Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 22, 1894, p. 2

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lj j hi hi i ti r ii j i jiiit imijint tlir li i i jih la llth llnrrli ulf f h 1111 r ltoibnw u n w4 uriki ih urn a wtil iran iii nassnawoe on wed nilav wlbusieli in ho a main tfuunsi 1 mhfcrr lolusir ilalikhler i wllllali ml ii hi how i itinvnk t hi ribt i in 01 i htil aisreuta tin wednesday xlanlillih hit j w use r jmin c h bnrowl kjnlnu lo illn miuirl tsitubl r william iriniti hx ill roil krtn fui iii ubthi i f u hip 1hhi or her xmu ii km j holur- llrlamota uivtf nil t lai hi klmsri ann u wmnmt tl n 1 mill llnnalml 111 titrnlulty uvul teai iulilli the loi y ltlhrd hlirrld uurloi airt toronto on halmdat i mhtiii iiiiihi uji ii i hi 1 it 1 i a to intit on holiday tin lhlh of march riaideiiro tcluiguuni1 street west tprnti ijt vrtott jfrtc rrss nil itsiay march a ihii notes and comments it m4ra that ihe council fit a certain tflwnbtlipti nr mf lu jirnit a statement of llin municipalitys inane in december last required by law and now i i lout lloveruor has aiinuintrd a oommihhiaiirr to inquire into lit financial a taint irolo who pay taxes have rttit lu know liow the money spent nirweeiiv w4u uifirvrtttii hiuifcr or roast tlmxttcmiif rain end the wind kern ami hull iarflaui nl llllwaa almost covered mill llio aat crowd whirli throiib to re the allow all i pmserd m much m t fiimil til liuiiui ityn the ntnor tlriicral kill unard- thai it a almost liittu frmli hia hirlliu- the lot rnor tui r hl lh nal hand- r iriittvmthmt to k i he ssiou oiicnrd willi a ntajr hid tlf same amount of ailitit in jrarlibiiriitsiry nrcw kt llir uihnliif of a an inn liaa not uvti ibatniil for vcani aal tut r ten rcoji tin nianr winch naa ijnl abmlvli liral ofllal qltoraqn mlicatnl llia1 llio jirltidl irfilvlatfou ijt tlio uation will lw tlio rpvu ion of tli tariff lho confrntioi willi re- inrmitatitn from auulu llw prkl cabfb to tiow colon ya tlto ucaf faal atmtii litp line b llnlaii and ilia frcncli trratty fcro ll likely tn cauan tltacoaatun them andllinr promnoe lia ajiokcn liolilly in faour o tola prohibltiun nova bcotia parripl ilia ploblaaitn by aix or eight tlioua ud majonly the vote m lullfaa city waa tvtn for and im gffatrfi llolirra iwaw llm province are not yrl complplr the count waataetiltctcd ln cicilooaoul uf polling h rroori of tlin political vutea in tho prmnicuil election at tho duflcriu aaaizra held at orange ville on monilay juatlcfi alacmalion dlt okel of a auil orw lauil in atiarp order by ilrawini lua pen through llm bach uf i he record and diamiaaiiit tho caa the value or i lie land m diaputn waa twenty cruta and the cosu will be in the neighbourhood of tlto hundred dollar lach party waa ordered to pay h la own cota the import from umdi to great britain were about doubled during tbe montha of january and rrbroarj aa 00m pared with the cxirrmpnndmw period ual year the import of anada from grrat dnlain lecreaaed in the aamo period fuui- uaa per cunt mnezporta cheese incrwamd from i m0 to 43 000 poqnda nnh 1 j 0k lo jdooo pounda wheat 1j m0 to 17 000 poupdi tho trial of w w mcwherrell and j0e0- wajaa l uramamon for tbe marder of mr iij mr wilhama port crwlil in dewmw lalt mm on waltirjav itii jfrry ac mill uk walkea and finding mcwherrell railty itefore aentenoe waa paaaetl the latter addroaaed the ooqrt and jury or two boara proteeunn lua inno ocuoo benleooe of death waa prooounood by mr jnatlce fentuaon to take e fleet on june ll the incream id the bnuah navy eati mates for the ytatr 1wj1 a amount to about tlf 000 000 the propoaed espendilure amounlinfi to hc 000000 thia aald tn mean aevrn new battle ahlpa aix oralaera two alqppa of war thirty aiz torpedo boat of a uow model and ail addition of c 700 man u uia aarvtoa it u propoaad lo maka a aim liar increase for ave aocconlve yaam at the end of wbuli time a la expeoud that knland a navy will be a iron ontragh to ncceaafally cipioao any combination of powora in the nova tlcolia electiooa laat tbura day the fieldiug government cored a vie lory iu support in the last lefiiauture alood at 2 to 10 oppoaiuouiata it will have id the new maun h to fourteen p- uoaiuoniata wbile iu majority ba fallen alihtjy it baa teamed a ainal triumph in that it baa wllneeaad the dafeat of mr caban the conaervauve leader the kloldinit admidiatration which ia liberal came into office in 1bh4 it ba thua had a reiu of ten yeatra and there are uow four more year bafora it tho present is the jubilee year uf tha r ulo lu6r which waa established in h 1h14 duriuk iu fifty years l m ii a m w t elnieiy hum tl the politics bialory of canada and ila coarse hsa bren hunrat straightforward and eon laletil id tho days of its founder tha lato hon ueortco llrown journalism had more if individualism breathing tbrunich its oolumna than the case to day and the editor ami hla journal thru wielded mi influence iltrn in diffrrenl apherra the olor lias heen under varmua edlloila1 isnaeiiiciil hut in all ila liialoiy it waa lister mors ably handled itian at prexnl it la jp tu the times in enry respect la oon duolml 111 a lair and cu liable manner and poll 1 1 oa 1 1 ixinenla rrcelve charscllatloally lmisrllal i res tine n i in all reports of their mechos upon the iucatloiia of ihs day tho tnanskiutt editor mr j h willisun has nobly sustained ilia prestifct enjoyed by tbe ouae in the palmist days of tha llrusn admmiatratlon 1 be oakville star hsa boon boycotted by thetoeu council becauae it did lia duty in ahowiuic up ihe taotica of uisnibaia who dudtfod s kpular desire fur rid 00 1 ion of licenses by abecnilnk themaeuea from the oouuoll tneetliik thus ra ton ling a ijuurum uutil the lime erniitled by law for pass inu audi a by law had aspired tha slur baa loyally apuhmi out fur tha town a beat lit eras u and deserves better tree i man i than ll la just uw hauu aoourded tlut uie sfur baa tho saliafaotlon uf knowing that the beet cntpls of uvntbwn appreciate lla course in tbe matter tbe rvypl tritp fur iu 00m men hnn uiou tho mailer says tbe star did lie duly in en liaising such tactics aud uow die councilors are ketltuji back at 11 by sending ihe muuicinej ad verltsiug to a newspaper of a naiiibborinn town tlia autl urohiblltua elemeol will sloop lo pretty small baalnesai anywhere but the oakv variety la evidently eo tilled to a xx brand for ptoayadst inanity ten to one ibsae hem rellowe who volad ihe u away to a rival losrn and a nvi newspeper will jabber aboel ncntectltui home induatry and eiioouraio boma an ter prise the house op commons j ho otionlrtk cnromonlim 1 iim bpimrh rrorrtlio tlirono tho ihuikm qrouutt oiwn uafaten reoi ub till turhdav lnn mar j so lirllliaill anl up tmt irlinnint as wait nlluraatil ial 1 liursday ha a not lak plat amro ih7h whi ilr itojal ii1mk hit rfiiicuealouieu au irlsult mlhoncll ill probably ik- somo hralo1 dircinrekm rejard to mamlobi and north west hcliool mattors tho araaiou promises to t lively throufjhont vm iikiutr ox tin itnauth rtipre was nol a ir llvrl ilrblr oti ill adlrea- the doirninirnt decided net t drliate u and tbe tjioailuiu wrxd ltei the pnvilrfto of lmn nearly all tlia lajklnp ii it hon joseph martin ff wlntil jhr made a brilliant aperoll ocriiptinfi oxer an hour in whith many capital puinu were made which won for him heart aji planao from lit side of the house no tm followed htm however and ihe aililrps- wai camiit on dimamn and the usual form al motions fur rncnmsuii and prrsenliiik the same were aimed llm linos- will adjourn lo ntitit for lh haaler hililaa until urxt tuela witlistamluif- it in rsihctod the llndifct will be hrouiht down to da and that minister hosier sill rietnor lilmvelf before tin ifouw rises if this is accomplished it will bo the tlral tlmn on record tliat the hudel hi has b ik m the fteet week e i it ta slated thai the evidence collected by the ltosl oiiiniiasioii and the rrjiorl which is in preparation thereupon will- uol be acted upon durin- the coming aoasiuti ttr tbe way in wbioh the kintmiaaion tree lu tlie auhirwrm of uruuibiuuu at lho rittal tbe i em pr ranee people of ottawa are considerably circiail only el lit hours waa k lo ibe city 0 ottawa tho ommieaioa refused to hear mlaahcotl editor of llie ii nta jumrmit wbilo two witneases were brougbt ail the way from almonte afainst nrolubttion the com kotca mnudon would hotn tf oh nr foatet u m j nested by tbe temperance people when the commission waa in monti solicitor general corrau waa called so tliat the objection la bear mr rosier because lie waa in tlte ahincl would not bold rood but mr urran waa oioaod tofirobibttioii a food many think the commission a report has utoen badly discounted by the more practical action of the proviw manitoba ontario aud nova scotia with tho plebiscite liana fee tho new mmi olhto lis ve been sent lo imtou sod lenders fur the erection of tho building am lo be in by to day tho baildinp is to be of stone four story and in also will bo u i 1 i 7 it is to bo a handaonio structure and will be an ornament lo the town a local jtapcr n jjtoea over the nvenl as follows our m ia worked hard lo rot this bo tiding for tustou aod in spile of the meat violent op jioeilioa thnr effort were crowned with tit iinimiur tm iil ll 1 currently reported thai rchbiahop tacho will not accept the decision of lho supreme ourt aa relieving the lominion government of any rcspon si hi lily in tbe school mailer he it la said insists that they have tho same rtjht tu ik ter fere uow a before tho coort bad an nwcred the ijueiitlnns auhiulllcd tu them majui nit- 1 1 iilbiiemi n ruwruim i hero i iroublo over major gcocral herbert s rtirt injeral herbert is ilia satisfied with ibe way die canadisn volun teer loroe la tiutiiod and it la said tho miiiiitiiu pn him lo motllf his tin or more person were killed abonl co wouuded end enucb property datlroytd bv a ojolooo id taiu 00 httanlaj aighl i th wnlmiuitcr oa u ur glad atone will otooaaiaoally make hla appearance in the house of conmoae and will reuiu i ala old seat 00 the tiamaory bencbea mrs jwb hooumiod inuartr of the maodouald memorial food in kingalon has received a ohojua for fsoo from lonl derby lato uovnimroamafwl of oeokda aa oaatribauoa to tbe faod slricturea it is said the report contai lho alalcujcnl liial llic wtiult illlllt force of tho muultiion could not withstand die attack uf 1 vxi 11 iii h soldiers 1 hefu la liolhinit vruik with the c anwlisn aa soldiers ami ll thru nilmnt art pour as to justify mcli aieumcuta the cnuii irv olirlit to hsve the fau inn of ihe aniubloit iollel t 11 ieiihi ol imllament hu that hli jk nrs grant the recently clcclnl mei niter for ottawa look hla plaee in it mr iinmmn d ii 11 her belure ho bsl liern lotroduceil lho bearkeaul at arm- nl a nieaaniikrr lo him and sir jaiuea rrtlird unlll llm lo mr swakor mr mscbwn tbe juhmirvalnn member for heal 1 urk lias introduced what will prove no doubt a jiopular hill it ii one to prevent railway odtupanlea from chaiking mure than two cents a milo for railway aisaeiijr llckrta many of the american htalrs have such a law but in tbe i nltcd hlalos tlio ratea am already as a rule lower than that and uk itiuil imjuenl has llltlo effect 1 ho guvornmoul la nol tfoui lo let ur joseph merlin of winnipeg liavo tlio credit uf itoltliik the ballot fur the north west lemumen mr martin placed a notice of a bill fur tliat purpoeo uu lira order paicr thursday hrhlay mr daly mnilbr nfthatntctloilpbvirtldtiraitjftrlttom iroduoa tlie ballot iu llie lemtonee ur dally aald to your oomapondont my bill is exactly tlio bill which area announced in the speech frusn ibe ihrooe ft year a0 and waa introduood laat aeeaiuu bul with drawn tuftetber with lho government a olbor north meal bill in order to- hasten lho eoduf the aeealnn carttau ruatalkxt it la aald i bat ur ii urns m 1 for gloucester n 11 la to be called to lbo henale senator iwaford diet al ins home lu beckvilu n 11 00 monday jji lho ulal yr of hla age the trade return for february show a deoreaeo on our oial foreign uado of over a million dollars a milllta order issued monday elate- that loodon lurntcks will liereafter bo known aa woleeloy llarracka a petition id favor of a two oent railway fare haa been preaealed front tbe county oootmi of ifsjton by j hsmweon tlnv inembar for tbnt county mr i iimn 1 rik11i1l 1i1 ptlltlstt ilhkl ofliir urn i ff tr ol loalroj mr dalton mi nrllm h up m llie onlr a in ii i lr lit id- iltt f llm diul inn liii in ll vtlh wst lrrilui mn s it i1 m i- for n irlli irlli mid il lnknh x m 1 for i u r t ttottutrotenistbnsnexpertence ud kmita i hint long veah3 ol ialn 1 hi ill i j and bui rerinll goitoiltih i inly to 1 r i- bul ik it ulh pk puiuliiuail lu llil h- a p litin hull 1 panu fi if fin uimipt and iimuiiii mi itiunj iwainjfir nj m ihi 1 of jmie for tlie ompltioii fliie railway until diimlxt 1 iwwi mid rhaiinit ha jinirn in ihn wmnjhi rl nortlxrn ltailny that tih sraiiti dtlils ehnnld im re minilililii iruti1ii 11 other j jnplikfna ilehla sro i lh hrair nfij bijtolr of pct ll ion- fr m llm hut in ih tmut hml dry hoods iimrtlniula or lmloit pneuiitiil injjio ilooen h sir john trlni- to ub hangrdon june it ilmuiton march ll tim trial of ma whcrrtll for the murder of jsine willianm near port credjl i tat ijeoemlier rndod on rialurday the evideiimi bavin bton all heard ihn counsel coin pk to i thctf bji drrsaes and thi judcn cliasfced tha jury retired to dec do upon their vonlict tbey r after a little over an hour a deliberli the jury hroujlit in a icnlnil uf uilly in the case of mgwwrrl and walker wan acquitted i hen ramo a death llko ailenoe aa v alker was kd aws tho court room jcsnruwdet to nuffoxs lion oulaidn tho peoplo cisilllietod up the walla to peer in thruucli tho windows ilanka wrre ripped up and formed conven leiii places to stsutl uhin and itsxe al tlin strange tceno nisid on the tn iilii celm and immtturahle al mr juhlice fcrjju son bis face sa imabite if cut in a tot in when hi lordship lold u inrroll to aland up tbey acre perbap lho two per auua least escited 111 lho courtroom his lraahi llien aoked llje rimuer if bo had anything lo aay wli lie reutence should uol iw psaaed limii him i lie prliuur ald cs m irfiril end then ho fwan to irak and tell his tor of lho fatal nibti lln amike for noarlv inii hours but hi addrcaa was r plele with 1 01 p tide lit vaiorinjs villi hem aud llmro uuuocmly dashes of blsaphcm i know what my mutenco will t tin sxltt but t am in u cent and ou entlomeii uf the jury puiutiui bis iuiter at the jurymen yt are the murderers or mr inrroll at lho courluaiuu uf lho lengthy tirade tbe aentenoe waa pronounced aa follows niliiam walter mcwherrell lho sentence of ihia court ujioii you fur l to murder of james williams t ibst yon now be taken to the placa of your cotinuemenl there lo remain until rrida the 1st uf juno noil when you shall be taken tu the plaoo of oiecnliou and heutfod by the neck until dead and may god hsve mercy uu your aont tbcvc the ulimuaiinj words of tin k trial were delivered amid lho shriek and muaua of hysterical wumeu the breath lea 1 alalia of aniloii men and lho distraught ravini ol a coo vie led mur derer aud mcwherrell lurushod an anil- ollintl such as has never before been heard in a canadian court room all rtiibt our lordship baud me im an innocent man and 1 ttlesa 1 11 hsve a belter chance of elllui lo hesvoli tball aomo of you here 1 11 1m u vc fevt luihor anyway with this brutal allualon to the tor ill ol hia doatll on lho dawu of summot one of tho most brutal murderers ever known mado his exit from he oourt room whore he hal bseu tried al auuli length i would liavo said morn had ho not bo allruood by an olhoer ol llie ourt walkor will in tried for die inuitlu mr wilhsiti at the naxl mu the municipal council a lontfttty bylaw ruuulutlnw tl fire company and cltlrone at flru le pa a to d ihe n iiuhiiuh t tin miiuitji ouncll wan held oil monls etuin prompt jt u 0 clock 11 the 11101 hen vero 10 lh ir pla lho ll ev loll heir fif tli r uu i fid i re onlcrvd to be- ptll moul l j an niliii willie thl i ll h a wull knfi liirud tu aftur phynlolniiu hnil i nlhid 11 von hr t kixirlnncii fur tlm public qeou iniui iiininuiiiiri nirnni the innrtlloiim iihanj hh iuh inknit ilftlu iu itiu tiliyaiuul uiiiilillnti uf mr a tlillthioii ivaac ilrilamiiii ntniil iliirjii ihn pnsl twtlve mmitlis has b ll uhti f lupin of eoiivura ui1111 anion i nnv fil lidd and nciint3iicui of i 1 1 1 lo all wlih know of tho nrnl 1 111 1 1 r in wtrtctnttttniai immiii adlicu il ii r lifdiifj iiji aplwar lofiuvt noeii tilth ni of intracii mn mr- ra ha 1 irlu of at iialiitnceniiiodnri 1 1 vunitv h in 04 resided lu this own i r jrf r thirty unrs et r allien lor liuahdl tihowuna 1111 n li nlju hayfithl rntirod 11 biminoim aijj incalim litre having husrd of tlin winiihjr fill aaujje that hail been brought nuoiit in her physical condition a rrprtn iiutnu ol lho sijiiiii callrkl ti oii m i rsnor at bur jilcaiiaiit liunio to coiijiratulate lur 011 hur luijifovod alato of hoslth and to llnd out iu what manner tliu uhanu bad btei effect id lie was rauudliily rcclvid nud tha followuik hlrlenicnt win voluntarily uivi 11 by mrs freaar is is nnv ocr ajjlii yoant nuco 0110 jiiurnuijl aa i uraa icrfuriuinu and whan panaiiii my hand avor my faco t oijier ion ceil ti inn uu ihn clink aitmlar to that which is felt wbun n tburii whnh has iieudrated lho iihii m louulii d lho pain ci illumed nftur ll id and ajijiearud to move nil over my face and load 1 rum the check it went lo iba up pr lip tlmn tu the lower lip then to llu forehead and head and then to lho eyo m 11 1 him wbh ihe afcony win h i siiffind list i w ih tin ahlu to touch my hair aiu nyubrown and my cc folt uke vrrltsble halln of iu juxuuniukcxgjo itllccltjlliltljlftall uu- shin to mumticaln my food 1111 1 si n rthiill i hiilfurod greatly 1011 lurk of uouriahuii nl my farit ixcsiiie no contractu i from tin eflocti of the pain that m unt f rl 111u couldliardlyrocn il sndlh mil nhof 1 could t a an from uhlorsl an 1 tho 11m of opuub 1 lusll in y lol ph it 111 who had been lireluas in hi 1 iforti lo in l no and be could do llolhlijl furthtr for no went lo lititin and roiinillo i on ot lh most skilled practitioners 111 dint town who diagnosed in csmuend wild liu cuull 1 110 treatment thai would bul fit ma 1 came lionn utterly brokt11 dowi down and not knowing what lu do i ba read in the uewaiapurs of llm marvnlou results accomplisheil by tlm inu or ii william pink pills hut an 1 had neve placed much ronndini 10 prupriuur rwlitol mors on the methods of ski hod prsc tllluiinra 1 hal uol jivon the matter 1 uainit tucm mud tlioubt as a laut re hort however 1 dutermiiied lo civ im pill a trial aud had two bosun purchanai at tho tore of jatmn wilson 1 roiu lh first box 1 cannot say tliat t tijieneiiro nntlrahlf whf lnlhy hi j hji half tbrouih with the second box 1 knew 1 wan mniidtiik rapidly as lho lerrlblu puna bad ceaned to a rost nxttnt and i had ui ktiii to fool uu ifvo my former solf i list waa last fall and when my friend hoard that 1 wan recovoriuit tuov beau lo drop in rapidly and congratulate 1110 asarosull of the nxcllomeiit ooiibeijuaut upon tllu fact llial bomelimtm as many sa ion or a doknn would come in u see me duriiifj ihn oourw of a day 1 bad a relao a rot omul llm old jiaiua but 1 coiillnuod to isko pink pilln and am ploesod to aay that 1 ifraduslly ol back lo my normal condition in hi oh 1 am today una auiulllei 10100 august 1 have boon entirely froo rum the uialad which hia novor boon tlio case during the prcvioua seven summer bul i ihiusbioiisii t lake the pink ll a my do lo a that it it is woll m rd oil lh 1 l tribute the inarkod 1011 uient iu my health solely lo the una ol lr william pink pllln aud have not ftilo i fkuiidn who have made enquiry as lo lh buntill drived by tin- from ihetti lu oiivornalion with jsh wiiuh inn klst it wax learned that dr u illiniuo pink pills have a vury luru nh iu gixlur iuh aud that many can trail to llien kreal value as a bloo builder an i nnrvr to uk mr geo a 1 ear dr iu aun spsaka highly ot tlin sllaioo i by llie use uf iuk pills smoiiii inn oumomer an i aay ho ttndn llioui llie bent sutltuk romadv suoh rmiirliblu turo ui ilt uf mi f raaer liavo bcon hut loo low 111 die l lhank u lll ixluir kuiwlit u lho pink pilln iboy si ba j u rjulsi villa 1 that said by is rril te cstablta lit lo lliw nu all lh elm w lit id ruh i atoio lialtrrol 1 j fail sperme ataxia mrtl ohabtlauts at ly al tires and ud h lis aodersou jai by i le t ty jo r uu i ad that id oound and third limes aul jiasmxl stsai rule ih be auajiundod for that purone amk tlio cumin 11 lee jg nitu ijlmmittuo of tbe whole on the by law tho by law waa regularly euied jobu ineruii imnit apjhiiuled bief and hiram hwackliamer t- ire warden anil the muni cilily divided into four wartla from th intersection uf mill and jolin blruele messrs ii hwackbamer w ldmulon and a hlowarl waited upon lho kiuucil rcjuesltufl that tlio brldjfo yvor the stream 111 410k a survey bo repaired t oumderablo oonsultauuii uf lho matter followed ll was decided that as a private iarty lia1 mn allekl claim to tile bridge and ailjacvnl properly that the mailer be referred 10 lho municipality s solicitor for cuusldoraltou uafuie any aotlun la taken tjia cu then a tmti public school uoaro ttio montrtly maetlns on monday bvonlnv a small buslnssi docket the hoard ul trustee met 00 mouday eveuinjt at 1 30 at the oall of ihe ohair membera preaent t ii harding alialr man and mours g hynds iuv g u couke jaium moxain and itoiil walbvoo the miuulea o5 previous sneetlur were the second rewrl of the oommitteo un tlnsjice wupreeontad and mm lulluwln aooounla were reooiuinendsd it be paid ihmiald alatu l a hu uu ulorev brlsllsa vi lutsi oiurdraeu aoonult w j ihae ca afsw i oa i 1- mom frinllrui auowal lunurt fl up in 13 moved by george hynds seconded by uv g ii coftke that tbe report of filiation commit tee m read bo adopted carried tlie lioard sjljournedal eight oclock i iioivooa hoadscloi lho afui him t of is rlpk- palpllalloii of llio lih pale and allow umpluimu llial tirud felui re ullluu mm nervous- puliation all dtoasa dondlou ukil1 villslml hi r in the bloo1 such as lurulou uhronm ory aljielas etc 1 hey aro s nhiulllu fur all troubloa jmjculiar lo fuuahw auuh a up proaaiuub ir regular itloa suit all fuiins uf weakness in men they rcfoid a radical euro iu all caeca artaink from mental worry or overwork of any nature dr william iuk pill are id only in buaoa boar 1 u k ibe firm trademark iboy are ievor sol j ui bulk or by lh doion or hundred and any dealer who ollora nubsli lulea in thin furm should bo avolilod lho public are also caul in lied aslual othor no callotl blood builders and nerve tunic- put ufi lu a miliar form intended to deceive ask yuur dealer for dr will ama pink pliu fur pale people anil rufilae all inn tatlona and substitutes these pllin are ufauulaalurod by tho li william medicinoo llroakvillo out and bchneotady n y end may be had of ilnwil by uiau jllllu william medicine u from either address at 0 coots per box or six boxes for f j ml the com in k k nullah budtfol in owclol lo dernaud a kreal lucreaae in the moduio lax eapeolally upon incomes over one thou and pounds a yoar john mogovoru h m oualums oflkuec at niagara falls carriaxe aiil fool brtdtfo ha beooma a ravluic maniac he la a bach elur ajfod 10 and was aphiitiled in lf7h i world f pho fol f these beaut tu i piolurea are now ready for delivery in ten complete parts in pic turse oomptiln exrli part sod lho whole ae4 011 twaeourod by the pay ui nil ul una dollar sent tu geo ii lloafurd general 1asseiiker aitent chioano milwaukee di bt paul lullway uhioo hi amluie lortfolioa o plot urea will be soul freo of eipeuwi by malltu subaaribers itamituiioea should bo inadu i draft money orilof or reellured latter rctuunn atvairdtotprr annlhi r d irlnu diirbiry pcirpntrnl ml at utirllnulon an ill 1 r dilrllrilr o irnt i at it nil 1 rly silur y uiorulnf mini mm will wl 11 ill ak oil lh ir fit hrko int lh h mi of mr and mm in- wilnm a try ol i oiiplo who livu iii llirvilln 1 1 m hi roiindnila brokn 1 he dhr of tho hudroom iu which they hlpt imi boii lxkd atnichl xluco tin nil mpl o iuirtilari tho hiiitn on ltm of-th- ir-iw-kl- mr wllion and jliokd htm no that lie could mnkii im oulcry and another inuulti end mm wilsons hoail under a pillow i ho lliir i 111111 ransacktd the houao and u il lf1 1 in money rtud nonld jnwollory he urn h nviriu uf the men produced a ro vlvor and lold mr w1u011 lie would bo nliot if ho inliw i nn arm or irmd to loavo tho hoi mo ikihirn r unlock i iiih is lho foiirll burglary that has occurred in the village witfllu tho pant ten days govern mnjil lint i1v11 murray wan up invcatlat in latk with hut no far no arrest have boon made there t ovulnnlly a bad hsntf in lho placn mr aud mrs wilsou are pruntratud by tin nhoik and tlm mttllrost mpnt tliny rfcelvn i ulaniof h vy ethipps tito fntliur of ihn nnllonnl policy buocumba to 11 tlnuorlnu lllnons piouo r rrsiilliitn in llio pornin of mr it w pluppn pas 40 1 aany yejterday alalia renldcnoo iticliniond street weal aftur a liiiuriij lllikjrta of aoveral mouths ie cnaod imih wi iuly known and reccteil having been fur the put iii year at ihn hund of tho ontario dupartmunl of poroat ry which iohilioii hu held al tlie lime of ll ih doath uu couiiiiunt nl 1 1 11 an a commailur and prod run i r and wai for a number of year a member of ihu u i atall i hn ahij rr hh mr phippi was con rpicuoun in lho dihciiakioun winch led to lho 11 luptlnii of lho national policy he wnn uu of lho pi inn ro 111 icclunuj on tho ntihjii i ikiloro it bt camn an it afterward did tho nimornl rt t of pohlicsl discuumioii through ml tho 1 miiilry ho afterward hiiro wlrc iiiiuy other publication- mr phlp jiampblel 4i a w ii known do 11 men i 10 th no day when ipr john mad poll a id 1111 nlo power an i undertook tu put tho national policy in praclioo without linj on hi in lu aid 111 the practical work lie wont nilo pomton- an i qhorcly there lh lloileru wsy umli itrnlt lo tho wtll urtted to do pleanaiilly and ttlerlllslly what w form rly don in the 1 rod nl inanner an disagreeably an well lo lesiae the y tout and break up colda headache and fevers with ut iinpleaiaul sflnr rffcctu uet tho delightful liquid laxalite remedy hvrupol 1 if a lanll war in thieatuned belwoet husak and auslria ownito ihu laltur a refusal to rmluco lho duij uu wlmat 1 ho olieapost and etal place tor arjielh oil lolhn aud dry goods is t 1 uth a liioursov iu lo wcr u yudham tit gueliih hitlin lrchricn ruoket and glass waro at i h luiinifo acton ilirl i liihneiit rrlirtr riirnl mr 7 ii dyketnan bl toig hew llruiuwlik after the grip no strength no ambition llm i 11 lii i ll r ii i ll i fl i ll teiltl iikii i 1 ul ll fctnapiiillt anl 11 mi 1 ll the 1 tln tin ulnli 11 i ifli ttuj llie iniui liilil tut attlll i uiliufiulin1iiuiiu kid jnnt vlit i tirlil 1 lo hi we iry hoods cures afluctiom ciuxeit ly j- tnon 1111 i km r i i i i alwab keep hood a rvirnnimrllu in mv him and use it wlitn i ner1 n n ulr r also l 1 iiikki n 1 hli 11 hal 1 ill i tliluk i lhl llien j w ulklli bl ie rut not llioo9ulil hoods puis are ptirslr vsartnlilr so1 1 oot pur b iui ur fifu- 0010 1 ull jruujuu main street planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor usoulsilur r ihat pimiih xi tuldlup dhkitalfo uatflllno wtt uuul uinu john cameron proprietor new spring- mhts excuusme styl6 7tli tme- nbwest colorincs choicb goods close prices forpksh it k nkls0n msruliaultailihravd umiu vuiulabsr 00 upper wyndbainfltoualph llavt n very rntl couffh ii s nmryastalt t aro suiybrnir vom lcantf troubles ii it wj uue lonit flch tli rough illnctlu i i amtitrootcnod with consumption rcmemlior mint c5 w is what vou leouire m our prices thlk dressmaking the lions xrcss- making department opens on tuesday acting on pdit cxpcricnfc vint dresses will callit once miilinery opening at thfj lion on tuesday and fulluwiui dds- a cordial invitation extended to ml to come and see we dont say buy the only in ducements to that end will be the style and price of our goods and we might add the geniality of the young ladies of that de partment j d williamson co cnmph vc dont srt7tljui idver- tising over 1 whole page but our prices talk loud enough for the vhole pa pi r r sprhgce the peoploo ippuutr fuinlture store upper wyndhanrt cuolph firstclass dicyclos v to choobd from lubtrliutnitnlii monkyto loan yaitu or vlllsne nroiwrtr al ressouabla r a lv o town hall act hhmly guiht orr hullclloror ialonu f 1reiiare apnllrstlon for l iran and r urotwsi iaiimii iteeulralion ot trade matki phial thirty teo yuan aie camxiix hullclloror ratonts far iitvnntioii oto iran and r urotwsu llol otllcmi and lor i ititeltrailon ot trailo marks ho ml fur job printing inll iin lliwk i smiililels 1 oalera hill llisda circular tn ar n eulnl 111 lbs llii uutluk kakk inicas ortlor acl nickelite spoons orks ui ktvt sold thcm- goods ua ii ni tir- and ulwajs liiund tlilin to ldi tho saint throughout jewellers cuhlph wntki innnev una fall ami sillier ilurluit lack tluir i irelh nl rhaiire i llxral ay it ou have ajiare lima out of work or looking for a ei iij liualuet wrltr in al i urn rillur iolmj minerymaii dkkss am mvntle farm fott salk or to rtnt m1 tarm twt half hit il coil i ikui la hornby oflartt ur sale or rant alxiul ality aveacres timlor rulllvhlloti balancx iartaaiiii anil part lianlsuwl tuslu ara uu the u s corotortatiid tramo home cl rti orchsnt ami ilm y of water ror temn au lurtlinr xr iillrakira hir ihe m lleiijaitiln aoilar i leby ulh i kit aitmiiii nut i to creditors- lu the matter of the istati of james mcdonald latt of tlie i ownship nassa- gawa in the count of haltoiu banner de- lllbctl cliao 1111 see jl thai all creditors or o ul or iteraous lisvliia claluii salns llis t io bwlll il lata of the elwva or alwul llio iwouty alxtli ds if slruary ikh an riulre4 to send ly ikml rlld u llastrlce jsaaaiuan siluiluutralrix uf llie aall deceased at acton i o on or before tin inh day of anrll 1h04 their uatuea wltli full iilirulsra of uielr claim biiil deuiaud and lie value ot ihe aecur itylltany bald by then aiul tliat duly verlfiml by btatnlory doclaratlou aud all parties liilubl lo llie aald kal durno cos bankrupt sale tlie x uali fatiti continttea goods sold regardless ol ajsl those who have not yet toloii advantage of our cireat cleaxiny stilo ciiiwuldnot miss this oppartunny a 3 the values are unprecedented come and see us and ask to see our prices and goods this sale continues until every thing is cleared out special for saturday special tames for saturday at just half price gome am see tot yourself- lefighest price pa for trotte and eggs av durno sco requastad te iay u before aald dale aud further laka nducs llial afur ibe ult ixui day of april lbs aald aduiluuualrll sill iruoesd in dutrlbuto tha uhu of tbe aald do coaeed among lbs persou nuullsd and tlia all aduilnlslralrtx will not be liable for the aid assets or any iiarl ibcroof losiiy wrsoit or jer sons of whoso ouliu ur claims alio shall uol have had notloe at die limr of said dutrlbutiou datod tbo vmh da ul xi arc u administhatoks salk ok farm farm stock and iuple ments illhlv sjlll l ihertl loi al b i uliln- ul tbalata jainua ilcluuald uu wednesday lhe lllh day of april sfuniwvhtwsulamlil uhtkr v t luctionkhlt jla the kssterli half ol lil sumb ft lu tha tuvruabi of nol county of llaluiu uuutaluluu 1iw kltuatl i uillcw from acluii hen are four a i i i he irorty iii 1 1 i i i 1 uiort hairs of ejmi tirh i tliera sill a la ih r i 1 i i lr f calf llalalwr me iwi tear nil l oufllsr uu ialr in i liarr luaranl wsk llou uuelumli wsau it ion mill hires i hm loo luaullty of t lun f i iwil t l i sousl iiitiiwriy t alit r lu ili 11 amouiil uioutha cr 111 a 1 i km turlbur artliulai a i ll i uuhah a u 1 i spring s66ds 1 mitliin i r lh i i ll i ul n li il pi- u buslil ill ik li nil nam 1mi i kid i in i i tl utile r ui nl k l 111 1111 1 ullll ll lis it lim 1 st pill 1 s s1 1 ml quiit i lions lor 1 uk l uititu s phe only ilireit mcj iiikuaj between lumnt v iimilnii ceo j thorp irettaman misnnu lllntl il vllllll mi si inuii acton saw mills xtj ft haxurun m ifsi n in ti ii ih luuiber lalh hliliiba lal ami wind cualan1 woo1 alwa in siih sod irmnill ilallvered tu siiy iarl ul ihn town al saauiiahle liln llardwowlaiidalabriut iiai iii aleay ou hand telediaeeotiiiiiounrallou f

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