Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 12, 1894, p. 2

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rr llouk iiauinwiin li mo m in hlii nllin tii n f iit j ii ma huh j mliy h pi it ii btll kuu lav march rt- lluhl at i lie ifaritnret ilalifjiiur rllnuir alnfprai pmiiiiu y i u a margarei olliniti win kiiiiiiort attlmriwi ihirtiklo ij harden ati t uftuliayll ly iw uc iillucli i i n n ttl ill mi mm let dli airif iiiiiii hi r i mr hunan it- j m lurm 1 tn ii m i lymn timo in mtli waiikai lua rul huicti niagara k1iik0111i1 mi tliiuiulrlv ill ml william wart nulitr id uu t mr l rum mallhra a- it i at hixunw villa llinrut a rfj 11 tih rt am 1 1 a i in i ii ul blet1 u aimli 0tbc ihrton jrre rrss ihuhhuay april 1j ivm notes and comments ih itynrwm ha wide up hi mind lp withdraw in bill abolishing all church ex l nipt ion and nlibilltilto for l an emacu lautil measure wtnau taxes varylhint ciropl ol urdu buildinga tho round on which limy almml and cameleiic tim pctrolla jrvrftiwr defends the coal oil duly or 7 m win gallon iu una funny faahlon ll lake the ground that it in only tolt ctnt a pound their belnij h pound to the gallon while traitor ta uaad id l he farmer interest four ornta a jiotimj chcce lliree ceiia a pound nail bocf i cents a hi nnd and a general tax on freah meata nnt nuhnucwu a pound 1 lio writ for the laat general provincial election worn uauod mi tho jtilh of april i nik 1 ha law aay thoao fur tho noxt uiual imi mint out not later than tour oar an 1 fifty days from that date this torm will expire oti tho 1kb of juuo ao lliat polllug cannot poaaibly be da lay od bevond tho miadle of july in at t probability it will lake placo alkiul the middle of june that a right hang into hi moaat fo tr4iii for oln iismotier when he does arrange them moat folka will be ialh with that hut what about th aocret eoaaioua ol ilia tariff coramiasianert if tho mere supposition ofaeorocy taeotery naughty m bir oliver mowat wmd t the real thing juat the ittaal little bit nanghly iu bir john thompson and mimaler foster let a have a lillle fair piay hamilton llrrall hcollaiid ia to have home rule if the flritlah house of umrnona can arrange mailers and uio logi colact laeor of thia la to 110 it to alea and ireland aa well if a homo rota bill tariff tdbitmoinaed deputations frarn mrv- polntn and tfo quantfon of rovonao wllli nnoanllaio chnrtgoa the twocent a mile oiul talk of ttie idav irrht april 11 i ho tl lurria hi a nrt ihi ii nmunl with ihn luintthlnn prtwa1 whih a imipau- li ij ravontlih to tl ir imrll ti iliidiny mini men tnd it ia hkrl to nnltr ctmrtilctrbli ttw hbvw hum ao man deli gal luim of hu n niniiiiiarliin rf thloilthirthfl mpint nnd imjkm chavjjth lllterfela 1 hu haa uou points out in tin ilrll lh tholr pnmiulu tmolvmi a mm- dialurh anci of the indnutima of ihn r iiintrv nnd mid i km ihrj iiiut ijtlnr rtill amti of ihtiirdittiho- or innki ilill oihrr onm that tho indualrira yiijwrilhil mv obalu rlif ibrnt will inwiiuoill l a tinlarrtif immflattl ityliihatii 1 h lealrttn of ri i linr uiilal hi o u omai u i mill mr mac it on a hill lo amctiiltlic railway 4t by providing for a makifuum pavaeuuer rata rcaa f illowa notlmij in itlj by law or reifuulton of anj rallwa or rail way com pun j win flier approved if by tin railway inimiltcn of the lnvj ivmun or nut nor any provnion in any chaitri any railway romjisii or in any ftn betwraii any cuuiiin and the loternnirnl of cnala aball be cutiatrurd a ai t allow pn or mftrr jnury 1 isiii any rale of faro for aj poiiera greater han two oenta a mile lo be charged or taken the irajk ur track of auch railway or pany rait of a meridian i r41tr n tliriujli port arthur in the pnmuce itouiano a nil nui iiier to mini utflmitl ttt tin klpiiikml tt til 11 haa bm n n iiitrmlnftil into par lament la ilrbut broil jn inou lnlaj h mr ihikoj the kmncrvatitc mninhcr fmm itmbrklanil cr to amoiiil lite rranrliiao arliiy ctit bodyiun u it a hot miieipli of friuaii ttftrie it la an faiy pnipbic that oinm to b iiimiumii ir will rcri a abort ubrift lalio umoxo tliornj path through liu it hl the k tiiay iki tin j ha at ujht their i ndicuh it u ill be mtcraatiuk to nqto what tho flow of lorda will do with it the lorda bavo already put thcuiaolvea on record aa beluk oppoaeil to the priuoipleof nermiltinn people to manage their own affair in tbetr own wav bo perhapa thia applies only to ireland aiordlk to thcofllciul rektru the rain nu froui tho kirt uf new or k during tin tur 1 ii amouutctl to w 7w lib buah li and not a anglo bualicl waa carried in attanicrhau raft rrittah vcaaels took aw uy ll yt iiat buabcla aud the remainder tvilh divided between tho helln dutch nriium i rfnch prtuucm kpaniali and norwiymii tcaacl it i remarkable that the h rtpublll ahould alill bo entirely dcikjiitlcut un foreign nation for the carry 111k ol lur iriiilial jinkluit tu tho foreign market 1 ho report of the luxpcclor of 1itaoua and ctarltiea abowa a krallfyink decroaao iu crime dunntf the yoar 1jj the uuu ber uf cummitmeula fur crime waa 3jj the lowret niuce lm7t the oonmltmenu for druukenneaa in irlji were h7h leai than in the precedinij yeai aiid hi ware oat off from the record iu imjj the total committal of adulta for ibji were rt cij aa actual hki in ti of boy ondcr tfl sv n jumpered with i lo in ih9j of 11 ru unler lb u lumprod wili f when it ia ouaidored that we ara annually by leia latiou inuroaainit the number uf uffoncea which may bo oummilutd the ahowtnif la a very enoourakiut one 1 kutriianl ortnr mackinlodi hd 1 murilh witlitbt mininlir of tin intrrior friday and ktrtitily nrkl that pruvimen betwadg f hildttfw fw bittop in tho territories duniik the cotnini iduimor to cekbralt- the tenth aiiiiicrnnr of driruift the laat apikc uf the trarnucouli neutal call way mimlll 1 11 11111 1 r the manno drparlineut haa mnuiil a notice atattnu that in conaeiiuciice of tin daniao dune by atorm to the outer end of main breakwater pier at oakulle hal ton county it hat bocn neccaaary to move the hlhthouae tower and tlie block on xjuch it alanda a dtitance of hi inct inward rum ite last location tt 1 now 121 foet from the end of the pier and vcaecla nteniii ill nulro to allow or ilia tu clor the jl 11 v the pro o jim bill 1 a of the by law talirlod ijiwlalalui mlt ll will im dllriluuxl fr imrjxima to the han w kru iuy a mi tralaj 11 lrf jvllrllim 1 on if mllt 1 i i iuo f tb 1 u aflrl payuik t inoluiliuh hit itu nti1 fr outlandlnn m ii n w leboiilurua aud tin s1000 tu the orand i runk railway will iw plaooii to the orlil f the tfonoral r of tho of the county 1 be llaaiiltuu oorreapondeut uf lb a mud uu muuday aald the poll ileal alt nation iu went worth ia uiioerulu own g to the ivtajuajky of north went worth bamutf iterrvmaudered it ia commonly rumored that llevorly a rufurnt atroimliohl aud luudaa will be rrrymandrred into booth wonlwurth tu 111 aura the re eloetlon uf mr niohula awrcy and that hoat aud whi tlambtru will be put into llaltolt oouuly aavfdbiblauuanboidsiaatinx ol kama now aa far aa hollo 11 1 concerned wo want uuiprrymandrriiik bualneaa bare by oilhrr ucal ur lumlmuii iovornmeiit ilalloii in no cutnpacl haa auch wdldeauod uutlinea and withal baa the population tiotory for a ooualilueuoy that no 1 bailee la dealrable nut only waa tbu ootfa birthday annlvar aary ul noll dow laat month oalebratod in many plaooa in uio duiudbtalow and can adu hut the hngliab lemperanoa pcopla held 1x1 wolal meeting tlirouihoul the uiuolry to do him honor the principal mootliik at keter hall cmdnel aa elaborate cahlo meaaae to ion dow with thia we pray that your u0 bauaflcienl year may be roundod to 100 and that you will tarry with ua uutil the mother oountry ahall able bor mo to put the 1acr i rain o under the ban of law and maaa bom a pro tolion lha watchword of her politico w fnel aure that no birthday baa ever bean au univeraally obaarvod without diauuatoo of nation aoot or party and argue rrom thia iintiaallou uf tha ouamoiojitan ahar aouruf tba untpmauo rafwat iu unir- aal ooiiiuaal trlmii tha raca out of child hood haa grown it ia aiiqouuoad that tha mamev muaio the pionlhly atatemout of rcveiiui anil esienditure to the end marh ahowa that iu ci poet a lion of tho tariff change the dutlca of oiciot look a bi bum id during the month in march 1w1 the receipts from oiciae ainouuted to fthll jm while laat month thoy rrachni the larr total uf si ijuh an lucrraao uf half a million dollar the rooeipu fmm ruatoma diioh an mcrcaae uf about ft0 duo but iburo waa a falling oil uf lh mm under the head of miaccluvneouti the total revenue fur the month amnuntod to y 7 vi 1 u aa in ami with aj ta 17 or an uu imu uf hm mx i he hojki imiiiilniiii u 1 1 lilij 1 haa already coat 11 o cuuuiry 5u lh mr 1 hotderu i i tf y oiiuly waa an invited jjuient at the speaker ml inner oil hatanlay uujht the now rrunai h m mbra have wall od uou hun mr i w r in pml uit tboanbaidyof 57 m ixmi a ear fur the fat atlantic acrvice member of the h 0110 ami the pnrai gallery worn treatetl to aploadl 1 bimplea uf mape auitar from the taatern townshijui preaeuud to mtclovolaud m i the farm matitutra or manitoba ntltioqinu ihooovcrumtitt tobivo uxika for tholr ortfamtttmiia placed uu llio fn hat aiooilar t llio coiioraalun allowod to tl mectianica lublltuloa their lxoclleuciea uni and lily bci docu will bold a drawing ruum iii the huuaii chamber on hatuniay april jh 1 bo atate dliiicr will bo hold un i buroday tho lllt aj alrtauly umibiiioml in cdtlorno of tho world dolnirm ourlrik tlio wook hlillburnu allni r 1111 ll hs lunli shh1 n lie hajid arnpriorlarthrar 114 in if lalln i inr-lmp- uri ilhet ii i li limhl into iv in litlil prtaihnt lun ri n iho iklirlifij iwritilt ilu nil of uijtut in maiutobn anil the north wrtl haa b- itrrllii ioal uflieo rnlill rirtoud a 111 nit trdrt fur eliht cent mr i h ma i ratr nnopal ofowiu hound i ublic acboohi died jclcrday 1 roin ll lo i j hiliiij td mow fell biludny a lout ill 111 tl t tiilrnt li4chihcll h f f imi ohan of nraiilfiml iibb uetlui il in nroepl an iirt aan 111 alry mno ihn 1 of lh llaniilim rolling indu4iat icttml 11 r onl rtduttion in u mirn uml lluuhr limi lcnn llivllvd lo hold itiuutdnil tirvlilli al cutta llli t rii 1 il btalluc- and ruulauraul at mlamlalt m liufiid to thti ground 1 ilo day mum 1 lift ititua ir hu ihur niihir a miunli r of aim a 11610 ily for tho dt vt lopmt lit of that country j htiriheua a btihlur farmer uf indian lload ib aid ji im ilrred tl km on vthcat alom lut mamiii 1 wo nob cninpiiilei in lu htalu havu rrfuntj lo handle jjin1 h ikioh un itiontjo a nut lit fur foil ily rtndim 1 ho farmry uf ihu pan carjml 1 urn pany at pa rut waa destroy id bj llro laat tiioda nlh1 ixih nlxmt 40 ihk ihe ikhi of a titan riiippniad to bt that of liiiothy aviu of hamilton wi found on tb 1 it track ular iliurld hnuday m nwlwla or keeper l culew a four j stratford vhlli he ai in salurda alrrul statforl i imnlttei jfi afttnluou 1 irowuini li ear 13 un of mm nutvcomik waa burned ludrui in u barn t ml mime llajmnte bail art lln a two yar uhl tbiid uf a pichoriiil acuionlally ft 11 u hnl wall r and ret ivcd uijiirlca he died ihu follow m jay mr ricblraou 7t yrar of be who hd alunn in htrathruj waa frtiqfl rtpad uu 11 rd iapall of urn whttli a hukonc p 1 1 let i un ir- thcphr an old ladvfct stonv ot dlup intkitestto othi rs mra ffobart baaott whowmiprlp plntl with nttoiimnuam for nino vonrn dobdiio advanalnir v rn unit found rollnf sho r ton hor kpurlnncu thnt ollipmmuy profit liy it i in hi ptlrl i htm i ur upwnrild uf lhriii itnfi the v ti liia hem rep ii id i ah in k nflmlei from vnrinui riwrinnxititniaabjlni rrttpiiptinm n i utintintl mi rat u a in brnliu romlil oftt n hi forlorti cancabv i he u the prrparntlon known an pi willi m i ink pilia for patileoplo a iimre r l is intl mafaciilaititbiica with ll iibllnhrr of nimeral nf thn ndwhpap n ur un led un in lulu my that ihn air i nurtrd by uictn werft not overdrawn tr migrated adver irimentn tint wrr pub n n 1 an imllijiil htalumcnta of rumikablo cujoa from human iiih worthy of dm ivijcd puhlnjl that other nuffarrra mtlit xi bent fined alao i or eoina tunc pant wo haro hunnl the n mu of mm robert iliatett uf col bornn inwiipliin nianlionod an one who bad oiperioncoil mifcll uenclll truth tjlo dbo of r wllhama pink iiiih after years 6f pniuful aufjuriii curioua to know hn par ttouiara a r prt aeiilalivo of ihn sir nailed unon her nnu at ins flour and feed tore on llamiltoti filrret and anked how far the btory wan iran wllhiut hcnltatlun or nnmtvti mr rlmtntt laiiuctiad into praio uf pink 1illn which he aald had a innnl won jlerfnl efftct in reliovini in mother from the auffernik of a bedridden invalid crip iled by rhaumalinm and rralnnit litir in tlr enjoy mint of a fair dlree of hcalui and antivuy for a krnnii of hcm uly yt arn of rli- km for youranlf jin aald i am hiiro ahft will freely tell vmi all about her onne and otl ran udi how pi in h ho tl won to pink pill i nm aure that it la nwint lo lliem that aim in atlvn to day actuil- pn huh cordial imitlmti lh ro ll hi t in uio well knowi hlniiatl wai f illlld iiijojitij an afternimiu rt t lait al the rel di nco uf a neiiililhir firm uolx rtnoii hlie latifhinly tiruoled tbareijortt r with tin aiauratieu that bu kntw what he ha i coun for bb inr ami bad told hi r uioday xho we in town what wan waulud and althuukh aim had lio wiah tu dtoro in the uowa patra ah wan intti wilhii lo i 11 tbu fart in her cane it iu about tnnn earn hiio id i takti do- iii bed about i o cluck sunday nu riling apuplrky wan iho hum of death mr hamuc1 nmeil a renulenl of iiud aa for tho pant j yar aa round dead iu lua tardeii haturday afteruku do ccaaotl waa prchidcnt of tho llwktwer mr holler butcher ltnitou on i burn day had hiakull fractured lenklhwava acron the bead lua arm broken and other wiacaetcrely injured by col tin ion ith a ii a collision un the 1 it umduu laat 1rida jeorko ingrain betl 2i waa oatautly killed and almandcr raulkucr if wt reeflveh injttiff whtt ronlli fatally a few honraaftir ioiik alrutilo for tbq iiifbttncou traiiaacliun of their uefariuua buiioch ihn primnotor of the i uroiito pqal room haiu received order from 4tldo mcloutaii to cloao up or k to tl they don t want much 1 lo list uf oo holu of th david coldio john fjuldie 1 lib and it neilaun uf ay r lluul mc ulloch d all am bonking iuurhiratiuu at tbu mildie milling 4immiiy hmiletl with headquarter al ayr an i a eapllal of t h mm joa mail m 1 yim an i 11 i hutherlaud m 1 won the pn ijm1 aolora n an uliawmly ai it ilia luxla o the rlill lm i ii lay erlll hutbrrlaml wa tilt ikn an it an 1 it waa till n or ild fei mr d houdon m 1 iut1 i u the oontrallor of uauiina the other day a doputatiuu coaaiallnjj uf mcaars w heard muni uf tuniiilu leurite 1k u 1 i ureitbaupt her tin j miller onllia and t hhaw montreal lo dlacuaa with bun tlie dutlca on leather and atoanne mr john jacob aator the wtll known new vork millionaire and bla wife imr by pocij car in compauy with dr webb prealdeut 4 tho warner paloco ar om inuty on rnday in the eveumj uieiarty wore tho hucata of their r nellvnritia tht uvemo uonural and hjuiiiom f alcr i bo uuiiidutiou uf the n i an lutairatod ii the i kjuor buamoaa in tha province wai hehl t i mnitii laat wtok with cloaed dth f a ewputatiuu waa eh li wait up i tht lovomuieiit with a lll i mpidata f r chaiioa in the licenae law u their favor 1 he demanded that tho irmi bn oxnludpd alu diirun thn hilar view in aplte uf the eflurlu made at aocrocy buwovcr did praaa haa beau iut iu hioaoa atoii by lb j oworumoul llanlf uf the re gubala which thev receivthl 1 hoirjiat wa i i nlfirtiilty aa in h f ulmui u bo aotllnd by letialbtinu 1 i bo number if lovont nut in be ro duonl j early and arbitrarily but al regular poiuda aay three or ftiur yearn apart i tavern k mra in iki ulllblo fur mttntorpwl othoua ilihii nnd for i u un y belplrnn in lied unabb in mine or him my elf i doclored with local phvnirinii i uuppose the treatment i received havo helped mu for i wan able tojo ni oitain for uito a ioiik wbilu until another attack came on and for two ycirn i w maiu laid up never beium able to pulafuut under me or belji mynelf in any wa i tried everything blesn you doctors hatha liniment and medicine and of eonro ntiflered a ureal deal beitift troubled alno with aathma hut ttjirmh 1 uially ot on my feel auaiu i wa not able to do any tbinti and could net acronn iho room only willi ihn help uf aomeouo and leaunik on a chair which they would pimh before ipe tbtt ibnl tn mm llriiiihaj of writ eft uhu bail wfitlnrl fur nm llnrp r irlborn 1 hit wo hit a iitn tin very brldlot htmk bikiiii ti mid iiiil burn tlml imi npjmiarc i tor tnnn f ithl lioartn i went i em d litllu itjiniiih wimi urn nil ijti bn i 4 ihnpuhlii are wl nine iu dump coal iii a atiitutiintar rufiraytioiinil hnr rnur but wit muni rtiicnt bit in bruid nor limbu offtrtx bo dehiuiled there nrs ilium miller durno yl mav bli t interested co knowledge bntign comfort find imyirovrmonfc and alula to pom i il oijiy limit arlioit rightly mini tho mnii wholi to bet tor uian ihornniidoiijoy lifomorn with i is oxiniiilitiira by moro prompblj nilnpttna tlio worldu btat producu to tho timlbof pliyaipalbuing trill attcnt tlio vnlito lp jifnlth of tho pure lirpnd linnlno piincila oinbracud in tho nm 1 ri lip or firii iii oxcpttoitco in dnn tn itaprnaonttnp in 1 hu f i in ir lit net t pbdi o and pltan nut to tho tanln thorufroahingand truly in in liciivl proportloa of b pnri ct htx omvoj itoulunlly alttnaitip tho ayu m illlnjtl uriiff enum tirnrliriiu mid ftivrri tn id i in in itly cm lug coiinlijiatioi it imi jiw u aiumfnei i n to nnlhona and tint wilh tho n i ulof tha modicnl pr faiii i ixcitimo it nela on tho kid ntyn litr and jh l w itlinnt wink unni them ni 1 it in ifi i tly free from ommvhjlil dlonuldni b i up of i i r imui b nil dnig ptnlft in 7 hiii n hut it ia mium futlni i ly lio ihf i ia i ig bymp co onl wlitidt n nun ii puntetl on an ry pnek al i llmuiui sy i up uf in aid hu ii i innmed u will n t aicit uiiv nuluilituto if iforod will ily and by t wan advincd to try ii im b pink pilla and thuiitcli batl un faith in anything i imhikih bumn at wilson drut nluro and bi k their ojte and when i bad taken two bukoa 1 foil i bey wore helpini me h conttnuetl them rprtte a while improving gradually tin hi now 1 ukni them for n couple of nouthn i can now uu around alone and allhuinji i alwaya keep luy alluk with me to ltiaid oalnt an aocidunl ur a ml atep 1 can aafely aay i am wonderfully unproved fr no the uno ir pink pill 1 am u looker a hulplesa burden aud cam on u l thai i wa and piuk 1 ill did it mm liiaaett haa been a wuuiat 1 h auuvily and indulry aud in oiiuiid an unusually bilil aud vivauiuua mod ho la a throat reader and talks wilb all tb uiariiiiui luleruat uf olio ol iho uld luu uiulber in israel in her lonu roideu of ih year 111 thin mjunty aha haa ace spring sg6ds vegetable md rlowkr i ltlllll foi tilt i rui tllj jiardcu by the pk or 11 or ijusiili all fresh and true to ninil akikc lullilii an 1 keel chut r i imoth and other k manuel car rot nnd 1 urnip set ds at low i st m s pe lal juota- uoiia for htil uuaiuitilb ifrt et st t il importer 1 he onl tlfrt et st i d importer ljjtrct n i intuitu london geo j thorp hniihinan mdsomt huuk i ppt r ndhain st 1 i i im wc have received v new block of dress goods gents furnishings hats ties etc our new tics il 30c sold everywhere else at 50c vye have only to show them lo bell them thev ire the talk of tlie town our dress gboods compare favorably with any of the large city houses in some instaiicc they arc lower than can lx hnuglr anywhere else saiohday is our bargain day call ind scl for yourbelf that it is as we advertise millinery tjhjujja pteliully 11 ill jnir nl lit of 1 w teq ion tweotla anil ttulhn for jhin jiomvma uade itwiltoom para favorably with uuy in ihe ity wmjfcel juilo confident allhonh wo do not advortiao ciuraolvea in print aa the only hrnl claaa tailnrj iu ouolpli wo think lbt otirfvrord jualifloa an in claiming to 1m tailor whom kooda and work aro omluontly aatiafactory wa do not allow ary of our com pet l torn for ronr patronage la outdo nr in any creditable par ticnlar wo liaroduna and am dolait jti kood work aa any in canada and court compariaori utlts tit i i shaw turner guhlph uerehanttalloni nil urnlblim dralrr fleta bbrrttbrmrnje l a 11 cook ilkntiht cir nil u hi lit hailllll tuauhtu will visit acton on tliu tlral an tlajp each tnoiitti orrit a a enow lit ml kinst ibit halunur jli a wwre t u ijotu or ullaun tlerty at rcai tial job piuntino milliijier novelties are unsurpass both for stle and low prices vvc arc always pleased to show our stock at any time gxroceries we earry a full assortment ol groceries highest prices paid for butter and eggs jive us a call durno sco mill aj main btiecla acton nd i he pc r of uilalu lloouao lullen tu bo wllhdrawn 1 bn talo uf cigars lo iw regulated anil liconsctl by iho communion en 1 bo clauses roiuiriu a majority uf ijuallrlod nlocturb to iwlilion bafure a new license can bo granted tu be amended and that licrp le im r alriat i a iirali lial okh imbhorv law he mr iuilmil hie overuiit ii will t of a pr liall ibt plael i vt a liuun i wnadvauc rllliik when jiinfdetaliuo eitbhaluhtot- thfc day now book and porudliala it rtt ln tho attantion of tho rubdinb pybtlc ibe 11 ooa i or hcboil maitor a oupy ol ihl deh story reaches our lablo from tbe malhodlbt hook aud publishing lluuae furvuto who bava aat laaaod a apocul canadian edlliuu tbe handaomo bmdln and tbe uumeruua tllualrationa of tho book at uuob comohind ll in the eye but iu kraal oharm lie in it ininkhuk of humor and palbol tba tpaaint dioloct tha brilliant character sketches tho iiidiapaoaiblo iu maooe wltb whitih ur kkkiiwiou haa in va4d tha blory of ralph flartaook a advoulorva iu toacbluk the youti idtm how to ahuot in blat crick doetr il1 uf tbe flooalor htate aonia forty yean ofu 1orhapa ibaroaloat slreomoi of the story ilea lo iu oltaraolb akaloba hul tharv i au muuh una would like lu mauliuu aud which bpaoo will not permit that we inuat simply aak our road ara tu gal the book for thaoaeoltraa and if they have nut road ll rt will boar a aaooiid roatlink prtmlw uicm atraal buoii aa thoy bava rarely njojtad tha book may ba had lu paper or cloth cojr tha afihi book sol lor tho canadian publisher hava laid the l ton he utttted lliat tin cl shout i be sen lu him lu ibty would retoivt hlliij an lv ill luhrtail ijunatl hi raise ho said uatiilnt thai of ibe umptiiballiu in caw prulubiluty lelalalioi d uld 1m onoeletl yuii will admit thai any dliltioli of the nubjaut jt the present juut turo if affair would be coasidered prematutr lu the una vui lablt abaeliin uf ttio premlor you will nut expect me lo make any oilier reply to you at present i roat thai i will lwcont your view lo iho uuvarumeut aud that thoy will receive duo attention thfc join lohnb klhleb i ha annual mtallii uf hi nlli i mil i ha frtt- uutirink lalhira may bo attributed much uf the irosimrlty aud beauty wlutli in ihn aoterlallu of ibe old homoatoail in willi ma pink pilln are purl it blimml buildur aud urrve relt r r nit in audi diaeaao an rhuuiustlaiu iieurulia jiarlial iaralyais insminolur ataxia bt vitus douoa tiarmiu haadauif uviwiua prttalraliuti and the lired fuclllil the cfiuui iho after eflicti uf la lrlppt dlntianta di jhtiiiliuft uu htutior in the bloo1 mill an scrofula croiut crijhui el 1 ink illla hivo a healthy khw tn pale and allow complexions and are a swcllku for iho ironblu peculiar lu the female uyslcin aud in tlin atn ll men thty rlleet a railial far and near 1 k iiul v ilui tome to t ii l n av co t t tl i uuu and mi greu wonder consideitng what the save aa the e ik ol on u ds ik bought hi laigt tuantities from the manufacturers in the old world oome- liu lj going twitf i t n to bu enabling us to give such style and value we would hkt jiiu totoinpait tin in with anthmg bought elsewhere in canada at lucent our i iribaacb ul rluruift looda are jual ooroinb to baud a few daya oyo foor large u t u draya on dl for o ooo hu jrwd pia of carpets iu uaam wool tapoauy cotk and uroaaala bouflhl dtraolxrom tha mana fatlurtr in tiimiiiiuu w hud ihem lo be the liandsoinoal ahadiura aud pattern wo eer had and tbotvaloa bettor our i hriiboln eialiuu our former si it ao thia ii aouofhluh do uo buy everyday and worth yoor while oornlun a ilislauoo lu kt iho hotoettt aud 11am l v aluo in i 11 lihm1 jluok 1 s wanted a fall aud wlular tlurluu slack uni rtiouc i llwral y if ou in n tiul f irk at loukiiih fur a executors noticftocroditoi- id lho matter of the eitau or jane sharp lata of the village of aclorj county ol ha i ton deoeaaed n otteh la i retit blvnti in pursuance of ii k i 111 hk w that all ertmliturs liarliuj claims acil lho vlate of tlio above nauietl deceaaed are toil ul ml tu hind bv ki1 irmdd or deliver u j v i run aelou or floon luauell itajlluofad uio oxeiuturi uf liio bald dn i umi uau pa ti claliu duly torlfitnl ti tatulnrv declaration on or before tlio lat dafcof uv ih aud further lake notice thai sfler tlin fltl lt day uf xay lls said r inruu r will proriwd to dlatiibuts tbe asoeta of ttm aald deceased am u ill uio iieranna onuliwl aud tlie aald i- leculon will out be liable ur tbe aald oaseu ur any part thereof u an ieruti of whoso claim ttioy ti ail tint hto tiatl utitlee at tlie lime uf auch illilrlliu j r i llr n irultor ilubst 1 1 ll 2ul imui i- lecjftom auction salk a house and lot in the villaoe or acton 1-llhtl- 1 uci u by tbe r leculor jauohliari 1 c of hi 1 1 i druaa liuuln are t pctuk u apleudldly at trade uf droaa hxxla f una part uf lho ouutry ii will be plrasad with valua and btyllab goods r stock of new trimming bdke ac ara also all cases arlatiil frc ork of any natur al t he ml dr at never att 1 in bulk hunlre1 and any tn in in uili f r i i an i ah told hn a 1 1 fur dr william i lt 1 y pec1hl bkrgh1ns itottlo i 1 111 i i lll 1111 turoou will bo onulljr opaol by r uuj tribal bj pmvljlnil i clo urau1 iiiuuol fall on lino 11 15aj i j noiy u liuui ol uif looi 1 i mor wook i lluae prone i i horua mkj ra a peibo and 1 aulut i apla m hugwortb lkrbor a 1 hoik lock ibe folium i miiiui iteklmiulal majtx ililh and tapu moore and liealtio hand major aplbe and 1 suluu anj apt harbor meet apt ilarber an 1 traul and major loodwilhe it i tie apt oraot major 1 ui aud i an ton apt moorland i leul mioibbuu it waa reaolvod that an aihoaliuu should bcauul lo the mltilsler uf vtllltla fur a oil supply o ibe now martini met funl ntloa ii waa decided tu huld tha i rills uialuboa uf the routmoul some i juno if kihlc aii the matuhos oxcepl out the company iiatoh vflll jrol ably be ujrrn to all otunrta who pay au afllhatlni fei of h totidc ihelr eulranio feos and coiuoliuira m the uomijiiy uiatrh inunt ba in jjjiiform major pauluu waa aptuiuutd capialu uf that riimnlal tram in tbu fauadiau mill ury itioa imue- it waa decided liat tho sillllaltilii fa of iu be aid to tbe doiiuiiluii itlfto as toe i atiuu out of the reattuoiital fund uiis year if an clllctenl team can ba sent to tha j ottawa iriatchea i ills fui i alt 1miple dr wlintr pink i ills nay t bad uf all druiuisu ui lire i by mall fiou 1 1 williams mediumi t uiuukwll il an 1 s lmiieua l n tl ril nltb or lib lea fur b- l i he pi i al huh these pills art old make a mum uf trat pared with utile omudloa indi al iruatnibtil doctors phhslhiut it l iilhl u by 1 walib fur ld nl lj a v i uuu tia it a i a in lilt i litis uf luoda bofore ooi or city uuatomots bofore people from a distance jtol a chance aa i bay ko ur itarualna hor luatauoo lho ulhor jay we advartisod i7uo yd ol fa inl in out lay there wore over j 000 yarin bold wo are spurns another hi lot in ao wo havo at present a hraal lut uf manufacturer a oi l ou will always llud aomatblug ta your internet at bomtilluias u j advartised i70t yds of faat c jor indiro wo are kotttna another blt lot in ao s oud uf hoi broideries we armakid thursday 10th ahhil o clack on ui retuftua tbe lot on the c irn r htraeta aelui uixm tilct able trauis iwulllnu runt wttli wood lied atlartied and a fcootl well the ir i e00 tanalb or him ten fer eenl tu i e al 1 on day of sale balance i r no half iureliae uiouey to bo pall mtliln ihtrly tat ilia to- tuaiuder uitv remain n uiirtaai with lulere um 11 h klritllh tt hiiii lew r j f i itfcs ikuittib llosii 1 1 smtain notitk citizens ark riqokbted to comply with thx public health act m otlt if hor i y ultuti thai all irl intita i i w i li lll lho stouiaub an i bowels and iva beallb alceji lho world haa over aeou 1 1 la ploasnil in tin laatn and abaululoly barmlas ll icllevea i atlpallon ijuiola iain cunts diarrhoea ami wind oohc allays ftivut lahtuia denlmy mm aiil jirntenls uouvuibioub athtlhi lho uhlll aud elves il refreshing an i natural alcop i aaturla la panacea the uiolhor a frieui oalnrla la put up in oi ily ll i not sold in bulk dun i allot anyone to sell vou auythino elau un th plea ur pruiniao that il is jual aa ihm and will anawor every purnis bee that yuu iot u 1 i ii i a 1 he fan alulllo slittialure uf the one price dry coods store g b ryan st co cuelpi i there is no change in principle luu illuu duuuu lho appitaiihimt hyntm aud uummei will nuiue be very ureal diflereno- tt m e nier of kini ht i bal aud lliiihou ht and tbe alrucluro that fur marly ocouplad that position aoj it u whilt lb old ntote haa dlaapcaiod tud the now oue baa taken iu daoe thsrs baa beam dralui and olbnr null uluve thervfrou uimuum wlikh n haalul anil lobavet by uie loth day i ui da u i tar y luapeclir a ihhuui aud lurti kaajiliu ol liutta lx l stawdlds nuir i all rldll s dlalu reeled 11 ll a shoe u of iiediuinal a is kradually ieb lug ibe uld herbs pills drauthtsauil vejtet able ttratta lu the roar sutl briugiug ifameral uao lho pliaaaut and efleclive ll jiiiti lasalivo ajrupoffjira to jet tha true reiaody aoa that it ia in au factored bv uie callfiirnia hu fjyrup cu only ior sale by all laadintt drujuiatb i ho polio that haa h at iaa dry ootids at bitter aipl riuiuker aorvn lied lln rale pri no change in principle hi lluuao fur over half a oeulury is atlil maintained and oar patroua may rsly ua go i ting exteiiaive aelllng spaoe and increased faotlilua wa ara in a poailiou to gva for thlll iaih u golum tn bo a the electric railway system t antral staliuu and ruturuing ibe chaug at a rata of spaed that would baoouatdarad dangarooa oo tbaatrawl for house furnishing our new hpriiid hlooka or mllhuory ma id lea and uraaa good a ara coming to liand awy day aa wall aa bpripg olovoa j trela i under wear pruil fmiatlirh ttlroutaya and other uovallimto cotlootdraaw pabrioa uaallna 1 broideries to rtouu irish and oonuan labia lineo towau tuwelhnga bboalloga pulow liuao ooylua tray clotba hide board hearts tc oar carpel tirta llooiii lo aw and auieoi hfl ik de rlptiuu and uauiiot ooiiui purchaboaof iiour more lr wa aak mmial attentiou ui our dreaa making and uantla afakld da part mania both uodar aapariaooad wdamiiat aud may ba railed upon or naweat alyla and parfoot bt ml window khada odparlruaata leak for a eh am of thia baaaoo allanlioo quod tbjfht and plant of boot mlturii aud or loo in your favo if du ara f urol thing pr porch aal dg apring dry oooda of any ua tu th city uy aboppiqaj by mail wiui ua wa goarantaa to gia aatiafaotlon and dalivar all froa at your hallway hutioa aialiil hku1 hollhl ktnu hlftkkp kaht over 93000 haabfeuaubaorlbeilaba fuml t curtior llugltbtiu hlreet for tho jiarlin aud waterloo lloapital lllaardaldglmcnl rtuocaneuralla thomas o watkin8 mnn it it a va ruhfspoikts rr ih it shol v ir 5wlv jo 1 m spill h s 111 k 1 iu l tt an 1 1 ii 111 u on ill tin o ii s and 111 uu 111 1 lll 1 1 i ml i kkmon a i- nali j jwiog fu m piuptist d u iikovil to uthii prt mist s ia 1st ma i ttm disposing of ill lines at ten pel t t nt icdut tion for cash i have llu i itt st st it s m mens woiuiius toons 1lii1ivun a nice assui tint nt of 1 un mioes several lines 1 am rulining off at icbs than cost w willtams ac hon t x

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