracka mads in tha nuow and ill on rallied uputi and irscks luade durlitga rauiatatin the orowu started out on hi caso by iraoicg tin movsaients o the deoaavaed ou wlvai la bajiejrsd lo ba the last day of tdotf life and abdtu a doaeu wiloaases were elf mined iuwla- ouls timl ciuolitml q bcouv ortha moat laursstlug to tits bin tmy of aimt lu lumift uoi csn axociit iujlla famoua fi ire ball oaae mark greaves assxl 00 dropied dead while running lo a lire at coaliworthoal ffulay john nlaholaon of kul klamboru baa umu noimtiatad for thr lsiualature by north wmlarortb ralrons i also olalinod tbat the moral lotio of thu ineri can ilate matter wan greatly below that of tho canadian aud ijvlculatml to lujuri tin mural of the pooplu eajieciallv ut the young an important cae wan dtapaaed of in tba supremo ourl yealorday ix the pardoning iower oao juatices iourmer taachereau wynne hodifwick and kiiil were on tho bench ll waa the case of the attorney general of anada v ihe attorney general of ontario judgment w gt diar int t sfs wit aaalii j 11 ice wynne dlretitliu till jiientlon ruu ollt of the coiibtllutlonalily of an onlail ntalillr which va in ui the provltioe or to ihe lieutenant ooveriiui n diuncll to parduti lu cuca whldi arose under provincial atatutss hir oliwr mowal auccoedod in defeudliig lit hgia latlon iii all the court welow an i now the huprcme nrt upholds hia legislation by dismissing tha appsal i mot onv maikini i ll- rsnl weal lerntorna in mix llioilll hvinut nnuiliil 7 ikk from l7rt ikjo of itoni iiii- y mr juali ialrmr f the h iprem court of nova hi ilia ban upplil fur auiwrantmali in on tin g jiin l of ill health an order lu council haa been paused appointing mr iuncau mcctiblon bam ter of milton to be county judge of reel county vioo ju l bcutl a mu mortal otv n w vh in i i hi thu pr vnte tliapol at hi i i hull t n sad t l al the aamn lime thai lliu f un ral i th lata iord i weoiilihilh lvlv vuflm fathnr wan ubtii i iri i ml mr u j ihm i o nlutlati han ban revil ii i ft i fc land that ik in- lrinnl lull rai fellow if ihn it vl sttll j s real uritaiu 1 he preat in o of mi lurk vtallae an i wixid at tin moelii u it nniii n ahinet no halurlny tn for lo hi ru iiioura which have been in er nat on that both tout rnllera ar in haw seal t tlie 4iumil hoard tin rial in conntiln uuita i m iimaiijtqluil hinhilih nf mr hln fiord i marlatl ol oiktjile htnrreri thrnominaltii nimiitiii ounly lindlind him at 1 1 11 romrnlon in 1 obruary mr marlatl w u trasj rikiii down by sii illuosa ho nmoiit i i lccln lo iho pionlhlllt of hln ulilrlnkiglho work and rnkiinliillt of an i lint nnmpaign an 1 ho ta obliged it k abroad in tho ln of reatoriig ilia health t dorjlmn cirnim ntanoen it uaiin iinohjtary in rhmno a tjtiw ntandart lenrcr and mi i ri lay the second convention wnn tield in mtllon tor that pnrtoiic coiiiidrriiig ho almoat im pesnihlr condition or ll roda the nnnvon tlnn waa aatiafaelnnly ropceai nlotl in addition to the properly nn tilled dele flalcit ihcrn vvnn prnai lit a larie crowd of cjtiuiiia who hail aoflcuiblcii is lipa the adlroh- lliverel hy hon john lrvdet ruiiater f agriculture tipi lli- tpioa linna of lle hour whi i hn irnleln hm viitoroiih and rhnrai tcrinln titanmr o wan halened tn tvilh inter l lliriuhoiil and at tbcconclinion wan formalty thank ed fortlio plnaatiro and profit which he had afforded the fnllowinu p1acel in nonu m i hnirv 1 wheel linn hr inhtt hnland ell kn i in i lu u- 1 i hr a q iol llecati eon vent im saiw- mt mini inhu wldle ei vtnnn jnhii it lurler i it iherton ei m i- i client lr met rmmo henry itol inaon i i ifiileruiii w ilium mr inl a in turn addrenne the al he who npokn flrnt a haltim hftll tlm u in i hem lo elect th ir man and wth 111 hi ip of life voting ine i in their rnnkn they wnll d ii rrdrii nn did tl iher rrtll ll inte- for vnrlo rea-on- ll wnn then mtelel lltnl without firtker ntmiti alolh itrlitg m h ihn deletnlei i allot for whomsoever lhe leour 1 thin wn ntree1 to mid lh nnult wn that mr htmhnnd ree nrl the i luheht iiunitx r if vol n tli ed to lm and nun i tr m n ioiii eiilhm anin in are plo 1 it mr hinhand m a rotind farmer who n mil a in oakvillo lie i will viinwt halton anil hn lit id different minic nfliria nil the y from t iwnnhip otin or up to wnnlen f ihn ounly lln i jkipilar man and hoi t i ability a platf irm npeaker the 1renlletil lh mil ii chair wan ink n l ui ire i rem i mayor mi nil rl d milt m tho cnndl late the ovnrimont u i talk of the day ll an epltomn ot iho worlds ijstku dvirlnu thu woek s a h tl- n priivlinml ee 1 lt plaofi tn day a larte i arr iaie fa i irv i in be bill i i berlin hy mr crathill if waterloo the 1 on ihunh at at e n rt d vri t i wu ilpeg kt all irew n ntigre have dr i led i ere t n i t40 hll wti ahikey f n- mi itnluvllle have iteen htnvitv line 1 f r li i lug ll jtior linn lo break the inw i wo huu lrvd well ii 1 ogllh ut arrived at montr al n hnltrdny on their way to tho nladlnli n rlh went during ihe ll uk aiinuiirr iea limn out rojnl rllun will lakopu in 1 uruw al i at tmo ll t thu ueo will lllec ve in t ll 1 w ellua item naatliib uutv i in bemi making 1 vu toundn id biillir p r ek luting tho winter all of tn i 1 ihii nold al jl ceiu per pounl jauinl r 1 know t nn 1 n k while under the inlliiuie of li itior t mi home hunday afleiomii at niagara i nlln f ii over tho embankment itmiiwat hun creek and lrohc im neck ev ai0114 t v i p irrrimi ary of nouraski die on sin v in the pulpil of ihn wraltiitnnter lre hureh ouialiv afler uni ilurlng ion of heart fllorr llo retail l hm n i 1 urn irgilnllon auth rilni ll e lli f llnf ftalarira of ivil i v it- nr 1 rtvbt and for s uniforrrrtywteil if oul uuiuuiu tin liuit ilstravge expeiuence an intcnview with a well knqwn grant county lady sufforod for two vonro with slk hunttnchn dlzzlnnnn nnd dya liopnlu how nhn eoil nollof wlml aii known chomlnttt im h w vory hvn on il judhsauoolfuuriiuhuutox cilj ul llrantfortl that boing hnr tn t pont ollh a ami where all her trading 1 d 11 mt and mrs avery tiavo always livtl 1 1 that neighbourhood and be if iho oni r if two piendlll farmn tho one where in ivoa 0011 a mil ni of ifio acna and ll otlicr ijlnt tioar 1 1 ran i ford cnmpn 1 1 100 acres i hi y are highly rentier t in1 lootn of tho community in wh j tin y renidn and every peraon tor milaa arnnmlrkiiow hum having beard thai mm vry ha i boon co rod of chronic dyapepaia an 1 indfgi nliun by the uao of dr vlllianta itnk 1illa a reporter autlltnl there recently aud baked if ho waa willing to make public life facia con corning tho cure in ay replied that alio had been bancftljjod by ie uan of imk till auti waa pcrfosly willing id give hir cxkrinnca for the bone lit nf ihonn who might ba similarly buffering 0 thu past two yearn nald mm avery i had been greatly troubled wiut a very nick headache dlasinnan and a cuuh which i beliuva were ihe symptom of dyj pnia and indigestion and i conld find nothing lo relievo ma although i tried anvcral dif urent medicine i could not even find nnv thing which would relmv my cough which at lime would it vry hcvlic r nrly lant wmltr i read in ihn r of dr wilhaiiit imk illln aud aa ul nympullrtn mentioned worn toiiiiiwljal aim lltar to mine i waa lit la induood lo tiy them i procured a aupply from menrn mccrogora merrill driiialalaaf llrantford prphntlioii ul lie 1 jlth lh irnfrom ihn nftinff i ofhirmp dm m n it 1 lln bhi r nitlmhllal nn ll n r dlu thiii rv tplai jiik imn u y th i im to palu nnd ntlmv rompli x iim in i nn t ptul fur trnuhlva pixmlmr toll rnili iiyhtim and in rao of innii th y if nla rnlltitl rure in all rraiten n inifr mm ntal worrv or nvcrork of nnxyr t ili ii imu nrn aold oply in lx gth ilfiitn jraln mirk and wrapper prtnled in red ink t tlosr in mm i thnt dr william pink illla are novtr nold in buht or hy iho doiun or bun drcd nnd nuy dealer who offers jtubalitatca in thin firui ta trying to defraud you the public roalncaiilloiil nuinl ollmr ao nvlhtl tilool puridcrh and norvir ionian put 11 hii hiinilar form nlidl lion led ta deoeivo i lu v nrn imilnlioiin whone makora hope lo reap a pmninry ndvantngn from the won derful r putatmn nchiuti i by dr williams imk iiiih dr villmmn tlnk jilfnlav bd had of all drugglnla or direct by mail from dr williitmq uodlclnn ompsny llrockvltlo out or hthuikctady n at ml coyita a box or an limni uu 8j the price al whmli the ni piaitro nold makoa a cnarnn of n r tn r illn 1 felt 0 much utter mid relieved from mt ilinlrenniiig aymploiiih lhat i lho11l1l a would lw beat toronlinun tahui tbtm ihrouji the winter nnd i a r lo ly gol aiiolhr u ply and ujed them with ill thai i ha n imu olall ly roll i have not uu niucn had tin athrn which formerly ma lu my lfi miner abloaud m uiujli haa entirely dlaaipnarrd i ntrontl rucoiumliil 1lnk 1 llln to any one who k tiller nimllar lo what i did from diuinosn hcadacboa indigestion etc and 1 bolwi limy mil iuntnfgjuallm iiiufrom- ihor uhi mr awry taluueut waacorrobirnle1 hy her hunbaud who wan present dirint the interview and who nald thnt without a shadow of a doubt imk illla had accom pllnhed more fur bin wifo than any ollitr ruidiciuo which alto hatl taken urnri mcgregor a merrill wu inter viewed and in reply to a pierv aa to th aalo of theae title mr mcdregor and we have sold in the uaihborhooj of mm boxea during iho past twolvu moulha aud thuro la no rcmody wo haujle tvcn liuttcr e at factt on to oar cuitemcri than dr wllllama 1lnk imu i havo cviry 1011 odapaathat rink illla ara ihn hrmt mi ihn market aud something the ooplo uan dc pond upon mr mornl iho ulhcr uiom tor of una well knowu tlnn ntld i have more pleanuro in aelllug imk 1illa than any other medicine we handle because 11 is rarely there is aojr diaappoiiitnoit 111 lllclil and ihn people who purchase ilium uiiaoimoualy sxpruta ihemielven si well satmllcd i am well awuaintml will mre avery and 1 know that all her launnenta are reliable aud 1 havo watched the 1111 pruvemoitt iluk illla havo made ill tier case and have soon a great chain fur thu bolter many other druggist rotoinmend aomo preparations some lime ihoir own to be eually aa good aa imk imla but wo cannot conacieiilumaly aay ao knowing utat aa a ayatom tonic dr willi 11 i ilu aland unrivalled dr william lok 1 iii fecl blood builder and nerve tcnluor curing audi dlbosne nn rhuuuiatl neuralgia partial aralyaia looomolur ataxia hi ilun dance norvoua headache nurvoun ni and wtth oth1 1 ape of tront ioo world s fair ihotob fofi l 1 heso ixiailiful piclurea aro now roai tor doluiiry in ten com plo to part 111 pi lurcn compnaing each part aud llio who unl can lo nociircd by ha payment ol o dollar eiittolin ii iloalurl color ianrt 111 agent hioago milwaukee hi laiil ittilwny incayr iii and ll xrtfuliit ol pn lure will bo sent iron uxhiinn by mail to aubacrlbern lumiuancca nhonld bo mado by dm iivrtnnyordar or ruginterod letter yrch1xil ja obccouriv usino pui 15 khuimgntmuinraon wlyd01ff7 nttlrtleu womdenruilv henderson co 3pring hhts l hih hahbuiowrttjtt n n dnl march 1j on haturlay vl 1 ui 1 i k runt nan v alk eiili r vo lln 11 nil u gun which had ikoii h11 fir m inn when thn rtuii m pl 1 bl wm if hmjlfl haul at llio knowledge rnnfra onmfrt and improvomant at a lenda to poia nal oiijujmciit wlimi ngttuy uasd tho truui who lira bt- tor uian 1 inri and onjoy lifo more witt ivjm eiiajiiililuro by more prompllj itpfnig iho worldn ttcaf ptaollcv w tho ii daof phjaical being wilt attat tho nliio to hoalth of the pur lit 11 id inxnt iv o principles embraced in tho rtmdj rjmpof fir in cicullunco u duo to its presenting in tho f nil iiinac kclopub e and plena nut to tliolojito tho rofroalung d truly 1h n lltiiit piopertlos of ft ftetflct lax at 11 o oltoctiiauy cluiiismg u10 altln dihling c ida bitloa id fevers mid 1 in im illy cuing coiiallintlion it luui gin 1 aittinfnili 11 to liillttona atiid mot willi tlio np r v tl of tha medical fu 11 wiuao it aria on the kid 1 a 1 ening tli sri ry ohjf ul it hi la fill t wtak 1 it in p 1 ft t free from uolu h ntpif jr ta la f r aivlo by all drug ginto lu 7 ii1i1 but it la 11m m 1 ly tie hi ia tig bjinp c o iv wlmaiiimi iiinntrtonevry ihicul auo tin 101 nm piif kn niil tning v 11 mf ntl y a will it i nitli t nny btilwlitutu if dforod ulimrd 1 liilmeiii 1 ore u drill- mr ipl whit ie ltl nad iui lie 1 m u h at tulthu i ilvik uu 1 uui1 alurday mghl 1 rnn in llio i 1 a ataiui n 1 kill it ji nil a girls thu 1 t ullatl off nim vnu out marvh it miss adam living near oueoiialou out was leading a coil while driving with her brother lha cull waa auddeniy frightened and reared lbs halter rope waa wound aroend miaa adams hand in such a way that il formed a doom ovsi lha lliamb and when the horse bollad ha pulled the thumb front the hand litcbahy ntvt rita irokreas of the world tf tin juvptrw tjf tirrwwm la not eon u nod moral y lo a review and discussion of curreutpuhtiosi flnaucial eoononla and aoclolnglaal aveuts lu thia dapartmant of ho- uarub purhbsr for liiauooa appeals a rriort ttfwu tjto geographical and aotenunu explorations thai hsvo raoatitly beam dnrnploted or aro now beta oarrladoo aoooiupettisit by map and porlrftito of tba vipkmra 1 1 lllih now win th r v unk ttila llav grul tlt you f pkwr inetl ill ullli 1 wc arc cllina great many dress good these das ihe tremendous cuts wc have been making in pneeshave attracted attention weii till have a fine assortment in all shades y tnd fabrics to clear and to do thib they will be oltorcd at a lobs ip preference to carrying them over wc have a few ladies mantles to clear f out they arc all new and perfect fitting nul t vt ry one a irargain j ci 1 1 1 luic tlii week vvili t ltt f ivili oiib at lesh than hif vahie special vtluc1 in i owcls i able linens ndpkms etc ii i litp t t ii i- il i lu jusl to hand a 3w vkiai limh f woirei a ana men sootsand shoes at les than cost to clear out liniideraon co spring lll u vll 1 llutev in vnr f i ii iaulieutt unufill hinlamd ll or ooliiimia w i be otlnrwi- ill 1 f 1 i nril ihh h w 111 nil an f r we in t giving lo th publi ilium if the paper linn plouuo1 nnd tmiietuto1 you 111 h mit will von nol indium your that the termn lo aiigh aubmribarn are only fl x a 4tr lnit it wtirtli that aiiinll hum liiiiieiiru tli rigular re l 1 pi uf tin ntmr to your houiu for an outtro yuar loooino lull ynu iiiv 1 1 ikj in atuy oilier way lo w g nwi an advantage if you will j o fin 1 i lo j u juu in sub scrlbliir the two oipini w if im smil for 1 7 w hollal 01 alii onu of our pre unl subscribers will fall to renew ihe aucoqaa of our utah 111 advituio plat a hipt tfjt m yentr s lastds ulu- bsluss thns-otn- ifat of pniuipt paying ailmriunra 11 in itutts tu grow ova wjf vnntk w u appreciate the evid lima of irlculnhlp lownrd lha h kk in an inaiiifoawnt hy the ooiitluuauoa of haiilriln of sitlnmiiptloiia yeavr iafur yuar and iho ooustavnt shiiiiii ma wt are rooeivuig in return fur tin m fantrn it will u our sit ifcwtaiuu pfltrt lit maku iho i iikk pukhh uioro aii more lutvmling and keep it in ovwry rwaicct up to uio tlinos id w il h it tin u mi il luiuin mgt of m ison i hi b m l i 1 jniiths blood tome 1 1 1 1 j alt unl hi 1 tiw in it an m tin torn i yiiilhr la ic i alwasget thr best 1rt pared oni b az a smith co in 1 ru thewhol6 ms fx7vyly v gbreat altc shqe sale ai riii- liijading shoe stobb jstm ivtcijaren fe co commencing thursday march 1st having dccitlcd ttpon fcxtenbivotueralionh oud enlarge- 1 inits of our store we have determined to open a slaughter salt of our tntirc stot k of boots shoes rubbers and otrershoe8 t 1 ml mii will be spared 1 lu vht ic stotk will haw tu leinovl i i u t the ostd luingts so wt will have to hghtei t consitjerabl inl w mt uu to help us hver pair will be rtduced au vm going to sell at ics than iut no matter about tji- list ttit stoek must be reduced dont misi this opportunity you can have ftoni soe to 4 00 on eex pair uf ladies ar icnts shoes i inns strutl c ish no shoca allowed on appoba lion dui nig ilu sab the leading shoe store wm mclaren co iralph bxolvjs11z stvld tlll th nbwbst colorings mbjxllv choice qoods close prices porcksh r e nelson ucrcuuittlloriiifl tinu pdralblipr 00 vttpr wrhtiium nt ouipfa jfltbr ribtrhminml- money to loan h illy to ucl ia11 tlciras townjiall actun r kniiv gh1ht ortawioanitia hollciur nf iatoula for liivolltinn olo llaclntrallnn if trauln mark haul fur ptifal thirty tsu yuara uiwrlnoen job printing innuuihf hooka paimliieu i oalem u iluda rlroulara o o enortitrd in the haal style nf 111 art at nindarato rico anil ou iliort notice annly or addraaa wanted uan t murk lor tl who intra ut uu nctiav uili fall and winter luring lrk 1111 irelleiil chanrn literal pay ii spara ulna out o work ur lootinm liib luaiueaa write pin at nnco fitrdr iolm1 miraorjntnn uochciter s 1 dress and mantle making mffl urciltrnv of umtigovllls wuu frm foe sale or to rtnt ihk larm nam li nil lot al cm 1 1 ooilaltiliig one hundred ncrva n la lrshy offonul for aalo or rem bra scroa uular cultivation halauea and larl hardwrmh tlsre are on i a comfortalls frame liouae uot imi and ilenty of water pur lerui nul tlculara apply to joi j li or wilkin dwiciimmy ad 111 1 u it i rater lor thn estate haujatulu audraou acton fab j ntl iwi ilkut application ltxal legislature of ontario legislative notice notllr l harnliv given luatappltcallanwlll be made to the utcabcakialature of ontario al the nail hosaloii the roof ou hahall of lha county council of tbn couulj of llallbii aud on bah alf of the ralepavars of the count of hal ten and of lbs ratepayers of tbo local portion ol thn county of ilalton whioh waa includes tn and dssoribsd by lha ivouua hj law no tu data1 lbs wtti dar of april utii fur auavj approved bv th ratstsrara wttlilu the aal1 local ixtruoo and 11a aand b lha count council of tha county of laiton in aid of tha conatructlon of lbs ham ten a nortli waatern uailwa tbrougb tba comity of ilalton and on bsbalf of lbs inbabl isnu of lbs county of ilalton for an act to approtirial and dlatrlbut tba moony recovered front tba grand trunk hallway company of canada for damans for tba breach of tha con dltloo of a itoud uso by tba hamilton a north western hallway cocnpaay to tba conoratlon of lb coudly oflfalton upon lb introduction of th said donna hy law for altjod in aid of ho construction of th aaid ltallway tb rough tha county of hal ton aud dallfjnsd to tba cuuuly couoeil oi tba county ot ilalton bsi or tha tolra of tbs rstspayare wers taken on ula aaid hy las and to sanction validate and oooann tha cor porat set ol tha county council of the county of ilalton for snob appropriation and diatribu hon and any hy law to be passed by tba county council of tha county of flaluin for that pur pou aubjaet to audi modlfleatlop and amend mania aa may be tuada by ilia lafftalature aud jmsraliy to laclalnt for th appropriation and lstribuuoa of lb aaid money aa tba aaid lsgisjatura may ibluk sapsdisiit jual aod aukabla to tha ratepayer who have intld ut annual rates lnvln1 for the pavutanl of tba principal uiuuey aud i uteres i of tba debou turas iaausd under the aaid hy law dslsd at toronto thia ttlb day of january a d 1mn iia1h 1 aldl aw a kal ifl k bollcltor tor iba applicant spring s66ds lvcrythuih fur tht- 1 11 id and garden b the pli iu lu or bllillel all tlill jjld uul l trarrre alslke iurfrcr and kcd clou r i 111111th and olher rais s m mc car rot and 1 uini ceds at liw ebt prii s special iuula- tlun fir larc ijuuuitltb j he unl dirt t sltd import 1 btwctn liiinii i ondin ceo j thorp isrtdsmin msmiiik llloik i cr vulh nn t gui i ill father ffiolter grandfal grandmolher gtlildren and all j i tin kllj lll ku ik lit slum ilu i arrvrrtiirmrnts rvrrj hnr in -tht- paper 1 lui tlu stud it to tlisltnt reltties intnestetl in tht town is mini rous post maslt is will ct 1 1 1 f i 1 ihe 1 ot il wctlvl is tht ik st lead publication in sistrnt t it his tlu lunm news which no oihor paptr givts attvertislis take nottee ihe itll ilobs is it ai b st w tal thousands of pcoplcrcvrry trk an adveitisement in this ptptr is i lljertfore of some aeeoun sulist ribc for the i hi i iulss ailvi uise in tht lii i jii acton nsn- 0agnetig batches in thebe days of electricity when so many are coming in contact with dynamos it is nec- ebsary to have a watch lliat is not affected by the electric current wa an now bandlintf a ajthajn oou maa watch aod oan aapplj thm at dutsnnt prkava sairagefoco gbuelph fhek huninoiiit threequarter lifesize ateci ifoltit crayon pottiuit free aa a compliment lo 01 ma mtroua ami the public netio allj lot holt lllli we are tfoiu lo pvo to vriy aah purohancr uf teu dollars worth o ijiwdat rtirnqiurtar xjf aiss faftmt 1 here la not a family but poanonaea a me pilturo of rather mother llrothcr or til ler which they would like lo have repro ducaal lu a life like and durable mat ucr callat 011 00 anil nee amclmen at our atom wbal more suitable fur a proactit and aa our liberal oiler tll inaure innejlato orders tu lartc- iltimbera jour carl viait to astitire one of these poilraiu j n irajs tan dollars worth with un and tbeu lvs on auy picture uf vurntlf or frianda tbat you wish l lam sd tho frame aamnle of whuli ou will ass in oar storet together vv uh tho laaa and moantlntc will only cost tl h boots and bhoks w williams deal 1 11 boota shoea slippeis rubbers trurika valises repairing pronpu umluicii acto4 rr

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