Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 19, 1894, p. 2

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pi 1 1 j r j wwrrr ftrmhtfmrtiri-ylmmtir- wlf i- whim jowsllsro s tlaiimhier iriodn in timiio nn haliiulat 111 till vrll llin elf ii ii ii jenny of a its lighter hit lull t mi hum nun al i the rton jfrrc rrss ihhhbpay willi 1 irfm notes and comments l tlm 1 liv busittt uh of tlio pn son i an legislature i iify tomplnled with ilia patch it in tjtoctotl that tho seventh partnniiiitiir ontario will ito tliiall pro roriiod next wrcjt i hiragn paper ironically remark i hose canadian ueighhora uf eura are ler ribly slowjcllowa u took thnm all of thirty da lo make tariff our legislators have boan eighteen mouths at it buildiog ia and wo iloti i know now whether il ii a tariff or a mule raoe t tlia greatest snag in tho pathway of good government in this oonntry aa hundreds of tlionaatida of intelligent americans sok- nowtodro ib manhood suffrage it haa produced the uneducated ballot and that aort of a hftllol ia good raw material for ho wniding sheet of liberty hicago unit it tfitkmft- in introducing ihg budget in tho drtttab house of tommom monday sir william llarcourl stated that a deficit for lha omiiig year of a i ww 000 would bo mot by au luoroasa in tho death dulioa an increase of a penny a pound in the income tax fld per gallon ou spirits and od par barrel ou boor budget debate endfid tho dltflalon onvo tho government n mhlprlty jot bo in n total vato of 200 comments at the capital wednesday lrhli ajirll i ho grnl bud get delmte was i i deed nt half isl nil mi irliu mnrning wm om of tlm lotiffat titk otprhniril litsjitrttiirmnt cum mrnninil nt tirhf a rtoclt im tliu 27lli muruh it lasted thirteen da during ninth limn nlwiut kcenl pn liofirw mr lull at of the lliat t jioti iu interview laal week mr an korne c 1 u expressed tba prediction i thin 1h rnontba from now wheal will pnr hn a u n a jet ol figures respecting the wheat supply of the world to sustain hi opinion his position la however not considerable very tenable by grain experts municipal councils geuerally will have to wake up in keeping their street road and bridges in good order damages for injuria are beinff rot all over tho proinoe miaa oranjjo a former reaidool of kioler got v wo and full ooata from the townabip of kurihcmia for being thrown out at a waab out on the road her fnenda offered to jet fo m0o0 b xl in trfflrairlrfltt tn i ifcf ilovolrdtn iliiidiiaainh nlmnat ikir jiiilijrrt ronnrclinl wilh tlm loinrnmi nt polic i gryt the fbantpa in ihn trift rjhmcd lo 1m tnl media id unilor ranaiitlrtinii tlio dcbnln wai yvry etniity xlivnlnl nn far nn apeechr wrn loiirrrnnl ll ih iiih lirniil on nach aliln 1 1 in rod he 1 htu wna rnaoltail itftor miihiiklii wlxu v ernmenl nii itilntaiiied b n lar majuritv altcr by mr laurirr nnd i r montague thru a not ninnh inlriil i x hibttctl in hid delmte till the iiivihkhi catnr with the mult hint tho optnailiuu i 7j whilo tho cuvrnmrnl luid lh hi vot beinij jth ahkisu run i iii ii i miwix itov w h wiltui of loronu ai bnre yoatenuy lo tutors low tlio minuter of 1 nation in rrflarti in ilia cam of i him a williamxm o nmaoi marklwm who i aatitenood iu knik pouiteutiary th yeftra ana for fontry mr w ilaun imit bronht down a polilion very nuioroualy ihiiotl ntktnp for wilhaiiimin a rolrami aa the uofnion rrowa old or there coima ovor lha dolilxiratiunb of the llouna an air uf rctttfalurai that haa iiiurb to do withtho improaaion that viailora oftcu lako nway with thorn thai porliamnntaniana npond thoir timp moat indolotttlj hocjn will hate gone from ua the wivoa and rhutfthtcni of tho aoaaioual iaitortf who atinimlly oomo to otuwa to take their imporuut part in tho little aaidca of tlio aeaaion tllcy have bran ui u 4iu nd bav -altakan- manla- with ice royalty the have itinnl nod danood and have alralwl dnwnalnira to eleven ochxk lirrakfnath and booh will ni torn to ibofr homiw to rrhonrito hit tflorj of it all x i mei ai it ilvm tllr inn mr m hara poln magiatrkte of ottawa today i u true ted hit aollcitor mr moleod blow art to enter an action for libel aflftinat tbo toronto jvii for 910101 damarea on actoiint of a hbelloua letter publiihed in that paper on haturtlay and aijtned hicliard j v lokatoeil talk qp the du- an eplcomavof tnw uorlda doliu durtnu tho wook auothor abfiol rrlix ih ihrr 6 in mr a hnrvdm d artt wluili nn day hk km inm the lied proail ill 1 i ution in will lalti- plan in snoinhr ftia ilebatu hi tlm hwiatn on tlio hlalni lann kill end about april ill iv nd to areti nml of i rmno r elrrtinu in tint anol in ilnif rli of afr- lob i il dead in imii lion cao oharrad that the manitoba uovertiment or aoroe membera tboraof an tered into a oorrupl and unlawful agnte ment with the cauadian pacific railway ompauy for the iranaportaliog of lanje numbera of voter at the elections and the afudatjt aaka that act oral membera pf tba rogiblature and the principal offloera of the c auaaiian jaoiflc itailwa onnny be oiriiniitjm the matter i lie la inn of an atlaudo cable ia no londr a mailer for international congratn taliou andjubuatiou in fact the new ono which ra betnfl laid from the inah coaat to nova boulia o i tract a only the nuldoat aort of attention tho aooompliahmetit of the undertaking ta however or great import a ii co aa it la ox pooled that the a peed m the trauimibbon of meanattea will be raiaod to thirty worda a minute thereby further narrowing the ifap belwoeu hurope and america j ho kutaiau miuiatry uf juatico in urn aidering a iiyatein of providing btats jiaid imiuple a attomeya for the jralituloua de feooeortho poor l a criminal and civil caaea i bo aryumcul ih that wherever the hlau providca a proaecutor it ought alao to pro vide an adtocato for tlie accused rbli pmolioo already uiata in aoatro hungary in thu form of ex oflicio oounaelfbut thin ia for criminal caaea only an ajwociatiou riota in v luiina to provide counsel for tba por in civil cases lleury llewi of new ork in hla lalat luknig circular aaya irbap thi prevailing dulloeaa in the i nitad hlatoa oomoa from the oonditlou of legislation oo x t o tho lovernment haa readied a dciimon in regard to the proposed changes in the post nffioc irjiijeciorihiini of ontario and the fullowing may be regarded as the dclln lie location of the different offices inaptcl or darker of london to locate at toronto inspector hpry of uarnc to go tu 1 ondou inspector jones of kintfslou to go ro itar rie inspector ilojikirk will remain at btratfonl and inspector hawkcn at ottawa 1 lie new man to tte apkintod will have charge of the kingston d l mm on lolui m1 k hnillh of iniifoi friday lamm niiininu ti niillcctnr at hamilton di l ual wih u dml iliwax mnynr in l nod i iiixriir lilian hn inhii l a rescript prohibit i ti oriipra uf tbfjtrm amf ntvy from ixtlini at race cjiurix- lapnn la to ban so i ijnilion in ihi at llioio ihe rnpttal of dm 1 nipico si whlrh iorriitn jo may im ealubiud ii imai 1 that ilir lr twanl mri nn is o b iriuatcrrei irtnn nnw ork lo alcnumim parihh lltiiiiriimli the nuw havana taiiroad oilotwlmg from ibnit in iltir cirri urn lifts hoeti formally opeiud to public travil a hum lu ti mmiiuy rohbid a iln near miiioji a of tho wells 1 ar go treasure hi conlamg mm 1 here in hi mm 100 tyluu idlo in tbu han fraud lo umuiurrial ilanh thu lartnt surplus that lian tjooii known f r many years hiram hilkrinnii ol uubbwood out is in montreal il cbar 1 with 0frandinj mr kdward ltn owl of ii7 worth uf goojs tborcinsnihof tlie lalel id marphcrson were ctemmcil it hsn itomo italy sir david maclhersoii will brltit thorn in an arn to toronto the rand jury at piatt ny mo has b indiotiii ag f o iio leading nien and women for playnru liro grassivc euchre the prince of wales while jiroccodiug to co burn to attend the royal weddiui dropjd off at brusiels ami dinci with thu king of the belgians monds a demoualration was held at h idbury last week in cole bra tiwu of he ontario government a new mluiii bill rnseeliiik elempllon from royalty william i a lor a farinoi i rum near lleu morns waa suffocated by gas in market hotel oalt on friday niht ha had loft 4b amiracte of today thebtantunqexpcnilnci br no laqv thomas a young laqv in tt mas a conatnnl suftnror or morn tl in pivq v oro hordloodrindtmn od to wntor phj wloinriu hold out no moim of hor ijitrowory how hor llfo viv saved a vuiuihi- fnl story t uiaajuiiiiiiil 1 ho angol of the lord encaiupulh i bout thnm hint fear him n i deln of hi from whflf slm wai u abo came sn l he lecltt tbovo related am tmpjrtaut to ptn ul it atjmre srs many young girls juaf buildiiig ito mumnnliooil wlioatf condition is to as the least more critical than their psfliils nnaglnu i heir comploiion is pale and wsay in itpearaiiro troubled with luart palilnllun hearlarhra shortness cf breath mi tin hiiiimi oscrolan raininess and thrf dlsirssinp symptoms trliicrrln grayo unless l prouiit akpa are taken to brinit about ti nlti ml nmidillon of health in this timer gene no rctimdy jet discovered can supply place dfllr williams pink pills which lliflm hucili is a orse at imk m familiar in very rrlanv rcnuh nt lboma by tho well ktn mi nam ill lluv build anew the blooti atreiigthen thonervea j it hunter in irtlirs tftt mttliff tnl reatorn the glow of dealt rj to pain anil stained glaan ranliihl ovir lbs door or jiia sallotv clieqki the are certain cure fo residence no i i i w illusion slrrel in the sll troubles jr uhar to the female system text 1 as i in mil 7 i hough wo live m r old pink pills alrto euro auch an ajo uolnd for hm fu rglu zealous hrm diai aaea as rhenmalisiii neuralgia partial tian endeavor this idti of mr hunter s to f psl i i rnmotor ataxia hu itus ipturos upon j danca nr not bradachn nervous prontra pleas tlm truths those who read ihongli tl rim in altn gwtber o original and so novt1 that it at once oxciten the cttnoail 1 bono not turn iliar with tho oxt make a mental note or it and at tho first opjwrltiitily look il up tbl ii jual what was done by a n present ativrf of tho j hum il who ha 1 occasion to visit mr hunter a residence lhaodior day uut with tbfr object or tho i it and the m formation obtained tho reader will he mora ooiiceriiod tho reporter was ahulnml to inviintigati a uiarvelloun euro aaid to have been effected iii tba case of a oung lady employed in mr hunter family by lbt well known and opular rimedy ir will lams pink ljita and it was a wonderful story that tho yuuug lady had to tell and is undoubtolty an truo aa it is woudorhil iaat juno the aamo reporter interviewed mrs john cope wifo of the tollgalo kceptr on the loudon and port htanle road who had bmironra by rink tills of rannmg ulcers on the limbn aher years of suffering and after having been givon up by a num ber physicians the old lady had en urely reegverud and frlll i by the t 1 r ror t paicrs juat brought down by hi been apparently certain ol euactmenl la uaw thrown into inooh doubt it is quits uuoertain whether the senate will aooopt tbo income tax appendage to the tariff and it la equally doubtful wbethor the uoune would consent to the elimination of that feature there aooini to be little chance of the hon ate reaching a vole on the iueelion before the middle of may and after that there la likely to oomo a dilatory dickering between the two house more over it ii now becoming a question among ougreasman whether oven the president might aooepl the bill provided it oaran le him with the iuooqie clause annexed it thus seems possible that this measure may remain unset lied until the middle of jane and there la no judgiug whether iu the sod hie hill will be enacted this uncertainty brings new confusion into lha importing intci out aud tlm whole rauge uf homo 111 right in canada aervo to show that hi lationa with the mother country on that subject are strained and that the premier is not at all disposed to relieve th in through tho making of conceaatuua op right in anada lias a long hla tor but the central point in connection uilh it ia the fact that the confederation act gives ui ex oluauo control over it among tlio apteral silbjoota assigned lo ua copyright holds a distinct place in spite of this tho inior lal authorities hate maintained or many year lliat a copyright given in loiidoii hotda good here hou j w iongluy attorney iiuncui uf nova koolia is in the cilj their oxoollencica iord aud l4ij au deen left for montreal yroterday on a cek s visit tin writ for lilouooalcr n it wa lamed monday nomioatiuu will take placs on monday april to aud voting a week lalor meaar c w had wick and j m bavage uf hat portage are in lowu lu urge the government to aak parliament for au appropriation for a now post oitnx for tho town a ntatement issued by the v inanou iu partment gives the reoeiuu from tbo lal of july iwia to tho loth of april of ibis yuxr aa lihiij 0jm a agatnat hi ihmohj for tho aauioieriod last oar i ho cipcnditnrt for tho aamo period waa ll l7 i against th tlil iii7 our local legislators rtio laoroaaa playara socura hi choice of grounds at thai park often and le aid morris has bocii nominated as a candidate for tho i omlaturo ui hast hamilton by the central lemjwrance lreontivo of tho ambiliom ity oi monday david llullyor a loudon lad foil while climbiiu a barb wiu fence his cheek was ripped upon from mouth tu ear aud required six stlchrs lilood poiao ing is not feared howell i liotnsji s i judou lawyer who acted for col jacijues the american claim ant of tho townley estates haa been arrest ml charged with obtaioing money fraud uleutly from tho latter detective greer who went to ttoaaman mont lo arrest dal ton thi conntjir met on monday uvcuing at eighl u clock mombers all present hoove pearson in the cbau i he minutes of latt iniwli who rail aud confirmed tho uommilum ui hoamw ichiiu1 their sixth rokirt rooojosendu paytnoiit uf accounts aa follows lualpb ltrtii u w hwackltaumifir ih liteharv notes 1 us april number of the jaraojw al is a special memorial of the late u i i on tod dr uouglaa 1 1 contains a fine lorlrall and elojusnt tributes by the iu or gurtnau uev ur 1olta ltv or w i hliaw and itev ur hugh johnson other articles uro i b rough baruaria illuslra lug tbo rcoeut buuday aoliool iaaaous ii also describes tho remarkable seot of the bam arltalil the imallesl and the oldest iu ths world uow reduced lo one hundred and llfty laraous they were oelabrsting thair paasovor wbeu visited by tbe adilor many eiigraviugs illustrate tbe subject tbe while lily 110 well illustrated the lie johu hunt has a very interesting paper ou hours in furonto leueral hoe pital giving many pathetic incidents a second part of thai practical article on hard times their causes and lie roadies by ormeacham uf japan and numerous other well treated subjects tbe 1aimc with us well selected matter should com inoud itself to all lovera of good reading itie kvebjllu of medicinal agenda ia gradually re legal mg tho old iberba pilli dreaghlafand egst able oxtucta to the rear eod briofioft into geoeral km tba plmsaol and aamlivb liquid laxalivel byrop of klga to gal thai true remedy thai il ia maoofaotpred by tba california fig byrop co oply 1or tale by kit turfing ilronula i mop1 bj juhu willi aetidoti bj joseph anderson dial tho roirt just roa1 be aduptetl moved by uoo lutlll aoouii imi ty john williams thai the lurk be instructed to advertise for tenders for use of park fur may iuh or july 1st the highest louder not neooeasarily to be accepted c arned a petition was presented by the i oiuig resent l lub jinyiu for the use uf the upper end uf the jaark fur their prac tico during tho season moved by ii jeans aocoudod by goo hbviii that the petition v the oung resent lacrosse lub praying for the use of tho upper emt of the park to play lacrosse bo granted arricd it was re kir tod that tarties hail bocii in the habit of using no vera i of the blind a trout a iu voang a burvey fur garden plots huch uae will not further be permitted ihe ohalrmau of tlm at roe la and walks introduced ths matter of rapaira and itu pruvanteuts ueceasary iii the inuuli lmjlty the proeeut year he exprvescd himself surprised that after such thorough repeira aa wore ell acted 11 year so much will be absolutely neceatarj this season the council aa a w i tola waa liivltod to accompany tho street and walk committer on a lour uf inspection council adjourned at m o dock oalt haa now a drat tela dally paper issued by mr a laid law from tbe hrfarm rr office ur la id law la boe of the moat adterprlpidg young man iu suadian journalism he haa had oonlrul of tbe ueurrurmter- ouly ih ibuiilhebul baa wou a vary high prestige and feels warranted now iu publishing a dally he is well iaejiflad for all requirements of the w venlttre and will nodoobl make it uf much value ia giving ualt standi ug ltead about g b llysn alo sgoetph oaxpeu to ihair advertisement lleged con fuss ed murderer of the williams fur which macwherroll stands couvlctod aaj t tho affidavit la a great big fake the artnera of t nglaud geriuany austria aud poland are greatly distressed by the dry weather which prevails in those countries ihe lrought has not been broken fur more than live week about s o clock monday oteult half doou bojs were oul on tho ood at altlatou boatui n hou tlio boat capiiod all were rescued excepted one a lad uamod joseph kovuoldn about i j years 01 d fishery luamclr kerr of hamilton made a raid on a lot uf buffalo itshormeu betweeiirort iiid an 1 i oinl albino ou balurda coillicauiig two or three miles uf nets ihe buffalo people were uniting lu anadian waters 1 wottlaufor a lni i ar i ilud realixod from nine cow faring the past year as follow t hecse chetiea stl jl butter sold sij x calves sm total i jl ii will be nolicod that the aver age is gll mm for each cow thb humtomkrt rangb ihn wrought i toil range ompauy of lontuto will bo in i lliat- section in the course of a week or eo with their homo onfort hleel hotel and i auilly katies a stove uf npiioo dmigu aud superior mechanical construction 1 hi rano la meeting with much favor both lu the home aud hutela aud publm institutions it ia manulacturedol malleable iron and wiought sleei aud la hnod with atbeotoa rendering it muoli more durable aud cipeblo of ro taming boat fur a longer time coueuentlv 1 is nuusuall economical ibis rauge is n nyt salosmennr tlie compauy from their own wagons at one uui form price throughout anada and tho t lilted blalcft 1 ho following loan tu i ii wrini uf the superiority uf 11 mo i o furl inch in praise of dr williami pink pills inch had given her a new leasn of hfe ah it wss with mrs cope so was il with mias ldna harris the ouug lady in the employ of mr hunters family who has boeo restored to health ami strength by pink pills miss llama has jul passed her twentieth year aud is a daughter of george harris who lives at yarmouth height and is employed ly mr geo boucher floruu and plautamaii i bohovo dr williams pnik pills saved my life and 1 am juite willing ill ewer shoul kno ver rptyafmtw westmr ilarris when asked if sho had been benefit ted by pink p lie aud if so would she mako public her story coiiliiiukij alio naid when i was twelve or thirteen jcam of age i was first taken sick 1 ho doctors said my blood bad all turned to water j- or le years i buffered lernbl aiii wsa so weak that i could baraly kep alive it was only my gril aud strong will the doctors said that kept me alive at all if if i tried to stand for a abort time ur if i got tbo least bit warm i would all omr in f mjtiyea wexe ud iinity and 1 was so thin and pxllid that rtvory one believed 1 waa dying of consumption during the fl efltctsorbufripsm and severe colds diseases depending ou butnoks m ihe blood micti aa scrofula chrouu erysipelas rle rti the caru of men lliey rftnet a radl cal euro in all cases arising from mental worry tar overwork cxcowm dr williams pnk 1dla are sold only in boxes bearing the flrnws trademark tboy sre never aold in bulk aud any dealer wbo oilers bubaliluteit in oils form in trying to dofratid and hhonld bo avoided the public are cautioned again al other mi called blood buildors and nyu ionics put up in similar form intended to deceive ask for dr williams pink pills for palo people and refuse all imitation and substitute can bo had from all dealers or direct by malt from thodr williams medicine company llrockville out or schenectady n l at i cents a box or nx boxes for 9j 0 a cnrefnlly conducted reh grows paper w a necessity in ever well regulated borne its silent hilluonce for good is lucaloolable and the cost uf suoh a paper never should prevent its being made a welcome visitor tor tin prunbyterleu family circle no per lodicnl can take the place of the vtmula rvfjirrti ih in nixe contents and editor lal management it in a model journal 1 ho weekly bill uf fare presented in the several department is timely and attractive tho varied tan lea and interests found iu a hristiaii homo am con lulled and a large amount of entertaining and helpful reading is provided ihn hrialian kndoavor col um and the babbath bchool department each rccotro special treatment while isf ministers and churches will be found k-to- tba stos u iw and congregational activity wo cordially commend the neper to our presbyterian readorn it is now offerod at the special rale of i 00 fur tho remainder of tho year addrchs i mm in rvfrri 5 jordan hlruet lorouui fo uple copy yeai tended b live physicians in hi 1 nomas two in detroit ono in loouuo and one in in aylmer aud uono of them could do any thing for mo 1 was ao far gone that hey had no bopen el tny reooverr towards ihe last my fietwtid lnib swelled so they had to be baiida4od lo keep them rum burn ling 1 hoy wtro bandaged fur three muntiis and m uh in ihmi oil n and hloateil and tlio doctors naiil there was not a pint of blood i u in bod and they i held out no bopen whatever 1 wo rrs ago 1 saw in the j u 1 at ut a au in uauilltou being cured by taking 1 ifk 1 ills i thought d the cooid cure timllney would help mo and 1 decided to lr diem be ore i had ttiilehed ihree unei i fill re j lleved iho swciliuh wenl duwu and the bandgea wore removed 1 c ntioiicd tak mg luik pill until 1 lsd taken hvpii boxes then irrcgulsrl i took three more oik of wlurti mr llmilcr bioujht bn k from brockvillu i am hrfectly cujel i have nut been ill a ani da aim e 1 iliiub oil the bcreuui hoi ul pilla 1 came tu mrs j hunter s a year a and h will loll ou i l have never been ill a day sun ei i nuubcrc and i alwab feel alruni and able lu do he work i can aud do atrnuijt recommend li ilnve ii very ilntl couffh bm t arc suitcrlnf from lunff trotit1o vfu hnvc lmil pluah nmrap illness are tjinotonjml tvllh conbjmptlon ii road durf sco wc tiavc rcct ivid a new stock o dress goods gents furnishings hats shirts ties etc our new ties at oc sold everywhere else at 50l wc hac onl to shoft them to cll them i he arc the talk of the tovn our dress qoods compare favorabl with an of the large cit lioubcb in ionic nistanccsthe are lower than can h bought an win re else stl kda is oui baigain day call and foi ouisef thai it is aa we advertise weight all on 31 lb hlricljy high grade hiroughoul curl trucled of beet materials as a machine for practical everyday use it cannot besur price s85 net w stark agont po box 8 acton ont fltto fibfrlicfmrnu j ijpntlliy 1 lullea hi and hpadlni tosoxto jionkvto loan t ii la irtt 0artr at nm nabla ralri a 1 l to uolkas ualkas town ibii acto 11 101 printing mil dim hooka iamiliela poslera hill 1 lleata irculars ac ac niecatrd lp iii ami al in f ilia art ai maaerate price and on bort notice a ly or addreas run paasaotbct waxtkil ibt a n farellent clibnce ubarsl pay if yon have aara tint a out of work or torsknig lor s rafv ug bualnearf write me al one hiidl olng sunenman ltochealer s 1 past rack r at animats at tl lu j tor tlie jiihiiiery milliner noeltieci are uiiburpascd both for ilc and low prices we art alwab pleaded to show our btoek at aiitinic graceries ur f r itarwtofl toronto hiuuhi a narrow escape took poison by mistake had effects entirely eliminated by hoods saraapartlln ur william 1 mk 1 ills taul miaa harris in coucluaiun her a jh arum 0 i cerluinl that oi a blroii heallh jouug woman mrs j 1 hunter wife a th ovai told tho rorlor lliat m uaiua a a gooj reliable and trull ol t d that perfect reliance 1 uiild bu plai ud 10 her alaleiiiciila she lik- uku u uilloieut h ulkiltl s 1 found uijmk ijluiu atrcuglu hoodscurcs in 1 llmi r r ii mil am now aihrallh 1 1 in 1 1 uliik the iiuhi r wiliu ii f im tine the seel i rrlumc m 1 urik liiu- t ironi ituurlo hooctfl plllo ut rill emtmiikill i 1 ii 1 1 111 kkhra lirln- in ujrill n we tarrj a full llighebt priet i paid foi 1 ie us a call assortment of groceries ottt r and eggs ljvjrino co l ion express axi iartagk and um imbllc cenorally uiat i have pui rhrt 1hii miaas ami pirtaaa hnsf u jr jatnesliranl a mi ooaatant panooal sttentlou orders- left al kanqawia a drue biota ill itumlail to john hhk1 1kopkrt ix esq i eslnt for sale eouipaisiiii tblrti bowad iosxruse boarded loaide ooa and a bait aloft orchanl wall fadeed tit and la a aqod slate ot ej bu labia for particnls haodaraoo xcton ui tu tvltalau ihhonh mile ami plaslernt fioul wall you lie u all rwenji till imti i tba ortieaot aetoe april lltli 1x1 tenderskor park t uddeisujnad lll racaiva icudsra ur uir uu of tbe par lor uuean hlnbdat dlun iaj up to uandsy 30tb airil tiib t or auy lender uot neeeaaarlly aeceidad tlltm t uooite 1 atil itmli 11 uualciiial clerk fexeciiort notice torelitoin in tne blatter of uie estate of jane sharp late at tne village of acton county ot hal ton deceased itald or deliver to j v i rcn acton or eonr koavatl kallloafad ul aaecutura of tba aaid de their names with fall perttcaura of then and further lake notice lliat after uie aaid day of klay tba said ksacator will cr d tu dtatribula tbe aaasu ol tbe aaid deceased sluonc tbe waaa aaliiied and tba aaid fxeeeaura wtlt fcot be liable lor iba aaid or an aul r o eraooof wboaa claim tba altall laituutic at the lima of aucb dialrilu spring nbersof 1 4 not ban j r luis ckokclk kubsil acluu aiii2nd 1xi auction sack a house and lot en the village or acton w wi 11 lib h in litniiihis alter a moal ibuiugl ul of your lluam omlurl llange 111 jusiiob 1 must aay that 11 is the luonl teruot baker and cooker gom rally 1 have over used having been 111 the hotel nuaiueaa for near ly twenty live year it baa given mo the opjiort unity ot teating gillie a uuiuber of various cooking aloven and raugua lu irutli and jualtce i must say yours without hesitation give the moat ierfecl oaliafac tion of auy ratine i havu ever usod iteapectfullv hut ma uoogll wellington 1 1 tango 0 ih ii lali watdi are ruined alul w ih it tilt u ual amount the best t i mcdi dmithts blood tonic 1 iihtl lf lll more ii tho miak iuriig proccaa of y lha ordinary itel mat junrn onslaul wu r lo llto tmuulv after a two woeka unul lluniu imfurt halite 111 our home we can truthfully aay that it is all and everytblug that was craiuiod for it by mr hobinaon before it was put up ii oertaiuly saves hall in fuel and givea out 111 u ch luuru heal than our old stove 1 alao a 11101 complete work over the money pad for it would nut remove ll rum our homo if wo could uot oblalu another like it mil dud mis i m i mi it mlurd a iirlpmal rellcrea ncaralgu mu auduun jiiua lui wihijki march ihtll wroukbl iron haugo o toronto iimiiilv wo the uuderelgno1 have purchased o the saloamau of the jvrouhl iron lliijo o of toronto ontario a homo orofort icange and sre pleased lo say it given entire samuclum it bakes iulcker and bums uincli less fuel than any love or range wo aver used any one ishlng ran refer in us tins cerliuqete ju may use aa you see proper j ui b w 1111 hi agatha mk it ts iiniliihi bl agatha hvc hcmbiiraosa lladan ho i nt iter ho mu nd mm j 11 ko-o- merlin wu luwn waterloo j f himiiaum waterloo mu apd mua camihbii waterloo hbitim anjcuai itluontiiikdale jous iiikcu waterloo l rult culture la more profitable to ihe farnior now than hi other crop jirown ltroa co tbe most eataestveuuraery bouae in canada have a vacancy ill ibis eectiou writo thorn st toronto ont for ihsir savage sc co cuelph tlt titc in tleait in the ittmu alwah et th best prepared ou b w g smith fc co cueiph turnip carre seed all pi i taki is m tn miihiialton pllirs lllit carilin sli ill kinds ceo j thorp limit seed 1 10 pot ti cl ihuji bankrupt stock sale j u williamson fc co tlavmg bought the stock of at little co at 45 cts on the and removed it to the golden lion of guelph j anllaalalh ha the lata alia jauc tibari thursday loui afhll al two o clock ou uie mule to lot 00 tbe ocmr ol jul i i b la actoo uinw whirl 1 eiecieii bi able frawa deelllua nwitauilug aeveu 1 witb wood abed allarlrl there la lo a aad a good well tib riiirrtr is luaun fldo tkavhb or ttsljt tou wr ceul i dat ol aala balaucr uf imtelalf if tn budtt to b paid twlllito tblrty tlav i maistow ma reman utfci- bl m m iii- kltittlkhl hanitar notice citieeh8 ark rbqueatan 0o1kply with the public health act notio uliei acton an n ealtai drain and outer 01 tlm move umrefruti substance wbleh ilaaltb ud f ka by toe loth da wat ul itanitary iwiectui sill m n aiawillitn and furtber laki aeuoei of tie i ublu keentu 0 buss betwi 1m1 allil la mat ut o imt dwilliil mi will v tael fiuu m kex i ultldln aalel iu1 n- cleauaed bulcll eriwrl mil i tdemt air aalimtlt inumlul hiairwemiiaarhtenh rlwiu an i lb dlalufeled v u uf ll acton livkry iu s link au now olfenny it at a piopoi thuiate ntluction this stock as ib ell known i- out f th lincbt sttxk in utlph ihe iress doods tit partuularl jl then j is also a vciy fine rant f mantles itosicr loves ami i ant joodh an frrrsistable inducement to buy dress iiuitlv doods at tin lion is tlu uuantat of ha mg tliem madt up wn equipped and atytuh mgi b our dress makers wa t- ao 1 ake the inst train to tinlpli ilargaiiih such as e offer wont keep it you have n ij or m to spend you arc ihterested liefe iritts me nddled 1eonj recognition money niainiiied mut of all proportion j d wiliait80n 4l po 7ft wylhljiaulslretllueilll fill llpm s4mb10sfjauet atm uuhlm rays b ihlaatablee 1 ruilrlabh uattu taeeu ii ah aa canfut alteulluti h lo tbe wantaul omiiieiclal tratel leisfulh wet john williams x 1 htmarwslimlasratcarts haras r

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