Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 29, 1894, p. 4

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j jjl jjebe jfcfttm jfrcc frrss tllr i an up jfolhs hijilthday ma hc 11 11 lll in ihihif mothklfu tviiain in 1 my harlot ibn world in scold dluii wlninr piping ilu i in ilarllnu tin lieaul dm hi men aalti sly in art lvi riroar hal oimi forkitn bu darling k i ui laililt u milt anil day willi vu upon my lioanui my littlo tin kill may hi r 11 ii hi i pearls of truth iftniosttiofb command the respect of in auk nil conceit ma putf a man up but nevtr prop him up iaka riot loo abort a uuio la make a world wide bargain if ou woo i j hae tint nuptial ui laat lot virtuo be tho bond that tioait fast a smile la tlio color that lovo woars and cheerfnlnoas and joy these throe llo that can not forgive others breaks tho bridgo over which he hunsoir n pasa the showy liven itlillle hour tho t l after limes boars raptures over now who livra to naturo rarely can bo x who lives to fanay nmrr can bo rich wo am aihantea ai the mhl of a nl li of ioor rcla ru a fen mini who lullicr aue pant or key somehow aa we i lu lvlry ajo there hold the opinion of i future i ha esaotica of knowledge la hating it to aply it not hating il to uoufeu your ignorance one day al a lime it a wholroiiiu rhyme a jood one to livo by a day at a tuna i very roal and searching effort at aajf nprovement is of itself a lesson of pro found humility ineffectual lu country ptacea where amuaomenl ia not abundant and pooplo depend upon each other fusliversiou neighborly fanulianjy naturally llounabea and the haut of niiininft in w vm fnend may bo earned to an anpleaaaut exceaa a family living in north carolina found sultorcfl for twolvttyottrn nreuu fiinjirrlikiilrrjprr tilr oifi himpi nhaiir mrun i e ih im llulluli s a bruit mi rtlnwlujj willi itrnlt- wmrj ri aittt nil hi lr from i prllent health i afoul 1 li diir lintn 1m in myarajr anil myjlllle thllln u initln llcnt lica i iii i tfnur anil i ail iv not la- for tou nnl ililubti till fftrn mr name and iff at i if any idrrsa king ma1mna ffllwln notes here and there of qonornl inuirto pronn rondure i jii1 in all run down from tin- wnvkrt cflofltfl of waxni weather you nmil a loo1 tania and blood purlllor liku hood a t apart i la do not put off taking t si eroua little ailni ut if tiflftiml will a breakup the ajatfin 1akn hoo1 a i aapanlla now to rxpel dmoacr nnd atranuth and appoiitr howl a 1illa ar ind liver mudfci the boat family itnlhnrtl o llnrniloi nlinhu tho moat ncourulo woallni thuiidornlap tho itniihtrat ilnwi r inn yonnu inoa fmltiirruil b u an 1 oolda ma be pnmrrved h tclpctric ol roup win i p irt irl 111 t fad but vl rot r tlioina brunehitp m 1hort nffurtui of h at id i u itrd i i mtrr liik preparalioi matir pain- on dlffliulty am i arlout npirit how to li r pilfer untold n headach im until tb i he ry da afur day willi i rent neither day i ierveu are all uiihtnmu file cauno la norally a diaordored atom aob and a cure can bo r tec ted by onliij fa v uu ouwta mandrake and oandthon mr 1 inlay wark lyaander v g write- 1 find par meloe a 1illa a fir at oum arliclft tor till inua headaobo the tramp la miurabl oppu i t urn awealmy ay 1 can htighiy pratim huroonti hlmxl iltl tor becauae it had a fair trial in my odbii onderful htioceaii ttly hvmptunia hun nimnnin nr in r r li tir ity inond i li i i lifl it 1 ft f hm rillnmtit mm li mmm1i 1 fl iiimj it i it 1u huld it id 1111 ui ii i ijjlh mil ithl i it li tir rill iiiipiimllii dilt ihn hi 1 fr iv inn ji i mi l hir rl hi r fill mis v li i t i niliiri h liimi all nl ml hl frnitr tmnii ittondtipitli ttirm l itn- hm ki v hi lb hnrl ii ft r hi irtin dl si hir hir nn i h 1ln mil lat i u hi 11 i of mi 1hui ralilo1 ih ip i imrll iii i riir hjowi hii by i kimi druii ut if l rl lrp nuarluolllh 1 1 hali i llrl unitnllm i aarl ltt1 rimnhli- hs mi iinot iiiulniinl iu nf ilamla j m anpb11 wmh i hi i il 1 a larln i tntnrnf hprnhrll n h siurlpa h win dam mi 1 wnatiimk li lfliitimaliam i miuarda limiw1 albert to s ui orj- rml- n ihiik wiiliia ih hnby atolnu unxir thfukr il l a nhif to fuinl parrnt when tin u u r m crlba llat molit kciiirh fir riinlkhi nnirnlffta il oniiiir the moat nmuii in and dlhtruamlutf ooloillnmla inillculal ui thin lininli ilia not ciiufliir1 to any pnrtionlai hincn for whilat mi4t fjeurral in tlio win lir nnon until auflnr hh cicriiliallnu nmiii lu ilni hrnl of annitner in late ynara thiu form of dlaraao hat bchomn iwltor kl0wll ftl i luimoniuilh rf hau imcom kroally mrraam in imhii brm n m ii nn rllloacj amiii tbu mom uinihil an pkiiotrntniu fombinationa ploro i wilhiu thi rcath of tin public for lln rulmf of neiiraltia n cau mritioii no remedy rmul to or nioro it rtaln than iol mom srrnhni it- jmiwer over pain la aom thmu woidrful and w advle a trial for ui urnltib or any other painful coin deapalcltra from acrosa the line ho svual of ludirntry in many brancbet ohiwh o 9 iiomii tvhai ilia l ioiiwirwlih ithiilt amltimlialin ummiiiipbmiiiiii lll lrairul ihe rplllrr cottolene tliiiilili ii ifihrniif t rn ymirli 7 cltiolenc i run il arid d uirt il llmt fn rllr vrr abukc imu coitolenc 1 i iui cottolene e and rare wlnl i it utrlhfll and lytlicn c font wiiiicn ifiir aifd liclpi thrm ipate thrtr rnk rnia t cottolene whrt h it mrnt tlirtntlmrtt tlfewey lorr f f f d dy mlinr cottolene ilftile inly ly n k fairbank ft co wellington and ann streeta uontrlal thorough dittontibihty anil n ulr nv valnn am two rtront point in favor n milburu a cod i ier oil 1 mauimi wit wild horry and h pophoipliilea who x jool ahot r in lie nxt atihfnrlinu tm athui of a a tram upon their idoaa of i were dropay backache and ateoploaauci hoapitahty to be obliged ovory day to terlain a todioua old woman of nu the favorite book or the neooaiary piece of work hal to be putjxijdo in orjor to about bits of converaanon in per ear at laat the father in desperation planned to so into a sudden ut of temper in the hope of convincing ber thai they worn uot ploaeanl pooplo to iit accordingly one evening whou bo re turned from business aod fonnd iio old lady present as oanal ho began to talk loudly and in an irritated voioo then browinu more eiottflfl he stamped about tho room knocking farniturti ntht and left and oudod by roiuj out and banjjlnk lh door after him tbo old lady knitted away quietly through the coufuaion and when the man was ouo alio turued to the family and aaid m a oomfortlutl voice i reckon it waa mnjhly lucky i waa bore or you d had to lake it but jou needn t bo friuhtoued i ii stay rihl here with jou till be gets over it the chaudiere falls vomt itarjter t urrlly one of tbo principal natural attraction in tbo vicinity of ottawa la the chaudiaro fails of wbtob tbe principal cataract ii nearly fifty fret hith and i40 feat wide a oousidorabla portion of the water eacapa ublerraucoualy after their precipitation a liht auspenalon bridgo has boen thrown over tho falls ooauocting the city of ottawa with the town of hull and marvrlloua slides have been coualruolod for the dtaceut cf timbar thalj uiwu upon tbo bauks of tl c upper ottawa and i la in butary waters ona of the correct triloba tar visitors to ottawa lu the summer soaaon to do is to ruu thoac alidea mon a crib of umber and nonaidenuk ho velocity of the descent and thu over present element of danr tittt venture coublitutea an eiooedinly thritliu and benaatlonal osporieuoa a plea for brownbrbad looplo uv tho while flour of omnium u bouauac ibov are burn into tlio idea thai it iuu1 b while to look nice 1 t la ml priuciplo u phyaiuloify which baara l ualltloa of food umu awhile color j la a aeuliiionl tuol lu bo fuod muat con tain all tho alrmoiila of tho luauna the body foe la uxn ii dona nl aay the body must be wbllo this preference fur while hour cornea altogether from habit and ulae education fur tbuao who flat broad and other food made from whole wheat flour booh bo lo love it and u a abort lima narloice a natural oraviug for il which white bread dora not and cannot satisfy and tbo light brown oolor of tbe broad wilh iu rich flavor la a ouualanl reminder that llmj to and austeiiatilo are nul driven out of it whilo it laliafytntf and nouriab lug iialilktb attebl that it ta tbo porfsaliui aud hoaltliful fo1 i bo and all those disappeared after uutng two buttloa of burdock hloci biltcra i can not praiae lu hoalluk noweru too highly ooorgina holmon woodloinl rackville s 11 brantfird a rato of aanemmeul fur the year baa been finally flkod at 17 mills 1 ho public arc caiitlonoii against inula tioua of ialn killer and to bo auaplciuua of persons who recommend any other arliole aa just aa joimi many of iii cue they make a tittle prollt upon bbt which have do iiualttios in common with 1ain killer ita buttle now larfio alee macwhcrrell has boon no n ton cod to bo hanged ou june 1 rheumatism urol n a day tiuulh american itbeumatic cure fui itheumatiam and neuralgia radically cure in 1 lo 1 days its action uou the ay a torn la remarkable and myslerioua it romovea at once the cause and the disease immediately dm appear 1 ho lirat doao greatly bmiolhr 71oenu huld by j v kannawiii drug giat kepurta from onuocticul mdicato a ian oral revival if buaiiidaa mr juab hcalea ut i oronlo write a hort tine ago 1 waa aufloruig from kldtioy com pi aim and dyipepaia aour alninat b and lamo back iir fact i waa coniplotuly proatraled aud auffenng inleiiho jiam while hi una alato a friend rroommonded me to try a bottle of nurllmip a ij man a egoublo diaoovory 1 uaod una bottle and tho permanent manner in which it haa cored and made a new man of mo i ouch that i cauuul wilh bold from ibo pro pnoluri una eijircaaiun of my gratitude will you hood tho warning i lio sij orhina of the atiro approach of that more tocriblo iltaoaso f oiibimpllon aak you i aclralf you can afionl for the bake of aaviiik r to run tho riak ami do nothing for it he knnw from experience that hhiloh a ure will cure jjmr couch it never fail sold by j 1 kauiiawm like an air uablo if ll bo nothing m folly norway 1 beat iure for ot4aamri trouble ir 9 hyrup la ihe aafesl and intfli colda aslbtna brou arwi4- thrnm arni twrig llx 1 r r4tntrfbjtwtrewtttrft of ha 1 ring kmduoaa li uharillcb are u ilia ljucaii louna baa cigbl maidaot uuur wlwnioiiu uf tboao ladles marrle ho re a m to ooo truntlho jueen physicians tho world over endoro it bablos find children liko tho taslo or ll wojk molhfcrs rub pond roudlly to lib nour- jahhi kjwora scotts emulsion tho cruum or codilver oil is lh lifo of tho blood tho imikor of sound flush solid honos and lunk tluo and tho very essence qf uouftshmmt ssiitbhieiifidbstastitalefi bmhrflx lllumf ilvlultlu all ouaall oul 4u at the kto nr 1 den stood tntcnaoute poor 1eri bo bad a headache and had ovr beard of hlark bda tin mural and luar powdct t to takr ter feclly harmloaa and inmodmlo and per manent l ollrn f fc llf dulraliiig uiliiieil- why mr i look i it hamilton 1 cnlualy tlui ulfrnn fi i htaaailira for i he average man la apt lu be the ocil tiling in a fool when he jota iwaide himself jlniiiuuiir rralum bomotiuica uuaighlly blotchea jilmplca or sallow opaipio akin destroys the attrwc tlvouoaa of handnome features in all audi oaaoabcotta i mulaion will build up tho oynlcm aud impart froahuoaa aud beauty ulurla ii li i a siilllil i iilur kj 2i huultgbt soap wr rapier boanug the worda why i oca a woman look old boonor tbau a man to ioor bros ltd 41 hcolt ht toronto and yuu will receive by pool a prt tty pio ure freo frtim advcrttainn and well worth framing i hia la nn ooay way to decora to your liuino tho soap is tho be i hi tbo market and il will ooal lo malaga to aeud ll the wrbpiera ll yuu luavo tho onda ojkii write your addreaa carefully arllllulal whalobolio in the laleat pi of indualnal invuulioii bad blood l many world hoca in misa burdock 1ilu tiv nvrr irird they oi llradacllo and billni ho yonorotja to an nlllfi holdur wbono olflco you waul put yourolf in bin plncu if you want to buy or uoll a harm d vortiaoin ibolonlllo ii rrkly afnf 1 but paper roach ca 100 000 farroora homrn every week aud your advcrliaemout should moot the aye of aomooiio who wants to pur tsincai ao nf tm n n irr- erted in tho toronto wertly afatl for vive cenu a word oaoh maurtion or twenty oenla a word for nve maortiona addroaa tbo mail toronto canada i he now train of elevin cars tiuill for the zar is the rnonl luiuciou in all luiim no itemely curoa coughs coliia croup hoarsetioaa aathma bronchiliu koro throat etc ao oll aa dr wood a norway pino hyrup tho third pajje of tbo loronto ju mail is noted for waul advortiaemon rf yf iy rrimniin if you want a situation a mechanic a huai nu machinery lodgiugn if you havo loot or ound anything or if you waul to nnd out whore anyone la advurliae in tbo lo ronto imtty ioif and road tho advortimi menta on tho third iago of that pajwr iho charge ta two cnta a word oacb in aartiou addroaa ar jw loronto an ai ni nl tliounry nil dot ti nnd u nirtn nnj llo tiinhtlnuor 111 pull til- tin rakuiaiiilllliim up tho 11 lur rapidly dcoiliiint tli6 iluitial may pull ii rough tliopniitmnatur iniiut ilnlho dtnt iitiito mill rompliiiilng the pijit r morn harunmr llo nilarr borely 1lvirfi li nn pi rallying the oaaiii r goint tbo riiiiv riii it ttngi tin iillti linr iruj nlmvli ihilnn lliu cuhblur mondiuu tho lilt irinoiirr will ru m get nut rfln lawyer hhm hti nn tho two grocers on lliei vorju ul uf ilihkolutioii lh iiiintlcfaii toning up llo i hrpiuitir improving joii0h1oy hnrl nr1 lrvm wrc ho burlier havod by a iloxo nhavii ilia banker falluig will not laat lontt ihn pugi iipjoviificnl ho imxilmali tml iilrikni tinrsome iliri uhotll tin i look llrcd i nifn la aikilhcr of ihn wly utarriod vans do uaid mr gay i m lind nald mm on i hiraril yuu nay time that you hkod rabbit rig i wnit totho markut tins morning and hot our riicant to aurpriao jqu with brolted rabbit fnr dttinor bnt ivn ftoen bt work on it all foriuoon ami i haven i gut st uiiru lhiil half piokud yet columbus and tobacco when t oliimbua discovered ihn inland or cuba in i iu hinoking wan oral mado known to thu civilized world the sailors when e lit out lo explore the island ml urn ed and drcurcl that tho natives carried urbr in and puflod nmoko from llmir mini th n nod lyifloit which thry siipoaed lo li lliu wiiy lhonangru had of purfutning fr- that tho nods of mum in tin bnipur bliiim iu tlldn niittrttatni l m riomhay cotiilrm th urn ihiiiihniitlh ujioti thou ictmlly nlarving o drall nd dharuar ds st umhr of null ou uriii rh hlhool foi filllld thai llu laiki a mbolo ra to bu hint nu tin place tl r 1 fkh km mind a tin i think illi i in badly injilrud by during tho ural arm 10 burglar after ho had fu writ tunpty uiu dung o what il wan cracked i60 world s fair pit for v o ix3ullfil for dtiiv prlulluk r i no priuliu li an arl am when you are havitigany printing done yoi might aa well havo it well douo 1 bo i ir i piiaaa job printing department doca worl of tho incut jualtty and price are alway i onablo 1 ry ua with your next or lor klotatura aru now run in oor elootriolty at far teas ciponno thai raulio prosauro do uot ncgtctt tuufba liildr a iil broncbilia but utro iluin dr wood a norway pino hyrup a fuw eyu don ta don i allow a cold wind lu 1 eyea don t have colon- indoa on hi ua wblta or ground iflaai don t no directly from i any by by by pictures are now ready complete ptirtn lb pio turcm loniprihiin i srh part and tho whole ho i can trftttcrurrdfcy llio payment ut one dllnr hntui ii heaford oeioral ianhlller atrlh llicago milwaukee if ht paul railway hna 1 aud tbo port foil n of piitiircn will bo aont free of cipenae by mall to aobacrlbcra ltpmitlauuh ahouhl bo mado by draft inoiiry orilor or roiatcred loluir lb lllni way c iuull to tu iv vvil quickly cure diintirrii vlvtcoldd and coughs dress the lions dressmaking department opens on tuesday acting on past experience ladies who want dresses will call at once millinery opening at the licw on tuesday and following days a cordial invitation extended to all to come and see wc dont say buy the only in ducements to that end will be the style and price of our goods and we might add the geniality of the young ladies of that de part men t j d williamson co tr gueliii do plcartautly nud mr lually what formerly done in llio crude at iiiammr dlaafreeably an well lo cloauaotlht torn and liflnk up colda boadnoho fll nph aflt rife the delightful bwupof 1 u il la eapeat and oeal plko lulolha and diy jikjo n 10 1 owor wyndl ibo i aril- i uk a 1 ht uclpli cord in ioniiuto by wtmlford hmtry lotion i hi- noser faila hold by j knuawin dr spring u coinc and with it the usual amount of sickness on urt of the i hange uf season the best spring medicine uu can take is smiths blood tonic simple safe arid eitcctive in cleansing the htoniavh and diii ing the lilood alwajs get the bet prepared onlj by la q smith co guhlimi nallwavtimntalde grand tfuitu railway aflway ioiuu ut a rn iiifliidfljiuuii ooiiik i aal 10 11a in and l 11 in thl time tall went int rf t i iflul scrofula cured by was tolinpefor tun inhrtllfliiilulitlab ii ii ii and tbey laid 11 wmilluu tlio no harm ao i wan to ukalt rinii folt crr noarly well 1 mid iilxk li itituraa marf i bkhlpiirlltrraii 1 or a ol jr thildron prllii uiadlt itlllh jtmfs masf i ialikiordont copyrights cau i ontin a iatbntt lot ijvj xtn ill tatpi7aiwo7iysi icainl kdi isonl m lulll it iiuiiiiidd bdilixt niillli ijunn itinla copies j 1 cenil frrrr utxr c i i ltiul pltr ill color 1 i ll iliwraita nf tivw huh4 mana iratnitif tnttiern to ih us jim iii uuwm old r ili blol ca ihiiih iimplcm alxoacm uliirn scrofula et burdock bixhi bitter- i ure had blood in any form ituiulk lu ihn suual hit yer lu a b i ihe ily iu y balky in iwu yai ku 1 intl m m1 bihimno nd took one ik tlio uf ii hloo1 bitter and can truly recount to any no autleriiit from una com mra i baa brown i or ih u ma y m iiivii died i loiiamiiptimi dated iheir trouble from npurr followed by a old which aatlkd ou their iuu and ui a abort time ihey were beyond llio beat pliya lulatiokill had ihy uao1- illckle a anil niaiiraptivo hyrup before ll waaltihi lat their would hio beu ajarod i bla 1 ha no al f oilb oolda d all afioli i tluoal and mallei with sorali illiiitl lu coat unf llm jii1ion i 11 ml an uld phyaician rotiru1 flroiu prkcliuo having bad platunl iu hi baud by an i aal india miaaiouary tho formula of a aimplo voluble remedy fur the ajioodv and per m aim til euro of coufuiiplioii bruuohiua catarrh aatiinta and all throat and lunj aflcutlous also a hjiu and radical cure for norvoua dobiluy aud all naxvoua cum plaints after havliik laatod ua wundorf ul curative owera lu thuuaands of oaaoa baa fell it bis duty iornako li known to all bis ufferinu follow aotuatmt by thia uollvo auia doaim to rajlovo human buffering i will send free uf oliarga to all wholoairo it his recipe iu gorman french or lugliah with full directions for preparing and uaitik tieiit by mall by addrcaaing with atar acrof uloin ore ul dial he a big iu 1 i u llol itoitel i i and blaldei by the ne no cure il erahai kid irpr of i t nody i phyi iiptn vng pain in t bladder kl inoy bi id ovory part id lle urinary iaaaa iiale nr elualti ll relieve relotilion alrr and pan i pkmc il almwt nolially ii y wail iniuk rliof uxa thia rtnmiy hold by j don i upon the bathing oapwcially itmalt watr don t iol any atrong light liku olruirloity ah mo dlrvatly li to the rye dont si ram the eyea by loading owing or buy llho oocupatluii wilh an imperfect lihtir don t batiio liillauird eye will told water thai which borne la bettor dun t aloei oppoile a wujov iijanuor that a atrnut i kill will alriho tho don t alkive all thiii hvo till i n u thai vhn illuming am ahll ahiuo m their facon to uuux ihoiil dou i xpuol to h auulhat fiau ul iyi wbon tbmo havo bean drlroynd by uetlout ur 11 ur hut give ibein fair irnalnoiil and they will urnn fallbfully lo llio olid f ltiul mr ldward blake voasl of the irloi abroad i kl iulri hiudiuu to the at hum aud anual held lu i aaid litat tbo b al llio banda ay bu blind bnt uo i b ult lii hondo hi rrimllar u of yut wlie by people if delict uoirutilki1 and lo alluded ivilh a kneialroalralim of ll yaum ihak llau all lb wiidi that wo nail aay in il tmhalf f hi article i a true nod l tie ami a life tlvlik pduoilo a wr dot oiivvalor of llio wbolo ayaten iu vl al thu aamo lima both body and uiiul ll mollal projertio aiu a fobrl fuo loiiu od anil rnlio huall duaea frriunlly rrktl nl roiilhou tbo juih mitra an appelttn unable ou to ohtalii rofreahlluj loop a lo eol and know that eviry fibre hud tiaiu of your myalvm i beiiii braced and reuovatud lu tbu iluo juiiino win prepared by norlhrup a lyman loronto we havi hie eiai t lonio rrgirtd and to rcrnuiia ur weak and nor vhib dunatilutioua wo would aay never be wtlbniit a bottle in ihe hooae it i sold by all drukila u uarulnathu paper w a no ilfbck hnclie h20 powcra ohealer n y kill ibo wotiik child dr low a worm killer they wtll kill jour in hyrup tig beat hoard mljuiiiirntourr llama a r neuralgic one application plsflq of the a tuna fao menthol o imastir it will dispel the pain like macic courtia croup horw idc ion aj ccolt 8hiuoh ure t allawktuaclittttoootrriju tivai wtttoas vxtauicr my lu i mnidrl taabot rrmedtoradllrtfdit feperusad ir hynnorwii llvurorxuiitcy llateyouttarrht try tt la urnurtv xi nl i r in itliturtk i he ujioialllluu that huroaboo wilh good lnok in aaid to prevail uot only i apoakliik jeoplo but lu all and aaia antljuarlaii whether iu origin haa u tonal from which the bor its aiapu uuuw wntura havo urmlaod that tbe allrlbutnd to ibo bur from il fauclod r i piclurod about ibo boi dnnni tou la biybly known that iho auji antatlaloa i lulaliatilm mahjlalo iho rry old ll la long luliah oo of lurupo ire undecided ith iho ma h- l a lthbon in blbllintl low do you poll knee maun 1 a aiiall boy looking up fiou h it doiblo ri kur hiloiue for aomu ml laboriously pulling di then in utko1 huw do you ap ii h wr 1 r o w more i ihe alau now i pbsutly low la li wi a i era in these allclln msct iu wlen wu utf with thai mly olaro ill cent d that the groalel nl joot in education la to a cualoni a youiim nan gradually to bo hi own mailer i i have iu idea fur a mioiiii aaid the young rnau which abuwa at once ri piled tho maatasiue otlltnr that ynu iton i know the flrat thliitt bihiui poetry maarili idnlwriil rrllivnneuralbln do johii speiglit fc son i vrniturb st und6rthkino jui hiook ot v duiluro i now oomplou for th hprlun trad aud w can opply hale you want al tbe lowest poaalble prioae we don 1 at our furniture nor lanufaduro but we pay oasb fur it and oan sell aa low for caah aa any dealer it tbe trade wl can give uu there n ms no boa comes uf to suifliightf dodroom aot compiote foi 314 wove mattrosses for 94 sprlnflra for s3 8ldoboflrdi at cot lounifos for s750 extonslon tables 97 ou chairs at any price underthklnt i uifhiii oaaketa ilnbaw eao laye in jo a lo price we deeirs la impress upon the publlt lit i t mi limy nombnialioii and our pricra re not fovaruad il ar taker ve can kivo yuu the beat the markeu afford at very ra jna a ncea cuud heeite nd outfit for funeial sfolohx st soin dunns baking powder thecooics best friend larqcst sale in canada catarrh the whol6 fhmily r uimuiipi arlll uan1 llini ll j i i lnl an i n la vrlln and v ill w nl f r lu ir frlruda ii i- llv hr wniu auf r a r illmi ul riafliiim i la i in a arm riuh rur llap1 imik balk f an 1 tiritnu ll hand una ulii tb ik rt 11 it wullr bar tn hair liltn nirr in lit li in ber knli uuab lb lipllh a i tnm- bill bar rtmlulaa rr auarkla nurtllr nrf i drllekl a i- i alll m rm iiim- ihimi i iru riiilaa lu irll ur frln uufl i ii ittlli iaiiia ur all r fur a llnot it m ill trial uimh rlillou to itlk wholb family bu llluklrul 1 i itily iiiaaailna llh laa auir1 1 a al and all aril i of insw tw 1 lti biillnauliaaliihhiioaj eniilaal lmutinj ptusu ivu iv iwbuiuumirhi uuattw haaa palhei moll er grandfather grandmother childien and all i ik 1 tl 1 kl 1s 1 111- 1 kl 1kl ss 1 ll sl the royal electric co are nul i i rlrk i wu i blilf m i rirrr1 r contaaftoi a bu1ldt13 01 dlcptlllc iiq1it am 1 0 ett 8tati0hb tiirwiuiioi tuh mhimov co to 70 wellington bt a the best dverti8inc mediu in the world is the local press m i 1 atl i i liit iiit nii ry lino in the ji ipt 1 hm lixty tud u to iiauml ulalivui inttitsttd in lt town is iiuiik nus post rn istt i i will tcrlif i iil lotil wctkl is tin beht read publication in existence it has the home news which no otlur paper giveh atueilisrrs likv notice ihe iklu iui ss is rt ul b scvcril thousands rtf p oplt t t i wcrk an advertisement n ihib p j tlicit uit of some account per j subscribe for the lfn i lii s advertise in the lhtk prksm acton a pebfect ar ililiiiil baking powder p1 u u i i ii i i- ibj jikjuoi al l tilt fllat jrocjhi hc1l it caffaroma tho finest pure cround coffee in tho world sold in tlns only h 1 rnnm l li ll ut your 11 inl pr x r- nt ih irl dlnttlu amomilh montr i su nlul iuitiuduiuly tho ujilrnti tihl 1 trj 1 r implo to a 1 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