Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 19, 1894, p. 3

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7j 3ank of hamilton head ofjpiofi hamilton ii h hthvi n ihihctilua jihx hrrwyit irnldn itvllbav vlrolma jir 1iiiktoii i umwwttw jloalll wlim a ii 1 oeobobhowk aobwov it uiit w uuka i ha cknrvh1rh- nv iiibm iu ii tlla comtinknt latiakcttunm mi ii oat farorabla i lllirn ooliulil all accnilliln hamni1h i ukrnaits rrrolvi1 of tl and upward anil in frmat aijowcd from uto u deposit to dalo ol withdrawal v i hi pci a i ukiohith also rvcaltnd at current rata nf lull re so uullee ol withdrawal renufrod h u mvinuhtopoil the methodist church aoton the newsat homfc mont iv of n local chnrngtor and i vorv itam intoroatlna oiuurn i nrnt tmnlh higher i lio t biibiu nnrthwnsl inud company n riiliinia miiow tmt ttio laipl ii dm pniwlnro ul ontario in now atlling at vu per cent rev joseph kdo i arson ana uoweran rubllebfrwceslomejn eifdn mpjii bunds ohooltjo iilmacjeasoanduotwlbytla pastor alloorrlielly turtle housecleaning time will soon lc here oull want some paper for the parlor hall fiedrciom ceiling kitchen we can meet our wants our stock is large our priecb low lie fore bujing jour wall pnp rs this year call in and see our stock spnng kolldr window- shades from ot upwards cu poles cu i mountings remember bought from u iree of charge oko hynds acton ont shad s put up ffibe jvrtnn 3frrcri tuuiisday alittl ip ihil x li local bh1kflets which caufrm tha eyoa or earn of froo prowe rrfbbrtore this worjk the lilac buda in bursting uard tlmu iirue arc ji 41 1 1 too april ahowcr have given vej lively aurl oerdoi oo all the agricultural iijum guolph la u have a big ym thy vxtclhiuum hill atf jiijhar limn thn pi lei rialucil lest yrar aiiuvitpttsasul belter than li- prioe 1hhi jtewf ft a ii f nmm jjavid bwsckhamor wm ono of lln oldeat settlors ot una notion ho died at tho limiin of his 0u in liijuesmg- on tnoaday al tha ripe age at- ft 7 years mr bwaok hsmer came from xbiamavilln nearly alzty years ago and acltlod on tho lirat line lrin on tho fartn adjoint nk ihat now owned by tt councillor lamond hero lie lived for many uara enduring ilia hardship of ilia plopeor lor lume j oars he has maided willi hia aon david on lot 1h con- i an uopmii 1 wo suiia mid llircn ilnuylitdra aurvivo liim i iir off helttmnrr rcu a lorontopaporia jiajipy oor iho return o canadiana from iho mted btatea ll tiriv who foollnbly removed rom oihano to tin waalern hiaten i tow jcara ao nre nofc on tliuir way to tbn nnrlliweat inrtitoriea hundroda of i renob can dianhwlioliavobciil deprived of work in t h ecouwtrafian q uijd nowb itomnbuppllcttj by corn nondonti nnd exohonroo abhorove mr- lnay aim mill carlialr vullcl al r henry wilann diinnk tli week llra nllftii nt lniiljiiy m a hiimt al llni i cw of tha nqw lngland btatca re kcltink ready to return to dq 4ftaortptl farma of vnebcc qotxl iet the work of repatriation- to on tim returning exdoa will mako all the btter oitjaana mb a reault of their diacovery tliat llio brilliant verdum of d lata tit llcldjljjfiru cxiai only in tlia im ottination t lfr from fh anrrfi ural riir follonnif frutn mr t huluti 1 alkutr tintld tit hitmkatown n v 1 on pril tli iv ill 1 read with uiturial un inn tike to hear that our cropa laat jcar wars ikki nil roiinti wheat uradinffno 1 hard ho p n t m t we w john urownrldcom nietnn fttptn irtmdi hero laat week irjtn nti rtit- health for aomn tii qionllla complrli ir dujrwilt with oonjealinn iark on ihe new atain ihe wintry wind audi lo t ihr farm tt poo n hai been ordered a t by her phyiklciati ii hornby in enoualy ill f tbti llinxa nw chdrch ahed hay lrun j hato oeaatil lo hlnw ltaiilualb lo maw comtfndgoing vlaltpfa to and from acton ajnd varlouaothorporbonal notoi aljaa luin of norval viailad un hdp hit wook ulilaion ourt lerk uonahb waa it inronln oyar bunday mra jamca hall of hdmonlon viailrtl frtpnaaftenrtim w afaater jamca btnitti frjanda in ceorqetown die iirinf fair next wrdncmuy ii mil ooorkaluwri horaa and hatu aaauciation will bold their lint aalo of liorra on iho htb and lllh of may aooordrtijt to ilia adf-ii- h h bptfrra j treanor if a coflin t h campuii h a coffen attemtrd tin hotelmen m vetition at toronto the ireabylinan collar ration of ccoritown and i imeliotimt preaentrd the iter j w h milne of maiibcwood willi a ifo fr lit a at iho will nrcilin on wtilm phunt 11 wiru hkr aulllilk at 73 tho aimw la hhiih rnpitlly i lhhf land i inert to atari nliik oparaii i blilh dr cook den hal toronto ill l at arrvw a ilouil ou batnrday clean up y oar yarda 1 be rruuicil carolakrr ia aatllog all a iood example iualpayera in uuolprf will be aakod to pa w4 ml i la thta year ity aira ovijcnt y ooi m jcclon lode 1 u u r i invited to allnd the annlarary aorvtcea of tbuit fjoontetawu bretbreu henry lioll auld hia una fooi ur old horaa to meaare hartley v bmltn uolpli thu wnekal a ood fluoro mr john harvey ia uow in charke the axprawa bnainoaa here ho will exoit hlmaolt to oblljie bla cuatomera owing to a railroad amaab u at wealon laal thuraday it waa waa after uim 0 olofft baforo the moruuik maila from tlio baal arrived boardroom i i o aolo leaihac tanxsry dosed down oatorday inonuou for a few daya new fluoa are being put kilo mio of lb boiler joihaa norriah baa purchaaod thirty f oat off the lot belongiug to ihoniaa moore adjoining the procrly purctjaasd from john hiaholm mr w htark la handling throe jo tlm boat american blejcle on the market the credanda the stormer aud the cliper he can aupply ural claaa wbeela al remarkabj low price 8t albau a church tiaa aecurod alm- 1 in in a well for a concert in the iuhi hall ou thursday evening may iml raried programme which la highly aiokoo nf b lh w be p ya the niagara rail iui eatarged to a forty eight column pr uinoe ur stephen took bold of the ttr ll baa uover oaaaed to improve and it ia a credit lo iho lively calaraollown a magniflcent auroral diaplay w- i be aaaui in ibe uortheru haaveua laat tbii day evening about tan o dock 1 ha tinted itghu changing from green to jolluw an 1 roil made the effect very beautiful lit j w ii of fori plain n v in renewing bia aubncription lo the h i nr i n aya we caouut ibuik of dulug without our old homo paper it ia howevor worth the money without tho home uow mr johu k l toll lug orwhiu haa aolil hia oolt riaing j year old brad by lird armadale to malcolm ucnauglilon mor lton thta colt baa boon ahowu 13 limoa and took twolvo price nuoe of wludi wore leaa lb an aoooud ii y tbo removal of in aud confectionary ato o to the roai grioary mr 1 i malthow made room fiif a ooiimilerable oulargrmaiil of the toal ofllca ilia iinpmtomeot i apprtriatud b our citiasn luferilug t hav ur i dge a lit at irorgelown i ami wank lho f rrtt i ya llio locturd la wdl put together an u eulortain and luatrucl aud la tjjrlaiulv well ortti an atloutlve bearing auili a it re colvod ou monday mr wralalaa e u aaiodoa of gluvea and mill ududing a oumberuf now deaigna a gluve for brake mau lu tha manufaclura uf winch a new stylo of thumb i aa been ad op tod i itoding much favor with railway men 1 he poaalbllltlca uf damad to full bwl by froeiug am pretty woil over ihe recent heavy fall of anuw bae boon ailvaulageuua lo the plant and from what we can hear from different partu df ilua district the wheal look fairly well mr alex heoord baa the plan fur a duo to alorey brink rflaideuto winch ha prop o a having erealed ou hie lot ou the ourosr of itower avenue aud i igiu tlrtrt it will make a baodauoie aud oomiuodloua homo and be an tirnameul lo ihe ivdqui to ahow lho valao of cheeao faclorief lu lliafaroiar ll la pululed uut thai ilioro are soma farmers in h ii ice and ilownie who bate threw play at train alored away i their bmraa walling for belter prices they derive suthoiaul revenue to irieel all uniauda from the 4nilk supplied lo cheae aoloriea trrte drpth of nm i lho i i r reivtd and i am alwah lad to gel ihr llatlnn f it ir li tttttce iiil annual rtwrl of tin 1 olumauir limciil has ixh u rin rivcti at this olhoe ttie tniio tpi r o mil real 1 in n vliiiio of themiat nfllrsii in tin im town of tin loiint laal ymr waa aafolliwa t ot 9 j fin h burlington l lil i onrgi toun fj 1ij iii milton i i ami lakullr j lil ii i npt im im mill puid into tin post for limn nrlorawtrr arton 1 jtwuju hurhiigton si 1 77 oorgetown til 170 milt ii ll h an oakvillo i i i 11 i in wdtnrn p including all sll umim n an 1 in in mnion were acton til lliirliiihtun mil ill eorgctown si itu 11 miluiu ijlt ih and oak lllo i7 nh two lttcra wted in halloli nttiryw trffrrt rtprrrtrrf a hwnggrmn rtry puree of tto laat week in recognition of hia kmdneaa to ihrm aa moderator of beaaiona luring the inoulha thoy were without a pa tor iteva a i do hi lislmaa and b ii htephen exchatttd pulpila on holiday ovfiiiiifc 1 hia fraternal interchange ia productive of much good lho high school ha an energetic foot ball loam croej d nickliu of tho htowarllown lauuory have diaaolel parluerihlp erin hull mi u talking id building a m brick residence 1 riday the 4th ms has been proclaii cd arbor day for iho village the nun will providr fne to all prowrty ownei trees to plsut lu front of ihoir r rupee 1 1 plae on tho public slicets irioler hoi ry pn twin batiy girl lallora to hrin by util need no fatigue tbeinaolvea by wslktng to derat aa there tiae beeu frt halmonvillo this week air j u willaon of georrctown visited frletida here on monday itqv j kdge waa in ouelph this waek on oialncl comrnittro work mr george t larkaonof ltockwood made ihe imi ituarh a pleasanl call on monday iter a j irwin 0 a of nottbi was a gnoat al lho ietiiodat parsonage on tons day mr a h coocnba it a of cjrorgstowu high school callod on the faaa iuaaa oa tuesday mr joe hynda of ibetoranto irfigrom apoul a ouiln f daja this week with friends in loan the attnou report indtordi aqoaw and clarltpreatnl at llio holelmena don vonliou at toronto mr jamea cobban who had a rib dia located about a month ago is sill i unable towosaaea results v t mcnabb waa a delegate to ihe grand camp of the bona qf scotland at toronto litis week mra ielera of renms visited her daughter miaa bajle ietera of the iabho bchool on tneaday mies jeasia mcnabb who haa been in ioor health the peat joar went to tho boa pital in ouelph on mouaay mr purvis of creeniore waa here on tuesday prospect log as lo anion a need for a gruoet inn finer fooai nan mr john murra of fjoasaffawf a haa moved into town and la oooupying the now brick bouse built last fall on mill street tdra v cook of rand itsptda midi haa kindly favored the but iaka- with cuplea of the variou dallies publlahed in thai city mr charles r alknci a mother end aider arrived ae vera 1 weeka ago fnm nottingham hi no kng tospend a few weeka in canada they are the guests of mr kalkoer on ilower avenue immiimmmmi m equipped bus placed urmn the road by hugh turner mr dan ml lellau who baa been in at tendance at medical ollrge in detrmt for month relirned home laat the p slweok the couuoit haa ordered i pine srlanb at 414 m per m ir j a mclean 1 1 j bub will vuit criu i amp ung jvtlt 1 on i tin vur iiiaoiiiitl the registered of the the i hun hfh itait thrir srrrjrr an intereatlig aertlce wai conducted in ll mlthklial hurcl last ttiurailav even imt b the iiiimbcm id the inn n mia i nuty sh let mr i horn- 1 aton had imiga of tliu piiframinc llio anuiver sitrv att vilt nf knox hun ll will lie hrld in he i d h f hogstm will pr bun i otirgeow n to mr id ka ill it this iho hristi i lrrahyteriii y knox hurt itum a highly interesting 1 ifo f lr lgcrtoii itjtr tint of tin 1 pworlh i cat no iu to tin blorui the atten alter thai i lfi it if the i cuuo ho will duker it i utwuy veniug mth ma k f ireabytorian mm later will ba erlinon miiiiiu and lucatlay n i my for the icc of vi r mtereeting program i lhi ipunlllg oddreaa i by ucv j ltoi on nf ll if 1 s ll aary mneclion mil be bold it o lata j hcre in 1et b a lotion to and personal piopmly v mtioilalu wh i wa killed ry wa aolil uil wednesday itreot ul acton mra the far he i i ap agllalim i school herr iborof olli lamea 1 tileveu rauipyera asked llio i raiiiaa ooiuill ll lako the aleus iinuusaafy lo form a union school nition at the laal mooting no actlun haa born laknii by ihe council lie mr faabino bdd a tuucptiuu mi vim in tho tiiuroli here un hunday i ighl now rnbnr wrc reoeivo1 1 he mccormack blndtm lo tbo farmera uf this hia section iviulaourt ired tbo a lor the above biuder or llmdloohme i ol i ml fur this diatriu and only will t el u e lia llndlh a lew day 1oly i illlllu i i n wis intmaltly upeowl an i 1 nut of wales in a uomplctn htatiry anil tbn iimarkablo loillliition k of tl w that it will un i ii tha april number of tlrruu4 those win have lovlopmout f lh croplc mr i iidon rilylejiilia will 11 till latest rapitnalou u a luiu luluutliuiisl uli tt furluhale l vo caii u wlnthri the number ihmr own h- own wrlliu not the now lug illou mather aud hawthorne and ihwbii tlm li ia ipraaalvr enough and aim o tin publnatuuuf pembroke which juat completed lit 1 1 it nr llrrijy 11 la pn lunger imaaiblo to deny mlaa mary r inllkliia s placr iu nu companionship amulit the groat now ci inland a jiiat oiwned up at ills drug hlore lul wiuduw shades to uo al j 10 io a m oanu earh mounted ou good spring rollers cur tain pule iu oak waluutand ohocy to go al eiually luw prices call and see hem mlumila uulweut relict eannrnlyla mr ati jon jtauucd a council mti wgg tl lhonru 1 1 lend mlaa 1auliue jiholin 1 ueaday ev house ting r to draw a big mlllou i a loruulo and tiuelph auglera h gaineed aud will apply lur lu horlly its members have atc of the nkermau pond jual eon bollvillo which will be alooketl an enjoyable a lldei uf lenders will be drawing of lb i i uctilay milk fui rid control uf camp tt held al eliluk mrrow lo llltou in uf the for fur itoj pole uuialim oll hi tslm lut i con trafalgar i by publn auction tueaday laal fur tl lx ivdward ik being tho punhaer 1 bo jjoard of cicetiae t uuimlsaluoem hallou will meet at tin 4urt huuae i ou balurdoy to oouaider application licenses fur 1hui 1 he foundation being dug fur eu lyings now blook ou maui at next to wallace houae leo llarbottle or hilbnde a injured lho other aftcruooo from ipsjii ho waa ploughing with the line around hia waist and waa dragged acrusi a largo hold cultiu a larc gash in hi icalp and bruising his body all oter hu ololbiug wa atnpxd frun hia body lloea aro entertained f r his rmuti rand junior tiuard head and v t incr attended the iranii t arii h o h hockwuou ialai has bt a runaway 1 bo utwi day bit oiion wa- hiigiu r fol was taugll in tl npleted fin i i r uf tui ph- gh the frnt the biabtttl melhuillbt ll may i mortice will nil u i ll m mills ou sunday m ruing i the lvrtinij a humiay rchoul n liolii iu tlm ihurd brie lo hunday ri iiool wnikem of tha i ram del i a in ihe or two in lay h n mills k 11 il t ji b culraj 1 isou lot an muullia i be farm f 1 homaa moor mmr uxk wood waa sold under writ uf ncculliiii if llio ijuoui book aud ofhrra by hhrnt mokiiii at lnlph ouhalurtuy aftrn oon to jamca hamilton hotel kuewr whoae pnierty ailjiina it iho price ye id was imjtl 1 he luuiiacs in llo hotel of i atrlck lca ami j hamilton have imm reiumel mr i dward moguu swili binau at llod wood llud i ueaday nioruiig af ur an iiiiioms uf three wooka frutu sigeslluii of lbs liufa lie has boeu 10 years lu cimncdluu with thet 1 it and was rmpluyed on its con slruilmu kn j w itan of aclui orgaulbfl a hrialiaii 1 udoawnr society hrro lost i huraday opening with il monibera ibe follow lit are the omcer hon prea ho 1 htrarhan prealdeiit johu w llnrna ice prea mis paamore cor bee julin blralib lteaeuror ur liay ibe aral meeting waa held on 1 ueatlay evening n itya hoe lla prioes of 1 ouelph greet seller in their ad ikaniv 6rdera solicited lur all kinds of teaming cao use beavy double waggou light rigor oari moderau ratae n filoora lake imuus mtw h wtiot at tho large paper manufacturer of holyoke maas made his mother mrs i ssmrth a ahorl visit this week lie j u cooke went i i the general hospital ouelph on monday to have an operation performed the fitrr tia haa reoeired the follcwtrfg note from htm am here for a few daya lying up for re patra ura uowilt and lowry operated on me yesterday and i hope with bdcccss to day tuesday he pain and distress arc much aubsided and improvrinenl be w f witinanns rrfftrw -fewiisr- nnn every day h ramooa council is reading nuu kaweya a lesson on its municipal duties al the last meeting lbs dark waa instruct od to noli ry ibe council of neaaagaweye that unless statute labor is done by them ot tho town hue from lot s3 across the township ibis council would oeasa lu do statute labor ou said road ro uui a well trained iuli jo for aae apply to t b u booord bee by ad what o ii hvon a i u ouelph say about tni pairs of isoe curtains knowledge brtngp ootncrvft and impmrement anrl latiil to ptirsotial onjupncnt when rightly uam tits mnit irtm hto bat- tftr unit ttlicn auiloiijuy ufonwun wiii iuat emernlibr by mora promptly adapting iha vorlda beat producta to uia nooda of physical being will alrnt tha value to health of tho rmrw liquid laxativa principlo robraxad in lho remedy bjmip of figs ita ocellnitca la duo to ita presenting in the form mt aoctjptaha and picas ant tp tha taato tho rofroahlnaaiid trtly imncfictal pmrwirtie of m prrflct ux rttro itol iiatly ejtiuiatng tliaaratrrri uumhjuihu clila hlndvliua and let en and jhriiiainini4jf qtiiinp oniialinatum it haa given aatiafart i n to niilkuija ami met with tha appr t d of the mwlical prfeajiiiii borauso it acta on the kid neja ijlfor and bimi u without wink eninp tmmatid it ia m tfeil f ra rum very objeetnniablo aulutni cil fiyntpof figa u fur aalo by all drug rial a in 75c bottlra but it ta omiiu fact n red by tlio ciliforuia fjp byrup co ntihr whosciiitme ti pnnbmnri every paekogn alab tbo nirno b nip of fit a aid beinp w i infnnol yu will i i aoooiit any aubalitulo if tffered beautify your home house goiar- e e tigiiiliiluiulihuiuiuluihltlitihi as the season advances we arc continually opening up oevi unci of goods suitable for present wants we would direct attention this week to our house furnishing department including lace curtains in wliitc and ecru cbinillc porticrs art muslins figured muslins wool i nion and hemp carpets prints prints prints dont wait fill sickness comes before buying a boluo of perky davis you may nocht lo nltfht tin 1 lis should 1 of ever one n our liontr shoultl i is beautiful will dliowt lihil ljk use is mttiiu tti dt corate out utlls and ceilings with our mptr olji stock of attractive dt signs is large uul varied and with a ioc paper wc hor r the wt have will dr just means room tret ptpers from j t have a roll up in window shades we aie showing a met lint at tyt a nicer one fringed at tn uu should set thtin our curtain poh s ait good value at j i omph ii call at tin dnig stortand see these lints lit fort making iur pun hts s fcjuillllloiv milliner opening t mmmdaj fliaj lu april hi m ufi i i hiiiim mukt our inind 1 l i hitmiiier milltticr lucct ti l drefw ioods ianibolaand faqcjs jootln mid utttaiiluiiio curl hinnj opening thlnj wum u gmtlll hutclbh joihtllllt itjiportutiotih ol novuldes rtittcu jivl llrl u itlk k lllltiurpuhhud ulltl wt ctituri to d iitilipnillud tor btiutil itiid tixlullutite ttiata yliurt we leutl our inuroliuiitn who buy otilv once a uaiaoti latht hututiluy a ateututr landed a lurgt lot ol new goods tor ua ut kow york whit it will he lor wutded l ttpet lul diniatcli mid opening rrdiully invite the ovorvikkly our tune lor tin bargain sale our hiiruin uulu advol i laat h uik brought tta auch a ruali ot bubtnisn ihut our lurgu htull wuti null bit to do lull justice to our i utttoiucr the null will toiitinue bin htuk many new lituti being itddetl to the hjivctal itargiiiiin in e el dt pnrtinriit muii c atij soy u clobhing v ery btecial cut ladies jackets and wraps heptonattes 8l waterproofb i mi krr caul oisoouul kid glomes tl j oloe- lot- 1 1 00 dress goods v etjr great ita r gal us e r bollert dc co 10 lad 11 wtmumiu buml ouiuii oki hundreds of prices to choose from colors and newest designs see our ladies spring capes i fast boys clothing novelties a ih ltltt v ii l mow suitings now spring ovorcoatlngs jeino now trowaorintra correct sth s 1 nst t 1 iss workmaiibhip vt ih t t 1 it and rt ison ilk int s upon these fcaturrswr olint our pation igt ou will find tilt n lau i stales in i lats ips ind cients 1 uimshinls it lowest prices at it k nklsox oq upper wyndhnm complete assortiiunt at lni w goods and guarantetd hi millinery hlce i t trimming g that ill ap we open thi week shapes flowers and i ivese arc some of the novelties caring a the season advances our customers can rel on our styles being as far in advaiut a anywhere in the country for wc ar con staittlv on the watch for anything new in this department henderscjx cfe co htth6 right house spring house cleanima i l1 polt k null luum ijcaplug iteaus new carpets alldutbs cut la it oluiluw autdn i itii j lutes we can show as line an assortment as any store in canada and the prtoes are as low as ou i u ti j hem josllly etc considered sud we want jou to see what we can do for you before you apend your moo y our lito of wool tapestry and brussels carpets i iiij ik and well aaao ted and aa tbey are the popular good wo know there will be a big trade done w n roou this sswaou our oeuerol uloca of dry liouds millinery mantle c baa been well palmuiaed ot far and with the isunt arrivals ftuun tho kuropean and american maraeta we mean lo keep up ihe interval during the balance of the season our millinery and mautlo departments are well to the front with ibe deweal and moat faalionabla goods while for 1rtuu clue us f- lam eletteo bhirttnga mualina ac we keep the beat and moat reliable makes sad make tbe price aa low aa you may be asked to pay for inferior goods a blbclacti in our ores department i the large stock of hltloob rhirbllbv b celebrated black dress uood u hand tfievaa klforyttm rellkl ontot durability ond color ureas makiug and manila maktog by aral claaa arluu titylo aud ul guaranteed we havea lot of i adiea miaaea and cbildrens jacketa at leas thao hai f 1kijch in black navy and fawn llora jsckeu uiol were k lhi 87 ikj and tm tj reduced lo 9x v aud 111 reduced to tt m t uu and tl ou reduoed lo t- oti a 1 1 m for l ik w ibeoe prices sre fur jackets thai are fashionable with cape and large sleeves in blaer or ooat f roots aa ifutml umi be buugtll i prefct oid tbo price ail as well as auy other goods mjbe aul to ay and we will esnd it free ii at inoasurs aud length tlwoy or express stall lira and u anile making by tiert at short uutioc u mt un in ut l sh kino hlhut 1- aht r llughsou blroel llainlllou xidcjjt a o w a ljfcsalxs fci great sellers lunt v o 4ia fl lilt titlliu turr nre gtut mllern villi j ll uani learned b ioin irimoti tbej uru uxt tiack i un buying or in oilier nt oo omin ld i jptlolltl uiluu ill nlit wo buy direi t 7 r iron our noted 1 on ll k 1 c lldlurt itlk il colored 1k jtlut k ottilorvehtm the ubove urt llirntiglioiil tbo nton doted kttl jlovth m ore un 1 an moilaiuiloii c l otuibiiiere llottu fine v h bildren b ribbed nrlmi ciuihuiuru uluvuti -jkx- itlut k cuabnitrt jlovot 2 latin dttput itiicnl on on find itndrri all dr carpets it ctiiinldi lal4 rtuvod oil hllllljl aruclo lllllub it t uiu imiuttt our ulixk ii oiij ot tbe lltiest in wenturn onlipto wo having buyinii direct trotu ibu mauutuuturvra yorrrulmibly aitw our uhullongu m vie otrenug lo ttentl an nip let in conipetitiott vnth any hohhu iu unitilu tv il v a tuge ol lite clofih tiitt mantles we tiiintt lake tune und upueu ut preaeut to dear n bo our lurgu ntot k ot 8pring man hum cupun aud w rapt direct frtmt tlerniuny or our importutioiu ot krotich und huglltth drurtn 1oo1h we ure very buny in thunu dupurtmuiita ltetiltkh above goods wu ure oirerlng u hurguut lot ot luce kudu auiublo for ohort otirtniiiti man ol tbeae itrv vury hue quality and thu price lea tbnn bulf their ruul vulue a iho u number of ludlpa print wruphnt ityhrth gurtneuta bought lu now york tudllug price- 1 2a 1 jwi 11 tw und fioo ou tbn red tf april lth wu coimiicuit u 8uu ul 41k irw ul lnco curtiiiiim front 48c to b 00 theno ura ut kut oo pur cent below thoir roul vnluo the oni prick dry goods stork abryanco main street planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor jtuliulk tii lhal i i l iln l nil l ma tl hin john cameron proprietor goods in m wmmcleodco georgetown wl kl n not i nh in our iitmns uiulnl tin nt iioin lisliluns ii il ut lonstintl uiiin hum nvel the se t uul ji u il ill mil t iiunti i s 111 i 1 s- iiuik millini n l nil s ii il uould si i hi ii inlr win th w lull uu i i mslll is it is lekllnu ii tli ll i ill tin u adt is iii tht si iiiinii i int liriiu in s wt liuveiill llit nt turc nil i illllhltolalilitii hi lit itintli ul mil tlunn ilttn out null iner in hiinpl lntl v iuim munlluh nnil iit ki ut si nil the uouiir til hit tnnnli uul pnnln mill ctilluii wimli uootn uru illlirmirt im imtlll lltlll luuut uiul t in iipi l in t n erul itli t k til tlnl it it u it rlilil 111 in hit mink uu intiiii im k im nlilrllnn t iitlniiitilts v ii 1 1 loltmitt lit klli- t it ullmlt lltlll ulln iii iii till lhlll ii jtlll illlvfll 1 i ii s iii iii ll iii ti tint i tin- lu mi uiul clj hi muun t til iiu i i 1- llu it il tilitt lit 1 i i t tailli i iii i 1 i it men lt i i i 11 lilj ill t m t hi i i r i i- ll iii llit tl t mill uul nil ll i it i v lint ii h i mini uiul i im 1 1 1 i tl i lit mill i i iii minli cnrtnln- ciittuin- in i cluluni- i i ml s tiilun i ki 11 hoot mill sin m i i i kiul ma i t i ill ii in un ii mill ln- iiiij v i ins print din i n k i i millin cm lilt inn i nt ll i t jul iitnliii fl i mihii uiul llni1 i i in lll ink i inn in thursday 5th april i lullowllil lit- i u ildtluu t tt i 11111 f wf hu lit- 1 ill olll itit k iii in i uutl nil lunrt t til it a nl uki utlviiiitut til llit llullltit prleuti murk i d113 ij tliurmlu hi lonielnwti uiul hpcliul imiinii- llml -it- wm mcleod ctl ctoiiut iiwn ii powders car oar miaoaqh srul nralu in mo tmmurwb sliu lojlml 1n w 11 ft a nill t slum llw site l ill alki oj mm ommrm ar omua inwii hidwra a idalatrnt rvllrve nrnralgla 7

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