Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 26, 1894, p. 2

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1 l -tt- v r r i maruiktl iii i iixn tllil lit ht allien a clillrnll anion mi urdmedat slieniikn hli afirll by llv i ii i h mr harry mitflblim widlan i to kllujonnle nl inal daugluernt haniunl lalrd i w actuii lilkit mi ihtotii allmihimromon on wednesday ihtliarll aim ueliiuieh agnd iu rer jonmo in arlntl nn prllar m1 april jaminlte t caiupbill wlfoof angus johnson pod ao years iukvint- in union nn tuesday april 1 7th iolaxna daukliur of john t and pvclvii llannant bgnl 3 yrara h months anil 17 rimy tiiiikhdav aiiui- id lmit tn notes and comments according to tha montreal qarttf can lulii abool ihapnly oonntrjr nf any lm tancean deck jaal now thai is paying bar way and reducing hr rata of uiatlou in franco thara is a deficit of about us ooqooo fraud in england there is one of boat i1 wo 000 and in th united hlalm iho ahortage inionnu to abbot 170 000 000 a washington despatch aaye the sec e ary of 8 lata is tha authority for lbs etatemonl tbal the administration will not take into consideration lbs suggestion of the paria tribunal relating to award no damage to canadian sealers for illioit miwre nnltl itlgrltifljcmautloo ajtn trolling tbe dab ring baa aball be oonolndad the modiflaalioas of the ilrillah dehrlng sua bill are aald to ba aati factory tba united uulai immigration bureau with lha approval of beorelary carliala h l an t taut u u lu tloos la oommiasioners ul immigration col lectors of oualoma and im migrant in spec tora which in effect eitende all of tha prohibitive and inspection features of tha present rogalatioua relating to trana oceanic immigration to poraona arriving in tba united stales by water flora canada new foundland and motion thiro were m north weal homestead on trio canoolled laat yoar comparad wilt 4 007 made tina la just if par oant the number of cancellation baa varied largely htfch water mark being reached in 1b7 when they were 70 per cant of tha fotat entriea tha ohief caasetjf oanootlationa la the failure of the applicant to fulfil the condition of bia laauo the oompariaon betwoeo tho different years ia ia favor of tha jatsat the lataal newa from brazil i to the effect that there waa not rriuoli left of tba rebel fleet wban the civil war ended and that tba beat vaaaal mllo had the iron olad auidaban baa since beeo sunk and de atroyed if tbaae reporu ara true it ia a good aigu tor the futore of brazil it waa evideoj from she beg of the war utl i ihjl the ihuni alemtna our ot gonaral ho r boifa nqd0rtha frond troaity tariff clarmoa paraot foat to auatrnlln comment ih thb uobofbb orri april tf 1 ho vnh iatlm nl taking evidence under oath befnro the al w 7 ntrirri reached a aeuloracnt tlio bill wi hr mu lock baa jiitrohiod will lw aooeplwl f in anlt tho pirn in view tlgia olio rxift in bronolil wlthiii vitw tlwrllll howover will not take practical oltoflt bin aaaaion hecauau bo f pro tin lngialatiou n ihroogh it will likoly bo inn lain to ooiim into operation lliia year j ia eipaotad that the dtrnot parent poal urtla ftatwean cnd anil tbeanatrahan oolontaa will he inaugurated upon dnmin ion day tho rate to new houllv walaa will be so oenu apooid and to hie other ooloniaa aliahtly higher naw aoatli walxa government will undertake the dii tnbutlon in auaualia ol parcala aetlt fronj canada and far i hie raaaon a wjjuut incraae an the now south wla rtea wfll ba ohargvd it ia hoped that by jnpf 1 alao arrmngtuponu will have heeit made with tha hawaiian talanda and fiji for tho aalabllahmeut of a ilmilar aervloe the benefit which will acorua from this paroel poat may be judited from the fact that raoaotly a canadian ftrm aent a paroel to aualralta waixhing a little over three pounda lha ohargea upon whioli amounted u afi0 uajoa iiknbuai itkhiikrt k urniiir the muab talked of annual report of llm miniater of militia laat laat printed and waa dietrihuled laat wook lb lha prebfl by iheoourtoay of hon j c pattttranu major general ilarbert a report ia intercat ing and important but ti haa avideiitl been ehorn of ua moat aonaktioiial foaturua before it waa etidoraed by tho minialor hae dalaotaaaiatu ti militia ralabliahmenta capccially in ihnin fantry ho poiula out lliac provlaiou m made for 2h 710 infantry but only iv t out ot every 100 aro privatui oarru g ntlcu in other worda tbo number of ll tkiirommlaaiotiod ojllrora and n in cum balauta abaorb an eiccaivo iriihirtloii of the total furoe tlio general s jirocooda to allow that while ill hiltfland tho number of offienra 10 prlvaua la 1 to jj iu uuaja it la a 1 to h iteplying to htr utchard cartwriulit tbkoptwrrav an epltomo of tho vvorldn dolni ourlnirtho wook tho arcbllwhopof jui linn in at rtotnn zimmerman iho jiii li t una nolfeil for j tho llillili bmlu t iihm nai d lhj honu of uomtiiiiim h ri aw laat tlmfndai jjivur btratfiinl pnut omau waa ininakcd by ore on hatnr lay iimrnttih now itrtikhwlnlt lmlalaliirn wum prorrgfied mi huturliiy the- iliuk of iunutl haa raiaed ita rate of dittcouul from h to j mt cent tw huudrrd cliouaaiid uuaniitu auldlcra will liel galflrr die lirvrla lltla year the royal wnduing at coburr tburaday psawod nff wtth gma and eerrmony it iaaai 1 tlioincreaaeil lea on opirita in urilain will be only fur a jcar tho ilrltlari adinlrally haa dnaided to dfiopatiniie the one nf niukut atcel armor hov goo lurkim n rrtirud conkregalion al mtniatcr dicn at dowmanvitlo frlilav age 1 7t t mf ictir onf of haohinat real bonis uf oucn sound dlo1 uf heart faibjre tueaday night mra nncy 0 rdui r who committed atlluidu in ihiffaloon 1 hum lay ha i 10 014 to her orixll in looal banka booding ia uuw abourfluiubad in manitoba and tho north wcat and in no mo dialnaia grain already ahowa above ground abel 1 itiploy who waa elected iteovo of thorald on the il a tioket in janu ary waa kilted by lightning iriday on tuoadav iiiatiua b ijelimaii waa convicted nud on oil ji and jj go coau for aelling liiidr jcf abtrttly ohkihlhy the i erria wluol will lie romool from chicago and be ru creolil at the oonier of ilroaday ami i7lh alrret new lork the odlcial raturna in he rcoonl plebu cite vute un prohibition in nova fjoolia ava a fwa ul aiy p i the tanfl in thji united inludod xuuaday the autaiou ia alill to come i iu charlotletowti i tha hcolt act the 9 acl by a ma nty juipany of arrangomouta n po factory and manhood rei aired to roake tha poa- aaaaiou of a fleet o any oonaejacnoe aafo or beneftaial tba caar of ttuavia baa bean repeatedly praaantad to tha world aa a man of paaoef ul inclination tba emperor willi ara wneu tha commercial treaty waa under diacuaaion axpreaead tbia viaa aaying that tba haaaiaa rnlar prafarrad paaoa to war and tha treaty would be a further guarau te of ita preservation but when put to the real teat which baa bean furnished in tha proposition for a general redact ion of armiaa the cur raapeclfally deolinoato ba a party to tl he etill bellevas that the blasaiugs of peaoe and aeoarity roat on the aide of tbo heaviest battalion a thia atti tude of iloaaia will pat any radical red no tlon of array meaaurao in europe out of tba juealion controller of tualoma wallace aaid that the duty collected in tbo laat nacal yoar upon the articloa included in tho pr ipoeod kronoh treaty amountel lo tl7j i 7 the eotimatad loaa of rovcmio from the treaty ia fhu 7uj made up a fglluwa wince non eparkling wi it j winos aparkling h mi almonda h h3j nuta ot than almonda f4 imu1 plum and prune him aoapa common taw aoaa until i 3 506 he aaid it had not boon catlmatcd what the loaa would be on account of the moat favored uation claiie a lmitllai ai i the flrat cauoua of the i iberal irly thia y ut tha bad packing of canadian apples ia aaid to ba militating againat their popular ity iu hngland mr down tba govern maut agoul at bristol re porta that to pre van i canadian gooda from sinking into diarepule it la neoeesary that thay a boa id be booeeuy peaked too many people pal large and good frail iu the soda of the barrel and am all and inferior frail ia the middle tho trader aees tho whole lot and after ha bat been disappointed onoo or twice cornea to look with misgivings on all abipraenla from tba sou roe of bia annoy anoe on tha continent of tarop they do better and are profiting thereby iu pack lug apples aa ip other tblng houoely ia the beat of policy i a aaw is force in eloveo oiliaa in canada and em ploy a 111 carriers and au peri n ten den ta aa fol iowa hallfe 10 hamilton 4 klnga ton j loudon 11 montreal 1w1 ottawa 1h guebao 91 ht john ia toronto liji iotoria 13 wiunipeg i j tha number of loiter poat oarda etc delivered laat year waa 1 11 if t i llaullluju wapapera hunts vi lle devastated lhtbhij april iv teaurday after noon a heap uf rubblah was being burned iu the rear of li 8 may a hardware star sud tt dame- apraad to the ahop lief ore it oould be atliblahsd tha blase waa oom luuuioated to some coal oil barrala near by aud thou mr may a a tore bnildlug from thia it apread la the whole of the busihium ulaoas lu the sastarly part of the main street aud in loss than two hour all were in ashes iho burned buildiuga cumiriae oua hotel gnat mill aud thirty two buaiuass plaooe also tho lpiaoopal church telegraph isle phone aud poatothoe and lha atsamer ba oolalor owuad by u f march the dre enginoa from gravaohlirbt and ii race budge came but too lata to sava any thing the loaa la estimated at about tljoooo luaorauoe about ho 000 mauy people ara homolees aa a result of the bra erinsville fireswept sorlver praaided it is aald that one nf the subjeata under ditcuaaion was re final of government act far to permit witnesses being examined on oath botoro the public accounts committea one mainbor of tho party told yoar correspondent that some atrong tneaaurea were going lo be adopted to get the government lo agreo to the viewt of the opposition on tin matter the action iho oppovillon abould lake on other location a now before parliament waa ahwdiacaasod cascihm in til mill cmes it haa already been announced that hon j c patterson haa again conaeotod lo grant free ammunition in connection with the snider series in the canadian military rifle league matches inasmuch aa the exoculive haa decided to hold a martini aeries as well the minuter haa kindly ci tendod the grant of freo ammunition to tha martini matches nroaaiiai nivtuvmst i the first atep in tbo direction of liurrj ing up tbegovcrnraont basiness was taken friday night when hir john thompson gave notice that he would move on monday that the government orders havo procu denoa on thursday a for the remainder of tho seaaion after tjueutioua to tho cowru meut by members tux vice hciixl iiutsu iuh u the drawing i loom which ia usually bald in tha ben ate chamber on iho batur day after the meeting of the house and which waa postponed thia year on account of the death of lord twoedmoutb i ady aberdeen a father will bo held next batur day evening and it ia ei pooled to be the moat brilliant affair of it kind whioh haa bbi p i o with the e azoaplion per hap of the drawing hoom of 1htu when the prluoeaa i ouiae wan wallimr not including buitoi lul ed on a plain nndoigrouud paper an 1 oolur aii with any material oaoopt brouae gill oi flitter ao per pnnl all other jir hn inga and border er roll of eixlit yard and under and prtimrtioiilly fir grraltir length oonta per roll and j1 xir neiit ait val 1 arrtxl i uonural debate c htatoa biuale ct clsue by clatlae dlno oliu toou place 1 i laat limn lay reault being tonualain of n the norlhwralern t ordag bl 1 il minn ia ml ink to atari a bn wliiuipeg a motion in thu iliitinli house oi com moiia laat week to withdraw the duke of idiuburglii annirtty of 1 10 000 waa defeat ed by 318 to i7 the governor of newfoundland haa further pron gued i lie i rfilatura to may iho trd aoinik under iimlruction of the llrlllah ablnet a momorial tablet lu jci uy 1 mil gold achmldl waa uu vuiled lu weflliiilikter abbey on i ri lay the tablet ia uetr the handel memorial charles domio a aafu al newmarkol waa blown open by hurura on 1 bursday night they found only ii cent which they threw away ni diaguvt mra jamoa wotialur living in milton n x t sgad ot years g birth last bauds y thescien of medicine wonderfuu advances made in the l fe years m r john maoovarn of toronto rolatoa an exporlonao of drmp irilnrost uttory malritnsn nnd sufratrorl orontly unforq jlomof cnmo itt iito nrih arjliltliaja lieard h llm gunural publlu of iho great diauuvcrioa in inediniua and the ciiiintlrwa ecpteti nf llow that nto ftvh by the advanofng knowlml e nf modi oience people who a fi w jriti nt i were mb ft to dra out a tnhjojfahlo rilfiiro aa hgpeloiia uivauda or titpkvta cri pics are now llialike lollic sihalicea mrdirine haa manv rsatored to tip fulnraa nf health and strength mr jpljii moo orn who roaidea irno s atpti-kvmnr- mtiiatotiy good canra to preaeh iho truth uf tho above otateraenta mr mcgiern waa formerly an ncenl for agricultural impleuienla and ia well known in diffe relit parte of ouurlo a cijir rcfiortqr who bad heard that heliad been rel0rrk to health after an illneaa which thraatenod lo leave him a bopolena nrtppte called trpon him st tila vmidonraj recently and was given the following inter eating acennnt of ilia case my trouble aral began aaid mr mn coteru two yoara ago when i waa living in the village nf bolton in tho ounty of 1oel j ho trouble waa all m my elbow and kneea and thedoctora thought ii vrai rheumaliam i oouldn t walk a block with out wanting lo all down aud even to walk down at aim waa hard work it afllicted me terribly i was alt right other waya but for thia terrible weakuoiin for a year and a half i buffered from thia but by 1 i w illiam luuirtu od packag ii a her vegol i lull r oth taivuviixs onl april iu a dtsaatrous or awaptlivsr thia village 4j noon to day tha fire originated in lha phslan none tha following are tha losses phslan house and ahede 13000 iueuranoe ll 000 j uurpbys ahop and dwsllng l j0o no inaaraiica p walsh a ahop and dwelling no ishraow i john ulawwlls hoam m00 insaranco 1300 a tils wart a uoaaa and had ia00 no ioisranoe m r murphy dainag tostoraand oootenlsi loaa about 1300 fully inwed itooiitrlb the weight of cane or other tankagra lo ba hiliu lei in wotichl for duty it ounli per lb huarino j cent per pound lea and groou colloo luiiortod direct from the country of growth and production free this item ahall in elude ira and coffee purchaaed hi bond in auy oouutry wbara tea and oollee aro aubjeot tu cuauiitia duty providcfl tboru bu attsfaclory proof that the lea or colloo ao pureltascd in bund la ucli aa luighl bo eulared for home oouauiuplloii lu the country where the same la purihasul montreal loa muruhanl will ak die ilnausb miuiater tu leave the duly aa au ifuunood in the budget apouuh the ivw 000 auit uf the government agaiual larkiu connolly it co it ia ua pooled may lean a aenaatloiial pliaae when hir hoc lor caugavin and 1 ho mourouvy afo put in the wituesa bos 1 be do mini on guvoumout haa agruod lo give tbo upploiiilulal vote lo the north weal and alao tu inortaao tho vole for aohool purpose puwerhinbe given to redialrlbuts oucatituancioa so as lo ad i live member prof craig of the experimental farm etaff goes out thia weak la lecture among tba fruit growers un ihoaubjoat uf praying thaifruh trocb a mailer in whioh tho grow era aragroally intereatod as i boy real is the value i la to ihom thero will bo dialribuled from the ex pari mental farm tlifa yeaooinolhing like vi 000 aarrjplos of seed grain of this amount the graaur portion haa already boon aeul out aud net i wock will sou iho whole rjuantity dlanatctind evening to twin bo there i no parallel caae in mcdioal recor la liiuperur u llllain liaa promoted tho crand duke ul ileaao l the rank of major general iu honor of in marriage to the prinoeaa victoria of hbjo co burg goths mm gloiaor au old rcaidout ol waurloo onl while aittltig in hr w iu the lutb eran ctiureh during a funeral airvn0 on batur lay waa atrllkun with apoplexy and died aged i tho elocino ligbla in the main body of clraoe ohuroh itratitfurd went out buuday night aud curioualy cuoiifi the next hymn waa load kindly light amid the 1 n oiroliug gloom dau thompaoii arcond ooiiceaaiuu howard kod 17 waa putting away a coll wlien the coll in play tlruck him with bia 111 nil feel no uitcmnl injury apiroarod but he died lu x hour llev dr dawaon of ottawa aod t preached tho baocalauroalo aorraou lu queen a umvoraity hiugalon on sunday the graduating claan la uno of the largnal that over lol the matitution at belleville jamea ulair of lluullugdon waa ijivou three monlba in tbo ceutrul aud in wife ouo year in peuilouliary for brutal ly bealiuit two little boy tho woman ihildrou bv a former buabaud llev woulworlh d hughauu an old and prominunt moibodiat miuiatur died at bia roaidotioo in dolawaro towuablp near ijundou on balurday muruing ho was boru in new uruuawiok iu ittlh al the marriagu ol mia lluabeth gleu donning to clayton 1 mcmioliaol at hi jamoa lpiaoopal it u rob 1hlladelpbia iho bride fanned an i lell into llie arm ot ttrgt a i niiiftr fofcirorwiii hold dtit krktnat it ind managed to get about but ttii nionthi ago i broke down oomplctoly and had to jjvo up my buaiuoaa i hi on removed to toronto and for thme month after tin i waa in terrible ahape i waa altnoat alwa ao to my bad uiig blw lo comoduwit auira for a htllo while perhapa once a day i buffered all tho timo from a terrible aoroueaa in the j nut and at una juncture my appetite began tu fail and 1 wan only ablo to cat the lightest food and nut iiiuui of 4ht i could llr nothing to help mo or givo me roller all tin thne i waa unablo to do anything and had 1 nut fortunately had a little mutiny laid by which rnablod me to go uu i woujd liatu been doendctil upon my family for aup port- well while i waa m thia terrible pe my eldest ton prevaile upon knowledge firings comf rt nnd mprovrmbnt and totirla to iurmiiinl oiijojinoift when rightly tiaed tho many who bot- 1 tur ttiuti tithnni nnd oiijiryt if o uioro t ul na oximiiuhluro by inoro promptly adapt hip tho worlds boat products bo tko ii oils of phyiilnl buing wilt attest tho vrtluu to huallh of thn parojiqnid innni i a pi uiciploa otnbracad in tba ruimdy kjrup of figm itsoxeollonoo in duo to iu prosantirrp in tlroiiirin nms accopinhs and plcaa- niil lo uiu tato tho rofrelfhtng atlft tnily wiiuricud jti uporiioa of a potffock lax nino uitootunlly olinnninp thesyatorn dintnllnig oilda htmlnclioa and fovcrs ana iiiiniinitly cuing onrntl ipation it hniigim u aatinfftcljoii to niilhnns and mob with tho n r i il of tha niodicaj proflsai ii hrtnuao it acts on tho kid ncja lnur and iliw la witlpmt wralc oning thum ntul it in rfocfly froo from avory olijt ct ihiinblo nuthiuiiicn 8 ni uf i iks in fur salo by all drag ointa- in 7ic bottuaj bub his manu iutiirr1 by tho cahfori ia fig syrup co panlfi nln tlinnnmri hj nip of tigs anil ih ing accent any 11 iiiforiuwu yt will n t uhatituto if lootcd foi sciatic neu try dr william pink pilla and uarly iu laat july i began lo uae them and 1 took ihom ateadily during that mouth and the two following montlia before the jlral boi waa buiabed i began to got relief and from that out i ateadily improvod until i waa able ta discontinue the ueu of the pink 1 ilia iccllug uuu 1 aw fully rlnrwl i health i am battened lu my own mind that had it not been for dr iv ilhama 1ink pill i would have atill been holpleaa and buffering aud i have much reaaou to be thankful that my aon- persuaded me to use ihom tliauks to xluk pills 1 aiu now a now man and intend aoon to reaumo my work dr wtlltatni ilnfc 1llln pjp n prfrr curium ralgia v lutui unllla ut bulo tuburg rauildauglller of tjuoen led al i oburk 1 it t i uia t barle and uf mraday i albert uissii hon mh hkabbhuhtakbl uruiiiullo bouiiu durlnu tho urate bohool do bat o in tl lumlalaturo blood builder and uervo reaturer audi diaeaaca m rheumaliam tie partial jtaralyaia locomotor alalia ht vuu dance uorvuua huadache nervuua proatratiou and the tirod fooling ttiorcfroiu tbo after effect of la grippe diaeaaca do lending uon hiniora u the i lood auoli aa acrufula chronic uryaipelaa etc 1lnk pilla jlve a healthy glow to pala and sallow coin plesioua and aro a npecloc fur the trouble jiecullar to the female ayatem and in tbo case uf men thoy effect a radical cure in all oaoa ariaini from mental worry i r overwork of auy nature bear in mind dr william- 1 uia 1 ilia ara never sold in bulk or by i tie doaeii ur hundred and any dealer who odors an bat i- tulea tl un form ia iryiug to dufraud you and abuiild be avoided auk your dcalur for dr willlama pink pilla fur palo people aud refuae all imltalloub and aubnlilute dr william pink pilla may be bad irom all drugiata ur direct by mall from the dr williams medicine co llrockville out or uchoneotady ny at w cento a but ur aia boxea for i 0 iho price at whioh thoao pilla are bold make a cuurao of truatmoul comparatively lnosieuaive aa compared with other remodie ur mulical iroatmotit ashcrove one application paifk of the v rio menthoiv utktllo plaster it will di5pel the pain like magic most successful remedy for man or beast tali in turn it m 1 ifrrlthun tttait prrmf tietnr hchbfluls spflglh cure wthe highest awards wkrx iirckivitti atthr worlds cotumbian exposition by iho waouoht iron ramoe oo h comfort title htyla family itans la anm only by our travelling halasman feotn our own mil al one uniform iirlro irn wrought steel and last a lifetime properly used will f 8jmto january litb4 37718s tvvado only bv aitfrotrcftt irom rrnce co wrnuphctubbss op hotel steel ranges kitcheir oufflttings and borne comfort hotair steel furnaces oiiicc salesroom and factor 70 to 76 phrl strbbt toronto ont founded 1864 paid up capital si 000000 benjamin partridge booth loran john lisjsa ii art ford m rs prank pavirubi id doaton john n kipp dalmar mra edwin btawari wstsrtord mra john psrkioa danta p 0 mrs david little wanlvilla ths above ara only a aw of the larfto umber of taatlmoniala wa bars received retire auierin tendon t nolo the fact thai balcsrnon wroubtit iron iungc co of toronto onl who havo been aaaociated with ua for iho jast four montha are aoon lo depart to now fields or labor thooreoumorr came amonn ns aa at ranker and we ara pleased to say that tho huamcas haa been conducted herwina njannor worthy or ho raapeol afict from otir diffvrant parebassra patronago of any community while al thia point they have done an extensive boat neaa having sold several car load a ef raofica and ao far aa we can ascertain have given entire satisfaction while we regret their deimrturc wo wiah them aucceaa aud can heartily recommend tliem to any commiinil in which they caat their lot biguod n j urusou mg lttii liauk ommrroo m iavilt of m dovitt a co merchant a l kumpf of local m ar bell tela nhmu co 1 wanleaa dealer in bowinjj machines john itoitser merchant tailor john iisolter hutcber jacob scyler commercial hotel hohmcior and i oitcli hardware chrta huethor jr prop huelhcr hotel henry mater harursa maker geo kaeenflufi prop city groocry and china ttan ilricker a diebel dry goods david ihau hditor waterloo county krrir ii zimmerman 11 prop immermaim houao chaa h rochhob liar her and itilhard the followina taatlmoniala bava been ooived by the wrought irou itana co whioh apeaka for themsslve their sdver tisamant appears el aaw bar moiuaa marcbt sth 1hd4 wrought iron range co toronto oni uktlkmkk we parobasad of yoar aaleemen mr ii l wbiu on th mtb day of fa br nary 1894 a home comfort ilanga and are pleased to say it gtvsa entire satisfaction as wa ara consuming only abont one third lha fnnl we formarly did rw i aivw wn and ml v tailed irlnu tbuwa uf aoloti the week mr b c uuiba 11 a pioaolied lio buuday afternoon lliere will 1 preachlug servlco tmxl buuday uu aci ul ro upeuiuk eerviuea lu coorijelowii mr d mouruu aud a irlend f ri u vlla called al holiday uu tnuay iui mr ii nn uuy vvuooi l o llluoa wa inclitluuod laat week fianatnl away ho was in bia iweucy fourth year aud a ion aia unit in cm lor ul hornby cugliili buret i rcaeclod aud beluvod by all wbu kuow bun i be remain were interred ii the rughali i uroh emelnry kov mr mlhiiul uoiiduulllig tlio aervlon it wa ouo uf tho urcal fuuetala over cu tiere aud much aympatliy i lell lot iho laiuily ol wlnuli tin i tlie ural break lllthahv nl ot i i l dram alio a iho i aktaulm unit h i 1 r tha tiootl aot re- clod ciiahmmanta m v k 1 april u a majority of jj haa been dee tared for re en aclmtnt of ths boot in lliia city a largo vola was polled tha ibjuor men worked hard aimeali ye tur lay aiut the ballul for heparale aohool waa interrupt by illucaa aalu bad the door u ilroum au 1 vioruua lauuuaua fiu waa uuiioliik tho niiahce bill wlien uddinly voico riw husky ho al ippud and lly sank kilo a uhair au alien taut brought him a ul of water winch auuie ffhsl ravivod tiliu but unaviubtedly obne topher hindlay 1 rasar had quia lied iho laat grtal nwech ho will ever try to make hiacrurbdhis skull 1nlh april j i i irmauhuitth a fanner living uoar bl ueorge drovo ui pari ou rriday moruinti last sud put up al grays hotel about ii o clock abortty after bia arrival while koiug dowuatalra to iho baemeut of the hotel ha miaaed hla fooling and fell lo tho bottom a distance of 1 j feet fracturing ilia akull ii lived uuul u 0 clock on uatorday ulutil but waa unooii clou until be died deceased waa fitly yeare uf t aaid a wi lower jyuh uo family llviui a hi on to lluraumeu olio bollle uf ku hiavin i inlinnul uompleuily re moved a oiirli from my burau 1 lako pleaaursiu rtcoiiimoiullnr lha remedy aa it acta with myatexiuua pruuiiuaa tu th remuvui from huraea of bar i oil or ual luuaeil lump til id upsvtti apliula curbs weeny atlou an i rain j outgo itobb farmer markliam out huld by 1 1 haunawin itoad about 1 d ityun acoanuotdi carpels in itair advert io merit 1 i nlmday eillll i lale bceu makiuu froal kin week iu addition lo llm rrgul iho lay womau a i ae military de art meul hporlliik dramauo eu it haa a number uf iulorolin hhuial artmlea by brilliant writer 1 aat tialurday it gac a aplondl i inat nual sketch by ouo uf the nllo voykiil a racy skeloll how blower w u tile hal bqiutt a alury uf lako iimlloo hi ill ul ion day and illiel liiuroalliik arltulc i vol week auiuollllilg moot apiwera in ii llei i di uw llollef rtanio or red by dr due d totdiuum mpatbotiu bear i ly minute and new i ue lur uiu hold by kendalls spavin cure mirut ml rv doe i isn 1 i j i n i ii i y iir kn ult rllwin cnn turrup carrot muiigcl seed ul iit iikirs nl 4ii importation 1 lies rijlit it ulen iuk of all kind- ceo j thorp 1 iu i sli tl i niui t i l i lill -actok- 1 ivik m i wijjmjj and sljruali hiai waya be ueuijred vms wiuurws iiuw ivsuta ouniraajji toronto since its loo 11 on bare has bssu doing sn immense bu bines a large num ber of range havo already been bold and iho prospects of the orm doing a large buaiuoaa here ia very eucouraglng the home comfort itaugo is giving ejoolunt aaliafaction as la ovidenced by the follow ing taatlmoniala from well known reeidenle uf their respective district bcotiusi 1 o teb sib ihlm wrought irou llaoge co toronto out ormwiifi we purchaaed of yoar aslesman in january 1h1h a home com fort i tango and ara pleased to aay it gives entire satisfaction tbia certificate you can use in auy man tier you see proper ileapeolfully j it merrht boouand p o h klawortb corinth mra joseph no bit springfield oakland as recommended by yoar salesmen to a letter keapectfatly tiros ii- matt m d sconinn onl march dlh lti0 wrought irop i tang co toronto joot oxhtuhu wo pnro of yoar salesmen mr hi 1 whit on the 3nd day of january 190t a home cam fort range sod ara pleased to say tt gives entire satisfaction it aavsv fully one third the fsel oar former range oooaamed rtapecttally wu j gitsroajj m v mouawm oat fsbrasry oth i 0l wrmhllronrmrc toron john mokerhe van m ma del it george b croat walle ilurgeavi i w csmpbsll botherland coru mr mclee btrathburn mrs kdgar hurdle gleu coo mra john weber glencoe mra iiverlon both well jamea wallace hot b well oronlo unl gkvtututi we porehaaad of yonr aalesman mr j bornes on tha 8 lb day of february 180 a home comfort mange and are pleased to say it gives satire astis faction bat il perfeollv heats op quickly and requires laaa wood by onshajt than any store or range we aver used lies peclf ally jossru mcnttsjc uoskik april 16 1bim 1 bu ia to oertlty that wa bava been using a uotnt comfort ilanga for nearly a year and find il a gannina good rang does not nas over half the foal and la good to cook and bake with we reoommend il to any one mas a miintosii church of oar lady moist caauci ont may 15 180s j 1 ltodwll ia bis my ezparieqoa with roar malleable iron range haa baao brief but to dale moat satisfactory aa a fuel aavar it will naiaily pay for itself tho heat generated in tha oven with bat a small fir ia aim ply astoniabing ii moat mureover be of ronqb comfort to ibosa en gaged tu bousaksoping 1 remain yoara ii g tsaiias priaat credenda roadster iltriollr htutrsrdl4 llirouulioot con trdct0 uf imi mtlerila a mcliina lor prollo1 ryuy iiwj il cnool beaur pml tricg 88 net w stark a pov box 6 acton onl htbi 2ubrtstmrru d it o ii cook tlrntiht cor jtilleekt aod hi ad in ave will visit anton on 11 in aral and bird ratui day of aaeb uiontli oryu s aqnew nu j m0nky to loan villas property al reaai uabla rati a lip i y to hoi pan uol tatt town hall acto job printing beat style of the art at iiiflin ibostnotic apply or adilreas ji r uooitf wanted monav itila rail and win tor during slack tluins t srellnut otiancn 1 literal ay if ou of work ur loo ias write mn at mire kllfi i- ot nl iastl ra0k r uiki onioned tiaa uoixl tiabturii tor 1 ber of animals al si to i tur tba 1 innty n waler a ly nn uio remlaoa con 1 krln or tu aeloo i o iii oil ltydtrlt exirkss and calttage tabi able property for sale property in esqiesing forsale watches are ruined t1ik uiuleraluod otters lor sale ills lroarty on west part lot ii on 1 kequeeinf ooturlalna thlrtevii aorea ou wlilelt la arvelad a bowed loa house boarded ouuide aud nlaalarad w1i i am 1ii1honk acton april it tli liail tenders for park iilk udderalxuad will recalte undara tm ns of tbe lark lur quvau s llirunli uamlntoa dav u u uwnday bthli april sanitain notice oitiisiinb ars ttlqtjlbttl to comply wrra thi public health act n john mlmmn main street planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor usnl mat ilinu mtnt momdttt ibeae beautiful picture ara now ready for delivery in ian coruplalo part lu pic turoa ooinprlaluu oseb part aud the wbule aat can aocured by the payment ol duo dollar sent ui tiou u hoafotri go icral paaaengor agent ctiicago milwaukee 5 ht paul hallway i hi ant the ikirlfulina ul picture will bo acnt irth if o1bo by mall lo subaiirlbtir itemlluiiues should bo made by lit all uiolisy order or rottlatrro i teller itir kulll in of nir lluinat agents la gradually relent iuj thu uld herbs jiilla dnqklitfliaud vlcl able streets to the roar and briuiu lilt i central iao hie plonl an i flrrlli llfpiiil uaalivu yjrupof ilj io el llm tnu remedy aoehal it ia mail ifactu red by iho califurnta hg bytup co only lur luto by nil loading draggiata hlbiird a ldlllairitl ti hi 1 1 a ni urulgtu john cameron proprietor ii is 1 oi i n i 1 1 u lu ij itodlilii ou i in lli at waters bros oois c iii al mure by the unak during process of ri by hie ordiusry wear a h i t many year con ian t us we ompluy jioae but mout thvii 1 wstohmaker aud guarau l their work charges most rood savage co cuelph otice is horeby riven lhal all resident ot acton ir rauuirad forthwith loolaan upolr oallars drains yards pig stye water cloeata and ouuar outbuildings aud prauilao aud re move tharenroui all din nllli tuauur or other aubatano which may eudaugar tbe iublto ilsaltb and tobsv tboaauieoomilatdt lauat by too 1mb day of mat neat on wblcb day tbe llbaalahuamaallh tahutu rwh kawpiog ol tuigs between tha lui ua anf tbs 1st ol november se t in nam from any dwlltdg house and 3 wiber se t in nana walling house and ml teel fruu sir qr tana wilb tbs nwm k i tree ti tauduic watsr aud raularl cloausnl will suietly suforeed all r itdei led t u and llioruugbly acton saw mills coal am wood ak1h jfc7uves brown 11 il 1 ih d i i il i fit i i ii il 11 i 1 i 1 il lur in 1 tho plcturo callory cuelph iiiiiaii i4uh tun llm and willi it tin uiual uijount i i i hanl of bcaaon 1 iil best s i li ju iu i lax l smiths blood tonic simple saft iixl ilttctivc in c lea using tlil btomacli tnd hi 1 1 1 in g tin lilood alas lct oic best lrcparct ony by w g smith co guclph uy part i lb n uaula rlue if u intel i lo llllllil let ii- iiui i jrlardware oil i i itipllll if mill 111ui illll diop tis ti cunl bonds hardware storp cuelph wellington mutual fire insurance comuany katasmbliku 1hid isml uantjh uu until si lai auy torn mini i latloiia for si u t li intm ml imi w in lulull utiuut vii1lui i itituiattill irdto ouulb

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